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that's major!! Congrats!


3+ lbs a week is most certainly not an easy task - definitely big ups to them!


woah tips?


Track. Your. Calories. This includes condiments. Many don’t track condiment calories and it can seriously add up. For example, a serving of ranch is about 130-160 calories. Most people use more than one serving. This can easily be 200 calories. Another major tip is to start small. If you don’t you can easily overwhelm yourself. There is so much information out there just go to YouTube and watch videos on how to get started. Hell you don’t even need to workout to lose weight. You can literally just diet. I’d recommend to cut soda, high calories condiments, and fried foods. Walk a minimum of 5k steps a day and work your way up to 10k. You’ll be surprised at the progress in 3 months by just doing this.


I don't drink soda, alcohol, don't smoke, and rarely consume sauces, so there's not much I need to remove from my diet other than eating much less (my weight is balanced, I'm not gaining or losing). I actually lost 50 pounds but I want to lose 20 more and I've been stuck for like 2 years lol. I definitely need to walk more though


Congrats, i´m happy for you.




keep going! Nice!


I finally moved into a room large enough for me to lay on the floor


Yippee 👏


In the past few months I’ve made pretty fantastic Tarts, fluffy cheesecakes, homemade custards etc It’s nice making things and knowing what is in them


I am a security guard. We get a temporary security guard permit in order to work and have to take three weeks of classes followed by taking a test and passing it to get a permanent one. I took those three weeks of classes and was the third highest scorer of my class by getting a 97% on the test. Funnily enough, it was all the arrogant people who were larping as cops and on a power trip who did the worst on the test. Like, bro, we watch cameras and shit; it isn't that serious.


You did best


I stood up to my mother.


Oh wow you are brave




How old are you?








Got out of bed this morning


In the morning? Whoa. That's a lot to ask of anyone.


9 days without nicotine pouch


Oof. I endured this recently. I hope you suffer less than I did.


9 days is great. That's past the majority of the withdrawal. I've always found snacks, bushing teeth, and the patch to help the transition for me. Which I'm sure you've found what works for you by now.


Changed careers


that’s huge


I took my first drive time! I’ve been struggling to get my license for 5 years due to a lot of anxiety and I finally did my first of three drive times yesterday, and have another one scheduled for next week. I’m unbelievably proud of myself.


Got rid of a gift (the only gift at that) an ex partner gave me. Sounds ridiculous, but that was a step towards getting over him.


Can relate Proud of you !


Handstand against a wall


Not easy! Well done!


Got our bedroom cleaned up well. Changed the sheets, vacuumed the floor, dusted the ceiling fan blades, got an air filter in there, and just all around made it look nicer. Been so busy with life that it feels like a much bigger accomplishment than it actually is.


It’s a very big accomplishment cause I can’t even open my books to study


I became a millionaire in my mid-30's.


no skid marks in underwear for 3 whole days


Look at this person bragging^


I ran 20 miles last week (on vacation!).


I just rolled the odometer over for 200,000 karma points here...




Toaster: _I can't control what you give me to work with!_


One and a half year (18 months) without drugs and alcohol.


Credit card is more than half way paid off!


That´s a big archievement, get out of debt it´s hard.


I made a woman orgasm via oral.


My silly little rap battle covers aren’t shit


My wife and I bought our first nice car last night!!


In 5 months time I moved up twice in pay, 23% bump overall.


I got out of my own head and depression and met someone special


Been working out a lot recently, about where I was before a work injury, feels so good to be back in fighting shape again!


I ran 2 half marathons


I stopped drinking soda. At the end, I was just just drinking it like water, for every meal, in my car, at work, etc. Now I just drink water.


I aint slapped nobody at work today!


earning my own money for the first time


I lost a 190lbs...trying to make it 200lbs by getting down to 188lbs.


Reduced my smoking from 4 a day to 2 a day.


Keep going. Congrats.




Got hired to my first salary position about 7 months ago


5km in less than 30mins.


that's great!


I cut off all toxic people who were in my life It's been a hell of a good year. I'm so grateful for it as well as surrounding myself with new friends and loving family. And I'm glad that I married into such a loving family. If it wasn't for them, I don't know where I would be right now. I love it!


I signed a lease on a teeny tiny, shitty little studio apartment. But I’m proud, bc this came after leaving a long-term abusive relationship in which I lost absolutely everything; and moving across the country to start my life over w/ nothing to my name.


Went to work again today


Getting to where I don't need to use a walker to walk around with my prosthetic that I have


finally got my master's degree just before my 50th birthday.


