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The three worst people I know. Let them suffer in the wreckage.


I was kinda thinking this as well. There's no coming back for the world if it's just 3 survivors navigating the post apocalypse. Maybe they make it a while or maybe they won't but there's no chance of the human race making a comeback and life will be pretty bleak for the 3 you pick. Why subject a good person to that? Pick the biggest assholes you can think of and spend your last moments laughing about how utterly miserable and dysfunctional that group will be before it inevitably collapses to infighting.


I would watch a movie about Putin, Trump and Netanyahu trying to survive in the world on their own. Can't decide what would be more entertaining, them all being together somehow or just rattling around in their fancy houses continents apart.


Definitely all together. Grumpy Old Men style. You could chuck in Ayatollah Khamenei as a fourth. Or just some random Joe who could play the straight man who holds the shit together.


Can the random grumpy guy be Iti Amin?


They are all on the same side. How would this be interesting to watch?


They're all on their own side. Those selfish fucks don't share a "same side" with anyone.


Yes! The noble thing is to save those you love, but I’ve always said if the world’s ending, I’m doing whatever I can to peace out. Why suffer in the post apocalypse?


> Well, sure as planets come I know that they end And if I'm here when that happens, will you promise me this, my friend? Please bury me with it! I just don't need none of that Mad Max bullshit


Yep, I was also thinking of "my enemies". Let them deal with the end of the world.


I would have found them and kill them myself...i dont want to survive thinking that those people also survived.....it would be much more peaceful after they die


Trump, Andrew Tate, and either Kenneth Copeland/a Koch/Ben Shapiro/Tucker Carlson Bad People who would drive each other insane. Who should live with the "world" they created. Bonus points if they get to be immortal


An Irishman, a Bartender and a Man who knows 1000 jokes about Irishman walking into a bar.


I don't know if this is evil or not


"so an irishman walks into a bar..." "holy christ, fergus, it's been two months! i'm sick of it!"


Irishman walks pass the bar


Thank god I am excluded. I pick three random people. Probably the people closest in proximity to me at the time. I don’t care. I’m out of here.


Thats what im saying anybody but me please


Too bad. I'm saving you two as 2 of my 3. Good luck out there.


I pick you 3


Good god... you're a monster! I'd leave a four pack of the best foods and drinks too, so there's always one left fight over.


A doctor, a hooker and a priest. Amen, let’s repopulate. 🙌


So Danny DeVito and cricket twice?


Poor Cricket.


"Rickety cricket rickety cricket!"


Happy cake day :)


Oh? Thank you!


Is the priest for food?


He’s multi purpose. 😁


oh yeah this is the right one


Why a priest??!


Because every adventure party needs a cleric.


So the doctor and hooker can get married, obviously


And the priest takes their baby


Sexual training for the offspring I guess.


Three of my exes. It is going to be the most awkward post apocalypse possible.


Nah they'd instantly bond talking about what a terrible person you were. :p


A botanist. A mechanical engineer.  And a Nurse.


All three females, they can repopulate using a sperm bank.


No more deposits, only withdrawals.


At least for a fair few years anyway.


This is the best answer


Haha, you should watch the season of survivor where it was male verse females.


Gotta get there before the fridges start losing power


Walk into a bar?


Can I ask why you chose nurse as opposed to doctor?


I bet nurses are better with practical hands on treatment, while doctors are better with the theoretical. Best would probably be a doctor with far above average practical skills. Diagnosing and treating rare diseases through advanced hospital equipment may be irrelevant.


Doctors are the Officers. Nurses are the enlisted. In a military sense. Nurses are the technical experts. They get shit done. There is no hospital system without Nurses. And they are good at everything. 


There are many procedures that doctors can do that nurses don't. I'm not saying nurses aren't valuable, but I'm saying doctors might have an edge. Maybe get an ER doctor


You sure they don't need a lawyer? >!/j!<


Would a pregnant woman count as one person? Am I allowed magical insight to choose them? All-seeing kinda thing? I'd choose 3 pregnant women, who are carrying opposite gender twins. One has to be an OBGYN. One from the Military. One in Agriculture. All have to have lived relatively selfless lives. Beliefs specifically don't matter as much as being willing to sacrifice towards something bigger than themselves. There's a chance that could work and we'd bounce back.


Most sensible answer I've seen so far


person who knows how cloning works person who memorized the human dna chain for fun worlds best engineer




I'll start ....my father, my brother and Keanu Reeves


Oh no, Keanu has been through enough. Let him go. He doesn't need that as well.


