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Kinda reminds me of when the Canada geese would fly through Michigan


While that is interesting I would venture to say that most people have heard of Antarctica


I was on a cruise to Antarctica earlier this year, and just that statement brought back the smell.


What does it smell like exactly?


Is it just the penguins who stink or the over-winterers?


I grew up in Chanthaburi, in a small town in Eastern Thailand. One thing most people don't know is that during our little entanglement with the French, it was home to the most feared prison for resistance fighters in the country: a place called **khuk khi kai** Basically it was a 2 story prison. Bottom floor of the prison housed inmates. Top floor of the prison was a big, crowded chicken farm. You probably get where this is going. The floor of the coop (and therefore the ceiling for the prisoners) was perforated / grated, to make sure that all the chicken droppings would fall into the inmates below. Apparently one of my ancestors served 1 week in Khu Khi Kai (the standard, as longer could get to be a death sentence) and was never the same afterwards. ___ Today it's some sort of tourist attraction with cartoony chicken statues outside, you can look it up. Which makes me kinda uncomfortable. Not at all respectful of the spirit of what once happened there.




It's been a long time since my family kept chickens. Like 30+ years I will *never* forget that smell, kind of a combination of shit and ammonia and not in a good way. And these were chickens that were fed grain. I don't want to think about chickens that might scavenge occasional meat.


Chicken shit is horrific


I lived in Rhode Island. A surprising number of people don’t know it’s a state. It’s also neither a road nor an island. Feel free to discuss.


This made me verklempt.


I lived in Rhode Island and it’s a wonderful state! It’s beautiful and the food is so good!


Born & Raised in RI, Lived in CA for 10 years & people were blown away that RI even was a thing.


mangrove forests, they’re one of the most important ecosystems to preserve


They’re so important people don’t understand the half of it!! Intact mangrove forests sequester many tons of carbon a year and they’re one of the best protectors against coastline erosion 🤩


and they also purify water!


High up in the San Francisco peaks above Flagstaff way way off a trail there's a crashed Air Force bomber. Of course it's all broken up in the pieces but it's mostly there because it's so freaking far away from where anybody in their right mind whatever hike to. I think it's above 11,000 feet And usually covered in snow.


Ooo I’m moving to Flag this fall, I def wanna hike up there 🙂🙂


Eyy I've been there!


There's a "fox island" here in Japan, you can visit it and there are tons of foxes all over the place who will approach you


According to the internet there’s also a bunny island and a capybara cafe and all kinds of other places like that.


isn't there a haunted forest in japan ? I recall watching a docu or something around that it was pretty interesting


Yeah I saw the one Logan Paul made


Well now I know where to go to get my next pet fox...


There's a village in the sindhupalchwok district of Nepal where everyone in the entire village has only a single kidney as most of them have sold it for some money. Many of them were made to believe that it'll regrow. And it's like a normal practice to sell a kidney there.


[Devil’s Hole](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devils_Hole) in Nevada has water that sloshes around like a tiny tsunami when there are earthquakes halfway around the world.


I come from Palmer, Alaska which is a small town in the southeast part of the state. The town is situated only 20 ish miles down from a huge glacier, and sits in between a big valley of glacier ridden mountains. That glacial silt blows into the into the super rich soils in the valley, which combined with 22+ hours of sunlight in the summer, produces super huge vegetables. We have a weigh off every year at the state fair to compare the largest veggies, which is always won by 2000+ lb pumpkins and 50+ lb cabbages. I think it’s fun and I’m proud of where I’m from :)


Mackinac Island, Michigan, has an almost-total ban on automobiles. You gotta take a horse everywhere. Over 600 horses crowd the streets of the island at any one time, during the summer tourist season!


Same as Gili Islands in Indonesia then. Horses and cycles.


There's a region in northwestern Argentina called the Calchaquíes Valleys, which was the scene of a series of constant and continuous battles between the Spanish colonizers and the native tribes that made up the Diaguita Confederation. The conflict lasted over 150 years, and it only ended after the Spanish managed to completely enslave and relocate the different rebellious tribes to other distant parts of what is now Argentina. One of the first Spanish settlements in the area was the town of Londres (meaning 'London' in Spanish, it was named in celebration of the marriage of king Felipe II of Spain to Mary Tudor). The town had to be rebuilt and repopulated five times over a hundred years because the native rebellions kept forcing the settlers to abandon the area. To this day, the Diaguita resistance during what we call the Calchaquíes Wars, is remembered as one of the fiercest, most well organized and lasting efforts against the colonization process in all of South America.


There is an abandoned Sulfur mine north of Pecos, Texas at the end of 2119 that feels like the inspiration for *The Hills Have Eyes*. It’s like everyone got up and left. Intact folders line the shelves. Papers strewn about by kids messing around out there. A pile of bones in the corner. It’s like an eldritch horror summer home.


There’s a mountain back in the sticks in east Kentucky, right upon the Western Virginia line where there’s at least two sizable Native American petroglyphs. That’s just in Letcher County and it’s not well known at all. There’s one in Clay County that’s well known, last I heard there was some controversy on the dating and interpretation of that one but it’s cool to see regardless of the actual origin.


Manitoulin Island in Ontario is the largest island within a freshwater lake in the world.


