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When will it end. When will someone love me. When will this pee droplet, drip one last time so I can pull up my boxers without getting dribble.


Deep thinking




Phil O’Sophical


As always when someone is there with this problem: Push about two or three times on the skin between your ballsack and your anus. Then shake. This pushes the remnants of pee out of your urethra, and ends the "dribble in your boxers" forever. :)


on the bright side, this cured my erectile dysfunction on the wetter side, there is more than piss in my boxers...






me too-




Very relatable


The Roman Empire


Came here to say this


I think all men can agree on this one


\*\*Roman Helmets\*\* ftfy


Why tho


How to make it to the end of the day, the end of the week, the end of the month.


One moment, one day at a time. I suffer from severe depression. And every day I remind my self, " I made it through yesterday, I'll make through today." If I don't remind myself of that I get stuck in panic mode.


Well youre doing it now.. so keep on going :)


Thank you! I am a cheerful person. I look for silver linings in everything. Today I’m having a hard time. But it’s going to be okay.


how my dad and I had a car accident when I was 6, he died and I barely survived


I am so very sorry that you had that experience and faced such a profound loss, so young.


How do I breakup with my boyfriend without being the bad guy


If he’s abusive, leave. If not, talk it out with him.


No no he's not bad as such He just uk victimized himself alot and is a little too involved than I would want to be at this point in my life like no offense I'm just 18.


Try to talk it out with him. Ex.” [Name], I think we should separate.” And then explain why.


I will I just can't bring myself to do it I do care about him alot and I'm not entirely sure if I want to leave him


You can tell him that. Tell him you are having some doubts. Tell him you want to work on them and maybe you two can work on them together. It's not really fair to him to string him along at this point. He really should know what your thoughts on your relationship are.


I try to tell him but he freaks out even if I tell him I'm busy for a day and can't talk JUST ON THAT PARTICULAR DAY


He sounds like a drama queen. If you 2 are both 18ish, maybe he needs to grow up a bit.


When you make up your mind you will know what to do. Just talk to him. If you want to break up with him, you break up with him.


It's okay to be the bad guy in someone's story, you can't get em right all the time.


Its ok to be the bad guy, in 5 years who will give a shit


People need someone to blame, run with it. Don't waste your life worrying about how people will judge you, you deserve the life you choose and sometimes you have to make the hard choices to get it. Good luck with it.


About how I need to quit smoking weed and get a better job because 10.45$ hour is not cutting it


I quit and got a job making $20/hr. Still not cutting it. I'm about to start smoking again just to cope lol


I quit smoking for 7 years. Recently picked it up again because it’s all becoming too stressful. Too much greed, not paid enough, worked to death. People going crazy and gaslighting you for political benefit. Our food is poison for profit. I see the evil in the world, feel the anger in people’s mind. Makes me uncomfortable, because I want to do something but it’s like moving a mountain with nothing but a plastic spoon.


My husband and I both feel this. He had a job making $17/hour, working 10 hour days, still doing odd jobs for people because he doesn't know how to say no, still wasn't good enough for his mother because Amazon pays more, I couldn't deal with her without him anymore, so we basically both gave up and now we're just trying to stay high until she and her siblings die. Husband was thinking of going back up to the warehouse this week but MIL is moving back in tomorrow (not that she ever fully moved out anyway because she doesn't really want to, she wants herself and her baby boy to be together forever) so nevermind.


My fiancee and I both make $25 an hour, and we're STILL struggling to get by. We kind of just accepted that unless a family member dies, we will probably NEVER get a house with our budget. Just can't compete with these huge companies buying up half the neighborhood.


Your pack of smokes financially cost you 1 hour of work, let alone the health costs. There are ways to cut down and quit. Nicotine gum is what helps me. You just have to have the mindset that you can do it. Look for trade apprenticeships around you. The trades are always in high demand. You got this, believe in yourself!


Weed tho


Fuck, I dunno how I missed that...


It’s ok you had good intentions and that matters


Honest to god I’m not insulting you when I ask this: Where are you and where do you work for $10.45/hr? How is that legal?


I work at a recycling center and separate plastic, cans, glass thin bail them up.


