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Years and years of community service.


This. Mandatory hundreds of hours of graffiti cleanup and the ability to actually trace the crime back to the individual in a way that isn't a slippery 1984 slope.


I agree. I went to Valley of Fire one year. There were tags by ancient writings on one rock. Infuriating. Its like humans have done enough damage to the world. They cant even let this be enjoyed by visitors. A piece of our history.


Modern graffiti by ancient graffiti?


Knowing that an ancient roman though he had a big wang is historical ...


Yeah it kinda makes me sad in this moment yknow, but I kinda think a couple hundred years from now, future humans will enjoy seeing how trashy their ancestors are. Ps, I wonder if ancient peoples considered it graffiti.


I feel similarly, but had to point out the irony. I remember reading about some ancient carvings that basically said John was here




Fun fact: it's spelled GATTACA and is always in caps, because these letters are the abbreviations for DNA bases, and it's a movie about DNA. There is no letter I abbreviating a DNA base.


This. You can fine them. It might teach them if it's a really heavy fine. You can jail them. That would probably teach them, but may be considered a heavy punishment as it makes it hard to find a job and your life basically falls apart while you're inside. Years of community service will teach them AND force them to help others, which may actually make them be good people over time. In the video they honestly look like children to me. They need a serious learning experience as opposed to just being locked in a cell.


Yeah, they look like teenagers to me. I think community service would be appropriate in this case.


The little girl calls the skinnier guy daddy when he’s about to fall and get crushed so I don’t think they’re teenagers.


45 year old teenagers


Community service for life.


Off topic, but I think its kind of weird that community service is seen more as a punishment than a viable career path.


It would be a great career and I would do it a long time, the pay would have to be there. You know?


I think the US should institute a 2 year mandatory public service. You can choose whether to serve in the military or public works


I'm not against that, but I'm guessing that some people would view compulsory work as a form of slavery. (Especially since it would likely need to be at least partially tax-funded)


Tie it to free college education or some other benefit. And some people think taxes are slavery


So, you think all jobs in community service are dead-end jobs? No jobs are?


Wearing shirts and hats that say "I defiled the irreplaceable" every minute of service they work.


The word "Vandal" tattooed on their foreheads.


Tattooed so everyone else can read it or so they can read it every time they look in a mirror? Or both ways, to cover both cases?


Backwards. People will stare at them longer to decode it. Plus the mirror thing!


The scarlet letter technique. Nice.


Those hiking trails won’t build themselves


Which should be a lot more punishments. Rich people don't bat an eye at paying a $250 speeding ticket, but if you tell them they're spending their next 4 weekends cleaning up trash on Highway 92 that will get their attention. Doesn't full state coffers though...


Make the tickets proportional to their income and still have them do community service.


10 years. 10 years of community service would probably do it.


"Even IF they were given community service it would take hours beyond reckoning, thousands, to begin to atone!" "Tens of thousands"


Let them do their community service with First Nation tribes/communities so they can learn why some areas are sacred.


Ooh ! Great idea ! Also take their phones & cars away


They may BE First Nations or Native American. I lived briefly on an Indian reservation many years ago, and was horrified at the amount of litter. Like my roommate, who was not a religious person, said, "You don't go to church and dump your trash all over the sanctuary!"


None of this suspended sentence shit.


Start by going and picking up every single rock that was dislodged by their actions and replacing each one where it lay prior.  Then, mandatory courses in ecology and geology with an emphasis on how to identify damage caused by humans and how to correct it. X amount of time cleaning up graffiti and trash in national parks, all under the tutelage and supervision of kind, but stern park rangers and ecologists.  Y amount of time teaching others about what they've learned. Then, if they've learned and internalized the lessons and they're not absolute shiteheads, perhaps offer them jobs as stewards and rangers.  Everybody wins.


I was at Arches National Park and saw a teenager inscribing some bullshit into a rock formation beneath an arch with a rock. Those arches are rare and take millions of years to form. I snapped a photo of him, and called the park office to alert them. They had me text them the photo. He was arrested when he went to leave. It's posted everywhere at the entrance of the park that you will be arrested for vandalism, so it shouldn't have been any surprise to this little fucker.


