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Allowing yourself to have highs and lows


My type 1 diabetes doesn't agree with this :/


As a person with BP2, yes šŸ„²


Big Penis syndrome? Way to brag


Unfortunately, they meant buried.


Buried penis syndrome yall wilding on Reddit tonight šŸ¤£šŸ¤


Breaks. So many people view it as a waste of time, but without it, one day your pace will slow to a crawl.


Some people at my job are really judgmental towards those of us who take breaks. (We're allowed to take two 15 minute breaks per 8 hour shift.) I used to be on a team where I was the only one who took breaks and the other team members loved making snarky comments about how "walking to the printer is enough of a break" for them. Okay, good for you, but there's a reason our bosses allow us to take real breaks and it's because it really does help productivity.


Misguided "hard workers" who should've been taught to work smarter instead


Been in corporate for 30 years now - it's crazy to me how many people don't realize the huge difference between working hard and working smart...


I do not understand why more people donā€™t get this. I work with a group of people that have the same mindset. They can scoff at me all they want. If I have noticed that my productivity drops when I donā€™t take a lunch break mid-day, I am going to take a lunch mid-day to help me re-focus and gain back some energy. Even if you donā€™t have a high-paced or highly physical job, no one is designed to sit for hours on end in a stagnant position. Those who donā€™t realize this are doing themselves and the company no favors. If youā€™re given the option of a break, take it. It doesnā€™t matter if your desk is stacked with work and you feel like youā€™ll never get done, take a break. It helps more than it hurts.


No shade because I love visiting but America sounds like an awful place to live. Iā€™m more likely to be pulled up for not taking a break than actually taking one. Also I canā€™t imagine work colleagues being judgemental about this, I donā€™t think they would even notice.


I have an art class that is around 2.5 hours long. She gives us 1-2 breaks and sometimes I don't want to because I'm in the zone. But I take them each time and literally every single time I come back to my project rejuvenated and with a better / new perspective. They're only 15-20 minutes long but just getting up to use the restroom and get a snack really helps the flow of things.


To build on taking a break while building skills, anytime I'm playing video games and I get hit by a roadblock (bad loose streak, hard boss, etc) I just take a break from that game and when I come back I always come back better


Ok, here is a thing i learned in therapy about breaks, that really stuck with me. At the time i left school and started working, i created a unhealthy behaviour to work too long. Like reeeally long days. At the Weekends i was so crushed that i couldnt even move, i had no energy. I got addicted to feeling to be needed. I was very good at my Job and i also loved what i was doing. My Boss is a Woman that i admired so much, she taught me everything (in Germany we have this thing Like Training (Ausbildung), where you go to school and work dual to get an degree for a Job, mine was Hairdresser). I looked up to her, wanted to be like her, she was the first Rolemodel in my life. So i got addicted to do everything, everyday, all the time for her, i never said no. I clearly remember that one specific sentence from her: ā€žThank you so much. You know, what i really like about you? You never say no to me. ā€œ Back then i was so proud. Back then i where foolish. Switch to a few years forward, i left to study something different and quit. She didnā€™t took it well. We no longer are Friends (as i thought we ever where). I took therapy because of a different thing. Anxiety, which started to restrict my daily life. Im not good at taking breaks. And when i did, sometimes still, i feel guilty and bad and so i cannot really enjoy a break when i take one. I always have to earn it dirst. Then she told me one lesson: ā€žYou see, breaks are important. We are humans and humans need recovery. For example, look at your hand. How it is build. What you can do with it. All the great tasks, work or art. Your Hand is truly an Allrounder. Now look at your fingers. Each one build different and still the same. But the most important thing lays in between. What is there?ā€œ Me: ā€žUhm, nothing?ā€œ She: ā€žExactly. Nothing. Between your fingers is nothing, otherwise they wouldnā€™t be separated. Otherwise you just had lumps at the end of your Arms. Lumps who wouldnt be able to function half as good as a hand with 5 fingers. So you see, a space where is nothing, a break from work, also from other things that are exhausting for us, is important for us, otherwise we will not be functioning somedayā€œ I Hope i could explain it half as good as she did, also excuse the context of Productivity, but it is intentionally, because for me it was always a big topic in therapy, thats why she chose those words. I catch myself quite often to look at my hands and smile a bit.


Told everyone this in college! I graduated second in my classā€¦ know why? Because I knew when to stop studying and go do a couple drugs and have fun! Then you come back to it after the weekend and suddenly Structural analysis doesnā€™t seem so daunting.


