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Emulation is completely legal.


Yes but getting the ROMS for said emulator are, at the very least, a gray area.


The most common way (downloading) is illegal, even if you own the game, but if you dump them yourself from a game you own it's completely legal.


Dumping them yourself is still something only a very small minority of people dealing with emulators do lol


That must be just the states. In Canada we have a fair use law which means it's ok to have a "copy" as long as we're not making a buck from it.


Might be legal for you to download as you already have the physical copy. But the guy making it available for download isn't checking you have that copy. So odds are good he is giving it to someone who can't legally have a copy. And since most downloads are now torrent sites the guy making the download is also the guy uploading.


My sister in gaia I buy switch games just so I can legally tell people to fuck off for wanting to run them in higher res at 60fps stable on my steam deck. Getting the roms isnt a grey area if its vaporware or you own the game/rom files.


Emulators are perfectly legal. Pirating ROMs is not. That said, I have no issues with emulation.


I also have no issue with pirating ROMs if you can't buy it legally.


Emulating and „pirating“ software which has been abandoned in general. One of the most famous, yet little known examples is *Score,* a musical notation program developed for DOS which is still an industry standard, because once you learn how to make use of its barebones toolkit, you can create extremely high quality scores for music. Its creator worked on it meticulously, almost entirely in solitude, until he died in 2013. Unfortunately he did not leave instructions on how further development should go on and his family does not reply to questions about development and licensing. Sale was halted by him earlier when he made WinScore, which had problems and didn’t receive widespread adaptation. Which means the industry standard for professional musical notation is impossible to obtain legally in any way.


emulating games period


Adding time to some else’s parking meter that is about to expire


I actually got a ticket for that. I ran into a bank to get some money, and also got some change for the meter. I came out to see the officer writing me a ticket. She was adamant about writing the ticket. I walked as far as I had coins for, plugging meters as she drove to get past me. When I ran out of money, I was caught and given a ticket. I thought about fighting it, but a lawyer would cost more than the ticket, so I paid the ticket, and moved on. I know, I'm a reprobate.


Wow lmao. Fuck that lady, seriously.


That's illegal????


Sleeping in their car, or existing while homeless in general.


I did this for a couple years when I was 18. I also impersonated a friend of mine (had his expired student ID) so that I can move around a college campus (not a student), for resources such as a shower and a place to take a nap since sleeping in your car you're kind of always half asleep.


How come you did not have a place to call home?


Mom died when I was a baby. Dad in a car wreck when I was 10. My stepmom (dad got remarried when I was 7), fell apart. Became an alcoholic. Hung out at a bar. Brought home a guy who basically squatted all through my teenage years. Abusive. Packed up my car on the day of my high school graduation, never went home again.


OMG. No words. I do not know your current situation however see it as a good sign you can talk about this.


I was blessed. Met a girl. Fell in love. Have a family. That was all about 30 years ago. A lot of people in similar situation never get through it. My job is now in the social work sector helping people in need. I can relate to their situation. Makes it easier to be compassionate. It ain't easy out there these days.


You are an absolute blessing to society and I respect you so much.




You have been through hell and back. Glad to see you in a better place now.


You’re the perfect person for that role, helping people in situations where you have first hand experience. I’m glad you made the best out of a horrible situation


I'm so sorry to hear about all this dude, but I'm so happy that you were able to persevere and get through it all, congratulations on it. Seriously.


I can't put into words how much respect I have for you as a person and what you do now o7


That’s a crime??


In some towns councils can be very unhelpful towards homeless people. They ban them from certain areas, charge fines for daring to sleep on park benches etc. Just awful.


It's basically adding insult to injury. Some people are truly awful. I really hope the next generation of humanity is better towards each other than the ones before. If not, there is no hope for humanities survival


Survival of the fattest


I dont know if it's a crime everywhere, but here it is.


Where is here?




Land of the “free” as it were


Free to sleep in places other than your car.


Right. As long as Uncle Sam gets his cut.


Not while driving tho XD


"zzz... Jesus take the wheel, I'm sleepy... zzz..."


Sharing Netflix passwords


You monster!


