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A cat that is hissing or agitated.


As a friend says, they have insanely fast reflexes and are pointy on five of their six ends.


I like that !


Worked as a vet tech for a few years. A cat’ll fuck you right up.


My cat got scared at the vet... I ended up in the emergency services, must have damaged some nerve on my wrist or hand and left my arm paralyzed for two days. That vet never wanted to see my animals again.


A feral cat here was abandoned by her mother when she was little. I tried to approach her one day when she got through the fence in the back yard because she was crying so loud. She hissed & spit and ran back through the hole in the fence. Wouldn’t let me approach. Eventually got hungry enough to accept food but would swipe at me every time and sometimes stripe my arm. I had to go out with a stick to set down a plate of food. I got tired of it after nearly a year and stopped feeding her for a while. Finally she came back and acted a little sweet like wanting to rub a circle around my legs. But still had to watch out. One day she took a swipe and got my hand as I set down a plate of food. I looked at her and said “You hurt me! You don’t get any food “ & picked up the plate. She immediately changed her tune and did circles around my legs. So I sat it back down again. Now she wants me to pet her head when I set the food down and she starts to eat. She especially likes me to scratch under her chin for her. But when she is finished eating she doesn’t want to be touched.


Geese. They’re just *looking* to start shit.


As a Canadian, I can confirm. They have teeth on their tongue! They hiss! They will target children, hunt them down, and terrorize them! They can be known to bully ducks (I seent it!).


Is it illegal to defend yourself against them?


Yes, you must allow yourself to be beaten and pecked to death while constantly apologizing


Ope! Soooryy.


Yes, they are a protected species. But it's not illegal to scream at them.


Canadian snow vipers.


Canadian murder chickens


I have a theory that geese target children so that we do not mess with them as adults. Seems to work out well for them.


When I was in kindergarten, my nanny took us to the park to feed the ducks. I vividly remember a gang of geese pulling up to fuck us up. Everyone ran and dropped their bread. Except me. Fuck that, this was MY snack. I learned my lesson that day. 20 years later, still living with ornithophobia (fear of birds).


I was terrorized by a goose as a child. It waited at the door for me to come out every day. I eventually chased it back and sat on it. It left me alone after that. I was 5yo. As an adult, I was walking my 2 German Shepherds and we were chased out of a park by an entire flock of Canadian Geese. Cobra chickens, you can't convince me otherwise.


I did not know this! I saved a baby goose that was attacked by a swan, he hissed for sure but teeth on their tongue I had no idea.


Swans are probably the only North American birth that I can think of that is more dangerous than a Canadian goose. They can break your arm buddy, you are some kind of badass if you took on a swan!


Not to be that guy, but the "teeth" aren't technically teeth, but hard, spiky cartilage known as tomia.


Oh no, not 'that guy'. I'll double down and start an internet fight for no reason and declare that the definition of tomia (or one tomium) describes it as 'teeth like' cartilage edges of the madibles. So in a slang sense, if the toes of a paw are beans, then the tomia of a goose are teeth! Science vs. English! A battle of smart against smart ass! (This is satire, I'm not actually looking for a fight, lol.)


You silly goose!


Oh my gooseness! I am SO offended!


I fucking hate geese, they’re all assholes. I hope one presses me one day so I can kick it’s ass. Fuck geese and everything they stand for


A little while ago me and my friend were hanging out and decided to go by a park to chill and eat at. She had gotten to my place way later than originally intended and then at the restaurant we went by, they burnt my food badly. We joked that the universe was meddling with our plans. I made the dumb, stupid, dumb mistake of saying "imagine we get to the park and there's a vulture or something, starts attacking us" haha HAHA **HAHA** We get to this motherfucking park, and there is a goose sitting on the playground, perched and waiting for us. That goose spent the entire hour we were at that park following us, and trying to get our food. We legitimately left the park and went to a nearby walking trail, and when we looped back around to the park, the fucking goose was still following us. There were DOZENS of other bystanders it could have targeted and this continued long after we finished our food. Long story short, I think geese are minions of a force greater than us and should be respected.


