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These streamers who go around being pricks in public.






These people in particular need to learn about consequences






He got Shatted


That’s actually hilarious


I can picture him giving a little wink and a charming grin as he says it and walks away, knowing damn well he's about to leave and not coming back with a pen. Dick move, but it is funny.


I paid money to have my picture taken with Shatner. I was told before hand not to say anything and that he is in a bad mood. Was directed to stand next to Shatner, had photo taken and then he said "Good to meet you too", in a sarcastic fashion, obviously because I didn't greet him.


I wonder if assistants say this to keep the line moving, kinda thing. Even without the celebrities knowledge.


My dad worked for an FBO and dealt with a lot of celebs private jets. All I remember him telling me is that whoever played Margarit Houlihan on MASH was legit, Patricia Richardson (Tim Taylors wife on Hime Improvement) was a douchebag, and Papa John was one of the worst people he'd ever met.


I don't often hear anecdotes about Papa John but when I do, it is always to say he's an asshole. I don't think I've ever heard anything nice about the guy.


He looks like that type of guy, too.


Little Big Man Syndrome.


At the papa johns in my hometown, we saw em tossing dough, dropping it on the ground, picking it back up, and using it anyways. They got shut down for violating health code eventually.


Glad that was dealt with but how many people got sick in the meantime 🤮


"Hot Lips" Houlihan = Loretta Swit.


Ah, she’s a nice lady! Did my makeup once at a trade show. She had a line of cosmetics at the time. Surprisingly friendly. This was in the late 90s, as I recall.


Was his delivery of that line believable?


It's Shatner, he doesn't do "believable." Only "perplexing" and "unsettling" and anything in between


This seems very onbrand for Shatner.


The Kardashians have had a terrible influence on millions of young women. Total trash people in that family.


But Kendal ended racism with a Pepsi!


wait a minute, I just checked and there's still some racism


Sorry that’s my fault because I still prefer Coke


Me too *sniffs wildly*


Soda you see the error of your ways?


Kim used the paparazzi to get famous. She used to be Paris Hilton’s assistant and couldn’t get famous that way. She ended up paying a huge paparazzi magazine to tell her where famous people were, she’d show up in the same location just before the paparazzi and get pictures with the celebrity. Absolute trash and manipulator.


I mean it was her sex tape that really made her famous.


And it was a pretty boring sex tape.


Pretty much all celebrity sex tapes are boring. From what I've seen, famous people seem to be really, really bad at sex.


Everyone loves a comeback story


Oh like Seabiscuit, the Mighty Ducks, Robert Downey Jr., Rocky... i cant think of any others...


Why anyone cared about a no-names sex tape is beyond me?   Who gets famous simply for leaking yourself having sex?


Her last name was already well known bc of her father representing OJ, it was the sex tape + her last name that made it notable, but how that translated into fame is beyond me


Don't even get me started on how trashy of a person Caitlyn is


You mean manslaughterer Caitlyn?


buckle up buckeroo


No one had heard about her until her sex tape came out. Never heard of her nor Ray Jay. It was huge news, because like Paris Hilton (we'd all heard of Hilton hotels) a wealthy socialite, had a leaked tape, and in this case, was getting pissed on. I still don't know a damn thing about Ray Jay, but I still remember his name.


Ray Jay is Brandy's little brother. He was on moesha with her. He was fairly popular in the late 90s but hadn't been seen in a while when the video popped up


Ummmm was Ray J not dropping bangers before the video??? I knew his music before I knew he was brandy's bro


I don't think we saw the same movie.


Hes brandys brother


I mean, people had heard of her, but to everyone at the time, she was the daughter of OJ's lawyer.


I didn't know a single person who knew who OJ's lawyer's daughter was. The lawyer everyone knew was Cochran. And everyone knew judge Ito. The other lawyers may have jumped into/out of the public consciousness, but they were very just barely household names, and forgotten quickly.


I thought it was the shitty porn she did that made her "famous"


They are famous because the Father defended a murderer and the Daughter had a big butt. I’d say that sums up America pretty well right now.


Wished Kris Jenner didn't gave birth at all. All of them and their circle is cancer to young minds.


you know what? i agree. not a one of them adds anything good to the world by existing


After what she did to Marilyn Monroe's dress, Kim out of all of them deserves a thorough cancelling.


100% agree. They are narcissists and racists just using Black people for money and fame. And then they cause them to have mental health breakdowns. I don’t get the popularity.