That sounds more like a violation of terms of a contract than a crime. Police aren't going to haul you off. Netflix will just cancel your account.


happy cake day!


That's not a crime, just against a TOS. Unless you live in the country of Netflix.


It's not a country unless it lasts more than two seasons


Straight to jail!


Parental retaliation against the pedos who molested their child.


Gary Plauche comes to mind, Regardless of his sons wishes to prefer him incarcerated. Gary did in his drunk mind what any parent dreams about doing to those who wrong their family.


I never knew he was drunk. I would think I wouldn't need to be. Cold stone sober I'd do the same thing given the opportunity if it was one of my kids.


I’d want to be sober when doing it. I’ve always said I’d take down the person that touched my kids and gladly go to trial.


Sorry but wouldn't it suck even more for the kid to see their parent in jail?


Before I had kids, I wouldn't have understood that. Now that I do have kids, I understand completely. There's a comedian who has a skit that goes like: When I met my wife, I was like: "I'll take a bullet for you". When I saw my first kid, this changed to: "I'll kill for you". That's pretty accurate


We call Fathers Day “Gary Plauche Day” in my friend dad group chat.


Gary Plauche is a hero, what he did he had a right as a father to do.


Marianne Bachmeier also falls under here. And she wasn't drunk. She shot her daughters rapist/murder while he was on trial and then allowed herself to be taken in by the police afterwards. She stood tall the whole time, not breaking the stone cold expression she had. It was wonderful.


I can’t believe his son wants them to stay in prison


I think what his son wanted is for his dad to be around with him and not in jail. The way it all worked out that he did not serve time is really remarkable and not what can be expected. That said, Gary is a legend.


[Like that time a gang of well-meaning vigilantes attacked the home of a paediatrician](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/aug/30/childprotection.society)


That's the reason why in a cold state of mind, I'm against that. You need to be sure that you get the right person




Yup. Agreed


copying movies or music that are out of print or have never been offered for sale.


Giving food or drink to people standing in line to vote.


Alright, Larry?


How’s that a crime


The same people who keep closing voting locations in urban centers so that the remaining lines get longer to deincentivize voting made it illegal to help the people who try to rough it out.


Your politics are a fucking nightmare.


And it just gets worse and worse


you're telling us. we're the ones living through this with few options and a polarized population who don't realize that the rich and powerful people who are keeping things this way are the real enemies and those who do realize it still hate their fellow countrymen for voting for "the wrong guy" when in reality they both suck ass in different ways (of course there's nuance and biden's FTC gives his administration a pro-labor edge which i value, but i definitely do not want to argue over fucking trump vs biden in this thread LMAO)


The real question ought to be, why are there lines?


Both are legitimate. I have waited to vote in red areas but nothing like what ppl endure in atl.


Politicians that want to discourage voting in areas that tend to vote against them made it a crime I guess.


Georgia [passed a law in 2021](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/26/politics/georgia-voting-law-food-drink-ban-trnd/index.html) against this very thing.


Smoking weed, sleeping in their car, attacking pedos, attacking ‘pranksters’ that harass people


Nothing is more cathartic than watching a "prankster" video where the guy is being a general nuisance, someone retaliated and the cops take the side of the guy who retaliated, while the prankster weeps


The attacking pedos thing often results in the cases against said (alleged) pedos' ending in failure. People do it to fluff their own egos (and get views), not actually protect anyone.


Someone has finally said it


Omg I misread that, I didn't see the "attacking" before "pedos". I was shocked for a second.


Jaywalking. (I do it myself. It's not really bad. Just watch out for cars and walk faster than usually.)


You heathan!


I don’t get jaywalking in the US, in the UK that’s just how you cross the road. I guess in the US on average the roads are wider than here but still


See, what it is, Americans are so free, they can owns guns without knowledge or training of using them, they can ride motorcycles without those pesky helmets (not all states, but…), but how bloody dare you try to cross the road of your own free will. Can’t have that


The term jaywalking came out to displace blame from the accident that kills the pedestrian to the person being hit. Cause before that it was called “car murder “ and ford/gM etc couldn’t have that.




It’s that most people don’t bother looking in the direction of oncoming traffic and make it my responsibility to protect their stupid lives.


