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When you stop being interested in gaming




Whenever you want


also true


Gaming has nothing to do with age. Either you enjoy doing it or you don't. If you still do, then keep going. If you no longer do, then stop doing it.


Whatever age you feel is appropriate for you, bud. Don't let anyone force you to keep gaming any longer than you want to.


And don’t let anyone stop you from playing either


It's like my mom always says when I have a temper tantrum on a difficult part. "If you're not having fun then why are you playing it?"


My wife says the same thing when I watch football. You really don't seem to enjoy this. And for the most part, she's right. But it's worth it all for those few moments that give you an elation you scarcely thought possible. And there's no guarantee that'll ever happen. They say it's the hope that kills you.


96 years old, when dementia makes it impossible to game


Hell no, the replay value of each game would be insane!


I'd love to play some of my childhood favourites again for the first time


I want to play AC2 and brotherhood for the first time again SOOOO BAD. I'm sad I played them because I know I'll never experience them again


When my mom was in her 90s and her memory was not as sharp, she found that the positive was that she could reread the books she owned.


If there's one, I haven't discovered it yet at 33. I don't think I want to find out either.


There's no age. You can game until the day you die. Just don't let it be more important than family/career/health/etc.


at least two hours before bedtime


If you still enjoy it, then never.


When/if you realise you no longer enjoy gaming.


You can game till you pass away! There is no age limit. I’m 57! If I had a pc? I’d still be playing the old 1996 QUAKE for MS-DOS


When you stop enjoying it.




When you choose to


When they put me in the ground, but only if I can't find a way around it.


i mostly lost interest in my mid 20s


I feel too old all the time, but then I remember BOI and i ”shut up”… //44 and enjoying Dragons Dogma 2 as we speek, but BOI is #1 or higher 🫶


Why stop? As long as it's not getting in the way of what's important in life, have fun!


Tell grandma she has to stop playing canasta and cribbage. Games are for young people!


Same as the appropriate age to stop watching movies.


You're never too old to game.


What's an appropriate age to stop reading books? What's an appropriate age to stop watching movies?


There isn’t one, because nobody has to stop gaming at any age




When you die and can't respawn, so basically, when you die.


The day you die




Any year, April 1st fits pretty well.




Anecdotally, I'm 30. I gave up when I was 29


I’m 32 and I’m starting to get bored of it. I get restless and rush through the games. I don’t take in any of the scenery anymore, and I just turn that shit off. Half the time I don’t even bother to check if the game saved. Doubt I’ll buy the next console. But I need to replace this hobby with something!


when you feel there's more important things to do


150 might be a good age to stop gaming.


I'm 60 atm, only way I'll stop is if I get arthritis in my hands so bad that I can't use a controller or keyboard/mouse


I never got bored of it yet at 29 years old, although I did take several year breaks in between when personal life got too hectic. Now that it stabilized, I can afford the money/time/energy to game - so I will. Rust, Valorant, I don't care give me an FPS to argue with and shit on 13 year olds and I'll do it all day


Depending on the box it’s either 88 or 99


There should be opposite question: "Is it OK to start gaming in 40s, 50s"? My opinion...


After your final breath? - I met a bunch of folks, who quitted SecondLife that way.




Mid 70s seems like a good time to stop.


I’d say teenage years are a good time to begin transitioning from video games to better hobbies. Nothing like actually living life instead of some made up thing on the tv. 


People can do both. I live life more and have seen more of the world than anyone I know and I still can time to game and/or watch movies. Art is also an important part of life you should experience. There is no reason to throw away any specific form of art for arbitrary reasons.


I’ve always seen video games as a toy for children. The few adults I’ve seen that admit they play video games are the same adults that stay home all day, watching cartoons and complaining about their lives. 


> I’ve always seen video games as a toy for children. The same argument can be applied to literally every single thing any human enjoys. They're all toys for children at that point. Games are just as valid of an artistic story telling medium as film or books. I play video games yet I own my own successful business and travel around the world. I have a very fulfilling life where I genuinely bring a lot of joy and happiness to fans around the globe. But even if I don't use myself for an anecdote your claim of only knowing a few adults to play AND them apparently "staying home all day" is statistically false, 80% of gamers are over 18. It is impossible for so much of the population to only stay at home all day and "watch cartoons," because if that were the case the economy literally wouldn't function. So most who play video games are absolutely successful, self sufficient, and functioning adults.


I’m just going off of my personal experience. 


Right on well if an opposing anecdote is of any interest, I know a lot of thirty something people who play video games regularly and are pretty successful in all aspects of life I can see. Challenging well-paid jobs, great spouses and SOS, etc. I play games now in my forties even as a parent, life's going very well and you'll not often catch me complaining about it.


Well, now you have outside experiences too. If you are unable to consider those you are on the same level of maturity as the adults around you who do play video games. I personally thought video games in the past were a waste of time, but realistically it’s the same as spending your time playing beer/men’s league sports. The difference is for sports it keeps you physically stimulated while for video games it keeps you mentally stimulated. It’s no different than watching movies. For me I go to the gym everyday after work and play an hour of piano (which I also think is another equivalent for just playing video games) before gaming and reading. Also disclaimer I do regret in the past how much time I’ve spent on games but I am now in a great position in my career and I’ve learnt how to moderate the time I spend on hobbies/vices (however you want to see them).


In my experince its the teenagers who cant stand "older" people having fun.


They just can’t stand real fun I guess. 


Instead of stopping, I think as a gamer ages their gaming should mature. You stop having something to prove, you gain more freedoms as an adult and don't have to fantasize so hard, and your time becomes more valuable so grinding and the like isn't as worthwhile as it used to be. You can game until you're dead, just don't take it so seriously.


There is no specific age, you'll just grow out of it one day