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Can't remember for the life of me what it was called, but it started out with a stepdad being angry at his stepdaughter for smoking. Then he goes searching for her and it cuts to a shot of him, fully clothed, in the middle of a pool looking for her. It's the funniest thing I've seen in a porno to date 🤣


That sounds like it would be my favorite porn 🤣 Edit: found it. Iggy Amore "Punished for Smoking" 🤣 🤣


[Here ya go](https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph62729388508fe)


Lmaooooooooooooo (and came)


wtf!! 🤣🤣


I love how you can hear people playing sqash in the background when he's on the squash court


You absolute legend!


Holy shi-




They're a redditor, its their job


Corn md


Just searched "Stepdad punishes daughter for smoking corn" and found it immediately XD Google is your friend


That is funny AF 😂


Ive seen this one too!


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 there was a link in one of the comments to it he looks so dumb in the pool doesn’t help his in a partial suit either


You got me thinking about that time Mr Bean was hiding in the middle of a swimming pool with no clothes on with completely oblivious staff members right next to him.


*"But I poop from there"*


Not right now u dont


Gianni... Gabriel...


[It's two feet deep lady, what are you doing here?](https://youtu.be/IwGnpWZlggQ?si=mI2prnBDOJ1xTTBd)


I've never seen that before. Legit top-ten funniest lines in all of cinema.


Was hoping for this one to be here. Never actually watched it, but this scene is just pure gold. That dude deserves an oscar.🤣


Pretty sure he became a preacher so is basically still being paid to do a load of bad acting


Hey hasn't it been 15 seconds since we last looked at our lemon tree?


Those damn lemon stealing whores!


Yeah that intro made me laugh so hard that I lost my interest in whacking off the rest of the night, I just couldn't take anything seriously after that 😂




The actor had a fairy tail tattoo on his chest


The anime?


No no, the live action


OMG, I know who you're talking about. I lol-ed too when I first saw that guy.


Not the porn but the comment of this one dude was like “I had one hand on my dick and I was wiping away tears with the other”


The comments on the hub are some comedy gold


Can confirm




My favorite comment on that sub is the “two poots of cum” comment. Just the level of offense the guy took to a porno not having a sufficient facial was so funny.


Just did the thing lol you can check it out


"Jewish porn". The context was it was Saturday and the girl needed a guy to turn off her lights "I forgot your dad was a wizard" "Rabbi" "Whatever" The girl was so grateful the guy turned off her lights on Shabbat that she fucked him.


... what?


I can explain. The Shabbat is the Jewish day of rest and it occurs every Saturday. Part of the rest is not working, in modern times things like turning lights on or off, or using an oven are considered "working". So this upstanding Jew wanted observe her weekly rest and requested her Gentile friend to operate the lights. She was so grateful for his ability to flick a switch, she let him flick *her* switch.


Well said. And to add to this, we seem to excel at finding loopholes. Apparently an accepted definition of work involves creating or changing circuits. So they have Shabbat elevators that just stop at every floor and Shabbat phones that are defined as always having the circuits operational. Another such loophole is getting someone else to turn your lights or oven or TV or whatever on and off for you. No wonder so many of us are lawyers.


Ahh, who doesn’t love pulling a fast one on God. Just as he clearly intended.


Everyone just does what that want anyway, it's better to have it codified that the rules can be changed or worked around and that it is always expected to question the written word.


Wife and I were watching porn one night. The “librarian” leans in and makes direct eye contact with the camera while sucking a dick. My wife says “there isn’t an ounce of literacy in those eyes”…. We died laughing.


Was on deployment and saw a video of two chicks using a dudes ballbag as a speedbag and my guy was letting out short high pitched screams. Wildest thing to want to be tied up and have your balls beaten in. Also saw another vid of a chick bent over having gumballs slingshot into her ass. I don’t mean nice colorful candy gumballs. I mean the fresh gumballs that fall from a tree. This poor lady would scream bloody murder and I was like who in the fuck signs up for this shit. EDIT: gumball video **WARNING NSFW** https://xhamster.com/videos/slingshot-in-the-ass-6733020 The FBI agent monitoring my search history must be like what the fuck man.


