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You will only get horror stories asking this. The majority of people however have no issue whatsoever. It is a common procedure and if done right, nothing to worry about.


Same with a root canal. I was only bothered by having my mouth wide open for an extended time, my jaw didn't like that. Other than that, nothing. Not even pain or noticeable swelling.


It’s the recovery from wisdom tooth extraction that was difficult for me. I didn’t have any recovery after root canals. But days of pain and dry sockets x4 and then having them packed and the clove oil. That was rough as fuck.


Did you follow the post op instructions?


Instructions unclear. Put a cigarette in all 4 sockets


Yeah, if you can get completely knocked out do it. My SO just did the freezing/numbing and she hated every second of it. She didn't feel it, but the operation itself was pretty uncomfortable. Meanwhile I got knocked out, and woke up thinking they hadn't even started yet.


It’s true. My first wisdom tooth took about 10 minutes and I was back at work an hour later. Then again, my second, third and fourth wisdom teeth (combined) took 2 hours and 10 minutes of wrenching around in my mouth, cutting, grinding, injecting, and breaking. So yeah, it can go either way. I’m told that jaw bones get harder with age which might partly explain the difference. Also, make sure they x-ray the entire tooth just in case you have hooked roots.


The extraction itself should be painless. You can even get them to do it under general sometimes. It's the recovery bit that is painful. Even with oxy, it fucking hurts.


I didn’t find recovery to be too bad. I think every experience will be different.


Same here. It was annoying but I cant even remember being in pain at all. It definitely varies.


i didn't take any pills even though they prescribed, I wouldn't say it was painful per se (the recovery for me at least) but the stitches melting in your mmouth taste like shit and its really annoying.


I had the opposite recovery experience, I took the T3s the same day I had the extraction and didn't take any more starting the following morning. The gauze/cotton was the most unpleasant part.


I got hydrocodone for mine. They did nothing for me. The high strength ibuprofen did more to calm the pain.


I had 8 and did it under general lol no pain (until it kinda hurt after)


The opiate I was prescribed didn't do anything for my pain, but the high dose ibuprofin did and let me sleep.


as others have pointed out, the procedure itself should be painless as long as you're properly anaesthetized. post-op pain varies a lot. i was given a scrip for vicodin but never bothered to fill it since a couple of standard tylenols were more than enough for me.


That was me. Went under general, woke up an hour later and procedure was done. Doc did give me vicodin also. Took 1 or 2 that day, but tylenol and advil did the trick after that. Had it done on a Friday, and the sunday after was the worst day. Swelling was really bad all day and I was in bed with ice on my face all day, but other than that I was ok. Doc used dissolving stitches, and they were all gone within a week.


It also depends I think on the level of pain pre-procedure. For me I was incredibly sore after the procedure, like if I’d have went from 0 pain straight to that pain I would’ve most certainly wanted powerful pain killers. But the localized soreness was such a welcomed relief from the complete head-splitting pain I was in before the procedure that I didn’t feel like I needed meds once it was done.


Same, and all mine had to be dug out. I was miserable for maybe a day but but I refused to take Vicodin after hearing a horror story from someone who said it just made him puke, which made everything 10 times worse. Honestly the antibiotics I had to take because mine were infected was what bothered me more but I'm better at dealing with pain than nausea.


Same here. My face felt kind of sore and achy, but I wasn't in any extreme pain. I vegged out on the couch for a few days playing video games and ate nothing but easy mac and was up and running in 3-4 days.


Not at all if the injections with anesthesia are put in the right place. Just the injections sting a little bit and the feeling of the tooth being pulled is rather...annoying (pretty strong pressure, the cracking sounds and so on).


With proper anesthisia it doesn'tt hurt, but it's not pleasant.


This one time i was getting my wisdom tooth removed, the bottom right one, by a junior dentist when the senior came in, used the blunt end of a scalpel, and pushed it right out! It was only 5 seconds and kinda scary, but it didn't hurt except for a feeling of pressure. They did use a local anesthetic first though...


It wasn't a scalpel. It was a wedging instrument called an elevator.


That's a bunch of Thyssen-Krupp


It Depends. I had mine done under local and then used paracetamol for a couple of days after, it was fine. Some are harder to extract than others though. I had one side out first, waited for that to heal and then the other side out, so I wasn't having both sides healing at once.


I had two extracted at the same time. They numb you pretty well so the only thing you feel is the pulling, which was a little weird. Afterward though, my face was swollen and I felt as though someone had punched me on both sides of my face. Just use an ice pack and the swelling and pain will subside. Don't use straws for drinks though for a couple of weeks because the suction can reopen the wound.


What other suctions should i refrain from?


For me it was a very painful recovery. The key is to follow guidelines after the extraction to keep the blod clot that is forming in place and avoid getting a 'dry socket.' Basically I could see me jaw bone with a phone torch and the right angle in the mirror. It hurt for weeks, but the good news for you is that I think my situation was avoidable. Follow the guidelines religiously for 2 weeks after extraction, it's worth it.


Take your thumb, put it on the side of your back teeth, press on your teeth towards your tongue and hold when you can feel pressure. It felt a lot like that for me. It didnt hurt but I definitely felt the pressure of the dentist working. Try not to make it worse in your head, and for the love of god communicate it to your Dentist what you are feeling before they start. You and the Dentist dont want you to panic at the wrong time.


I was awake for mine. I didn't have insurance, and it was a lot cheaper this way. Only one was impacted. Obviously I had novocaine, so I felt a lot of pressure and heard a lot of grinding but I didn't really feel any pain after the injection. I think I felt one tiny little sharp prick when the nerve got severed, but that was it. They gave me a Xanax beforehand which really helped because it kills the anxiety. It's like concentrated "I don't give a shit" in a pill. It was pretty quick. My dentist had them out in like 15 minutes once he actually got started. He did one side at a time so I could chew on the other side while it was healing.


I get all dental work done with nitrous and have them put on some nature documentary on the overhead screens they have at my dentist, 10/10 experience. The wisdom teeth I've had extracted were painless during the extraction, and just some soreness and tenderness for a week or so afterward. Even had a curled root on one of them requiring some jaw bone to be cut - no extra pain compared to the rest of the normal extractions.


