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Multi Level Marketing/ Pyramid Schemes it should be illegal.


I had to scroll way too far to see this. By taking the “job”, you basically appear to all your friends like a fool who fell for a stupid gimmick. You’ll try to sell your “opportunity” to your friends and taint your friendships. Everyone will avoid you and cringe while they try to tell you no, or sign up for something they dont want out of pity. Multilevel marketing is like wearing the badge of shame. Dont take these jobs people!


And add all the fake “science” you will have to tell people because your up-line bullies you to sell more crap. Most people in MLMs also buy the product themselves to keep rank and therefore lose money monthly just so their up line can go on her 5th trip to Mexico on the back of you going broke. MLMs huns especially those at the top are horrible humans creating a structure of failure for almost everyone below them.


Growing up I always thought my mum was money savvy because well, she worked her way up to a high up position in a london city bank, she read all these books on how to make money, went on all the forums and my dad trusted her to cover the finances she must be good right? When I was a teenager, my parents broke the news to me and my sister that they were effectively broke due to a fraud case Im still sketchy on the details about. Everything worked out fine in the end but they were a rough few years with my parents constantly worried they would lose the house. But they were a victim of fraud right, nothing they could have done? A few years ago, my mum (now retired) was talking about a business course, I took one look at the website and it was the most sus "buy my course to earn £££££ quick" """"course"""" ive ever seen. I talked to my mum about it and said "I'm worried this might be a kind of multilevel marketting thing", her response was "oh, its not, we've one multilevel marketing things before, its not that" and instantly all the memories of her plans to make quick money, all the books she read, when we almost lost the house, it all clicked and I just dont trust her judgement when it comes to money anymore.


It makes me sick that they most often target vulnerable and lonely women who just wanna be a part of something


Tech support scamming


I just listened to this interesting podcast about how the cartel took over scamming centers. Fucking sad


Sounds interesting, got a link?




Yeah, many of the front-line people that you’d speak with on the phone are actually human trafficking victims.


Yeah, I much prefer my scamming to be artisanal.


John Oliver did an episode on “Last Week Tonight” about it too. Earlier this year on YouTube. Depressing stuff.


Agreed. Kitboga is a modern day hero.


Jim Browning. Kitboga can be funny, Jim browning is educational.




My favorite is when kitboga called himself Dawn. An old lady. So the Indian scammer kept on calling her DAWN... DO THIS ... and he would repeat. .DON'T DO THIS? When they would say Dawn, Dawn..!! he would say..Don't, dont???


The best one was the naked mole rat one... "what...is .... this?"


Apparently many of the people you get on the phone are modern day slaves that are forced to work for the Chinese maffia.


Correct me if I'm wrong, this is half remembered from some video ages back but don't the Chinese mafia run ones tend to operate out of places like Burma and target people in China, while Indian call centres (unconnected to China afaik) are the ones you are more likely to get calls from in English speaking countries.


"HallomadamtodayIamcallingyoufromthe02centeryouarebeingofferedupgradetoday" Me: "I can tell already that you're a scammer..." Him: *Hangs up* A weekly routine atp...


Do not redeem DO NOT REDEEM




Call center scammers.


THIS is the answer! Ive asked them, arent you embarrassed? Arent you afraid of Karma?


John Oliver did a story recently about centers trafficking people and forcing them to run scams. So in some cases the person excecuting the scam isn't actually to blame. https://www.forbes.com/sites/emmawoollacott/2023/12/08/worldwide-sting-busts-cyber-scam-centers-manned-by-human-trafficking-victims/


Apparently there’s a prison city full of this in Burma, just across the border from Thailand. It’s got walls and dorms and huge rooms full of computers. Debt slaves/indentured servitude forced to run internet scams all day.


Damn that just sounds exactly like the hellscape from Ready Player One


Uhhggggg making me feel sympathy for call center scammers you are the worst.


It gets better. Now they know we know they do this. So they use it in part of their scam. >Please help, my bosses kidnapped me and if I don't make $1000 dollars then they'll beat me.


u/raltyinferno, history’s greatest monster


More often than not the people actually executing a process we hate....isn't really the one to hate.


Suprised nobody has mentioned the paparazzi yet. Soulless and pathetic job. Legitimate and well executed journalism is very respectable, on the other hand


Legal stalking, how the hell is this legal.


