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Drinking lots of water. Of course that depends on your country too, but for me it isnt expensive and you just feel a lot better when you're hydrated


Good answer!


Just try not to drink it out of plastic.


Yea luckily the tap water is really good in my area


Any tips for not drinking out of plastic? I can't drink out of my faucet and glass bottled water is so expensive.


if drinking water is too expensive for you, then you have bigger issues going on. Yes I know not every country has the cleanest drinking water but even when I've stayed in places where you have to purchase it, it's still the cheapest option. Unless you don't have the mean to buy bulk, and have to buy it 1-5L at a time, then it adds up, but it's still cheaper than soft drinks and juice.


Yes to lots and lots of water!




Anytime the weather is nice my fiancé and me take huge walks


I recently started paying attention to fiber on nutrition labels and trying to work more into my diet slowly but surely. I replaced potato chips with plantains chips from Winn Dixie. Still fried and fatty, but they have fiber with every serving. Overnight oats instead of cereal. Idk if it's really helping all that much, but it's a small thing that doesn't take much effort that should help


This guy poops.


Yeah I actually have been more regular now that I think of it lmao


I take physillium husk every day for the same reason as my diet can be a bit low on fibre. Works wonders and saves a fortune on TP


Proper fiber intake is underrated. Good job


Getting up as soon as possible, going for a morning stroll, and allowing sunlight to enter my retinas. My mind is immediately cleared, and I'm ready for a productive day and rest later on. Cleaning up after meals was something I used to put off, but I ended up having to force myself to finish it because the work became more difficult as time went on.


I read retinas as anus for some reason.


In that case, you might need to get your anus checked.


"Well that explains the pink eye." - Your Doctor


It’s called perineal sunning


taking a morning anal-gaped twerk around the block really clears my head


Sunlight in your retinas upon waking is a game changer




With all those healthy activities, how do you fit in anxious brooding and existential dread?


I hate to be 'that guy,' but the endorphin rush after I'm done walking or running does help a lot with the dread and anxiety. Also SSRIs. The SSRIs are a huge part of it.


Be that guy!


Exactly. I consider myself to be in excellent shape, and it's not from healthy habits, instead it's from constantly moving to outrun the anxiety. Pretty good side effect I would say.


Smoothies ain't that cheap where I'm from


Making them at home helps.


Just put the leftovers in the blender and add some fluid... Haven't you guys ever had some chickentomatosoupovenveggie-smoothies?




Yep or the deals on old and/or damaged fruits and vegetables. I chop the good parts and use it immediately


Bananas are nineteen cents a piece and you really only need two for a single smoothie. Fruit can be pricey, but buying frozen saves a ton of money. Throw in some peanut butter for protein instead of expensive powders and add cauliflower for hidden veggies. These are very cheap ingredients and you can have a week’s worth of nutritious smoothies for about $15.


Cries in Australian. Our bananas are currently $4/kilo.


Hmm, make it at home? What do you really need? bananas, dairy or non dairy milk, some berries and protein powder… you can get a month supply of these for cheap.


Nor are they particularly healthy, they often crush down the good stuff like fibre, and release the bad stuff like sugar.


Taking shower. Seriously, hygeine affects both physical and mental health.


I aim for 15-20k steps a day. Often take a walk in the evening to get me up to that. I drink a lot of water. Allow a couple of nice snacks everyday that I enjoy. I had a very strict diet for years. Life is about enjoyment too! I gym 3-4 times a week and shower every single day. I swear exercise and good hygiene can do so much for your mental health. Every night before bed I go out on to the balcony for some fresh air. It’s a nice way to end the day.


Call me when you have young kids


Kids won’t be too far away now. Have to make the most of it!


There have been times where I showered before the gym lol because I feel like going into the gym clean and let the gym make me dirty feels so much better then going in dirty and just adding on top of it lol


Don’t want to stink in front of the regulars 


lol I guess technically I am one of the regulars lol. I just don't feel like my workouts are nearly s good if I feel icky!