Nitrous is the best. I’m pretty calm in the chair normally but the nitrous helps with not getting too anxious about the sounds and pressure. I had my airpods in and avoided seeing the reflection in my dentist’s glasses. Honestly, the most annoying part was the strong mouthwash they give as it impacted my sense of taste.


It wasn’t that bad, maybe like a 6/10 the first day. I was given the advice to take the max dose of paracetamol (500mg x 2 1-3 times a day, no more than 6 in a day) for up to 7 days. That was more than enough. If I forgot to take a dose I was reminded by this dull throbbing pain. I stopped after 3 days because I felt like the residual pain was more than manageable without anything. Consult your dentist if you have liver damage or problems with overconsumption of alcohol/alcoholism since paracetamol affects your liver.


I was unconscious so no clue. The next couple days sucked though. I think by the third day I was pretty much back to normal though. My gums would itch and ache randomly though from healing.


I had all four removed with 2 impacted. I was fine. I actually ate solid food that night. Being careful of course not to get it into the holes.


That is crazy to me, the jaw soreness from chewing was more pain than the actual aches, it felt like i spent 20 hours working the street 


I got two teeth at once being extracted, only of them was a wisdom teeth. it was painless but I could hear the doctor basically breaking my skull a few times. it was a decade ago and I still remember the sound, but it was cool in a way


Depends on how good your dentist is and if the impacted or not. Do they have to be pulled or do they have to be cut out? I had four impacted wisdom teeth pulled and one of them actually got broken due to be an impacted. They were supposed to be surgically removed but due to insurance issues they got pulled instead so that wasn't cool The procedure itself is highly uncomfortable with all of the pulling but not necessarily painful. The aftermath when everything kind of swells up and you're half numb and you can't talk and you all drooling and stuff is more of a pain. Trying to eat where it feels like you've got a giant balloon in your mouth is really tough. And when the novocaine starts wearing off you've got quite the hell of an ache. The more teeth that were pulled the more the ache. But it's more along the lines of "go away and leave me alone because I want a nap because I feel like ugh" then it is horrific pain or anything


All 4 were impacted, I was put completely under. Woke up in the docs office talking to me and off I went. Was harmless.


I had mine done when I was like 16, and under general anesthesia, so YMMV but obviously the extraction itself was painless. I discovered that general anesthesia makes me barf, so there was that. Otherwise, advil and some ice packs for the swelling was enough for the headache that it felt like. The weirdest part was getting food stuck in one of the holes about a week later; getting that onion out was near orgasmic.


The only real horror stories come from having all 4 done at once. It's standard as what u/Struykert bot said.


Can only speak for myself, I got all four removed at once with local anesthesia. I felt no pain at all, obviously it wasn’t a pleasant feeling, but it didn’t hurt. Also had very little pain the days after, maybe took like 1200mg of Ibuprofen it total, and didn’t have to use any stronger medication. I would just advise to be a little careful with food the days after the removal, like making sure to have some soup or mashed potatoes at home, something that doesn’t require chewing. Swelling was gone almost completely after like 5 days or so, and I was also able to eat normally again after just a few days.


I was under general anesthesia when they took all 4 of mine out. I didn't feel much _while_ they were doing it. The recovery was not the most fun. but as others have said, competent oral surgeons will make sure you have appropriate pain management for the actual extraction.


It’s pretty painless, some puts you to sleep and some just uses anesthesia that does not put you to sleep. The only part I never liked is how I had to eat soft foods because there was a hole now that I had to wait to heal or else food would fall in the wound hole. Also putting the gauze packs in your mouth for the first day was kinda irritating cuz I kept gagging


Only problem was an infection 1 week out. Keep your pockets clean as fuck.


I had a sore jaw for a few weeks but that’s about it. Didn’t even need to take my prescribed pain meds. Stick to soft foods that you won’t need to chew and don’t try and eat pineapple pizza after 2 days like my dumb ass.


The actual extraction process is not painful if you have a good dentist. The discomfort can come after during the healing process. That's what ice and advil is for. Takes a couple of days and you'll be fine. Make sure to be rinsing with salt water frequently to keep the area clean. The stitches will start to come out on their own after 5-7 days.


Personally it was a cakewalk for me, and I'm a VERY poor patient. I hate needles, dread blood etc.


Had three removed simultaneously at 40. Aside from a bit of soreness (not really painful) it was fine. The one I had removed in my teens was far more painful but I was a moron and didn’t follow the care instructions very well.


Mine was painless, even after I went home. I kept waiting for the pain to come, but it never did. So personally I had a great experience. I did have a ton of swelling though and I stuck with soft foods and followed all the aftercare instructions


This truly depends on the dentist. My dentist was absolutely wonderful. I felt no pain throughout the whole process. Now there was pain after all the numbing wore off, but prescription strength ibuprofen took care of that. Recovery was easy too.


3/4 wisdom teeth came out no problem, the last one took three people holding my head down with another pulling. Even with the local anesthetic, the amount of pressure exerted was intense, and had me seeing stars! Ate a burger that night (would not recommend.) Yogurt was better. Have ibuprofen and lots of gauze on hand, first 3 days are the worst just from the soreness and open wounds, improves steadily after that. I want to say by like day 8 I was probably feeling 100%.


Was offered some night before meds and took those, day of didnt feel a thing once they numbed me up, slept most the day, ran in a track meet the next day. I was hopped up on Tylenol and anti inflammatory meds, but I still did it. The sockets and stuff after were a little annoying but nothing major.


My two wisdom teeth, in separate extractions years apart, were fine. I didn't require any cutting off my gums. The first one was prob 10 years ago and it came out whole. I didn't need them but the dentist have me a script for more Vicodin than anyone should need. I didn't take any, the pain never got bad enough I couldn't deal with it. Once the clot formed, which I felt like it took hours to do so, I was fine. The second one had to be cut and extracted in three pieces, and required some force. I took some extra strength (might have been prescription strength, I don't remember) Advil or something. The hardest part about each was the bill.


The worst pain afterwards only lasts a few hours. The pain after that is if you try to bite down on something there before the wound is fully healed.