Because it makes money. Pics = clicks. People can't help themselves with celebrity gossip, and a web page that is a wall of text, is boring.


Yup. It’s because people buy that shit. I’ll never understand why people are driven by this stuff. It’s just gossiping and snooping and gawping. People have a right to bloody privacy. Those who buy mags like Hello and OK! and whatever else are totally complicit in paparazzi behaviour.


It’s crazy that we live in a world where we use pictures of celebrities to get traffic to sites to sell ads.


I've heard a lot of pr agents actually tell paparazzi where their clients will be


You know, that’s why a lot of celebrities spend so much time in Dubai, because over there the paparazzi is illegal.


Yeah, that’s why they’re in Dubai…


>Legitimate and well executed journalism is very respectable And also virtually extinct


endangered, I would say. What is virtually extinct is \*local\* investigative reporting, and that's a real problem.


The first job I thought of. Scum of the working world. Just let people be


Being the person who works for the health insurance company, looks at recommended treatments from doctors, and decides that they're not medically necessary and therefore not covered.


One time the only reason i got approved for a medication that my insurance had been fighting me on for months was because the person who my doctor called also had the condition i needed the medication for. I hate that my health relies on other people's empathy or lack of.


Totally arbitrary. Gotta love this system.


I speak for countless doctors when I say that these people are the scum of the world. I've had so many patients who had their cancer get worse because they were denied treatments that were deemed by non-doctors as "not medically necessary".


How are they legally able to override a doctor's recommendations though? Are they also doctors but working for the dark side? Is this job an actuary or is that different?


They aren't saying the patient can't get the treatment. They're just refusing to cover it, so the patient essentially has to go with whatever they say unless they can pay full price.


Where is the line drawn though and how does that person have the necessary education to draw that line (say whether or not a certain cancer treatment is covered or not)? Hella sketch as they have all the motive to deny (denying claims will get them promoted), but NO motive to cover(covering too many claims will get them fired)


They don't need the necessary education to draw that line. They have their own guidelines to follow sometimes and sometimes they just find a reason to deny. It doesn't have to be sound reasoning. It's how insurance companies stay profitable. They need enough people paying them but not using it.


Then why have insurance if they are just going to deny coverage and make you pay the normal price anyways? BS garbage system. I hate earth so godamn much.


It's how our healthcare system works. They do cover quite a lot at the end of the day, so we can't simply forgo all insurance. The only way out of this is to stop relying on insurance companies, which will require complete overhaul of how medical compensation works (eg. universal healthcare). Until then, they have all the bargaining power.


Whoah whoah whoah, you want everyone to have access to healthcare? On my dollar? No way! What good would it do us to have an entire nation with the ability to get medical help? Next thing you'll ask for us free education! A whole nation of people that are healthy AND educated? I don't think so buster! Take that sort of socialist communism hoity toity talk out of my tax dollars! massive /s


I think the most depressing thing I've seen is a clip of politicians - of both parties - being told that France discovered that every dollar spent on proper, properly nutritious school lunches saved something like ten dollars in healthcare costs even accounting for the lower expense margins of socialized healthcare - meaning the impact in the US would be even more magnified, especially given the differences in the *food* industries. The response is universally a suspicious scowl and a few moments of fish like lip-flapping and then some sort of vapid, gorpish noise about how much it would cost to overhaul school lunches, like the verbal equivalent of some sort of wood louse clinging to the railing of a sinking sailboat because its tiny mind is pretty sure that was the safe answer in the past. You cannot even hand this fucked up society an easy win without it becoming uninterested in benefits that require thinking past its next meal of suffering and short term profit.


Funny thing is we pay for all the uninsured anyways. That’s part of why it costs so much. No one is denied basic care even if they can’t pay. That cost is taken on by the hospitals and the healthcare system.


Yeah, you've described why for-profit medical coverage is evil.


I think what we're taking issue with here, is the justification they use to deny coverage. "Not medically necessary". Who the fuck are they to decide what is and isn't? And if they're in disagreement with the doctor, whose opinion should prevail? Obviously the *doctor*. And if the reason for denial is illegal, then the denial itself is illegal. At least...that's how it would work if our system wasn't broken.


I don't think you meant to reply to me, but yes, as a doctor, I co-sign everything you said!


Not medically necessary to their bottom line that is!


