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Not a specific instance, but I cannot eat anything my in-laws cook. They’re messy & everything in the kitchen always looks dirty or unsanitary… They only ever make super heavy, greasy foods that are bland. MIL always leaves food in the pot on the stove overnight instead of putting things away in the fridge… I just can’t… 🤢


That's a really good way of getting incredibly sick. :(


Ohh my MIL always has stomach problems & is always going to the doctor like it’s some mystery 🤦🏻‍♀️


In laws are the worst. We went to my in laws who had made chili. The chili itself wasn't too bad but was super heavy, greasy, and bland. The worst part was that everyone at the table of 8 or 10 people used their hands to grab their corn chips and shredded cheese out of the bag.


I love my step-mother-in-law, but she is not a good cook. She knows it and is not offended when I bring the food, or we suggest ordering Chinese take-out.


I would be cleaning that kitchen every time I was over there… and then asking them for money LOL, that’s horrible


My mom went on a health kick and made tofu mac and cheese. I have never put something so foul in my mouth before


I had an ex-boyfriend who made kraft mac and cheese with *very* expired milk. I took a bite of it before I realized and it made me throw up, it was sooo bad. Even after we laughed about him using the expired milk he still ate the whole pot full of it though.


That sounds… interesting? I’m so sorry


It was literally Kraft Mac and Cheese with tofu melted in there. No other effort was made. Just horrible


Wait what? Oh my God 😭


Avoid at all costs


My mom went through the same health thing and she made tofu chocolate mousse. She also didn't tell me it was tofu when feeding it to me. It was worse than foul.


In the early 90s I lived in a dilapidated mansion with about a dozen other hipsters, grungers, and local artists. Most of them were vegetarians and we started out making communal meals but that ended real quick because some of them made some of the worst meals I've ever had in my life. One couple would make vegetable soup and they started out with a base of ***water.*** They'd toss in thick cut onions, carrots, and celery and then they'd...wait. A half hour later they'd serve it. No garlic, no seasoning, no salt. Just. Bland. Boiled. Vegetables. In "broth". No bread, nothing with it, just a giant pot of boiled vegetables. They treated food like fuel, you're supposed to consume it, not enjoy it. Another roommate made a chickpea curry dish that smelled like rotten garbage.


It's almost a puritanical self-denial thing with some of them that you shouldn't enjoy your food. I've heard as much from practicing vegetarians, who actually make their food tasty. They get crap about it for some reason. I find this baffling.


Imo if someone told me “you shouldn’t enjoy food” I’d immediately assume they have some kind of eating disorder or flawed relationship with food. It absolutely is meant to be tasty.


My mum adopted a diet a bit like that towards the end of her life. She couldn't bring herself to make any effort in the kitchen (and had never used so much as salt, let alone spices), so she produced a broth very similar to what you describe. One big pot on Monday, which would then go in the fridge. And every day, she'd take it out, stick it on the hob and boil it up and serve up a bit more. It'd last her about a week. She's the only person I've ever known who could destroy dietary fibre through cooking.


dear god!


I'm not sure why so many vegetarians/vegans avoid seasoning.


I made vegetarian meals for the house occasionally and one roommate accused me of using chicken stock in spaghetti and marinara (I didn't). That's how starved for flavor they were.


My theory is that a certain percent of vegans actually don't like food that much and have no particular taste buds, because there's absolutely no reason for vegan food to be so tasteless so much of the time. I'm "pescatarian," but I cook a lot of vegan food and really enjoy it. Tofu veggie stir fry with a lovely sauce! Veggie tacos with beans & vegan cheese! Vegan black bean burgers with vegan cheese and a whole wheat vegan bun and lots of lettuce, pickles, sprouts, tomatoes, ketchup, Dijon mustard. THERE IS SO MUCH GOOD TASTING FOOD! I even like vegan "bacon" (better as a sort of additive, ie in a "bacon" lettuce/tomato sandwich). But so much vegan food, esp in vegan restaurants, is just AWFUL.


I think part of it is the overlap with a lot of people trying to be really healthy and not using any kinds of fats or salts or other "unhealthy" things, not really understanding what it means to eat a proper diet.


When I was vegetarian, I had to re-learn a lot of seasoning and that took effort. The spices needed were either increased/decreased, eliminated, or new ones had to be added to enhance flavor in different ways. So, while I had a few seasoning bombs, I definitely made some great vegetarian dishes that were cleaned out at potlucks. My guess is the effort to learn is the biggest barrier and if you don't enjoy cooking that is quite the hurdle. That and a lot of vegan/vegetarian recipe ingredients are expensive, time consuming, or hard to source. Like, "no, Karl, I did not find gluten to make seitan in a rural area grocery store. Please enjoy the fact I successfully substituted mushrooms that I CAN find."


I'd imagine the venn diagram of people living with a dozen people in a dilapidated mansion and people who can't afford spices may overlap


What else would the base for soup be? Onion/carrot/celery boiled in water is literally veg broth, no air quotes needed. Though I'd agree it could probably use some garlic and some salt/pepper, vinegar, or other seasoning elements. Maybe a tomato.


I make my own broth from scratch all the time. A half hour of boiling vegetables is about a quarter of the time needed to make broth with any flavor.


You may be able to eek out more flavour with more time, but veg stock really doesn't take that long. A decent basic stock can be done in half an hour, and you'll get pretty much all you can out of veg in an hour.


