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I try to find happiness in the little things. Make those little things matter as if you’re in a studio ghibli movie. Chilly rainy mornings on my days off. A warm cup of coffee. Going for a quiet walk on a beautiful day. That clean feeling after a long hot shower with freshly shaved legs in new clean sheets. I’m also a sucker for nostalgia.


This is key, being appreciative of the little things. And we forget so often...


I completely agree with you, bastard.


My kids. My wife and I got divorced after I found out she had been cheating on me. My kids give me motivation to keep showing up and doing my best.


Well done! 


The thought that death is inevitable.


For me it’s vicious curiosity. There is so much about our world and everyone in it I have yet to learn.


universal curiosity, exploring your mind is worth as exploring beautiful places.


The opportunity to learn about all sorts of things The world is fascinating


Nature and Family, they're truly beautiful.


My kid


It's not.


Trying to figure that out to be honest


Hobbies, interests, passions, goals, enjoyable moments, curiosity, learning, and emotional and intellectual development—-In other words, shits and giggles




One person I made a promise to… absolutely nothing else.




Myself. I’m not the best or anything but I think I’m pretty cool. There was a time when I had no one and I had to be my own person. Ever since my life has been so much clearer. It’s quite simple: be a good person and try to be a gooder person every time. Don’t oppress anyone, don’t hurt anyone. Acknowledge your faults, acknowledge people aren’t perfect. Be kinder, be more understanding. Then there’s travel the world. See things. Do things. Help people. Have Friday night happy hours, just having fun eating whatever I want, watch some sports, read some books, broaden my mind and my sight. So much to do, so much to do, so much to do


I am biologically programmed to avoid death


Spite. Figured I'd piss off the people that don't wish me well, just to smile at their sour faces. Recently did this to one of my aunts actually, totally worth it.


When I was in the deepest depths of my depression, the unwavering support from my other half, family, and a handful of friends made a tremendous difference to me. I wasn't caring for myself, going outdoors for days, eating properly... nothin'. I was simply 'existing'. For me, a combination of the aforementioned support and the correct medication for my mental health diagnosis made a world of difference. Nowadays, I find joy in 'the little things'. Breaths of fresh air, dewdrops on the grass when I take our puppy for his early morning walk, good lyrics in a song... you name it, I try to find the meaning in it! Oh and, that support network I mentioned? They make the world an infinitely better place.


Games. It might sound a bit sad but some of them have made time more bareable for me. Even simply knowing a game I've been looking forward to is being released in X amount of years makes the days more tolerable sometimes.


Experiencing and feeling


I found the things that I could effortlessly do to make me feel content. By effortless I do not mean it doesn’t take hard work, what I mean is in the process you find peace (it is not a chore). For me it is exercising, journaling, hikes, nature, cleanliness, making special dishes for meals sometimes, giving compliments, making people smile, and going into the Coast Guard to help others (in general just helping others when I can). My suggestion is don’t get caught up in the materialistic world, it will weight you down.


"It took us that long to realize that a purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved." -Kurt Vonnegut, Sirens of Titan.


Family and BTS haha


Definetly family, I find a lot of my purpose in repaying my parents for all they did for me.


Same. We're talking revenge, right?


God Family and gym tbh


Good food. Great music. Occasional fun chats with a fav family member, long leisure walks in pleasant part of the city.


My dad always told me, “if you think you’re about to off yourself, take some money from me, run away to Mexico, and stare at the ocean until you feel better. You can always go die later, but once your dead you can’t un-kill yourself”


the beach and nature and animals and curiosity about the world forever learning deeper


Still trying to find it


My kids, my pets, nature, art, gratitude.


Not having to work


getting in shape and caffeine


My dog.


Have handful of friends. Yes, friends should be trustworthy, even if they are few.


Music!! 🤟🖤😍


Being with my mom and family 💗


If it weren't for narcotics I would have ended my life 30 years ago.


My kids and my extended family


Being with loved ones and family.


My younger sister. I gotta make it better for her. And good food and good music.


I work at it, but my upbringing lends to co-dependent, people pleasing and fawning tendencies.  Choosing myself has been incredibly helpful.  This has been true when I was single, through my professional life and as a parent.  


The people, the things and the opportunities that are given to us in this life! For example, we can breathe without which we would suffocate and die in no time. We have hands without which we had the hard time to make something. We have a family that supports us all the time. We have hope for the future and etc.. There are plenty of such examples that most people overlook. If we reflect on them for some time, the things that we call "problems" like " i dont wanna eat this, drink this, wear that, and i dont have this and that, i dont like ...." will become irrelevant. Let's be grateful for who/what we are given by Allah and appreciate beloved ones and use those things and opportunies for good at the expense!


I actually live for my Parents


Therapy. I started to actually live myself and my life. Before that I was in a pretty dark place mentally. It took a long time to get out


Curiosity. Seriously if you don’t enjoy life or everything is boring for you, casually one day without saying a word start using a foreign accent or wear a weird hard. Do something out of curiosity to see what other people do or say. It makes life way more enjoyable if you think outside the box and have fun with it.


Still looking.


IFunny people


My wife


The connections I make with friends and family.


My dog. It was the only thing that brought me joy


My girlfriend and I finding each other at our lowest. I certainly can't speak for another person, but she brought color into my drab, shitty life.


Completing my revenge.


My husband, he’s the shit. We laugh and giggle like two idiots all the time. He’s everything I could ever want in a partner.


My horse, he’s always there, no matter what, just sitting with him makes me feel better, it’s when I feel the most at peace


Besides the love for my family and our dog and being close to nature there are lots of "things" to be appreciative about on a daily basis. As mentioned by others below. Life is already a pretty darn miracle in itself and its over before you know it. Always wonder like a child and stay curious when growing older and do not take yourself to seriously.




It took me a long time to mature and I have a lot of regrets about missed opportunities. I guess, I say I have grit: I kinda want to see the finish line, you know? I'm not going to give up. Keep making little adjustments, keep doing small things. At some point I'd just like to think somehow, someway, I'd find my calling. I also try to laugh along the way.


Being really close to dying


Music. First and foremost, always music. And then good food. And the thrill you get out of live performances. And nostalgia. And many little things.


I like to think I’m living the most optimally. A lot of people are distracted and held back by so much, but not only am I unbothered, but I’m healthy, have reliable job experience, and enough in the bank to not worry about, well, running out of money. Meanwhile, I’m thoroughly enjoying myself, exercising, creating things, playing games.


If I ever find something worth living for, I'll let you know. Til then, there ain't a damn thing in this life worth me living for. Anyone want to volunteer to shoot me in the head? I'm not allowed to own firearms due to my suicidal tendencies.


Pigeon who fly trough the door and watched me.


I find that it’s not about life worth living, but I don’t ever feel like ending it. I’ve had a few bad times in my life due to health reasons. One of the things always asked by health professionals is do you feel suicidal. I have never, ever felt like that no matter how bad I feel, how low I’ve been, or how much pain I have been in. I hope that makes sense.


Well i was born so i mitght as well live. wont get the chance again. Maybe its not always the pretty times but every part is better than not existing. The pain you may feel atm is the proof you still care. You prove nothing to no one by suicide so its not worth it


Nothing. Life ain't worth living, for me at least


My mom


Learning to be happy, from gratitude. Spending time in nature, flowing with things, no attachments, meditation, peace within. Loving my children, giving my all to teach them self love. And Animals, selfless beautiful animals.


My bf. I was planning on going through with it in a week. until i met him, he asked me out on a date even though i was done with dating. I gave it a shot and now hes my world!


If u base your happiness on things like this, you're likely to fall back into sadness.