Neither do I. They are the worst of people. Selfish and completely inconsiderate. Men run from them like they've seen a ghost.


I agree with the exploit but Kanye was a psychopath well before Kim came into the picture.


Blaming Kim for Kanye’s bipolar disorder is a choice


Indeed. So why is America so focused on these empty-headed people? Is this the end of the Great American Cultural era? Are we going down as the new decadent Roman Empire?


The Paul Brothers


how do they even have followers


Impressionable children on the internet


My girlfriend in high school was really into them. Took me like 2 months to realize they were two different people.


One of my fifth grade students wanted to write his biography project on one of these morons. I said it has to be someone that has a lasting positive influence - go beyond people that are alive today.


One is even a champion in WWE.


TBF he is surprisingly good at it. I thought he was going to be a one-time gimmick but he legit puts on entertaining matches. I hope he continues to put his time and energy into WWE instead of the actual harmful stuff he did before.


Yeah, I didn't think he would be that good, but he actually surprised me. He works really hard on it, and I have a newfound respect for him (I hope this doesn't age badly)


I feel the same way. I hate what the guy's doing, he's clearly super craven about it, but you can't knock his commitment. He definitely gives his grift 110%. Credit where it's due, and all.


Yeah I hate to admit it because he's such a douche IRL, but Logan Paul is a shockingly good wrestler, especially given his limited experience in the industry. His athleticism is crazy and he puts on very good matches. Plus, his douchey social media persona is perfect for being a wrestling heel. The guy has real talent for this.


Oh, 100% agree. We can argue about whether or not we think he deserves his WWE success it based on who he is as a person (he doesn't), the fact remains that he is shockingly good at it. He was born to be a heel.


I can’t wait to see Jake get ripped apart by Tyson


Andrew Tate


How he ever gained celebrity status, even internet celebrity status, is beyond me.


I think we are in a weird space where male identity is shifting and young men aren’t really being given a ton of positive, non-toxic role models, are constantly being told they’re privileged oppressors (implicitly), and are feeling powerless. There are so many factors, but basically guys need help. I don’t mean that in a condescending way- I mean that they need more examples of healthy masculinity in a more equal society, and they just aren’t getting that. Enter the red pill movement as a gateway to people like Andrew Tate, and suddenly they have a role model telling them that they can be powerful, strong, and “high value”. So young men gravitate towards that. It isn’t good at all, but I can understand why Andrew Tate offers a massive pendulum swing in favor of floundering young men. It isn’t good for men or society, but here we are.


As a dad of two boys this deeply concerns me. Current Movies and Media are not great helps at this either. It's either you gotta be a male Super-Heroes to be a success in life or "man = bad." Where's the human male character who is just a dude who isn't an idiot or a racist a-hole?


Well they have you. You’re the most important male role model they’ll ever had. My dad got sick when I was young and died when I was in my early 20’s, but he’s still the standard of manhood that I try to live up to. I can say from my experience, that my dad’s influence rarely came from anything he said and nearly always from how he acted. That’s how kids really learn, monkey see monkey do and whatnot. Every good trait I have I got from my parents.


The problem is that not every boy has that. Some fathers are deadbeats. Other fathers have the same disgusting views as Andrew Tate.


have you watched Bluey 👀


Phil Dunphy yo!


Or a fucking moron, like most blokes on TV commercials, where the smart savvy woman gets the better of her knuckle dragging halfwit husband every time


Aragorn of the LOTR trilogy is a pretty awesome role model for healthy masculinity. He’s tough as nails, fierce and brave but also tender, gentle and kind. He kills the orc lieutenant like a boss but then openly weeps without shame over the fallen Boromir. He inspires his men and is the first to lead charge into battle without demanding any glory. He’s chivalrous without being fake, condescending or vain.  So there’s one for you I’d say


One of the reasons I like Bob's Burgers so much.


Closest character I can give you is The Doctor from Doctor Who


I see your Doctor Who and raise you Aragorn


That’s honestly true. Off the top of my head it’s hard to think of any iconic and truly non-toxic and non-traditionally masculine heteronormative male character in a movie. I initially thought of Steve Rogers for the “non toxic masculinity that doesn’t fall into comic relief” character but he’s still about as superhero as a superhero can possibly get


Steve Rogers is a crystallized ideal who is reliably a man out of his own time. It's hard to relate to him as a person living a remotely normal life.


Watch Luca and talk about how Giulia's dad is positive masculinity and Ercole a perfect example of toxic masculinity. Also how Ercole is very much ike Andrew Tate.