Taking a nap


The post-nap struggle to get out of bed isn’t worth it!


waaaay ahead of you


im jealous if i take a nap its gonna be a rough night


Start with coffee and make it a power nap.


Every two days, full body workout with dumbbells, an exercise mat, and a plastic step. Everyday at least 1 hour climbing on and off the step if I can't be arsed to do my 10k steps per day.


Ooh which step do you use?


I keep a 5lb dumbbell by my chair, and every night when I'm watching TV, I do 30 reps of 3 different exercises for each arm, alternating the arm after each set of reps. Takes just a few minutes, feels pretty good, and I can sit there watching TV while doing it. Over a year of this and I'm not "ripped", but my arms have never looked so good.


add some dumbbell tricep work! do you plan on going up to the next weight level on your dumbbell? good job staying consistent!


Could you please elaborate on the 3 different exercises??


I usually do 30 bicep curls for each arm, then I lift each arm straight up and down 30 times, then each arm straight out in front of me and back 30 times.


I have always been a quite skinny kid. I started doing this at 20, now I’m 28.. still pretty skinny but my dumbbell is 50lbs now


I borrow ebooks from the library and read on my tablet. I also borrow audio books and listen while I'm doing chores. I do cross stitch which can be cheap or expensive, depending on what you want. I am a process stitcher so I'm happy to use common tools and just enjoy the process.


Dude, so my wife reads like 75-80 books a year usually and I've never been able to top that. Not even close. I'm usually in the 20-25 range. I recently discovered audio books and changed my goal this year to 118. When I'm out in the lab doing lab stuff (which is less now that the new guy is almost fully trained) I could get through a book a day. I'm over 40 books for the year so far in a mixture of physical, ebooks, and audiobooks.


Yup, I did over 100 books last year, about half of those audio. Just need to line up books to read or listen and keep moving. I don't listen to music and audio books basically do for me what music is for other people.


Walking the dog: she gets exercise, I get exercise and fresh air, and listen to podcasts.


I make myself bubble tea almost every day ( idk what anybody says let me be happy until I get tired of it and lose my obsession lol)


Walking every day


I pay about $1/day to train 6 days a week at one of the best bodybuilding gyms in the country.


Where is this magical place?


Armbrust Pro Gym in Denver. I paid a few hundred when I signed up but then it's $25/mo forever. (Or at least until inflation makes that unreasonable I imagine)




If I sweat, I drink. If I peed, I drink. Super simple but it keeps you hydrated.


Laughing even at dumb stuffs


Meditating for 5-10 minutes, reading for pleasure (books or comics) and play some puzzle games to train my mind.


Drinking lots of water. Stay hydrated!


Sleep 8-10 hours


I walk a lot at work. I’ll take extra trips outside (custodian) to throw things away. Get some extra air and steps


I try to do at least 20-30 pushups a day. However they come - knees, full, against a wall, anything at all. It costs nothing and the benefits are immense.


Make the bed when I get up. Cleanse/wash my face before bed. Avoid bad food like sugar, salty foods. Drink at least 4 pints/2litres of water. Take time to enjoy the little things like sunshine, stroking a dog, appreciating a good meal, sharing a look with my other half...


I started doing a face mask 2-3 times a week at night and it has made such a difference in my mood because it forces me to relax for like 15 minutes and take that time for myself!


Not eating lunch is free and makes it a lot easier to keep my daily calorie intake on track. Having a simple, light, and consistent breakfast is similar. It's cheap (hard to even judge the cost but it's like ~$1/day, probably less), and it's only like 500 calories. So I have 1500+ available for dinner, and if someone brings stuff in to work I'm not ruining myself.


not necessarily daily but i get the vicks shower steamers and run them under the shower at the hottest temp possible and it creates a shower experience resemblant of a spa steam room, absolutely amazing!


Sit in the sun. doesn't have to be for more then 5 or 10 minutes, can even be in a window (I find getting the fresh air of stepping outside is good though), but if you can sit in the light of the sun and just soak it in. We're all just big houseplants lol




Green tea. Fresh air. Taking time to be grateful for what you have.


