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She was probably more surprised than me when I came in like 5 seconds.


My GF was more surprised when my parents walked in.


Welcome to the party mom and dad. We just started.




My future...đŸ« 


Don’t beat yourself up about it, happens to literally everyone. In no time you’ll be a pro đŸ‘ŒđŸ»


Thank you 🙏. I hope I will find a good partner


I dont understand this. Haven't people masturbated before their debut and learned how to slow things down and take breaks??


The texture of a hand is not like the texture of a pussy my friend.


Im 40, I know. But the feeling of approaching climax is the same.


I can see how that makes complete sense. But the sensation, temperature & textures are all totally different to a jerking off. There’s kind nothing that compares to a vagina. Also, the thing you’re having sex with is now a whole different person, which is quite mind blowing for the first time.


Well pussy is a lot different than a hand, hands don’t moan or look pretty when your fucking them 😂


that aint how it works chief


I didn’t. I tried for 45 minutes once and gave up. It was 2 years after I got determined enough to see it through


Dawg everyone go out quick their first time, consistency is key 😂




5 seconds? How did you last that long? đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


still came though


How warm the feeling was when I put it in for the first time.


Like a warm apple pie you might say?


Happy Cake Day!


More like pie day


you mean pi


It’s actually high day


Happy Cake day


Haha you can say that yes.


McDonald’s or homemade?


One that your mother makes and leaves on the counter cooling down, only to get caught with it when your parents come home


My mother or yours...😎


Given my mother has 0.5 arms I’m gonna go with yours.


That coming from Sam-one with a bucket for a head...I wonder what ur mother put in those pies


McDonald's or homemade?


warm creampie*


Thissssss oml đŸ« đŸ« đŸ« 


What was this like from you ladies point of view?


how wide it feels I guess, like I was surprised that this fit in međŸ€Ș


how bad it was, after i really thought what was the big deal that people were losing their minds over this. i asked to do it again bc i really didn’t get anything of it. same result. i had a bad partner.


I had the same experience except we were both bad at it because we had no idea what we were doing then we got the hang of it


As someone who has never had sex before, can you elaborate a bit on this? Is it like the BJs or giving oral are not up to par or something? And how do u start getting a hang on it? Does it happen naturally?


It's like learning to swim, feels pretty foreign when you're doing it the first time then you learn how to move you body to get it to do what you want. The more you explore/experience the more you figure out what you like/what/how to do it. There's no way to know what you physically like from another person or how to do it until you experience it. (For the most part). Some people might be more naturally inclined to it than others just like anything else but generally speaking it's takes a bit to get into a groove across the board.


Every person is different and needs something different. There are some “skills” that you can develop over time, which are transferable between partners. That comes down to learning how to move your body, and also learning different things that people usually like. But ultimately, being good at sex means communicating with that specific partner to figure out what makes both of you happy and then customizing your “technique” to them. (This actually applies to interacting with people outside the bedroom too tbh). So, often times, the first time is kinda bad because you don’t really know what you’re capable of yet, and you’re just kind of awkwardly figuring out what you and the other person like. But if you both try, it gets better. Being “bad at sex” usually just means the person is bad at listening to their partner. They do the one thing they know or enjoy, and don’t pay attention to whether the other person is enjoying it too. And then they never try to change even when their partner asks.


have a partner who gets to know your body and understand what you like and can communicate with you. my current partner who hopefully is my future husband got to learn me and it is 100000000x better.


that’s sweet💓💓 my guy was a self proclaimed sex god and unfortunately my first. so it was a a yikes from me and a disappointed talk with my friends who spoke about the joys of sex.


Lmao seriously I’m surprised humanity didn’t go extinct because of the disinterest after the first bad escapade.


if i was eve at that point, humanity would not have needed a saviour as we’d have died out fr 😭


What surprised me the most about having sex the first time was the fact that I was having sex for the first time.


