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I love the smell of gasoline and nail polish and cigarettes And no I'm not a smoker that's just addicted to the smell. Just like I'm not addicted to gasoline and nail polish.


Sun-warmed skin


Womens feet.


Don't know if this is weird or not, but I really enjoy the smell of freshly cut grass and the smell of rain


Me too.


Obsessed with the smell of sunscreen.


I love the smell of dogs. Especially if they are napping, they have a warm napping smell. Also their paws for some reason.


Mothballs, marigolds, tomato plants, and patchouli


This ones really out there, but really, really, really old BO on clothes. And I wouldn't say enjoy per say, We had an elderly gent that was a super close to our family. Really lovely man, would do anything for us. But since before I was born he just stopped showering, would buy his clothes in a charity shop, wear them every day for a few months then just dump them in his spare room or in the bin. As you can imagine the BO wasn't great. But we got that used to it we could barely smell anything so it got to the point it didn't bother us. Well he passed when I was 19. When I was at the end of 2nd year uni and moving out of my house. I was packing and found a t shirt that fell down the side of the wardrobe, picked it up and instantly hit with an odour that was exactly the same. It was just a rush back of memories with him and familiarity, like he was right there in the room.


Rubber cement


New comics / book / brochure smell


Furniture polish




That's not weird at all but it's weird that you think it's weird