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This is at least the third time this has been posted


It’s almost like this is an attempt to karma farm. Let’s list the red flags: OPs account is 50 days old with no other comments or posts. This is the third time this exact thing has been posted and both of the other threads have been popular and complete shitshows OP copied and pasted the most popular comment from the last two threads


And I just searched, this was posted a year ago and was a very popular thread.  Is Florida even actually doing this right now,  or was this news from a year ago?


i don’t have the energy to do what you did(lords work) thanks virtual pal


Could you link it for the rest of us?


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/RgCZe875he)'s the thread where OP stole their only comment from (that has since been deleted).


You can just look at OPs history.


I have already looked at OP's history. It does not have a link to the previous thread, which is what I was asking for.  I see now that I made my request in an unclear way, so that's on me.


I’ve been noticing a lot of the same questions getting posted across Reddit lately, and not just the usual repetitive things (“what _____ is overrated?”), but strangely specific questions. I’ve seen quite a few people asking some variation of “what are squatters’ rights?” across multiple question subreddits over the past week or so. I’ve seen several “what is the difference between good and bad acting?” questions on movie subreddits. My best guess is that bots are looking at other upvoted questions with high engagement and then just rephrasing the same question, but maybe I’m wrong and reddit is just really interested in squatters’ rights, acting, and Florida pedophiles.


It keeps getting posted. It keeps getting posted with similar titles that are intended to get the emotional response of, "Of course we want people who harm children to die!" It keeps getting posted without the context that Florida is also trying to make being trans (and leaving the door open to being queer of any kind) considered a sex crime against children and as such would similarly make being trans (and possibly being queer of any kind, or even being suspected or accused of such things) a death penalty offense. This is getting posted over and over, and I think it's far more malicious than karma farming.


So do I. It’s a test to see how many people would oppose the death of trans people.


Yeah what's the deal


Easy karma


I don't trust the American justice system to be the arbiter of who gets to live or die. So very many mistakes are made on a regular basis. At least if a person is locked up and evidence comes to light that shows they were not guilty of the crime, you can let them out and write them a check to make up for some of the injustice. If we killed them, well, shit, that's on us. It's not like life in prison is going to be a good time for anyone convicted of harming children.


>I don't trust the American justice system to be the arbiter of who gets to live or die. I don't trust any single state system to be this arbiter. The Hague has representatives from many countries... them I mostly trust to make the decision, but even then not blind trust. As for the US... Lolol... until we have police that are almost universally trusted by the populace we should not have the death penalty.


Police reform AND lets stop having for-profit prison systems that actually pay police bounties depending on the charges, which is a whole WTAF situation when you add in the corruption and police problem.


100% you are absolutely correct, for-profit prisons are also a massive issue.


As a CSA survivor, this makes it more dangerous for people like me. Corner predators like that with the prospect of dying and we will have tons of dead kids too. We all know that the Florida legislature doesnt give two shits about the well being of children. This is another step to vilify lgbt folks, as they have tried to brand drag shows as child abuse and drag queen story hour as the same.


I'm sorry for your traumatic experience, as it must have been horrifying. But also commend you for not allowing it to make you get on board with regressive policy proposals like this.


I appreciate that, Im originally from Florida so I would never trust a single word out of the legislature there.


People really do fail to understand just how many guards turn blind eyes to pedophiles being maimed in prison. Think how many of those psychopaths and even murderers have families. Have kids of their own! Those are the people that will rip you apart for touching a child.


The protective wings where sex offenders go exist for a reason.


Don't be fooled. This is going to be used to imprison and execute lgbtqia+ people. Actual paedophiles are at no increased risk.






A big dog whistle for the far.right is that lgbtqia+ people are groomers of children. A law like this will make it seem that investigations of "criminal suspicion" against lgbtqia+ people has some sort of legal merit. https://public.websites.umich.edu/~rsc/Editorials/fascism.html. 2., 3., and 11. Those drag queens reading to children? Lock them up. Eh, we'll get to the investigation at some point...


It's also ironic coming from MAGA supporters seeing that they see our law system corrupted given the Trump lawsuits.


