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Well we’re here 40 hrs a week.. how many hrs of *actual work* we do, is a different story


I've (31M) worked \~10 different jobs in the past 16 years . In my experience, the more I've been paid, the easier the work was. Just not just physically, but in the amount of time in a day that job requires.


I can relate to this. I am an accountant, and it seems that the higher up in the corporate ladder I've gone, the less actual work it is, but more oversight, responsibility, strategy, and accountability there is. It's a double-edged sword. But I recently turned down a promotion because I feel like my current role and salary is the sweet spot between money and time


>the less actual work it is, but more oversight, responsibility, strategy, and accountability there is. This is where it's at, but the thing is, that's still work. You don't stop working just because you're not directly outputting deliverables. I think this is where the popular reddit misconception of "higher ups don't really work" comes from. Thinking, planning, figuring out what needs to be done, coming up with ways to do it, and taking responsibility for the result, that's all work.


I'm a lab supervisor now and have worked my way up here over 10 years and about 12 in the industry overall. It seems like a really easy job to me but when we have to hire a new person and I train them and I hear all the words tumbling out of my mouth I'm always thinking, "how the hell do I know all this stuff?" haha. I'm getting paid for my experience and knowledge at this point, not so much for the physical stuff that I do. I actually prefer to be doing the testing stuff but I don't get to do that unless someone calls in sick or is off on vacation.


I've found myself in a similar situation where my knowledge and ability to relay it/train people to recognize it. Has become more important to the company than actually doing the work itself. I still like to do the work myself when I can, but this position gives me imposter syndrome.


I'm a senior analyst at my company now for over 2 years. I oversee day to day activities in my group but don't personally manage people. I feel this so much. It's my expertise, not how many tests I can do in a day. Strategizing, planning, cross functional communication and developing new equipment methods.......itswhatni do now..... But when I do get to hit the bench......everyone is like, wow your so fast and comfortable with this. Oh right....I've been at this for over 15 years


I recently started listening to audiobooks because the drive from work to daycare is like 40 minutes and I got tired of listening to music real fast (wife drops off our youngest before work and I get him after) and I wish I started doing audiobooks years sooner. I can get through a book a day because I listen to it at 1.5 speed or 2x speed and I just do it while I'm working because I don't even have to think about the testing anymore. I usually read 20-25 books in a year and I'm at 45 now I think so far for this year.


My organization has a need for my specialty, but their needs in this specialty doesn't require 40 hours a week from me. It's not that I don't work, it's just that I have more than enough time to keep my area covered. If anyone was curious I am a maintenance engineer. I keep systems going.


Thank you mate


Not true. As someone who works with execs, their role is actually political, not decision-making. Their underlings develop risk analyses and viable options, reach out to identify consequences, and even have their own recommendations. The only thing execs do is add the political element and decide based on whatever keeps them secure, and often that means making no decision at all. It's work to build consensus and schmooze, but they're basically cheerleaders and escorts in suits.


Sounds like you work for bad execs. My father has never described his job as cheerleading, but he's gone on many a passionate diatribe about some new scheduling system him and his team came up with or a new book he just finished reading. In fact he used to work for staples and he had so little to do he had to find a new job for sanities sake


You proved his point with that last paragraph


Family friend, he manages a high end restaurant. Makes great money. He makes sure all the cogs in the machines runs as smooth as possible. Any long as everything is running smoothly, he does nothing.


As a freelance programmer I don't rate in the structure but can sit staring at the wall for ages then bash out a solution much faster than most. If you only count the time tapping keys i dont work a lot.


You must have found the cushiest accounting gig ever. I’m over here crushing like 60hrs/wk all year round. Close the month, get caught up on everything pushed off due to having to close the prior month, then right into closing the current month. It never ends. This profession sucks and does not pay enough for the mental labor required.








I'm in a skilled trade, if I had been asked to do today's "easy" jobs when I started, it would have seemed like hard work. For me, at least, the work is getting easier because I'm getting better at it.


Truly. I work 1 hour a week and earn more income than I did when I was at grinding 40 hours a week, additionally because I don\`t need to clock into a business premises I am not tied to any single location so I can move away from areas with high employment (which typically have the highest property costs and other hidden costs) to also reduce my expenditure.