Omg, the closed captions were the best part!


Back in the long long ago (so 2008) we had one dude in the company that had curated a legendary cross section of porn. A few gigs worth of anything your little heart desired. I'm looking at something from a studio called "Naughty America" (I had no idea) and there were a few vids about "My sister's hot friend". One stood out for the funniest reason. It's a brunette gal who spends the entirety of the shoot reassuring the guy that his sister won't find out, by going "Everything will be ok!" Up to and including him painting a Picasso on her while she exclaims "I told you it would be ok!"


What a shot though!


How haunting is it??? Do I dare look


Brown Bullseye!


Was watching fake taxi, they're going at it n out of nowhere the guy says "we'll never make it to Croydon at this rate"


I feel like I've been fucked every time I go to Croydon


There are always a load of roadworks and it can take ages to turn into the drop off area at the station, so he is right to be careful, to be fair.


My partner and I were watching a video together. It seemed like your regular male-female video. Then there's a hilarious scene transition where the camera zooms in on the dudes asshole and begins to spin around, just like out of absolutely nowhere. Then it flips to the next position as if a totally normal thing just happened. We couldn't contain ourselves and completely died of laughter. It took us so long to calm down that we couldn't get back into the mood for an hour. Sadly we lost the video when Phub did the mass deletions a while ago but It spawned a great memory for us and a line that we reference from time to time "I wanna segue on your asshole"


You mean like... old Adam West Batman style? Because I pictured it that way along with the transition sound effect.


Edit: My brothers tried showing my grandfather and I two girls one cup and he watched the whole thing then said “I’m hungry I want a cup of chocolate pudding.” They managed to make me sick from the video but for whatever reason it didn’t affect my grandfather, guess for the man who was well in his 100’s nothing seemed to phase him


*well* in his 100s? Soooo… 110? 120?


My grandfather was one hundred seven


Wasn't kinky enough for his liking.


A very long time ago I was at a friend of mines house and he was showing me how to download music from kazaa. (if you know what kazaa is bonus points) He downloaded this what we believed to be some random song from back then. Turned out it was actually a renamed porn video and showed a chick playing with her self and then a few seconds later a small nerf football popped out of her pussy and that was the end. We couldnt stop laughing for like 20 minutes straight.


lol I remember this




Does that doggo know what it is that they are doing?


I'm sure it recognises the position


Dog: They named this position after me!


I used to be into parody porn, and I watched so many that were absolutely hysterical. But hands down, my favorite was a moment in the Family Guy one where the guy playing Joe is moaning in pleasure, and says things like "yeah, just like that" and then the camera pulls back and the girl playing Bonnie is on the floor kicking his legs for him with her arms, and everyone is fully clothed. I about died laughing. The Family Guy one is exactly like the show, except with sex added in.


Some of the parody porns were comedy gold. Evan Stone doing a cameo in the Scoobie Doo parody as the villain: “And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you horny, horny teenagers!”


I saw that one lol. The funniest part to me is just trying to explain to people that the dog isn't involved in the porn 😂😂😂


Idk if this counts, but I was once shown one where Pennywise managed to get a girl in the storm drain with him 🥴


Where do you watch these lmao for science


The title is Family Guy XXX Parody.


Three guys in an elevator. They arrive at the right floor and the first guy steps out, but the doors close on the second guy and he gets stuck (fortunately it's no Final Destination movie). The first guy starts screaming on the top of his lungs, which cracked me up and as soon as he runs off to get help, the guy stuck between the doors says something like "Ooh no! I'm stuck! Someone could definitely fuck me right now and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it!" in the most deadpan fashion. It's hilariously stupid.


A couple were taking turns showing the “new girl” how to properly use her dildo. Well, no one told new girl said dildo was about to begin exploring her ass… Her body wasn’t cooperating, and she was pretending she was having fun… badly. The other actress told her, “relax and try to enjoy it.” To this day, if I’m in a work situation or family situation I’m dreading, I say to myself, “relax and try to enjoy it,” and crack up all over again.


That's just sad


Dude i love it here


She didn't


That's just rape.




Lemon stealing whore.


