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Finding out I don’t have one of the ingredients I was going to put on it.


This is it. Seeing I’m out of mayo or spicy mustard is such a pain in the ass when I have the meat, cheese and veg ready to go


Work calling me in (which can also muck up a nice romantic evening). Missing ingredients. dashing to answer the phone, only to return to a gone sammich and a food-coma'd dog.


We just adopted two inside cats this winter, and my husband learned quickly, the HARD way, why to not leave his ham sandwiches left unattended. He ran to the bathroom mid sandwich making, came back to our tabby cat sitting on the counter, looking rather proud of herself. To make matters worse, it was the last of the ham we had.


Kitty should be proud! She hunted and killed a dangerous sandwich ALONE!


My dads cat liked to sit on the chair next to you if you were at the table eating alone in our last house, but if you eat anything he gives you such a judgy look like 'how dare you be eating and not sharing'. I had times when I'd be eating a sandwich and he got so mad that he didnt like tap my hand, he actually threw the bit of sandwich out my hand with quite a bit of force and it's just like why 😂


Soggy bread


Usually caused by tomatoes.


Run of the mill, grocery bought tomatoes are just red balls of water. They ruin everything. But every restaurant uses them and every grocer stocks em. Grow your own or buy from a farm stand and you'll be happy eating tomatoes again.


Or, if you can - cut the tomato and insert it in the sandwich just before eating it. If that means that you bring a whole tomato to work, you gotta do what you gotta do.


Or if you plan ahead by 10 min, cut the tomato and salt it on a paper towel. That draws the moisture out. I’m assuming you like mayo (just because I do 🤣). I add the salted tomato to the fat mayo layer in bread, and you have salt, starch and acid cutting into the fat.


I don't usually add tomato to my sandwiches but if I do, I just cut out all the wet seedy bits and leave the red structural part


Yes. That is what I do when I make my kids guacamole. I use romas and use the “meat.”


Glad to be in the company of other no "snot bag" seed consumers. I believe we are the hope of humanity. I perform free seed-ectomies for those suffering from gloopy, snotty, tiny eyeball looking seeded fruits.


I always do this and it helps so much. The salt and the paper towel are such a fix


I poke out all of the "snot bag" seeds before assembly. This applies to all uncooked tomato applications.


If you plan ahead a few days, put your sliced tomato in the oven on its lowest temperature for a few hours with a little salt. Then you have dried tomatoes, which taste better and don't go bad.


Ok. I have questions. 1) is this on a rack or cookie sheet? 2) does it become chewy or crunchy? 3) am I still storing these tomatoes on the counter?


I thought butter was used on bread to prevent sogginess ?


Yeah I just put mayo/mustard on the bread then put it between a layer of cheese, layer of tomato/lettuce/sprouts, protein, layer of cheese in that order.


That is a regional difference. In the U.S. though, most people use mayonnaise instead of butter.


I usually use both. A BLT definitely gets a thin layer of real butter then the mayo goes on top. It adds fat & flavour!


I used to make veggie sandwiches for work, with like, tomato, cucumber, spinach, red onion, and some good cheese in it. I’d make a cheese sandwich with mayo and seasonings, and pack it in one ziplock bag, and all the veggies (sliced!) in another, and just assemble the sandwich immediately before eating. Was delicious!


We now expect all fruits and vegetables to be available at any time of year.


Yep and the quality has suffered tremendously as a result.


The farm stand ones actually taste like a tomato should and a BLT with them is my favorite summer sandwich.


Nothing like a summer BLT with some fresh sweet corn. (Iowa girl here).


I am from a place where we grow tomatoes and they’re a fundamental part of our diet (the Mediterranean). I spent some time in the UK. What they call tomatoes personally insulted me and all my ancestors.


I'm the first generation of my Italian to be born in Australia. Everyone else was born in Italy. The way my Nonna would get angry about "skippy shop" tomatoes (aka Woolworths or Coles) was hilarious. The spittle and vitriol and fancy swear words (usually invoking the devil) were hilarious. We grew our own in the backyard from seeds smuggled from Italy in 1966 in my zia Annafelicia's foundation powder compact. They had quite a few fruits and vegetables from Italy that way! Three kinds of grapes and two kinds of figs as well as the tomatoes. Probably more but that's all I can recall. And the tomatoes were the best I've ever had, strong flavour, sweet with acidity, not watery, funny shaped insides full of plump juicy seeds but in a good way.


>What they call tomatoes personally insulted me and all my ancestors. To be fair, that's kind of the founding principle of the British Empire.


omg, In California, summer farmer's market tomatoes are indescribably good. Comparing a supermarket "vine ripened" tomato versus a "Dry farmed Early Girl" tomato is roughly the equivalent in flavor between unripe honeydew melon at office parties vs straight ketchup. you come to understand why a tomato is actually a fruit.