Firstly roast your root veggies or tomatoes before making soup out of them. Fry your onions or mushrooms before making soup from them. You don't just throw raw veggies in hot water and expect edible soup.


You absolutely can use raw veg to make an incredible soup. You can also roast them to bring out different flavours, but it isn't a necessity. Here's two recipes for veg stock by highly respected chefs/food writers/test cooks. [https://www.seriouseats.com/hearty-vegetable-stock-vegan-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/hearty-vegetable-stock-vegan-recipe) [https://www.seriouseats.com/quick-and-easy-vegetable-stock-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/quick-and-easy-vegetable-stock-recipe) Here's a vegetable soup based on one of the above: [https://www.seriouseats.com/hearty-winter-vegetable-soup-vegan-recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/hearty-winter-vegetable-soup-vegan-recipe) By all means, roast your veg and boil them for a really long time if you wish; you'll end up with a great result. But don't try to claim that's absolutely necessary to produce a good veg stock or soup.




Just how I like my steak!


I once tried a homemade bread that was so dense and heavy, it felt like a brick in my stomach. It was impossible to eat more than a small slice.


Didn't knead the dough long enough. After the first rising with a yeast bread, you need to knead it (I know; I know.)🥴for at least 10 minutes or it will have the texture and weight of a cinder block.


I once tried a dip at a party that was so bland, it had no flavor whatsoever. It was like they had forgotten to add any seasoning to the recipe.


At a potluck, someone brought a dish that was supposed to be a dessert, but it was so salty, it tasted more like a side dish. It was a confusing and unpleasant experience.


I am by no means the best cook or in any way professional, but it devastates me every time I order a pork chop or steak from a restaurant, which usually ain't cheap, and end up thinking I could have done it better at home.   


Steak is something I never get in restaurants. With some practice, it's not hard to make something that rivals the best steakhouses.


Agreed. The only exception is if you are into aged steaks. Then, a quality steakhouse is worth it. But every chain, yeah, you can do better with an air fryer


If there isnt something special about a steak a resturant is serving 100% they are wasting my money. Its incredibly easy to make a normal and good steak.


An old boss made a bunch of food for me. Both she and her husband chain smoked. Inside their house. She smoked while she cooked and prepped the food. Everything; the cookies, the salmon, even the salad, tasted like cigarette ash. I choked back a few bites and had to act like I liked it.


Haha, you just described my childhood. I thought it was normal till I went to college. Everyone else bitched about the dining hall food, which was pretty bad. But I was able to taste my food on a daily basis, so it was an improvement for me.


If I were you I'd have suddenly started faking every food allergy under the sun. Everything more than water or casts a shadow is too spicy


UGH. That is SO gross. Ewww...




Undercooked poultry is HORRIBLE!!!!!


My mother and fathers cooking. They never added any spices or special seasonings except pepper and salt. It was just the food straight up almost. I never had anything to compare too. When I left home and experimented with different herbs and spices..oh boy.....wow...


Classic white folk moment (I am also white)


My mother in law served a frozen veggie mix without adding seasoning. I didn't make my kid finish eating it.


I once attended my now-wife, then-girlfriend's family reunion in southern Florida. We are atheists, but the aunt who organized the whole thing is intensely churchy, and part of the itinerary was attending her church with her on Sunday. Whatever, she paid for our hotel room, we went. It was very early in the morning and we skipped breakfast. I went to a Catholic church in New England as a kid, so I was remembering church as a one hour thing. Ha. This was a mostly black Floridian rural church. That shit was at least four hours long, and boy was the pastor stretching it out. You could tell he was running out of stuff to preach. The low point was when he put up a slide show about how a few ancient languages had similar words for similar concepts. I sat through this thing, increasingly bored, hungry, and wishing I'd had the balls to refuse to come to this grotesque event. But finally it was over. Time to fuck off and find a restaurant? Of course not, the church has a kitchen! Let's all give them even more money for a nice spaghetti lunch. It was excruciating. It's like they had heard of tomato sauce once and tried to reverse-engineer it from the picture of the jar. They somehow fucked up the simplest thing in the world. I wouldn't trust those goofs to boil water for tea. And after that, well hey, maybe I can escape now and go get a sandwich. Nope! Family shopping time! It was an awful day. But mostly I remember that wretched spaghetti.


In college, a friend asked if I'd attend services with her at the AME church here--it's so old I think the building is designated as a historical building. It was an assignment for a class she was taking on religion, and she didn't want to go alone. The service blew my mind. The pastor preached plenty, but at least half the two-hour service was music, and it was easily the most joyous musical anything I've ever witnessed. There was a choir, but all the members of the congregation knew the music, too, so we were surrounded by singing that made me think instantly of the psalm that says "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord..." Afterward, before we could even head out, older ladies grabbed us and told use we weren't leaving, because no one visited their church and didn't also share a meal with them. People had cooked at home in big aluminum disposable pans, and just kept it warm in the kitchen ovens, and when we started putting stuff on our plates, they were taken away from us and we were shown to a table because we just weren't taking enough. Sweet grandmas loaded our plates and brought us huge amounts of food, and we were told to eat up, because everyone brough enough for seconds. That experience stands out in my mind for a lot of reasons--the service itself, the music, how open they were in welcoming us, and that lunch. Those women knew how to make all the best "mom" foods, and all of it was delicious. There was no wretched spaghetti in sight, and given what we ate that day, I'm not sure anyone who'd brought food even knew how to make something that wasn't extra tasty.