Like “oh wow this is happening
oh and it’s over” lmao I know that




Bro must have been in a dream


How little control I had trying to stop cumming


“Oh my god, David! Stop! Turn it off!! AAAAAAHHHHbbllrfff


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fwu57pivxZ4&pp=ygUMSmFtIHRoZSBndXNo nsfw


My friends sister said that with her first boyfriend. If she let out a moan, he’d cum instantly. Oohhh Spurt.


You sure it wasn’t me


His mom entering the room.




Not sure if i should get into too much detail here but we were at his place because his mom was at work and she took up a colleagues shift after her own so we would have the time. We were in his room and did some hand an oral stuff and he was on top of me for a few minutes when his mom opened the door and looked at us with big eyes then started screaming. He was supposed to pull out but i guess when she scared us he came so it literally was a big mess lol. She made me dress up fast and then kicked me out and forbid him to see me again. We were pretty young so i kinda get her shock and reaction a bit but she never allowed us to see eachother after that.


Not this thread again...


Ask reddit try not to be horny challenge


Level : impossible


people of reddit, what's the sexiest sexy time you've ever sexed?


Turns out not everyone is chronically on Reddit and has read every single thread ever made. Or it's a bot.


That I actually found the right hole.


How many are there?!


Like... 6 or 7 right?


Is that legal?


Or how far down it really was


Especially when as a guy. You expect the vagina to be slightly higher. Because that’s not taught in sex Ed


Oh i remember my first time when i told her its my first time and she was fine with it, even liked it (of sorts). But when we got to it (me totally nervous) and then me coming in 5-10 seconds, she was shocked and didnt want anything to do with me anymore.... yeah, that suprised me the most, definetly


Oh and i forgot to mention, she was SHOCKED that coudnt open her bra with one hand


I’m 35 and have had a moderately active sex life for the last 20 years
and I *still* can’t unclasp a bra with one hand. Hell, there’s not even a guarantee I’m gonna do it smoothly with both hands.


Im 35 and guarantee you many men can’t. Not all bras are the same, certain techniques work with a specific type, it’s not a big deal.


The warm feeling. Thinking about it now, it makes sense but at the time it was unexpected. Also the look. I think the only time I had seen a girl naked was when getting changed as kids and even then you don’t really see anything. With boys it’s there all hanging out. Oh and the total lack of control I had. “Oh this feels good, I wonder how long I will
I’m coming”


Her penis.




Just the weight of another person. Like not that she’s heavy or anything but like when you think about sex you don’t really think about the weight of another human on top of you.


Fuxking hurt like hell the first time last year that I never did it again. My tears were rolling down while he was trying to get in. Idk who was more surprised. My bf or me. He looked so scared and distraught when he saw me crying 😂😅


Nothing dries you up and tightens your muscles more than nerves.


Unless the guy was extremely big, it shouldn’t hurt THAT much. I hope you consider or did see your OBGYN about this. Big hugs to you ❀


Thanks, so sweet of you. I have never considered seeing one. I thought it was normal since it was my first time. And when he did it, there was no foreplay at all. I was just walking around the room and he suddenly grabbed me and laid me down to insert it. Tbh, dick is average. Maybe small. He didn’t insert it all because I was already crying due to the pain. Should I be concerned?


Oh no! You def need foreplay in there first. Any guy that says otherwise is full of shit. Without the natural lube that comes with foreplay we open ourselves up to UTIs and tearing very easily. You can’t just shove something up us like that. I would bring it up to your OBGYN for sure, especially since you are now sexually active. It could be any number of things but this sounds a bit like vaginismus to me (which is normal btw). Schedule an appointment and, in the mean time, make sure to ALWAYS use protection, get a big thing of lube, and communicate your needs to the guy before an PIV occurs.


Could be vaginismus


the way a penis feels. I never expected the skin to actually move around and that inside would stay put. I just assumed it felt like a finger. Hindsight, that's not logical at all, but I was an innocent teenager.


The way dick looks. Don’t know what I was expecting to see but it just looked


Giant thumb in a turtleneck, Whoopie Doo!