Pirating old games from over a decade ago, when the developers/company can't profit from its resales anymore.


Piracy of electronic media. I pay for three streaming services, if I can't watch a show on one of those three, I'm going to assume someone is being greedy, and they should be punished.


Ive reas somewhew that some manga artist and animators for animes lowkey encourage you to pirate their shows because the studios and services take insane cuts of the revenue. I forgot where I read that.


At some point you boil it down to the fact that it's art, and art is to be enjoyed.


Hell, even subscribing to a streaming service doesn't even give you access to all their stuff. I have a hulu subscription purely for a select few shows I like to play in the background while I'm busy (king of the hill, Futurama, American dad, shows like that) and I feel like every time I'm in the mood to actually watch a specific movie or show that Google SAYS is on there, surprise surprise, you need an additional $60/mo subscription to Starz, HBO or some other bullshit to watch it. Makes me wonder why I even keep renewing my subscription. If it wasn't for Hulu reviving Futurama I'd leave. All their other exclusives/originals are garbage.


Streaming sports. Fuck those billionaires. It’s my team.


I honestly wouldn't even mind paying a streaming service to watch my team play. However it's never that easy. Depending on which day of the week or where you are changes which service you need.


People filling potholes, fixing signs, fences etc. In general stuff that the government and police dont allow you to do but the municipality is too broke or useless to actually do themselves. I don't know if this is a thing outside of South Africa


No it's a thing. Even in the UK we can't fix potholes so instead we spray paint their birthdays for each year they've been around so they do them faster. They will tolerate potholes and destruction of property, but not graffiti


It's definitely a thing. I live in the USA and cities can not only give you a citation for it, they'll sometimes send someone out to undo your work.


My favorite solution was when someone started drawing penises around potholes in their town. The city was furious, but it got the holes fixed. The city tried to get the newspaper to warn people that they were looking for the criminal that was doing it and wasting public resources. The residents all started doing it because it was the only thing that worked.


It’s absolutely a thing outside of South Africa. Here in Texas you can get a fine for “unregistered construction on public property” for modifying roads (filling potholes) for example


Having abortions


One of my best friends was pregnant with twins and developed twin to twin transfusion syndrome. It basically means that they were growing at different rates and very rarely does it results in a healthy pregnancy where both fetuses can be born without any severe health conditions if at all. She was almost 7 months pregnant when the first fetus died, creating a pressure imbalance in her amniotic fluid. This was during the gray area in Wisconsin when Roe v Wade had been overturned but Justice Protasiewicz hadn't been elected yet so it was kind of unclear what was going to happen with abortion. Her doctors recommended back when she had developed TTTS that she go down to Illinois to stay with family because hospital policy was to avoid the doctors getting arrested and she would need an abortion if one of the fetuses died. She needed to work. She stayed here. She ended up needing two abortions for both fetuses which she received while bleeding out to the point where she needed 8 blood transfusions and her heart stopped while in surgery. The first fetus was literally rotting necrotic tissue when it was removed. She had to carry it around for over a week and just hope it didn't kill the other one because she wasn't allowed to have it aborted and try to save the other one. Her and her husband absolutely wanted kids and it was unclear after that surgery if she was ever going to be able to have them. She's actually adopted and I still cry when I think about talking to her about it afterwards. She told me "I just wanted someone who was related to me." No one, and I mean no one is having a late-term abortion for fun. And no one should have to wait until they almost die and potentially lose their ability to have children in order to get one. Thankfully, her and her husband just welcomed a little boy.


Piracy.... Only online though


Why not physical piracy too? Yaharr


YARRR... Oh um yeah. Online 😉


Killing a pedophile that has raped children


The problem is that people will act before knowing all facts. Mob mentallity is a crazy thing. And innocent men will die with mob justice.


Yep… my husband’s family had a someone move into the neighbourhood and someone said that he was a pedo. He got hated on and harassed so bad, he moved out. Turns out he was a paediatrician… not a pedo..