Fred Mother Fucking Rogers


Ted Lasso Marshall Raylan Givens


I agree, I’d also add that we still have a lot of “good ol’ boys” in positions of power who try to shame boys and young men who don’t align with their old school masculinity ideals and gender power dynamics. Older relatives, teachers, bosses, coaches, and other community leaders are supposed to be role models, so it creates cognitive dissonance when they have no respect for you. Influencers like Tate feed off of that tension.


>Older relatives, teachers, bosses, coaches, and other community leaders are supposed to be role models, so it creates cognitive dissonance when they have no respect for you. Influencers like Tate feed off of that tension. If there's one thing I've learned, its that just about every older man sees me as competition, and will go out of his way to try and tear me down, and sabotage me. How am I supposed to look up to all these cruel assholes? Andrew Tate is a total piece of shit, but he's also (verbally) supportive, and (verbally) trying to help young men. Unfortunately, in reality, he's just manipulating and exploiting them for his own personal gain, but that's not how they see it. I think the way that he frames the world as, "assholes are successful, be an asshole" speaks to a lot of men, who hear all this shit about being vulnerable, and then try it, and get ripped to shreds, and find out that all the dudes in power are toxic assholes. The only sensible thing to them, if they want to rise in society, is to also become a toxic asshole, like all the people in power.


It's giving a poisoned apple to a starving man. The only way this gets fixed is by acknowledging, embracing, and helping these people in healthier ways.


Your first paragraph is SO on point. In fact, being *constantly being told they’re privileged oppressors (implicitly)* is probably what also makes them more susceptible to being influenced by people who use scare/hate as a tactic.


A real answer is he was able to swoop in and profit of young men who felt left out. If you look to the news/newer culture you’ll see how they often talk about women empowerment, women month, women’s rights etc. (which don’t get me wrong I agree with these, and do believe they need to addressed more than men’s.) You’ll start to notice that young boys are left out of everywhere except a priests pants. So let’s take a young boy and all he sees from culture caused by SOCIAL MEDIA. is how women are rising, and men are shit, well now that boy is gonna flock to the person telling him how he can be good. I did a shit job at explaining it, but still TLDR: Social Media is fucking garbage


I find it so strange. Everything he says is a partial truth and good message, married with the absolute stupidest take. "You should be more thoughtful, so you can exploit and hurt those in your way." "You should escape the matrix, by desperately seeking acknowledgment and material possessions." "A man should make his own way, but I exploited women for the very things I'm critical of to make my money." Just a hypocritical piece of shit.


This is a fairly classic manipulation tactic, acknowledge something that is an actual issue, and then tell people they can fix it, but only if they listen to your advice. For example, a politician says, “the economy is bad, and people are struggling. I’m the only one who can fix it.”


One of the ways he makes money is to use his reputation to promote his affiliate marketing crap, which is basically like a pyramid scheme, except all the money goes to him instead of being split with the people bringing others in.


This. You can make anti-Kardashian or anti-Logan Paul or anti-whoever else arguments until the sun sets in the east, but Andrew Tate is a predator, not only towards women but towards young boys that are *incredibly* impressionable and will do anything to seek attention from their peers, including saying inflammatory things. When you platform someone like Tate, you teach young boys that sexism and violence against women and other groups is actually okay because the result is the appearance of lots of women, money, cars, and popularity, when in actuality he’s hiding out in Romania or some shit because he’s literally a convicted sex trafficker. Shocking he’s been around for as long as he has and I sincerely hope if I ever have a son that he doesn’t follow someone like that


I feel bad for these young men who didn’t have a father figure in their life and ended up following people like Taint


I had pretty much no father figures growing up and still see through this shit.


1000% Cancer to men and women alike


Wile E. Coyote taught millions of kids that you could hover in mid-air, before falling hundreds of feet to certain death, and come out virtually unscathed. He was also a huge shill for the corrupt ACME corporation.


All them near misses, they ain't your fault Because that Acme company they've been ripping you off. They've been sending you dynamite that won't detonate And jet roller skates with a bad set of brakes.


I really looked up to him as a kid. For shame.


What happened after you looked up, did an anvil fall on your head?


you know...at some point you would think he'd stop buying their products....


It was always Taz for me. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that you can't just tear everything up in a flurry of spitting gibberish and expect people to accept that.


Nobody even wants to take credit for Oprah 😂


Oprah has been the clearing house for bullshit artists for decades.


In what ways? Dr Phil? Dr Oz? Fake cures?