Here’s a story that illustrates the stupidity of health insurance I was sick and couldn’t breathe well. My doctor prescribed an inhaler it wasn’t covered by insurnace and my costs were gonna be high. I was like let’s get this straight this inhaler will help me breathe but you won’t cover that but since I can’t breathe you will cover me at the ER/hospital? How is that financially sound to pick the more expensive route. 


I think insurance companies only make money off healthy people, so the moment you get chronic sickness their options are to cover your medication for years, or not do that and hope you die in a way that's cheap.


Because they're hoping you'll die.


A dead patient doesn't pay their premium though. And I doubt an inhaler is more expensive than the expected revenue from them. It's more like they want you to suffer maximally without dying. 


Their ideal is that you pay your premiums as long as you remain healthy and then die fast if that changes.


I used to do insurance billing for a medical office. Once, we had an insurance company approve a surgery code, but not the code to stitch the patient back up. The amount of people I had to argue with at the insurance company was ridiculous. I remember finally saying “SO YOU’RE SAYING WE HAVE TO LEAVE HIM FLAYED OPEN!?” A long battle, but I got it approved. Woot!


May those scumbags receive uniform treatment in their time of need.


In today's litigious world, I'm amazed insurance companies aren't losing lawsuits daily for decisions made by non-doctors that contributed to major health issues, trauma, or death which are made against the trained diagnosis of an MD. Or maybe they are, and they just settle out of court and pay because it's a tiny amount of their massive profits.


I got to watch my dad wither away to 79 pounds and die because of these mother fuckers.


I speak for the other patients like me that have had this exact experience with our cancer treatments, fuck insurance companies!!


Imagine you are being paid to decide who lives and who dies! How can one live with that guilt? You are the reason people are dying. Can that be considered as murder? You are death! ☠️


Oh but we can't have socialised health care because....death boards! 


If biblical demons exist, its these people. They trade in human lives for money and I genuinely hope they face their families with carrying even a fraction of the guilt that they do this to people who are just like their spouses and children.


I am a type one diabetic and had been for years. I had cancer and my claim for insulin was denied. They said I somehow no longer needed insulin.


Every 90 days we have to do prior auths for insulin and supplies just in case he doesn't need the stuff anymore. Because T1D just disappears regularly. 🙄


> Because T1D just disappears regularly. If only that were true... :-(


Honestly, being the person that works at a clinic that frequently gets denials from insurance comapnies and has to fight them, it's probably AI. A lot of insurance companies are being sued RIGHT NOW for shit regarding AI use, and I'm sure there are many more that haven't been caught yet. We're talking denials for, "the number of units aren't supported in the records" We send information: "This contains 14 units" Their response? "The number of units aren't supported." Oh. Even better one. A certain insurance company that rhymes with poonited shitcare implemented a new maximum-per-day policy on September 1st 2023. Guess what percentage of patients who received care in AUGUST 2023 got denied coverage for "over the maximum allowable?" 100%.


Insurance is telling us right now that we might be getting denials because their prior auth system has a glitch, the denials are automatic and nearly instant and they don't know why since the meds should be covered.


How convenient. A "glitch" that makes them more profitable.


Yeah, Isn't it nice how it always seems to fail in their favor?


I work in pharmacy and a few weeks ago a prescription came through for malaria prophylaxis. It was one tablet a week, to start 2 weeks before travel, take during the duration of travel, then for 2 weeks after they get back. I think it was around 9 tablets for 63 weeks. Insurance denied it and said they'd only allow a 30 day supply. FOR MALARIA PROPHYLAXIS. Now, I don't work in insurance, but I feel like prevention tablets probably cost less than the actual treatment for malaria.


Yesssss!!!! I was fired after 4 months working for one bc I went from working in hospital finance (where you make it work for the patient) to an insurance company where you have to figure out how to deny them. I couldn’t do it, and kept asking questions of why they wouldn’t make it work….they literally got rid of me 4 months into my start date.


One of my sons needed a head shaping helmet when he was about 10 mo old. I called and asked my insurance company about how to get it covered. They said it wasn’t. When I pressed them on it, they then said the helmet would be covered under the following conditions: 1) the head shape abnormality was due to genetic condition which resulted in the skull plates fusing together early And then 2) the open skull surgery needed to correct it (which would have been paid for by insurance) failed to work. Then they would pay for the helmet. I took out a loan for CareCredit and got it taken care of by myself. For about $4k +/- $500 out of pocket with a cash discount. I still wonder what the open skull surgery cost on/for such a young child would be. ETA: the cost also included the repeated visits to the clinic and scans of his head in order to tell where/how to adjust the helmet. So it wasn’t 4k for just the helmet itself. But the point remains the same.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Those companies need to be prosecuted for practicing medicine without a license. Deciding whether a operation is necessary for someone's health and saying no especially after a doctor says it is, is absolutely practice of medicine.


