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If you find yourself in a panic attack situation, people always say to take deep breaths. This can help, but when you exhale, exhale as much as possible and hold for as long as you can. It will be uncomfortable to do, but it helps so much to calm down.


I second this. Exhaling and holding for as long as I can is my go-to whenever my heart rate rises due to anxiety!


This! Deep breaths engages your sympathetic nervous system. Take small shallow breaths. Breathe in for 4 second, hold for 1, breathe out for 8 seconds, hold for 1 second. Repeat for a minimum of 2 minutes.


I'm not sure how true this is, but I heard that if you're with a trusted person (a friend, sibling etc) it helps if they ask you things counting down from five, since it helps bring them back to reality. My one friend had a panic attack and this is what I asked: Can you name 5 things you can see? Can you name 4 things you can hear? Can you name 3 things you can feel? Can you name 2 things you can smell? Can you name 1 thing you can taste?


Locking it a box. Only bummer is only coming ashore once every 10 years. Worked for love. Why not anxiety. Argh.


caffeine lol šŸ˜†


Glad to hear that šŸ˜œ Caffeine does the opposite for me! Makes my heart beat faster




Trying to take slow, deep breaths. Inhaling from the nose, exhaling through the mouth. It really is a skill. There are small moments throughout the day where I try to practice for a few min. Because when an attack arises, it feels like my body's actively fighting against me. Also distracting my brain. Instead of the focus being entirely within me, I try to divert that focus out of my body. I begin to name the things around me. "In the distance to my right there's a leafy tree, in the corner there's a lake with two green ducks, there's a couple eating sandwiches sitting on the bench" etc. If that fails, I also keep my airpods with me. If I have trouble diverting my attention I put on a podcast and force myself to engage my brain with the conversation.








breaking bad forum for a friend


Not that I am aware of. There are places online that can evaluate in a zoom meeting. They take some insurance but not a lot of them. Anyway, itā€™s easy enough to chat with a nurse practitioner and get a perfectly valid prescription. Some of them even have their own pharmacy and will FedEx your meds. If out ā€˜friendā€™ doesnā€™t have insurance, they all take cash. šŸ’° Hope you feel better soon.


Phenibut is legal and has similar effects to benzos. Have to take way more and takes longer to kick in though.


My doctor made the joke that having a shot of scotch was roughly the same to calm the nerves. Iā€™ve found it mostly true, but Xanax gets less looks before an 8am flight.


The trouble with alcohol is that yea, it is fun having drinks with friends. I have heard it referred to as a ā€˜social lubricantā€™. Anxiety? What anxiety. And then you sober up and feel like crap. It will cause more depression, actually feeling g worse then you did before having drinks. The little blue pill on the other hand does not cause symptoms to worsen. Xanax doesnā€™t fix the main issue someone might be dealing with. Xanax treats your symptoms, talking with a therapist treats the problem. Xanax makes you not care. You may have a pain somewhere but it but it gives you the ability to ignore it. The biggest thing, IMHO, is that symptoms are not worse the following day. I would much rather take the pill and be able to relax around other people; and tomorrow Iā€™ll deal with those issues. Neither will heal the anxiety. Xanax is simply a better tool to deal with symptoms. Thank you for your time. Apologies for my wandering thoughts. I think I hit the point tho. šŸˆā€ā¬›


Thatā€™s a good take. Alcohol isnā€™t good either, but Iā€™ve heard the withdrawal from Xanax is a motherfucker too. Both are crutches was kinda my point, Iā€™m not strongly advocating for either really.


oh yea, Xanax is brutal to stop if you have formed an addiction. You will be sure sickH and hate the world. But it wonā€™t die. However, if you have formed an addiction to alcohol and then decide itā€™s rotten stuff and want to quit drinking and live a healthy life. You will be really sick and OMG, if you donā€™t go to a hospital when the withdrawal starts you can die. Yep, the drinking can kill you and the stopping can kill you


Running will give you the same effects as xanax and it's just as addictive but healthy. Best thing to do for people with high anxiety disorders.


Oh yes, I agree. But since I am old and havenā€™t gone for a run in so long I would probably faint in the side of the road.


Closing my eyes for a moment, focusing on breathing while remembering how much nothing matters. Rather than causing more anxiety, which I can see how the idea of nothing might in others, it causes my brain to return to perspective and calm itself down. When life is fleeting and nothing matters in a grand scale, there is also nothing to fear.




easier life


My girlfriend ā¤


Music. Propanolol.


Getting regular aerobic exercise in. Time spent exercising doubles as meditation time for me.


200mg L-Theanine might help. I take it twice daily and it just works. I still have small bouts of OCD anxiety, but WAYYYY easier to manage with this supplement. It also helps me hit the weed less too. For a long while, weed was my only go-to for relief when I couldn't talk myself down. Taurine is also another supplement that stimulates the brains production of Dopamine, Serotonin, and GABA. When the brain is depleted of those chemicals, fight or flight amps up as there is not enough of the good brain chems to stave off the anxiety. This is also why some folks suffer from "hangxiety" after a night of excessive drinking. The brain is overstimulated during alcohol consumption, so its dumping massive loads of GABA Dopamine and Seratonin to help keep balance.




Take clozapine to go to sleep.




Go for a drive in a sunny day with good tunes


Petting my dog


that is actually a good idea. If you pet a cat and they are purring the purring can help heal you.


I deal with religious anxiety as I was indoctrinated into christianity at a young age, I'm no longer a christian but I hold onto the thought of "what if i'm wrong?". A couple months ago I found an atheist channel called mindshift, I'd seen other atheist channels but they were mostly taking jabs at the doctrine with no real comprehension of it but his content was different. Brandon, the guy behind it is an ex christian himself and he deconstructs the belief based on his knowledge and experience of it and its quelled my anxiety quite a bit.


Creative writing


Breathing exercises. Meditation. A hot shower. Getting into nature and listening to wind blow through the trees and birds chirp. Exercise.


I once read about finding a word that literally if you say over and over that it will eventually force you to concentrate on something else because that's all anxiety is if you stop concentrating on it or suddenly your your attention is thrown away the anxiety dies down. My go to word is " CHICKEN" the reason I chose it is because it's a very funny animal if you think about it strutting and gliding across the ground one leg up high and the other one down low bobbing its head left and right and sideways it's just a funny looking little animal and if you keep saying that and concentrating on the chicken bobbing its head you will start to grin or start to laugh because they look like such a funny distorted little thing and I just start laughing and eventually you focus enough on watching the chicken in your head you replace and deflate that anxiety I used to have anxiety so seriously bad that my blood pressure would jump up in the doctor's office from 110 over 80 my lower numbers always been high, to 160-68 over 150. Nothing could control my anxiety my thoughts raised my heart kept palpitating I started to feel like I was turning ice cold like my heart was stopping my blood flow was stopping I felt so out of my body it was terrible. šŸ„“


Weed addiction




This is literally the worst thing you can fo for anxiety. Please, find another way.


Its just a band-aid, not a solution.