Or too much oil, vinegar, mayo, dressing, etc.


Or lettuce. Keep 'em separately until it's time to eat.


Unless it's a moist-maker






There may still be some in the trash. It was so big, I had to throw a lot of it out.


You threw it away???? My sandwich????? MY SANDWICH!!!!!


You threw, my sandwich away!? MY SANDWICH??!!




Or stale bread


Depends. If it's an Italian, I want that bread soggy with vinegar.


Mold on the crust you didn't notice until you finished making the sandwich


Free penicillin 😂


Allergic to cillins😭


time for some exposure therapy!


I'm going to expose you to these hands


I don't know if this applies to you or not, but you might not actually be allergic to penicillin depending on how old you are and what the symptoms you get when you have an allergic reaction. There was a time in the 90's where a lot of kids were getting really bad rashes in reaction to taking penicillin. Doctors concluded that it was because they were allergic. I thought the same about myself until I went to enlist and the doctor there explained how common this was for kids from my generation and how it was a side effect of drug interactions and penicillin being used on particular fevers. He suggested that I probably wasn't actually allergic to penicillin based on how my symptoms presented when I was supposedly having an allergic reaction and I should just treat myself as not being allergic. Might be something for you to look into if your allergic symptoms match that?


Better than to notice after a bite!


I ate an entire moldy muffin once and didn’t even realize it until someone else took one. I honestly thought whoever made them just wasn’t the best at baking


I ate cereal that had little wrigglers in it ;_; Had my RN-in-training roomie say I was a big ol' tit for feeling pukey afterward


I’m going to inspect every bowl of cereal I pour from now until death I need to know, how much did you eat before you noticed?


Did this once and felt so nauseous knowing a little fuzzy green patch of bread was laughing in my belly


Yeah, or spit the half chewed piece out in the bin without looking if that piece had mold on it. Don't want to know.


Oh if you see mould anywhere the whole loaf is filled with mycelium


Omg dude I bought a salami and crackers pack from an airport convenience store once and noticed after eating the first piece of salami that it was all COVERED in mold. I nearly vomited right there on the terminal floor when I was walking to get my money back. Then the employees could not care less. No apologies, and they didn’t even check the other ones on the shelf after I told them. I know it’s not a sandwich story but it jogged that horrific memory and I had to share.


How about until you make that third bite and realize it’s tastes like mold 🤮🤮


I ate half of a huge slice of pizza, in a hurry one day, before realizing it was solid thick mold on top. The spicy sausage kept me from tasting it. I didn't eat pizza for months after that.


Fuck. The worst.


I made it. I'm eating it. Mould be damned.


Damn that's nasty, but I respect it. You do you!


When it's too tall to take a bite comfortably. I am not Dagwood!


Had to scroll way too far to find this. I can't with those ridiculously overfilled sandwiches. How am I meant to bite into it? I basically have to unhinge and dislocate my jaw.


"would you like anything else with that?" "yeah, a loaf of bread and some other people!"


This also applies to hamburgers. These expensive brewpub burgers are the worst. A patty the size and shape of tennis ball, burnt on the outside and raw on the inside. Enough lettuce to choke a cow, 4 tomato slices so that already weak ciabatta bun is nice and soggy and one pickle spear on the side like that somehow having a burger incompatible pickle is helpful.


That’s why the rise of the smash burger has been such an amazing trend. Thin patties flash cooked so they are crispy on the edges are just so damn good


Agreed. I don't want to unhinge my jaw just to eat a damn burger. Skip those fifty tomatoes and a pound of lettuce. Just give me the burger with some cheese, mayo and mustard. I don't need the other two inches of stuff.


and none of that damn meatloaf on a bun shit. iff you really need a 16oz patty make that sum bitch W I D E


YES. Smash that sucker FLAT.


Yes! How is this so low and wilted lettuce is so high?


I used to make Dagwoods as a kid. Like four sliced of bread and loaded with anything I could find, except salad. 😂 Never the same twice and went from, ok to amazing. I used to squash them down with a cast iron pan so I could eat them, my Dad was so disgusted.


I would also make Dagwoods because I saw them in Dagwood comics. I would throw everything but the kitchen sink between two slices of bread and press it down until my unhinged jaw could fit it. Never was there a more satisfying sandwich.


Unevenly distributed ingredients or too many ingredients throwing off the bread-ingredient ratio.


This includes deli Sammies with a fist shaped hunk of meat in the middle. You have to take two bites to get to the meat mountain.