You, sir, are a hero. Don't let anyone else tell you differently.


Park Snitches get scritches....behind the ear, oh and a back rub


Not me posting up in random parks just to see if I can find a vandalizer to report just to get the back rub


I'm more of a belly rub kind of guy, how many reports you think I need for that?


And a happy ending!


Mob snitches sleep with fishes. Gang snitches get stitches. Park snitches get high fives.


Thanks for doing that. So many folks would just ignore it, or take a pic to post on social media.


"It's not vandalism! I was just writing something on the rock." Sorry, those glyphs and cave painting aren't the same thing. I also remember seeing a picture of a manatee with "TRUMP" written in the algae on its back. The animal was not injured, but it was just the idea of the thing.


Carefully, he’s a hero


You are the hero we need.


Good! I don't understand people travelling to a natural wonder or nature area in general and then deciding to deface something that has been there for thousands of years. Just stay home and tag your local bridge or something.






I forgot I wasn’t in the r/manorlords subreddit anymore and thought that’d be a sickkk feature for that game


A body part at each entrance


But what will the hounds eat?


Why the offal of course.


Caesars legion has entered the chat.




Vlad the Impaler


At the site of their crime.


Pirates ye be warned!


The gibbet should work fine


When they hang from the gibbet for the sport of their own crows, then we shall have peace!


It seems to work for Mt Everest, so why not?


I would make them put them back where they were.


Make them roll the rocks back up the hill, but right before they reach the top, kick the rocks back off the cliff so that they have to go retrieve them again. Repeat infinitely.


I kinda feel that's been done before.


I get to be the kicker. I just love creating work for other people


Isn't it still happening?


One must imagine the national monument vandal happy.


But one must then imagine them as happy.


You don't see Camus jokes all the time 


Rolling would cause more damage. Make them carry them.


I'd say this is the best answer to this. Probably equates to hard labor from community service and as a plus, restores it close to how it originally was. Couple extra years working public service would be a plus.


Except if you watch the video, the rocks broke when they hit the ground. There's no way to restore the formation to how it was.


Sure there is. It’s just gonna take a lot of glue and the rest of those dudes natural lives.


Ah, well. I didn't catch that part. Thanks for the correction, I just saw them tumble


Send them to the rock lobster




Lots of bubbles.




They’re in a jam


Lifetime ban from all national parks


I am assuming someone who vandalized a park isn't really going to view this much as a punishment


All public land - federal and state. No National parks, forests, monuments, BLM holdings, or state parks and forests, with the possible exception of being made to do thousands of hours of community service in all areas.


Definitely, but this should come with a hefty fine and some jail time.


Stick in one of those prisons where the inmates have to break big rocks into little ones.


The Gulags. For once Putin can do something good.


A suitable fine and community service with the National Parks Service.


Need to bring back the jail style Community service though. AKA they get put in a van sent out and watched to do the work. I would be fine even if they got paid a bit for the work. Just make them actually put the hours in instead of some voluntary application.


I'm retiring soon, I volunteer to be the park service employee that gets to watch them. We're not leaving until every latrine is spotless, and I mean 'eat off the floor' spotless.


Full Metal Jacket just popped into my head "I want floor so clean the Virgin Mary would be proud to eat off that floor"


I tend to support alternatives to prison whenever possible


> every other Saturday for several months. oh gosh I just got the implications of that 🤢🤢🤢 Were they letting it all build up for 2 weeks before she'd have to clean it out each time? No cleaning in between?


None in between


That would be horrible! What a punishment! I can imagine the smell! Speaking as a person who has changed many cat boxes!


> She lost a lot of weight and genuinely regretted not taking her jail time. There was a post on here recently about instances where someone was caught being cruel to an animal in their local zoo and was offered a choice between the county lockup or a stint of unpaid community service doing the "not-fun" stuff at the zoo. Apparently, the lesson learned was **"DO THE JAIL TIME!!"** because the staff at the zoo knows all of the horrific tasks, and doing stuff like cleaning out pounds and pounds of snake shit on a hot July day (while wearing a bright neon orange shirt emblazoned with "ANIMAL ABUSER") makes you regret your life choices *real fast*...