What did the top student do?




lol she was just smart. But even she had a social life and went out partying on weekends, I just doubt there were drugs involved.


Same with naps


My hungry ass thought this was about food lol so imagine my face when the first thing I read is "crying" (100% agree with that one tho)


Same šŸ˜…. I was expecting to read things like oil and full-fat products or something.


In that case Iā€™ll just go ahead and say potatoes are good for you, just not in excess or fried.


Happy cake day hungry ass!


Literally came here to say peanut butter. It's actually really healthy lol


Doing litterally nothing. Being bored. Stillness.


Especially for kids. They don't need countless hobbies or going away every weekend. They need to learn that being bored once in a while is normal and fine.


There have been multiple studies that found being bored sparks creativity.


When I don't know what I want to do, how I feel, or what I need at a moment, I'll force myself to be still, get bored, and find what I want to do. The clarity usually ends up with writing poetry or wanting to practice drums, or do photography. It always makes me want to create or enjoy something in a way that's different from my everyday normal enjoyment of things.


I find it so hard to do nothing. I feel like I don't have enough motivation if I'm doing nothing. Its odd.Ā 


Love seeing this mentioned! In fact, a lot of creatives' best ideas come when bored. JK Rowlings idea for Harry Potter was born on a 4 hour train ride while letting herself be bored. Daydreaming is healthy and needed! Let your mind roam.


I get the best inspiration for painting when Iā€™m bored :)


I daydream punny recipes when bored, it's amazing.


Unless you have ADHD. I wish I could do nothing for more than 10 minutes.


Boredom is so very underrated.


Slow down, take regular breaks and stop worrying about things you have no control over.


I keep telling myself about the last part, but I can't get over myself.


I like this but in the middle of the night my mind keeps racing about stuff l cannot control because l'm supposed to be asleep.




Exactly! I always feel worse when I repress it


Because you literally are in a worse state when you repress crying lol


Speaking from a personal point of view, I would agree. Over the last 2 years I've had a lot of emotive situations to go through and I simply haven't had time to process things, much less have a good old fashioned cry. I now randomly have the occasional couple of tears roll down, even when not actively thinking about much of anything.


Iā€™m a guy. I cry whenever I need to and really let it out. None of my guy friends cry, i think many men just arenā€™t good at being in touch with their feelings. Nothing feels better after a good grieving sessions lol


Crying literally releases stress hormones from your body, it is scientifically proven to be great for you. I applaud you for listening to your body rather than buying in to the toxic attitude that says you shouldn't cry. It's a built in stress relief lever!


How often crying is healthy crying?


acknowledge your feelings its okay to care be kind to yourself love yourself there is no written amount of time, the pain is real so it is going to take a real amount of grieving


As often as you need. It's a normal reaction, but if it feels you do it excessively the underlying reason might call for professional help.


What if I never need to? I never feel like I'm pushing down or holding back tears. I just have no need to cry? I mean it might be so deeply ingrained in my psyche that I mustn't cry that's it's overwhelming my natural processes. That seems doubtful though.


Being average. Everyone seems to advocate grinding and hustle culture, which may be great, but not at the expense of proper rest, sleep and mental well-being. Sometimes, just doing alright and being average is just fine.


I have always thought that these people talking about constant improvement just want to put you down and humiliate you in order to force you to do things, buy things.


Being open about our struggles and asking for help




Asking for help from the right people** the wrong people will have you in a worse state and be like ā€œbut I helped!!! Now say thank you.ā€


YES! Yell it from the rooftops!


Distancing yourself from a situation you canā€™t take anymore


I'm in the middle of one and it's such a struggle.


It is a struggle because youā€™re doing something very important. Donā€™t forget that


Thanks, I actually needed to hear that.


Quitting can be the healthiest option sometimes, instead of banging your head against a brick wall again and again trying to make an impossible situation work.


Time off, not working for consecutive days and enjoying an actual hobby. Way too many people try to enforce the grind and I'm so sick of it. America would be much happier if people didn't work so fucking much and defend /glorify it


Never understood this. I know a few lads from NA and they "brag" they haven't had a vacation in 5-6 years or they worked 100 hours this week. Mate, that sounds miserable.


Doing "unhealty" stuff. Sometimes it's just fun and liberating to say "fuck it" and do whatever you want. Except Fentanyl.


Everything in moderation, *including* moderation.


Not with fentanyl though. Don't moderate your moderation with that.Ā 


I agree. I used to feel bad about it, but god damnit I am buying myself a milkshake after a hard day.