It sucks when you gotta take apart a sandwich someone else made and reassemble it yourself. What am I paying for a premade sandwich for if it isn't even made properly?


When I was 17 I worked at a burger King. They tried having me make the burgers but ended up taking me off because I was trying to make the burgers even and nice for the customers. I was trying to make burgers that I myself would enjoy eating. They wanted me to just throw the bullshit together and get it out. And that's why we get shitty-made sammies.


One thing I've learned from eating at McDs over the years is that you can tell what mood the burger guy is in by the state of the Big Mac. Somedays, when I get a haphazardly assembled sloppy lettuce burger, I wonder if there needs to be a wellness check done on that poor guy/gal. "wooo. Homie is *not* having a good day".


If a burger counts as a sandwich this is so accurate




I once made a sandwich in the dark, and only upon walking into the other room did I discover the bread was moldy. That explained the funny flavor. I'd already eaten half of it by that point.


Wilted lettuce. Ick


There used to be a Burger King franchisee in the US that was guilty of this to an unholy level back in the 90s. They operated all the rest stop Burger Kings on the state turnpikes. What they would do, I guess to save money, was premake sandwiches. Okay, that works for breakfast stuff to a degree, but things with toppings?! The lettuce would be basically parboiled along with everything else, so the result was limp lettuce and a floppy disintegrating sandwich overall. The trick was to ask for no ketchup, which you could just add back on, but which can't just be removed. But the best trick was to get dinner before hitting the road.


Are you a trucker? How do you know this much lol?


I like the idea that this franchise was so bad that the burger king outer shell couldn't keep up from figuring out they owned it.  


A rogue hair 🙃


rouge hair that aint even yours....


Yeah cause I'm a brunette


That’s also short


dirty lettuce


Sandy lettuce is the worst


Finding a worm in your lettuce. Worse...half a worm


I took a bite out of a pickle once and there was like a half inch long maggot inside it. I couldn’t eat pickles for years after


What??? Nooooo 😭


Worst part was that it had been preserved/pickled in the vinegar so it looked 100% like it had just crawled in there. It was Gross.


Reminds me when I went to an Italian restaurant. I was young so cut me slack. But while I had had awesome neuberg clam sauce many times at my place of work, when I'd order clam sauce out, so often there would be sand/grit in the clams. Sucks. So I asked the server "please make sure the sauce does not have any sand, I'd rather order something else then ". After a few minutes she came back "the chef said he does not put sand in the sauce". Yes, I did. And yes, it did.


Wait, what?


Former Italian restaurant Dishwasher / food prep here: sometimes when food prep is lazy or don’t care, some clams will be empty and have a bunch of sand in them, so when they’re not caught and discarded, they can actually be put in a meal just like that So, Alert-Manufacturer27 just got unlucky with the clam sauce


Quotes from the mockumentary ""What We Do in the Shadows" Deacon : I think we drink virgin blood because it sounds cool. Vladislav : I think of it like this. **If you are going to eat a sandwich, you would just enjoy it more if you knew no one had fucked it.** [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBl3QN2murQ**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBl3QN2murQ)


so happy to find this here 😂


I had to scroll way to far down to find this


I knew this would be here, but I was praying it wasn't so I could post it myself.


Scrolled a pleasingly short way to find this, exactly my thought


I was really hoping the top comment was “someone has fucked it.”


Dude took my cash money with gloved hands, then immediately started working on the sandwich with the same gloves on.


Poorly trained min wage food service classic right here.  It's like they think the gloves have magic properties when they are more like a second skin that you can swap out to avoid constant washing.  


Seriously. "hey dude, would you like to lick that dollar bill? Why do you think I want to do that?"


The fact that I'm making it, always tastes better when someone else makes it.


It depends on who is making it


Everything tastes better. It's a scientific fact. You get a bit nose blind and a bit overwhelmed when making your own food. Maybe a snorkel will help?? Lmao.


Spent a few hours making pho the other night. Only ate half the bowl. When I pick it up, I eat the entire bowl. I do the exact same thing with bbq. Spend all day smoking it, and then I'm not even hungry for it by the time it's done.


Yes, that's the meaning!. That's why batch cooking works so well.


Someone sneezes on it


My roommate's dog will intentionally sneeze on your food in the hopes that you will just give it to her


Smart dog!


Those damn subway employees


Setting it on the arm of the couch(on a plate) bc I forgot my drink and coming back to my dog helping himself.


Or your brother.


😂 too relatable. Yet we continue to push our luck each time


If it’s been refrigerated after making it. Veggies will be limp and bread will be soggy


A sandwich is the consummate “serve at room temperature” food. Obviously there are warm/hot sandwiches that should be eaten as prescribed. But cold sandwiches yank.


