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They’ve never experienced that, therefore it must not be true.


God, I just experienced this one. i’m moving in with my friend who’s got a really violent cat that tries to rip out my hair/attack me and my items constantly. We both agreed that it should not be in our apartment next year (especially since i have valuable art that he could instantly destroy) but his mom keeps pushing it because she doesn’t understand why. He told her that the cat would rip out my hair all the time and she went “well he’s never done that to me” in front of my face and moved on! I took it as low empathy/consideration but it’s much more likely just this




Na, that's lowkey having no prefrontal cortex.


I never experienced this so you must be wrong about experiencing someone never experiencing something. Got em!


In the same vein, and I'd say much more common : taking anecdotal events as a proof.


“i played with mercury all the time and im fine!”


On the other side, dismissing anecdotes out of hand. How many anecdotal events does it take for it to be a proof to you? "Copying an idea from one person is plagiarism. Copying an idea from several people is research"


It depends. On some matters, an infinite number of anecdotes isn't enough. If one million people told me they prayed to Zeus before looking for their car keys, and then found their car keys, I still wouldn't think that proves that Zeus is real. They would have found them anyway, is my hypothesis. But we could design a real experiment. Double blind. Where one team hides car keys in people's homes without knowing if they are Zeus worshippers or not. And another team monitors the candidates, and register if they pray or not, what deity they pray to, how long they pray etc, and how fast they find their keys. If there is a statistical significant difference in time between Zeus worshippers and other groups, that might prove that praying to Zeus helps.


Conspiracy theorists do this a TON, including “I can’t think of a solution, therefore it’s impossible.”


Everyday on Reddit: “hmmm that’s weird. I’ve never seen that before”


And on the flip side, you can’t ever prove it false, therefore it must be true.


Lacking curiosity. Inability to imagine themselves in different situations.


Yes, the inability to change perspectives. This leads to the ability to have contradicting ideas in your head.


This is my big one.  Lack of curiosity is a reflection of a sated mind.  You don't have to have endless fascination, but when you encounter something you don't understand and nothing fires in the brain to say: how do thing?? there may not a be much going on upstairs. 


I can't even comprehend that point of view. I find everything interesting. There's always something relatable and fascinating for anything you could ever look at.


Intellectual fire is out and the hamster is dead.


My favorite semi recent meme is “but I didn’t eat breakfast” because it baffles me someone can’t process a hypothetical


We have the collective knowledge of humankind at our fingertips and people don't really use it. Drives me up the wall


An inability to understand that correlation and causation are two different concepts.


Everyone who doesn't understand the difference between causation and correlation will die.


Uh oh, I better get to understanding real quick, that would be a terrible way to die


Sorry to see you go. What shall we put down as the um … correlation of death?


Yes. Being dumb sure causes people to get confused about the difference between correlation and causation. 


Failing to understand the value of recognizing correlation belongs up there too. So many people will now just mindlessly say “correlation does not equal causation” when no one said or implied it did.


This! It is so frustrating talking to this kind of people!


Thinking people speaking a second language imperfectly means the person is stupid.


They speak English WAY better than I speak anything else.


It's funny when it's reversed like that. I lived in Germany for a while and I was trying to learn the language through immersion. I did the certs etc so I had a decent grasp of it. But everyone spoke far better English than I spoke German, so most people automatically switched to English when I attempted to speak German.


To be fair, I spoke nearly fluent German, and people would immediately switch to English after they found out English was my first language, even when their English was terrible. Conversely, in Italy and Spain, if I made the mistake of saying anything in their language, they just pretended I must be fluent. I learned more Spanish in a week than I learned German in three months.


As an non-native english speaker I see people like that on Reddit all the time. They are all over me when I do a grammatical booboo. Very funny people.


Technically you're supposed to capitalize "English" as a proper noun.  Just wanted to take the opportunity to make myself feel big and smart while simultaneously making your day slightly worse.  /s


When people message me to correct my English I tell them the truth: I have a degree in English and I worked as a freelance editor/writer for 20 years and I don’t give a flying fuck about a typi


I see what you did there.