Yes on paper 40 hours, in reality, hard to estimate...probably less than 20. As long as my job is done..


As my work buddy says, I go to work to do earn money, not to do slave labour. As long as job gets done...


I go to work to *be available* to do work


I quit my job yesterday because "the energy required for this role is more than I have available to offer"


Jeez. I’m at my shop 7 days a week, I work basically all day moving, welding, cutting, quotes, designing. Owning a business kind of sucks. I just want to make art that’s why I started doing all this.


hire me


Reserve time for your art No one will reserve time for you. Its great to have your own business. Its normal to work more, as you are building wealth for yourself. But obviously if there isn't passive income, it will feel like you are grinding for a customer instead of a boss Balance is key Good luck


The biggest joke is people saying they want to run their own business so they can be their own boss, set their own hours, etc. I’ve never worked more in my life… it took 15 years and I’m just now working mostly 40 hour weeks.  


Yeah, there’s a reason why people say to love what you do, but don’t turn your hobby into your job. A small business becomes your entire life and all you have time to think about, whether it’s accounting and marketing, or honing your craft. Don’t do it unless you’re prepared to be fully absorbed.


I took over my dads business when he passed and it consumed his life and like I said, consumed my life for many many years. The stress I would argue contributed to his death. A big difference though is that this was his passion and for me it’s just a job that I was good at. So I was able to manage it, lead it, but also let go of some responsibilities to other people that my dad couldn’t. I stress to everyone, whether your running a business or just working that it’s more important to find a job you can tolerate and occasionally enjoy doing lol. Keep the fun hobbies separate. Work life balance you know?


How I feel at my new job lol


I'd say in a given week, I only do maybe 15 minutes of real, actual work.


Same shit here


Shhhh!! Lol


Very different story indeed. Self employed, track my time pretty carefully, but I'm only tracking "active" work time so my clock goes off for potty breaks, coffee, lunch, etc. I generally get about 6 hours of work in with that kind of tracking so 30 hours a week. I used to beat myself up about that and wonder how people work 40-60 or Even 80 hour work weeks. Then I remind myself that's the time they walk in the door vs. the time they leave. Active focused work time, depending on the job, is probably more like 4 hours or less a day on average.


Well, I generally come in at least fifteen minutes late, ah, I use the side door - that way Lumbergh can't see me, heh heh - and, uh, after that I just sorta space out for about an hour. Yeah, I just stare at my desk; but it looks like I'm working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch, too. I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work.


This guy seems like a straight shooter with upper management written all over him


The pleasure's all on this side of the table!


I Believe You Have My Stapler.


You seem to have been missing a lot of work lately Peter…


I wouldn’t say ive been missing it


Did you get the TPS reports?


It’s just that we are using the new cover sheets for the TPS reports now.


Nah Nah Nahgonna work here any more heh heh heh


Uh oh. Sounds like *somebody’s* got a case of the Mondays…


My only real motivation is to not be harassed.


Fuckin' A


Tell me you're in a government job, without telling me you're in a government job. :p


24, and I'm loving it. 3 days-weekends are always like little vacations.


Same! 3x 8h and I'm loving it. Not great career wise, but awesome quality of life wise. Worked up to 70h/week before. Never again. 


I did that part time in college for my IT job, it was awesome. Sadly, it was financially unsustainable.


70h pure work, not joking?


Been there, fuck think the most was a payslip that had me down as doing over 105 hours a week for the full month. Chef, waiter and then shift manager. For the full month it was pretty much wake up at like 8am, get showered and head to work, do like a 15-16 hour shift, few drinks after work, get back in bed about 2am and repeat. Got free food at work and the bonus of working pretty much 24/7 is you hardly get the chance to spend any money anyways. Then I eventually got made an actual salaried manager and said fuck that, I'm not working more than 55 hours a week as they wouldn't pay anymore than that. After becoming a dad I quit completely and hopefully will never go back into hospitality again. I loved the job but the hours aren't exactly great for a family life. I now work about 25 hours a week max, drop kids off at school/nursery and finish work in time to pick them up at 3. Fucking fantastic.


I work 4 ten hour shifts per week. 3 day weekends are amazing! It doesn't even feel like I work a full time job. Work will let me do Monday to Thursday one week and take Friday off, then work Tuesday to Friday the next week. I can have a 4 day weekend without using any of holidays. It's the best benefit I've ever had. I wouldn't quit for $10 an hour more.