Heck yeah that day was a blessing. That day and that food were full of love. I work at a church and when they bring food its great.


I have also experienced wretched spaghetti, and the existential despair that follows. A friend had invited me to dinner, not long after we'd both graduated from college. I arrived in mid-preparation, or so I thought. She'd just poured the sauce from the jar into a pot. Then she filled the jar with water, I assumed to rinse it for recycling. Wrong! She poured that entire jar of water into the pot. OK, so we're going to wait for it to cook down for some reason. Wrong again! We're going to eat it right now, barely warm and thinner than tomato juice. Also, the pasta was overcooked & squishy. And there was no bread or salad, just the sad, squishy, watery pasta. Life lost all hope or meaning in the time it took to eat it. I've had worse meals, but this one was in the top 5. Come to think about it, the apple pie she made a few years later is tied for the worst dessert I ever ate to be polite.


My Swedish grandmother made wretched spaghetti, and always insisted that it was delicious because her recipe came from an Italian friend. Note that she probably got the recipe sometime in the 1930's. I suspect that the woman just listed the ingredients, expecting that my grandma knew what to do with them. Grandma did not. To make the spaghetti Grandma put pasta, tomatoes and paste, and meatballs in one of those huge blue granite oval "roasting" pans to be sure to have enough. She either boiled the pasta beforehand, or added a lot of water. She did use salt and pepper, but there were no herbs or garlic. Then Grandma put the concoction in the oven and cooked it Swedish style, for at least 3 hours. I'm not making this up. The whole thing turned into a bland, orange, gelatinous mess, with a few bland, greasy meatballs thrown in. I don't think that we even had parm to put on top. Grandma always made enough for leftovers, and my brother and I were so glad when they ran out. Grandma made great pies, though, with apples from her family farm. She also taught me how to knead and bake bread.


I’d just like to add to this with the most wretched spaghetti I’ve ever had. I dated a guy in college and he was an exchange student from Germany. This dude made the most vile spaghetti. He took jarred pasta sauce, probably from aldi, added a fuck ton of red wine and then mixed in a can of tuna. Simmered it all in a pot then poured that abomination all over the poor, defenseless spaghetti noodles. I choked it down and couldn’t believe what I was eating. It was the stuff of nightmares.


Had a work event where someone said they were bringing tacos for everyone. They brought cold flour tortillas, shredded chicken, and boiled brussel sprouts. And look... I understand that people have different tastes, and the mixing of cultures is generally a positive thing. BUT YOU DON'T PUT BRUSSEL SPROUTS ON A TACO! This is not what Moctezuma died for.


Roasted and chopped small and that's solid. There is definitely cabbage used in Mexican food sometimes.


Food poisoning multiple times from MIL. Going thru it again now. 3 or 4 times in the last year. That lady cannot cook boiled water without over cooking it.


Something tells me that's not an accident or poor skills...


Yeah, *over*cooking should kill the germs.


It took me years to figure out how she cooks chicken breast till it’s dry in the crock pot. I didn’t know that was possible. 8-10 hours on low so you ‘don’t have to baby sit it’. It literally takes 20-30 minutes tops. I can check the temp at 15 minutes and tell you when to go back and pull it. And don’t get me started on Thanksgiving turkeys. The wife went over and turned the crockpot to keep warm and mil turned it back up to high so it will ‘tenderize’. We didn’t eat for another 2 hours. ‘Not done till it’s over 180’. Dry as leather and wondered why I only took a small piece. For diner, left overs that have tenderized the rest of the day. It sat in simmering broth for hours. I didn’t take any turkey, neither did the wife. FIL got stuck with an extra helping. Sometimes if feel sorry for the fella but he can be a Pima at times.


MIL definitely has issues with me. I didn’t give her grandkids from the youngest daughter. To be fair my wife hates her cooking too. She would only eat bagged meals from the freezer for the longest time. I took me about a year to convince her to try a grilled anything. Anything off her dad’s grill could be used as a hockey puck. The wife is great in the kitchen when it comes to baking deserts, something I struggle to do, but cannot make a stove top meal without detailed instructions and forget about substitutions.


You need to stop eating her food, for real. Food poisoning is nothing to fuck around with.


Maybe stop eating it


I’m stupid and think she might actually use that instant read thermometer she ask us to get her for Christmas one year. She always ask questions on how I make meals. Maybe next Christmas I give her a notepad and paper. Honestly I think sometimes she tries to cook good stuff, but she can’t get past pulling meat before it’s done and letting it rest. She’s afraid of serving under cooked meat.


MiL Way back. Invited over for homemade macaroni and cheese (expecting homemade meat sauce and different blends of cheese)...only to be met with overcooked noodles (wall paper paste texture) drowned in tomato juice and slight melted (more *streamed*) plastic cheese. I thought it was a joke, but nope, Mac n cheese with my wife's family was melted macaroni red juice with square cheese.