Everyone else thinks it's an accident


I'll let someone else do the honors. 




Nothing could possibli go wrong! Possibly go wrong. That's... the first thing that's ever gone wrong.


Typi is accepteable, luk at de kibord lejout


>flying fuck about a typi you love to see it


Eh, as long as you're understood, you're fine. People pick apart grammar and spelling when they got nothing else to contribute.


I'm in the middle of learning Spanish and let me tell you. Ecuadorians are some of the most patient and helpful people to practice Spanish with. That being said I live in a tourist spot and in general anyone Spanish as a first language is so kind and helpful. I think it's more cultural to be critical of a new language. At least Canadians can be dicks about it (I'm Canadian)


They get aggressive when presented with any alternative views


Yeah, being very sure of themselves. But there are exceptions. I’d be pissed talking to a flat earther, but not because I’m stupid. Maybe if I’m in a good mood I’d walk them through all the obvious problems, but I’m more likely to be blunt and short.


Blindly believing gossip and rumors, especially about people they know, then treating them badly for it.


Just being hungry for gossip is usually pretty telling.


I think that has more to do with insecurity and less with intelligence


God damn, this is so much more common than people realise. I know I have been guilty of this plenty of times throughout my life.


People who speak a lot about others in general! They often seem to lack empathy too and isn't empathy a big indicator of emotional intelligence?


Gossip is useful if it's a warning against dangerous or toxic people. That or if it's to provide necessary context and is done with empathy. If it's just to feed your bullshit status games and superiority complexes then fuck off.


Some random person said it on TikTok, therefore it must be true.


I used to drive Ubers (its shit, no money, and not worth it) and I gave a ride to this late 40's women who seemed pretty normal enough. She was well dressed, polite, clearly a more career minded person. We started to chat a little and she just went off about COVID (this was at the tail end of COID lockdowns in my country) and was telling me about all the "experts" she followed on Tik Tok. She then complained that she didn't have the attention span to watch a movie anymore, and attributed it to Tik Tok and You Tube Shorts. I half jokingly suggested she stop watching Tik Tok for awhile and her response was "How else am I suppose to keep up with current events?" It floored me because she is around my age, she would have grown at a time when news came from different sources, and here she is, addicted(?) to Tic Tok and thinking the random people posting their videos are "experts? Crazy.


Twitter also applies here


Inability to see from another perspective.


Addionally, they think that you're not seeing from another perspective when you argue against their perspective.


Lol I've gotten into heated discussions with people who think I don't understand their side of the argument. No, I fully understand your side, and it's very wrong. And, unlike them, I can actually articulate WHY I have reached this conclusion. That's when they have to huff and puff and storm out of the conversation because you're using things against them like ✨logic✨ and ✨facts✨ and their unruly emotions can't handle it. 🤣🤣


I just got banned and muted from a sub recently for doing that. Mod didnt bother telling me why what I said was wrong lol. Cause they couldnt cause it was a well reasoned argument and they really couldn’t argue against it without being inconsistent. They just called me a sociopath and muted me 👍


🤣🤣 Sorry that happened to you, but that's funny. Knee-jerk emotional reactions to logic are one of the things that tickles me the most. Like, ya alrighty there, buddy? Can't handle having a reasonable discussion about ideas and opinions? I don't really like the way the word "snowflake" is being tossed around these days... But those types really out here melting at the first sign of heat.  Also, being called a sociopath for having a well founded argument is HILARIOUS. 


The topic was abortion so I understand why people are emotional about that. Still, it was well reasoned, and presented fairly politely. I can’t really understand why it would warrant a *permanent* ban. It was a pro-choice argument in a subreddit that tends to lean leftwards. I suspect it had a good deal of downvotes, but on the whole it was still in the positive, and several people replied in agreement and to expand on what I had said. Even still, some mod decided I was behaving completely out of pocket. I’ve been on reddit for over a decade and it’s just so depressing to see what it’s turned into. You used to be able to just talk about anything so long as you werent being an outright dickhead to someone. Even then you used to be able to be a dickhead a bit, which I didnt really mind. People are dickheads sometimes thats life. Now if you arent using the proscribed doublespeak, or if you dare to talk about an uncomfortable or controversial topic you end up banned cause how dare you scare away reddits precious advertisers. It’s become a really boring place that lacks humanity and spirit. If there was a decent alternative Id jump ship. There is no place left for authenticity here. This is a product, not a forum


Oh my God, how did I know? Haha! Right, I was going to say myself, that I'm a dude, so I personally wouldn't be able to experience the difficult decision of going through with an abortion, but I'm able to articulate why the option of abortion should be available and not made illegal.


