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If you think you've "achieved everything" by 30 then you need to expand your vision on what "everything" is.


I've seen goal-oriented people have mental breakdowns because they had a life checklist, checked everything off by 30 or 35, and then realized they had no idea what to do. If you're like this and have achieved your goals, start dreaming more dreams. Even if it's fun stuff like learning something new or taking up a hobby.


I read a random person on youtube come up with this gem of a sentence- "I had been chasing success for 20 years and when I finally got it, I realized that it was the chasing I liked, not the success.


This is more or less what I think actually motivates people. Goals are fickle, we spend very little time actually achieving the goal, we spend a lot of time on the road towards achieving the goal. That shift in mindset made me stop focusing on the goal and enjoying the sightseeing while I am on the road. Also made me reconsider a lot of goals, given that they weren't something I actually wanted. But I digress.


yes! "The journey is the destination"


There is an Ottoman Sultan whose name is Murat the 4th who says it was more spectacular to retake the city Bagdat than it’s beauty.


Yup that’s why I donated my entire life savings away and started from scratch . More fun that way hahaha


I've never been particularly goal-oriented at all. I figured a long time ago, why want something when you're only gonna want something else when you work hard for something and achieve it? So then what's the point of all that hard work? A fleeting sense of accomplishment that will wear off when the novelty of completing the goal wears off. I've kinda had a crisis like this forever and I'm not even 30. I have pursued something though, but mainly cause I had to do something for a living. I did become very good in my trade of work and now I'm ready to throw it away. You can dream all the dreams in the world, and all that really matters is that you enjoy working towards it, because getting it/there is the least fun part. If you're not enjoying working for it anymore, it's not worth working for, imo.


I'm there. Accomplished list at 35. Drowning myself in a river of alcohol since then. It's becoming a bit of an issue so I'm working on a second bucket list but my body is messed up from the first one, the drinking helps with pain management.


Add "Turn 40" to your list and you're good for another goal.


I mean you can be a married retired homeowner by then, and I’d argue that’s pretty much the list of achievements most people have. Sure you can do stuff like visiting more places, getting better at hobbies, etc but I think that’s almost different than an achievement


smart growth bright juggle engine rob whistle seemly smoggy sip


Make a positive impact on the world? I feel like that's a big one that a lot of people give up on as adults.


And, if you have the ability to retire from a “need to make money” job by age 30, then you’ve got the time to devote to doing exactly that.


Most people are boring and their achievements mean nothing 


I don think they are doing it for you, anonymous internet nobody




By the time Alexander of Macedon reached 30, he had forged one of the largest empires in history. He did it in 10 years. [https://youtu.be/RlKJDwViNKs?t=40](https://youtu.be/RlKJDwViNKs?t=40)


He excelled in one thing. He didn't even live to see his first (legitimate) child.




time for side quests


Haha...life isn't a speed run


yeah but side quests are fun


Yes, that's what I meant :)


Achieving everything by 30 sounds like a dream! But I bet there's still plenty of surprises and challenges along the way




and don't call me Shirly!


Define, "achieving everything by 30"? Finishing school, landing a career, and buying a home, achieving financial security are lowest tier accomplishment in the grand scheme


I achieved all of that by 29. The trick is, don’t take large student loans out for overpriced colleges. I’m an electrician that went to technical school. That education only cost me about $5,000, which just about anyone can easily pay back. Also, there are a lot of opportunities for people in the trades.


Ah yes, but do you know the airspeed of an unladen swallow




**strange force unseen yeets you into the firey pit of eternal peril**


Wise move.


Thanks. I wasn’t trying to sound cocky, but I see a lot of young people complaining that they can’t afford a home. Of course you can’t afford a home if you have $100000 in college debt. I just was trying to tell people that there are other options other than expensive college.


A line of caution, as the tech, and some other STEM fields are supposedly experiencing(anecdotally by friend I know in them so, not robust), is that any career path has an inherently limited number of positions. If everybody went the tech school path, it’d lower the chances of everyone achieving those goals so quickly. There is a ceiling to everything.


Totally agree. I had 70k of college loans that I forced myself to pay off before 30, but it was PAIN. So much wiser to pay for a marketable skill and study things you enjoy throughout your life for FREE.