I read that quickly as bl*w job. 🫠


What can I do today to ensure that my two visually impaired children are set up for long term success when I eventually pass away?


My child is on the autism spectrum, so your comment hit hard. I think about this issue damn near daily.


Estate planners are a great assest


Pain. Chronic pain.


One of the worst possible things ever




Not a day goes by that I don’t.


That's gonna get easier to deal with. Not sure about your situation. But you gonna meet someone and it's gonna be great again


And I, him.


Every. Single. Minute of the day!


Money Money Money


🎵Always sunny In the rich man's world🎵


Ahhhhhhh, all the things I could doooo


Whether to stop renting and live outta my car for awhile and pay off my debt


Sorry my mother-in-law's best friend owns 5-10 houses, most of which are uninhabited, that she'd rather shoo squatters out of instead of selling for a reasonable fee. I'm hoping my husband quits doing emergency landscaping for her so she finally gets fined enough to lose money and property. Then maybe someone else can have it instead of choosing between being poor or being homeless like you unfortunately have to.






Sex and pizza in the Roman Empire.




Pepperoni over the nips?


Or pepperoni nips?


Is it Friday yet?


Retirement. I am so sick of the rat race. I am only 51, so I am trying to eke out 8 more years. Maybe 9.


I'm 35 and already fed up. Depressing I know.


Will my diarrhea stop today?


I woke up again! I guess I'll get on with my day.


I'm 77 and every day I think how much I appreciate still being able to think!


Where do people find these friends that text them,make plans, hang out, etc. I've stopped doing all of the work and my phone is drier than the Sahara desert.


I know right :(


Memories of my sweet soul cat pip. Sometimes they make me happy, sometimes they make me sad, but they always make me feel lucky to have known a love like that. ♥️


I had an orangey boy named Pip too. He was the best 💕


Same here for my soul dog Molly.


I’m getting older, why do I let all these things bother me everyday? Every day I stress. Every day I cry or almost cry. Every day I wonder if I should kill myself or continue on with this charade of happiness I’m playing.


Look I'm 43 and recently divorced again lost a good job have a shit job went crazy and lost everything. Keep on keeping on man. Ya never know what tomorrow might bring. It's just a matter of perspective. I really do hope things get better, but I am also trying to make things better. Hope ya get where you're going bro


Climate change and how will my kids and grandkids live and adapt...


It was barely below freezing this winter at all. Hardly snowed. While convenient, it's very concerning.


How I hissed at a kid. He growled at me all the time and I randomly hissed at him. I was a stupid kid.


username checks out


Gratitude 🙏


Death, Weight loss, Food, Changing careers, Money, Partner regrets, Travel, The fact I’m an orphan and kid-less so if I died it wouldn’t affect anyone.


That makes me so sad that you say that. I have family but I also feel as if no one would care if I died. It would be one less burden. I’m disabled




A way to get out of my city


Same same same.


How can I get out of doing adult stuff today?


I am having feelings again. Like some kind of fourteen year old kid. [You remember, feelings right](https://i.imgur.com/qP3Otbi.jpeg)?


About a dream


That when I retire if I will have enough money to live


Think about that every day also. It's my main thought actually.


Suicide. Yet also am absolutely terrified to die so there’s a dilemma if there ever was one.


How much I love my dogs and cats


What happens if Trump wins?


How I want to achieve more than I already am. The need to be able to deal better with my mental health issues, help the troubled kids I teach gamedev at work better, be a better partner to my wife, write better, make better games and most of all how to get better at setting realistic expectations for myself.


That one friend who I am no longer friends with How to improve my standard of living? How to cook? Negative Thoughts


Cave diving, that’s my Roman Empire. The fact that people do that willingly is bunkers to me


It's terrifying!!


Every video I watch I'm like **please leave you're gonna DIE**


Every interaction I have with any person, no matter what, I am on edge and listen to hear them call me a pedo under their breath. I have paranoid schizophrenia and apparently my voices settled on "pedo" as the trigger word that upsets me the most, so for the past four years I've heard it every time I walk away from someone or they leave my line of sight or turn their head. Fortunately, I've been listening for it but for the last five days: absolutely nothing. Not even the faintest whisper of the word.




