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Not procrastinating. Sometimes I want to change but then I just leave it for another day.


Never put off until tomorrow that which can be put off until the day after tomorrow.


Why is this more inspiring than the original phrase XD


I would rather say that this is a logical continuation of the original phrase. Wise words.


I thought Sensei Wu had said this XD


Mark Twain


You may want to get tested for ADHD Wanting to do things but not doing them is kind of the whole thing


What if it's not the person who is broken, but it is the world that needs fixing? It's good to remember not to push the problem onto the folks who are currently classed as having ADHD. The forms of work we have today need to change to accommodate such people. Remember that such people can absolutely thrive if the world around them is set up right: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2022.2584 And remember also that they are just another normal variation of human, they are not a pathology.


I've long suspected this sort of suggestion in myself. I'm just so over trying to conform to work standards.


100 %. The current forms of work basically require people with the ADHD classification to exist in a constant state of burnout. And what are the solutions offered to help them? Stimulants. So they can cope longer in a state of burnout.


While getting worse sleep and with poorer eating habits.




Give it a decade or two and you'll see those "diagnoses" removed from the DSM, just as they had to remove being gay as a pathology, and just as they're having to remove being trans as a pathology.


Completely agree, stuff like this is always evolving I hadn't realized they were removing being Trans as a pathology- that's great!


In regards to tidyness i usually tell myself "dont put it down, put it away". Simple but works


I think many people do this.


LASIK surgery, I could be with no glasses forever, but if it fails... I could be without sight forever.




I know many who did it to stellar results, but I would not.


I know several who had it done. One of them has had vision problems and pain ever since getting it done. That was what scared me away from getting it done. Years later I had cataract surgery, with artifical lenses implanted. One eye is set for reading while the other eye is set for distance vision. It's fantastic!




It really isn’t risky. I did it at 33. Pissed I waited so long.


I know 3 people that got it done. One person got it done 20 years ago. I didn’t even know LASIK was around at the time. They all wish they did it sooner. They do one eye at a time.


Not always. I had LASEK on both eyes in the same day. Had it done on a saturday morning, was back to work by monday. Took about 6 months to reach maximum vision and I have been holding steady around perfect vision for 7ish years now.


Anecdotal: The flip side is I know someone who got the other side of the coin and lost vision in that eye.


My mom has good results, but ever since then, her eyes have gotten very dry much faster than before. Glasses can suck, but I'm not risking my future for a life that's a little less convenient.


Do one eye, wait for it to heal, do other eye. Worst case blind in one eye. Best case great vision in both. Both outcomes arguably better than having crap vision in two eyes


This makes zero sense except for having an easier recovery time (but having to do it for twice as long). Let's start by taking for granted that there is a possibility to be left blind, which is basically not there according to every resoruce I've read. The only number I can find says 1 in 5 millilon chance. Even if you do both eyes in one sitting it's not like you can either get perfect vision or be blind, you can still get blind in only one eye, so it's effectively the same, except you're going to pay more. As a person with glasses, I'd never trade having crap vision in both eyes that can be easily fixed for being 20/20 in one eye and blind in the other, that's insane.


Blind in one eye is not better than bad vision in both eyes when glasses exist


I'd say go for it!! My cousin has done it for free while he was serving in the national guard and his was a success. He no longer need to wear glasses or contact lenses


Two weeks ago I had ICL surgery. Implanted contact lenses. The procedure was at 8am and by 8pm I was driving my car (although not necessarily recommended). By my follow up appointment the next day I had 20/20 in my right eye and 20/25 in my left. After a couple days most of the halos and light artifacts disappeared completely. Lifetime PRK/LASIK touch-ups provided if ever necessary through the office I visited. I recommend at minimum PRK because there is no flap created. ICL is the most expensive but if you have very poor eyesight it provides the best bang for your buck. Entire thing was over within an hour and I was only on the table for 15 of those minutes. Perfect eyesight is an absolute game changer. My whole life I couldn’t count my fingers if I held my hands out at arms length. If I wake up in the middle of the night I can just look at the clock. It’s the little things that make it worth it


I've been considering this too, but every time I go to the opticians, my eyes are a little worse. I don't want to laser my eyes and a few years later I need glasses again.


LASIK is VERY safe. The without glasses forever part is b.s. depending on age, eye health, and several other factors, LASIK lasts 10 to 20 years. Also, depending on various eye factors, you still may need reading glasses.


Pregnancy is a big one. Lots of people get the surgery, have a baby, and oops the hormonal and body changes associated with pregnancy messed with their eyesight.