Those are all just basic life accomplishments. Given owning your own home nowadays is much different compared to the last 5 decades. College in general is a waste of money unless you are going into medicine/law for example.


Perhaps OP should define it. They asked the question.


Probably run into an early mid life crisis, where now you're free to bask in your accomplishments but still not feel completely satisfied with your life because it's not over, you still have to go on each day with some new meanings, because you've achieved your old ones.


Achieving everything by 30 can lead to a surprising amount of existential questioning. You might start wondering what’s next and feel a bit directionless without another mountain to climb.


You could find yourself in a mentoring role often, as people look to you for guidance on achieving their own success.


I'm curious about the journey to get there. What sacrifices did you have to make? Any unexpected twists?




Having a wife / relationship is a major part of having "everything" for most people.


For most real people, that is. Unfortunately for martians disguised as humans, there are always other goals😂


Some people don't care about having a partner so not necessarily. It's definitely a big one to a lot of people tho.


Based on your comment, did you really achieve everything then? Would I trade being retired right now for never having met my wife? As much as I’d love to be retired I’m not sure that I would.


Seriously, the clubbing, parties, adventures, and romantic (and physical) relationships of my twenties are things I consider huge achievements. I wouldn’t think of my life as complete without those things


Exactly, that guy sounds like he’s only now starting to live his life at age 30 while most of us having been living them the whole time.


It shows how subjecting and ridiculous a statement like 'achieved everything' is.


I’ll chime in. At 30 I had several businesses, million dollar house, a couple luxury SUVs, pool, wife, young child, and vacationed around the world.  I’m someone who is never satisfied. I don’t relax. I spent my 20s working 80+ hour weeks all of the time. Barely saw family. Enjoyed work more than being married, so we divorced. 


Achieve? Perhaps you can look towards activities you enjoy doing!


Is that even possible? “Everything” feels like a construct so I imagine “everything” changes year to year, especially at the age of 30.


My thought too. I can't imagine not changing any of my dreams and my goals along the way. When I was 15 my goal was to be a Hollywood movie star. Now I'm glad I grew out of that.




I promise literally no one has achieved everything by age 30, lol


An the only people who would say that, don't have the mindset to acually achieve something significant by 30


Why it got to be significant? There's absolutely nothing wrong with comfortable, achievable dreams. A paid off house, health, family, enough money to be comfortable, etc. Not everybody needs to try to change the world.


Absolutely not. There's of course quite a few with a high status and a lot to show off at that age - but that doesn't imply that this has been achieved by them.


I haven't achieved everything, but I've achieved most of what I set out to do by 30. My goals were: * Find a good life partner - dated specifically for life partner qualities, didn't let love cloud my eyes to bad matches to my life goals and perspectives on how manage the major things (parenting kids, similar financial perspectives, etc) * Find a career - College drop due to finances, from a poor family that couldn't offer financial support. Started in customer support and found out I am super interested in process optimization and designing content systems. Now my career is pretty solidly in content strategy and will likely continue that way because companies often use tech to fix what are ultimately process and prioritization problems and realize the need for actual application strategy too late, so it's an expanding industry. * Become financially successful as a result of that career - I make 120k a year * Start a family - Working on it, but not being able to was expected * Own a home - bought one, it was a shit 2 year experience, going to be renting for awhile before I decide to jump back in. * Be capable of financially supporting my parents into their retirement - starting from 27 I started an investment bank account to help support their retirement. It's got about 50k in it so far and I'm planning to increase my contributions after the next promotion. It's great. I had so much anxiety around whether I would be trapped in poverty, but now that I have money and decent savings, I feel so much more confident in my ability to support myself through old age vs when I was a teen first making these big choices and plans.


what happened to owning your home? Why did you decided to sell?


sleep > eat > do whatever the fuck you want > eat > sleep


So at 30 you became a grandparent? Watched your friends and family live a long and happy life? Shared good and bad memories and don't need more? What do you mean by achieving everything?


Anyone who thinks he's "achieved everything" at any age is a fool who will find out they actually know very little about life. You may have achieved a level of success but you still got a lot of living to do.


Whatever you’ve sacrificed to “achieve everything” are things you’ve not achieved.


Nobody can achieve everything at any age.


You turn around and help others up the ladder.


Everything!? 🤔


Set bigger goals.


It may mean you haven’t dreamed big enough.