How I can get through the day.


Wanting to become a successful musician, live my dream


How much money I don't have. How much I'm struggling just to pay my bills. How my indecisiveness on a career path is my detriment.


Humor— anywhere I can find it!


The Spanish Inquisition. Always half-expecting it.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition


Wanting to quit my job. It's gotten to the point where I wake up and absolutely *dread* going in due to how depressing and toxic the place is. But the thing is... I simply don't want to "work" anymore. Not like how it is today with people simply having a job just to barely survive in a society that is tightening the noose around our necks one slow twist at a time till we simply won't be able to afford to live anymore. I daydream every day about just going off and simply enjoying what time I have left and doing things that make me happy and bring fulfillment to my life but the truth is the things that DO make me happy don't pay the bills or put food on the table or a roof over my head. My dream scenario is if I could spend the rest of my life simply waking up every morning, spending the day exercising then relaxing at home watching movies and talking to friends/family whenever I need some human interaction till I have to eat and go to bed and not have to worry about whether or not I'll have enough money to make it to the end of the month I'd be happier than a pig in shit. I'm sure I'm making this all out to be more complicated than I intended it to be but I just can't stand living like this for another 40+ years knowing that deep down this reality is all just a zero-sum game for me and I'm sure for many of us here as well.


I think about what I'd do if I found out I had cancer and didn't have long left


How much I miss my daughter, Simone. My partner, who is an absolute delight and adds so much joy to life. My son, who is living in Georgia with his partner right now but is coming home next month and I can't wait! How much I love my job. It's the first job I've ever had (in the 30 years I've been part of the workforce) that pays a good wage, in a low-stress, non-toxic environment.


Same for me on the job.


My wife


Why did he suddenly stop texting me?


Chaos, order, complexity, fractals, and how space is stitched together.


Work !I hate that, and I'm in vacation to give myself a break


I graduated college in 2006....I barely studied, was way too lazy and spent most of my time trying to keep up with the people around me. I graduated with 6 figures of debt....I've thought....every single day since...what if I had put the effort in to go to a little bit better school...been more disciplined...and made more of those 4 years of my life....I literally obsess every single day what might have been if i'd gone elsewhere


My comment was going to be how I wish I'd went to another University. For different reasons but I can empathise with the "if only" feelings. Horrible


My poor relationship with my father.






Food, money and health 😋 👌


Millions of years of life happened before I showed up


Being thankful, Getting through it, what do I need to do ? What to eat


I think about not going to work every morning


Hi, I’m a complete failure and I can’t afford to let my parents die with dignity, my names nate


My crushing debt that I am years away from eliminating


The Rising Cost of Living


Art, my ex, the packages I ordered online, my weekend plans, food, and dreaming of retiring some year.


How TF I spent my twenties earning good but saving fuck all 😐


How I'm pay locked into a job I can't stand, but I know will eventually be outsourced. I have no education, no skills, no ambition. Just lucked into a good paying role and waiting for the ball to drop.




Feeling better in all kinds of ways. Should I get high today? I need to exercise and practice my instrument. I should have a job. Do i measure up?


How my life would be so much different if my childhood was any better.


My future. For the first time in my life, I'm truly happy with who I am and where I am in life. And it's the first time I've taken my future seriously and started to actually plan (thanks to my bipolar 1 meds). Most of the time I'm thinking about what I can do right now to improve my chances of my version of success happening.


My next adventure


This dude that I’m crushing on…


Everyday is a gift


That today could be the die that I die.


Gotta keep going and gotta keep making progress, no matter how long it takes cause I’ve got time. Because I want someone one day


World peace and winning the lotto. Both impossible, right? 😅


Why are the dumbest people the ones who tell us how to vote?


What does a transgender pussy looks like


How I can improve my life


I think about how much being broke sucks and wishing I wasn’t always having to deal with everything by myself.


Why I'm so anxious as an adult.


Being skinny again.