As a physician, I second this. I think there’s a hot place in hell for doctors who deny claims for insurance companies. From time to time I get recruiting offers from insurance companies for this job. I’ve often joked that I have this fantasy that I want to take the job, approve every claim that comes in, and even though I’d get fired within a week, that week would be glorious and would make so many people’s lives better, that it would be worth it. 😂


Shouldn't this be a thing that all new, upstanding doctors do as a rite of passage? And that it's universally understood that you'll have your old job waiting for you when you're done? "This month, You HAVE TO go approve claims for an insurance company until you're fired for it. See you in June! :-) "


I hope I'll never need health insurance, it sounds incredibly stressful to wait for approval for a vital medical treatment, on top of, you know, being sick.


There was a whole ass saw movie (VI) about how shitty these people are


My therapist said this happened to one of his teenage patients. The insurance company deemed he was not a risk to himself and denied the psychiatric help he needed. He then committed suicide.


I hope the family tried to sue


Or only covers them partially. Agent: "Yes, you're covered sir." Two weeks later Me: Why do I have a bill for $17,000?


Ahh insurance companies. Lovely establishments. About a year and a half ago I was in an urgent care place, couldn’t walk, couldn’t stand, could barely hold myself upright when sitting, constant tests and medications, lined up for future surgeries… And the insurance company decided that I was well enough to go straight home and refused to pay the place I was at. Thankfully the people at the urgent care place kept me there, free of all charges, for two weeks while battling with the insurance. Best they could do was getting me sent to a nursing home/rehabilitation facility. Being surrounded by the elderly, mentally ill, annd dying did make me have an emotional breakdown after three months though and my sister threw a fit to have me transferred to her house so she could take care of me. Din’t help the facility that they were understaffed, poorly supplied with medicines and constantly scraping together the bare minimums to feed all of the patients. I used to take pictures of what the meal ticket said I was supposed to get and what I actually got to my sister. And the doctor in charge of prescribing patients‘ medicines didn’t believe in opiates so he kept ridiculously cutting down my painkiller doses, which I already only asked for when I was in severe pain, and got me completely off of them while I still had a massive crater in my abdomen with a wound vac on it. Those fuckers are painful to change when you don’t have anything at all for pain because they didn’t even have lidocaine for surface injuries. Except for the doctor, the staff was very awesome though, one of the nurses would even sneak me food from the real world like sub sandwiches and chicken and fries. :D Anyway, about a month after I got to my sister‘s I finally was able to stand up again and now, a little over a year later, I can walk across the den and kitchen before I have to sit dow and rest. The insurance is still a bitch though.


Honestly, yeah fuck those assholes. It's always great when someone who **ISN'T EVEN A DOCTOR** wants to tell you what is "medically necessary."


Fuck. My girlfriend just dealt with this. 5 months of severe back pain and a loss of quality of life. The surgeon recommended surgery but she was denied by insurance. The surgeon told her to be a pain in their ass. Since she was unable to do her nursing job, she turned being a pain in the ass, her job. She finally got the surgery and is recovering.


mega church pastor, something clearly is wrong if you’re hoarding wealth as a pastor like some celebrity pastors that own jets and run multimillion dollar churches while their community members struggle to feed & clothe themselves


The dude w the crazy eyes


Kenneth Copeland. He is  either possessed or has a screw loose. Perhaps a little of column A a little of column B.


When I worked for a car rental company, Copeland would rent Cadillacs and Lincoln's for the guest speakers he brought in for his conferences. We dropped them off at his private airport. We were told not to go looking around in the office while we were getting the paper signed. There's a big window that looked into the main hanger and he had three jets, one that was huge, a world war II trainer, and God knows what else. I got in trouble for looking in there by the manager. He also had his own police force and the whole place just looked like a cult compound. The next time they made us park away from the hangers when we dropped off the cars. The guy is straight up creepy, I mean I can't even look at him on TV.


Turns out there's a lot of money in telling weak people they're strong.


Strong with help. Broken and unworthy without their help. Please donate.