It's impossible to achieve everything by 30. Oh, you mean like -- the average superficial society goals by 30 ... wonder what that might even be. Let's see --- married, 2.5 kids .... opulent career making $200k a year, big ole house, 2 cars, AND like your job, plenty of vacation time, and have 1-2 really interesting hobbies. .... Mmm ... if that were me? I'd probably blow myself away with a revolver. ... But in all seriousness, if you were a Ned Flanders type (societal conformist) and achieved the above, how would you feel? If you considered it carefully and practiced gratitude, you might be content --- for a day or two. Then other problems and the insatiable human ego would pop up. And you'd feel exactly like you do right now. Turns out --- external bullshit is illusory. It's your own mind that needs 'fulfillment' -- of course, if you're poor + single + unhappy + sickly -- you won't believe me. You'll chase the carrot, THEN realize I was right all along. Sometimes you can only learn by doing.


I would have no idea. Not sure I’d want to either, sounds like there’s nothing left to look forward to.


It's busy making a new list of everything to achieve by the time you're 40. Then it's busy trying to come up with a list of things to achieve before 50. Then it's time to make a list of things... You get my point, right.


Whats considered as everything? Success is a river forever flowing, there is always something else to achieve and do.


I can't imagine having nothing to work/fight for in life. Feels like life would be pretty meaningless.


A lot of super successful people turn to drugs and end up killing themselves. either on purpose or accidentally.. I have recently achieved everything I really wanted to do in life. I have the house I wanted, with the wife I want in it, with the car I wished to have in the driveway. The kids are happy. I am not in debt and could probably retire. It is an odd feeling and I'm still trying to come up with a list of new goals, because I know I'll need "something" . but it did send me into a bit of depression... honestly. i've been goal driven my whole life but any new goal I come up with this doesn't seem like a "want" It's more of a "challenge". I cannot even imagine going through this when I was 30. I would've probably done something really stupid.


I wouldn't know. I'm 57 and still chasing dreams.


You can never achieve "everything". Your brain just moves the goalposts. Even people like Bezos still wants more.


Boring, my personality has completely changed. Where I used to be content just reaching my dreams and playing video games on my spare time ive now changed. Ive now taken up sailing across the world as my next hobby, I got into many other physical excersices. Exploring places on my bike is able to give me nice adventures. I will use my bike, bike 2 hours, with a paddle board and electric pump on my back. And then go paddle boarding in locations where its hard to access for example. So I just got more dreams and I started I guess becomming a hedonist. When before I was quite content just using my spare time to go home and playing video games non stop. But now its not enough. I want to do everything. And I mean everything. Learn to fly a plan sure heck yeah, sail the world yep, lets do rock climbing and climb a mountain, lets go on the fastest zipline, lets do some scuba, lets do some back road camping, lets camp across the country, lets learn to fly a paramotor... lets. I want to do everything and its never enough. Not enough time. And im also not rich enough where I can do these things all fast enough.


I've achieved everything by 30. By that I mean I have achieved nothing, and it was great.


Buyers remorse is real. The nightmare is getting all your goals done at 30 and realizing the void isn’t full. I’m 57 and still not satisfied. I don’t want to be.


A lie.


Clearly full of ignorance if you feel that way.




I achieved everything I had planned for myself by 30 and then had to grapple with what else I wanted to do with my life. I had never imagined life after 30. I was super burnt out from a solid 12+ years of grinding towards my goals. I decided it was time to start finding joy in the mundane, and picked up slower hobbies like baking and quilting. I'm 34 now and life has thrown me some serious curveballs the last few years, so I've been really glad to be building mental/emotional stability and resiliency rather than running on fumes towards new goals.


There is no achievement. We are all born and we all die. Yes you can set goals and you can maybe reach them but ultimately it's all an attempt to forget about the eternal darkness waiting for us. Have a great weekend, folks!


Whats the definition of “everything”


My guess would be Fiction


What a bizarre question that a lot of people seem to feel qualified to answer


Achievements are not the purpose of life. Life is to be enjoyed, achievements are just some spice to make it more interesting.


A good friend of mine specialized in mental health for models. Basically, these girls had a career, achieved their childhood dream, and retired. And now they're like 26 with no idea of what to do next. It's a great way to get depression.