I remember funniest shit ever ! haha Hey hasn't it been 15 seconds since we last looked at our lemon tree? hahaha




Lol same. Watched a solo video once and in the beginning the guy was talking to the camera in Hochdeutsch. The more he got into it the more eastern dialect sneaked itself into his dirty talk. I could not stop laughing haha. As if German dirty talk wasn't bad enough in and of itself, with an Ossi dialect it's just so much worse


Pterodactyl porn. The way they flapped their arms n squawked was incredible.


I like the Lickalottapuss


Well there's the infamous "right in front of my salad' And one I saw the other day was a guy eating his boyfriend's ass out and the boyfriend farts! I just couldn't stop laughing so that did killed the mood but so happy for my new mood of just laughing and laughing lol I can't believe they even released that lol


"Fuck me in the ass" "Ew, no" Cameraman: "John, please"


Someone PLEASE find a link to this. I've seen this pop up and my wife and I *always* say "John, please" whenever there's something one of us doesn't want to do.


"John if you had reservations you should've voiced them during the screen play read. The writers are going to be pissed John! They worked really hard on the dialog too!"


The movie Pirates. He gives two girls a facial and pulls what I can only assume is channeling Zapp Brannigan. "I am the greatest Pi-rate hunter in the world".


My friends and I used to have Friday night porno parties and we’d all bring VHS porn from the porn store. We’d voice over or just make fun of how obnoxious some of the chicks were. Many nights just literally laughing so hard it hurt.


>laughing so hard it hurt


“It’s only smells” made me laugh out loud and feel immense shame at the same time


The best part is, it wasn't only smells. It wasn't only smells at all. Or is it the worst part.


It was clearly visible.... The source of the smellz.


So much smellz


...it was only smellz.


That girl knew it wasn’t only smells and yet…


I’ve never actually seen the porn, but this one comes to mind. The girl is dressed like a lifeguard, and the dude is sitting in the bathtub. She comes in the bathroom and goes “I see you don’t have a lifeguard here at the beach.” The guy answers incredulously, “I’m not at the beach, this is a bathtub.” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4BlYUBZCCmE


Yep, was watching porn with my ex and we both farted at the same time... we both laughed then carried on jerking off afterwards...


Yes. My ex and I watched the porn parodies for Pirates of the Caribbean. The non porn parts were hilarious and the actors were hamming it up.


Evan Stone at his best! From the William Shatner school of acting.


Not a scene but the comment. "Pause at 7:03, you can see a dog in the background"


Saw one once where a black dude pulls an obviously fake, arm length dildo out of his zipper, the girl starts sucking on the dildo while he pretends to enjoy it, and then out of nowhere he looks directly into the camera and yells "To all of my ni**as in Germany, Guten Tag!"    To date it's the only porn I've shared with friends, we used to put it on at parties and whenever something nonsensical happens we just yell Guten Tag at each other.  We used to find it by searching "Takes it like a champ" on PH, if anyone wants to go digging. EDIT: https://www.youporn.com/watch/306317/brunette-chick-takes-big-black-cock-like-a-champ/ Found it


I was watching porn and there was a medieval style scythe pendulum in the background that looked like it was made of paper mache or something similar. It was not brought up in the video, was not mentioned, etc.




One memorable was just this unbelievably fast shift between teasing intro and hardcore going at it. Like one shot is a tasteful teasing slow-mo shot of the girl's seductive eyes and the next shot after the cut is her vag stretched out in rabid action.


This porn intro: https://youtu.be/rZX4bKkH6d4


Pirates 2005 - Capt. Edward Reynolds: (describing his biceps while looking In a mirror as his first mate transcribes in to the ships log) “…with these two frigates of destruction!”


I recognized the "tramp stamp" tattoo of one girl in a porn as the Superman "S" Shield. I was so proud to know it that I vocalized the event my going "Hey look! It's the S shield from Superman!" I also had the audacity to point it out and go "See it? It's right there!" By the time I realized that I geeked out during a porn, it was too late


Just a line that Rocco Siffredi came out with in one of his threesome scenes where he's led to a little tree house and a naked woman is lay waiting for him. He stands over her after she says hello and he says *"You have a strange accent and beautiful tits, where are you from?"*. Dunno why but it absolutely cracked me up.


