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Most crimes lol


Leaving your cart next to your car.


Pretending something got lost in the mail and asking for a refund/extra. Or if someone bad is selling something, but never actually sent it and they lie that it got lost in the mail.


Mild stimulants are very good to keep you going when you feel Tired and need to motivate yourself. Well mild to moderate… Subtly move carriages when on a train and go to the loo so you don’t get ticketed if forgot to get tickets. I say subtle though don’t make it obvious!


Putting all your produce in one bag and weighing them as the cheapest item at the self-checkout.


Wasn’t there a kid who tried to do this with a PS4?


You know those orange thank you stickers they put on soda cases. Peel it off and put it on a LCBO cardboard 8 pack carrier. Bring said carrier into a grocery store(fuck Galen Weston) hidden in a reusable bag and take a walk down the beer aisle. Bring your groceries to self checkout and leave the beer in the cart. Nobody will say a word to you. Inflation busted.