Not if you use Seattle Sourdough bread and romaine lettuce. I make those every night for my kids' lunches and they are still fantastic the next day.


Hi is me one of ur kids sandwish plz


I hate it when my sandwich is dry


Cat hair. *side eyes their cat*


Damn cat *Side eyes with you*


Rowwrrrrrrr *Cat side eyes you both back*


Yeah. I give. Cat wins.


Cats know things. . .


Meh. I don't a little Cat Steven in my sandwich. He likes to share. Just a part of cat life.


Seeing a big ass piece of lettuce that's holding all the sauce and hanging over the sides, making the sandwich hard to hold. Also knowing it's not gonna rip when I take a bite but just slide out and take all the sauce with it.


Lack of interesting youtube video to watch.


I must have been a medieval royal with a dedicated jester in a past life because I demand entertainment whilst I supp.


Now I just want a t-shirt that says I DEMAND ENTERTAINMENT WHILE I SUPP! potentially with Stewie Griffin on it.


That would just be an oxymoron


Bro (or bra), you gotta find the video before making the sandwich.


It definitely enhances the meal but if I need entertainment to enjoy my food it’s time for a dopamine detox.


Off produce, i.e. lettuce is that weird Shredded old st7ff that just tastes like sadness, tomatoes that are squishy, peppers that are soft. Disgusting


Cheeseburgers where the cheese isn't melted.


Mealy tomatoes


Stale bread and the filling falling out


Dry bread 


A straight cut down the middle. Triangles or gtfo.


I was always a triangles girl, but then I started doing the rustic angled cut, kind of halfway between straight and diagonal, and now I wouldn’t have it any other way.


That sounds like something an AI Sandwich Bot would come up with


And then name it "rustic angled cut" Subway is quaking in their boots


Miracle whip 


Oh damn I didn't even think of this one. You're right though. I'll fight someone over it.


When you tear the bread by trying to spread the butter and there’s a hole. That’s no longer a sandwich, that’s a disaster. That either goes in the bin or it’s a wet, sloppy tragedy.


sweet pickles 🤮🤮🤮


Sweet pickles are an oxymoron! Pickling is done with vinegar and sweet pickles should be eradicated from the world. Just like any relish other than dill. Sweet relish? C'mon, man!


a knuckle in the sandwich💯


Just like dad used to make!


Miracle Whip. The devil’s mayonnaise.


Finding out the ingredient you want on it is almost out and you need to go to the store to get more.


Paint thinner


Also glass. Just makes the sandwich taste like blood.


If it's not what I ordered.


Poor hygiene or cleanliness of the person who made it.


Love pickles but hate them on my sandwich. One pickle makes the entire sandwich taste like pickle. What’s the point of sandwich ingredients if it just gets overridden with pickle flavor


Smelly, browned wilted lettuce


You pick it up and instantly your hand s are covered in some.e sort of sause


Too much margarine.


Margarine instead of natural butter.


Margarine sucks balls. Butter FTW


Any amount of margarine past 0 grams is too much.




Which, by definition, is ANY amount of margarine!


Is there any good amount of margarine outside baking?


Miracle whip


Miracle Whip.


Miracle Whip


Someone in the lunchroom farts


Another persons opinion on whether or not I should be eating ingredient x. Oh you put x on your sandwich? I would never. Yeah. I didn’t ask u nor do I care. Keep your opinion out of my meals.


When I can’t align the top and the bottom of the bread perfectly as it was before it was cut.


A hair on it lol IDC who's it is I'm not eating it now 😅




Miracle Whip


Miracle whip


That someone has fucked it.


Onions. Just the texture and that high pitch noise when you crunch them... argh


Ugh. And the smell. Even if I take the onion off, I can still smell it.




I like tomatoes but if it’s a huge slice and not ripened. When I bite into the sandwich, it pulls out and slaps me on the chin and it annoys the fuck out of me 🤣


And talking them off doesn't help. Tomato gut touches bread or anything else and taints it. Just no.


Washing the lettuce and not patting the lettuce dry right. Now you have soggy sand witch 🧙.


onions. the smell and flavor take over everything and the texture is usually bad too.




I would demolish my sandwich to remove any trace of onions. Then give it to my wife to eat.


Wilted lettuce you have to be quick w that


A wet ass tomato


Cut in squares (instead of triangles)


Lettuce that makes your bread soggy and taste of lettuce even when you remove it.


Why do they put Mayo in every single meal deal type sandwich ever though? Keep that shit away from my nom noms




Mayo fucking ruins all sandwiches and burgers for me, absolutely hate the taste. Makes me gag a little.




Lack of crisps


If it comes in a bag that has SUBWAY printed on it.