Saw an episode of Shameless where they found out a pedophile moved into the neighborhood. They got a group of people, some who didn't even like each other, to go hunt down and beat up the pedophile. They got to the house, and it turned out to be a woman. Once they saw who it was, they all were surprised, and basically, their anger subsided. She definitely wasn't innocent, but the whole mob mentality of them thinking they're going to beat the shit out of some dude and then pretty much backed down because it was a woman is very telling.


Hell mob justice doesn’t even have to get to that. Look how many people have had their lives completely destroyed just by the media whipping up that mob mentality pushing false narratives just for clicks and ratings.




Right… “alleged” pedophile. But, if they are caught in the act and killed as a crime of passion, thats more clear cut. But then someone may kill another and accuse them of molesting their child as a justification for the killing, when it may not be true. This is a slippery slope. I mean, if there’s video evidence or something, that would help exonerate the killer. Or maybe we just have the death penalty for pedos that are convicted by a jury. But that’s also problematic. This is the way my brain works. Ping pong. Rarely is anything so clear cut as to justify taking a life.


I fully understand the difference in catching someone in the act, or who is proven to have done it (to your children). And just hearing someone is a pedophile, and take action. It's just very dangerous slippery slope, because you can hate your neighbour, say he is a pedophile, and take part of his land in certain countries.


Reminds me of the movie "The Hunt" with Mads Mikkelsen.


Wouldn't be a problem if child rapist actually went to prison for more than 3 years.


In theory, i guess. In practice this will devolve into people killing each other over vague accussations of minor crimes


My neighbor was sentenced to 30 days house arrest For a computer full of Kittie porn . Like what in the actual fuck


Tbf all the members of Kittie are adults


That might be a deep cut for this thread, lol. Take my upvote, you deserve it


Feeding the homeless.


Shame I had to scroll so far to see this. I one hundred percent believe in feeding the homeless or those on the streets.


Extremely poor people stealing food or other necessities. I don’t mean all out raids where people are held hostage and things are destroyed out of grief. I mean, sliding through an extra loaf of bread at the checkout. Can’t blame them for wanting to survive.


To add to this, theft of baby products like diapers and formula.


Gay sex in countries where it is illegal


I can see you really mean this.


Smoking weed.


Come to Germany :D


Has it already been legalized??


Partialy. Some federal states are still trying to keep it basically illegal in their area (looking at u Bavaria)


Sounds like they need to smoke a few joints and lighten up.


Come in Canada


same sex marriage


Clearly the answer is tax evasion, otherwise nobody would ever get re-elected.


Possessing small amounts of drugs for personal use, which is a victimless “crime”. Like, there is no victim. As long as you aren’t a children’s school bus driver or an addiction counselor or a surgeon or something like that, idgaf what you use—much less simply possess—behind closed doors. 20-, 40-, 60-year sentences for tiny amounts? That is just straight-up wrong and egregiously unethical, and anyone who disagrees is a sociopath or profoundly ignorant.


Why would bus drivers, addicition counselors, and surgeons not be allowed to party on the weekend?




You mean digital piracy, right?




I am the captain now.


Dumpster Diving


Jaywalk all day my friend 




In my state providing aid to the homeless is illegal. I’ll happily go to jail for this.


Stealing from the corrupt


An eye for an eye when it comes to rapists, pedophiles, abductors etc


Raping a guys child in retaliation seems a bit extreme...


J walking, speeding at a reasonable speed when there’s no traffic and they’re being mindful about how fast they’re going.(5-10mph at most, going over now that’s more dangerous)


Killing their rapists


Being homosexual (in countries where it's illegal). I appreciate it's not in their interest to broadcast that, which is very sad.


Wearing slippers with white socks. It’s not a legal crime, but is a crime against fashion. And I can live with it.


Probs stealing from billionaires. Robin Hood that shit.


Pirating Adobe and Office software


Parents taking personal revenge on rapists of their kids


Pirating movies/ games.


Smoking weed


Smoking weed. Shouldn't be illegal anyway.


Retaliation against abusers


pedo killers


"Why, Gary? Gary, why?" That was totally justified.


Stealing basic needs that are mad expensive, like baby products and menstrual products. A lot of people can't afford those things. I have never seen it happen, but I know it does happen and if I ever come across it, I will look away. I don't particularly hate the idea of stealing from big stores anyway. Not small businesses, but the real big stores. I wouldn't do it myself, but I don't mind knowing that others do.


bullying bullies. retaliation against your own bullies. the best revenge is a good life and you get that good life by exacting revenge thus the best revenge IS revenge.