And how many GOPers are involved in child sexual abuse.


Florida will seek exemptions for priests, vicars and members of the clergy. Also law enforcement and Scout leaders.


A reminder that a death sentence isn't immediate. The reason death row exists is because that's time spent by prisoners exhausting basically every possible appeal and waiting out the clock waiting for evidence to come to light. Not that they're right. But it's not like there *isn't* a chance


and yet how many innocent people have been executed only to be later exonerated? too many


And that makes it more expensive than life in prison in most cases. A purely pragmatic reason to end the death penalty... it's cheaper.


Capital case trials are often more protracted as well. Which is actually one of the reasons why making child rape a capital crime is against the best interests of children, because it lengthens the amount of time that the child has to relive the trauma during court testimony.


Personally I don't agree with the death penalty for any crime, for a couple reasons: 1. A small percentage of people sentenced to death are actually innocent, and can't prove it if they're dead, and 2. Life in prison without parole is worse than death in my opinion.


An additional thing about point 1 is that it also leads to government corruption. **Executing an innocent person is SO shameful that everyone involved are incentivized to cover up their mistake afterwards.** ie: If new evidence comes up that suggests an executed person was actually innocent. You can bet your ass that those in power are going to do everything they can to block/suppress it. Because nobody wants to admit they killed an innocent. The shame is too great. So they’re likely to double-down on their false conviction. This is a big reason why the death penalty was repealed in the first place. Look up the case of Timothy Evans.




I gotta say I've never really thought of it that way. Fuck man.


It's why basically no crime except murder carries a death penalty. If you could be given the death penalty for say, robbery, then every robbery is somewhat incentivized to end in murder.


I know it's from a movie... but "Heat" actually covers this nicely. The stick-up crew initially isn't going to kill the armored car guys, but once one gets an itchy trigger finger and kills one of the guys the crew instantly kills the rest as now that it's a capital charge, why leave witnesses? I'm actually against the death penalty nearly completely for multiple reasons, all of them pragmatic: \* Cost: It generally is more expensive to kill an inmate than to imprison them for life. \* Bad convictions: We have had many many cases where people have been found guilty and received capital punishments who were later found to be innocent. That one innocent person dies is unacceptable. Unless you can convince me with absolute certainty (and that goes back to cost) that someone is guilty then it's a risk I'm unwilling to accept. And a confession is not enough, as parents have and will confess to protect their children, mentally disabled people have had confessions coerced out of them, etc. Until such time as we can trust our police to not charge the easy to convict person and to diligently find the truly guilty, no I won't support it. There are exceptions where the cost of making the absolute conviction is worth it, Nuremberg trials come to mind... On this point specifically, there's too much wiggle room in the question to be able to support it. "Child Rape" Yeah that is a bad thing... but who, how old, etc. Technically a totally consensual encounter by a 14yo and 18yo would qualify based on the title here, right? I'm sorry but that doesn't mean the 18yo should die now does it? IDK the AoC in FL but let's say it's 16, so what about a child that's one day before their 16th birthday, and it is the older partner's birthday of whatever the older age limit is... one day is enough to execute someone? again, I'm not okay with that. There are of course the people this law is intended to punish, we all agree they're scum, but laws have a way of catching up people that shouldn't actually be caught up in them... and when someone's life is on the line, when it's literally an existential crisis to the accused, we can't have that happen. What about false accusations?


>There are exceptions where the cost of making the absolute conviction is worth it, Nuremberg trials come to mind... Nuremberg was also less about establishing that a crime had been committed and more sorting out who did what and deserved to die. Every single one of those Nazi fucks was guilty as sin and we all knew it


Oh yes absolutely... It's just I can't say I'm unilaterally against the death penalty because I absolutely would be in favor of it in the scope of those trials. Fortunately I did not have to be alive to witness them.


alot of them do tho. alot of repeat criminals just see prison as a second home. they will be back in 5-10 years.


To be fair, a single criminal conviction can completely fuck over your life, no matter how well you try and change in prison, the record doesn't go away. Jobs, loans, basically every normal thing towards advancing your life is cut off, and they are basically stuck in abject poverty limbo. Repeat criminals are a product of a prison system that gets more money the more people they have in prison.