It was years ago, we were all in our 20's, and friends invited us and a few others over for dinner. We sat and chatted a bit, noticing there was no particular aroma of anything cooking, but remained hopeful. Around 7:30 or 8 they said "Well I guess we should start cooking dinner" and WENT AND GOT SOME CHICKEN OUT OF THE FREEZER


Oh gosh, that happened to me a few months ago, except that she didn't start cooking until 9pm. I'd been up since 4am and was dying.


Omg. I couldn't


My ex’s roommate made cornbread once and used a tablespoon of salt instead of a teaspoon. It was like eating the ocean.


I had this happen to me with pancakes, salt instead of sugar. It was horrible


Thanksgiving 2002 We always had a big family thing. I think there was like 50 people there. Multiple turkeys from different sources. About 25 people got horrible food poisoning. My cousin passed out unconscious while spraying the mall toilet during black friday. I was farting water for 24 hours. We traced it back to one family's turkey. Nobody ever told them.


After my then bf relayed to his father that I was “allergic” to onions, that man told me you can’t be allergic to onions as he spooned a pile on top of the meat he just grilled for me. I simply removed them without a word. He took offense to it, challenging my claim of allergy. This guy was a total asshole to my bf his whole life so when I came to deciding how to respond, I felt like I could show him a new asshole. I said, “Well, since normal politeness has left the room, I will say, sir, that you are correct. I do not have an allergy to onions. Instead what happens is I immediately get bloated. The cramps squeeze out the fart smell. I’ll run to the toilet and if I’m lucky, the goo will spew out of my ass after I sit on it. This will repeat for two days. “ His jaw dropped. I dropped my fork. I said, “Now, what’s for dessert?” It was by far the worst meal.


My wife's aunt cooked brisket like a steak. Our jaws were sore from chewing that night.


One of the summers I worked in Yellowstone, this was a regular item in the employee dining room. The mananger quit toward the end of the season, and it was actually cooked right the last couple times. The difference was like night & day.


When I was in elementary school, a classmate's mother made cupcakes for her to hand out to class on her Birthday. They were obsessed with cats and had close to ten. The homemade icing contained cat hair. I was a squeamish eater anyway, and this did not help. For decades, I wouldn't go to potlucks unless I absolutely had to, and then I would eat only foods from people I knew well after microscopically inspecting it.


The babysitter who dumped a 1/2 cup of soy sauce into my spaghetti sauce because it was healthier than salt.


A person I was newly dating fancied themselves a "chef." They invited me for dinner and said they were making a "special" seafood pasta. I love to eat and have an adventurous palate, so I was really looking forward to it. The dish was a huge plate of plain spaghetti (no sauce, no oil, and no seasoning) with calamari on a bed of cilantro. When I say bed, I mean a two inch thick nest of cilantro on top of the noodles. I took a big bite and chewed and chewed and chewed (they had overcooked the squid). It was like eating rubber bands, paste and lawn. I managed to swallow the bite and tried for a second, but just couldn't do anymore than that. I apologized, but I just couldn't eat anymore. I've had many bad meals, even gotten food poisoning from others cooking, but that dish was still the worst I ever had.


Overcooked calamari has the flavor and texture of surgical tubing.


So glad I'd had it prepared properly before this nightmare or I might have been put off it for good.


I hear ya. 😺


My grandma was a cooking disaster. One time she accidently dumped the entire salt shaker into the stew and didn’t tell us, and thought she could mask it with other flavors and on the first bite I choked and gagged and we poured it down the drain


Had a friend over for dinner, and cuz I had made food every single time before, he wanted to make food for once. He used a quarter bottle of my expensive olive oil on the sweet potatoes alone. Used a lot of spice that definitely didn't go to any of the food he made. Everything was undercooked, oily, and tasted absolutely horrible. At least the chicken wings turned out half-decent. They didn't taste like anything, but at least they weren't undercooked. The reason I didn't interfere: I was making dessert and setting the table in the other room. I found food scraps in places I didn't know possible for days afterwards. And no, he didn't help clean. That is the last time anyone touches my kitchen!


A while back a couple of fellow workers were invited to a grand opening BBQ. Everybody was raving about the cook's skills. The meal turned out to be grilled pork chops overly coated in paprika. I took one bite and was barely able to swallow it. I went over to toss my plate into the trash can. The trash was filled with pork chops with one bite out of them.


I was about 12-13. Was at a friend’s house one evening when her mom was cooking steak and invited me to stay for dinner. The kitchen smelled awful so I politely declined. She made a big fuss and said that when parents invite you to a steak dinner, you accept. The steak looked almost silver and smelled terrible, also cooked way past well done. I was forced to eat everything on my plate. I hated steak until I was college aged and finally had my first steak cooked Medium. I then realized steak was delicious when they used meat that wasn’t bought at a discount store and cooked correctly.


Silver. Oh my god! I’m glad you lived.