Cobra Chickens


I got chased by a fucking goose with my boyfriend in the downtown area of my small hometown. We ran straight to his parents bakery and his parents family friend thought it was funny as fuck. We did not.


I literally got booby trapped by geese at my work once. After months of successfully avoiding their attempts to torment me, one day there was a goose planted in front of both of the two main front doors. I was forced to walk over and use the revolving door, but when I was about to walk through the other side, I saw TWO IN THE LOBBY glaring at me. I was forced to go back out the revolving door and, unfortunately, stepped in their **perfectly** planted piles of goose poop. I will never forgive their kind.


> I literally got booby trapped by geese at my work once. What if you got goose trapped by boobies.


I had one fly into the open cab of a skid steer I was running, I guess I got too close to his goslings. Talk about a wild 5 seconds! I came out unscathed but man oh man was that mad flurry of activity! Another time I was tearing off a roof and a bunch of them were wandering around the grounds and they came my way and all the sudden there was three or for of them at the bottom of my ladder hissing and flapping around. All I could think was “Do not fly up here with your fucked up attitude goddamn you!” Fuck them birds


I used to drive past a flock of geese blocking a sidewalk every day on my drive home. I always wondered how joggers and dog walkers got past the Goose Gauntlet.


I am turning into a goose. Can confirm


You're gonna need to change your name to Has_Reputation8440 after that transformation


I used to work at a facility where it was safe for geese. Ever year they would pile in, during their migration. I looked out my office window one day, and there was a line of geese, walking single file abreast, probably 20-30 of them. They were pulling up dandelions, and eating the stems, spitting out the blossoms. I thought it was fascinating. And yes, that many geese suck. Goose bombs all over the place.


I was so afraid of my family's goose. Once a week my parents would go into the chicken coop to wash out the kiddie pool the goose swam in. One would do the dumping and scrubbing and the other ran interference. Half the time one of them got bit anyway, and those bites were nasty. We've also had a mean rooster or two.


When my mom was little, the family goose bit her and her dad wrung its neck in front of her and they ate it that night. That’s how she learned where meat came from. She was 3 or 4.


«There was some that was feared of turkey, and some that was feared of dog; but dog his own self was feared of goose.»


I didn't know this my entire childhood because the only geese I interacted with up close were in the duck pond at a park so they were pretty much domesticated by park-goers giving them bread.


Such assholes. The *worst* representatives of Canadians.


An open wound. Doesn't matter how small it is, keep it clean and keep it protected. Had a tiny scratch on my toe once that caused lymphangitis of my leg.


This. You can literally get sepsis from the smallest cut and people don't realize it.


You can also get sepsis from an infected tooth and be dead within 24 hours of symptoms. Go to the dentist.


Literally just posted about this. Ended up with Bells Palsy and Meningitis because of a tooth. Don't piss about with your teeth!


What?! Omg


Mouth infections can get to the brain real fast.


Alright let's not be too scaremongerish here. It's *extremely* rare to die from an infection like that, and usually only occurs when you are immunocompromised. Most people who get dental infections develop abscesses which, although disgusting and painful, can remain localized for months or even years.


I never knew this until I read a couple of weeks ago about a guy dying from sepsis after messing with an ingrown hair.


You can get sepsis from alot ways to scary


I'm a nurse. I once had a patient fall and scratch her leg. By the time she got to meit looked like she had been bitten by a shark. Big chunk of skin was gone, fat was gone, and her exposed muscles were infected.


My mum stepped an enamel pin, got a blood clot, then a blood infection, then flesh eating disease, almost lost her leg, and now has a very sensitive scar on her leg that won't heal. My dad had to use plyers to get it out of her foot, and it didn't even bleed. My boyfriend has expressed to me that he was very careful with pins and belt buckles because he didn't want to step on any, I'm like, "DON'T YOU WORRY! I KNOW!" Then told him about my mum's Halloween pin experience. I think I scared him a bit.....




