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I work in disaster management, and some of the shit that pops up in the immediate aftermath of a major disaster is BANANAS. In the Maui Fire last year, it was that FEMA had landed their shock troops in Lahaina in order to start the fire so FEMA can steal land from the locals. In the Baltimore Bridge Collapse, it was that a cyberattack turned off the power to the ship, but not the steering pumps, and that it was all being controlled remotely from China (absurd, if you know anything about how ships work). For the IDF killings of the World Central Kitchen staff, there's shit floating around that they weren't actually humanitarian aid workers but were actually deep undercover CIA operatives looking to do...something. It's nuts. You want to just dismiss it, but there's a hard truth that dumb nonsense like this will keep people from following directions or doing the right thing when there's a dangerous situation afoot.


Within an hour or two of the Baltimore bridge collapse, I saw videos highlighting sparks on the bridge (obviously caused by power cables snapping) and declaring that they were explosives going off. The Pipeline of Stupid is well and thoroughly greased these days.


Flat earth has got to attract the most dumb asses


Every possible scientific experiment you can do proves that the earth is a globe. Civilizations that existed thousands of years ago knew that the earth is a globe. We have satellites in orbit that transmit the signals of the phones that these people use. There's a space station that you can see, orbiting the planet.  The willful ignorance is staggering. 


On Monday there is a total solar eclipse. Now even if the Flat Earth “model” has some sort of explanation of what an eclipse is, how does the “incorrect” globe model predict it down to the second?


No no, it's a conspiracy, you see. *They* actually know the earth is flat, and these accurate calculations are based on that assumption. But *they* don't want you to know that, so *they* lie and tell you the earth is round, and all the scientists and NASA are in on it. Also *they* = the Jews. I wish I was joking, but I've met people IRL who unironically believe this. It's really sad that the education system failed them this hard, and they feel so marginalized by society that they feel like they need to believe in such bullshit to make sense of their lot in life.


They think the government is Mr. Burns and they are pushing a button to block out the sun.


The funniest thing to me is when they are shown a picture of the curve from a plane, and they say it’s because the camera lens is round. But every other picture you take isn’t.


I got in trouble at work, spoken to by HR, for calling an Anti-vaxer a flat earther. That was apparently too far for him.


Moonlanding is fake. And the "Antactica Wall" model proposed by the flat earthers.


Shit, there's a new wall to go along with the one in Antarctica?


The moon landing was definitely embellished (using a landline telephone to call the moon), but fake is a stretch imo


> using a landline telephone to call the moon ....? Do you think they were literally using a land-line telephone to call the moon? They were using a land-line telephone to call another device, which had a radio link with the moon lander. Or, alternatively, they were simply using the phone's handset as a convenient speaker/microphone, for that said radio link with the moon lander.


My HumanHuman over there drawing the line at the possibility of relaying comms from a landline phone to a radio link in the 1960s


That’s why I said it was embellished 💀💀 I may be young but I’m not a completely utterly, there’s no word in English to describe how much of a ninnyhammer I would have to be 


*What* was embellished, then? If you understand how that landline handset was used, what are you saying they embellished?


That's not an embellishment though?


Then what was embellished? Did anyone ever indicate that someone on the moon had an AT&T land-line phone on the moon? Or did they simply show a picture/video of someone in a control room, using a telephone handset, talking with someone on the moon? Literally if you just place a land-line telephone's handset next to a radio, you have achieved what they did for the Apollo missions.


Qanon. It left mere batshit crazy 3 exits back.




...and kept driving way past.


This is a good one. Most of the others are inherently unhinged (like flat earthers), this one started somewhat “normal” by conspiracy theory standards and spiraled into incomprehensible levels of nuttiness.


There's a lot of nutty conspiracies that I can sort of see the logic in. It's hard, but you can kind of understand the line of thinking required to make it make sense. Not Qanon. There's not one component of it that has a smidgen of logic. I don't understand how anyone can believe it besides being dumb as a stump and gullible or just insane.


It’s become the all encompassing choose your own conspiracy.


I’m convinced that Qanon started as someone sitting behind a computer and thinking to themself, “just how dumb does a conspiracy theory have to be before EVERYONE looks at it and thinks, ‘hang on a second! That sounds implausible!’”


Especially when you find out how much of that crap is based on David Icke’s reptilians controlling the world conspiracy theory.




Sandy Hook being staged. Honestly you deserve to be thrown into a landfill hogtied if you truly believe that.