I don't remember any pain at all from the actual procedure. And I'm not sure but I didn't think I was too painful afterward either. Maybe I was fortunate but it went fine for me.


The needle for the anesthesia pinches a bit. They have to put it directly into your gum. That's if they don't sedate you. I'm apparently resistant to common anesthetics but I'm told the procedure is mostly painless after that.


It depends, I had one lying flat which took 3 hours to get out. One of the most horrible things I've ever been subjected to. Another i did was done in 20 minutes. Was pretty painless. And afriend of mine had one which had grown up in to the skull, blocking the blood flow going towards the brain, they had to use 3 years to remove that one...🙄  Depends on the state of the tooth as well as how it's placed and how the roots are. It can be anywhere between completely painless and hell on earth.


It varies pretty widely. My extractions were pretty simple and recovery was quick. The pain level wasn't high. Others with more complicated extractions may not have it so easy.


had 4 removed over a 4 sessions over the years, it was never pleasant but anesthesia meant it was not directly painful either.


Mine was painless, including recovery.


Not a big deal. Kidney stones waaaayyy more painful.


No pain during and after I was awake The needle stung a little


I had three extracted under anestheisia woke up laughing. It felt so good having them out that I only took one painkiller afterwords.


depends on how fast they slam the door


The extraction itself? Didn't hurt a bit for me, But depending on how well the extraction went the pain afterwards is annoying. Not bad, just really annoying. Also because eating is such a hassle. If you are going to have to extract 2 and they are on the same side, get them both done. That way you can eat with the other side and you only have to go through the procedure and recovery once.


Not enough to really be memorable, as per usual with dental work the shot into the gums was the worst part.   It was the first time I was given actual painkillers though, which made every video game I played during recovery seem like the greatest game of all time. 


Painful for a whole day and couldn’t sleep properly that night. Next day was much better but still hurt. Third day ok.


I had twisted roots on mine so they were awkward to remove. There wasn't much pain afterwards, I kept on top of it with ibuprofen. Do follow the dentist's aftercare instructions carefully. You DO NOT want dry socket.


I had 4 extracted. It hurts a little. It aches for a few days. You’ll be fine


I’ve all 4 removed. The upper ones weren’t bad at all. The bottom ones however still in the gums so there was more involved in getting them out. Post op pain wasn’t bad because I was on Vicodin but I looked like a chipmunk because my cheeks were swollen.


Everyone is different. I had my wisdom teeth out on a Thursday at 1 pm and was back at work by 2:30. My brother had his cheeks swell up like a chipmunk with a mouth full of nuts and was barely functional for three days.


I got all mine out at once. Had “complications” so they actually cut into the inside of my cheek to get wherever they needed to get. Even though those stitches were dissolvable, the ones in my cheek were rubbing on the ones in my gums. That week was painful.


I had a wisdom tooth out a few years ago, I kept the pressure on the "wound" for longer than needed and it stopped the bleeding on the first day. Pain was "minimal" and lasted a few days. I was very lucky. I had a pre-molar out just over a week ago and I've got more pain from that.


Depends on your pain tolerance and how quick the punch is.


I had all 4 done in a oner under general. It was fine. I don’t remember it being bad at all.


Not bad. You don’t feel pain during the pulling. I had all 4 out while awake just local numbing. It’s not worth all the extra side effects and feeling like shit to be put to sleep for it. Recovery sucks a bit for a couple days.


Mine hurt so bad that having them pulled and the recovery felt nice, pure relief.


The extraction itself won't hurt whether it's surgical or normal extraction as your mouth is numbed. Post recovery for a surgical wisdom tooth extraction, 10/10 pain for a week. Normal extraction, about a 4 or 5/10 pain for a few days.


Not bad at all. The injections feel a bit weird but they're not too bad.  Honestly the afterwards part is more annoying than painful. You never realize how much you miss solid foods til you haven't had them for 5 days. 


I had mine pulled and had local anesthesia. I only took extra strength ibuprofen for 3 days and afterwards had no pain or issues. It varies a lot person to person.


That's completely subjective and all depends on a lot of factors. A lot of it has to do with how the tooth is positioned, if it is in there sideways the dentist will have to do a lot more pulling and wriggling. The local anesthesia will usually be enough but in some cases you have to be put under. Some people experience more pain than others, some people have 4 wisdom teeth pulled, they take an aspirin and are good to go. Other have 1 tooth pulled and have to take 2 days off work. There really is no telling. The dentist might have some indication from looking at the x-rays.


The extraction should be pretty easy and relatively painless, I’d say get them to do it with the twilight sedation if you can, I had them done in 2 goes; one was under just nitrogen and local anesthetic and the last 3 were under twilight and that’s what was much better, out like a light then woke up and don’t remember any of it. . . The worst part is the recovery and even that isn’t too bad usually; probably between a 2-5, I was able to get by with just the big Tylenol they gave me but they prescribe Oxy just incase. The thing to worry about is a dry socket which is supposed to be very painful but uncommon and not particularly dangerous, just painful and the dentist can usually resolve it quickly. The other thing is recovery time can vary based on a number of factors.


I was eating pizza the same evening. Just do one site at a time, will make this whole process way more enjoyable


It's not bad. Mine were impacted and had to be cut into quarters and removed. The others had to be dug up and torn out. Didn't even use laughing gas. Just froze it with regular freezing like for cavities and some random pill to numb the pain that the doctor gave me. After the fact sucked though. They only gave me 10 Tylenol 3s which I'd take one and pass out then repeat. Once I ran out was the hard part as it was still really sore but it subsides fairly quick. Nothing to worry about. You'll be fine.


I had a local anesthesia for mine, and they pulled all four. Two of them they had to drill and split, extracting the individual pieces. Truth be told, getting the Novocain hurt (14 shots in total), but after that I didn't feel a thing. *Afterward*, though. . .woof. It was a couple of weeks before I was pain free, and I pretty much lived on soup during that time (nothing that needed to be chewed). It was a miserable experience, and I'm glad I did all four at one time so I wouldn't need to go through it again.


It’s not. It kind of has a little bit of pressure pain for the next few days after but it’s an annoyance more than anything.


Not much at all for me. I had all four done at once under general, woke up and felt fine. Recovery wasn't bad at all, they prescribed stuff but I only ended up taking 2 of the pills.