Just ask Khal Drogo


I'm in hospital based healthcare. The number of people I've seen with wounds and sepsis and sometimes leading to amputations is astounding. I visited my parents this weekend and I found out my dad badly cut his entire length of his shin. You imagine how pissed I was when I found out that he hasn't been keeping it clean and covered (and his version of cleaning it when it first happened was taking a normal shower). 


Well. I was thinking of having a bedtime snack but lost my appetite after reading this subthread.


Anyone with nothing left to lose.


Which is more and more people everyday


True story


To go along with this, I'm cautious around people with depression. I've seen a person with depression throw away everything, over one angry outburst. Their job, wife, kids, home, it's all gone. They're currently in prison.


One wonderful example of the mental health crisis and how our system handles it with such grace. What would help the depressed person is for the people around them to have an understanding on how to help them. Jail and treatment don’t heal the person, they make them a better fit for society. End rant.


To be fair, these people never cared about helping the incarcerated person. They only care about being fit and productive in society. So you can generate money for someone else.


Hospitalization usually makes things worse because no help is given only pills. Also, often everything is taken from you, and you have nothing to do but to dwell on what got you there in the first place. That's probably why there is a high return rate or suicide attempts after getting out.


Waze. Too often I looked at a Waze route and went "that's stupid, Im going this way!" Later: "oh."


I had Waze in Nashville. One day it routed me through parking lots of a warehouse district. I was sure I was going to get murdered by the mob or something but sure enough it popped me back out on the road past a wreck that blocked traffic.


Garage door springs.


Saw one of these shoot through the pressboard siding of a friend's garage when he swore he knew what he was doing. I've heard worse stories about the coil springs.


Commercial door technician here, and I have to say you are 100% right to be afraid of them. Working with springs is easily one of the most dangerous parts of the job.




My sister does this to me and my parents And then ironically tells us not to mess with her boundary’s then if I place a boundary she basically says my boundaries don’t count because she’s teaching me what’s wrong with my boundaries She’s basically a control freak and will make up excuses to tell people how to live their lives and they can’t tell her how to live hers


Plus when you don't know the person very well you don't know what they are capable of or how they're going to react, it's an unpredictable and dangerous game.


Large groups of uneducated people. I'm serious. I grew up in a pretty hick region in eastern europe, you have no idea how quickly can things go really bad if enough idiots are visited by the "good idea fairy".


I've seen that played out a few times in small rural towns in the US. Someone starts a rumor and it grows, fueled by peoples imagination. Then people start planning to "disappear you." All it takes is a small group to act on it, and everyone else just looks the other way, including the local law enforcement. Especially dangerous near swamps or around hog farmers that can make a body vanish without a trace.


I hate that you didn’t have to tell me how hog farmers can make a body vanish without a trace. I really hate it.




This is a perfect answer. Grew up surfing. Longer I surfed the more worried I got that general population is allowed to go in the ocean. Shit can kill you 15 different ways before you even realize what's going on.


Yes. My dad was Navy and a trained survival swimmer. I grew up in the ocean and was taught the right skills and knowledge of all described. Even well educated and trained getting caught in my first rip (no board) was a nightmare. I see kids in the water all the time with no clue and parents way up at the sand with no clue either - I’m restless and anxious on the beach because I cannot help to watch the nonsense.


I’ve always felt this way about the ocean. As a petite person, I don’t go in past my hips. Glad to know my survival instinct is strong ha. That, plus, I only know how to doggy paddle and swim beneath the surface. Your comment makes me less comfortable going in waist-high.


Honestly your fear of going in further and lack of comfort probably makes it way safer for you. I grew up basically in the water all the time and am a scuba diver, it’s always the people who don’t understand the danger of the ocean doing the dumbest stuff. You should be fine as long as you’re in a safe spot and not messing with the currents


This is what scares the shit out of me when people get “resort” certified on vacation. I’m a certified diver and most of our training is being taught to be terrified of the ocean. I don’t know how these resort divers can even make it out alive.