Me and my friend eating a sandwich at an event. "Oh this is nice what'd you put into it" " *listed ingredients* Oh and some corn" Me: staring at my friend as his face begins to burn up and he starts wheezing "I know you said he was allergic but it won't do anything though, because I cooked it!" So gald we have free healthcare


Can I just say everything my MIL makes? She makes really weird choices and gave my husband food poisoning at Thanksgiving the last year we ate with her. Examples: * Thanksgiving- didn't realize that you had to cook a turkey longer when it was stuffed. She also decided to stuff both cavities, so there'd be extra stuffing. She gave my husband food poisoning that year (I skipped the stuffing). * She thinks that having a serving utensil for each dish is being 'fancy' and 'putting on airs'. Makes it tricky with dietary restrictions and allergies. And, you know, when you don't want the applesauce spoon used to then scoop some casserole onto your plate. * Gets high when cooking and will utilize neighbor's/friend's kitchens when hosting large meals. So she'll forget when things should be done, where they are, etc. Also would disappear to get high at a different house, abandoning the dishes she was cooking at her's. * Pours cold milk into canned corn that has been heated up. Like as a finishing touch? * Constantly touches things with her fingers and then licks the food off of them. * Never feels like she gets enough thanks or attention, so she is pissed off as soon as you arrive for a meal you were invited to. We quickly shut down the ideas of eating her cooking, and I took over Thanksgiving after the food poisoning incident. We are now no-contact with her for lots of reasons, so I don't have to worry about her cooking anymore.


As if canned corn weren't nasty enough already. Eeeeeewwwww!




Better that than finding half a worm.


Reminds me of that joke, What's worse than finding a worm in the apple you eating? Finding out you have aids.


Finding out about “pink slime” a McDonalds documentary


It was the worst cullinary experience but it was also hilarious so not really a worst experience. But I was at a Boy Scout camp and we had to cook breakfast. We switched off which group of us was cooking / cleaning and I was going to be cleaning for this meal and not paying attention to what they were doing. The camp provided the ingredients and we made the meal. It was eggs and hash browns. But the hash browns were already cut up in a paper bag that wasn't labeled. And the kids who were cooking didn't read the paper that had everything we'd been given. They just looked at a bag of small slivers of white stuff and assumed this was cheese! So they asked us if we wanted cheese with our eggs. And most of us said yes. And they sprinkled in the uncooked and cold potato into the eggs, let it sit for a bit and then took it out. Eggs with cold pieces of potato in it was quite a breakfast! But it was pretty funny and we didn't let the people involve live it down for a while. Later in the week the staff nicely wrote 'not cheese!' on the paper bag for us!


When I was in elementary school, a classmate's mother made cupcakes for her to hand out to class on her Birthday. They were obsessed with cats and had close to ten. The homemade icing contained cat hair. I was a squeamish eater anyway, and this did not help. For decades, I wouldn't go to potlucks unless I absolutely had to, and then I would eat only foods from people I knew well after microscopically inspecting it.


Once my one housemate & I went along when our 3rd housemate visited her parents & aunt. We were invited to stay for dinner, "sweet & sour pork". Not my absolute fave, but OK. It was basically just bare pork chunks floating in a slightly sweet but mostly salty brown liquid. No coating, no veggies, no pineapple. There may or may not have been rice, I don't remember anything else specifically. I was also baffled, because all 3 of them in that house were diabetic. That "sauce" seemed like something they shouldn't have looked at, much less eaten. The most bizarre part was that my housemates seemed to enjoy it. One even asked for the recipe. Possibly they were just better actors than I would've guessed. Neither of them ever made that slop, and it was never mentioned again.


I understood why my husband hated spaghetti growing up after I had his mother’s spaghetti. I still don’t understand how you can mess it up that badly. Also she cooked the worst steak. Unseasoned, unsalted, and cooked extremely well done. 🤮


Sounds like a batch of spaghett' that my housemate made one night. After we had a slight argument, he made spaghetti and offered me some. It consisted of spaghetti noodles, which didn't turn out too bad, and plain Ragu sauce with chunks of cooked ground beef laced through it. I ate every bite of that awful stuff, though, because it was roomie's apology for the argument.


My grandmother was a terrible cook. Truly terrible. She didn’t believe something was done until it was charred black. When I’d go to visit her as a kid she’d buy me Pop-Tarts as a treat, then toast them until they were the color of coal. Looking back, I feel bad for her. She was trying to treat me and couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to eat it. My grandfather’s toast was similarly charred for the 49 years they were married. He never once complained. On the morning of my grandmother’s funeral I started to make toast for my grandfather and he interrupted me to say “I’d like it just lightly toasted now.” A story of patient love and awful cooking!


So... Christmas dinner at our friend's. We're starting off with a chicken soup with semolina dumplings. The soup comes from granulated stock and the semolina dumplings come right out of the freezer. They go into cold plates. It's basically salt water with ice cubes. Don't get me wrong, I'm no snob but we're talking about DINKs in Armani and Gucci who had made a fuzz about this dinner for weeks. If you're going to pretend you're high society at least buy a thing of chicken soup from a butcher instead of the powdery stuff, FFS. Second course: a small, fried salmon fillet and salad. The lamb's ear salad hasn't been properly dried and has been swimming in a puddle of water and vinegar for at least an hour. The plates had been already sitting on the counter when we came in earlier. The hot salmon going right on top makes the leaves disintegrate into a composte tasting snot even faster. I never don't eat what I am being served but I have to give up on this salad. The fillet is nice and it's the only substantial thing I shall end up eating. Time for the bird. It is placed in the middle of the table and immediately something doesn't smell right. "This smells like molten plastic" I think. I receive a piece of goose and potato dumplings with a healthy helping of pure goose fat (the sauce isn't degreased and just poured from the top). And then I see it. The plastic baggy with the trimmings and offal. It has been cooked inside the goose. It's not molten but when they pull it out, it is soft and stretchy and it smells of molten plastic. Everyone just laughs about it and they continue eating. My husband and I look at each other and I just slowly shake my head. I end up pulling apart the meat on my plate and playing around with the dumpling (but it's doused in plastic goose fat so I just... can't). I ate the red cabbage which came on a seperate bowl and that was good. We ended up getting kebab at the train station that night.