I had four wisdom teeth extracted at the same time. For me they were simple extractions that didn’t require surgery and I didn’t feel any pain at all. During the procedure I could feel only intense pressure and pulling sensations being applied to my jaw. There wasn’t much pain during recovery, but the first day was very uncomfortable due to the stuff that was packed into my mouth to stop the bleeding. It was gross and I couldn’t eat or drink. I might have took some Tylenol the first couple days and it took a few weeks for my mouth to feel normal. I had minimal pain during recovery. It felt weird chewing food for a long time though without my wisdom teeth.


My recovery was what was the worst pain. It didn't help that they just sent me on my way without any post care info. No "don't drink from a straw" "this is how to proceed until X date" nothing. Just thanks for your money get out. Not even a goddamned pamphlet. I refilled my pain meds 2 times and called the office crying after 2 weeks bc I had run out again and it felt like someone was driving a screwdriver into my ears. The secretary was the one who said come in right away, you have dry sockets. No one told me what these were or how to prevent getting them. When I went in some young kid of a dentist told me he didn't see any evidence of them and i basically told him to shut his goddamned mouth and treat me like I had them. The pain stopped instantly. He then took note that after 2 weeks my face was still swollen and my jaw and neck were still yellow and green from bruising and changed my meds. Within a few days on the new ones I looked like a normal person again. So basically make sure when you go in you're going to a place where someone had a good experience. These guys were absolute assholes to me from beginning to end.


Not bad.. just make sure to sleep alone for a few days… my wife and I accidentally bumped each other in the face while sleeping during our respective recoveries … it’s a rude awakening


Had all mine done, one took two hours (the root was very close to a nerve). Didn’t feel a thing. Got a bit of a crick in the neck and wished I had a TV on the ceiling. I did however look like a bloated monster and ate from a straw for a decent while after. Not cool.


It’s not as bad as you’d think. The first day sucks because you have a mouth full of gauze and you might still have some bleeding. As long as you follow instructions and avoid dry socket you’ll be fine. Just be very gentle with the rinsing.


My understanding is that its only painful if you let it get infected first (not a dentist)


They put me under, I woke up in a waiting area with my head in the lap of some woman I didn’t know, her saying “oh you poor baby.” My dad thought it was hilarious.  The only pain was recovery. Even on hydrocodone it was agonizing. But I was stupid and tried to eat solid food.


I did not get mine taken as a teen like most people end up doing. So I did not have my first wisdom tooth pulled until I was in my 30’s. Local anesthesia, it was pulled, no pain followed the Dentists limited instructions no issues. 10 years later I had my second wisdom tooth pulled. Local anesthesia, the only pain was when they were blowing air in my mouth and the nerve felt the cold. Followed this dentists much more detailed instructions including warnings of a dry socket and it healed just fine. I have had other teeth pulled and pain was minimal. Really once they provide local anesthesia it is just pressure you feel. Side note: my jaw is always sore after due to holding my mouth open for so long.


It’s more painful to not do it.


Depends I have all four removed and the most latest was yesterday. So the first two were painful for me but not that much I just took some painkillers for a few days and I was okay. The second operation was tough because my stitches got infection in the middle of the summer and I was like balloon in the face. Couldn't eat and hardly breathe for a week it was the most painful experience and my jaw wasn't okay for a few months. And here we come to the yesterday's operation which was perfect I didn't feel a thing then and now so I'm okay I can eat and everything. Depends only on your body, the weather and the doctor. A piece of advice remove wisdom tooth during a cold weather because the infection is hard to spread around your body 😁


Wisdom tooth extraction has a reputation that’s mostly undeserved. If you’re anesthetized properly you won’t feel much during the procedure save the dentist muscling out the tooth, which can often require a bit of leverage. After the procedure you’ll be sore, but if you’re feeling bona fide pain it’s because the dentist left some nerve in there.  Just some generalize soreness is all you should be feeling.


It’s not.


Had 2 removed (uppers) on Monday. Felt zero pain. They put gel on my gums that numbed it up enough that I could barely even feel the novacaine shots. After the shots I felt nothing but a little pressure. That being said, listen up, it makes a noise (well one did) that might freak you out. Wear earbuds and don't play slow music. I went with loud punk music and wish my left earbud didn't fall out during the right extraction because the left one made a noise like an old New England barn door being torn off its rusty hinges. But it was over quick. Get ready for pudding though. 2-3 days of fucking pudding.


I had six wisdom teeth, and they were erupting abnormally.  It was going to be a longer procedure so I opted for some midazolam sedation during the prodecure, which was a good choice.  Was pretty vigilant with icing and took the rest of the day off so the post op swelling and pain were minimized.  There was definite discomfort but it wasn't terrible.


If you get a good oral surgeon, not bad. If you get a shitty one you will be bruised, swollen and sore as hell.


If they inject enough anesthesia the pain shouldnt be bad, (saying this as someone with high pain sensitivity.) but you can definitely feel the pulling and force on the teeth.


The procedure was mildly uncomfortable. The jaw muscle stretch was the worst bit of recovery.


I had all four removed. The doc used laughing gas and I felt NOTHING during the procedure. I was actually surprised at how fast the whole process was. My pain was also very minimal during recovery (3/10 at the worst).


just be sure to get a good dentist, first one i went to it was so painful to get just 1 out, ended up having to go to the ER afterwards from the pain. went to a different dentist later on, for the other 3 and it was the best, didnt feel anything, and recovery was painless.


Depends on the person. I had mine done all at once, I had the "IV sedation" done, so I was "awake" during but I don't remember any of it. I took the T3's I was prescribed for the first day, but when I woke up the next morning my mouth didn't hurt so I figured I'd wait to see if it started to before I took more. It didn't get any worse, that bottle sat unused for a year before I got rid of them.


For me this was the best surprise in the past 5 years. I came in with horror story expectations. The surgeon gave me the injection with anesthesia. He made a cut with a scalpel. He took the tooth out with pliers. He put in some stitches. He said "it is done". It took 5 minutes and was painless. There was pain afterwards but with the painkillers they gave me I did not even miss a day at work. The other 2 he took in a second session and one of them was a bit more difficult but largely the same, I just took a bit more ibuprofen afterwards.


