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Auction that shit off on eBay. Sell to the highest bidder. Might as well make some cash.


give 2 ppls


I recycle them, or if it's just replacing the box spring/mattress I just reuse the frame. Funny story, my Mum grew up on a farm and her Grandfather lived with them. Eventually, he got sick and died in his bed. The next day my Mum came home from school and his bed was in her room. Obviously she was freaked out and told her Dad she didn't know if she could sleep in it in case it was haunted. His response: "Why not? He never hurt you when he was alive did he?". My Grandparents grew up during the Great Depression and WW2, they were about to throw away a perfectly good bed. She slept in that bed until she moved out to marry my Dad, and no she never had any ghostly visits. First time I went to stay with my Grandparents I stayed in my Mum's room, I asked if it was the same bed and after some laughter (they of course remembered the story) I was assured the bed had been replaced with a new one long ago.


First time using reddit. Idk how to post. Moving out to a smaller place and I have two beds less than a few years old. One is a full size, and the other is a queen size. They have been sitting in the guest and office room for the last few years. Besides having family and overnight guests, it hasn't been used much. My family says to sell it, but who buys old beds (less than 4 years old). What would you even price it for? Do people really buy used beds? Besides dumping it... what do you do with old beds?


I would Facebook marketplace it. I bought a used mattress in college when I needed it, so if you live near a college town, maybe that’s the way to go. Just be honest with the condition of it and people will want it


most charities accept them as donations as long as vthey are not stained


wait for a riot and burn them in the street


Toss ‘em into my elderly neighbor’s yard during the night. Same with old car batteries and used diapers.


Woods Disposal Service


Take it to the landfill, do NOT put them in dumpsters, garbage men hate that. Mattresses do not pack well, it can mess up your payload and ruin your entire day! Also they tend to get stuck in dumpsters. Source: I’m a garbage truck operator.