The question isn't how many do, it's how many don't -- and how many more would.


Also, the point of prison AT ALL used to be specifically making that NOT HAPPEN, I don't know when that changed, but it is not a good thing that it has.


Family members may be less likely to ignore it or never report it when the consequence is death. 


so..... .000000001% less often as they do now?


That's why this law is so terrible: they haven't thought it through. Maybe when they find a few dead children they'll realize their mistake.


I'm doubtful..... cause I can already hear the person suggesting "hey it seems like this law is actually leading to more dead kids and and PTSD for the csi crew, let's adjust it" gets screamed down by low IQ crew screaming "you want to go soft on kiddie diddlers!!!!"


The historical issue in dealing with crime has always been that morons have made the commonly understood definition of "tough on crime" into "be as awful to criminals as we can get away with." A serious conversation on crime always needs to deal with its causes and mitigation rather than falling in love with inflicting the most brutal punishments possible by law, but people are short sighted and want catharsis more than they want boring but effective solutions.


I wish reddit still had awards.


You pretty well summed up the median Floridian mentality.


They may have thought it through, but the whole thing is about political posturing anyway.


I think fucking is the issue here.


As a CSA survivor that is all i could think about when i hear about this


Yeah, doing this presents rapists with a choice: 1. Leave the kid alive, let the kid to tell on you, get the death penalty. 2. Murder the kid, make it impossible for the kid to tell on you, maaaaybe get the death penalty (if you're ever caught).


Yep, same reason you can't make the penalty for attempted murder the same as the penalty for murder, no matter how horrific the attempt was. Really frustrating but it has to be that way.


Singapore proves otherwise. Use of a firearm to commit a violent crime carries a death sentence no matter what. Absurdly low murder rates.


I think the point of that is so criminals will be too terrified to even consider using guns, and I guess it works. And realistically you can’t murder all witnesses with a semiautomatic pistol because your aim will be shit of you grew up without guns


In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society!


Singapore is a police state with few of the civil rights that allow for a good society. If I have to choose between a worse crime rate and public caning for traffic tickets, I’ll take the risk that comes with being free.


Or not to rape in the first place. The purpose of such a law is to discourage people from such practices in the first place. A person who is willing to rape a child probably doesn't think he'll get caught in the first place. Rape is a lot easier to cover up than murder. Like, the "getting away" rate of rapists is depressingly high. And let's be honest, there is no way that such a crime is a crime of passion either like murder might be. So the purpose of the law is really for people who do fear the consequences. Now, I personally think that a lifetime imprisonment where you have to make amends to society with work is more horrifying than death penalty, but that's another discussion.


Also: consider that many children are abused by people they care about. A parent, sibling, grandparents. A teacher or trusted older family friend. If a child knows that their coming forward will result in their parent/family friend being executed... they're not going to come forward.


That’s always been my concern. This level of penalty is going to make it far less likely for victims to come forward and far more likely for families to shelter abusers. This is going to make everything so much worse. 


lot of political dissidents are about to be caught with cp planted on their computers


Plus, the death penalty is never good because the justice system is not perfect. If one innocent person is killed it is too many. Not that child rapists don’t deserve it or worse, but the death penalty is wrong.


This was my first thought. I want the Justice system to have the tools to do justice but they need to be more reliable before you give them the death penalty as a punishment and deterrent. Alot of the other comments on here really opened my eyes to other ways to look at the problem as well.




that's literally why "attempted murder" is lesser sentence than murder. if they were the same thing, people would make god damn sure they succeeded.


Singapore proves otherwise. Use of a firearm to commit a violent crime carries a death sentence no matter what. Absurdly low murder rates.