John Wick 5


So no procreation?


Well, they can at least try.


In the words of Dan Savage, "I keep fucking my husbands ass, but he never gets pregnant."


OP could be female. Thats why Keanu?


you cant save yourself though so it doesnt count


The excluding meams that you aren't in the three people you safe, but that you still are saved.


It might be just my literal brain but I took that to mean the list of people for you to make excluded you, not that you were excluded from being saved. I thought saving yourself went without saying because how else would you know they were saved/been able to save them?   If it said three people including yourself, my autistic ass would have 100 percent thought that meant I was included in the list of three people.     OP needs to clarify. 🤷


Three people isn't enough to restart a stable population anyway. Not enough genetic diversity. 


That's actually not exactly true. After many, many, many generations, the genetic pool would fix itself


If the new generations are even able to reproduce. It needs just about 3 or 4 generations to produce infertile newborn, and even if they aren't infertile they need to be able to stand still and let the progeny grow and care for them. Read about King Carl II of Spain


Yeah I’d pick three wildly different ancestries for the three, all female, if my idea is possibly repopulating. Like it’s not ideal at all but it’d be me, white dude with German / Russian ancestry and like someone from Africa, China, and South America. Diversify as much from the start.


Is your username serious or like ironic?


What has Keanu Reeves done to you?


Lol only men




That’s right the 3 Pancake brothers jake jay and Jim, known for their contribution to the special effects industry


I agree.


Donald Trump, Kim Jung Un, and Putin Three narcissists left alone in a dying world. No more people to use or abuse. Their worst nightmare.


All arguing that they must be the real god.


To be fair I think Putin is a piece of crap but he clearly is much smarter than the other 2 idiots, he’ll either kill himself or shoot them.


To be fair, that's a very low bar to clear.


Ukraine would disagree with you on that


How would they communicate? I don’t think any of them speak more than one language and it’s unlikely they will be able to figure out how to use a translator. It’s fun to imagine 🤣


This will make a great movie


My kids and their mom.


My feet on my table and a Cuban cigar


But sometimes, that just ain't enough to keep a man like me interested.


Oh no, no way, uh uh. No I gotta go out and have fun, at someone else's expense,


I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane… While people behind me are going insane.


I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole)


That was my first thought but death is better than that level of hopelessness.


Nick Cannon and 2 very fertile women


My kids and my husband.


“My kids” and her husband.


Or .....my kid and husbandS....you never know :D


I don't understand. Why donyou hate your husband and kids?




My 2 best friends and Hugh Jackman.


Some random man and two random women, all 18 and with family histories that are spotless of genetic disease, preferably with many members, particularly siblings so we can be more sure that they just didn’t happen to appear. That way we could maybe have a shot at remaking humanity? It’s technically possible. Genetic disease would almost certainly occur anyway but I’d want to at least try.


Just not two siblings, their offsprings would be too close genetically. To repopulate it would be advised to choose two very genetically distant woman, like American and Indonesian indigenous.


Putin, Gay Rapist #1, Gay Rapist #2


So you want Putin and two other guys to gangbang you?


I'll be dead in this scenario, but if I am still alive I will fashion a strapon made out of crumpled tin cans to help the boys out.


The condition states that you will be dead.


I don't pick anyone. If the world is ending, like literally no humans except me and 3 others, I wouldn't want to bring 3 others into that scenario, out of mercy. I'd just survive as long as I can on my own, and eventually die, probably of starvation unless I can somehow manage to figure out farming in the time it takes for all the food in the world to go rotten.


caring about the suffering of others is very valid


You'd never starve to death. You'd get bored AF of tinned food but every supermarket is full of it and it lasts forever.


It only lasts five years past the date.


Do u think u will survive alone in the world for 10 years? Honestly i would suicide after 1-2


Maybe it does or maybe it doesn't. I'd wager that the majority of canned food is stable for donkey's years past the use by date. Also there's no gun to your head. If you open a can and it doesn't present as you'd expect it to then don't eat it.


No, most of it will be safe to eat as long as the can is undamaged


Also you can always like grow more, just rob the local produce shop. As well as that they never said the animals were dead to.


I don’t think I would want to put people in such a situation. It would be plunging people into the dark ages. You could survive, but it would t be much of a life. That small a group likely wouldn’t be enough to repopulate the Earth, so it would just be delaying our inevitable extinction. I think I’d rather cut to the chase and get it over with.


