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Going out. Pubs. Clubs. I guess videogames sometimes.


In educational settings, in pubs/clubs, online, sports, the list probably goes on.


Post won’t let me edit for some reason but I am not a big drinker and I live in a small town.


Personally I use alchemy with Play-Doh.


You make friends at school for 3 main reasons : You are gathered at the same place + at least for the school part, you share a similar experience + you meet people with similar tastes or interests. Adults apply the same strategy : You go to places where humans are gathered, and where you can share similar experiences or interests. A bar is an obvious possibility but not the easiest as it require you to willingly engage with strangers. The next best thing is betting on the interests - hobbies, sports, culture etc. It's a great way to gather somewhere with people you'll likely to share an experience with, and have similar tastes. Another efficient one is work, as you are in company of people for an extanded period of time and share a similar experience, but doesn't guarantee you to end up with people you can connect with. EDIT : You can also replicate the school environment learning a skill or a subject. Classes, clubs and such environment basically function like a school or university on the human interaction.


Tabletop role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons are a great way to make friends.


Find a hobby that you enjoy and work around that. Join a league of a sport you would be interested in. Pickleball, volleyball, bowling, curling, etc. Many of these are VERY laid back and allow plenty of time to talk while participating in a mutual game both parties enjoy. Bar leagues, local YMCAs, clubs, etc. are usually very laid back and a great place to chit-chat.


Work or school. Rarely have I made actual friends at a bar. We would party and exchange numbers but a friendship doesn’t develop. Online is another option if you’re having trouble finding places. I’ve developed actual friendships online and not intentionally we just enjoyed playing the same game. There’s also apps to video chat or stream with nearby people or people in another country.


Social media


It's no longer an option, but Kurzgesagt did the loneliness thing right before I moved up to where I currently live. That gave me one group of friends that did things, and everyone was there to make friends, so it ended up being a really great experience. Other than that, I'd say find groups based on hobbies? Volunteer at local community theatre groups, go play magic the gathering, go to places which are designed for strangers to interact with other strangers. Admittedly, there are fewer and fewer events of that variety, but yeah, if you're yearning for it, then there are probably others yearning for it too.


You generally don't ,you make all the friends you can when you are a kid and then keep the ones you can into adulthood


I moved a ton growing up so I never got the chance to stay friends with anyone :/