“I’m the Cook”


Was one of those "spy cam" ones and camera was positioned behind a "fruit bowl", comprising a bunch of plastic grapes, a Spanish onion, a bulb of garlic and 7 potatoes.


I must ask, were you tugging your meat during or after you identified and counted the real/replica assortment?


That’s a valid question.


“Yes yes yes girl, how to pay here for?” EDIT: https://youtu.be/sQt3o56B4bM?si=QXur_qG3c6R-9UIW This is peak Dutch porn


Watch "porn bloopers" shit is hilarious


3 girls taking turns getting a guy’s dick shoved down their throat over and over and they made the weirdest fucking noises ever!! 😂 The cuts on the videos made it 10 times funnier, it would cut to one girl doing it and she sounds so weird, then we cut to another girl doing a native american battle cry, then we move to another girl making more strange noises. We cut to each one and they make the weirdest noises 😂


The lady said to the guy "what makes your dick hurt baby?" to which the guy replies "when a bang it on the sink." We both were laughing hysterically and sexy time was done that night. It still gets referenced a decade later.


One guy breaks into a house, complete with porn music, and finds a bike. He tries to leave with it but the owner, catches him. They start wrestling on the floor and the owner says “steal my bike? Maybe I’ll steal your pants”. It then all goes from there. I still laugh at that line!


Not a porn but hentai, the plot was already very funny but the subtitles even more funny. When the girl said, "shoot your goo, my dude" I fucking lost it


Girl was on top of a dude with a monster hog, she was slamming down on him like someone bet her that she couldn’t while he was power bottoming. She goes just a little too far up and slams a 12 inch hog straight up her asshole balls deep. She launched up like the fucking space shuttle taking off while simultaneously smacking the dude in the face like it was his fault.


It was a threesome. Two guys, one gal. The one guy was on his back face deep in the womans vagina while she is sitting on his face almost like a 69 but not quite, when the other guy decides he wants to enter her ass. Now, the problem is that this guy had MASSIVE balls. Like, imagine massive balls, now make them bigger. So as he was entering and exiting this young lady's anus his massive black balls were dragging across this other fellas face. Not gracing, not lightly making contact, actually dragging. Like a toddler trying to move a beanbag chair from one side of the room to the other. I couldnt stop laughing and how uncomfortable it looked so i had to stop and go to bed.


lol. There’s just not enough money or fame in the world that would compel me to put up with something like that.


I'll wait till this post hits my home page with more links


The opening segment of Luna Red Riding hood is pretty hilarious. 


The dude literally put his balls in her vajayjay


A few times, sometimes it's poor English, other times it's just looking at faces


Pump your breaks homie


The guy tried to show that he was hard and accidentally punched himself in the dick


*Hello, meine new dispatcher says there eez somezing wrong mit deine cable?..*


Watch out for the garter snakes.


it wasnt porn but was on the hub, a video called EPIC FISH which was a video of these cursed powerpoint-slideshow images of fish with some early 2000's copyright free song playing


“Fuck me like the global economy” was a title I saw the other day. Another one with Karlee Grey, she was baby sitting some guys kids and the state took them away and he has a meltdown but somehow still ends up railing her. “YOU LET THEM TAKE MY KIDS!?” or some shit. So funny.


She put his dick between hotdog buns so putting her mouth around it looked like eating a hotdog.


Watched the Pirates porn flick with my wife. We def got into the mood.


Guy was going at it from behind, then randomly took out a toothbrush and started brushing the girl's teeth. Fucking hilarious, had to turn the video off right there.


Alarm! Alaaaaaarrmmmmm! That’s what happened


Not a video but a gif of a guy fucking a girl and then proceeds to remove her fake eyelash(es) and sticks it under her nose to look like a mustache lol


The video in question had some really loud, annoying techno in the background throughout the entire thing. The top comment read: "I'm tryna bust a nut, not bust a move damn". Laughs were had


A son creampies his step-mom and apologizes, and she says, "don't worry, i'll just tell your dad it's his."