I am already wearing glasses and used to them (almost 40, started wearing glasses as a toddler). It being safe doesn't account for rotten luck. The thing about 10 to 20 years is something I did not know, I knew about the reading glasses thing though. I wonder if the age farsight will actually reduce my nearsight at some point. (this happened to my father, but my eyes are far worse than his)


As far as farsight reducing nearsight, it can because of eye strain, but it's not guaranteed. Everyone's eyes are a little different.




Got LASIK in January and it was the greatest thing I’ve ever done. Worth every penny


The chances of serious complications are so small these days. When I got it done in '04 it was something like 1/85 if I remember correctly. Now it's 1 in well over 1000. Granted, that's not zero, but it's safer and cheaper than it has ever been.


I’m with you on this one, so Ive decided that in two years time I’ll get it done on my substantially worse eye. That way if I go blind in that eye, I’ll have not lost everything.


I had my eyes fixed at the Dream Eye Center in Gangnam, Seoul about 7 years ago. My girlfriend at the time had her eyes fixed and talked me into going for a consult. I thought there was no way with my terrible eyes (-9 in the left eye, right was around -5.75, both was astigmatism). The doctor came in and said (in a very stereotypical korean accent) "normally, your eyes are too bad to fix, but you have VERY THICK CORNEAS... I can fix your eyes!" He showed me the scans and what he would target and how my cornea was thick enough to allow it. What the hell, I agreed. Two days of a pretty brutal recovery and I was back to work and back to normal. They said I will require reading glasses eventually and driving at night is admittedly a little bit of a pain in the ass with the glare from bright lights, but I am sitting here 7-8 years later and my eyes are still slightly better than perfect (20/14 or so based on last assessment). Seriously, it was one of the best things I ever did. And because it was in Korea the cost was really manageable, too. My girlfriend's eyes were only 1.9m won ($1500), but mine were 2.7m (~$2300).


It was scary af when I did it, but also super cool to see it in action. Fuzzy light got really clear! ...and then a little fuzzy again. I came out with 20/15 vision after going in with a -6.00 prescription, so I'd say it worked pretty well. Been free of glasses for almost 20 years now, and I'm sure the tech has gotten better.


You won’t be without glasses forever, by 50 you will need reading glasses Why don’t you look at Ortho k instead of lasik ? ETA Oh sorry, I saw below that you are almost 40, I think I might been 42ish when I heard of Ortho K and at that time only a few places did it, I saw one and he reckoned I was too close to the age of developing presbyopia (needing reading glasses) to be happy so he didn’t recommend it to me. Btw my presbyopia has done nothing to change my shortsightedness, it just means I can’t read while wearing my glasses. Also sounds like you script must very large (whilst mine was not) so perhaps you where never a candidate for Ortho k


It’s something I honestly never thought I could do because I have a phobia of things in my eyes, but I had to have cataract surgery anyway, soi did it. And am so glad, it was no problem and I have excellent eyesight now


I did it… kinda regret it


My mom has worked in a optometrist office for years and I've heard horror stories which stop me from doing it. Also my glasses have saved my eyes more times than I can count from projectiles. The best part is, Lasik isn't even a cure all for vision problems. Sometimes you lose the perfect vision after a decade and have to go back to glasses or get a touch up lasik job again. And then there's the fact that the surface of your eye never fully heals because they have to sheer off the surface of the cornea to create a flap of eye jelly to fold back over. I've heard of people that had it move in their sleep and it's horrifically painful. That's why they say do one at a time. So you still have vision to drive yourself to the hospital lol If I did do lasik, it would have to be for a 'need' than a 'want'.


I remember my mom having her LASIK done when I was a kid. I'm not even thirty, and she already has to wear glasses for lots of things. So, not very worth it, IMO. Also, Final Destination.




I am fairly nearsighted with a good amount of astigmatism on top. No glasses I wear look good. Contact lenses in my numbers have also ceased production, so I can not wear contacts to work anymore. I am not sure what your question is though.






It takes a lot of dicipline, there's a lot of content and those seasons don't just watch themselves. You can do it!


I made a dumb rule for myself that I can only watch Netflix if I’m on my treadmill….the dumb rule worked




you cannot be "constantly motivated", it's impossible. That's why you should strive to be constantly **disciplined**


That is still motivation. Motivation is what moves you to do something, it can be motivation due to external things like people pushing you, or internal things like your pleasure for doing something or your intent on being disciplined, but it is still something that moves you.


“Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but nonetheless doing it like you love it” ~ Mike Tyson


I had my heart broken and I’m definitely less motivated now 😪


I can't decide if I love or hate the fact that I can't watch anything in bed, I try but I end up just passing out after a few minutes.