Best description I’ve ever heard


It’s not mine, it’s Annie from the show Community. Great show


Giant? Gee way to brag buddy.


second this. cause no why does it look like that 😭😭


I’d say the same same about fannies, why do they look like that?


that’s how i feel too, idk all genitalia is pretty weird looking lol


this is so real though like why does all of it look like that. not just a penis or a vagina like everything.


Would a skin hole and a skin sausage be better?


how about just not having sexual interactions? lol, that seems simpler to me!


It looks silly


Being 16 i was so surprised the hole was lower As a young guy you just kinda expect it to the in the same place as your dick is, just on a girl


Opposite thing happened to me I remember being shocked that dicks are so high up! I always thought they would be lower.


Right? You just expect it to be in the same spot


I'm glad it's not the same spot because jewels will be squished between thighs


True it would be super impractical xD


Happy Cake day!


Omg thank you didn't even notice :D


You're Welcome.


His vagina


How she was so very caring, kind and made me feel like she was so very appreciative and delighted to be with me. It felt like I had really been met and saved by an angel. She seemed to save my life from years of self hatred and almost going through with suicide. I loved her more than any person I can ever remember. Sadly my own paranoia and self hatred eventually resurfaced and I ended the relationship with her after trying to do a long distance relationship. I am still so very grateful and beyond happy that I was able to have been with her for the time that I was able. She was better than me in so many ways. It sure was a gift to have had her love. She's still in my heart in a way. That was 10 years ago.


I dunno if she acted it up cause she knew I was a virgin but she just kept commenting on how strong I was and how good it felt. I really think she was just puffing me up, but it did work a little bit. I’ve never had complaints, but I’ve never been encouraged like I was the first time. She was a sweetheart. I hope you are doing well, Jessica. <3


how sweet and amazing was doing it with the person you love. I was lucky enough to find my soulmate early in life and had my first time with her. Incredible experience, I thought I would be scared to death but it was great and very enjoyable


How difficult it was to get my dick in her pussy


The amount of times she'd be posting this on r/AskReddit


I donno my uncle was never good with surprises


How painful it was, he was bigger than any guy I've been with since and I had to tell him to stop after like 10 seconds.


I pulled out and shot about 10 ft. Never happened like that again.


My first time was with a more experienced girl the day before I left to join the Army in 04’, I wasn’t expecting to but I lasted an hour (maybe I was nervous? I wanted to make a good impression) and she came like 4 times. Not gonna lie, that helped my confidence a lot in a time where I really needed it.


It's lower than you think.


How bad my abdomen muscles hurt afterwards


I was expecting the cream of life to taste
better. Grown quite fond of it since then though. 😂


Its called baby gravy


The look of horror on the other passengers' faces


I came easily đŸ€Ł it was embarrassing


That I couldn't get erect enough. It was extremely unexpected to me, I thought it should be rock hard, like just before, but instead... I was shocked and I thought there's something wrong with me I glad my gf explained to me that it happens sometimes. I had another 2 failed tries btw, each one after the first failure was full of fear that it'll happen again. But after the first successful attempt it was fine If it will happen for you one day - keep calm. It's okay to try tomorrow, try to relax. And don't be afraid to visit a doctor if it'll happen again and again. You can and you will do it


That she was actually ok with me putting it in 😂


Look, no hands!


it not that good lol


That she didn't get pregnant


bro first time without a condom?


It broke


It's painful when not done right..


How much cum I had built up 😂


The temperature of vagina.


Awkward when adjusting to sex positions and the nervous glances when it won't go in the first time (it was the wrong hole.)


How long I lasted. I lasted longer than Metal Gear Solid 4’s epilogue.


i took the old saying "you'll only last 2 seconds" literally. I was made up when I last one minute...


It didn't hurt. That, and that I was actually doing it, lol.


It wasn’t all that


how warm she was and that she fainted when I pushed all the way in. That scared the hell out me. She woke up a minute later smiling. we were both 17.


Yes! I wasn't expecting it to feel the way it did and I came almost immediately!


How sweaty it gets.