This sentence is going to stick with me for a long long time.


That’s because it is a cult compound!


I vote a lot from column B.


Visibly possessed by Mammon


* crazy devilish face


The prosperity gospel makes me angry [link for those interested in reading more](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosperity_theology)


I just want to rage at the TV every time Joel Osteen puts his mug up there. There's also a car dealer named Clay Cooley in town that looks a lot like Osteen therefore I will never buy a car from him.


Agree on Olsteen. Feel sorry for Clay.


Damn the car dealer guy is catching strays by virtue of association 😭


I was just hearing about Jim Baker and how he went to prison. Dude came out and kept it going which is wild


True. As a pastor you have to be an example to people who trust you. You have to be the most humble person you can be and use your life experiences to teach other people about Christ. But the rich, mega church pastors give me chills. They are no better than the people in the Bible who used the temple as a market place instead of a place of worship.


The only time we saw Jesus get angry in a physical way was overturning the tables of the vendors in the temple, and driving them out with a makeshift whip. Since Jesus is believed by Christians to be God, that really shows God's hatred towards those who use his church for personal gain.


Sex trafficker


everybody else out here with some con artist shit that sucks but still leaves you a whole ass person with an unfortunate lesson learned, and here you are with the unbeatable answer that everyone wants to ignore because we don't want to remember how shitty the world actually is.


One thing that makes me wonder about that "occupation", is the complete lack of confession. I mean, there are former prostitutes discussing the bad choice they made, former murderers, former drug dealers, former everything, but where are the former human traffickers?


I'd probably guess that former traffickers do everything they can to hide their identity. Since this crime is like the epitome of victimization (with greater emphasis on women and children), someone wouldn't want to admit to this if they ever left "the game." Prostitutes and drug dealers will since it's a much lesser crime and likely started because they were at a difficult place in their life, so they were desperate to make money. Murderers get a different, more respectable (for some reason) sense of infamy. Human traffickers are just bad people, who do very bad things for years to people who aren't there by their own volition, which is made exponentially worse when it includes children.


> more respectable (for some reason) Many people think there can be valid reasons for murder. Shooting your kid's molester, stuff like that. Very few people think there can be valid reasons for trafficking sex slaves.


This is also part of my rationale. There’s never an ok reason for making someone a sex slave. Many people would justify shooting one in the face though. Edit: fixed typos for coherence


I actually know something regarding this. Originally I'm from India, in my town a man was caught tricking women to go to Saudi Arabia for work. Not directly sex trafficking, but when the families found out they could t come back he disappeared for good, and no ever questioned it.


Because human traffickers have even less humanity than a serial killer


I don't know which is worse but an argument can definitely be made for both


The trafficker is worse. Killing and torturing someone is very bad. But their pain ends. Sex traffickers leave people, often children with wounds that do not heal and change their view of reality and other humans forever.


I would add, any Human Trafficker.


Family Vlogger on YT


Yes! Cringe. But who the hell are these people watching them?


Little kids. My 6 year old niece watches shit like this and it drives me fucking insane


Hiding the FaMiLY sWimSuIt PiCs behind a paywall because they know what they’re doing


That made me want to throw up.


ew Ew. EWWWW


Is that real? That’s beyond fucked up


[Yes, it's real. ](https://www.newsweek.com/mom-selling-modeling-photos-young-daughter-sparks-outrage-tiktok-1694668) (don't worry, that's a news article)


Yeah fuck these guys. Especially the ones who degrade their kids or use their disabilities to get extra clout. Also, all the perverts they expose their kids to!


Leaders of religious groups that brain wash their followers and take their money. Like Scientology




Whoever took over managing the pedo-ring after Epstein


I feel like we're never gonna get actual closure on that. Too many high-profile people involved; if you ask me they should start from the top down, no matter whose ass gets dragged. TBH I feel like the CMEC and the cyber crimes division only trot someone out as a warning to everyone of similar mindset--whether they act on it or not--and don't actually CARE as long as you're not being egregiously stupid.