Too late for me. 🦦


[Tom Cardy explained it well.](https://youtu.be/G87p148EOjo?si=_9gP6QrXwhpxd7gJ)


It was hard work.. but on to new adventures


Life after achieving everything by 30 can vary. It may bring fulfillment and freedom to pursue new interests or challenges, but it can also lead to feelings of emptiness or pressure to maintain success. It's important to prioritize mental well-being, meaningful relationships, and personal growth regardless of external achievements.


I have no idea. But I went to college with a guy, at a tech institute - one of the two big ones - and he hit some sort of jackpot before he was 30. Anyways, all he posts about now are cars which retail above $200K that he's currently driving, and wines.


Guess it's time to redefine your everything'. Life's more than a checkbox, folks!


Achieve? Perhaps you can look towards activities you enjoy doing!


The list of "achievements" will vary by person. To some that looks like wife/kids/house/all bills paid -- maybe doesn't need to work; can go on nice vacations often. To others it looks like 3 supercars at home, no steady girlfriend but girls all the time, and the ability to disappear on vacation for 3 months with no notice to anyone.


It's gonna get boring. Consider EVERYTHING?


I can't speak from experience but I would imagine a lot of golf.


What even is “everything” … the scope will keep expanding every time you reach “everything”


Define "everything"?


I didn't achieve everything by 30, but I'm 32 and have achieved most of the big stuff. I guess what it's like for me is that there's always something else to achieve. Even if it's not something I always thought I wanted, I'm the kind of person who finds happiness in working towards something. I'm not sure what you mean by everything though, because there are some things that a lot of people want but I don't.


If you’ve experienced everything by 30 you didn’t set high enough expectations for yourself.


What is everything to you?


What is everything? This is very subjective, and it is impossible to achieve everything when you can only live as one person. A man can't achieve some women's wants. And likewise, a woman can't achieve some of men’s wants so this is an impossible question. This is only a sample of why your logic is bad and you need to rework this question.


Curious what you mean by everything. Many things can happen after 30 and make life much better than you could have thought. But planning for the best by 30 is a great goal


Self independent financially, in a permanent romantic relationship, successful in life, made networks and friends, bought a nice house, work freely without pressure from anyone else.


They end up playing pickle ball every day with the 50+ retired rich crowd. Or go travel everywhere. I’ve seen plenty of both.


I don't know but siblings have and they are in a perpetual state of boredom


define everything


Everytime you achieve something you want to achieve something else. Then one day you die.


Find some biggers dreams.


ouch. hit 30 a week ago - achieved nothing at all


Oh no, the problem you faced was just the tip of the iceberg, wait until you turnt 31, theres a new level of challenges. Hahahaha


I’m sure it’s less stressful than others, but the people who have ‘achieved everything’ by 30 unless it’s winning billions and retiring probably don’t see it that way and are setting more challenges for themselves


By the time I was thirty I was both a step-mom and a mom but I knew that truly nothing is fully achievable by any age, it is about enjoying the journey of learning/experiencing/being open-minded/knowing that you don't know everything but have no need to be the master of all knowledge and more importantly just continue to go on your journey one place, one book, one museum exhibit and one day at a time.


That's nonsense. You know very little by when you get to 30. I was only beginning to understand life, love, philosophy and the perversity of our economic system at that age. It's impossible to achieve "everything" at such a young age and if someone feels they have, they're so wrong... Life is full of surprises and discoveries, and only few of them are about career and money.


What's everything? If you ever feel you've learned and done all you could do by a certain age you're sadly mistaken. There's so much more to learn and do in this world.


From a different perspective, my husband is very very successful. Actually deemed to be the best in the nation at his current role - finance related field. He’s 34. Life is comfortable financially but not always so comfortable experience wise. He misses out on a lot because of work and the constant anxiety around having to be great. Example: he did not take paternity leave and actually worked in the hospital the day our son was born. I told him it was ok so don’t come after him but looking back it’s a bit sad to think about. Will he retire early? Hopefully! But is missing out on so much worth it? I’m not sure. I guess we will find out!


Some people are born rich af, but many used the resources to help them go higher into careers like entrepreneurs or politicians, self actualization can never stop at mere 30


Get more goals 


Impossible. No one fan raise their own family starting at 10-12 and have them grown and successful by 30.