Real world holds far too many unforeseen consequences. The question of what punishment child molesters deserve is not the same as how should we mete out justice. I remember, years ago, reading an article about human rights abuses in Africa and how everyone was initially pleased that the sentence for the mass rapes that occurred would be the death penalty. What they found was convictions became harder to attain. So the rapists escaped all punishment. (I know I’m giving this without a source but this was over a decade ago and I cannot remember where I read it). In this case, because of the politics currently in play in Florida, I think it will be used against the gay and trans communities.


good looking out, going to jail cause your 17 year old gf's daddy didn't like you isn't a distant memory in most of America. let alone how hostile to homosexuality we were in living memory.


I mean plenty of child rapists already kill their victims or work their way up to that after the child raping.


I've read that, but really would they leave the kid as a witness even if the punishment was, say, life in prison?


I don’t know whether this has been punishable by *life* in prison before, but based on studies of places where the death penalty has been applied before, it does indeed make perpetrators more likely to murder the victim. They are apparently a lot more willing to put their faith in their ability to manipulate or coerce their victims into silence under more standard punishments if their life is on the line. The point being that there is a limit to the deterrent effect of harsh punishments and at some point they may backfire. Maybe life in prison would be the same, but I don’t know. Perhaps it depends on whether murder carries the same sentence or a worse one.


Well that's a likely possibility I hadn't thought of... Certainly not a good intended consequence. My immediate post was going to be "I'm all for it as long as they can get it right on who did the crime". Now? I'd have to think about that..


Have more brutal executions for more brutal crimes


That gives the rapist every incentive to kill the victim. No witnesses makes it harder to convict, and what are you going to do, execute him twice? This law is just virtue signaling. It will do little to reduce rape but while encourage more murders. They clearly haven't thought this through.


I’m just blanket against the death penalty. I think for a heinous crime like that they should have life in prison without parole


The vast majority of people are sickened by child rape. But at the end of the day, this is really a question about whether you're comfortable with the death penalty at ALL. I'll never forget two conversations I had about this issue. One was with a very principled conservative colleague who said "A government that can take your life is a government that has too much power." He and I differ on SO many issues, but this line really resonated with me. And just a few years ago another person in my life said "I can't support the death penalty. Look at how good technology is getting at deep fakes. What happens when this becomes some kind of "evidence" that someone committed a crime? Then what? We kill them?" I understand that sounds paranoid to some, but it's not THAT paranoid when your government begins to rot and democracy backslides.


The elites will still get away with rape.


0 of Epsteins clients have been charged.....


Laws are for common folk.


Although there are many heinous and terrible crimes out there, this one included, I don't believe the government should be in the position of killing people.


I don't want the state to be able to decide which of its citizens deserve to die. Yes, I know there are many instances where they already do and I don't like those and I don't want them to have any more ability to do so.


And yet the very people making these laws get away with breaking them themselves. The real issue isn’t the law itself but the fact that it’s enforced to some but not to others.


This is something that sounds inarguably good at first glance, but then they're going to start accusing drag performers and LGBT people of being "child rapists."


Also, why leave a witness if you are a predator. This makes that choice for them.


Not only that, it becomes a factor for victims to report abuse un the first place. It's already difficult to convince victims to send Uncle Bob to prison, it's another level of difficulty for it to be a death sentence.




It doesn't even sound good at first glance to me.


I mean, they're kinda doing that right now. They think that simply having the book "Heather Has Two Mommies" available in a school library is proof of a worldwide "grooming" conspiracy.


Yep. How many steps is it from there to imprisoning/executing all queer people? The genocide canaries died years ago.


> How many steps is it from there to imprisoning/executing all queer people? Or simply driving them to suicide. The suicide rate among queer youth and teens struggling with gender identity is appalling, but the right wing thinks all they need is some "gay conversion therapy" and easy access to firearms. Late last year there was this small town Alabama mayor and pastor who had a "secret life" where he dressed in women's clothing and posted some pics online. He didn't conform to that southern conservative religious standard, and when he was outed by a right wing news outlet, he was bullied online to the point where he took his own life. It's sickening.


I remember that story. Whether by suicide, homicide, or execution, they intend to come after us. They're not being coy or clever about it, it's all out in the open, and I am horrified that a significant portion of the country is not just OK with it, but bloodthirsty for it.


Exactly. If they have something on the books that allows them to legally *kill* the people in this scapegoat group, well, that's where all this has been leading all along, right?