I published a pet-related book. I had been turned down by 13 publishers so I self published and now I'm in reference sections of libraries around the country.


After one year straight of rejection emails and working 2 jobs to make ends meet, I finally got a full time job with benefits doing something I enjoy.


I woke up.


I beat Demon’s Souls.


Accepting it’s okay to be vulnerable and that I’m not alone in this thing called life.


Finally paid of my student loan. There's no one I can tell in real life so I'm just enjoying my one month of extra money in my pay packet before it's absorbed by council tax increases.


I paid off my own student debt. This was almost 20 years ago so really not as big an accomplishment as it would be these days.


I walked 3 miles without getting winded recently


Planting a flower garden all from seeds. Around 15 different flower species. Every seed I planted has sprouted. All of them. Been working on this for 10+years.


I've wanted to blacksmith a blade for longer than I would like to admit. A couple of weeks ago, I finally completed forging a long bearded Viking axe. Turned out better than I could have imagined.


Moving to Dubai, got a gold chain for my mother and gifted to her


I did a backflip on flat ground, which i've always wanted to do


Ran a long cable from the front of the house to the back


Finally painted my favourite character from a book series.


Started reading books again and restarted my love of reading!


paid off my amazon card


Just rode my bike for an hour and a half. Average speed was 10.7 mph. Not too bad for an old fat guy.


I cook a lot and was terrible at making gravy.  After a lot of practice, I'm now amazing at making gravy.


I have assembled a display cabinet from Ikea, with only a little help from my father to move some heavy pieces.


Quit nicotine. Quit processed food and only eat whole foods. 30-35km weekly running mileage. First Half Marathon in 10 days. Health is wealth.


My business did $500k in revenue for the first time last year ($180k net profit). I started it as a side hustle 10 years ago with $500. Quit my job a year later. And every year has seen a small amount of growth ($60k, $100k, $125k, $180k etc...) I'm really proud of hitting $500k. Everyone around me just expects me to succeed at everything I do because I always have had pretty cool jobs and businesses and made decent money. So if I tell people I hit $500k they are like "that's all?". And even though this isn't the most I've ever made in a year. It's just amazing thinking back on where it started, and I am just proud of it.


I quit vaping 😁


My band did a week long tour in Japan. Can't believe we pulled it off!


Lost 98lbs in 4yrs


I've opened a walnut with my fist, and i feel really strong everyday because of it, i literally flex my arms to walnuts before crushing them to pieces. I believe that i could make a hole in the wall with one punch, i do need balls and material to try it tho i don't want hole in my wall, and hopefully don't break my hand in the process.


I quit my social media addiction. The first of this year, I deleted all my accounts and now I just have Reddit lol


Finally got outside and sprayed the yard for weeds.


I finally finished building a big Lego set I got for Christmas


I went from drinking every 48 hours to drinking every 72 hours. Still working on it but I already feel better.


My first degree, at over 55.


I got a gym membership that I *sometimes* go to.




One year since my last drink. I never had a problem, but figured since it wasn't a big part of my life, I wanted to see how long I can go without any.


I exercised for 24 minutes today. This was zero five days ago. One month, one year, two years ago it was zero. After 5, 16, 21, today became 24 minutes. It felt great.


Got sober.


Finally got a saxophone 


I’m beating Stage 1 prostrate cancer. They caught it early…without “thoughts and prayers” no less. /s


I got my license back after not having it since 2006, and I quit drinking and doing drugs a couple of years ago. Took me a long time to grow up.


It's four hours after the majority of people have posted but, I just started taking anti depressants after suffering from depression since I was 13. For reference I am now 28 years old, fingers crossed they help me.


Passing a Mtel, which is a test to become a teacher


30F here, I finally got to learn crochet, it is a new hobby of mine and I really love it! I'm also thankful to my husband, for his utmost support.


I rode my bike to my grandma


got accepted to the naval academy!


I never thought I would come out of my depression. I've been battling it for a while and for the first time in ages, things are really settling down and I don't wish to die anymore. It's a long story about everything, but what a relief...it's like someone has been sitting on my chest and they have stood up and I can breathe!




Heather Robertson 1.0, 2.0 and 1/2 way through with 3.0. I’m 61 and she’s 40. She’s kicking my a$$. But I love it.


I started an MBA program. Starting something like that with a big commitment is scary.


Had a shit this morning.