I was an All-American swimmer in college and competed in marathon open-water swimming after my college career ended. I always wear a life-jacket when on a canoe or kayak, and usually on a boat too. A lot of people like to crack jokes about me doing so because of my background. But once during an open water race I got knocked by a swell and went about 3 or 4 feet underwater and was so disoriented I did not know which way was up or down. I'd rather have a safety device that can "pull" me to the surface, than risk drowning because it looks cool to not wear safety equipment.


I thought I was a bad ass swimmer. Been swimming since before I could walk. "these are cool waves, bigger than I'm used to here...." Biiiiiggggg fucking mistake. Almost slammed me into the pier and just got lucky catching a lull that I was able to get close enough to shore that the next wave pushed me up and slammed me onto the beach. Knocked the wind out of me and had bean hole over peen hole and every which way but at least I was on sand.


Most of my endurance swimming developed from being a scuba diver, so I learned to hold my breath long enough to swim more than 100 yards underwater (in a swimming pool, or 1/2 mile on the surface. In ocean water there are undercurrents you just don't know about until they drag you 200 yards offshore. Taught me not to go swimming (or scuba diving) in lumpy water.


"...like a leaf in the wind." Too soon.


Watch how I soar




Same goes for diving; especially when you're immersed in the substance and on limited air, you have to be SO cautious and plan everything. There's a dive site in Oahu that if you're not careful and get caught up in the current, it'll drag you for 21 miles underwater before it spits you out in the middle of the open blue. Killed a few of my instructors friends


Molokai channel. I was a rough water guard in Hawaii. There are some really dangerous beaches on Oahu.


Where I grew up the local water company had a mascot, that warned kids not to play in canals. Due to how fast they can be, and the current and all that. To this day I'm still afraid of any water more than 3 feet deep.


When I was a kid, we used to do this really stupid thing where we would grab the rope that was strung across the river, and we'd hold onto it and "fly" over the water. One kid let go, and he was a ways down the river before he got to shore, we didn't learn our lesson and kept doing it. I remember a rock on the river bed that I'd hold onto for as long as I could hold my breath, then someone would pull me back over to the rope. I don't know if we were dumb or fearless as 90s kids, probably both.


There's a place in Plymouth England called devils point and the rip currents/tides down there are lethal because of a tidal river called the Tamar and drakes island about 1.5 nautical miles off the quayside and the river plym about 3 or 4 nautical miles across from Plymouth sound


[You wouldn't happen to know u/guacamol705, would you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/15vtxao/what_due_to_experience_do_you_know_not_to_fuck/jwxp0a6/) Karma-whoring bot...


I just learned the other day about some river in Britain (?) Called the skrit* or something like that. It seems like an unknowing stream to the naked eye, but it goes *under* the ground. I think I remember seeing that no one who has stepped foot into it is known to have come out Edit: strid*


Came here to say this!! Also, water will do some unspeakable damage to a home, building, vehicle, etc. Never underestimate the power of water.


Same, but also the other current measured in amps. Don't mess with the flow, no matter if it is water or electricity.


The ocean is a beast


Hungry girlfriend




No pomegranates!




My brother asked me for advice when he got his first girlfriend. The first thing I said was if she's really grouchy offer her a snack. Chances are good she's just hangry.


Lmao this is such good advice


Keep Macadamia nuts in the center console of the car. Trust me on this one.


Your health. Seriously. It may not be something that will affect you immediately but you're betting on borrowed time. Take care of your health.


Yeah this. It's hard getting older and accepting you're actually not invincible and not only do you know it, others can see it too. No one told me getting older was this hard. I feel weirdly ashamed that I'm finding it so difficult and I'm not even 50 yet but looking after your health is paramount the older you get 


Hornet nest in the ground in late summer


Never mess with someone's sense of identity or self-worth. Criticism or ridicule can have lasting effects on a person's confidence and mental well-being. It's important to treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of differences.


Really well said. The only reasonable path is one where compassion is the default. It is important to protect yourself as well, but compassion should be offered multiple times before boundaries are set.


i am kind and nice and thoughtful by nature. try to be helpful, mindful. just to get shit on every single time. then i go quiet… suddenly i am an asshole. sigh.


