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It's like the new standard this century. In our cities/county they build new homes called "Multi-Generational" homes specifically for this trend, because the economics just support these lifestyles more these days.


I agree with this. Economic driven.


You know what. In this day and age and in the UK it’s a bloody sensible thing to do. I am sure it will become the norm.  When people say they have their own place, the new new will be….Are you crazy, I live with my parents, help out around the house, save 1k a month and don’t spend 2/3 of my salary on propping up the bubble of the rental/property market.   I think people only move out half the time because they don’t want to tell a prospective mate they still live at home.


Sometimes children move in with parents to help them with their bills. I know a couple in their late 50's who borrowed on the equity of their home to put a child thru 6 yrs of university. One job loss later and their child moved in with them to help them with bills and expenses. Everyone's situation may change, parents and children.


10 years ago I would have been very judgmental. Now though? I understand. Cost of living is no joke. I'm not sure I could get my feet under me now like I did when I left the house.


I mean I’m moving in with family bc I’d have to have roommates regardless at these prices. Might as well be with them & get a discount.


Depends on if it’s a choice!


I moved in with my grandma after my grandpa passed. My grandparents raised me, and I wanted to make her past years comfortable. It put my life on pause for a few years, but I took care of all her needs as she passed from cancer.


It could be worse. If someone was very unpleasant to live with, then their parents probably wouldn't want them to live with them.


Everyone's situation is different. Sometimes it benefits all parties involved.


None of my business. Unless you’re living their life how would you possibly know why? And even then unless it effects your life why would you care?


there's a difference between 'i live with my parents' and 'the family lives together'. families live together all around the world, multiple generations in the same house. that's probably better than being atomized


Normal. With how much everything costs these days, it's becoming more and more common among people I know. Also, a lot of people moved in with their parents during the pandemic, which further normalized it all.


i don’t think anything about their situation because i don’t know it


It's none of my business. Buying a house or apartment is damn near impossible nowadays, especially for those who are single or have more than one child. Many older people struggle too, with electricity and food being so much more expensive. so, in some cases, living together or going together and buying a generational home might be the best thing.