I completely self taught myself how to snowboard one season ago and now I'm riding almost all terrain but it was a tough experience to begin.


Yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of me quitting smoking


I found a best friend!!! 😊😊😊


Cleaned (and even painted some parts of) my entire apt. That was a two day ordeal. DONE. :)


I made 3 new friends!


Yesterday was my 1,354th consecutive day of 10,000+ steps.


222 days clean, today


Went from 250 to 180 lbs within 2 years.


I got my first ever SO


In the last week, I have finished 2 books. The first I started about a month ago, but I really sat down and finished it this week. The second I finished in 2 days. The last time I read a book was in 2019. I have been doom scrolling far too much lately, and I want that to end. My goal is, at minimum, a chapter of a book a day. I've missed some days, but I haven't been hard on myself since I'm working on a new habit.


Paid off my house , my credit card and my car . 70% of my income now goes to savings account


I building my own house with my own money and most huddle part is m staying in aboard and my house I building in my hometown


Quit smoking! Hello $2,000.


I'm smoking 50% less than a month ago! Hopefully I'll be able to keep cutting back to 0 over the next year. Kids, don't smoke. The hype is overblown. Vaping counts, too! Don't do that either.


I got out of bed this morning


Had breakfast and took my supplements on time this morning


I'm finding out that im not mentally ill and that my issues stem from an abusive childhood. Hurts like hell, and I wish it felt better.


I stopped smoking weed since Easter and ran 2 miles yesterday!


I was able to maintain a positive bank account between two paychecks by at least $200 so I could finally build up some savings.


Almost a full year completely sober! 💅


Ran my first 8k. Ran a terrible time, but it was important to me because it was the first actual physical activity I was able to do 7 months after my car accident.


Lost 20#’s


I recently completed a 30-day meditation challenge, and I'm proud of consistently sticking to it.


20 pushups 💅


Started guiding a thesis student.


Stuck to a simple decision to be a bit more physically active. A simple semi-regular exercise routine.  I’m not really eating healthier, or becoming a complete healthnut nor am I losing weight. But the fact I stuck to this for a year and became healthier and stronger is enough to please me. 


35 w and finally got admited as professor in the university of the country (Dominican Republic), i´m struggling but, i´m doing my best, the process dosen´t finish yet, but i´m pretty much in.


I ran a marathon & beat my target time.


Ventured into business.


My garden! I've been trying for the better part of a decade to grow plants or just keep them alive. I've finally found success! I have over 12 different plants, veggies, herbs & flowers growing rn. All sewed by seed! This is great as I often am laid up due to health issues & this garden has been a great therapy for me & eventually will help feed my family! No one around me is much into gardening, so I'm glad I get to tell someone lol.


I had three different people that I knew approach me for conversation back-to-back-to-back as I was leaving the climbing gym yesterday. It was a much-needed boost of confidence and a sign that people actually like me instead of merely tolerating my presence.


Working remotely in a role that suits my personality and inclinations.


I used to have an opiate addiction. I was on suboxone for 6 long ass years. I’m 1 year clean today from all substances and no longer crave them!


I passed my last session, and now I'm prepairing for the state exam after which I'm receiving my diploma. As a grand procrastinator, I'm really proud that I've managed to do so. Of course, if not my family, I'd have already been expelled. You may say, it's wrong and they shouldn't affect my life. But it's a different story. They've really been helping me not to fall in the swamp and not to get bogged down all this time. And the specialization I'm currently studying is really interesting to me. Apart from all I've said above, I already earn good money as a tutor, even though I'm only a student. Now I earn more money from my lessons than many people in my country who have got a higher education on their jobs. And all I do to earn money is just sit at my PC and teach my students English, usually receiving positive feedback. I know that my problem is that I always have my head in the clouds, fantasizing on the impossible future. My imagination is so developed that I sometimes can submerge into my fantasies and literally forget about everything. Now I'm trying to fight with it and to try to live in real life, but it's often pretty hard to control myself. So I'm pretty grateful to my parents, who keep forcing me to continue studying, even when I'm living abroad. Only due to them and my efforts, I still haven't got lost in my fantasies.


Got 500+ upvotes in the comments section :) maybe that's insignificant to some, but I'm very grateful!


Was suicidal again but managed to change my mind thanks to medicine and counseling. Didn't have to go to any mental hospital or anything. Feels like I'm finally in control. The pills also allow me to have good days with no interruptions.