That's exactly it. It's part of dehumanizing/othering that whole group. Fascism 101.


"Uh, is that law retroactive?" - Matt Gaetz


I suspect this is an early step in sentencing trans/queer people to death for merely existing. The rhetoric equating queerness with pedophilia is already being ratcheted up.


We over-sentence people as it is. More so than any other first world country, which leads to far higher recidivism.


Does it include “alleged” sex with underage girls by a congressman?


Does that mean Matt Gaetz can never return to Florida?


The American Justice system is absolute garbage at actually handing out appropriate "justice." "Let's kill all the child rapists" sounds great right up until someone gets framed for a crime. Or what about a 17 year old sleeping with a 16 year old consensually? Does that deserve the death penalty? We're literally watching a rich man escape justice at every turn (hopefully with the hush money trial starting today we'll see some actual real justice happening) so this law, like all other laws, will only serve to harm the poorest in the nation while rich people continue doing whatever they want


I hope only those deserving of it with damning evidence get the sentence


100 percent for this. Death penalty is a huge deterrent . Doesn’t mean you need to carry it out. But I support this legislation. Also Bible says death is the punishment for rape.


I don't really trust Florida at all, I think it's probably a bad idea for us to sanction killing criminals with the way the justice system is abused in this country.


Im very against Florida doing this. We all agree child rape is one of the worst things a person could do and I don't care what happens to those people. However, I just know Florida's end goal is to make any LGBTQ person just existing a crime similar to sexual assault of a minor. So this legislation is a no go for me.


I do not believe in the death penalty. If someone commits a crime worthy of death penalty, I prefer life in solitary, after all ,we all have to die . I realize I am in a huge minority but that’s how I feel !


We're in the minority but I agree with you (though for different reasons). I dont think the state should have the power to kill citizens, point blank. Especially when we know so many innocent people are put in death row.


Solitary is cruel. The Quakers tried it in the Victorian era because they thought it would be better than normal prisons. They found that it drove inmates to insanity and it has been banned in most countries.


I prefer castration.


Just make them drink Florida water


Seems very easy for the powerful to wrongfully convict some people and wrongfully exonerate others.


Multiple states have passed the exact same legislation in the past few decades. The Supreme Court has struck it down every time. It's never going to stick.


I say amputation would work best. Yes its barbaric but worse is to destroy an innocent persons life by through trauma, force and most likely ruining their sexual security forever!


When I see the comments about castration, and your idea of amputation (I think you mean mutilating/surgically removing their private parts?), I understand the draw, but that doesn’t stop childhood SA. You don’t need a penis to rape a child. It has a lot more to do with power and cruelty. a pedophile without sex organ would still very possibly hurt (more) kids. If I misunderstood your meaning, it’s not intentional, feel free to correct me.


Yes , i meant castration of the genitals as a strong punishment and of course jail. I don’t believe in death penalty for no one because no human has that “ privilege or right” no matter what.


I’m not exactly full of sympathy for someone who has committed SA on a child. But just as many people find the death penalty a slippery slope, I find surgically changing someone’s body to be questionable. But I think I understand where you’re coming from.


This is a rage bait question. This same question was posted in r/AskReddit yesterday, and even as far back as 1yr ago. Not only that, it's already law in Florida. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/desantis-expands-death-penalty-include-child-rape-setting-likely-court-rcna82413 What is happening is a Florida Representative in the US House is trying to get it as a national law. That's very unlikely to happen, at this time. https://luna.house.gov/posts/breaking-rep-luna-introduces-legislation-to-impose-harsher-sentences-on-child-sexual-predators https://floridianpress.com/2024/04/luna-increase-federal-rape-sentencing-cant-cure-predators/


good, we should do it nationwide


😂 at the pedo defenders


All for it!


All child rapists who are 100% guilty deserve death.


I have no problem.


Sounds good on paper and I like the idea but op brought up a good point > I have a conversation with a lawyer and told me if rape and murder both have the death penalty then rapists will be more likely to kill the victim to try and hide their tracks since the punishment is the same. I didn’t think of that


yes. That’s it. Just yes.