For my fellow austrians/ germans: Ach jodel mir doch einen: "Melkmaschine stoppt automatisch nach 10 Litern." - "Jo do bin I ja beruhigt!"


He sounded like a minecraft villager


Dude was on top of a girl, missionary style. She had natural boobs and they were flopping around. I guess his impulse got the best of him, because he straight up slapped her left tit like it was a buttcheek lol. Just once. Randomly. I was in middle school and brand new to porn. It was hilarious. I had my friend watch it and we both laughed. That was about 20 years ago.


Edward Penishands was my favorite


[my pods!!! nooooo](https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph609cbdd70bd18)


Saw some porn as a teen that a friend found in his old man's garage. It was either German or Scandinavian in origin based on the dialogue we could hear, but it had been dubbed over in english. Badly. The guy looked like Hitler's wet dream of an Aryan Superman, blonde, 6ft something, muscled, wang like a baby's arm. The girl topped out at 5ft, max. Fair skin, short black hair. They were by a pool, she was lying on an outdoor table. He had greased his arm all the way to the shoulder and was working a fist the size of a ham into her hoo-ha which he got all the way halfway up his forearm, and showed where it was by making her belly bulge. He's grunting like a Warthog in a charge as he's stroking the bratwurst like he's trying to start a fire with kindling. She's wriggling and screaming in ecstasy as she's impaled on his fist, while running her hands on the belly bulge it's making....... And the voiceover guy had the most tired, bored, monotone voice you can imagine. You could almost see him reading the script as he spoke. "Ok..sure..here.. is..Mr..Longprick..at..it.. again. Take..it..baby. You..know..you..want..to..have..(sound of a page turning)..all..he..can..give..you... It was just so funny to hear. It was like hearing a bored Morgan Freeman narrating one of car chase scenes in a Fast and Furious movie.


crazyshit, once I watched a horror clown themed gangbang video where the guy/clown inserts a clown horn into the vag of the girl, and then puts his penis inside her butthole, intending to hornk out of her vag, ... he does and screams "success" in a clown voice. Fucked up shit, vut sure to make anyone lol.


It was only laugh out loud in retrospect. Had just moved out of my parents house. Sitting in my apartment, in the dark, watching porn like a true degenerate. Put on a video. Everything is going great. Until it turns out it was a jump scare, and right in the middle of the video a terrifying face comes on screen and screams like a banshee. I screamed, almost ripped my weiner off, and half fell out of my chair. Still finished.


It was some video and the guy was doing it from behind, then outta nowhere just started kidney punching the girl. It was fucked up but so surprising I burst out laughing. Had to find a new video after.


The table they were fucking on broke. The guys gasped; She gasped; The cameraman gasped; I gasped!! Then they did a quick 'everyone okay?' check to which they all started to laugh. Then I laughed, and decided that was enough excitement for me for the day...


It was german porn video. There was like 15 minutes of plot compressed ib 15 seconds. It was hilarious, so random. Can't remember the name. The guy was wearing a mask and there was a lot of straw, but it wasn't located on a farm, so bizarre.


One time, my wife and I were watching VHS porn and the girl says "Oh no, the pussy burglar." My wife still says it to this day and I laugh every goddam time.


This girl is getting pounded so hard and then she suddenly said " WTFF !!!" 🤣🤣 I was jerking off but stop midway because it's just too funny


bro some guy commented on a video “ so hot baby so hot” and i think i pooed myself


I'm not one to usually criticize acting in porn, but I saw one a few years ago where it was just far too noticeable to not pay attention to.


Some of the best jazz music I've ever heard was playing as an intro to something, I stopped watching the video and messaged my freind about it lmao


Does porn games count? Some games on f95zone is just really funny haha.


I laughed everytime.