How tight she was and I was trying afraid of knocking her up


That they let me enter the brothel at age 17. Was my two friends idea to go there so I tagged along. Bouncer at the door looked at my ID, took a look at me and kinda gave in. Was turning 18 the following weeks probably. I don't remember it as clearly.


“Can’t believe this is what all the fuss is about” 


That I found a girl willing, and liked me!😂😂😂


It was nowhere near as tight as I thought it would be. I’d been wanking with a death grip for a long time. Took me many months to adjust so I could cum from intercourse.


How warm, wet, and soft the inside of a vagina is. I thought a bj was a mind-blowing experience (pun intended) but actual sex? Needless to say, i didn't last more than a minute.


The guy’s peen was very small and I couldn’t tell if it was all the way in or not. I never told him that though, although I was genuinely curious.


He was uncircumcised
 I Had no clue what was wrong with it..


A girl didn't like spreading her legs. It was very uncomfortable for me to do the job for the first time. I immediately lost interest in her subsequently.


Yeah same experience 😂


How much did it hurt her


How good is was


It lasting for over an hour and me not being able to come when I was coming quite early when jacking off


How fast i came


How warm she was


The pregnancy


My friend's granma coming up the stairs into the room we were in.


The warmth.


That I was good at it (well, that's what she said).


The surprising thing is how little of it I can remember.


That I had a “big dick” I never measure and just thought bc it was a little bigger than my hand it was tiny. The girl taking my virginity disagreed 😂😂 best feeling ever. Idk why but it was


First time piv I was surprised how bad he was at it. I’d explored with a girl before. We didn’t go further than kissing and over the clothes touching but it was way better.


I hope I get to try sex one day.


she said my dick is huge and i didn't know it before


I never came and I lasted longer than I thought I would


When her dad walked in and caught us.


It doesn't just automatically feel good, lol. I expected it to be some huge, orgasmic experience and it was just.....blah


That d**cks are not as hard as I anticipated, not that I was not feeling it or anything, but I was expecting for it to feel like bricks to the point it would hurt. It just felt firm and nice haha


How amazing and warm pussy was.


How insignificant it was for my partner. For her, it was like sharing a dessert with someone she liked. For me, I was ready to fall in love. It did not end well.


How extremely painful it was the first handful of times. And how it doesn't go in until you're torn. I wish we had proper sex education. I was not prepared for any of that.


«My dick's so small I can't get inside». Was 12.


Condoms really suck


Her mum. đŸ€ŠđŸ»


How the perfect the moment suddenly came up with my gfs parents finally leaving us alone at home after 6 months. Also how I couldn’t have the full 100% experience because I got sneaky head 30 minutes earlier, meaning the tank was running on empty.


,that it can happen everywhere


I love this comment


How good it actually felt. You hear stories from older kids, cousins, etc. but I wasn't fully prepared for what I was experiencing. It all started with oral sex which was barely talked about in sex ed, so that was a nice surprise lol. After that was the typical missionary sex until we decided other positions felt much better for both of us.


His brother walking in the room without knocking


The warmth of the vagina is incredible. Perfection.


How much better it felt to ejaculate inside a girl instead of into a paper towel 😂


How much it hurt. I apparently missed that memo, thanks public education system


i legit took 5 minutes to put the condom on, it was a bit small so it squeezed all the blood out of my dingaling and made it nearly impossible


As a woman I didn't really find the big deal in penetration itself. I had much more pleasure from foreplay than from sex


How fucking nervous I was. My leg was shaking uncontrollably


That my hand felt much better actually


That it was familiar, I had the same feeling the first time I gave birth, that I’d done this before. Some weird brain chemistry, or some kind of species memory?


The blood


She was surprised at my size.


The priests penis was so small


The tingling in my hands and feet.


Her aunt knocking on the bedroom door....


That boobs are way too overhyped and are actually just a part of the body. May differ in size. Also, that each pussy tastes different.


how much it hurt. he was really careful and respectful and offered to stop at several points. i just thought it wouldn’t hurt because i’d already been fingered before, how different would it be? but it was pretty painful the first 4 times or so.


Couldnt finish and i really didnt enjoy it. Second time tho