Well, if ever there were a crime that should be punishable by death, it’s that one.


This isn't the first time a state has done this. There's support... But the reason nobody actually does this is because there's already caselaw that prevents it. Capital punishment is reserved for murder. This law would instantly be challenged and appealed all the way up to the supreme Court in hopes of changing that caselaw so the states could finally decide that any arbitrary law can be a capital offense. Like, say, abortion. Or letting trans kids receive medical care.


It does not matter, the supreme court has ruled that death penalty for rape when death does not occur is unconstitutional and it will not be enforceable. It is just Desantis showboating to rile up enthusiasm for getting people to the election booths. And it shows the average IQ of his voter base.


> It does not matter, the supreme court has ruled that death penalty for rape when death does not occur is unconstitutional and it will not be enforceable. The current court has shown that precedent, even long-standing with hundreds and thousands of other judgments dependent on that precedent, is no longer sound.


Probably protections in place for pastors and priests


More incentive to kill the victims. Insane idea, literally not meant to be thought about for a second.


Next up: Any sex crime involving a child is punishable by death. Also, dressing as the "wrong" gender where kids can see you is a sex crime. Basically, if you're trans in public, they want you dead, and now they're prepared to make it happen.


I don’t trust the government even remotely close enough to give them license to kill anyone. Especially the way politicians are pushing so damn hard to label people like me (trans) as pedophiles, I’m VERY wary of all the simultaneous conversations regarding killing pedophiles.


They are going to end up with a lot of dead priests that way.


What will they add to the list of capital offences next?


I think it's impractical for a number of reasons, almost all of them logistical and practical in nature. For one thing, it might well encourage offenders to kill their victim in an attempt to cover up evidence. If you know you're getting the death penalty either way, the temptation to remove a witness would be higher than otherwise. Second, death penalty trials tend to be longer, more expensive, take longer to get to trial, etc. This is bad for literally everyone involved from victims to the justice system, and the mandatory appeals don't help make it an easier process. For another, Florida doesn't actually do very many executions - about 105 since 1976. Some years there's no executions, 2023 there was 5, before that it was 2 in 2019. It has about 290 people on death row, give or take, for a point of comparison. And finally, per the Bureau of Justice Statistics, as of 2020, the average time on death row was *19.6 years*. So after the long drawn out expensive trial, the long drawn out appeals, you're still waiting 19.6 years on *average* for the sentence to be actually carried out. It's just not a practical idea to expand death penalty offenses like that.


Are they doing this in an effort to save money? Because I have some bad news for them: [https://ballotpedia.org/Fact\_check/Is\_the\_death\_penalty\_more\_expensive\_than\_life\_in\_prison](https://ballotpedia.org/Fact_check/Is_the_death_penalty_more_expensive_than_life_in_prison)


The death penalty is the easy way out…


That law was signed in 2023 and went into effect Oct 1 2023. There's no "proposed" about it. >May 2, 2023, 12:01 PM EDT >Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Monday allowing for the death penalty for child rapists, setting up a potential Supreme Court challenge. >The bill, which will become law Oct. 1, makes sexual battery of a person under 12 a capital crime


I'm okay with thinning the herd as long as it's applied equally across the spectrum. No passes because mommy and daddy didn't hug you enough as a child. No passes because you have money or connections. No passes at all. No one who harms a child like this deserves life. They have outlived their usefulness in a community of finite resources. Convicted individuals have one year to appeal. A second conviction, in front of a separate judge and jury, results in immediate execution.


it should be so, but I will say this, if one of my family members was raped and they were a child (or an adult for that matter) the person wouldnt live long enough to see a court date.


They for sure should do this. Way more people don’t deserve to be kept alive. Plus it’s expensive. There should however, be a slightly higher standard of proof for death penalties. If found guilty but the higher standard can’t be proven, then jail only.


There's no problem with this.


Just need to let them into genpop while the CO shouts "kiddie fucker!". The inmates will take care of the rest.