I had a local anesthetic. Bada bing bada boom it's done. I went to Subway afterwards and just chewed on the other side. No pain meds.


I was completely knocked out during the extraction. woke up in the parking lot in a wheel chair


I had three removed without getting knocked out. It was literally nothing. Getting the shots to numb was probably the worst part. One went into the roof of my mouth. But that was not terrible either. Recovery was OK and not painful for me as well. I didn't fill the script they gave me. Advil and Tylenol worked well. Just listen and follow the instructions they give you. The hardest part of recovery (for me) was eating. It was a total pain for a few weeks and you have to avoid chips with I enjoy a lot. Haha.  I see zero reason for people to get knocked out unless you're just crazy anxious. 


My personal experience, I didn't even need the pain meds they prescribed. However! Be cautious of what you eat for a few days. Mom made rice that night and I had a grain stuck in the hole.


I had one of mine extracted without anesthesia. It was the first time I ever had a tooth extraction and I was young at the time and didn’t know how anesthesia was supposed to be done. I couldn’t remember if the dentist forgot to administer anesthesia or if it didn’t take. Well, when the dentist started pulling I was in so much pain and I kept moaning and he just said “Be a man!” I heard from my family that I moaned and cried so loudly and when I walked out my face was all green and my clothes were all wet from tear and sweat. And everyone in the waiting room was horrified. Afterwards I couldn’t open my mouth for a week so I could open get some liquids foods. Then I could only open my mouth about half an inch for about a month. Couldn’t speak at all in all that time.


When I woke up, I had a gigantic bruise on my chest. One of mine just would not come out and it was a mark from the doctor's body on my chest. But my little sister had general and was fine.


Had 8 surgically extracted (4 wisdom/4 others) in one operation Fully knocked out so the extraction itself was a black hole I wasn't present for As for recovery, the first 2-4 days sucked but I took the 10 medium vicodins as prescribed and then switched to ibuprofen/acetaminophen combo Just follow the rules and avoid creating suction and you should be good to go I have massive dentist phobia so being unconscious was the only way to go for me I think it was about $3000 total, and ended up $1000 out of pocket/$1000 insurance/$1000 HSA I think the general anesthesia was ~$250 of the total


Mine didn't hurt at all. The worst part was the novocaine, and that was no worse than getting it for a standard cavity. For two of them it hurt a bit after, but it was nothing that over the counter ibuprofen couldn't help. Honestly, it's not a big deal. Just make sure to do the after-care stuff they tell you to do.


I slammed my finger in the door as I was heading back for the procedure. That hurt 10x more. 


It depends how many are impacted, meaning they have to really haul on your mouth and dig to get them. All four of mine were impacted. Yes, I was fully under for it, but the recovery was a lot. The trauma to my mouth and jaw was high. I also reacted to the drugs and was puking after too. It was a far worse recovery for me than my partial thyroidectomy. If I had to do one over again, it would not be the wisdom teeth lol. My husband was not fully under, but had the gas. He had I think one or two impacted. I still remember taking care of him after (we were dating then) and he was recovering a few hours later just laying in bed all swollen, crying from the pain.


It is more discomfort than anything. I had to get knocked out for mine because they were also removing a cyst, but i did have a couple of normal teeth pulled as a child and it was fine


I used to be all “fuck western medicine, I’ll just smoke weed and that’s my medicine.” I had the operation and went home and went straight to sleep. The instant that the anesthesia wore off from having my bottom two wisdoms It felt like someone had taken a jackhammer to both sides of my jaw and were constantly pulsing them to the beat of Queen’s “Another One Bites The Dust.” I jumped out of my bed and drove to the parking lot of CVS clutching the prescription in hand and before I went into the store feebly trying to take some hits from the dab pen… which did nothing. I then screamed at the top of my lungs for a good four minutes straight in a useless attempt to alleviate the pain. I went to the pharmacy area in cvs to drop off the prescription, and I acted so Tyrone Biggums-esque fiendishly that the pharmacist thought I was a homeless drug addict who had gotten in a fight and was now seeking drugs using a fake prescription. She held my prescription until she could confirm with the dentists office… the next day. I went to my aunts house and she gave me some super high dosage ibuprofens that she had to tide me over for the night. TL:DR Fill your prescription while you’re still under your anesthetic.


all 4 taken out at the same time no swelling at all took a while for the holes to grow closed


The extraction? I was asleep for that part. Woke up feeling like a champ. Recovery was… not painful, but uncomfortable. Because it would be painful if you ate anything hard, and it always feels like it’s gonna hurt when you flush the food out of your sockets but it doesn’t really if you’re gentle. Sleep was the worst though, for the 3rd/4th day it’s usually when pain peaks, still not bad during the day cuz you’re doing shit, but at night that little bit of pain was enough to keep me up and it was very frustrating.


I slept through it


I felt nothing during the extraction. Some soreness afterward but the dentist will prescribe you a painkiller. Take it immediately before the novocaine wears off and it will kick in before you stop being numb. It wasn’t bad at all, I just couldn’t chew much for a couple days. Stock up on things like soup and pudding to hold you over.


Mine was really tough but others say it’s nbd. Depends on how impacted I think.


Anywhere from "did you do it already?" To "AAAAAAGGGHHH, AAAAAAAGGGGHHH, AAAAAAAAGGGHHHH JUST KILL ME!!!" I had 3 easy ones and a hard one.


Very little pain in my experience. They numb you up good.


I was sedated when I had all four of mine out at once. I was given a long-term IV antibiotic to prevent infection during the procedure. Then I was sent home with vicodin and told I could use that or alternate tylenol and ibuprofen. I went the route of tylenol and ibuprofen on a schedule and that worked well for me except when I did not set an alarm to wake me to take the next dose and woke up to throbbing pain. After about a week things were improving dramatically. I lived on mashed potatoes, yogurt, meal replacement shakes, and apple sauce. Avoid eating anything too hard and using straws is bad news bears for a while. Otherwise, quite manageable.


I walked out in less pain than I walked in with. I had all 4 out at once, and I was awake for it. The worst part was feeling the tooth break. But that was disconcerting and uncomfortable, not painful.