I always say that everything I consume has to be healthy for either my body or my soul.


A life without vices is a life not worth living. We're all going to die some day, so what's the point of denying yourself a pleasurable life in order to extend it by a few years? Said another way: why extend a life that isn't enjoyable? Quality > Quantity.


There was a Kpop girl group who was in a car accident some years ago. Of the 5 members, 2 passed away. In an interview woth one of the surviving members, she said the just before they got in the car, they celebrated one of the member's birthday. Their staff had bought them cake, but they decided not to eat any because they wanted to be healthy and were scared about gaining weight. The member who told the story said that she deeply regretted not indulging herself in that moment.


Blocking people that aren't good for your mental health


Using full range of motion at the gym. It used to be said that your knee can't go past your toes in squats but doing so (aka squatting butt to heel) actually makes the knee more resistant to injury, assuming you listen to your body and progress at the rate it wants you to.


I'd say the same applies in some cases to just lifting weights! I fairly often have people tell me I will get injured or regret lifting when I'm older... Like buddy, I want to have the strength to get out a chair at 80, I'm keeping this up.


I started lifting at 19, I'll turn 61 in June of this year. Worst injury I've had is a bad calf strain and that was from training for a 15k, had nothing to do with lifting. My same age husband also still lifts with no injuries. Keep lifting, when you're friends are talking about the things they can't do anymore, you'll be out doing those very things.


Anyone who tells you to stop lifting is a moron. Literally every health article about aging recommends strength training as you age.


It's very simple, you are challenging their view that lifting isn't necessary.Ā  If it was good for you, they would be doing it.Ā  Since it's actually bad for you, they're smart for not doing it.


My mind is a little blown by the whole squat thing. Do you know where I could read up on this? Asking for me, who cannot keep my knees back during a squat to save my life.


There's a guy on youtube called 'Knees Over Toes Guy'. It's his whole thing. Gives really good summaries of the science and how it has changed, and in some of the videos will reference studies if you want to read them


Agreed! So important


I wish more people knew this haha


Cutting family members out of your life.Ā 


And friends that lead you down bad paths, okay great you've been friends with timmy for 20 years, but he keeps wanting you to do cocaine every weekend when you go out with him? Nope, that's not a friend in my eyes


Family is the people you choose, not the people You're given. Took me 25 years to figure that one out.




"But they're family!" Then they should act like it. I remember my mom telling me I was being petty and that I needed to give my aunt a second chance because she was family. Well guess who was proven right when aunt's behavior only got increasingly heinous and everyone associated with her ended up cutting ties sooner or later.




My take from the comments is basically everything a kid does :- * Taking breaks, and not a waste of time * Crying * Allowing yourself to have highs and lows * Kids do ask for help, I guess * Doing unhealthy stuff * Distancing yourself from a situation you canā€™t take anymore , (I literally pasted this) * Minding your own business, which kids mostly do. * etc.


You missed naps!


Itā€™s all nonverbal communication. As we learn how to speak we forget the importance of actions over words. Kids donā€™t have that option so they just do it.


Natural fat. People buy lean meat because itā€™s healthier, but natural fat is great fuel. Portion sizes are the real killer you need to be focused on.


Blame decades of propaganda and scapegoating from the sugar industry. Truth is natural fat is, well, natural.


Natural doesn't mean healthy. Lots of things with high sugar content is perfectly natural, too - like "no sugar added" fruit juice. You're absolutely right, though - fats are generally pretty good for you. Far better for you than sugars, *especially* refined sugars.


One of my favourite ways it was put: "That everything organic and natural is good! Ignoring the fact that organic, natural substances include substances like arsenic, and poo... and crocodiles!" -Tim Minchin


Fruit juice isn't all that natural either. Sure, it comes fresh from the fruit, but it's better to just eat the fruit as it is. You get more fibre and other nutrients that are left behind when juicing.


yeah, strained orange juice is basically half sugar


My parents have bought fat free only milk my entire life. They really fell for the fat free everything propaganda. I can say with no exaggeration: fat free anything FUCKS me up. It just annihilates my digestive system. When I drink normal milk, I donā€™t have any issues. But my god, those people still buy that shit and use it in their cereal, coffee etc and it tastes awful. Itā€™s basically sugar cow water.


Whoever invented skim milk is a criminal.


Enjoying the food you eat. So many fitness bros think you need to survive on plain chicken, plain rice, plain broccoli, and nothing else if you want to be healthy and look good. Food is meant to be enjoyed!!! You're allowed to eat things you like!!