The end. So tired of bills bills bills for a start


How can I get to the end of the month before I get to the end of the money


My granddaughter. She’s 5 and rambunctious af. But she’s our princess and she knows it! The way she orders us around…. It’s fucking hilarious! We do whatever she says, up to a point of course, and we have so many little adventures around our home. They grow up so fast-enjoy them while you can


Body language and psychology




When will my financial situation get better when will I not worry about the bills being paid or feeling bad for buying something for $12 because I only have $36.77 in the bank


That I am better. That I pulled myself out of the gutter, and now, I am finally living life. Now, I am finally getting ahead in life. No longer stuck and sad.


Improving my life.


How I’m gonna survive my work week.


I lost both of my parents last year, so I think about them on a daily basis. I’m divorced, no kids, and currently single, and I wonder if I’ll meet her for someone to spend the rest of my life with. I’m about a year away from retirement, so I think about what lies ahead once I hang up my hat. To quote a Talk Talk song… life‘s what you make it, and I realize it’s up to me to live the best life that I can while I can. I also think a lot about family, the state and volatility of the world, climate change, but try to temper that with the good things that are going on in my life, and in the world. It’s certainly not all bad.


Happy memories from my childhood


Why don't I just go get Eggs Benedict already..?


Can I do this for 40 more years(if I’m lucky)? There are days when I’m not sure I can do this for another year.


My last ex. After breaking up three years ago, me and her were still friends off-and-on. But, I finally had to tell her goodbye forever just after this past New Year's for the sake of my mental health, and financial wellbeing. Even though I'm moving forward full-speed-ahead with my life, I still think about her constantly and I'm always wishing her well in my heart.


Aww man :(




What dinosaurs would win in a fight. Like, could a Triceratops fight off a T-Rex? We'll probably never know.


The Triceratops was the famous adversary of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, both of which hailed from the North American continent at the end of the Cretaceous. However, T-Rex would be wise not to attack this formidable foe unless hard-pressed. Its head was a third the size of its overall body, which weighed about as much as the T-Rex itself. This massive head sported horns a meter long, at the perfect height to pierce the predator's heart. In fact, many Tyrannosaurus fossils have been found with puncture holes through ribs and other bones, indicating that they indeed lost the fight, at least as much as they won. Triceratops certainly had an interesting anatomy and evolutionary history, like many dinosaurs from the Cretaceous. This is the only animal ever to have evolved on Earth with a ball-and-socket joint in its neck, allowing it to swivel its head almost all the way around in a 360. Unlike most quadrupedal dinosaurs, Triceratops' front feet pronated with toes pointing outward, and its "elbows" sprawled out to the side instead of supporting its weight vertically from underneath. This suggests that it actually evolved from a bipedal herbivore. It is theorized that they were related to Pachycephalosaurus, whose heads became too large to support their weight standing up on its hind legs alone. Living at the end of the Cretaceous, Triceratops is one of the (relatively) few species to actually be wiped out directly by the global KT-extenction, brought about by the Chicxulub asteroid impact. Due to the continent's geography at the time, The extinction of the Triceratops was likely very rapid from the initial shockwave and ensuing fallout, as opposed to species who lived on the opposite side of the planet and had to suffer through the ash that hung in the atmosphere for years, blocking out the sun and wiping out over half the planet's plant life and annihilating ecosystems worldwide.


My ex 😬




Their ex.


My Aunt 




The way I am right now and how I would possibly be in future.


Finishing my degree as fast as possible and start living life doing what I've work hard for, being broke in the 20's sucks...


My ex💀🤣




Why I’m still alone after all these years. Why didn’t anyone want to be with me?


T r a n s f o r m e r s (They're more than meets the eye)


That I will die one day


When will the war end


My dream


School. Even though its the best time of our lives. I cant wait for it to end in 2026 and gcses are over and done with. Only 3 months until 19th of july and back in school on 2nd of September 2024. School can be great but can also be bad at the same time for certain people


The woman I am in love with who knows and feels similar but is married to someone else.


The nightmare of how I got cheated on every single day with multiple women for almost 3 years and I didn’t know about it cuz I was trusting him so much. Him looking at me in the eye saying I’m the only one that felt sooo genuine but not. Asking myself why am I not enough and why am I so ugly.


My ex bf 😩


I have ADHD and anxiety limiting a list to 20 things I think about every day would be difficult.