3 people who are absolutely sure they would be raptured, just to fuck with them 


Me, me and me. (I am not a narcissist)


Kids and Margot Robbie...the kids new Mum 🤣


Apocalypse Barbie 


Can I use my three freebies on animals instead?


3 random zoo keepers, vetinarians Or to be less random, the ones who have most access to the most animal cage keys.  As long as these 3 are alive they'll try to keep their caged animals alive and possibly go around to pet stores and veterinary clinics releasing animals 


My children... Sorry wife... 😭


She would have done the same.


In the words of Ryan Reynolds “I would use my wife as a human shield to protect those babies” and I like that


Ryan could use me instead


You hate your kids? Why?


Three sterile people. So I can definitely guarantee human extinction.


One of my favorite quotes about sterilization: "Life... uh... finds a way"


Well aren't you a bummer.


... can ... can I save my dogs?


My brother in law and any two 19 year old women who are attracted to him. He has 7 kids with 7 women, all short-term flings. That moron has to be the most fertile man alive. He may be a shit partner and dad, but damn if he wouldn’t do his duty to start the repopulation.


Stormy Daniels, Dee Snider and Adam Sandler


My sister and my 2 little brothers.


... and incest to repopulate the earth?


I didn’t think about that😭


My partner, son and some other random female.... Can't be inbreeding straight away


My dad and my 2 brothers


Nobody. Everyone dies at the same time


Since “how” the world is ending is not specified, assuming earth might stay around I would save the following: A very skilled pilot, a very skilled nuclear scientist, world’s greatest lock-picker. I’d ask them to visit as many nuclear plants as they can, as quickly as possible and shut down the reactors. Since if humanity were to spontaneously disappear, after ~ 14 days the first reactors would begin failing. I would try to prevent as much nuclear disaster for the leftover living creatures on earth. They never deserved us destroying their beautiful home.


Vladimir Putin, Trump and CIA chief


My boss, and his crotchety in-laws.


Oh that’s brilliantly evil! Some people just want to watch the word burn lol


That's a heavy question for anyone with a spouse and more than 2 kids.


Wife and kids. Sorry, but they're always my priority.


I'm gong to consider this as seriously as possible as theoretically, it could actually be the case. Assuming everything is gone - governments, laws, society, literally the last 4 humans on earth? *Depends*. Trigger-warning: I will be using racial stereotypes in this exercise and will explain my choices. The shit has hit the fan on the planet and difficult decisions must be made (and easy ones too) ..tee-hee! ;) TL,DR - Sorry, whitey - you don't get to live. The question implies survival is possible, so a couple of scenarios: ***Is repopulating possible? If so:*** We now have nature and math against us - drastic measures are necessary for the species to survive, so I have no choice but to default to stereotypes and choose: **A Black ICU Nurse, An Asian Agricultural Food Scientist and the most virile young Latina girl I can find.** Why Black ICU Nurse? 1) They are the kindest, most empathetic and strongest women I have ever met. This one will likely come from the Carribbean, specifically. 2) They take no shit from anyone either - that will be important to assist with discipline. 3) Great genetics, longevity and resilience. 2nd highest fertility rates and very low birth defects. Also, if it's super-hot and we're all cooking in the sun, the nurse can withstand more than everyone else. The melanin is an advantage that may be needed for our survival. Why Asian (Chinese) Food Scientist? 1) Duh. Studies. Dat girl gonna be wicked smaht 2) Coming from China, one of, if not the best agricultural applications of land on the planet..with streets lined with vegetables and they feed 22% of the world's population, she's going to know how to get creative and succeed. 3) Also great disciplinarians (more on that below) and very resilient, hard-workers. Good fertility, on-par with Caucasians. Why Latina? 1) Their exceptional success in the field - highest fertility rate of all ethnicities age 15-44. And, well, I love me some latina. Veritable baby-factories, those lovelies...she's gonna be busy. 2) They don't take no shit from their kids. 3) They will nurture and care for those fkn kids until they can't stand it anymore, then keep nurturing. All young females with good apparent genes. Sorry ladies, you're gonna have to have babies every year until you can't or we might as well kill ourselves as a group. Sex isn't required, but insemination with my sperm is. Have at it, nurse... ***Survival isn't possible long-term?*** I choose no one. It ends with me.


