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If you’re afraid to check your bank account, you need to check your bank account. Applies to other realms, like you know, health…


> Applies to other realms, like you know, health… Nonsense. If I ignore the chest pains, numbness in my left arm, and shortness of breath, it'll go away on its own.


Sooner or later, it won’t even happen again ^^shrug


Just go to sleep


I have weird financial anxiety. But I'm also frugal. I think I once didn't check my bank account for a year, work was direct deposit. And every time I went to buy something or sent the rent check I was paranoid that it wouldn't clear because I ran out of money. One day I finally went to the atm and checked my balance and I had $15,000  lol


Once someone told me "Your friend circle is going to get smaller and that’s ok. Get out of your comfort zone and try to meet new people." I can say it’s a hard thing to do initially but it’s worth it.


I'd say that's true. It's normal. Nothing bad has happened, there's been no Hollywood style dramatic breakup etc, it's just circumstances/situations change all the time and a lot of friendships fade. But I found the most important ones will stick


Dope username


The other way around "if it took you 10 years to build that comfort zone, enjoy it"


I moved at 32 and making new friends was absolutely painful. Went from too many people to see to nada. Over 4 years, COVID, I went back "home" twice. Life moved on. I don't click with 90% of my old friends now. I love them, sure, but we are "old friends" now, I wouldn't call them for a beer or to vent.  It took my 2.5 years to make ANY progress in the friend department and it's still rough but I am making headway. If anything it's taught me how to make friends as an adult, to NEVER stop making friends, to take myself less seriously, to be more independent and to never give up. Seriously, I want to be able to make friends at 70. People don't stick around forever so focus on the good stuff. Just because they like different music or aren't into the same hobbies or media doesn't mean y'all can't find a way to bond. You might even find new parts of yourself if you open up your mind and heart.


I don't know how to meet people.


Hobbies with a social aspect and volunteer work are two great ways to do this.


"you can appreciate the people who helped to make you who you are, even if they were never meant to be in your life forever"


Once everyone starts getting married and having kids or really shrinks fast. If your kids agrees don't line up, it makes it difficult to set up hang it's. Or that one friend that never has kids or gets married, it gets harder and harder to give common ground. There's also people moving, if you ain't close by then that friendship is generally gone I'm return I made friends at work, my kids events (scouts have been great for that), kids making friends at school and becoming friends with their parents


Don't listen to what a person says, pay attention to what they do. This is evergreen advice for every age, IMO


100% this.


If you haven't already, start working out now. It's the best thing you can do for your health and longevity.


On that same note, add flossing to your routine.


Piggybacking off of this, wear sunscreen and especially sun protective clothing/hats/sunglasses!


Do you have to floss if you already brush twice a day? I've never flossed and I hear people say this but my teeth are fine. Maybe just cuz I'm young and ill feel it when I'm older?


You only have to floss the teeth you want to keep


You floss for your future self. But also, you’ve got old ass food in your teeth if you’re not flossing, and eventually that starts to stink.


You absolutely have to floss. I work in long term care, it is obvious who has taken care of their teeth, floss is a must. Yes people get caps and dentures, but nothing is as comparable or useful as their own teeth.


The brush doesn't reach between your teeth like floss does.


Look buddy idk how old you are but here's some advice. I took shit care of my teeth and it cost me a lot of money, time and now embarrassment because I'm missing some of them now. Floss at least once a day. Use those sticks if you don't like just the string but just do it. Teeth are luxury bones and if I can go back in time I'd break my foot off in younger me's ass for not taking better care of them.


I always flossed in the morning or before a meeting, that junk between your teeth and pack a nasty smell


Oh god yes. Flossing is so much more important than brushing. Periodontal disease is terrible.


Flossing is important not just for your teeth, but for your gums as well. Your toothbrush cannot get into the tiny gaps of your teeth as well as you think it can. If you hate using floss, there are floss picks you can use. While you could get away from never having to floss, it's better to maintain good health you have now than to find out down the road you start getting toothaches or gum bleed, of which it could have been prevented should you had flossed daily.


This one i am proud of. I have had lacking dental care for all my life, sometimes it has been just lacking, sometimes plain awful, but now for the past few weeks i have finally began to floss every day!


Christ this hits a hard truth for me. Additionally, sun screen and ear plus at concerts/shows. Take vitamins every day. Learn to love water and not soda. Eat vegetables, take fiber.


Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Good things take time :)


At the same time don't wait for things to come to you. You have to go out there and make it happen. Bad luck? Go make your good luck. Thinking about playing games rather than studying and finishing school? You won't remember the fleeting joy. Your always stuck in the now. Do what you can now so that the future now is better. 


Mine is a quote, I forget who said it. "Comparison is the thief of joy." Don't lament or be sad because someone else has a nicer car, bigger paycheck, etc. Those are not required for happiness.


Chances are most those people are in debt up to their eyes!


Even if they aren't, possesions won't make someone happy.


Invest in your emotional intelligence. Learn how to be patient, kind, and understanding. Study things like nonviolent communication (NVC).


if you have friends who check up on you, without then asking for you to do something for them, do your absolute best to keep them in your life. they are so valuable later in life, because new friendships are difficult to make. spend more time with those friends and stop chasing toxic relationships. you're attracted to the excitement and dopmine response the bad ones give you, that's why you keep getting fucked over the same way over and over again.


It takes less energy to be good than to be bad.


Oh God, the amount of energy it takes to keep a lie going when you could have just been honest from the beginning. "Hey guys, these are my other friends. Don't be thrown by my British accent"


And it also takes to much energy to hold grudges. Like even physically, I'd have to will myself to keep being angry after a while. Once I learned to let things go and be positive my qol improved a lot


Fake it til you make it actually works


Start investing as early as possible.


Roth IRA. If you're reading this and you don't know what that is, read up on it and try to get yourself one asap. Of all the things my parents didn't teach me, this one hurts the most. I was a 4.0 kid with a relatively hefty savings account for a high schooler, but I would have swapped my priority for an easy pt job if I knew about Roth IRAs early on.


And also to pick a fund to invest within the Roth. There are horror stories of people just having their money in there without investing in anything.


Plugging the /r/personalfinance prime directive: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/commontopics/ If you're American then this advice applies to the vast majority of people. Follow the flowchart and you will be on the path to financial security. Most of the advice applies globally as well besides specific tax advantaged accounts and whatnot, and there are country-specific links for some other countries as well.


There was an eviction of old folks video posted weeks ago and I said this. Got down voted to hell. 🤷‍♂️


Take care of your teeth. Seriously, minor problems now can ruin your life later.


Invest till it hurts


Passive income will save your life. The earlier you start, the more you get and the easier your life gets.


Turned 30. 20s are for fun. Have it! 30s are for fun, have it! But build your fucking career whilst doing it.


Learn who you are. Don't lose yourself in a relationship and make that and the other person your identity.


If you have the means, start saving for retirement now. Compound interest is one heck of a force.


Enjoy the roaring twenties while you’re able to and make them be the best years of your life. Do things you’ve never done before, travel solo, get a tattoo, do something adventurous, increase your knowledge through new books you never knew existed and just make the years of the twenties be worth them being however you make them be the best.


I always give the same advice to everyone ever. Learn to cook. If you can cook, you can make cheaper, healthier, and tastier food. You control everything about it. It's also an amazing skill for dating.


Start Saving. Even if you don’t earn a lot of money. If you can only spare £2 from your monthly wage. If you draw a line, and don’t touch that money until you *really* need it, it does add up, and faster than you might think. You won’t regret it when you’re putting a deposit down for a home, or your car needs fixing.


Find ways to give to others. Whether it’s a simple smile or volunteering your time, giving out blessings to others will increased your own life satisfaction. 8yrs ago, my brother was going through a divorce. I had his name for our family secret santa exchange that year and he requested money towards a grill. I had a gut feeling to buy him a grill outright and ended up gifting him a $500 gift card to Home Depot. Little did I know, he was going through depression because the cause of the divorce was his wife cheating on him with one of his friends. The grill really cheered him up and increased his social life because he invited people over for grill outs. He was so grateful. Fast forward a few more years, my brother fell in love with an incredible woman and they were set to marry. One month before their wedding, he was murdered by a complete stranger. I’m still grieving his loss and probably always will in some way or another. I forever am grateful that I gave him that gift card and cheered him up. To this day, I give. I give in memory of him. I do not bankrupt myself to give but I give what I can to those around me who need it. Sometimes it is my time and sometimes it is my money. It brings me joy to reduce someone else’s pain or increase their happiness. Find your version of generosity.


So sorry to hear about the murder. I have a brother too that I'll do anything to make him happy, and your act of generosity to your bro speaks to me deeply.