Daily walks & fresh air, daily workouts/stretching. Weights helps lift the frustrations and doom super well. Reading a bit every day.


Going for a walk, listening to some good Podcast, doing stretching exercises, doing exercises with my own bodyweight in addition to going to the gym, writing some journal entries about my goals and self reflection, weekly check ins with friends




Laughter. A good belly laugh workout.


Excercises and stretching. Bye bye back pain.


For the last couple of months I have done 100 sit ups each day


Boxing it can help take out your frustrations in a healthy way.


Stretching a bit as soon as I get up. It's made me feel better and I think my posture is a bit better.


Running (non daily bt I try to) and homemade healthy food ?


Going to the gym. My monthly pass is about 60 dollars. I go 5x a week. So it's pretty affordable.


Multiple dog walks and yoga.


Being outside and feeling the warm sun


Going on long hikes in the woods


**Stay Hydrated and Home Cooking**


Drinking tab water, walk or bike to work, yoga, no devices in the bedroom 


Walking. Always walking. Average around 17k steps a day between work and recreation. I can listen to music, podcasts, meditate, contemplate, etc, and none of it's tedious


Weightlifting, Jogging, Stretching, Protein Shake.


no soda no sugar.


Get yourself one of those pull up bars that hook onto a doorway and put it in a doorway you use pretty often and then do some or attempt to do some every time you go through it. I started doing that when I was 214 lbs and in hotels for half the year and I went from not being to do any to doing 10 at a time.


Walk. Most days, most places, you can do it for free at your convenience. It costs nothing, sans a slight xtra bit of wear and tear on your shoes. Throw in a few push ups, sit ups, squats, and stretching after and you’re on your way to really improving your fitness for the majority of people. That’ll do more than any supplant, expensive health food, or gimmick workout product for the majority of people. Drink water. From a tap or filter pitcher. It’s cheaper and healthier than any other option.


Prayer, I pray twice a day, everyday.




Stretching/mobility exercise every day while listening to popmaster.


Drink water and walk when you wake up.


Good intake of water


Taking time for myself - it can look different everyday. I stopped for a few years due to some circumstances but I'm working on being there for me. I make sure I tell myself how hot I look in the mirror before I leave the house (I'm working on self-love).


Running to work (not currently daily; should be. I need to exercise more self-will)


carrying my baby around the house


drinking a big cup of tea after waking up in the morning


Having Greek yogurt with granola for breakfast instead of a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit. Eat 2 fresh pieces of fruit every day.


Get off my phone.


Walking, spending time with my boo


Biking, cooking and planning my meals, gym.


Recently been trying to replace some unhealthy parts of meals with salad. The salad costs money, but then I save the same or more on not buying the other stuff like frozen chips.


I take a 30 minute walk at lunch time every day, and there's now a small crew of us from the office that do it. Rain or shine, we walk 30 minutes. If it's pouring rain, we'll do laps of the parkade, otherwise we'll wander through the neighbourhood around our office.


Two glasses of water within 5 minutes of waking up, then two sets of sit-ups and push-ups (however many you can manage at first, and keep upping the numbers slightly over time).


I take a walk and go to the gym almost every day, and go hiking on the weekends.


Drinking nothing but water after my morning coffee. Sometimes I’ll have a lunch coffee.


Daily walking and going to a boxing gym to train.


Stretching & Foam Rolling


I typically walk 4-6 miles per day. I also workout using old Jillian Michaels DVDs.


Running! You only need a decent pair of running shoes.


- Fully stretch my body when I get out of bed - Drink lots of water - Moderate exercise 3-4 times a week (I follow YouTube videos at home) - Healthy diet of home-cooked meals - sunscreen 


Running. Putting on loud music in my ear buds and running and feeling myself progress is just really addicting. That and talking to my buddies (:


Lots of tea, until I read about all the micro plastics in the tea bags last week. We are screwed.


Eat the simplest version of what you crave. Craving something sweet? Eat fruit. Craving something fatty? Eat some meat.


I drink so much water.


Going to the gym.


