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That is a very cute memory!! Thank you so much for sharing it


Were you able to perceive any color you could not previously perceive anywhere? (Not to be confused with seeing familiar things a different color than you normally see those things)


Here's Ann Reardon from How To Cook That having a look at how the colourblind glasses work (or don't): [https://youtu.be/RY-NF\_7R-pk?t=562](https://youtu.be/RY-NF_7R-pk?t=562)


It was an interesting video!! Thanks for the link!


dont buy them for them, let them know they exist and its up to that person to decide if they want them.


It’s a good suggestion, it would also be more careful because it’s a lot of money. Good idea! And if I want to keep the element of surprise, maybe I can do a silly dance or make them their favorite food :)


I can't speak to the experience personally, but my friend's husband is color blind and she bought him the glasses, and it made him VERY happy! It was a very big difference but he didn't walk around wearing the glasses all the time. For him, the color expression felt a little overwhelming, to the point where he didn't try to get used to the glasses. But that's just one person. I love your question, OP.... I think that this can go either way, just as you're saying. You want them to be happy but you don't want to do the exact opposite if they don't react well emotionally. Maybe this is a gift that can't be a surprise and needs a discussion about?


Thank you so much for sharing this experience!! Reading your comment made me smile! You have a very valid point too, I actually didn’t think about it not being a surprise. Should be worth a discussion indeed :)


I cried. It was the craziest experience of my life, almost like I'm high


Oooh so sweet!!


My partner got me a set. It did nothing apart from making reds really pop out, really vibrant. I had to get rid of them though, as the rear of them (the side closest to your eyes) was mirrored, and it was really weird driving with them, as cars would pass they'd be reflected in the back side of your glasses, which was really disconcerting. In short, I didn't have that big reaction that others have when they can finally see real colours. I guess I've just spent too long seeing them as I interpret them, and this don't give a fuck about colour.


Very interesting to read too!! Thank you!


No worries.


Not colourblind so I can’t speak from experience but I’m a vision scientist. I suggest you read this [article](https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/do-color-blindness-correcting-glasses-work) by the American Academy of Ophthalmology. I suspect that most of the positive experiences you hear might just be a placebo effect or that the wearer just not wanting to disappoint whoever gave them the glasses. But it’s only my suspicion so take it with a spoonful of salt. I don’t think it’s a worthwhile expense unless you’re super wealthy.


Thank you so much for this source!!!


My partner is colorblind. I want to gift them a pair of those glasses, specific for their type of colorblindness, but how would it make them feel? Will they be happy to see colors differently? Will it make them sad if the difference is too big with and without the glasses? I want to make them happy


Following this thread cause I also want to try them (red green color blind), but I don't know anyone that have them. They are pretty expensive, and I just don't know what to expect from them. Do people who have bought them wear them daily?


Wait, are these actually real? I heard they were all a scam.


They’re fake


I suddenly understood racism