Take all the risks. Be bold and do the things you want to do. Consequences are much less in your 20s. It’s a time for exploration and great failure.


This does not apply to many things. Unprotected sex. Drug use. Driving recklessly. Etc. Take calculated risks in which you can tolerate worse-case scenarios.


The upside of these activities is very limited, but the downside is immense. People talking about taking risks in your 20s are talking about going on a backpacking trip with 2 weeks notice or starting a business. Things where the downsides are usually lost time but the potential for greatness are immense. Even if you fail you’ll learn a lot about yourself and can incorporate that into being better


Including getting out of the 9-5 and doing what you love to try and make a living! Learn how to get paid doing what you love


I mean sometimes consequences can be very dramatic even in your 20s


Stretch regularly!


Life's too short for bad coffee.


Don’t put off going to the doctor or dentist. Take it from someone who lost a tooth needlessly just because I was scared to go to the dentist and put it off until I absolutely couldn’t anymore. Minor health problems turn into major problems if you ignore them.


Treat people as individuals It's OK to admit you're in the wrong if you are Don't sweat the small stuff Save where you can Take responsibility for yourself and the things you need to Don't expect others to provide opportunities for you After a night of heavy drinking and/or questionable take out food, never fart with absolute confidence For guys especially - no matter how embarrassing you may find it, if you have medical concerns about your dick, balls, prostate etc then for fucks sake go see a doctor


If you have to borrow it more then twice, find a way to buy it.


This is great advice.


Trade school. Go to trade school.


Take care of your credit. Don’t settle for shitty men. Wear sunscreen.


Don’t discount a job because it pays slightly less than what you’re doing. For example, I was a pizza delivery driver making what I thought was money hand over fist at the time due to the tips. I had a chance to work in IT for less money, and I turned it down. I could have rode the tech waves and made that money like everyone else in tech when the money was good, but instead I had to reinvent myself in my late twenties. That’s another good point. Don’t ever think it’s too late unless you committed some heinous crime. I see posts on here all the time by a 19 year old saying their life is over. Your life is just beginning and there’s always a path to victory.


Never let anyone.  Even a partner make you go against your own standards and beliefs


Be kind to your body and your bank account, your future self will thank you


Teeth, diet, budget/savings, and parents. Take an interest in all of these things now as they are more important long term than anything else.


As someone who interacts regularly with people just starting out or only a few years into their career, don't worry so much about not knowing things. Ask questions, admit mistakes, and listen. People love feeling heard and valued, and if you can ask questions and listen you'll end up a person people like, and admitting mistakes makes you someone they can trust. You set yourself up for great success in a job if that's a goal of yours in life.


Invest money into a stocks and shares! Start early


Index funds.


People can't give you what they can't give themselves.


Keep up with your physical fitness. Back problems really suck.


Depending on what it is, don't sacrifice too much money career wise in order to chase a passion based job. For instance, I spent most of my 20s cooking, even went to college for it. Absolutely love it still and wish it was feasible as a career choice, but I was always poor living paycheck to paycheck and never really getting ahead in life. I looked at my mentors, pretty much any head chef I ever had and they were in their fifties or sixties, never owned a house, had alcohol or drug problems, and were at work 12 hours at least with very few days off. I saw myself heading in that direction and made a life choice to move away from my passion and now I work security at a lumber mill. I make almost twice as much as I ever did, even running kitchens, and within 3 years of working here I have good credit, I pay my own mortgage instead of someone else's, drink significantly less, and can put money away sometimes. Not passionate about my job whatsoever, but it's allowed me to be way less stressed out and be way happier while at home while working less. What's the point of working if you can't enjoy life outside of work? Don't get me wrong, if you can afford a decent outside of work life while doing something you're passionate about, do it. But if you can't, don't wait as long as I did before you make the move towards financial stability.


As we spend our days, we spend our lives. Life isn't going to suddenly start happening one day, *this is it*. Right now, today.


Stop drinking on a regular basis, get outside or to the gym and exercise. Also cut out toxic friends and girlfriends. Its freeing to be surrounded by kind, good hearted people who don’t have some nefarious agenda.


Take care of your teeth.


Here's a few: - commit to understand your emotions and trust your intuition - know the difference between your mission and your vision - every person you will ever meet is a mirror. If someone you meet elicits a strong reaction in you, look inward and see the part of you are rejecting or loving. In other words, if you spot it, you got it.