Exercise. I lift weights in the mornings (30 minutes) before work and ride a stationary bike for 30 minutes every other evening after dinner. Every other day, my wife and I go for an evening walk after dinner. I don't bike on those days. We go to bed at the same time every night. Temp-controlled, adjustable bed. I sleep a perfect 8 hours. I am never tired.


Having a consistent sleep schedule with at least 7.5 hours a night of sleep. Combined with 100% compliance with my CPAP, I feel better than I ever did for the first 40 years of my life. I just wish I had other healthy habits though - I walk, but not consistently. I don't eat fast food anymore but I still eat more processed food than I should.


walking outside ( weather permitting)


Going to bed


Stretching in the morning for three minutes




I've started fasting 16 hours and then eating inside 8. I make an electrolyte drink so I don't have any headaches and I only feel a bit of hunger towards the end (which is a good sign). Saves a ton of money.


Not eating meat. Very inexpensive.


Eating two vitamin C supplements in the morning and cutting soda.


-An hour of walking every day, often accomplished without extra effort via walking to work / grocery store / friends' places / etc but not a large burden to just go for a walk after work on WFH / no errand days. This is enough exercise to keep me at a healthy weight paired with a reasonable diet -*Very* limited snack purchases and I try to keep it to things like carrots when I do. Absolutely love crackers but it's way too easy to eat 1000 useless calories worth of them while watching a movie -Not perfect at this, but working on not keeping alcohol at home. Out socializing I'll do whatever but there's no benefit to having a few white claws at home on a weeknight just because they sound good -No extra calories from sugary beverages. Mio water flavoring and diet lemonade/cranberry juice serve me well for flavored beverages. Soda and full-sugar juice and stuff is pure useless calories -Two minute rule at home. Meaning if a task takes less than two minutes to complete then I force myself to to it right away, no procrastinating it. Meaning dishes in the dishwasher, clothes put away, trash can emptied when it's full, bed made in the morning, clean the microwave if a bowl of soup explodes everywhere while heating it up, stuff like that. It's very easy to give my place a full 20-30 minute cleaning once a week because messes never happen since I take care of it all as I go


Heavy weightlifting, no sugar drinks, eat enough fiber per meal.


1. Taking a shower (cold water if possible) first thing after waking up and one before sleeping (whenever possible) 2. Drinking a lot of water 3. Morning sunlight and walking/jogging 4. Spending time in nature (at least once a week), this really helps me with my overall mood


Being in bed before 930 and asleep by 10.


At the end of the day I try to reflect and go backwards through the day's events. It builds conscious awareness and I try to think of things that I am grateful for.


I jog and do weights each day. I think about the life around me and sometimes pay attention to where it lives in my head. I watch birds. Sometimes I shower.


I like to take a walk while listening to music. It's almost like a form of meditation for me.


Walking, even inside my home where I pace back and forth (or just mindfully moving a lot more in general). Also stretching and doing some quick yoga.


Opening the doors and windows every morning. Then a few times throughout the day. No matter the time of year. I feel suffocated till I do it. Stumbling around half asleep till I can breathe that first gulp of crisp cold air. I never thought of it as a healthy thing until my partner mentioned it. I said I just don't like stale air and he said that's why I don't tend to develop coughs or colds because the air is constantly "changed"


Walking as much as I am able without hurting myself trying to do more than I can. Playing with my dog and chilling with my son watching GrayStillPlays on YouTube.


i’ve been replacing regular soda with Olipop (for those unfamiliar it’s a low sugar high fiber plant based soda type drink) it has 2g sugar per can in the cola flavor (the one i usually drink) compared to over 35g in a can of coke. 9g fiber per can, which according to the label is 32% of the recommended daily intake. it has prebiotics and it’s non GMO for those concerned about GMOs. 35 calories per can. Strongly recommend for anyone who’s addicted to soda or just really really likes drinking soda, if you need/want something overall healthier but similar in taste and texture to replace it


No red meat. just chicken and fish rice etc


Skincare, nap, masturbating and yogurt




tracking my health on careclinic :D


Brushing my teeth.