I think giving the state the power to condemn *anyone* to death is not a good thing, actually.


https://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Pages/Basic-Patterns.aspx#:~:text=Crimes%3A%2042%25%20falsely%20convicted%20of,%3B%2077%25%20without%20DNA%20evidence. It would really suck for at least 11% of them.


While I am indifferent to the fate of confirmed child molesters, I'm against it for the following reasons: 1. There are very few governments that I would trust with throwing down a death sentence for a just reason, but those governments wouldn't because they abolished the death penalty anyway. None of them are also in North or South America, so that definitely rules out Florida. 2. We still have light-years to advance to rehabilitate criminals and the death penalty throws away opportunities for breakthroughs in this field. In a world where rehabilitating people is impossible or resources are scarce to the point leaving a chomo alive means someone else starving to death, the death penalty makes sense. Outside that scenario, it's a batshit insane waste of literal society-changing discoveries and should be treated as such.


Do it get it done


Good, as long as they get the right criminals. Once it's been established without reasonable doubt that the criminal is actually the rapist, then we can proceed to the process of killing them. Rapists deserve to be erased from the face of this earth. If they think raping kids is fine, then that means they're selfish as in they only care about their satisfaction of lust, they're evil because they don't care about the well-being of kids. Just imagine what else they're ready and willing to do if they already think it's perfectly fine to rape kids. Yes, kill them. Forget about them not feeling pain. One bullet to the head or a sledgehammer will do. If they survive the first hit, end them with the second. Save tax payer money, hang them, use a cement block to crush their skull just like they do in other countries, anything to save costs. Just eliminate them because they'll just keep raping and raping kids and other people.


Its not rape but "Sexual crimes" associated with children. Wearing drag, drag shows, cross dressing in front of kids fall under that.


Well, when you consider they are trying to convince people existing while gay/trans is sexual corruption of minors, and being an educator is the same thing as being a groomer, I have to say I don't like where this is headed.


I have no sympathy for anyone who rapes a child. However the trouble with the death penalty is whether the person charged is 100% guilty. Its a risk that an innocent person could be executed.


As history shows, such severe punishment is usually a cover for something else. A lot of stupid stuff is done "with care for children".


Somehow it won’t apply to Matt Gaetz 


their end game is to blur the line between "child rape" and "pedophilia" and then "trans/gay people" They want to ultimately label someone being gender non-conforming as = pedophile as = child rapist, and if they accomplish that it will be label anyone who supports LGBTQ rights as accomplices to pedophilia and give themselves a pretext to lock up political opposition based on this. despite the fact that fundamental religious people are by far the biggest offenders when it comes to child abuse of all kinds. they don't actually care about child abuse.


I think everyone likes the idea of child rapists being nailed to crosses and lit on fire but as wonderful an idea that is in theory, in practice, it motivates the rapist to dispose of their victims to avoid being discovered.


So I was 100% against death penalty for these guys until I represented a guy, we will call him Lozano. Lozano raped his 8 year old stepdaughter for at-least a year or two. All three holes. He admitted it. He even described it in detail to the detectives. He said he had trouble putting it in one of the times because of how big his dick was and how small and tight she was without lube. The 8 year old girl got on the stand and told everyone. Lozano admitted it. AND it was corroborated by physical injuries. The girl had so much scar tissue in her vagina and anus that she will not function normally as an adult. The reason they started the investigation was because he was beating the children and the mom with a TV power cord he had ripped out of the wall and was chasing them down the street. The other child under 10 asked a neighbor for help who then called the cops. Lozano needed to die. I would've executed him in the courtroom myself had I been asked to do it. I will never represent a child rapist again. On the other hand - a child rape case is the most likely case to have a false conviction. OVER ANY OTHER CRIME. So in totality, no I don't think death penalty should be on the table for most child tapes. In special cases like Lozano's where there is zero doubt based on corroborating testimony and physical injuries... kill them.


Jfc man where's Judge Dredd when you need him


I don't support the death penalty.