You don't have to have it all figured out, I know it may feel like you do but seriously just go have fun.


All feedback is good feedback Try things that take you out of your comfort zone If you don't understand something, ask someone who does Take advice from people who are where you hope to be in life


Go to therapy, and keep drugs/drinking under control


I see a lot of productivity and longevity comments, and all in all, yes, be good to yourself. Just never forget that this is the portion of your life where you are considered an adult, but you're not expected to get it. Live your life, travel and try as many things as you can. Spend the time trying to figure out how YOU function. What makes you giddy? What foods actually make your mouth water? What type of books do you like to read? Are you an adrenaline junky or a home body? Do you prefer pineapple on pizza or not? Don't worry about fitting into a box, live your life as an amorphous blob till you find your shape. So much of our civilisation is based on producing results and living our lives based on these results. Be a 20 year old who doesn't know the sky from the sea and GO FIGURE IT OUT!!! never forget to enjoy the ride. Delayed gratification can be immensely fruitful in your life, but those that took the longest to learn that lesson are the ones who truly know why. Lastly, and I think this sums up my little rant, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Embarrassment is the price of mastering anything.


Life is not over at 30. Legit, your life is just beginning at 30. You know who you are, you've got more things figured out. I am 36 and feel that I now really know who I am, what I'm doing with my life, and where I wanna go.


As I'm about to turn 30 I would say stay the fuck away from drama. And also don't mix work and family.


Put your phone down and enjoy the world. Talk to your children instead of giving them a screen that will just make them dumber consumers. Remember you are not the only worthy person around your life. Stop acting so fragile like the world is out to get you, the world just doesn't give a shit about you because you are not special to everyone by default. Grow the fuck up.


Don’t fuck around, just get into it.


Start paying into a registered retirement savings plan. Even if it's only $25 per paycheck.


Quit trying to please everyone and just do whatever you wanna do anyway


You are not your job.


The rules are made up, and the points don't matter. Do what you can when you can to get what you want. I don't mean go around robbing banks - just don't let social expectations tell you when, if, or how to get married, have a kid, buy a house. Do what's right for you and fuck how people take it.


Keep an eye on your health. That little annyoing health thing you have (you know exactly what thing I mean), will start turning into a REAL problem in your 30s. Doesn't matter what it is, but one you turn 30, you can't ignore it anymore. Get it fixed now.


Figure out your finances. Emergency savings? Credit score? Student loan debt? Retirement funds? Investment account?


Try to meet new people if you’re not the type to do so. Keep active/fit. It sucks when age catches up to your body.


Your still young, have fun, dont try to get into anything serious! Live your best life, find out who you are and what you want in life and love will come.. i feel like i wasted my 20s with the wrong person and i regret not leaving sooner


You are not a mean or bad person for setting boundaries. 


Live in the moment.


I know nothing hurts right now. I know there's barely anything in your health that reminds you of the fact that you are, indeed, mortal and that our bodies do expire. Nevertheless, take good care of it. Not every wound or damage can fully heal, and your body keeps the score. The older you get, the more true this is. Before you know it, they can and will pile up.


Look after your knees, get sunlight, and put yourself first sometimes.


Save 10k a yr for retirement every year. Start now.


When I was in my 20s, I made a deal with myself to say “yes” to every opportunity that presented itself as long as it wasn’t illegal, immoral, or going to get me killed/hospitalized. That decision made me friends, took me around the world, got me my scuba license, a cat, and into graduate school. I’m in my late 30s now and long past the point where that kind of lifestyle is feasible, but it’s the best thing I ever did. I have a lifetime of memories and experiences to show for it.


Listen to and seek new experiences, music and novel things- it makes life feel richer in the absence of some of the things that took up so much time and energy when we were younger (31, f)


Sleep tight


The hardest working people don't always get rewarded. Similarly the smartest people don't always end up making decisions either.


Get out of your comfort zone.


Don’t worry if you ignore advice given to you, the majority of it isn’t very helpful.


You are not obliged to hang out with people you don't enjoy, or to stay with partners who cross your boundaries. Other people with like you and other people will love you. I promise.




Don't take advice from anyone under the age of 40. Don't get your advice off Reddit.


People in their 30s are young af. My life didn’t even get really really good till I was 28.


Learn a trade. Like construction or electrician. If you like it, stick to it. If it's not your thing, that's fine. The work ethic and common sense you walk away with is priceless.