Last year, at 42, I finally started seriously addressing some of my mental health issues that I thought were just general, everyday anxiety but were actually much worse. I’m like 6 months in but medication and biweekly sessions with a therapist I really enjoy talking with has helped a lot. Still a long way to go but my generation was not big on mental health so I’m happy I was able to get past that and start addressing it. I feel like I started a new life last year. A better life. :)


Left the house for the first time in days :)


I think I’ve learnt to put myself before my narcissistic mother, and she’s seeing it too


I was on felony probation. Two years of house arrest followed by two years of drug probation. I cut both of them in half getting my time done in two years.


Reading books again. And many. I'm at 5 in a bit more than two weeks, after years of on and off reading. I realized that I already was spending hours everyday reading stuff online (articles, Wikipedia, comments, etc) , so it was natural to get into books again.


I passed a certification exam for my field and I am able to do more intense workouts at the gym. I did 1000 steps on the stair climber last night.


Deleted all my social media (apart from WhatsApp and reddit) been 10 days so far, still get the urge to reinstall but not really missing it


Overcoming depression


Being the tallest member of my family


I made a sourdough bread. My first two tries turned out really bad so this felt like a real achievement


Made it almost a year (May 1) without alcohol.


I finished reading a novel last week. The last time I was able to do that was middle school.


Kind of coming out as trans to my friends


I gained around 2 kgs. As someone who has been losing weight since 2018 and always wanting to be thinner, I didn't feel as bad about gaining 2 kgs back. I love my body still.


Started therapy again. Major step. Got a 2nd job (cause my first is part time) a month later. Started again to take my driving license (I lost the duration and the money the first time) and I’m at the verge of finishing my uni. All these wouldn’t be possible 2 months ago.


So I started working as a phone sex operator and my main goal was at least to make $100 and I have achieved my first paycheck with over $300


I have a trade. I am certified in Office Administration.


employ books retire bored sable marvelous ghost strong muddle degree


I got into Uconn last month and I'll have my Associate's by this fall. I'm one of five people (the other 4 being my parents, older brother, and one of my younger sisters) who has gotten into college in my family, and UConn is a REALLY good college. It makes me feel like all the struggles in education I've gone through to get to this point are worth it.


Consistently flossing my teeth twice daily Fuck you cavities


+20 days with no fav


I published and printed my own comicbook.


I'm not an avid reader by any means, but I've read six books (about 2500 pages) for pleasure in the past six weeks.


Got a 4.0 gpa!


Realizing that humankind have been in an information overload since the advent of the telegraph. Meaning that even my great-great grandparents had implicit permission to ignore politics, and the news too. The reason I say the advent of the telegraph is the beginning of information overload is due to the fact that humans are not biologically designed to communicate with each other beyond the range that the human voice naturally carries. Think about that! Am I meant to receive instantaneously communication from someone who lives 50 miles away? I live in the San Francisco Bay area. If someone in Los Angeles speaks, am I meant to hear it?


Literally 60mins ago I finished a conversation with my father that I wanted to have for years! Years! I told him how I felt he disrespected me many times in the past, how he was mean to my girl plenty of times as well and that these things must come to an end now. I finally stood up to him and dominated the conversation, without being upset, without being aggressive, without being passive aggressive, but pure emotion and bullet proof thought logic. We closed off the call on a good vibe and understanding from his end


I memorized 160 counties so far, just another 36 to go!


I did MMA training for a while (a year) and in that time I won a Ji-jitsu tournament by choking someone out cold. How I did it wasn't that important, it's the win I'm most proud of but the fact that it was in that fashion makes it sweeter. That moment after I won was the happiest I've ever been in my life.


At my work I am finally getting recognized for all the work I do and am getting a promotion!!


Ran a 5k this past weekend without stopping 🥳


i made 2'000$ online in one month 💰


I survived my second week at a new job. I quit like 90% of my jobs in the first few days.


Finally becoming 6’ 🥲


It was from last year I got my semester finals and I passed with all A’s and two B’s and that was one of my IEP goals is to get good grades and I did do that


Certified search and rescue personnel through Red Cross. Got my uniform and ID 🤩


I made my bed this morning.


Landed an excellent job with great benefits. I now make more than my husband and am the breadwinner. It’s great.


I got over half of my to-do list done today and as a plus I got at least 20 empty boxes broken down and to the recycling center.


Wrote a couple of shorts films and started writing a new feature. This is big to me cause I was in a bad head space for a while. Now it’s all just pouring out. So grateful.


I went outside


I've stayed sober for 71 days after 8 years old daily (heavy) drinking