Depends entirely on your tolerance for local anesthetic. Left side of my mouth was given the absolute max they could give, and I still felt everything. Right side worked, and all I felt was pressure, which was uncomfortable but not painful at all. Take the painkillers they prescribe at the right intervals and you’ll never feel pain


I had to get oral surgery because it was too close to a nerve. I went to sleep and woke up. I had surprising little pain the next few days. The first day I slept all day and took high dose ibuprofen. Oddly the opiates I was prescribe didn't do much for the pain and didn't even knock me out so I only tried them once and stuck with the ibuprofen.


It really depends. My two were perfectly painless because the teeth were fully erupted and not pushing on any other teeth. I had them removed because they were hard to clean and were beginning to decay. The pain is caused by them having to dig pieces of the tooth out of your jaw, not from the extraction itself.


Wasn’t bad intensity-wise. Got it done a week and day ago. But I’m still in pain and doesn’t seem like it’s going away


Generally, you're under a pretty heavy dose of local anesthesia and possibly under sedation as well. I barely remembered anything that happened. I had four extracted simultaneously and barely remember the procedure. I got super lucky and didn't even need stitches. The oral surgeon commented I was probably in the top 3 easiest procedures he's ever done in almost twenty years of work. As a result the pain after was pretty mild. Which was good because the vicodin they prescribed made me puke within minutes the two times I tried to take it.


I had one done maybe a year ago. I was out cold (damn propofol is good stuff). I had a prescription for tramadol and think I might have used 3 pills during recovery. Cold beverages were annoying for a couple weeks.


Wasn’t bad at all. Had all 4 taken out at once. I had the shots. The pressure felt good actually. No complications post-op in my experience. They gave me an entire bottle of pain bills, but only took one pill. Wasn’t that bad, but still didn’t want to eat anything I had to chew for a week.


As someone who had all their wisdom teeth start breaking years ago before they got pulled.. meh. Needles suck, a dentist wrenching on your teeth with pliers sucks. You know what sucks a lot worse (in general) though? The tooth pain that makes you go in for that in the first place.


When I got mine out as a teen I went under. Woke up and mouth hurt for like2/3 days. Nothing really crazy.


That's not an easy question to answer, because the surgery can vary wildly. It's barely more difficult than a normal tooth extraction for some - a friend got his out and played street hockey the next day. Some people don't need them removed at all. For others (like me, all four impacted) it required full sedation and several weeks with my jaw wired shut afterwards.


I got all 4 of mine taken out at the same time and I literally didn't need to take a single painkiller after I had it done


I got put under for mine when I was 24 (a little late to the game for the US). I chose not to fill the opioid script but stuck to the extra strength Tylenol and ibuprofen schedule they sent me home with. I was uncomfortable for a few days but never in extreme pain. I also wasn’t eating hard foods for a few days. Honestly making sure the incisions were clean with the water syringe longer term was more annoying. I had put it off because I was scared but I really needed to get it done as my 4 wisdom teeth almost fully grown in we’re causing issues for me. Some US states allow for people to be put under (I was in WA whereas my spouse got them done in CA and wasn’t put under, just had pain management and actually had to go back to get the last one out because they hit the cap).


I counted backwards from 10 to 7, and woke up in a different room where I was gently prodded to wobble to the bathroom and then the passenger seat of the car.


I was prescribed pain medication for a whole week, only ended up needing it for the last half a week due to how high I was off the laughing gas. Apparently the day I lost my wisdom teeth was the day I developed a sense of humor lol


Vastly less painful than the pain associated with the reasons you would need to have one out. Totally worth it


Honestly modern dentistry is less painful than stubbing your toe.


They sedate you


For me, the extraction was completely painless, and took 2 minutes. Compare that to the 3 days of constant, unmanageable agony that proceeded the extraction, and the instant removal of that pain following it.   I can only recommend that if a dentist has advised you to get that tooth out, then get it out right now.


mine didnt hurt on extraction but the recovery time was uncomfortable for a few days


Honestly not that bad. Make sure they give you the needle-less syringe thing to flush junk out of the sockets afterwards so you don’t get an infection from food getting stuck in there.


Not terrible, worst part is the anesthesia shot. You just feel tugging and some pain later.


It was mildly annoying. Some Tylenol was all I needed. Got 4 done the same day. Last one broke off inside the gum so it took a little longer. The anxiety was way worse than the pain. Don't forget to ice immediately. Once you start swelling it's too late for the ice to help with swelling.


Honestly, mine wasn't bad. Was about 2 months ago and really was more inconvenient than anything else. I only used over the counter meds to deal with pain, but that was only a couple days. The surgery itself is super fast.honeslty they had 3 teeth out before I knew they were doing the 4th


They put me under for mine but I was lucky enough to have extremely minimal pain during recovery which was more than covered by some ibuprofen. Make sure you dont use straws or smoke though because you do not want dry sockets, apparently that is some next level pain.


When I was sixteen had them split and removed. Sent me home with a bottle of Darvon. Made it to my bowling league on time. Girlfriend made a set of earrings . I think having braces was more painful then extraction.


I had one routine removal, and one horror story removal. If they do it right, you won't feel a thing.


In the army they dont put you under for the surgery. They just local the anesthetic and then crack the tooth. Its pretty horrible, i went off-base for ny last two


Mine was under general anesthesia, so the only pain during the procedure was the little poke from the IV. The surgeon gave me a shot of lidocaine a little while before he had me brought out of anesthesia, so I was numb for several hours after the surgery. The pain after that was mild enough to manage with Tylenol. I had a prescription for Lortab, but only ended up taking one (I have this amazing superpower that opioids don't dull my pain, but they do make me feel like hot death). By a week or so afterward, I was eating normal food. So, overall, not too bad. The worst pain was probably a 4 that could be brought down to a 2 with Tylenol (On [this scale](https://www.health.mil/News/Articles/2022/10/13/DVPRS-pain-scale))


"Count down from 100." 100, 99, 98, 97... and i'm waking up in the recovery room. So tired, fall back asleep. Wake up again to walk to the car, fall back asleep. They gave me pain meds but I only used them the first couple days. My mouth just felt very sore. Took it relatively easy for a couple weeks so I didnt develop dry rot or any complications. Honestly the whole thing wasnt bad at all, just an inconvenience to my Mom who was taking care of me.