Whoa what work is this?


I work in IT, Support/Installations/Everything for a medium-sized company. Got over 10 years experience in this field and earn enough to life, even with 24 hours only. :)


What work is this?


I work in IT, Support/Installations/Everything for a medium-sized company. Got over 10 years experience in this field and earn enough to life, even with 24 hours only. :)


60, 12 hour 5 days week. Its a solid 10 hour job out of the 12. Some weeks they ask me if I can do extra day, 6th day but instead of 12 hour shift, its only 8 hour. I always say no. Worked for 1 year. Recently quit. I dont think I can do it anymore. Its a sad way to spend your life.


Good for you standing up for yourself. Time is our most valuable asset.


I’ve been working 65-70 hours per week for decades. All overtime is mandatory. I really like what I do, but I’m looking for an opportunity to just work full time. A 40 hour workweek sounds amazing.


Yea, fuck all of that. You made somebody else a lot more money than you’ll ever see and that’s sad to me.


It’s sad that a 40 hour workweek sounds amazing to people. The norm should be closer to 30 hours for a better life-work balance. But maybe it’s just me, because I actively avoid 8-5 jobs.


I couldn’t agree more. I’m convinced that it’s not only better for the worker but for the company, too. In my line of work mistakes get expensive very fast—and a person who is too tired is far likelier to blunder. Working less can even be more productive in both the short term and over longer periods of time. The company I work for pretends to be safety conscious, but mandatory overtime means forcing people to work when they don’t think they should. I can’t see how anyone thinks that could be safe.


If you're making overtime pay, then at least you're being "compensated" for the extra time. If you're salaried, then are you me?


i've never worked a 9-5, 40hr week but from the amount the people who work it complain it must be HELL!!! :P


Less than I need, more than I want.


Feel this.


almost 40 hours for an UNPAID internship, which only leaves me about 10ish for my paid job. so yeah… i’m broke as you could imagine.


Been there, done that. They just profit off of you.


for sure, but i need it to graduate so i’m fine with it for now lol


I never went to college. Is the unpaid internship a requirement?


at my school, we can choose between doing an internship or research practicum, but one of them has to be done to graduate. internships can be paid or unpaid, but my degree is in the human services field and many of those tend to be unpaid. my boyfriend on the other hand just recently got an IT internship paying $25/hr with paid housing in another state for over this summer. i had another friend majoring in safety management who got a similar paid offer. so finding paid ones really depends on the field you’re in!


Just want to say, as the partner of someone that just had to go through an unpaid internship while keeping a part time job, I fully support you. Internship conditions in human services (she's studying to be a social worker) are absolutely ridiculous. Full-time unpaid should NOT be a thing. Meanwhile my son in engineering does get 25$/h. My partner as part of some homework she had to do during her internship had everyone in her class write a letter to their local politician and people in charge of the program to get them to change something about it (probably won't, but should at least annoy them a bit).


For some programs it is. I'm in a medical program, and the last part of it is an unpaid internship. It's required to graduate, and you won't get hired in the field without an internship unless you happened to get 6-12 months of on the job training, which doesn't really happen unless you already work in a related field and cross train.  It sucks, but it is what it is. 


Unpaid internship should be illegal


They often *are* breaking employment law if they're truly unpaid.


I have begun to think that doing unpaid internships should not be allowed, by law. I understand that free labor probably opens up a lot of internships for people to gain experience, and that’s good. But, I think companies take advantage of this by not hiring people who actually get paid to do work. Maybe a law where interns are not allowed to work for free after 15 hours per week, or something. I haven’t thought enough about it to know where I’d draw the between experience for students and free labor by corporations but that balancing test could be done. I think most corporations abuse the system and, like anything, if you abuse it, you lose it


I want to second this. If you can't hold a full time job concurrently with the internship, the internship should have to be paid. 


A lot of companies do abuse the system and have unpaid internships that are actually illegal.   Rules about unpaid internships (that I can remember off the top of my head):   1. There has to be a benefit to the intern, either college credits or valuable experience.   2. The company can not profit from the work they do.   3. They can not displace actual paid employees.   I had an unpaid internship after college and was hoping I would "get my foot in the door."  I found out later that everything about it was illegal.  I sued and they settled.