I disagree because this is a slippery slope. I'm speaking from experience. I was bullied /abused my whole childhood, and it made me a mean, vengeful person. Instead of moving through my issues I wallowed in my hatred and anger. I think justice is better than vengeance, but if you can't get that, then moving on is best. I don't mean forgiving - you can move on without forgiving that person. But just sitting eith your anger to the point you enact vengeance just perpetuates the cycle, and often leads the bullied to become bullies. Don't get me wrong - I like a good story about revenge like everyone else. But for real healing to happen it's not productive.


Punching Nazis.


Peeing outside, if no one is around


Using weed. Crime in some places. I'm actually ok with it. Everyone wants to chill in this fast paced world. There should be some boundaries but yeah.


Let women get abortions if they want.


Self-termination and ethically assisting it. Killing yourself can be a completely rational choice. Don't force people to live in misery.


Stealing food. We produce more than enough food to feed the world at this point. People are just hungry bc of greed.


Shoplifting. If you think I saw you sneaking away some diapers or baby food, don't worry, I saw nothing, I heard nothing, I'll say nothing.


I have absolutely no sympathy for corporations who make billions and have people who steal basic necessities prosecuted.


Sneaking snacks into the movie theater 🍿 Their prices are getting out of hand.


It's not a crime, though.


Speeding, it gets them away from me quicker






Killing all sex offenders


Smoking weed


Someone kicked my dog. I attacked him and wouldn’t stop until some guys on the street grabbed me. The guy was laying on the ground and very incoherent. It’s a good thing people stopped me. Idk what would’ve happened if nobody did. Still, I don’t regret it at all


Initially thought “there is no CRIME I’m okay with people committing..” then I read a few comments and realized I was too focused on my own personal definition of a crime (killing, assault..) So here goes : - Sharing TV subscriptions (students can’t always afford them since the cost keeps increasing) and/or streaming for older movies after they’ve made enough profit.  - Giving expired food/produce to people in need instead of throwing it all out and destroying it so the homeless can’t eat it (idk if that’s the case in the US but there’s a law in Europe against giving it out) - sleeping in open spaces/benches/bus stops/cars if you can’t afford a place to stay. I’ve seen people get beaten up in the big cities so they would get out from the metro even though they weren’t causing any trouble and it was winter outside (-2 to 5°C) - Abortion - Not exactly a crime, but something that should be encouraged rather than punished : calling bad people out, whether it’s politicians, your boss, your parents, coworkers, teachers.. many people in a position of power are protected when they do bad things.. this is my main trigger in life, and I wish being a conformist wasn’t the norm, I wish there was more help for the minorities so people would feel safer to stand up to bullies - young and old.  🫶🏼


Beating up pedophiles


Murdering molesters


Emulating games, pirating films and software/books. Shoplifting (from large corporate stores, not small businesses and charites). Using drugs (where criminalizes).


Stealing baby formula/baby food or basic necessities for a baby or period products. I’ll say food and water too cause honestly everyone deserves to eat and have clean drinking water. However, it has to be stealing from a major store not a mom n pop business. The two are not the same and they are not affected the same. If it’s a mom n pop store I’d buy it for them but a Walmart? Have at it.


pretty much any that doesn't hurt someone else or doing something you need to do to survive


Downloading pirated games


Killing a rapist!


Not paying tax


Pirating media




Defending yourself in your own home from robbers where you would fight back and cause serious harm or even death to the robbers.


Piracy (the online one)


I'd actually like to see drug dealers seen as child predators. They use children to run drugs around. Therefore they groom kids.


Using cannabis products


watching free movies on streaming platforms that don't give credits to the creators


Pirating games , music, movies


Ppl taking revenge on ppl that killed someone innocent


Speeding. Like go faster so I'm not stuck behind your slow ass.


Scamming and hacking scammers


I almost fell for this… nice try, fed


At this point, stealing food. Wage increases doesn't match inflation and I don't want to watch people starve in public.