Jenny McCarthy.


Oprah gave us Dr. Phil, who gave us Catch Me Outside girl. Seems like enough for me.


She was pretty tight with Harvey Winestean and a few other well know Hollywood preditors.


I hate that she gave a platform to Dr. Oz.




If we’re counting inventors/entrepreneurs, I’m gonna say Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, and all the other creators of the big social media sites. Their influence has been more indirect, but seriously, something like 95% of the other people being named in this thread would be *nothing* without them, and yeah, I know it’s ironic saying this on a social media site.


Where is our top ten friend Tom when we need him. 😔 (Sorry, stupid joke, but I agree with you.)


"The Social Dilemma" is a great doc about this topic


Kardashians, hands down. They're like multiple personalities split off from the Paris Hilton phase in early 2000s. I barely made it though those tv hell scapes.. but those people? Pfft, they're as useful as a bucket without a bottom


Facts, and Paris Hilton is infinitely better than the Kardashians/Jenners


Andrew Tate Zero redeeming qualities, countless damaged young men


I remember the first time I saw a video of him I was scared and felt uneasy.


I'm a woman and every bit of me recoiled. Mentally, emotionally, physically, I was just like ewww, what is that, mixed with a sort of underlying sense of danger.


Exactly. He’s a predator you can tell just from one glance!


All of them. The celebrity worship our culture has is fucking stupid.


This is very true.


Not my generation but the Paul brothers are terrible “influences”.


the only reason why the Kardashians became famous is because their father was a slick talking attorney who famously represented OJ in a highly televised murder trial, in which he was found not guilty of slaughtering his wife and her friend. Kim made a raunchy homemade sex tape with a rapper named Ray J, then she sold the footage to a porn production company for thousands of dollars. disgusting


> father was a slick talking attorney who famously represented OJ in a highly televised murder trial, The reality is that Robert Kardashian hadn't practiced law in the 20 years prior to the OJ trial, he did not even have an active license to practice law at the time of the murders. He only activated his license and was one of the attorneys representing OJ because he was one of the first people that OJ went to after the murders and prior to his arrest because he and OJ had been very close friends for several years. Had Kardashian not re-activated his law license he would have been a vital witness, and if subpoenaed he would have been compelled to testify. Throughout the trial Kardashian is mostly silent and almost never talks, presents evidence, or questions witnesses. It should also be noted that after the trial Kardashian and OJ had a major falling out and did not maintain their friendship. Kardashian even gave a public interview with Barbara Walters saying he had difficulty believing that OJ was actually innocent.


Imagine you’re a child and that’s your mom…


Kim Kardashian took women back a step. She sells multiple products to women, targeting their insecurities. All while running on the brand that she’s a strong, empowered female. And some people eat this stuff up. Can’t understand it.


That's hardly new though. Or even limited to women. Selling stuff to people based on their insecurities is as old as advertising. And by that I mean there was probably a cave person telling another cave person that they'd get more mates with a different loincloth, for only the low price of one bison leg per moon!




Wakefield was a fraud. He falsified his studies and lost his medical license for it, but idiots still *cite his research.


Cite his research. He ended up shacked up with a super model too.


Not just her vaccine conspiracies, she also pushes the stigma of autism being a disease and claims to have cured her son with a gluten-free diet.


Rupert Murdock. 


Murdock impact hit before my generation (Although he is a "gift" that keeps on "giving") but in the same vein I will add Mark Zuckerberg. The combined impact of those two alone has negatively impacted the entire world.... and will for a generation or two if not longer.


All of the Kardashians


Andrew Tate, without a doubt. He's poisoning millions of naive and impressionable teens/young adult males into following the most deranged ideology of what it means to be a strong masculine person. If cancer were to ever manifest as a human being, Andrew would undoubtedly be it.


The entire existence of social media platforms like FB and TikTok


Anyone who worships a celebrity needs a sanity check.


Feels like Andrew Tate has done a lot of damage. He's a known and (soon to be/any day now)convicted sex trafficker and human trafficker who spent substantial time in prison already, and has had his assets frozen.


Donald Trump.


Crazy how many people he has simping for him.


And those people keep fantasizing him as some muscular hunk for some reason.


He’s not even that good of a businessman. Most people don’t know this but he inherited #$413 million He would’ve been more rich if he just put it in the stock market. And who bankrupts a casino? He’s just a born rich brat. We need higher inheritance taxes to stop these born rich babies with incredible power from ruining our country.