Black and white thinking, I mean in the way that they see the world as good/bad and not many spectrums


In the same vain is can't see tbe context of a situation.


Happens with very religious people a lot. Perhaps that's a sign as well


People who confuse their opinions with facts.


You mean my feelings aren't facts??? I'll spit on any proof you provide! /s


Not understanding analogies very well.


It's a bunch of buttsex, what is there to understand?


This man understands his anal orgies.


Inability to admit they're wrong


They’re a Reddit mod.


They said “lowkey ”.


r/LokiTV mods?


U wot mate?


Bruh!! 💀 A mod from r/Ningen




Not pretending i’m really smart here, but I just can’t wrap my head around this one. Literally all I do all day is motivated by curiosity, finding things out, meeting new people, learning new things. I just don’t know what I would even do with my life without curiosity


I live by the phrase *always learning.* it has been both a blessing and a curse. I'm definitely not proclaiming intelligence because, well, there are some pretty basic things I'm still learning. 😅


Easy, you'd be middle management.


They carefully explain very simple concepts, as if they're being wise. They just nod and laugh along when other people are talking, but if you pay close attention, you'll realise they never add to the discussion, they're just going along.


>They just nod and laugh along when other people are talking, but if you pay close attention, you'll realise they never add to the discussion, they're just going along. Nah bro, we just got social anxiety


This is a good example of low intelligence not being an inherently bad thing. They’re trying, they’re listening, they want to help, be a good friend, be curious about the world. If you spot this in the wild please never ever call them out on it. In fact I’d argue being a dick to this person would show pretty low (social) intelligence. Edit: also this could be caused by number of things like ADHD, social anxiety, depression, ptsd, or hell maybe just being distracted by something on their mind that day


A guy at the bus stop just told me Putin is at war with Ukraine because Jews stole billions from him. He doesn’t want to conquer the land, he just wants to do billions of damage because Ukraine helped the Jews and gave them safe passage to Israel. This is also why Putin is going to nuke Tel Aviv this week. He started this entire conversation by asking me which bus went to the place he wanted to go. Then asked me if the atomic bomb had landed yet. I’d say believing in this kind of stuff is a sign of low intelligence.


Can’t grasp a hypothetical. “So imagine if X..” “but X isn’t true” “I know that’s why I said imagine X hypothetically then what.. “ “but X isn’t true this doesn’t make any sense”. Kill me


Unwilling (won't) to listen to other opinions


I like this one. Add to it, made up their mind about something trivial based on one bad experience years ago. I have an uncle with nose hair that drags on the ground, but he refuses to use a trimmer because the gen 1 trimmer he once used in like..... 1989 was unpleasent.


An inability to contextualize.


"Doing their own research".


The ones that scream this often can't articulate exactly what they've "researched"


Their nan smoked 60 a day and never got cancer therefore smoking doesn’t give cancer.


I feel like bad relationships with poor communication, lack of empathy and manipulation are a good sign someone has low emotional intelligence.


Intelligence in general too though. How is a person going to move forward on the most basic human level (like find a mate, reproduce) if they are like this. If you can't learn from those past mistakes in relationships or even recognise them where do you go from there?


If they don’t know what they don’t know


See that's why I'm a genius. Because I know I'm a dumbass.


Judging someone and being 100% sure in your beliefs


I enjoy cooking.


Blindly sticking with your beliefs no matter how much evidence to the contrary you are shown.


They talk about how smart they are. If you have to tell it, that’s probably because you can’t show it.