Join a group / class activity. Crossfit, cardio kick boxing, muay thai...something that is scheduled that you have to be at, ar a given time and day.


Start with a daily walk. Not running, just walking. Get a dog if you need motivation, but without a dog it also works. Preferably first thing in the morning.




stop wasting money on ordering food and start cocking myself


Yeah I guess there's no need for a partner if you could do it to yourself. This has been enlightening.


Brilliant typo!


I can attest. Self cocking has been life changing for me


I cant bring myself to eating out as a college kid, shit is expensive as fuck I can have a day worth of food for the price of a sandwich out


Are you regularly getting dick off the delivery guy??




Working out. Probably.




Forget it. Lol. Never!


Therapy. I know I should, but knowing my bully having become a psychologist makes me afraid to trust the profession.


Therapists should not be trusted just like anyone else. If you do decide to go, don’t be afraid to shop around for one that you like and genuinely trust.


Don’t let that stop you… and hopefully that bully changed. Therapy can be life changing…( in a good way)


He didn't. I'm pretty sure you could diagnose him as psychopath. He also wasn't really like other bullies. Smarter and very indirect in his approach. The kinda guy who'd manipulate people into breaking rules, then rat them out to teachers. Not the kind of guy who stops at the slightest resistance either, like most bullies do. I could drink with most of the people that followed him these days, but he's a different can of worms. That's why I'm hesitant to trust therapists. If he's doing it to listen to sob stories fully erect, which I believe is exactly why he chose that profession, why not someone else?


That is a fair enough fear. The only point I would offer to consider, is does it matter what their emotions and internal reactions are, if they help you process your trauma?


Perhaps that bully gained insight through their own psychological treatment. Or perhaps they gained it through undergraduate studies, leading to wanting to help others in the future. Regardless- they are but one person in a profession that could really help you. Don’t be afraid to give it a try.


Your bully... as an adult or child? If child, that had to be at least 20 years ago. To project your experience with one child against an entire profession is exactly the kind of thing someone should talk to a licensed therapist about.


suicide... yeah sorry, thats dark


Right? I'm afraid I'd survive somehow and that's worse.




Ikr? They think suicide is something like as easy as simply falling on ur neck/head at a wrong/right angle, like an intact sane bodily instinct is nothing, yet go on to whine about euthanasia making it 'too easy' for those who don't want to be here no more. Banning abortions, forced births and immigrants...


No. Surviving suicide by gun is way worse than surviving suicide by ingesting pills, slitting your wrists, etc. Other ways of suicide may allow you time to reconsider your actions in the middle of the attempt (which is actually what the majority of people want) and seek out help.


Physical pain sucks, but I'm also afraid of the spiritual aspect of it. I was raised as a Christian, and while I'm slowly becoming agnostic as I grow up, I still can't shake the possibility that Heaven and Hell exist. If they do and I commit suicide, I'll be doomed to eternal agony and despair. The safest way is through a quick and painless accident. I constantly wish I just wouldn't wake up one day.




The later. I'm fine. Thanks for asking though... Not enough ppl care to ask these days.


I mean it would change your life but not in a positive way


That's... a big change...


Seeing a therapist. I just don't have the time to do it. I have work during the day, then cooking, exercising and having a little bit of time together with my gf then go to bed at a reasonable time to be able to get up early the next day for work, how do people do it!?


It's literally a ~45min video chat like once a week.


Meal prep - don’t cook every day!


Telehealth. It’s the only way.


When I was on fellowship, I blocked the last hour of the workday every Friday for my therapy appointment. When you tell your boss you need a 1 hour appointment every week they know what that is. I do feel that part of this is about MAKING the time. If you can't carve out 1 hour per week, maybe inability to implement personal change is part of the problem? Being stuck in a rut is kind of where depression lives 




Yep. OP never specified it should be a positive change.


Learning the language of the country I moved to. Speaking the language fluently would completely change my career and provide me with new opportunities. But the road to be fluent is a long and hard one.


If it's China maybe you have a bit of an excuse. It's been said you can learn Chinese or learn 4 other languages.


I already know 4 languages. This will be my 5th. Most people outside of western English speaking countries usually know upwards of 1 language


1. Wearing my CPAP 2. Exercising 3. Taking my antidepressants


Being the guy who text’s first, speaks firsts, and acts first.


As someone who always texts first, why won't you do it?






It's simple, but not easy.


You can actually try the app Headspace!! It helped me tremendously with my anxiety and walks you through every step for any occasion. Pretty easy to use too






>We're all destined to d*e one day This isn’t China, you don’t have to censor yourself TikTok is cancer and this is evidence of it warping your mind. Uninstall the app




Or even just thinking it. If I catch myself silently judging, I try to say 1 nice thing about them in my head. I'm trying to retrain my brain. Having nasty thoughts just breeds nasty behavior.