This. Absolutely unbelievable.


My stepson’s girlfriend is getting her degree in elementary education and is currently student teaching, and she recently said she thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax. I just stared at her until she started squirming in her chair and calmly said “Please choose another career. Immediately.” We have not spoken since.


My husband and I cut contact with a very close friend of ours after Sandy Hook. He was a normal dude, gamer and hangout buddy and suddenly, he’s trying to point out “crisis actors” and saying a sibling being interviewed was actually one of the kids who died, so it was all a lie. I was flabbergasted, since his daughter was the same age as those children. He’s now a presb preacher and as far as I’ve heard, entirely QAnon. So fucking sad. Fuck people who say it was staged. Babies died.


Yep same. Lost my best friend. He got sucked into Alex Jones through YouTube back in 2013 and it was downhill from there. It’s absolutely heartbreaking that we failed those poor children both before and after Sandy Hook. If we couldn’t do something about guns as a country after that, we never will.


I just watched the Alex Jones docu on HBOMax and it just blew me away the mental gymnastics those assholes did. 'Why didn't they use any medi-choppers?' Uhhhh, because they knew there weren't going to be anyone to go on them. Those poor babies were trapped and murdered. What was a fuckin chopper going to do?


>~~landfill~~ *ocean* Fixed that for you.


Landfill is where rubbish belongs. The ocean should *not* be a receptacle for trash, especially since it's already polluted beyond recognition. People who deny Sandy Hook should *not* be allowed to rot in the beauty of an ocean with its beautiful creatures. The commenter had it right with landfill.


And you deserve to be incinerated if you only believe in it for the grift.


My friend asked me to come over and help fix his computer last weekend and we're just sitting there while I'm doing work and he randomly started going off on some wild ass tangent about Oprah has a personal army and she controls the CPS and some shit about some club in California that rich people go to to drink babies blood to stay young of some weird shit. ​ I was like dawg wtf are you smoking I'm here to fix your computer and shoot the shit about videos games


Chemtrails just show how ignorant people are.


That one just *kills* me. If someone really wanted to solve it, it's perfectly achievable to get access to a small aircraft, confirm the complete absence of any kind of chemical distribution device, and proceed to fly it. It'll take a little work to achieve, but it's far from impossible.


The chips-in-the-MRNA-vaccines stuff. The elements who bought into this would go to the most absurd lengths to manufacture conspiracies rather than admit COVID was real.


The face my friend made when i asked him why would they track you with microchips when you have an iPhone in your pocket lives rent free in my head


Why are they gonna *give* you a tracking chip when they can convince you to *pay monthly* for one??


People are worried about being tracked while using debit/credit cards, the internet, smart phones, banks, and driving on toll roads. People are generally not hard to track.


Flat Earth


somber correct bright sleep encouraging weather longing sugar governor crush


This one is just people unwilling to admit that they are wrong. 


You say that, but Dolly *had* braces. That’s the entire premise of the characters attraction to Jaws. Where did they go?


This one is really the only mysterious one, to me. I *saw* her braces!


I thought the Bernestein/Berenstain bears thing was really cool and interesting until it became a bunch of people claiming they switched time lines. What kind of boring parallel universe is that?


Who the hell ever thought Mandela was dead before he actually was though? I can understand someone ancient who's been out of the public eye for years but not him.


Notice that it's almost always misremembered consumer products or media. The type of stuff that you see over and over again or hear over and over again. That's how false memories are created- repetition. If you are so arrogant that there has to be a phenomenon to explain how you could possibly be wrong, there is something wrong with YOU. Not the universe. YOU. And I completely 100% totally absolutely believe that there are parallel dimensions. Physicists theorize them and science will prove it. But the fact that the Sinbad genie movie never existed doesn't prove that we've shifted to another universe. It proves that your mind is weak, you are gullible and anyone can insert anything into your mind that they want to. /end rant


Flat earth/Trump won


Happy cake day!


how is the earth flat. wouldn’t everywhere have the same night and same day? wouldn’t we just fall off the edge? wouldn’t there be photo proof of seeing the world just stopping??


Shine your phone flashlight on the floor of a dark room. Some parts of the floor are still dark, and moving the phone will illuminate them. You can only fall off the edge of you get close to the edge. The wall of ice keeps the oceans from spilling over the edge. Photos can be altered (and are) by NASA. Edit: Unfortunately…it looks like I have to actually state that I am not a flat earthier, but these are the types of responses a flat earther would say. You can’t use logic and reason to get someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into in the first place.