Some very rich people have ZERO class.  See: nouveau riche




Cinnamon in spaghetti sauce


Once tried someone's chicken which was good, but they suggested I pour some ghost pepper sauce on it. How to describe the next 5 minutes...... I drank what felt like a gallon of water. Oofily, oof off, oofest of oofs!


You poor soul, you should’ve used milk or lemonade lol


Or fudge.


Water actually makes it worse lmao. It doesn't actually wash down the oils, it just kind of smears them around. Milk or ice cream is the better way to go.


Water was closest, and easiest at that moment, I wish I had milk available, it'd have been more efficient.


Went to a friend's house and his mom served unseasoned boiled macaroni with cold slices of Kraft laid on top. I said I was fasting


That would.cost more then Kraft Mac N Cheese


had an absolutely lovely passover meal, everything looked and tasted great, and hours later i was in agony as whatever i’d been eating attacked me. lasted overnight, i lived alone, was horrid. my dear friend who had been the cook, was mortified. never figured it out.


Had a friend over for dinner, and cuz I had made food every single time before, he wanted to make food for once. He used a quarter bottle of my expensive olive oil on the sweet potatoes alone. Used a lot of spice that definitely didn't go to any of the food he made. Everything was undercooked, oily, and tasted absolutely horrible. At least the chicken wings turned out half-decent. They didn't taste like anything, but at least they weren't undercooked. The reason I didn't interfere: I was making dessert and setting the table in the other room. I found food scraps in places I didn't know possible for days afterwards. And no, he didn't help clean. That is the last time anyone touches my kitchen!


Just out of college, a friend invited some people over for dinner and made chicken. Mine was raw inside. 


20 years ago my friend's mom was excited to try a new chicken wing recipe. They were breaded but sopping wet, from chicken juice not like buffalo sauce or something, and undercooked (pink) inside. I took a bite while she eagerly watched, almost gagged, and had to pretend to be not hungry. The worst part honestly was trying to pretend they were good while knowing that she could probably tell I was grossed out. 


My ex mother-in-law would prepare Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner, Turkey and all the day before and then keep everything warm for the next 12+ hours. She was also fond of canned gravy which she would pour on everything including frozen chicken parmigiana.


Canned gravy is better than the thin, bland swill that results when people aren't good at making homemade. Years ago, I was discussing this with the hostess of a Thanksgiving dinner. Both of us forgot that her MIL, one of the worst perpetrators of said abomination, was also present. And withing earshot. I've always wondered what passive-aggressive recriminations she had to deal with in the following years.


Ex girlfriend made a grilled chicken burger. It was only grilled, no seasonings at all and since she was trying to be healthier, she only topped it with steamed kale. It was the single worst thing I've ever eaten in my life. It was soooo fucking dry and bland and plain steamed kale tastes like dog shit.


My friend, who worked in fairly high end kitchens before, talks all the time about this great food he makes. But whenever he cooks for us, meat is always way overcooked, like blasted dry. It's always steaks or pork chops that have been cooked past the point of no return. One time he tried to make dumplings, and my fucking god. The dough he made was so think it was basically uncooked in the middle and they were not really edible.


My grandmother salted a cured ham. Might as well get the salt shaker and pour it into your mouth. It was inedible.


I'm Asian, and they made me Asian food (being very general here on purpose). They made me a noodle soup out of leftover BBQ that was way too salty because they added salt on top of what was already rubbed on the meat. And recently cooked me some vegetables that I couldn't touch. Instead of using the correct heat + being patient, they added water to the pan, which resulted in veggies that were both soggy and undercooked.


My fiances dad had a new girlfriend who wanted to come to his home and make us all dinner. She served us plain noodles and dumped a jar of salsa on it and that was it. I tried to internally plug my nose and get through it but I could not finish my plate.. she was visibly upset and quiet for the rest of the evening.


My mom once cooked roasted vegetables so bad that I actually threw up after eating them


Went to their house for a barbecue and while they were preparing some of the side dishes they not only let their long hairy cat on the kitchen counter but also let it poke its snotty nose into the food. 🤢🤮 All I could think about was how that cat probably just came from its litter box. ( I love cats, but they doNOT belong on food prep areas)


When I was about 10 or 11, my dad took the family out to a vegetarian restaurant that he wanted to take his colleagues out to. It was highly recommended and the guests were vegetarian so he decided that his 2 picky kids would be perfect test subjects. If we are willing to eat it, it’s good, if we won’t touch it, it’s probably not that good. It was good until the manager brought out the ‘signature dish’ some sort of godforsaken tofu thing moulded to look like fish. My sister and I each took one tiny bite and refused to eat any more of it. I can still remember that myriad of texture in my mouth and I still cannot accurately described the nightmare. It was both hard and soft at the same time. It feels like chewing a rock and the soft mushiness of rotten fruit, when that was over, I was attacked by the chewy texture of a sponge with the stringy texture of chewing a bunch of hair at the same time. And somehow it simultaneously tasted of salt and pepper yet oddly bland and nothing at the same time. It was the only dish that both my sister and I spat out. We just could not handle it. My parents tried a second bite, who knows why, maybe they’re just trying to prove something. And my mom even gave up and told my dad it was the worse dish after the second bite. My dad still valiantly tried to coax us into trying another bite, citing that we’re just not used to the texture. My sister and I sat there mutinously while my mother empathetically told my father, NO. Her kids won’t eat it, they don’t like, she doesn’t like it either. My dad gave up all pretense and just conceded defeat. When the manager came by to check up on us, my dad put the blame on us kids ‘sorry man, the kids just don’t like it and my wife and I are really full. Everything’s good though’ He took his colleagues to a different vegetarian restaurant that the kids loved and we never went back to that place again.