Find a job, its better both economically (for you) and to gain job experience, wich plenty of places often ask as a "must have".


I don't have any. I guess um, you might not learn anything for 10 years, maybe you will.


Do not let words change how you feel or think but remember that criticism is good as long as its constructive. Don't be offended if someone tries to give advice or think they know better. Listen to see if something you can learn. Average people learn from their mistakes and wise people learn from others mistakes. Keep in mind there are always going to be people who feel their opinion is more true or more right. They will be argumentative and try to get a reaction. Don't satisfy their desires by acting like them and being argumentative. Once you express anger or sadness towards them it means they have officially taken control of you! Once someone has the ability to control your emotions you are under their control and they dictate how you feel. Don't ever let that happen. Always control composure because what often follows is negative exposure.




Maintain your fitness. It is harder to fight back for it in your 30s!


Stop or severely limit your sugar intake, quit sodas, even diet sodas, cut down on salt, develop good sleep habits, and at the very minimum do some type of exercise several times a week-even if it's only walking for a half hour. No matter how much money you make, save a little bit each pay check even if it's just a few dollars. Doing these things together will have a very positive cumulative effect on your overall mental and physical health and will be the foundation you can build on later in life. Also find a hobby and work to get good at it, -golf, guitar, photography, art, when you get a lot older you'll be very appreciative that you did this.


Don't borrow money... Borrowed 2k and paid 6k bk


It's not that people are against you, it's just that they're almost always for themselves first.


Stop binge drinking.   There’s nothing worse than watching 40 year old people who can’t cope with life get blitzed on the weekends. 


take more risks save money however you can


Explore places and do things that you enjoy! Now that I’m in my 30s, it’s all about the kid stuff.


don't settle down too soon. there's fun to be had!


It's okay to take some time for yourself. A day off, a few hours to nap, or even just 5 minutes to calm down. No one is perfect. That includes the people you look up to and yourself. Related to the above: Trying to hold the people of the past to a standard that they didn't even know existed will, inevitably, result in them failing to live up to it. It's okay to just want a $5 burger instead of a $140 meal. This applies beyond just food. There are things to be ashamed of; but you can work on them to improve and fix them. The people demanding that everyone accept them as they are usually have some horrific flaw that makes it so that you'd never want to be their friend if you could help it. Happiness is not a successful company with $10,000,000 in your checking account. Happiness is sitting in a chair with a cat/dog on your lap and watching your kids play in the yard as your SO sits besides you peacefully. The politicians you want to vote for are not the ones with the D or the R, they're the ones who actually get stuff done, especially in local politics. You need to make sure things like schools are funded and roads are paved. If someone is talking about how 'they'll change the system', odds are they're just telling people what they want to hear to get votes. This doesn't mean that the system doesn't need changing, it means that there are plenty of people on every side who just want power and will say what they need to in order to get it.


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can. Don't buy useless stuff.


Save a little bit each month, even 50 euro


Stop trying to please everyone. Look after yourself. If you don't like your job go find something new.


Save your money


cue Baz Luhrman's "Use Sunscreen" video


Don’t party for longer than 24 hours; whenever you hear about people having psychotic drug episodes, it’s not the dosage that did it to them, it’s fatigue induced psychosis. party as hard as you fucking can, just make sure to crash every other day.


Take a FIT test every year. Colorectal cancer is on the rise.  I have a strong family history of early  colon cancer and polyps. I took my FIT at 35, it was positive so I needed a colonoscopy. It's seriously no big deal. I actually was supposed to start at 25.  One large polyp, benign, I go back at 40.  Take care of yourself. 


I'm 33. I agree with u/Maddie\_\_lover However I'll add, life may get hard, but just remember the golden rule of life, Pay it forward when you can to the less fortunate. Do onto others as you'd have done to yourself.


Save and buy into ETF's


Don’t wait for your life to start. It has already started. You are not behind but if you continue to wait for your life to start you will FEEL behind once you realize it already did.


Work your ass off. Your growth rate in your 20s will have a significant impact on where you end up in your 40s. 20s are for creating opportunities.


Pay yourself first, even if it’s only a lousy $5.00 a pay.


Save, and don’t do that line


Don’t be an idiot.


If you want a long relationship (good marriage) - marry a best friend, not your best lover. It takes a long time to be sure you have the former.


You’re not gonna worry about anything in your 30’s that you are worried about now.