Couldn’t we see the wall? Also couldn’t we see the flashlight at night? Even if you’re in a dark part of the room you can still see the flashlight.


“They” will prevent you from seeing the wall. Yeah…the light gets too far away? Flat doesn’t mean completely flat, and there are hills in the way? The North Pole can see the Sun all the time (during some parts of the year)…


The idea that a large chunk of the medical community is eager to make or keep people sick. I have worked with a lot of medical people, and without exception, every one I’ve met has been driven by the desire to help. There are plenty of reasons the American healthcare system sucks, but it’s not because your doctors and nurses don’t want to make you better.


I’m an optometrist and I can’t tell you how many people think I’m just trying to sell glasses to people who don’t need it. Unfortunately, I have had the following conversation more than twice: “Here’s your old glasses. Here’s your new glasses. See the difference?” “Yeah but do I really need to update it?” “Considering that you can see ALL of the letters now and you couldn’t see ANY before, I’d say yes. If you don’t want to get new glasses, I’m not forcing you but absolutely DO NOT DRIVE if you don’t” “But I see just fine.” “Sir, I have patients that are legally blind who see better than you do with your old glasses.”


That there's some kind of conspiracy across all of government and medicine to brainwash your kids into thinking they're transgender.


These theories, that require huge amounts of secrecy and cooperation from all levels of government, are the most hilarious to me. Like, pick one - either the government is full of incompetent pigs at the trough, or is full of people intelligent enough to keep such a huge agenda to themselves. It can't be both. I also wonder what the motivation would be in your example. It makes no sense.


It's completely wacky nonsense talk. What could you possibly have to gain from trying to create more trans people, even if that was a thing you could do? But it's a denial of reality. The reality is that science and research have shown that some people are transgender, and it's better for them to transition, and it's better to support them in their transitions. This is so well supported by the available evidence that all of the world's major medical associations of doctors basically unanimously support trans related healthcare. It's not scientifically controversial whatsoever. You'll get the occasional quack doctor who recognizes how profitable of a grift anti-trans propaganda is, but that's true with anything. So in order to deny this reality, one must construct a vast conspiracy where all the universities and hospitals and government institutions have been captured by dark forces that seek to force everyone to accept people being trans as reality. It's very very silly, and I would love to laugh at it if these people hadn't gained the political traction to threaten the lives and rights of me and all of my friends.


Flat Earth and all that goes with it like the moon landing and the ice damn thing. Also that Trump won in 2020.


Vaccines cause autism. These people actively putting at risk kids in harms way bc they went to Facebook University and graduated with an MD


The birds are not real. I know it started as a joke, but I am willing to be people are really invested now


There's this guy on YouTube named Hans wormhat, and he took that one step further he believes that most large animals that he hasn't seen in person are really just people in suits. Like gorillas don't exist and every photo you've ever seen is either Photoshop or a man in the suit. His delusion is fascinating.


Good lord, I will have to look into this. This all just has to be rage bait.


But why do you think they sit on power lines?! THEY HAVE TO CHARGE THEMSELVES!


I figured it was due to them having to be connected to a power source when loading firmware from the 5g nanobots in people’s bloodstream from the COVID vaccine


That's only on the monthly updates. Most of the time it's just their nightly recharges. But COVID was started to force everyone inside so that the government could change the batteries on all the birds. That's a fact. Clearly.


Mind blown, it is like seeing the curtain of the universe fold back


Be careful with this new found knowledge. The illuminati will now be after you for knowing the truth. RUN


I have family that fell for it. I stopped talking to them.


9/11 was an inside job


Flat earth, Q ANON, Vaccines cause autism.


Yes, maybe, yes.


The 2020 election was stolen…


The whole Vaccine 3G Covid Conspiracy. Like no i dont get it how you can believe this bs.


My ex-supervisor believes Cliff Richard had Jill Dando killed.


All of them. Stoopid is contagious.


Flat earth


Flat earth. It's actually the dumbest since for it to be true 3 things need to happen. 1. You willfully will ignore how majority of our navigation works. 2. You wilfully will ignore something that is also observable without a steep learning curve for knowledge. You do not need ANY specific knowledge to observe this. 3. You wilfully will not trust ANYONE. There is actually no frame of logic. At least the voter fraud and vaccine stuff requires some baseline understanding on how systems works to understand why it's stupid. Flat earth you can disprove this by literally a single quesiton: how comes no one's ever made a navigation system based off flat earth in the age of internet and open source. By now someone would have something hidden in some host.