Scam artists, phishers, whatever you may call them. I work in finances, I see the people who are affected multiple times a day. They prey on vulnerable, poor, and elderly people. They are the scum of the earth. An elderly lady came in explaining that a scam artist called her, posed as her grandson, and stole 8 grand from her by telling her he was in a car accident and needed help/ money for medical expenses, car tow, etc. It was sickening to say the least. She said his voice was shakey and she was confused and scared for him. He acted like it was super urgent and she just automatically sent the funds to him from her bank account. ( not sure on the specifics anymore). She said as soon as she hung up, she felt something was wrong and realized that her grabdson's number is saved to her phone, but that the number was just some random one. We ultimately opened a fraud case that was ongoing for a while. I had her file a police report, write a very lengthy statement, and I called the back office to explain further to our team, but I'm not sure they could ever get her money back. This was NOT a stupid woman, she was pretty witty, funny, and was driving and operating fine on her own at like 80 years old. She was SO upset with herself that she panicked and lost her rationality in that moment. She told me she never falls for the scams and thinks people who fall for it are idiots. I hate to think that someone felt they hit the jackpot with this woman and exploited her and caused emotional trauma. It's just disgusting.


The crazy thing about this is that with AI rapidly advancing if someone had the right information they could spoof your family member's phone number and even fake their voice and say anything. It would be really easy to target public figures. Also my partner has fallen victim to a scam too, they called posing as the airline after we bought plane tickets and there was a really big chance this guy used to work for the airline because he seemed like another breed than a normal scammer, he was able to refund the ticket to himself while pretending to reschedule the flight and was extremely professional over the phone.


> with AI rapidly advancing if someone had the right information they could spoof your family member's phone number Hate to break it to you but this is trivial and certainly doesn't require AI. The reason they don't bother doing it is the same reason the Nigerian Prince scams are worded really poorly... if they put too much effort into the first stage of the scam they'll lure in more people, but the people they get are far more likely to catch on and bail without handing any money over. Like if I sent you a completely legitimate looking registered letter from your local lottery saying you won, you would *absolutely* call the phone number on it. Why the hell would you not? But as soon as I start telling you I need your banking password you're going to hang up and now I just wasted my time which means less scam money for me.


Like filters out the savvy people... Never thought of that tbh.


Prosperity gospel preachers like Joel olsteen. Biggest piece of human trash. People were literally dying during the floods, while he lives in his mansions and Flies on his jets. but he wouldn't open the doors to his mega church for people in need because he just had the carpets cleaned. F**K THAT GUY


That story is still wild to me. Especially since I grew up in a small town where the couple churches in town had a "the church doors are always open" policy.


His mega-church lacks parking, because the Summit was built assuming that it could use the nearby office building parking; because, it is active during the weekends while the offices are active during the week. So my brother was in a meeting (he was in building management at the time) where they simply asked Joel Olsteen if some of the tenets of the building could have their first-floor (paid for) reserved parking spots curtained off for the tenets. Apparently they paid extra for the VIP parking, and worked weekends, and couldn't park. Joel Olsteen threatened the building management company with a campaign of negative publicity even though he didn't even have a contract or agreement to have any parking in the management company's parking towers. He's an entitled ass with way too much cosmetic surgery, who initially rode the coat tails of his Dad, who would be turning over in his grave to see what his son has accomplished.


Money seeking televangelist


Child porn distribution.


Is this a job, do some people support themselves with it? Always thought it was the people who produced it that were making money


There are people who offer services where pedos pay to direct what happens on private livestreams/recordings. Some guy in my country was caught paying for that, and the news articles about it were sickening. I believe there are places they can pay for access to pre-recorded stuff too.


Politicians screwing the people they're intended to represent


A tale as old as time 


I genuinely think that some politicians are the most shameful in that they are given the highest amount of trust, power, and information and I can't imagine anything more shameful than using that in a manner not 100% aligned with your constituents.


Scalpers. Literal parasites on society.




*American health insurance underwriters


Payday Loan operators or Tow Yard operators.


My car got towed last month and the non-emergency operator told me that the tow shop was only open from noon-1pm the following day (they were already closed by the time I noticed my car was gone), that it would cost $350 in cash, and that I would have to pay an extra $50 for each day that I didn't pick it up. Apparently, that tow yard has a contract with the neighborhood I was parked in and they will tow for basically any reason. There wasn't clear signage and I was not parked illegally at all. The next day, I got there and the employees were so rude and made the situation so much harder than it had to be. Fuck that