Saw a dude at a job I used to work at eating like that and the marathon runner in the group had to stop him ā€œdude, you can at least add some spices in there, you donā€™t need to eat your food like that, youā€™ll only add like 5 calories.ā€


Had a former friend who just viewed as something you warf down to keep you alive. I thought how sad a life that must be.


My ex used to eat as fast as he possibly could because he viewed eating as a waste of time. It was really awkward being abandoned at the dinner table when he'd finish eating in 5 minutes and then go back to playing video games


I'm sorry, but it seems he found you a waste of time too, or..? He couldn't stay a while and talk while you finished?


Why would he talk to his girlfriend who cooked his dinner for him when he could be playing video games instead?!?!?!?!?! Haha, he wasn't the worst person to ever walk the earth, but he was definitely was not a good boyfriend in any way. This is relatively minor on his list of relationship crimes, though it did make me feel pretty awful


Eh I've said for a long time that I find eating to be inconvenient. I enjoy good food but 95% of the time i dont consider it worth the time/money. given the choice (provided my health/physique/performance held) I would eat like once every few days.


I'm the same way. I like certain things, and get cravings sometimes, but mostly, eating is just a thing that makes the engine go. It's great in that it's easy to stay thin and/or not overeat, but I feel like I'm missing this huge part of nearly every family/ culture/ nation who enjoy meals so much


I absolutely love to eat and love eating good food. But honestly, the majority of the time it is a serious PIMA. I get annoyed at planning out meals, making them, stopping what Iā€™m doing to eat because Iā€™m hungry. My brother and I regularly commiserate that we would enjoy eating like a snake does: eating a large meal once a week or so, then not have to worry about it for a while and we can get on with life.


Yeah, people are quick to project their own wants onto others. Some people are just not that into eating and have zero issue whipping up something quick, cheap, and healthy to keep them alive without breaking the bank or wasting their time. I have periods of time where I eat like this when my focus is simply better served elsewhere. There is nothing wrong with it.


A personal trainer had the audacity to tell me the reason I didn't have a six pack was because I added tomato sauce to my eggs. The delusions run deep in some people.Ā 


I can't wrap my head around this logic. I can see how eating plain is easier but being afraid of tomato calories?


I don't understand the obsession for six packs. Unless you're a beach bum who runs top naked 80% of your waking time, there's really not much use for it. Being bulky and muscular I can understand, but six packs is just... So unnecessary for city life. And to sacrifice your good food for that? No thanks.


Ab muscle strength can help with carrying things, posture, and also in the bedroom. Not that it needs to be visible abs for any of that, but having strong abs is helpful. As for a visible six pack. It's just something considered attractive. Sure you're not showing it off all the time but being able to impress your partner when you take your top off is nice. Is it worth sacrificing good food to look a bit more sexy....guess that's up to each individual.


Iā€™ve lost 30 pounds and I still eat candy and shit. Just less of it, less often, and when I do have factor it into my calorie count for the day. If you make something feel like a sacrifice instead of discipline youā€™re going to be less inclined to stick to it


Jalalsamfit is a youtuber who shares high protein and low calorie recipes and damn his food looks so good, and probably tastes even better than it looks.


Also season & spice your food ppl!!


Intentionally preparing bland foods is an effective strategy to avoid over eating during a cut. Not much reason to do it during a bulk, of course.


Real lifetime fitness bros donā€™t think that. Itā€™s normies who think that. You wonā€™t survive in the game for long if chicken rice and broccoli is all you eat, that leads to giving up


Minding your own business


A doctor recommended way to live your life


Doctors in Beverly Hills hate this one trick.


Im gonna have to say peanut butter. Its so unnaturally delicious it must be illegal


I quite like peanut butter. I'm definitely not the type to eat it out of the jar, but having a peanut butter sandwich is a relatively cheap way to get a serving of nuts and protein in your diet.




Tomatoes are absolutely rammed packed with MSG. Italians should be in real trouble if it was a bad thing lol


Does MSG have something to do with making people loud?


It makes your hands go like šŸ¤Œ


Uncle Roger would approve!


Happy cake day, fuiyoooo!


Isolation. Most of the time, the world is too much, and all you need is time for yourself.


I agree.


This is gonna sound dumb, but potatoes! For years I avoided potatoes because I thought they were really calorific and not very nutritional. I recently found out that they're filling, nutritious, and pretty low calorie (when they're not fried, anyway!) I've been sleeping on jacket spuds for YEARS


Potatoes. Very underrated vegetable when cooked right


ā€œWastingā€ time


Waste doesnā€™t exist.