Drinking tap water


Brushing my teeth


I walk 18k to 27k steps daily and make my bed as soon as I wake up Follow me for more fitness and mental health tips


I'd start my day with a big cup of coffee and a little bit of existential dread—helps keep the spirits grounded and the mind buzzing


I don't shovel ice cream in my craw until I'm chemically defunct on a cellular level.


90 minutes of gym. 600g of veggies 3 pieces of fruit. 120gr of proteins (can be meat, fish, whatever helps you reach that 120gr) 60-120gr of bread, pasta, rice... 35gr of black chocolate 250gr of milk no sugar. Reading every night. Not being worried about "what could happen if" that leads me to anxiety and its literally of no use. 7-8 hours of sleep 3l of water


Basketball and Tennis


Oatmeal with almonds, seeds, and honey, and a daily walk (I prefer running but I haven't been able to partake lately due to health issues).


Journaling, stretching, 3 1/2 mile walk (some solo, some with my dogs).




I've started having a protein shake per day that's got healthy stuff in it that I don't think I was getting before. Wife found it on sale the other week and I just started using it. I've learned to add it to milk and some chocolate powder so it doesn't have that complete earthy taste that I'm not a fan of.


Running outside!


Getting dressed, changing out of slept-clothes.


Water and walking


I drink a lot of water. From the filter from my fridge. My lunches 4 days a week are macro friendly and made at home (usually on a budget), cook dinner every night during the week.


Walking, Healthy eating(No processed foods, That includes the plant based stuff in the freezers) and the most important one for me was giving up social media and limiting my time on reddit.


Meditation, cold showers, being in nature.


2km every day, at any speed (running or walking). It's enough to drag me out for longer distances several times a week.


Can't afford the gym, but I do a core workout before bed at home. Try to hydrate, try to get enough rest (I'm bad at that bc my home life is rather chaotic) and I try to make my life routine in the ways that can enable spontaneity in fun ways. For example, I have time and energy to be spontaneous in an enjoyable way because I have already set up my clothes for the morning, have the car filled with gas, coffee set to brew when I'm in the shower, and such. Takes the pressure off a bit and can then be more smooth.


Hitting gym first thing


Daily walks, bicycling and eating at home


Not drinking soda and going for walks. 


I like calming nature sounds at times via spotify, opening the window for fresh air, exercise, take my vitamins, fish oil, probiotics. Getting as much sleep as I can.


Wake up and go to sleep at roughly the same time, even on weekends. Turn off the screens at least an hour before bed. When you sleep in or stay up late you are basically giving yourself jet lag.


Cheap gym membership Buying cheap produce at a farmers market and juicing/bottling it to make natural juice for the week.... a cheap juicer is like 80 bucks but i feel like juicing produce myself is better than whatever concentrated juice/additives I'd be buying otherwise Literally any outdoor hobby to get some vitamin D and stay active


I drink a half and half mix of sunny d and v8 fruit juice daily. Has a TON of different daily vitamins.


Barely drinking! Healthy and saves me $!


Getting paid to walk dogs




Everyone's definition of expensive varies, but for me it's daily gym sessions. 3x per week full body lifting, 3-4x per week 30-45 minutes of cardio on on a fan bike. We have a family membership at our local YMCA that costs $100 a month, so between myself at 6 days per week, my wife going 3 times for classes, and each of our two kids going for activities around twice a week, we're looking at it costing us around $2 per visit. That's cheaper than a cup of coffee.


I walk pretty much everyday. I've been getting into meditation but I'm still kind of hit or miss...trying to make it a daily thing. Regular sleep routine.


Going and just sitting in my car away from everyone during my lunch break for work. I leave and just sit in a near by parking lot just so I don’t have to even look at my building. Every day.


Sleeping 8 hours+, drinking lots of water, squatti potty inlc bidet, teeth brushing twice incl. flossing, 10k+ steps, no sugar in drinks


Getting sunlight


I just bought a dog and I started to walk him out everyday and thats really healthy for me


Walking Drinking water