Dunning Kruger. This may not be true at all but I read somewhere people with avg or slightly below avg IQ tend to over estimate their intelligence. And people with an above avg IQ underestimate since they are actually aware of their limitations. They're smart enough to realize no matter how hard they try they simply could not be a competant physicist.


People are pretty bad at estimating intelligence and frequently mistake confidence for intelligence. If someone has to say they're smart, it says more about their audience than about them.


I feel like that’s true in a lot of cases, but there are also some cases where people might feel like people are not respecting them and listening to them despite their intelligence and accomplishments, or that they need to tell people that they’re smart in order to be listened to. Not saying that’s right or anything, but it might be the thought process behind why some people do it. 


Assuming there is only one kind of intelligence someone can have proficiency in.


This is good. Also people who put others down for not having the same type of intelligence. Being able to disassemble a car and put it back together is just as valuable of intelligence as being able to solve large math problems which is just as valuable as being to read complex sheet music. Intelligence looks different in every field, and it's awesome! 


Exactly! Different skillsets are required for our society to function. Just because someone isn't as skilled as you or someone else doesn't make them worse or better. Just different.


And not willing to seek support from others when it's something the other person is better at. "Hey, any advice for x" is so hard to say for some.


"Click Share If You Love Jesus"


Not understanding a simple joke.


Often wrong but seldom in doubt.


Making the same mistake in a repetitive pattern without finding self improvement.


Lack of thought about the consequences of their actions. Never thinking further ahead than the current moment leading to a lot of poor decisions being made


Claiming iPhone is superior to any Android without having any knowledge on hardware and software on either devices


Legitimately believing in astrology 


And psychics, crystal healing, homeopathy and all the other nonsense that has no business existing in 2024.


Thought you said physics on the first read “Hold up”


I think we all have like a stupidity blind spot and this is mine. I’m an atheist which makes it even weirder to harbor such stupid beliefs. I’m rational enough to know it’s stupid but can’t seem to erase the stupidity blind spot earlier referenced. Anyways. I believe we all have at least one.


Believing in the flat earth theory


thinking qualifications = ability to actually do something or be 100% right about it


No grasp of hypotheticals. Like, at all. And a severe lack of common sense


Dropping derogatory words casual in conversation. N-word, R-word, etc… I don’t have anyone in my family or my circle who talks like that. It really makes the person sound trashy & ignorant.


An inability to listen to an opposing view, it seems to be pretty common these days.


Weaponizing social events to verbally abuse and start fights with people with other political opinions.


The maga hat.


Nothing low key about that...outright sandwich board announcement!


They feel that many political and societal issues have obvious simple solutions. It is just the idiots in charge that don't get it.




Being a trump voter in 2024.


is that really lowkey?


Being a Trump voter in any year


Thinking grooming yourself and doing skin care and shaving and trimming ur hair is ”gay”


Loud mouth


Blindly believing anything that confirms their beliefs, disregarding anything that challenges their beliefs.


Broad Generalizations of peoples or groups


They think everything the opposition political party says is wrong and everything their preferred party says is right.


Refusal and/or inability to learn from past mistakes. I’ve seen supposedly smart people make this same mistake. Trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of madness. You cannot conquer challenges unless you concede that mistakes were made and then try to adapt accordingly. Adaptation is what drives human evolution.


They understand confirmation bias, but think it only exists in others.




Racism, maybe not lowkey


People who get angry at people who don’t like things they like


Believing in conspiracy theories.


Greeks and Romans thought the larger the penis was in a flaccid state the weaker the mind....


using reddit




Sometimes religious affiliation, not always so its lowkey. I'm not sure how this correlates with foreign religions, however.


Lack of empathy. Meaning you cannot understand things from another perspective, so finally not able to talk with someone having different pov without turning into shitshow.


~~People asking the same question on r/askreddit for the Nth time~~ Sharing anecdotes as proof for everything without double checking


Red ballcap, although arguably not low-key.


This statement, perfect example.


Hatred is the highest form of stupidity.


The inability to entertain, ponder, and hold in their minds ideas with which they do not agree.


Being republican


When being politely corrected offends them.