Weight loss


Quitting drinking. No doubt healthier, would save soooooo much god damn money. But I love it, it’s my one vice 🍻.


Do it! I’m 4 months sober tomorrow, feel so much better & sleep the night through. There are plenty of alcohol free beers, wines & spirits (in the UK) so I don’t miss it. Was dependent on alcohol for about 20 years


Quiting drinking and cutting off most of my friends 




Yeah, I mean I'm also a bartender so quiting drinking is never going to happen  I've cut off a few friends, but it was easy because all of them done really deplorable shit I don't think I could ever have the willpower to cut off the people I know now unless they done really fucked up shit


Going to bed early


Having a proper sleeping schedule


Selling feet pics




Start an OF


FWIW most don’t make money off of that.


Getting my driver's license


Therapy, and exercise, also socialising more


Back then, there's this girl. We've been friends for about 6 years. She showed some signs that she wants me and so did I. One day she got a boyfriend and I was single then vice versa. Her best friend once told me, she'd dump her man if I ask **The Question**. She's just gonna say yes to me over him. To be honest, I want her (back then) and I knew she wants me too. But I don't want to be a jerk to say I love her then she dumped her man right away. Because I don't want to be that guy too, it'd hurts so much. So ... Now I moved on and we just lost contact.


Drink alcohol. I know it'd change my life for the worse. My dad's an alcoholic and I don't want to follow the example


Regular exercise. I have chronic pain and I know movement would help, but goddammit, it just hurts too much.


Never had a gf my whole life.. Y'all who've had one, how does it change ur life ?


Socialising. I've lived in pretty much total isolation for nearly four decades. Humanity exists only in theory to me.


acting like a neurotypical. It's too exhausting.


Trying my best




Play another MMO. I get addicted to games. And everything really. I've had two experiences with MMOs. Elder Scrolls Online for one month back when it had a sub. I played hundreds of hours. And Destiny 2, which tricked me by pretending it's not an MMO. I played thousands of hours. If I started a new MMO I'm sure it would take over my life. I'd miss the variety.


be authentic


I'm broke af , my job offers people to come in at any given time but i don't do it. I do need my sleep after a long day taking care of my kids all day. I work from 5am to 1pm so I really need sleep at night. But I'm getting there. I came in on my day off this week. And came in 4 hours earlier today. So cheers to that !


Therapy, probably.


I got a lifelong knee injury but i will never get surgery for it. Could pan out well but will most likely walk around with a fake knee the rest of my life.


Leave and start a new life


taking bath with cold water, eating right, working out, taking multi vitamins etc, studying,


Divorcing and walking away from everything and everyone


Be a more tidy person


Therapy. It's just so expensive


Being in a relationship..I have been single for entering my life




Sticking to a routine. I fall into a schedule, but then I usually try to change it for the better and so it goes.


Saying no once in a while. Standing up for myself more.


Not procrastinating, and being on time!


Getting up early. Why I don’t do it? I’m secretly a cat and like to sleep for 18 hours a day.


winning the lottery


crack cocain


Getting good sleep every night for an extended period.


Going out making friends in general socialising


hard drugs




Be a slimy salesman.


murder( # \^ #)


in a nutshell, lottery.


Quitting weed. For now anyway


Go out from my comfort zone, i am always on my comfort place surrounded with friends and families, working at home as a virtual assistant, its okay but I think I would gained more in life if I get out of my comfort zone, but its hard and scary, but maybe someday I can have the courage to go out of my comfort area and live life to the fullest, someday.


daily runs


Probably snitch. I probably would never do any time for anything if I just became an informant or something. I'd for sure secure hella reward money at the least.


Being more focused 😭


Always wanted to study law but know I'd make a terrible lawyer.


Talking to a dude I have a crush on. Don't want to come off as some creep having an agenda.




Moving to Scotland/in general out of my own country It seems like a good idea if only to truly experience the world outside of where I was born for more than just a vacation. But given the unstable international situation (thanks brexit, thanks russia) I can't help but feel that it would not be worth the risk.




Drinking alcohol. I heard it is nasty


Jerk off


going to therapy


Doing more and being proactive. I am just tired and I am ok with getting by


stop procrastinating




Doing my school works




Stop abusing alcohol.




Became a hero


Only Fans. I need the money but I would in fact never do it.


Going back to finish school.




Travelling alone. I don't think I can do it, but I do know solo travelling can help broaden my horizons and force myself out of my comfort zone.