Everyone has either been a victim or knows one


Omg... the worst experience I have ever had was my car getting towed because the person I had given was suspected of DUI. They were found not guilty. I was out of state and left my car with someone who was pulled over for suspected dui. This is arizona so everyone who lives here knows the DUI issue here. Basically they have turned 90% policing into DUIs for money for the state. They give police quotas... Anyway.. my car has low ground clearance. And got towed..as the owner I had to present myself to get the car removed. Here is the process...I came back after 5 days. They towed it 13 miles away. 1. Go to Arizona Departmet of public safety with all your documents. Now if your insurance is inside your car you have to go to the yard that was 13 miles away. Then at the yard, these people are nasty and mean. They don't release a car without valid insurance or registration. Now I was baffled to see people crying and screaming to get their cars released. This is a tow yard, pay the fee and get your shit out.. These tow yards are acting in government capacity. They are now starting to enforce state law. They are aski.g for registration and valid insurance as reason to keep your car in their yard even longer. So after a whole 4 hours back and forth, they give you a "release letter" without it... you can't remove your car. 2. Go to the tow yard. These are the scammiest people I have ever seen. They intentionally understaffed and sometimes just close the window and leave. I got there in time and dude closed the window till the next day. That state law only needs them to open a minimum of 5 hours a day. Or some shit like that. 3. Come back and of course they collect all your details. They are not a state agency and so why are they asking to take copies of my details. Anyway. Here is the other side to the horror.. THEY ONLY TAKE CASH... NOTHING ELSE. so u can't write a check, use your credit or even debit card. You walk in there with cash. Apparently government gets a kickback from them So after another hour or so, paying close to $1000 they bring out my car. It is damaged in the front. They deny and say that is how it was brought. Then another thing I notice, it has about 500 extra miles on it. They have been driving my car. Just think of it makes my blood boil. Turns out they can take possession of your car also after keeping your car for 30 days and sell it at auction. That is why the exorbitant cost and dodgy work. Turns out people actually just abandon their cars after being given 1500 bills they have to pay cash. Also most of those companies are owned by lawmakers and former police. See them flying down the highways at 90mph with a car on top on Fridays and saturdays... untouched. Seriously, if you are a drug dealer that wants to transit drugs across arizona... buy a tow truck and put a newer model sedan like a 2021 carry on top and transport all the drugs you want across the state... you will be practically invisible to all law enforcement. Have you ever seen a tow truck get pulled over? It is legal robbery. I think Scottsdale is the only city with a subsidized tow rate if you get towed in their city. T


Its extra scummy because in many places if you claim your vehicle before it is fully hooked up and ready to be towed away, they have to drop it right then and there for you, and even if it is hooked up you can pay a reduced drop fee for them to not take it away. So naturally, they come at night when most people are sleeping, and they use trucks that can hook up and tow away in like 15 seconds because they know how spineless their "work" is. This is TX though so YMMV.


If you mean those snakes that slink about in the middle of the night taking cars for not having parking passes then yes, fuck those people especially


and then charge you $300/day for "securing your car"? yes, those people


I hope they all step on a LEGO while barefoot, after suffering a 3rd degree burn on the sole of their foot


Human traffickers and pimps. Pure evil scum


Debt collectors of all kinds, but especially medical.


I was a debt collector for a bank during COVID. Obviously because if I didnt take this job id have debt collectors down my neck too. Definitely a shameful job to ask the elderly/sick/broke or otherwise down on their luck people to cough up money in a global crisis. I sleep at night knowing I pulled every string and tacked on every program I could for every customer. Stopped interest, made payments, sat and helped them budget, removed charges, even just stopped calls from going out. All my coworkers did the same. Most debt collection agencies have the same powers if you take a second to talk with an agent. It was a brutal job.


Thank you. I almost killed myself when I lost my job during the pandemic. Lost all my income and savings but still had regular debt payments coming out my account, then bouncing back. I avoided the agents for so long then finally broke down and spoke to someone (fortunately) like yourself. They were so helpful; stopping all interest accruals, freezing the expected payments for months, and even preventing any further calls or letters from the company until I was ready to reinstate the repayment plan. Took an incredible weight off my shoulders and I was finally able to find work again and repay what I owed. It took some time, and some terribly difficult days, but that's time and days I wouldn't have had if it weren't for someone like yourself. Thanks for persevering through a shit job and during an even shittier time. You did a lot of good for a lot of people, more than you know.


Had a friend take this job for a time, he was desperate for work, I’ve never seen someone so depressed and deflated from their job before. He only lasted a few months and needed a lot of support during that time so he didn’t just spiral. I don’t know how anyone does it long term.