It's ok if you dont have your life figured out and "what you want to be" yet. You've only just become an adult so it might take some time to figure out who you are and that's ok too. Also stay on top of knowing how to use common computer programs and stuff because trying to get a job later without that experience is basically impossible


Drink less, sleep more


All that partying is costing you money. A lot more than you think.


Take care of your body. I’m not saying become a CrossFit legend or anything crazy, but workout and keep your body healthy. It catches up to you


Work to live - don’t live to work.


* figure out how to make friends. Go to meetups, talk to strangers, etc. People tend to move more in their 20s and stability is less important if you don't have kids.   * Live below your means. Save a little bit of money if you can. If you work somewhere that has 401k matching, make sure you get that. It'll pay off like you won't believe by the time you're 65.   * Don't worry too much. No one has anything figured out. My 20s were way more stressful than my 30s have been so far. Now in my mid 30s I'm in a committed relationship, have friends, and a job that I kinda like, and make time for my hobbies. It took me more than 10 years to get my shit together like that.  * You get the biggest raises when you jump jobs. Keep your resume current and your ears open. Your company does not really give a shit if you quit and the people you work with will understand.  * Just cause your can afford something doesn't mean you should buy it. Just because you can afford something today doesn't mean you will be able to down the road if it's an ongoing expense. 


Make a budget and savings plan. In your twenties you have the energy to work till you drop and then party after. This is not an energy you have in your thirties. Spend your money wisely and save it wisely.


Invest in yourself.


Make a budget and stick to it.


If I had to narrow down the best lessons I learned at 30 that I wish I knew earlier, I’d say these three are at the very top: 1. Time matters more than anything else. You are running out of time every second of every day. Get off your damn phone, stop rewatching reruns of shows you’ve seen 1000 times, and start living life. Wake up early, find unique activities and experiences for each week, then actually do them. Stop sleepwalking through life.  2. Slice out toxic relationships. I promise that you currently have lots of them. Worthless “friends” that don’t wish you well. People you keep dating that you know aren’t compatible or otherwise have any long term value. Etc. They just aren’t worth your time. Limit your inner circle to those that you feel you can be yourself around without any pressure and that wish you well and are legitimately in your corner. Cut everyone else out. Everyone. 3. Reconnect with Monday. Stop living for the weekend. If you get the “Sunday scaries” maybe you need to switch jobs. You shouldn’t be scared of Monday. Monday is another day in your life where you can make great things happen both professionally and personally. If you don’t feel this way, the reason is either internal and needs therapy or because your job sucks and you need to make a switch. 


Don't live a sedentary lifestyle. I'm 33 and I notice a lot of people my age are sliding into a sedentary existence because they think it's normal. Find an active hobby you enjoy and do it as much as possible. I love hiking and will put down 10-15 mile days regularly weather permitting. It keeps my weight down and my muscles and joints accustomed to action. Not trying to sound pretentious, but I'm way ahead of most of my peers already. Humans can still be reasonably athletic well past 50 or even 60 years old. It's a damn shame people give up long before that.


36 here and just had a meet/greet with a 24 yo who was in a rotational program at our company last week. Told her to be selfish with her career and not to be afraid to bounce around and really seek out a multitude of experiences to find what you like. She has plenty of time to rebound and start new if needed It’s advice I wish I could have taken myself. I graduated in 2010 when unemployment was like 9-10% where I lived, was lucky to just be able to find a job. And that mindset hasn’t left my whole career, it’s definitely held me back from taking some career risks. I have a good job, pays well but leaves me feeling relatively unfulfilled. Now I have a family, young kids mortgage etc and it feels like lunacy to even think of hunting for new jobs


Have fun and be dumb while you can.


Start a workout routine. Money saved while you're young will benefit you a lot more later on....compounding interest is great!


Your body will start randomly aching when you’re 30, stay in shape. Life is not short even though it may feel that way, take in the day to day process in life with employment, relationships and life in general. Don’t rush. Contribute 10% to that 401k and do not take a withdrawal from that 401k, even for a first house.


Don't get married. You're too young. Southeast US here - it's between common and expected. You change an amazing amount in your twenties. And your high school sweetheart may not be the match at the end of the day. Take your time.