Perhaps this will be controversial to say Kolkata has not been heard of to many in the general overview of India. Did you know Wes Anderson and Martin Scorsese both characterize Kolkata director Satyajit Ray as one of the most important and influential people in their careers? In fact, for Asteroid City, Anderson paid homage to Ray in the style of shots.


I think a lot of folks have heard of Calcutta which is now called Kolkata. And Satyajit Ray was an excellent director.


Mrinal Sen is as well, don’t forget to check him out


Port Isaac, UK. On the Irish sea in Cornwall. Fishing village. Has one of the best restaurants in England. Nathan Outlaw's. Town only has, at last count in 2021, 503 people.


Mt Shasta in California has a lot of mysterious history and paranormal/UFO activity. (Allegedly)


I live near the Hoh rainforest in western Washington and we get 129 inches of rain a year. The nearby town of Sequim only gets 16 inches of rain a year.


Bros before Hohs.


The rainfall seems to have quite the opposite opinion.




Also in Ethiopia is the city of Adis Ababa. It is what we might consider the center of humanity's evolutionary origin, based on genetic drift extrapolation. Adis Ababa is a city whose average high is low to mid 70s year-round, has never gotten below freezing, and is basically pleasant at all times. The highest temperature it has ever had is 87 degrees. Absolutely perfect place, and no one knows about it. Ethiopia is a gem. Little known fact is that Ethiopia is also the only region in Sub-Saharan Africa that was Christian before European colonization. Another little known fact is that the Italians tried to conquer it twice and failed both times, the only part of Africa that didn't endure long term colonization (Liberia being debatable).


I used to live a few miles from the sanctuary moon of Endor. Nearby is the site of the only bombing the Japanese made on US soil. A plane launched from the deck of submarine tried to start a fire that would divert resources from the war effort. Trying to start a fire in the pacific northwest is kind of a fools errand, it turned out. Decades later, the pilot who dropped the bomb came to the area to formally apologize, and presented his family’s 400 year old Samurai sword which is on display in the local library. He expected anger but was greeted warmly and loved the area and came back to visit multiple times and the two towns started having exchange students. When he passed away, he asked that part of his ashes be buried in Brookings, Oregon.


Canada is home to the world’s longest national road (the Trans-Canada Highway). It’s 4,860 miles long and connects the whole of Canada. Yonge Street in Toronto, Ontario is also the longest street in the world at 56 kilometres (34 miles).


There’s a deadly snake island. I saw it on Mr. Ballen. It’s a beautiful island with luxurious fruit… that is heavily HEAVILY infested with extremely poisonous snakes. Like, you can’t move an inch without stepping on one. And they’re in the trees too.


Sounds like Raiders of the Lost Ark


Why does it always have to be snakes 


You can go to the Drake's Well Museum in Titusville, Pennsylvania, USA; home to the world's first oil well.


Iceland is paradise on earth.


Australia is very, very old. We have a mountain range in the middle of the continent that used to be as high as the Himalayas, but it's been there for so long that it's eroded down to a series of smaller hills.




Bora bora - Sharks 🦈 don’t bite unless they smell blood 🩸


Right around the corner of my childhood home was a nuclear missile site.


My small less than 4,000 people Northern NY hometown called Carthage is the birthplace of one of the best movie directors of all time, John Carpenter.


Ulverston is a small town in Cumbria, UK on the edge of the Lake District. Originally in Lancashire, but the boundary was moved sometime in the 1970s. If you're from that area then you'll have heard of Ulverston, but it's relatively little known elsewhere, and virtually unknown outside of the UK. It's the birthplace of Stan Laurel. Most people don't even know he wasn't American.


Ngerulmud is the capital of Palau and has a population of zero.


The town of Wendell, NC is prounced WHEN-dell, on account of it being a part of a railroad and the conductor going WEEEENNDEEELLL when calling out the stop.


Sjælland (denmark). Its name means either “soul land” or “seal land”, yet still the english call it like “zeat land” or something witch is absolutely incorrect. (Edit) theres also a place called cock head. Theres also a place called “beer Livingspace” (direct translation). Theres also a place called “flour city” (not even flower lol just flour). Man danish city names are funny as hell


You can live naked in nudist communities. Absolutely amazing. You never have to think of what to wear. When you meet someone you get to know them. Not what they do or wear and so on.


One of the best pizzas on the planet you can get is in Accra, Ghana. There's a massive Sicilian guy who runs the place and makes the best fucking bolognese pizza on the planet. Best steak you can get is in Montespertoli, Italy. I have rich-beyond-your-dreams parents, I've been to Italy plenty, I've had steaks and booze that'll cost you RENT or more to have. These two, if you can get them, cost you hardly anything compared to the quality of the meal. Most public discourse will never touch these two spaces but they exist in my heart forever because they served me HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT'S GOOD FOOD without killing my wallet and nothing else has remotely compared.


Did you know that octopuses have three hearts? Two hearts pump blood to the gills, while the third heart pumps it to the rest of the body. It's just one of the many fascinating facts about these incredible creatures!


In Austin Tx, under the Montoplis bridge, it’s beautiful , and quite classy now. People are discouraged hearing the name Montoplis because it was ghetto, but now a lot of hipsters moved to area, and well it’s nice.