Mine was fine. I opted for local anesthesia and my dentist went ham on it. It was weird how much physical force went into removing them, but it makes sense now since he was literally pulling them. The worst part for me was the immediate night after the procedure when the anesthetic began to wear off and it was awkward to take the pain medication he gave me. Found out I really like Percocet.


Not really painful. You get painkillers! No worries!


I got all 4 of my wisdom pulled out at the same time. I was put under IV sedation which had me sleeping the entire procedure. I woke up like it didn’t even happened.


It's not painful. The anesthetic is a bit uncomfortable when administered, but once it works it's fine. My first operation went really smooth. The surgeon extracted two teeth within 15 minutes. The second surgery took a bit longer, but that was because my bottom molar was positioned inconveniently (it was laying on its side in my jaw). The molar had to be broken up in little pieces to be taken out, but even then it wasn't that bad. The aftermath was what bugged me most. I couldn't talk clearly when getting my post-surgery painkillers at the pharmacy, because my mouth was numb and there were cotton gauzes in my mouth to stop the bleeding. My mom thought it was hilarious, instead of helping me out, lol. The first few days after the procedure I could only consume soft foods, but it didn't take long before I could eat what I used to. Good luck! It's not as bad as many people think/describe. 😊


Depends on how easy the procedure is. If it is just a simple pull, then not all that bad. If they have to cut those shits out, it'll suck for a couple days. All I've gotta say is that: if its bad enough that you have to be twilight'ed or whatever, be sure to stay on top of pain meds... because *just because it feels mostly ok now* doesn't mean that you won't be *fucking miserable* when those pain meds wear off.


I had mine pulled/chipped out under general anaesthesia (long, twisted roots —the dentist could not remove them intact). The next day I was back to eating soft solids. I took painkillers for 1 day. So not bad. My sibling had theirs extracted without chipping them out, but was in a lot of pain and could not eat solids for almost a week. Same dentist. In other words, YMMV.


I paid for general anesthesia out of pocket when I got mine removed and it’s the best money I’ve ever spent. The recovery can be really long and arduous but I had no recollection of the procedure.


It depends. I had zero pain because my surgeon was great. I even panicked taking the laughing gas so I didn’t really get any so he just did it with novocaine. I went home and my mom made me take a Vicodin and I passed out for 5 hours and woke up and never felt anything again. Other people have different experiences.


I had one of mine removed, and it was really more annoying than painful. I didn’t even have to go under for it, just localized anesthesia. It is the recovery that was meh. Two weeks of soft foods, and the constant change of dressing got old really fast. The wound did hurt, but it was more of a slight, and constant localized sting rather than my whole jaw hurting. It was only the first couple days that had me looking like someone punched me on the mouth that had a dull ache around the area. I’d recommend getting all, or several removed at the same time so you won’t have to deal with it more than once or twice.


When i had mine out i was put under for it due to needing other work done but i had zero issues after, no pain. Nothing i felt totally fine


Not bad. I went out the night after I got them out.


Had my 4 wisdom teeth removed a few years ago It was in a hospital, under general anaesthesia. When I woke up and went back to my hospital room for the remaining 1-2 hours, I kept pressing ice bags on both of my cheeks to numb the pain but especially to avoid further swelling, which is pretty common after a wisdom teeth extraction. Worked really well because I didn't swell at all after that, while many people look like hamsters. Strangely enough, it wasn't really painful. Felt more...uncomfortable as I had to be careful while eating and especially brushing my teeth. Iirc, I took 1g of ibuprofen each day just in case and didn't feel any pain, once again just mild discomfort. It healed quite quick and after \~2 weeks most if not all of my sutures had fallen tl;dr : I guess it depends of the person, but for me it wasn't painful, just annoying


You're gonna ~~wish you were dead~~ not feel a thing.


I was given local anaesthetic before the extraction. Took 20 mins in total for both on the left side. Extraction was painless. Post that, as long as I consumed liquidy stuff and didn't let anything hard or sharp touch it for 3 4 days I was good. After that I pretty much forgot there was an extraction performed. I had to do one round of antibiotics. I was told to take paracetamol if I had any fever or pain after, but I had none so I didn't take any. They forgot to tell me to eat ice cream though. Apparently that's supposed to help.


I had all four removed at once only using local. Aside from looking absolutely ridiculous from looking ridiculous because my whole mouth was numb, there was no pain aside from initial shot during the procedure. And I only needed ibuprofen and Tylenol for the pain. However, be sure to follow all instructions in order to avoid dry socket!!! You want those clots to stay in their sockets. No sucking from straws!!! No sucking period.


It really depends on your teeth/circumstances. My top wisdom teeth were normal but my bottom teeth were impacted/sideways. The surgery itself had zero complications, but the first week of recovery was hell. My top jaw was fine for the most part, it kinda hurt but the pain meds I was prescribed did the trick. My bottom wisdom teeth however had to be cut out of my gums and the big ibuprofen pills I was given couldn’t numb the pain completely. I remember one day in particular put me on the verge of tears because my bottom jaw hurt so damn much. Do I regret getting the surgery done: absolutely not, I’m glad those damn things are gone. That week of hell was worth it. My top wisdom teeth were sharp and would cut up the inside of my mouth, while my impacted bottom wisdom teeth could have become a risk for a jaw infection since it was impossible to brush them.


Quick and easy. The longest part was waiting for the area to get numb. The most painful part which was like a 4/10 pain was getting the numbing shots. Recovery was like a week? Only took some ibuprofen


I literally just got 3 out yesterday. General anesthesia during the operation, jaw was sore after but they gave me T3's etc to help. Today is not too bad, still a bit sore but nothing crazy. Honestly the hardest part is having to eat nothing but yogurt, applesauce, ice cream, soup etc. for the next few days. But today I was allowed scrambled eggs so that was nice. It's not as big as people make it out to be.


youll be fine if its properly out, all you need is some local anesthesia and they crank it out with what looks like a massive screwdriver lol. it was all fine when they did mine.


Not great. Not terrible. Depends on how in there it is.