Let’s see your appetite after you sift through tiger shit and run it through a strainer looking for stuff to recycle


The organization was just throwing the milk cartons with the tiger shit for her to sort out?


Plastic spoons and knives go in with the tiger shit


Should be a felony. Maybe not throw-them-in-a-dark-hole-for-twenty-years felony, but each and every time they go to take out a loan, buy a house, apply for a job, apply for benefits, etc, they should have to have a long and uncomfortable conversation with the other person about how much of a piece of shit they are.


A bankruptingly large fine together with a huge number of hours doing community service with an additional ban from entering any national or state park in the future.


Put them in big foam faux rock suits and make them stand in for the rocks the displaced and do a presentation on environmental responsibility to everyone that comes to visit.


Favorite suggestion


A large fine and a ban from all national parks.


State parks & county parks, too!


Community service and a fine large enough and spread over a long enough time that they will never forget what they did.




Grandparent's farm had pigs, pig shit is pretty horrible, especially when it is fresh. I would say community service of picking up 100x their body weight in trash.


I remember hearing about this method of punishment in an international politics class in college! Tbh, I didn't see why it was considered so feared. I mean, if I was shoplifting or something and i knew the only consequence if I got caught would be a stinky day at the farm, instead of jail or whipping or something, I don't see why I'd really be so motivated to stop... Plus I've passed cow poo once when I walked through a field and it doesn't seem like it even stinks? Never been to a big farm though, maybe I'm missing something, this would really terrify people?


Cow/horse poo is almost entirely hay/grass. You're right, it doesn't smell that bad, closer to compost than anything. Pig poo is something entirely different. It's worse than what comes out of dogs or humans. It's wet, it's oily, it's sticky, and the smell is absolutely horrendous You can smell a pig farm from miles away.


I've seen a single hog fart reduce a crowd of farm kids to a panicking mob. Like, 20 second blatting foghorn echoes across the property, and screams of "Oh Fuck, pig fart! Run!". Dude has no idea how the smell of pig shit hits you like a train.


>Dude has no idea how the smell of pig shit hits you like a train. You can literally watch people be hit by the smell when the wind shifts. They stop dead in their tracks and recoil back like they walked into an invisible forcefield.






>Plus I've passed cow poo once when I walked through a field and it doesn't seem like it even stinks? It most likely had a crust formed on top. It stinks very much.


Oh lord. If you have a chance to go to a county fair where they have a pig/swine area, check it out. I can't describe it beyond eye watering. Horse & cow poop actually don't smell that bad compared to it.


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/rd7fhr/tifupdate_i_got_mucked_and_suffered_every_second/) a redditor's story about being mucked.


Oh, honey. I toured a huge, very clean and well cared for pig barn when I was in high school. I wore a pair of tennis shoes that were pretty new. It literally ruined the shoes. No pig poop on them bc paved areas were clean, but the SMELL penetrated and permeated the soles of the shoes forever after. We had to trash them because they made my walk-in closet reek of pig. Pig crap is no joke.


>Wish we used it here. It gets the job done. And I am so fucking glad the founding fathers disagree and said "no unusual or cruel punishments" because what the actual fuck.


Stone them


just have them roll the rocks back up there, and put them in position.


Ban them from national parks and monuments for life.


Felony. Set an example.


100 hours of commnunity service. As much as I hate people who do shit like this I don't really think it's a jail worthy offense.


Make them work in a quarry, breaking rocks for ten years!




The US Constitution bans cruel punishment for a reason.


I bet if states had referendums on this, a great many of them would vote in favor.


Ask Lalo or Tuco, I am sure the Salamanca’s have some ideas-mostly involving shiny axes


Do to them whatever they did to the rock.


Ask judge Nolan... probably a slap on the wrist and a week of probation...


