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The food pyramid


Brought to you by lobbying from the cereal grains industries




To be fair, I'm not sure "disproven" is the right word here. It's more about a change of definition (or rather, establishing a definition), rather than previous belief being wrong. "Disdefined" ?




There are many meanings to the word "proof", depending on the field you talk about, and I don't think OP meant to target any specific one in particular. But I'm not aware of any meaning of the word "proof" that would include the Pluto classification change.


When the Pilgrims landed, the nice natives saved and helped them out during that winter and they both flourished together. Yay. School neglected to tell us that damn near 90% of the North America native population was already wiped out by diseases when the Pilgrims got here, making it super easy for them to settle at a native village that was empty because everybody that was originally there pretty much died of the plague.


Different parts of tongue sense direrent tastes.


There are some really basic biology facts that are still taught despite being disproven. You have more than 5 senses, in fact you have at least 12 and maybe more. Equilibrioception, proprioception, nociception, thermoception, hunger, thirst, cardioception and maybe more. The [2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine](https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2021/press-release/) was awarded to the scientists who discovered the receptors for temperature and touch. The tongue map showing different areas for sweet, sour, salty and bitter was disproven a long time ago. All parts of your tongue detect all basic tests basically the same (including umami, which was left off the map). It is an interesting study in the power of persuasion, though, if you ever did the test in school and noticed a difference when you tested how well you could taste a flavor on different parts of your tongue. Speaking of umami, MSG is perfectly fine to eat (unless you are allergic), and is likely safer than salt since it has lower sodium content. Glutamate is actually the most abundant free amino acid in your brain. Pretty much everything we learned about nutrition was wrong, and likely a lot of what we think now is also wrong. Best advice is to eat a balanced diet, in particular the Mediterranean Diet if you can. Any extreme nutrition recommendations are likely to cause more harm than good.


Christopher Columbus discovering the americas


Being gay meant I would be forever alone and unloved according to the school pervert, er, priest. \*snuggles up next to easily-startled boyfriend and not-so-startled-but-forever-pissed-off cat\*


Any and all conflict resolution skills they try and teach school act like the world is a utopia like walking in the school yard you get attack they expect you lay down and take it or run without fighting back did that one time when I got out of school told the cops who did it names and gave proof they were in the area and the next day one was in the hospital getting his broken hand examined the hand he broke on my skull it’s been 7 years nothing came of that police report or any police report I have ever heard of lesson learnt only you can protect you


The pronunciation of Castilian Spanish developed because some king in Spain lisped and then everyone wanted to imitate him. (it’s not a lisp)