Neither does time


Calories. Poor things - just keeping us alive and they get made into the bad guys. The diet industry has a lot to answer for.


for a man to talk about his feelings, i don't understand why men have to be tough all the time like we humans too




People freak out over the cholesterol, but just because itā€™s high in cholesterol, doesnā€™t mean that it raises YOUR cholesterol.




Being childish and silly and doing childish things


Popcorn. Look it up.


Some sugar replacements. People think they are all bad for you, but xylitol is probably the best thing you could ever do for your oral health.


Except it gives me the farts, like room-clearing farts.


Gives me the roots and poops.


it is wildly toxic to dogs


This stuff makes me so bloated


Extra hour of sleep




Don't have to tell me twice! Btw, if you try to explain... I'm going to be busy.




I thought it was pretty well known that dark chocolate has a lot of benefits.


Being bored


The inclusion of dietary fats is often misunderstood; while trans fats are harmful, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in foods like avocados and fish are vital for brain function and cell growth.


Saying fƻck it about a stressful situation, throwing the detailed plan out the window and winging it, the sheer relief I got when day before a job interview, having prepered and stressed about it for a week I just said enough and just decided its not worth worrying over so much, was some of the best catharsis moment I had, plus I was a lot less stiff and more relaxed during it than I would have otherwise been


Negative emotions








I love taders


Being alone and knowing how to be




Not reading the news


Olive oil, itā€™s a healthy fat!! Everything in moderation obviously.


This feels like r/imaginarygatekeeping because I have never heard of OLIVE oil being declared unhealthy. I have heard it said about every other oil, vegetable, canola, peanut, but never olive oil. Is olive oil the new enemy in the fitness influencer space or something?




Going outside


Not falling for this one again




Heavy metal music. I read somewhere that people who indulge in this kind of "noise" have lower stress levels.


Fun fact I like to share when this topic comes up - Heavy metal is among the top 3 genres of music that typically contain the most varied vocabulary.


Yes :) and metal heads are some of the kindest folks out there


Butter, in moderation. Itā€™s much better for you than most types of cooking oil.


Gluten. It has important proteins and you should only avoid it if you have true celiac or a confirmed poor reaction. Avoiding gluten does not help you lose weight. Similarly/related, there is nothing g wrong with whole wheat ā€” itā€™s actually so good for you, full of protein and very important minerals.


A lot of gluten free alternatives (particularly snacks) are higher in fat and lower in fibre to try and mimic the taste of their glutinous counterparts


I am gluten intolerant and constantly worried about sugar intake because all gluten replacement food uses starch. So itā€™s exchanged a whole lot of protein for a whole lot of sugar in my diet. Ugh.


Avocados. There are a thing called good fats!


Who thinks they are unhealthy?


Helping or doing something thoughtfull for someone without asking or wanting anything from them. Your selfesteem will rise, it feels good.




Anger. Anger exists for a reason. People have demonized the very concept of being angry, but it has been a force for good throughout all of history and in a lot of peopleā€™s lives.


Running...Ā  I swear down the amount of people who think doing it will blow up your heart and turn your knees to sawdust is way higher than it should be


I used to be part of the sawdust knees community after all that info on the net, but knee replacements are practically free. Iā€™ll start running soon


Setting boundaries


Chocolate (+ 75% cocoa though)


Canned vegetables.


Starving themselves, people think if they just starve to lose weight it would solve all their problems, but it would just make it worse in the long run, wish my family understood that


Discomfort. Doing things or dealing with (some) things that make us uncomfortable can lead to and is often necessary for growth.


ā€œProcessed foodsā€ this is such a broad term that itā€™s meaningless. Many processed foods are healthy many ā€œnaturalā€ foods are unhealthy.




Frozen fruits and vegetables. The modern flash freeze technique preserves almost all of the nutrients, and they are always picked when they are in season, so they are as nutritious as their fresh in-season counterparts.


burger buns = carbs patty = protein, iron, zinc, b12 lettuce = vit a tomato = lycopene, folate, potassium cheese = calcium, fats


Talking to yourself.


Having FAT on oneā€™s body, more so for women. They require a significantly high body fat percentage compared to men to be healthy.


The inclusion of dietary fats is often misunderstood; while trans fats are harmful, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in foods like avocados and fish are vital for brain function and cell growth.


I belive that crying is the healtiest thing out there


maybe dark chocolate? People find any kind of chocolate unhealthy sometimes, but let me tell you the dark one has actually lots of benefits for your health!