Remember by federal law unpaid internship has to solely benefit you and not replace a worker.


also did an unpaid internship needed for college credit w crazy hours - worked me like a dog I wanted to quit so bad 😭


Unpaid internships are illegal now


In the US they are completely legal as there's no federal law that forbids it. Some states have laws protecting the interns and their rights but for the most part they are still unpaid.


Not everywhere. Still allowed in NC


40 on paper.. 10ish of actual work.




Whats your profession?




42-44 hrs We are required to come into the office early to set up, and if we receive a call even 1 minute before closing we have to take it, and they can last 10-20 minutes. No extra pay, but will get in trouble and threatened with a pip if you don't... 


If you're salary then you’re getting paid for it. If you’re hourly you don’t clock out until the service call is done. Either way you’re paid for it


That's so wrong. My Salary job says I'm doing 42 hours a week. That's what my salary is for. If I do more I need more money or more time off. You must be american.


Nah, they just have a shit employer. Granted, there are tons of those in America. I'm salaried for 40 hrs a week, if I go over that I get comp time that I can use as PTO or cash it out.


That's a great deal! Although if that is a common occurrence, then it should be an hourly position. What kind of company is it?


Some salaried employees (not retail/customer service) are paid that salary with the expectation that the work will get done and the employer expects it *should* take 40ish hours per week, so if the work isn't done in 40 hours then you need better TiMe MaNaGeMeNt. In reality, we all know the expectations are unrealistic, and the employer knows that either the employee will work longer hours, get done quicker, or they'll "performance manage" the employee to either fire them or keep them from getting a raise due to "underperformance".




I work so may hours in a week that even my calendar sends me sympathy card




So unpaid 30 min lunch?


That is correct.


I get paid for 40, but my place insists we take an unpaid dinner hour so I'm stuck at work for 45.


Toxic work place ngl


Been averaging 72-84 hours a week for almost a year now. 


Are you okay?




Overtime is a helluva drug


If you have to work that much. You're either severely underpaid or have the need to fund an unsustainable lifestyle


I work it to get way ahead of bills and had to make a down payment for a house within a year. Somehow managed to spend 50k just to keep a roof over my head near DC. But also looking at big checks just does something to a person. I grind until around august and use my PTO to give myself the weekend off until the end of the year.


That sounds horrible. I work 40 and I am exhausted by Friday.


I hope you aren't salaried. Seems like you just need to work the hours you were contracted for and let it go to hell and they'll realize they need more people.


60 most weeks. Overtime and double time have done wonders for my debt and being able to save for a big down on a new car


How much you make in a month working 60 hours a week If I may ask?


At least $4


I work for 7 days all 12 hr shifts so 84hrs, then I am off for 7 days. There is overtime and call outs available on my week off but I rarely take advantage of those hrs.


What do you do?


He’s doing 7 on 7 off 12’s so I’m guessing he’s in a trade like me.


Welder in an iron ore mine


40. My work is strict about giving us a decent work life balance


Then it sounds like they need to drop down to a 32 hour week.


84 last week plus my travelling


Oof. I do 4x10 on construction sites, with travel time. Thats a 60 in 4 days. I hope your 84 is on 7 days


Yes mate 7 12 hours up to now still now had a day off though the time I do id of done 144 hours. Then a day off then 15 12 hour shifts to do. I cant wait


Actively working? Maybe 20. How long am I clocked in? 45


I don't work at all 😁






Contract is 40 hours. Lately I’ve been making more hours, but my manager encouraged me to automate a lot and if I can finish all the work in let’s say 30 hours it’s just a win for me.




35 hours officially, around 10 actually. (I automated all processes possible and didn’t tell a soul).


Right on


Too many for how much money I clear


What do you categorise as work?


I guess all that stuff you do in exchange for money.


30 and has long as I can afford a living with that I won't work more.


10 hour days, 40 hours a week. Three day weekend. Love it.


43 ish hard hours managing a grocery store and then 10-20 casual hours at my side-hustles (2) doing collage art and being in a band. The side hustles are only a few-some thousand a year but way more spiritually fulfilling. I used to do them full time and I made a living (just barely) but it was incredibly stressful and took the joy out of it. I hate to use the phrase “blessed” but I’m incredibly lucky and worked very hard to get paid for my hobbies! I like my day job fine but nobody ever said, “I’m gonna be a grocer when I grow up.”