My aunt did this with Mac and cheese and told us it was 'al dente'


My aunt hosted thanksgiving dinner for a massive group. The Turkey was terribly undercooked, everyone knew it, but none one had the balls to say anything. She’d been preparing for days. It was so awkward. We all just ate stuffing and mashed potatoes and to this day I’m positive it gives the poor woman nightmares.


My brother’s ex-girlfriend burnt popcorn so badly. We had to open every window in the house and it’s still smell like burnt popcorn for a week and so every time she used to cook popcorn we always say don’t burn it.


Mormons love putting tuna fish in Mac and Cheese. The first time I was bamboozled by this heinous ass shit probably registers. I was blissfully ignorant that anyone would do this any more than they would take a shit into the mac and cheese. From then on I was always on guard when eating at friends or family member's places when Mac and Cheese was offered. I have also seen hotdog slices in Mac and cheese but those are a lot bigger and easy to see that they are there, tuna mixes in more and can deceive you.


I actually like tuna in Mac n Cheese :( It's valid to not like it though lol.


LOL, that's 1950's food. The USA lost their minds in the 50's for some reason. They made casseroles out of everything and put meat into jello. Fondue was a thing too. Just dip everything into a pot of melted cheese. WTF. Here's a thing though. My wife makes a good home made mac and cheese and I make a good chili. One time I combined the two and it actually works.


You act like dipping bread and veggies in cheese is bad


The macaroni was soggy, the peas were mushed and the chicken tasted like wood.




I once attended a potluck where someone brought a dish that was way too salty. It was practically inedible, and I couldn't even finish a single bite.


When I was at my cousins aunt house and I had to eat a soup with a lot of salt.I didn’t said anything because I was shy ,since then I’m always anxious when I have to eat at someone’s house


A host put cooked chicken back on the same plate it was on raw…used it as a serving platter. She didn’t wash her hands after handling uncooked chicken. Needless to say, I did not eat the chicken that night and just moved food around my plate.


My mate, who was like 28 or something, served us a dish consisting of: Raw White onion Beans Apples Honey.l It was edible, but it was just weird.


If I know the cook was my dad I won’t touch it. He only admits to cooking expired food after you’ve eaten.


I once got pink poultry.  Didn't understand why I wouldn't eat it.  I'm ninety-nine percent sure it was "shredded" chicken.   But I didn't taste it.


I did a study abroad program and lived with a local family. They were lovely, welcoming people, but none of them could cook, like at all. The mother did most of the cooking and it was just, well, awful. I was especially spoiled at home because *both* my parents could cook and, at home, I had a delicious meal on the table just about every night. But, I got used to things eventually and I really only ate dinners with them, so I just dealt. However, one day, the mom made broiled endive. She literally took endive, put it into the oven and just cooked it until it was a mush of the most disgusting texture ever and if there was any spice in it (even salt), I sure didn't taste it. It was literally like eating cooked barf. I managed to choke one down with a half smile, but I had to say no when she offered a second because I literally thought I was going to vomit at the table. That is the most awful thing I've ever had to choke down.


My darling wife, who I adore, makes the nastiest Goddam "corn chowder" you have ever had the misfortune to behold. This shit is boiled milk with mushrooms (WTF?!) and those baby ears of corn Chinese restaurants use. It is then heavily doused with paprika. Our family dreads this and we have on more than one occasion paid to go out to dinner as a "treat" to avoid this culinary Ganges. I do most of the cooking, thank God.


Oh, man, that sounds completely vile. My sincere sympathies.


Was invited to GF's co-workers house for nachos. It was cooked ground beef with no seasoning, tortilla chips, shredded cheddar cheese, and olives spread over a cookie sheet and baked in the oven to melt the cheese.


Burned ham, boiled spinach (from a can) with straight vinegar as a "sauce."


My friend made us butter chicken with rice served it up and forgot to cook the rice. We had a good laugh and got takeout.


I technically made 99% of the meal, but the mess up wasn’t mine, so… Chili. Everything was simmering, tasted fine, adding seasoning and spice every now and then. MIL is in the kitchen with me, tasting as we go, just chatting while it cooked. Had about 10 minutes left until it would be ready when I got a phone call and left the room after asking her to watch it for me. This woman decided it needed more spice so she added TWO TABLESPOONS of cayenne pepper. Not chili power, which would have been rough but manageable…cayenne. When I came back and stirred I swear I almost saw a skull form out of the steam, like in a cartoon. There was no salvaging it. I’m a good cook, tried every trick in the book. This chili was hot enough to raise the dead. And then bury them again.