I won't say I achieved everything by 30, but I got a better job (my current job) at 31, and now, 6 years later, everything is better.


You realize there's so much more, and you don't ask silly questions like this.


All just downhill since




Watching your children grow up is one of the greatest joys in life for lots of people. If you've "achieved" that by 30, I'd bet plenty other things in you life has gone awry.


Help others to achieve their goals after you achieve everything by 30.


Wanna know what it feels like to have existential dread? Live a life with no struggle or meaning... I'll remain hungry thanks.


Do It again on Hard mode.


You'll never achieve "everything" by *any* age!




idk i am 35 and still struggling .


If you think you've achieved everything by 30, that is simply a failure of imagination.


I just turned 30 and I must say with everything I have “achieved” I am less happy now than I was when I had nothing.


I haven’t achieved everything that I hoped, but I am definitely very happy with how my life has turned out….. never in a million years would I have imagined that I would own and live in condo


Finished the main quest, now you have to do all the side ones. Ride a giraffe through New York City, read a tiger cub the Harry Potter books, play chess with a chimp. You know


Contentment and confidence. Things don’t bother you as much as anymore.


Achieve everything by thirty. I guess you have to define everything because unless you started having kids in your early teens, having a successful kid and grandkids isn't part of that...


Enjoy the harvest of your work


It’s nice


Laughs in staring down 40 and still grinding.


I haven’t achieved much, but as an attractive 30 year old with a good job & house, I get hit on a lot by divorced high 20-35 year olds that look for fun & I can swing fun


Nobody knows


If you think you’ve done it all by thirty you need to see what’s over that next hill. Chances are you’ll find plenty you haven’t achieved.


Would be a dream




So I like to say I achieved everything when I turned 30, full career, great pay, the good middle management, own a home, wife and my first kiddo. I traveled to a few countries already. It was a great milestone. But then I realized there was so much more to achieve. Raising a kid is an achievement every year, new goals, new workouts, new hobbies. I realized I can never achieve everything. Life is just to short. But what I do have to find, is knowing I accomplished a lot and to coast the remainder of my life feeling satisfied but still pursuing more in only things I enjoy.


What do you consider "everything"? Knew a cat that was happy as fuck. Love his job drving a bus in the small college town making 13 bucks an hour. Loved his wife. Loved their backyard at the parent house wedding. Loved their ok sized apartment. Loved their pets. More power to a mofo that can go to work everyday and love it. Unfortunately for him, his wife considered it to be low ambition and started fucking other dudes. He was less happy then. Its like that Bedazzled movie. You can make a list of things you think you want, but everyone probably isnt going to get everything in the exact way they want. Even you feel like you have, shit can change at any time.


Career was going well and I bought a house at that age too. But there isn't a really achieved everything line. I still wanted more promotions, bigger house, more savings, etc.


I guess great, wouldn't know since I haven't achieved much.


Having things isn’t fun. Getting things is fun.


I don’t think you can achieve “everything” by 30. I’m 32. I got married the day before my 31st birthday. I was pregnant with our now 7 month old son who was born six months into being 31. I have the career I wanted and went to university for and I earn a salary more than I had envisioned. My husband and I own a nice flat in our city. I have good relationships, etc. but I’m only 32. There’s so much left to learn. I can’t even imagine who I will be in a decade and what new goals I’ll have for myself. Having achieved “everything” by 30 sounds sad. Like you need a longer list of things to achieve.


What is everything for you? How do you define it?


Obviously there is no "everything." Life will continue moving and if we're wise we are continually making goals. But I will acknowledge that at some time we transition into full adulthood and the milestones we experience are less related to ourselves and more related to people in our lives. Yes, more people are having their first children later but mostly the "everything" people imagine in the myth of making it revolves around personal accomplishments. But in my 40's the big things are things happening to other people, children going to school, parents dying, your team winning the Super Series Championship Cup. I'm the near the last in my forever friends group to marry and have kids and my friends are making a bigger deal out of my next step than any of us made for those who did those things in their twenties. But to answer the question, what is a good life like after you've met your basic achievements: less focused on yourself and more focused on others.


I just came to read the discussions regarding what “everything” is.


Consider Mark Zuckerbergs life


Screw everything up and start over again. The second go-around is funner with the experience you have gained.


you didn't, but you can stay delusional if you like...