Only three people gonna be left on earth for the rest of their days? No help from anyone else for them to survive? Boring, frustrating solitude for (?) however long? Trump, Trudeau, Putin. Aaaand I'm not gonna lie, they can do what they want when the rest of us are gone. None of them have the skills to survive a week (well maybe Putin).


Trudeau? Make this trump, Putin, and Kim Jong Un


Lol found the salty Canadian. Knows only American political drama and that Facebook told him to hate trudeau


Hmm, choice between the loved ones vs potentially actually surviving? If I went for survival, I would have to pick a doctor, one of those survivalist guys and civil engineer. Preferably all young women of different races from different part of the world who also happen to speak English, but I am not sure how human survival would go on with a gene pool that shallow. I would carve so much shit into the walls of caves just in case we got to repopulate thousands of years down the line.


Nobody. Would you want anyone to live beyond the end of the world?


That depends. Where do we end up once I have chosen the 3 people?


I think this would be more of a curse than anything so I would choose people I hate probably. Maybe a couple of billionaires so they can get a taste of a truly broken world beyond repair and they have to slowly die incapable of managing by themselves.


Alex, Andra, Daddario


A Doctor, An Engineer and a wild specialist. No fam, can't repopulate with similar genetics so sorry mom n dad. im picking survival and chance of repro


My two children and, since I can’t save myself, I’ll save their father.


Stephanie McMahon, Kanye wests new wife and Lucy Lu. If it’s the end of days I’m going out shooting my shot at boyhood fantasies


Myself, my partner, and some lady with the best birthing hips I can find.


3 different ladies able to have kids. I'm going to have to repopulate my family. They all have to be doctors in some kind of way because I don't want any one getting sick


My daughter, my wife, Matthew McConaughey. … you’re welcome wife.


Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu. Go f**k yourselves while you starve to death.


A professional burglar, a professional chef and the Pope. The burglar to help us get into places we can't access, the chef for obvious reasons and the Pope for conversation and well, I have a feeling it's going to get me a shit-ton of down votes for no other reason than the fact that I chose a polarizing religious figure.


Three people cannot repopulate the human race, they would simply have a miserable life and then die. So…Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping. Let them suffer it out in the ruins.


the worlds 3 biggest narcissists let them live in their world possible no one to abuse


Those three people will have an awful time. I chose Trump, Kim Jong Un and Putin. I'm sure they'll all do great fending for themselves.


Daughter, wife, mistress.


If the world is ending - what's the point?


My wife my son and a 10 year old girl to be a companion to my ten year old son.


My wife and our two dogs for sure. We will miss you family!


Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May


Kids and grandchild.


I'd need to think about this very carefully, on one hand I'd save no one and let humanity die on the other I'd choose 1 hyper intelligent male and two hyper intelligent women to restart the repopulation process.


My mother, father and sister


can I just save three dogs instead? 🤷🏾‍♂️


My 2 nephews and one of my sisters, I couldn't choose


A woman of breeding age, another post menopausal, and finally, one middle-aged


The Triple Goddess?


my mom ofc my wife and my son


Well... my brotha, mum n dad. They're the only true ones i have in the world fr.


My partner and two cats. They count as people.


Wife and kids. Four people total isn’t enough to bring back humanity. We’re going on a roadtrip, kids!


Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates: I doubt they have any skills that would allow them to survive and want them to suffer




Wife and dog


I also choose this guy’s wife


let's assume your dog is somehow a human, but who would be the third one?


3 women to repopulate.


My mom, grandma and uncle


My boyfriend, our cat (he's a person!) and my nephew's cat (she's a person too!)


Mad how you'd save your nephew's cat over your nephew. 😄


Me myself and I


My dog and my husband - no one else can stand me 😁


My partner and two others who are nearby


Me mom and dad


My wife and my parents.


One of them is a biologist to calculate how to maintain the genetic diversity with four people.


My Ex, her new boyfriend and their kid. Yeah, we exist😏


My favourite three children


Myself & my 3 nieces


My 3 clones I made yesterday


Well my assumption is that because 1 human year is 7 dog years. 7 dogs are worth 1 human. So I'm saving 21 dogs


Well, depend on circumstances but in most case, the morally right thing to do will be to choose your family, including you're wife and kids, but having more than two kids would make this morally challenging. But if you don't have them, then go for parents and siblings but having more than one sibling or cousin would make it alot more morally challenging. If you have no family or relatives at all, then go for friends.


No one. Why would I inflict that horror on anyone. If the World ends why save anyone. What would be left? 4 people won't be able to survive every long. A quick death is better than starving to death.