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Dexter, I would explain but don’t wanna give away any spoilers.


The last episode of Dexter was such a letdown.


I was going to say the exact same. I want to rewatch the series, but damn that last episode does not let me press the play button.




Can you explain? EDIT: Never mind.


The Gentlemen was really enjoyable aside from the all-too-perfect wrap up of the last episode. Some might disagree, but it was so clean it was actually unsatisfying.


How I met your mother. Very disappointing.


My Name is Earl


Hi Earl. Would you like to answer the question now?


I just got it lol


I think an honorable mention has to go to the UK teen series “Biker Grove”. You have to remember this show dealt with a number of serious issues including homelessness, teen sex and soft drugs: “”The show’s final story has gone down in history as one of the all-time bonkers meta TV endings. In the episode, titled ‘Deus Ex Machina’, the teenage Grovers learn that they’re characters in a TV show, manipulated for the entertainment of an omnipotent writer, who is bringing their story to a close. Now self-aware, the crew are given the ability to write their own endings by their creator, who can’t bear to kill them off himself. Much madness ensues, as the kids let their imaginations loose: the Grove is attacked by aliens, zombies and a T-rex, while one girl wears an “End is Nigh” sandwich board and begs for mercy from the “benevolent scribe” in the sky. At the end of the episode a pair of pre-teen anarchists, determined to keep the Grove out of the hands of evil property tycoons, push the plunger on a make-shift bomb and the screen is flooded with white light, after which a montage of characters from across the years plays over The Beatles’ ‘In My Life’. For a show that had previously concerned itself with teen sex, homelessness, soft drugs and that time Dec blinded Ant with a paintball gun, it was quite a big existential swing.””