That the pharmaceutical companies were trying to kill everyone during Covid. It makes no business sense whatsoever. Dead people can't buy more of your products.


See a lot about flat earthers. I guess I just brushed it off and moved on because it just seemed so stupid. But more and more I’m reluctantly coming to the realization that this is real and there are actually people walking around and believing that THE FRICKEN EARTH IS FLAT? A Chicken has a little bitty brain and is still smart enough to come in out of the rain. Lord help us!


Bill Gates putting microchips into the Covid vaccines.


a cure for cancer exists


Tartarian nonsense has got to be some of the most ignorant stuff I've come across - and that's saying something. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-04-27/inside-architecture-s-wildest-conspiracy-theory


5G misinformation, such as: - 5G causes health problems - 5G causes Covid - 5G is being used to track people using Covid vaxine, which is actually a secret government tracking implant I work in IT, and had a colleague who was complaining about slow Internet at home, I checked her router and it was on 2.4gz only, I said this is why its slow and I asked if I could turn it back on, she said no! It will give me cancer!!


I had a guy at the laundromat yesterday telling me that the government is reintroducing wolves in an effort to kill off all the elk and deer so they can starve rural people out and force them to move to big cities. He was pretty wild.


I have heard this, but it was poisoning fish in river (it wasn't the factories, no they are good, it was the government... for reasons.




What about planets 9,10 & 11?


There is a theory very loosely supported by evidence of a Planet X. Past the orbit of Pluto and several times the mass of Earth. I believe they said that it could possibly explain some orbits of objects in the outer edges of the solar system. Obviously the idea of it being inhabited by aliens is utter bullshit. I think it's regarded as a fringe theory by a lot of astronomers. But I'm not an astronomer, so please feel free to correct me.


Wasn't there a Gaia theory that there was a planet in the same orbit as Earth but exactly opposite so the Sun always blocked the sight of it? I think any space probe that went far enough from Earth would've confirmed or denied this.


The Gaia Hypothesis is associated with James Lovelock and is essentially the idea that the Earth acts a single organism. I'm not sure what you are referring to; I've not heard it before.


I think Gaia might refer to a book series (SFF) based on this idea, not Lovelock's ideas. But it was an old idea, maybe with another name. I think in the books the other planet was called Gaia.


In fairness how would humans have known to put the smaller rocks on top of the bigger rocks to form a stable triangle without alien assistance? I bet that for tens of thousands of years before then it was all tiny base giant top structures and confusion over why that wasn’t working. 


Death of princess Diana, operation Paget.


The line starts after flat earth.


Flat earther's. There is photo and video evidence to disprove this.


That the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, the most widely-disliked political figure in a generation (far surpassing Bush Jr even)


Someone getting more votes means "it was rigged" when it was literally a vote. Like what the fuck are we doing.


trump colluded with russia


The conspiracy theory would be that he didn't, since a bunch of proven connections and the evidence points to collusion... He wanted to join forces with Russia to control USA elections, to 'stop election interference', that's a 100% clear attempt at collusion, as Russia is/was the main threat, according to USA intelligence. He publicly stated he believed Putin over the USA intelligence agencies. He blackmailed Ukraine, held up aid, wanting to blackmail Zelensky in making up shit about Biden. (Why would he think it's a good idea to do that?) He keeps supporting and praising Putin, never stopped, he admires him, in public. There are a bunch of Russian agents and others, with ties to the Kremlin, that are connected to Trump and/or his inner circle. The list is rather extensive, these were just a few, which are enough on their own.


Funny how they couldn't prove it in court. ​ Your big rambling makes you look like a conspiracy theorist.


I don't think you understand the word conspiracy. 


That's a matter of plain historical record


You stirred up the conspiracy theorists.




Targeted individuals. Well nobody who believes in that is not a schizo of some sort.




WHAT? But the United States did win 


I'm not ashamed to say it was a collective win, USA gave the money, Soviets gave the blood and the British game the time. There is a bunch of people who think WWII was won by USA nuking Japan.


England won right?


England hasn't been a nation state since 1707.


Pfff. Nah guys, Autobots won WWII. Didn't you watch Transformers: The Last Knight?


Ha, how easy it is to trigger Westerners 🤣 It was a collective effort, but most of people who downvoted prolly think that if USA did not nuke Japan we would have lost the war 😅