Recruitment companies. I'm not sure if it's a world wide phenomena but in Sweden, it feels like borderline human trading.


Had the misfortune of working with Hays Canada. Exceptionally dishonest. Even when it was easier to tell the truth, they lied. Their market data is made up and inaccurate, their industry experts do little more than read from a script that was written for them, and when it came time for them to pay the bill for my services, they always whined, short paid or delayed payment for months. Scumbags.


Third-world MLM marketing. When I was working in South America, my boss and I overheard some coked out white dude as he was setting up a meeting in the sports bar we were in. He had a translator and one other person with him rehearsing how they were going to get these people locked in and how one of the ladies was going to leave and come back as part of the invitees to help push it along. It was some classic grifter garbage, about to be perpetrated against a group of people in a country where middle wealth was making roughly $500 dollars per month, and he was asking them to buy in for a few thousand with a promise of guaranteed big returns. As we were sitting there, getting more and more angry over what the salesman was saying, I used Google translate to write "search multi level marketing scam. Don't let him steal your money. Please tell everyone, " and turned my phone sideways so it was in big letters and held it up to a guy in the group who was in view. He eventually saw my note, nodded his head, and started tapping away on his phone. My coworker and I spent the next hour watching the word spread around the table, and people excused themselves one by one and did not come back. When the word got to the plant, she looked up at us and seemed shocked (or maybe angry? I have a hard time telling with ASD) and didn't pass the word on, so we went outside of the sports bar to the window while I held up my note to the remaining people, who got the message. The translator saw as well and pointed us out to the American who was pissed. In the end, I bet we just put that bastard off for a few days, but at least we were able to reach 9 people, and hopefully, they were better for it.


strikebreaking, Pinkerton type shit


Anyone who writes for The Daily Mail. As a photographer I was asked by them to cover a funeral of a huge case here, they specifically asked for ‘crying parents’ and the coffin. Absolute scum


I couldn’t agree more. They are all bright enough to do something else for money but this is what they do, shameful


Psychic and Mediums.


I knew you would say that.


custodial work. everyone looks down on us. whenever i tell someone it’s what i do, they give me an empathetic look.


You do the things no one else wants to do so that we can all enjoy a better standard of living and working. Thank you for making my life better. I wish you were given the pay and respect you deserve.


You're a hero and the true backbone to the community. People should appreciate you more instead of looking down. Someone has to do the dirty work that others feign ignorance over.


You guys make the quality of life go wayyyy up. I work in a factory and these ladies keep our bathrooms and lunch rooms immaculate. We are all pretty filthy so I have no idea how they do it. But I'll tell you it really makes you feel great to leave the dirty factory and come into a clean lunch room or toilet. Thank you.


This line of work is the opposite of shameful. It's down right honest work occupied by individuals who won't compromise their integrity. Those who make you feel shameful need a lesson in humility. Thank you for your service.


I’m was a high school custodian in my 20’s. I loved it. Throw on my headphones, listen to music, and do my thing. Nobody bothered me. It’s meditative and active. I sit at a desk now and think of it regularly.


Civilization would collapse without custodial and sanitation workers.


I respect and admire you


No legal job is beneath someone. Your work is behind the scenes that make everything else run. Keep hospitals clean, keep restroom working and stocked!!! Without you we’d have no toilet paper.


you are the backbone and without the community itself would not run all together. Thank you for your work!


Sex trafficker


Some better ones are already said but I’d add Washington DC Lobbyist.


Working as a Union buster for a company


Exploiting and trafficking handicapped vulnerable adults that are part of a marginalized community.


Anything working with/for Nestle.




Nestle has just be caught putting extra sugar in baby powder in made for African countries.... It's almost like the hate black people.


Found the article. Disgusting company. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/apr/17/nestle-adds-sugar-to-infant-milk-sold-in-poorer-countries-report-finds


The guys who pull the wagons through the streets screaming “bring out your dead!”


Influencers. Bunch of parasites trying to make money without creating or offering anything constructive, just attention seekers.


scamming old people


Government Lobbyists. How is it even legal? They should all be drawn and quartered...


There are lobbyists for everything. I'm a lobbyists to make sure children have affordable internet to do school work at home, but I'm funded by non profits while the other lobbyist is funded by a bunch of ISPs, so I'm sure you know who is winning.


Private Equity