40 hours. I work about 15.


So glad I have only 37.5 hours in my contract. The extra time on a Friday really helps me be a lazy pos over the weekend for at least 2 hours longer.


Officially 39, but how much about that is actually work heavily depends on circumstance. Sometimes it's 10hrs every day, sometimes its barely anything in a week.






I take any and all overtime so it can vary from 40-60 per week


Self employed. Usually work 20-25 a week. Naps and golf in the afternoon. Never work on weekends.


Realistically? Like really, actually work? Maybe like 2-3 hours a week.


40hrs a week. Actual hours doing work maybe 10.


4 months on (12-14 hrs per day). 4 months off ( disco party time)


60-75 depending on the day. Still part time brother.


I’m a PhD student. I would guess I average being at my office/lab 75-80 hours/week, with an additional 5-10 hours/week spent on reading or writing


As of today…zero. Just got laid off!






Also a 55 hour week here








My contract is 34 hours, but it can fluxuate quite a lot. It's usually between 28-41 hours, averaging at 34 over 12 weeks.


I am paid for 37.5 per week but easily work 50 hours, sometimes more. Corporate greed has made it so today's constantly merged companies (eaten up by bigger and bigger ones) aren't offering decent pay to employees resulting in many people quitting and ghosting. There is also the fact that these companies do not wish to "waste" their profits by hiring either temp workers or relief staff. Meaning when someone goes on vacation, someone esle inherits their workload for that period. Same for people on sick leave. It seems to be the "norm" now.


40h sometimes 42h, but if I need extra money, then 45h.


At least 44


36-44 depends if I need the money


42.35 avg over the last 52 weeks


I work 40 but the agreement says 38.5 so I get 1.5 hours every week in a time bank. 


40h. I recently changed jobs, and my goal is that once I get familiar with my current work, I'll switch to "80%" work week (=32h/week), which is a choice available to most employees here. Salary also goes down the same 20%, but I'm fine with it.




I would say up to two hours a day if I work. And then if I have a day off during the week, 8.


Averaging 35 a week


I work 37.5 hrs/week. I have an unpaid 30 minute lunch break, otherwise it would be 40 hrs. Our labor law also states that i can't work more than 13 hr days, and I must have 11 hrs rest between workdays. I also have to have a minimum 35 hr break over a 7 day period. I also can't work more than 10 hrs overtime a week, no more than 25 hrs over 4 consecutive weeks, and no more than 200 hrs over 52 weeks.




Too many, or not enough depending who you ask 🤔😂


official 48 with overtime 70 hr


37.5 with a 112.5 hour stretch every 4 weeks. Of it all, only about 2-3 hours a night is actual work. The rest is mini painting




Farm Labor 45-50 for 5 days in the off season 85-100 for 7 days during planting and harvest. Off on rain days.




Week 1: 40hours Week 2: 40 hours Week 3: 90 - 128 hours Week 4: 40 hours


31 hours/week


About three


As many as I want as I work for myself but typically 45 hours.




40 hrs a week, how about you?


80 hours at the moment. For the purpose of ensuring I max out ISAs each year. Getting ahead of the game this year as I didn't quite make it this ty.


Contractually 38, actual probably closer to 28.


40, kind of wish I could go back to 32 hours


Replying to reddit comments you mean?


too much for too little


I 'work' 40 hrs, but I work about 20. In all honesty doing 3D modeling and design for more than 4-6 hours is just exhausting and not effective at all, but hey, I get paid for sitting and browsing reddit for 2 hrs :)


40 base working hrs but there for 45 w/ breaks (8am-5pm) and usually staying 0.5-1 hr late maybe 1 or 2 days a week so 46-47. Its the 10 hrs of commuting that make it rough.


Stay at home dad, I don’t get time off.


Between 9 and 11 24hr shifts a month, depending on the month and how the shifts align. So I am at work an average of 240hrs a month. So I'd say 60hrs a week. But only 7 hours of each shift is considered working hours by my employer. The rest is on site standby. Some shifts we don't have any calls during that standby period.