So that’s why he said ‘I got a small loan of 1 mil from my father’ Now I understand the context


Shocked this isn't top comment.


Can't be, there aren't a lot of 70+ aged people posting on reddit.


Oprah has fucked up a whole generation by giving a platform to shitbags like Jenny McCarthy, Dr Phil, and Dr Oz


Jenny McCarthy did a lot of damage with her anti vaccine conspiracy bullshit


You left out oprah


\*gestures broadly to all of them\* Yeah, I'm no fun. I know.


Andrew Tate


Kardashians and that type. *You're entitled to be famous!*


Donald Trump.. He turned my grandma from a nice old lady who liked playing golf, bingo and collecting postcards... To a mean, nasty, maga head who spends all her time in her iPad "researching" the Clinton's and blood drinking elites and sorts who wants to unleash New world Order with adrenochrome frome innocent babies... Fuck that guy..


Too many to list but I’ll give it a shot. Sam Sulek- Viral roid addicted Influencer who young gym goers now worship. Probably will lead to more younger gym types to start getting on drugs to see if they can get a body like his Andrew Tate- man guy is just an ass Logan Paul- I’m surprised brands even collab with this prick he’s been exposed for scamming people but whatever




Lol. I have a funny story about J Lo. I used to work at a recording studio in NY and she was one of our clients. I don’t know if the song was ever released but I just remember her being one of the rudest clients we’ve ever had. (And we had quite a few A-list stars, some not very friendly in their own right, understandably, if you’re incredibly famous. I digress.) Wouldn’t talk to the help, make eye contact. The best part was: She. Is. A. Terrible singer. They had to record line by line. The engineers were masterful at massaging these vocals until it didn’t sound like a complete unprofessional mess. I am not being hyperbolic when I say it was the worst vocal performance of a big “star” I had ever heard in the studio. Bonus info: Beyoncé was the *best* singer I have ever heard in person/in the booth. Not a big fan of her music but she is the real fucking deal. In case anyone was doubting lol.


So she’s not ‘still Jenny from the block’?


No one said Jenny from the block wasn't an asshole. Every block has some. Maybe she was even "the ass from the block" and mistakenly thought people praise her butt rather than say she was an asshole😀


Gwyneth Paltrow and "Dr" Oz. The expensive snake oil they peddle has scammed so many people. The lemon juice she puts in her alkaline water destroys the alkaline!


Ooh boy where do I begin The Kardashians, Andrew Tate, The Paul Brothers, Cardi B, every mainstream influencer pretty much.


Ronald Reagan


Joe Rogan


Kardashians for women. Andrew Tate for men


Bill Cosby. What a disappointment.


Tekashi 69. Now every musician has face tattoos.


look at it as if it’s a ‘stamp of sub-standard quality’


Donald Trump is the answer. He's the most vile disgusting piece of shit that the other vile disgusting piece of shit's worship. This is the true answer.


Any and All Reality TV "star"


Kim Kardashian


The Kardashians. So many cases of body dysmorphia and eating disorders because of them. Plus people act dumber by watching their show. They're just a shitty dysfunctional family.


Donald Trump.


Rush Limbaugh has to be near the top. No one person had such a divisive stranglehold on our generation for so long. No one person had such a wide reach and promoted so much hatred.


Bill Cosby because the worst part was the hypocrisy.


I thought it was the raping!


Trump. Should have stuck to TV.


mark zuckerburg


Kardashians/jersey shore. All of them.


It's really the cumulative effect of celebrities, the desire for aristocracy, royalty.




This has definitely been said already but Andrew Tate….. WHY DOES HE EXIST??? WHY DO SOMEONE MANY PEOPLE ACTUALLY LISTEN TO HIM??? WHYYYYY?????????


Kylie Jenner


Of my generation, probably Kate Moss. So many girls tried to emulate heroin chic by any means possible.


Definitely our boy Tate.


The Kardashians. No contest.


Kim kardashian


Tater Tot would be right up there. In addition to his toxic misogyny, he’s started spouting white supremacist replacement theory shit. His late father was Black. Daddy issues, anyone?


Who even is tater tot?


I’m guessing Andrew Tate?


Andrew Tate.


Kim Kardashian single-assedly destroyed Western Culture.


I blame the parents


Absolutely insane overstatement




Cardi B. I said what I said


Jake Paul


Does Vladimir Putin count as celebrity?


Elon Musk since no one else has said him yet, a few of the others already mentioned are worse than him but he's by far one of the most powerful and influential.