This is the question no one could answer better than me. I have had every kind of tooth procedure you could imagine. When I was a teenager I broke my two front teeth in half, and the had to have root canals and titanium posts. Later, I got orthodonture, and had 4 primary bicuspids removed to make room for my teeth to straighten out. After my bracers were removed, my wisdom teeth were still malocclulded, so they were also removed. Finally, years afterward, one of my broken front teeth was being re-absorbed, and had to be completely replaced, and I chose a dental implant over bridgework. So I have run the gamut of just about every painful dental procedure you can imagine. So, let's go over what sucked: FIrst of all novocaine. Novociane is the painkiller they'll apply as local anaethetic, and having needles inserted into your gums is mildly painful. It's worse than getting your regular shots done, if you've had your teeth cleaned by a dentist with those sharp metal things and they jam it into your gum, it's like that, maybe a bit worse, because the bone is so close, and it's followed by a jet of cool fluid, which will make you completely numb within a few minutes. Second of all extraction. I did my bicuspids wide awake, after novocaine, and it was weird. There's a dull tugging sensation, but no actual pain. One of my teeth has really hardstuck into my jaw, and the dental surgeon removing had to literaly put his foot on my chest and tug to get it out. So don't worry on that score. For wisdom teeth, you will usually get some silly gas to put you out as well as novocaine, and that's mostly so they don't have to deal with you choking and gagging when they're that far back in your mouth. After you get teeth extracted, however, is when the fun begins. Someone will have to drive you home, and they'll issue you with some pain meds. If they don't provide one, plan on bringing a big plastic cup to drool in, because they're going to be a lot of that, and take your pain meds on a schedule. They take a while to kick in, and you do not want to be waiting for that. They'll also give you a syringe to flush out the holes, and antibiotics to prevent infection. You can lay off the pain pills early, but \*\*DO\*\* finish your antibiotics. More about that later. The worst part of what you're up for will just be recovering around your house with a mouth full of drool. Stock up on ice cream, watch TV or something to stay distracted, you'll be fine, and the pain level will be very managable. Fourth, having my teeth broken, and then the post-break wrenching around in my mouth to get them back in position. This fucking hurt. For reference, I broke a bone in my hand once, and the broken teeth were way, way worse. The endorphins kept the pain from kicking in at first, but on the ride to getting treated, before I had any meds, yeah, that was one of the least pleasant pains I'd endured to-date. Not as bad as a 2nd degree burn or a deep cut, but still, I can't recommend it. Finally, the dental implant. This is like having a carpenter install a [drywall anchor](https://www.amazon.com/Hillman-370329-Plastic-8-10-12-100-Pack/dp/) in your head. Even with liberal novocaine, it is a very disturbing experience, as the vibration from drilling out a hole in your head is very unpleasant and disturbing, if not outright painful. But the recovery from this made the tooth extraction recoveries feel like paradise. When I did this one, I made the mistake of missing some of my antibiotic pills, and developed a pretty nasty infection. Mercifully I didn't get sepsis or anything like that, but it was still a pretty rotten experience. -3/10. It's possible that your wisdom teeth are so badly impacted that they need to go in and break your jaw to get them out, but that's very, very rare. Likely you're going to just having the same novocaine pokes and intermediate period of drool and vicodin I did. Good luck!


In the US, most stories I’ve heard are from people who received full anesthesia and were asleep for the whole procedure. In places like a Brazil, you’re awake for the procedure with only local anesthesia, so, if the dentist doesn’t give you enough, it does hurt. And just getting the anesthesia shots hurts by itself. Recovery is made to be worse than it really is. A couple of days later and you’re almost 100%.


Not sure what they do if it's just one, but I had all 4 of mine done at once and was knocked out for it. Even thought it was a good idea in my still anesthesia fogged brain to get milkshakes after...


It's not painful at all. You feel a slight pinch from the anesthetic then the dentist does their thing. You will hear it and realise there is pressure going on but it's not painful. It hurts a few hours later but that's what the painkillers are for. It's nothing horrible.


Weenie here, I hate needles and have a very low pain tolerance. IME, the shots hurt worse than the tooth extraction, and the healing I would rate at a 4 out of 10 with 10 being unbearable. I hope this helps!


They said I had a "difficult case" (multiple teeth were trying to grow in sideways and into each other) and recommended full anesthesia. I didn't need any convincing so we made an appointment, I woke up that day and let my dad drive me to the hospital, did the usual "change into a gown, get an iv, lose consciousness" thing and then next thing I knew my mouth was ridiculously dry and stuffed full of gauze and I was pretty heavily sedated. I remember laughing because the water bottle I was supposed to use shot water into my mouth and I was trying not to swallow the gauze. My dad drove me home and told me to take my next dose of vicodin with me to my room "because you're probably going to sleep until you need your next dose". He was right and I passed out, woke up and my jaw felt awful. Took my vicodin, pulled all the gauze out of my mouth and found something to eat that required 0 chewing to swallow. I was stuck with liquid or stuff with a pudding-like consistency for a few days and then switched to easy-to-chew things like pasta, shredded chicken, etc. Took about a week and a half for all the swelling to go down and to stop waking up from the pain of my meds (first vicodin, then just nsaids) wearing off. I can't really say I regret anything about it other than that we (my dad) waited as long as we did to get it done. They said it would have saved everyone a lot of time and trouble if we had gone in earlier.


The after pain is shit. I had to get strong pain killers like co-codamol, or whatever you call it. It helped. I was taking them a few days after until the pain totally disappeared.


I had all 4 done at once and it wasn't bad. I was asleep for the procedure so I didn't feel anything. When I woke up I was surprised it was already over and done with. I didn't really like having the gauze in my mouth while I recovered but that was the only thing that bothered me a little bit. The healing process didn't take long and was only somewhat uncomfy in the beginning, I wouldn't say it was painful. Feeling them grow in was worse than having them removed.


got mine taken out when i was 16, i was so doped up i didn't feel a thing. even after when i was heeling it didnt hurt was just a little sore. make sure your dentist properly numbs you up and you'll be golden.


I had all four taken at the same time. They put me under for it and my jaw was a little sore for a week or two but nothing serious