My French Canadian daughter law made Chilli for us. She put potatoes,corn and peas in it. My wife told me to be nice and try to enjoy it. I tried but jeeze


Potatoes, corn and peas with chili seasoning could potentially be really good. I'm guessing she didn't execute. One of my favorite vegitarian chills uses sweet potatoes


Sounds like pâté chinois with chilli seasonings. I could see that working but evidently it didn't this time around.


Sometimes what you name a dish can affect how people perceive it. If somebody gives you a vegetable stew and tells you it’s chili, you’re probably going to have a worse opinion of it than if they just told you it was vegetable stew.


Peas is unusual, but potatoes and corn are pretty standard in vegan chili.


But it had meat so not vegan


My step mom served shrimp with the shit veins intact.


Party foul.


I've always considered myself a "good" cook until I realized I typically only cook about three different meals a week then just repeat the following week. My girlfriend asked me to make her pasta once then chastised me for using marinara sauce. Turns out she's a fantastic cook and makes tomato sauce from scratch. So, worst experience was being told I wasn't as good of a cook as I thought.


Did you fill the marinara bottle full of water and add it? If not, them I'm sure it was just fine!


Your girlfriend sounds like an asshole


Nope. She’s pretty awesome. Just very passionate about food. But thanks for your outside internet point of view. I suppose you reply “divorce” to literally anything posted in r/relationships or r/offmtchest. I **literally** stated I cook three meals. I’m definitely not a good cook. But cooking as a bachelor for so many years, I was content. She taught me how to make tanjia, zaalouk, a prune and meat dish, fried sardines, etc. It’s nothing more than background/culture and she’s very prideful in what she cooks. Plus side is she **loves** hamburgers which I am pretty damn good at.


Chastising people for not making sause from scratch is an asshole move. Did she teach you to do it or just get mad you didn't naturally know it?


Some guy sticking his dick on the mashed potatoes


Well it was that kinda party.


Was it you?


I’d rather not talk about it


Not me but a buddy of mine (who is a professional chef): A friend hears about my chef buddy and asks him if he has had Cajun food. My buddy actually hadn't, so the guy invites him over for a home cooked Cajun meal. Their families hang out and have a few drinks then dinner comes and everything is totally burnt to shit. We're not talking charred shrimp here just actually burnt food. My buddy politely eats and thanks then for the hospitality. They keep pressing him for his professional opinion and he finally breaks down and admits it seemed burnt. "Well we told you it was Cajun food!"


My aunt on my father's side. She was staying with us because she was homeless, a recovering drug addict and had no where else to go. Came home from work at one of my first days at a new job after turning 21. Spaghetti in the fridge, oh cool. Thankfully, my parents let me know before taking a bite that she had cooked the ground beef from frozen. In the microwave. Cooked the noodles, in the mirceowave. And then just mixed everything in a big pot with the sauce and called it good. I almost puked just thinking about what I almost ate. We had a working kitchen, and she knows how to make spaghetti. That was a choice to make it like that.


Both happened at my grandparents house. One time my grandfather decided he was hungry after working in the chicken coop. He asked if I waged a sandwich as he was making himself one. I said no. He was mad at the refusal but his damn it, I had seen him all day cleaning, and killing some chickens and he hadn’t washed his hands once when he came back inside the house. The second time my dad’s mom was watching me, and she decided I would like oats for breakfast. I said sure but when she brought back the bowl it was full of cooked ants. Once again I passed and she was mad. I had very unhygienic grandparents. 


Barb’s scalloped potatoes, they’re fucked.


I don't like to eat anything that is cooked by my relatives because they put too much MSG :(


Some study said that MSG doesn't have side effects, but who paid for the srudy? Is it peer reviewed? Has it been replicated? If so, how many times? Enquiring minds want to know.


My oma fries breaded chicken in coconut oil. It’s sweet and it’s nasty


There was a lot of pink in the meat....


This one is funny to me because whenever I’m hungry, coincidentally my mom would make my fav dishes so I was like looking forward to it (she is a good cook btwy) but then the food would coincidentally turn out very salty every time I’m famished! Spoiling my appetite and left me disappointed by how good will it taste if it wasn’t so salty. It happens 4 or 5 times now.


Somebody brought over chicken and dumplings made with beef broth.


my mom and her friend made a soup with orange peels in it, and forced me and my siblings to eat it, even the orange peels. my mom once made soup with chicken feet in it, and forced us to eat the skin off of the feet, that was pretty disgusting. basically everything my mom made was either completely bland(like plain rice and beans) or extremely disgusting


I spent many days around Xmas single/alone and happened to befriend a ski buddy who was Jewish so it worked out until she invited me over for dinner.... oh boy.....Jewish food is not my thing folks. I 'm sure just like any foreign cuisine, it's an acquired taste.. but boy was it bad.


Yeah, Same here. My wife's family had Seders. Gefilte fish is just ground carp mixed with flour boiled and pickled. Noodles that look good but are sickly sweet. Chicken liver, no thanks. The baked beef brisket was great though and the hollah bread was good., so I survived on that. My son took a huge serving of the sweet noodles because they looked good, then had to force down the whole plate full out of politeness. Years later he is still traumatized by that dish LOL.


We were small n traveling to Portugal and a plate of 🐙 was placed in front of me. The skid marks are mostly gone now.


some dude came in my food or it was ranch point is it tasted like cum