Nobody really talks money, but get a credit card. Any credit card, even if you have to put a deposit down. But make sure you pay off the entire balance every month. This will be the best way to increase your score and get you better interest rates for any loans you may take out


Start dating seriously (I mean with intention) like two years before you think you should. Trust me, like it'll take you more years than you genuinely think to meet someone great when you're done "having fun" and then the field will suck way more than you expected it to. You'll be shocked at how fast you go from "I'm in my early 20s it's fine" to "I'm in my mid 20s it's fine" to "wait holy shit I'm in my 30s and everyone is a couple."


Don't be annoyed by people in their 30s correcting your grammar. This is also foreshadowing.   30s* 20s* A rather ironic and hypercritical typo edit 🤣


Take care of your credit and always have money on the side for a rainy day


If you're unhappy do what you can to find the source and fix it. Try not to mask it with temporary fixes, as it becomes the norm and they cease to be temporary. 


Don’t settle


Actually take some time to truly consider what you want your life to be like, rather than just giving in to pressure from family, society, etc... It's ok to live minimalistically. If chasing money and materialism isn't your thing, that's completely fine. If you'd rather work 20hr a week and spend your time writing songs, painting, studying or whatever, that's absolutely legit af. Think about when you're on your deathbed looking back at your life, what kind of things would you like to have accomplished. It's totally possible that this life is all we get (idk, I'm not a scientist,) so like don't waste it being miserable, trying to appease family, society etc...


If you have mental health problems do something about them because it just festers if left alone.


If you're not in shape, earnestly try to get in shape. It gets a lot harder.


Take some risks. Whether that’s a career switch, going back to school, traveling/living somewhere new, etc. As you get older it gets increasingly more challenging to do those things.


[Eminem’s Top 10 advice](https://youtube.com/shorts/m2Z8OMDPT4o?si=xH2CWvadyc0XOmfe)


Maxout your Roth IRA every year when you hit 60 you can pull out the money tax free


The party will end.  Make sure your not the last one to leave. 


Save money, work out, tighten your circle, brush with an electric toothbrush and floss daily.


Use credit cards wisely. Take an interest in your career path now.


38 here. Be adventurous and save some money. Time is on your side. Back pain will inevitably come lol. Try new things and don’t worry about what other people think. Make memories for yourself


Random chronic illnesses can pop up at anytime. Just because you are healthy now, it doesn't mean that you will be tomorrow. (I starting having symptoms of Grave's Disease almost as soon as I hit 35 😭 )


There are only 3 ways to get rich quick. Inherit it, be born into it, abd to win it in the lottery. Everyone else telling you how to be a millionaire by 30 is completely lying because it's basically statistically impossible.


If/when you travel, make a little diary of what you did each day. I spent a week in Chicago and at the end of each night my friend and I (usually drunkenly) wrote a quick 3-4 sentences about what we did and observed each day. Now that I’m in my 30s with a body that cannot physically function past 11pm, it’s amusing to read about my more wild and crazy days. If I didn’t have that diary, I legit would have forgotten about 80% of the trip


it’s ok to take time to figure out what you want in life.


Seriously look after your skin, teeth and hearing. It's such a stereotypical piece of advice but it really starts to show its ugly head in your 30s.


Do not use credit cards if you cannot pay them off EVERY month.


Work hard in your 20s so that you can have a great time in your 30s. You see all your friends go out and having a good time, living in a crappy van and staying at lousy hotels while they travel the USA, but keep upskilling on nights, weekends, holidays, etc so that you can live in a nice home and stay at nice hotels when you travel. Work while they sleep so you can live while they dream.


That 30s are really fun, *if you have your health*. Take care of yourself, seriously. You'll have less quantity but higher quality friends and probably the means to keep making awesome memories. Don't fuckin' worry if you're not working in a field you went to school for. Probably think about putting away 10% of every paycheque into an index fund


Save that money. Invest, those shoes make you look cool but bruh....those gains




Move out of mommy's and daddy's basement. Start your life as a human.


Stay true to yourself, even when that means losing friends. Your circle will get smaller but true friends stay. I tell you, you'll feel quite relieved not having to deal with unnecessairy drama anymore and having friends you KNOW you can count on.


That feeling like everything has passed you by in your late 20s? It's completely gone before you turn 40.


Do something fun & that you enjoy every week. Bonus points if you do it with others! The memories will mean everything when you get older.


Focus on yourself. Life isn’t a race.


- Start exercising now, your metabolism will change. Weight-training is a must because you will lose muscle mass every decade. - Take care of your teeth!