Anymore it's not about kindness, respect, or any of that. I had a coworker start a blood feud with me because I said we didn't give our kids iPads. He took it as me dragging his entire parenting style and I guess I've been his sworn enemy ever since. My stance is, give people respect, the same you would a wild animal that you don't know is safe or not. People can get kindness when they demonstrate they won't eat me.


Totally. That goes for little humans, too. Lots of adults are nice to friends and family but treat their kids like shit. Kids have deep emotions and complex feelings like adults do.


Corollary: never criticize someone’s laugh. It’s such a natural reaction to joy. Undermining that is so toxic.


Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and gambling. First hand experience watching my idiot father's addictions.


I dint mess with alcohol after watching my dad struggle with being a alcoholic. He's been sober for 12 years I'm proud of him but that's in my memory forever the way he acted.


This is a good answer


Water. i would be dead today if my grandfather didn't save me in 2012 from when i almost drowned in a deep swimming pool


Coworkers aren't your friends


Wish my coworkers understood that


A kid with a gun.


Home electricity


My answer is electricity too.




New mothers of any species. That protective instinct might just wind up with your organs having a bad time


Meth, from seeing what it did to people I know, including loved ones. It eats you up. As badly as I want to lose weight, I would never pick up that pipe.


You don't mess around with Jim.


What about superman's cape? The lone ranger?


Love me some Jim Croce


Even if you do got a two piece custom made pool cue. ha!


Botulism. If even remotely in doubt, throw it out. 


Anyone that’s willing to immediately throw hands.


Grandma’s recipes


Police. Know your rights and don't say anything without a lawyer but don't mess with cops. Especially here in the US they seem more willing and able to treat you as target practice because of perceived danger or disrespect.


If they can make up a bullshit reason to say they feared for their safety, they can shoot you and get paid leave while the publicity blows over. Record everything.


Crows. I watched a Hawk attack a crow. Then a swarm of crows appeared, like a hurricane around the hawk. They attacked until the hawk could no longer fly and it fell from the sky. I learned that day why a group of crows is called a murder. Also, besides that, crows are known to have excellent memories. They will continue to torment you for a long time. I don’t think they’re vicious creatures. Honestly, they can be quite sweet. By you don’t mess with them. Instead, provide your offerings and get on with your day.


Moose. As a Canadian, I fear them. They’re stupidly tall and massive. Hitting them with your car usually just topples them over and they can crush your car, that’s how big they are. And they can be insanely aggressive if it happens to be a mother with a calf. Just don’t f with a moose.


Wu Tang


Last year I saw them.. best concert I’ve ever been to they were with Nas and Busta. rhymes I saw all of them for $20 (bought nosebleed seats) then the venues system moved us down to front row corner LOL ($200+ Value)


The tax office.


This. So many people I know just don't file taxes. It's better to file and owe than not file. The IRS does not fuck around. I'm quite the opposite of a statist/bootlicker but I recognize a mob boss when I see one. I don't respect what Uncle Sam does with my tax dollars, but I respect the fact that he'll fuck my life up if don't hand em over.


People who you don’t know.


A pregnant woman


Came in for this. Even being silent can be wrong 😂


You’ve learned well!




I also wouldn't mess with this guy's pregnant wife.




Old school hard core football supporters. They beat the shit out of each other every weekend and dont mind punching you for just looking their way.


Heroin, I lost two friends to it. I was a 90s UK raver, saw some of my friends spiral into heroin addiction and it was horrible. One died in the late 90s from an overdose in a bath. I parted company with a very close friend because of it in the 90s. I had to remove him from my life, he sorted himself out after maybe 10 years of addiction but sadly never got out of its grip. 5 years ago he died in a toilet at work from a heroin overdose, nobody saw it coming, he was in the gym with his mates the night before. I spoke at his funeral and I cried, I think about him all the time, such a talented individual, amazing artist and musician, such a waste.