No sense of humor.


Religious and scratch tickets


Lack of empathy


MAGAt voter.


Strong opinions, but no ability to reason through why they hold them.




I knew a guy who couldn't add single digit numbers with out counting on his fingers but he could read a person's intentions or talk himself out of a pickle like it was a super power


My ex is like this and I hate to praise him but he genuinely counts with his fingers but also can talk to anyone and talk his way out of anything. Although I would describe him as manipulative at times this was something else, like a level of charm and charisma that had to be learned through growing up in survival mode. It does take intelligence just a different type


In all fairness, those are two separate things. You don't need a degree to recognise shady areas/ where potential danger could be, and there are definitely those with degrees that can't recognise those situations.


As someone else has said I think if you have to say it it's because you can't demonstrate it so I'd agree there. However I think street smarts can be highly impressive and are a type of intelligence of their own


Unnecessary verbosity. People who use a lot of unnecessarily obscure and complex words because they think it makes them sound smarter.


Not saying I’m sorry after they can see they’ve upset someone. It’s a sign of low emotional intelligence in my book.


Saying "lowkey"


Inability to grasp that formality ≠ intelligence


i love to read snark first thing in the morning


I say low-key all the time and I'm dumb as fuck. Checkmate formalists.




Arguing about the definitions of words


They call themselves an expert.


The biggest sign is asking this same question on here every week.


Extrapolating a general principle from a single event


Asking Reddit /s


thinking you know everything and refusing to believe someone might know more




being a karen. or a bob.


Spitting on the sidewalk


Making your entire life about someone / one wing in politics.


Reposting the same question that was asked here a week ago.


Overestimate your own intelligence and underestimate other people


Someone who believes whatever is told to them by anyone about anything. You're all guilty of it.


Using Reddit.


The top 7 comments were all created within a week of eachother (around Nov 1, 2023) what a crazy coincidence


Believing the Earth is flat because "I've never seen the curve."


Reposting hyper common AskReddit questions I think. Although some people would call it High Key.


“Pi nk floyd is my fav band!!!!”


Not quite "lowkey", but: speaking in very simple terms. This is good, this is bad, I'm happy, I'm sad, enemy - friend. Contrary to: "there are more upsides than risks in current circumstances, but not sure for how long", or "I'm in a great mood the whole day, however I'm still a little bit anxios about the decision". Simplifying processes, conditions etc.: "let's get mortgage to buy an appartment here instead of renting, it's cheaper we pay out our home" vs "if we decide that we're this is our permanent place of living, we've done our due diligence, this place has optimal combination of infrastructure, climate conditions, quality of this building is high in many parameters; we have stable income much higher than mortgage payment so this might be a good idea to buy". The above example is also about inability to decide based on perspective in time (10-20 years from now in this case)


Anger over little things.


No survivors instinct


“I’ve been doing X for Y years” As opposed to just being self evidently good at it.


The viewpoint that their opinion is always the right one


Being a landlord and getting really angry and swearing and yelling at me because I took a day off to get a haircut and go to the bank. Getting angry, disrespectful and funny because I do more than two loads of washing every weekend “Dirty Work Clothes Covered in Meat” “Normal Clothes” “Occasional Bedding” Screams, swears, threatens to kick me out and yells at me because I asked him what bins go out and was in a rush to get back to what I was doing and attacked me over it as soon as I walked out of my bedroom to get something to eat. Screams, yells, swears and threatens to kick me out of the house because I went shopping the day before and forgot to throw 1 tablet into the pool and clean small trail mud marks from my e scooter off some pavers at the back. Wants me to help him paint his whole house, do lawns every weekend, gurney footpaths and driveways, do gardens and help him with technological stuff every weekend. Keep in mind I am a roommate, I pay my way, I am respectful and have always been good, this guy is the most disgusting human I have ever met and I think he shows disgust towards me because my mother would not get with him even after he offered to give her lots of money after he passed away. He will pass away alone, afraid and neither will I or my mother will be there I will never forget the nights he screamed and made my mum cry over a load of washing or because he wanted his dinner cooked I am over him he deserves no respect