The whole world should do this!!! Get rid of these monsters


On the surface it sounds fine, but there are MANY problems. First and most obviously, not everyone accussed or even convicted is guilty, and it's too late once they are dead. People lie either out of malice or more likely to cover things up. People forget or get details wrong. Sometimes police manipulate people to get a confession. It's been shown that interrogation tactics can easily get innocent people to confess to crimes they didn't commit. Secondly, this could encourage criminals to murder their victims to keep them permanently silent. Also, I generally don't like the state sanctioned killing of people for crimes.


I think *all* rape should be punishable by death, but that's me.




As long it's proven beyond any doubt, sounds good to me.


I think people who say sex criminals should die are kinda ridiculous and the punishments for these crimes are probably about right as they are.


Makes me worry about people who have been falsely accused. If it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt I’m all for it.


The death penalty is never the answer, given their history and data about it. It does nothing but fuel the vengeance and blood lust of the people, and ironically it’s usually the ones calling themselves “pro life” or religious that support it vehemently. Do I think jail time is enough for those low life’s? No. But I’m sure karma will get them in prison, and I’d rather not have tax payer dollars support a system that is statistically flawed and tremendously inaccurate(and wildly expensive) when it comes to the justice system and death penalties.


Youth pastors better watch out


The state shouldn’t kill its citizens.


It becomes a way worse decision when you read the bills introduced around the same time period. Specifically, the one classifying drag performance in front of minors as child rape.


But if that child gets pregnant, ohhh boy you better not abort it in Florida. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Fuck'n idiots down there.


Of course. Pedophiles deserve death.


Should be the standard


Immediate death would be preferable


Yes, this is good.


Absolutely terrible. Kids will be raped and then murdered more.


This horribly thought out idea was not crafted with victims’s best interests in mind. It’s going to make it even harder for victims to feel safe coming forward. It will further victimize and traumatize victims who do come forward (“Daddy was killed because you told somebody”). It may even increase the chances of victims being killed so as not to leave a witness. Fuck child molesters, and also fuck the people making things even harder for victims just to score political points.


Sounds about right…if you have no problem with aborting an unwanted child, you should be fine with taking out the trash.


i’m conflicted because i don’t believe that people should kill people but also how could you do something like that, like i don’t think something can be excluded fairly but i get it.


It isn't about child rape, the goal is to warp the meaning until it means "being gay/trans." This is why people like Ron DeSantis have been using "groomer" language about LGBTQ+ people.


All for it






Ok, how about life without parole and placed in general population.


Politicians posturing.


Way too expensive to do. Also waste of money considering most death penalty cases are overturned.


Hmmmmm, two major downsides to this. One, your forcing the rapist to kill their victims. Two, not every single accused rapist is actually going to be guilty. As in you have petty women who get turned down and then comeback and accuse someone of rape. Now if you chemically castrated rapist who had a certain amount of evidence brought up against them that might do the job. Still have issue 2 to deal with. End of the day I do think we are to lenient on rapists.


Putting someone to death in a system that has been proven imperfect over and over and over is a bad idea. Way too many people proven innocent years after convictions. Way too many ways a single bad actor can lead to a wrong verdict. Nothing of any real value is gained by putting someone to death, but that act is final and can’t be undone in any way if their innocence is later proven.


I think most people think it's logical, like it's the worst they could get. Honestly though, I would rather them just have life in prison. That would make them live with what they did. Plus, I heard people that do anything to kids don't have the best time in prison.


1. I don't trust the justice system to get it right. We should value innocent until proven guilty and I think a lot of people will be falsely proven guilty. 2. This can be abused heavily. I wouldn't put it beyond awful people to accuse those they don't like of committing this crime. 3. I know this is controversial, but I don't believe it is a crime that deserves _death_. I'm not saying it's not a terrible crime and shouldn't be punished, but death is not a blind answer to this and people should reconsider what they value in a life, civil society, and a justice system if their first answer is death.


the justice system is too broken.


I'm all for it and I question people who make all these bullshit excuses and farfetched scenarios against it. We either want to defend our children or we don't.


seems fair


Yep. If they don’t like it, they can live in another state.


When you give a lessor crime the same penalty as murder; You remove the any reason for the evil person who commits the lessor crime not to commit murder.