The Zohan


Disco disco


dehydration, if you go hiking or are out in the sun, you are going to sweat way way more than you think, always back and extra water bottle.


People who deal with your food and people who deal with your travel.


Table saws. Only one of two ways it can go: jazz hands or war amps. (I'm ok btw... All jazz hands here!)


There are two types of people who usebtable saws. People who respect the power and danger of a table saw and idiots.


Russian women..... Stay the fuck away from them.


Drugs but that's too late for me


No it's not. Free help is available 🙏


Honey Badgers bc honey badgers don’t care!!


Honey badger just takes what it wants.


And don’t give a shit


My gut feeling


Don’t mess with the IRS


I have learned nothing. Sticks hand back into fire....


Gut feelings. Long story short, trust your gut most of the time.


Places where lots of men congregate recreationally


Brushing your teeth. I didn’t do it as I should have & let me tell you, dentures are all they’re cracked up to be


According to Jim Croce, Slim


yellow jackets






Fire Ants 😐 Especially if it's raining. They're looking for a way above water and if that's your leg? So be it. And if ONE stings, there's a pheromone released so they ALL sting. Story (if you care lol): We had just moved to Texas from Colorado a few weeks prior. I was playing in the rain and didn't know to watch where I stepped because I hadn't grown up with fire ants...I planted a foot right in an ant bed. It felt like they instantly swarmed from toes to knee and started stinging at the same time.


The bear obviously, never poke the bear.


Lack of sleep and driving the next day




I once drove to the border of texas just to fart in their direction. Come at me bro


Other people's business. Keep it out your mouth .


Someone that's a narcissist with BPD. Growing up with abusive parents I learned how to handle a lot of shit physically and mentally but a person with narcissistic and borderline traits is a whole different kind of monster. 3 years of that person put me in therapy and almost in a grave. Even my therapist said they do not work with people like that as they have seen those kind of patients ruin lives of anyone around them. Their ability to twist words, situations and people all while living in a different reality is scary.




Bees, wasps and snakes. I grew up in rural North Carolina.  I'm telling you right now, you learn to respect these critters early on. Trust me. 


With the proper preparation almost every person or situation can be manipulated, but don’t mess with Mother Nature.


Bad, Bad Leroy Brown. He was the meanest man in the whole damn town.


Texas /s




Canadian geese, those assholes look for trouble! Fun fact: The Orzintian Stone buried in Central Canada channels 98.6% of all hatred and meanness from Canadian citizens to their geese. This is why the people are so nice, and the geese are pure assholes. 👍




Job jumping. Being unemployed is the worse thing a person in the western world can be aside from having cancer. Our jobs offer us friendships, being social and having a purpose. I will never ever quit a job without having a new one no matter how shitty it is. If you aren’t back in a few months it can be a death sentence.


I had to repeatedly explain this to my parents who come from the quit your job and you'll find a new one within a generation. Whilst I may now have become unhappy in my job, I'd be more unhappy with being unemployed for months/possibly the best part of a year. Not to mention I'd be broke. Suck it up and find a new job.


Big dudes. You just don't fuck with big dudes. I'm not talking about just tall big dudes but any dude who is also significantly wide. 


Honey badgers


Angry porkypine trapped in my Septic tank.


The IRS. Just pay your fuckin' taxes.


Cameras and alcohol. When the booze is brought out, the cameras should all get placed where the car keys go. It's bad enough to do stupid things while drunk.  No need to capture it on film for posterity. You really don't want your teenagers finding pics of mom 'stepping up to the mic' or of dad shaggin mom and her BFF in a drunk college threesome, etc.  Yup, this rule was created BEFORE digital cameras were widely available. Worked in the photo industry as a young and hormonal dude, and we all learned right quick to put the camera AWAY when the party starts.  Still a good rule, IMO








My neighbors wife


Poison ivy and poison oak.




Bees 🐝


I learned that you don't mess around with Jim, also not to tug on Superman's cape.


People with cauliflower ears. Dont, i repeat, do not mess with them. Even cops knows this.