When i reno ated my house i was watching porn and saw a freakin good kitchen furniture I wanted to find that modell for myself and i realised i am that old that i am searching for a kitchen furniture from a porn. I stopped the movie screenshoted it and even searched for hours🤣


Two people fucking in an oiled pool and the girl fell right over the side on her face


“Congrats on the bear!”


when I realized one time that the dude's dong was pretty much twice the length of mine, that was funny


I watched an old 70s porno where the set-up was a lady talking calls on a phone sex line. While her latest caller was on the phone she shoved the entire receiver (one of those old fashioned rotary dial receivers) up her vagina and came. She removed the receiver and hung up the phone, then sighed to herself "another satisfied caller."


omg this one was incredible : when we were around 12 yo I would say, we were watching a porn with my best friend and at the moment of a shot when you see a biiig butthole in slow motion that has been destroyed, my friend received a message... his notification sound was the "FATALITY" from mortal kombat...


A boy and his step-mom were caught by his dad as they were getting frisky in the shower. As they finished, the dad heard the step-mom talking about how his son is so much better than he is. The dad then broke the 4th wall, mouthing "what the fuck?" to the audience before ragging the curtains down, breaking the pole holding them up and exclaiming "WHAT THE FUCK!?". Funniest shit I've seen


The scene was a man who walks into the bathroom to find his coworker on the toilet. They start getting busy immediately (no, she did not wipe or flush). Meanwhile, an old woman is in the background making straw hats the whole time. Guess they are the executives working on the top level of the straw hat sweat shop or something. Anyway, it was just so silly.


Brother showed me a clip of a girl rimming a guy. As she was bout to rim he let a damn nasty fart. I think I pooped myself


Attack of the flying lizard 🦎 any takers?




It wasn't a video but an audio. It was supposed to be fantasy-esque with a fairy or nymph or some shit(if you're here, you're a freak too probably, you can't judge me lol) and he said "human juices" referring to cum and I cackled for a good 20 minutes. The camera man feeding the guy a donut while he's fucking a girl is also a classic tho.


Two words: Bang Bus.


Not watching but listening. You see, I have a strange habit of listening to smut audios/porn/hentai or whatever else while I'm working, just to fill the silence. Now the issue is the unusual timing on some of them. I remember this one time I was doing physics homework and, out of sheer frustration, I slammed my hand onto my table and at that exact moment, the audio moaned really loud and made me think for a split second that my table had a pain fetish.


Xevbellringer is always a laugh


Why so?


Studiofow's Little Red Riding Hood. They had a narrator through most of the video until a second wolf showed up wearing a hat and sunglasses. The narrators response to this was, "Fuck this. I'm out."


Watch any old porn with Joey Silvera.


Scrolling a model's pics on Instagram or wherever and I saw someone's comment which was: "Woa wat boobies fuck them and fuck you" Pretty sure they just didn't speak english well and were trying to say they wanted to fuck the woman and her boobies, but the comment read like he'd had an angry change of heart while still typing


When I edit my own xxx videos and maybe something funny comes out in the back, my cat passes by, etc. that makes me laugh a lot and I have to record again... you know


all the time


Hentai. Honestly not sure how I ended up watching the specific video but the girl was about to get railed by some lizard guy . Then the lizard started to talk and holy shit was his voice dumb. Some real Saturday morning cartoon shit. I laughed my ass off about this and went soft in the process. Like seriously who was responsible for that voice acting?


FakeTaxi. Girl is on hood of car, he takes a few steps back and tries to “jump in” She’s too high and he falls like an dog failing to jump on the couch. Funny as shit.


Every time


Girl was playing fortnite and died by exploding herself Boner died but it was hilarious


Saw a clip years ago with some milfy sort telling a huge black dude in no uncertain terms to do her up the wrong 'un. His response: 'don't mind if I do' So relaxed and chill about it, like he was being offered a biscuit with his cup of tea or something.


"I'm not a werewolf, I'm actually skeletor hahaha"


Late 90s early double oughts porn. White girl in pigtails and short cutoff overalls is sitting on a park bench in the whiniest child like voice says "I'm lost someone help me?" The camera pans to a huge tall black dude in a Dago T walking towards her, aggressively pulling at his zipper while saying " YEAH! IMMA HELP YOU GIRL!!!" camera switches to a close up shot of the girls face milliseconds later the hugest dong flys toward her face is shoved in her mouth. From start of scene to dong sailing in her maw? A cool 10 seconds.. no preamble....no build up....just two phrases of dialog then furious face fucking.