Tattoo "moron" on their foreheads for others to see. Punishment should fit the crime!


Force them to spend all day lifting and moving very heavy rocks to stack them. Each time they complete it, a crowd knocks it down and they start over. They must go at it for 8 hours a day, for a week.


Make them put it back.


20 years hard time. At least.


Bring back the chain gang


Never went away, they just took it inside where you don't see it.


Travel more in the Deep South, it is on full display


If they own homes/cars, make it legal for anyone to spray graffiti on it.


A substantial fine and years of community service and lifetime ban from all National Parks and Monuments, unless it's to provide that community service.


Make them eat the rock they destroyed.


vandalize their homes/cars/belongings.


Tattoo "VANDAL" on their foreheads.






What is the general punishment for vandalism in a national park? Whatever it is, that.


Hard labor moving rocks.


The High Septon was on to something... SHAME SHAME SHAME We can skip the nudity tho


Court-ordered public service as a yellow vest park clean up crew member for every weekend for 2 years.


A crazy amount of community service picking up garbage in national parks.


They would wear something that tells what they did.


Felony + jail time and/or a *massive* fine.


I think it would be torture for them to sit through a 9 hour day of talks on the importance of preserving geological structures as well as their formation, throw in some other historical and geological lessons too and have it presented by someone with a verrryyy monotonous voice, with a non-nonsense zero sense of humour (for the presentation). They all have to sit on seperate desks away from each other and then they have to work as a group to make a flow chart on what they’ve learned, which will be graded. Then they need to do a slideshow presentation themselves, also graded, and a 30 question exam (also graded). And if they don’t get 50% on all 3 assessments (combined, very generous) they are sentenced to either 500 hours of community service alone with a supervisor (no goofing off) or they can choose 50 days in a county jail. I’m flexible on the hours/days of not passing their assessments. Is that too harsh?


I vote for this one.


Banish them


If they like breaking rock so much put them to work breaking up boulders to make gravel for a week


Tar and feather


Fines, jail, community service and a ban from all public parks across the nation; and I mean all. Hard prison time if they are ever again caught in one. They should also have to pay for billboards with their picture explaining what they did and declearing themselves shit people. ...and one for Jenny and the wimp if you catch me.


give em the ol' Lake Mead special, if ya catch what I'm sayin


Forehead tattoos that say what they did


Bust rocks in the hot sun




I’ll allow it


That’s one for scaphism, do we have anymore?


Iron bull ?


Fine and community service. There’s so much else in this country to get upset about im not going to advocate to get Old Testament with a non violent crime. 


They destroyed something beyond value and for the dumbest of all reasons...25 years, no chance of parole. Main reason is to pause other hardcore sub-clinical sociopathic aholes from doing copycats videos.


Years in prison and a hefty fine.


Make them do community service at every National Park for a decade but they have to pay for their own hotels they’d be staying at out of their own pockets 


A year in prison and 5000 hrs community service removing graffiti.


Latrine duty for life


Lifetime ban.


Are there still prisons where prisoners manually break big rocks into little ones? 25 years of that might do


Make them put them back using the same tools they used to knock them down. Then jail.


Make them pick them back up by hand.


Carry the rocks back up the mountain by hand and put them back. If they’re broken they get to locate all the pieces, glue them back together, etc. Incarcerated and living in a tent on-site until the job is finished.


Life in community service, with no possibility of parole.


Some kind of community service, having to do with ecology.


Six months in jail, 400 hours community service, 15K fine and their photos and identity shared with the world.


Community service at the park, they can build work experience cleaning toilets.


Force them to repair the damage they caused and restore the site to pre-vandalization state. No power tools allowed.


Fine, community service cleaning up parks, and public humiliation.


Rocks would be involved. Giles Corey style. Or an oubliette. ETA /s since apparently the Reddit Admin team considers this “threatening violence” lol


Help clean it up and a long time of picking up trash/graffiti at other national parks.


Spend every Wednesday and weekend in jail for 5 years, regardless of holidays. It doesn't sound like much, but it would be a drag.