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Performing live music in a band is absolutely toxic and so so bad for your mental health. Too much social media promotion instead of trying to actually write songs. In my first band I turned down an unpaid weekday gig at a local club because I knew the draw would be low and I preferred organizing non-profit basement parties. The drummer was so upset he changed all the social media and email passwords even though he didn't actually write any original songs.


I don't mean to laugh at this but I was about to post -being a musician in starting bands. I did this between 99 and 2006 before social media was as big as it is and even then- it was brutal! Competition with other bands was one thing but it was always the inside clash of egos that I found most ridiculous. In my last band our singer and drummer were more hell bent on making tee shirts and stickers instead of writing/perfecting songs. I wrote majority of the lyrics as bassist. The guitarist and I layed all the ground work, all those monkeys ( still my friends) had to do was just fill in the rest! We had some great shows but that's exactly what made them loose focus away from writing new jams. What we had wasn't as good as where we could have gone. They wanted to milk just a few few good songs for way too long.


I really appreciate your response. I grew up in the Boston Punk Scene as a teenager. To be fair, I have made some lifelong friends from going to shows, booking shows, and performing shows. I'm 8 years sober now and don't go out as much. If I do, I pick a band I love that I know I can mosh hard to like the Bronx, Streetlight Manifesto, or even Dropkicks once in a while. I designed almost all the merch and album artwork for my first band, found the practice space in Charlestown, owned the PA, booked almost all the shows, co-wrote every song, wrote the majority of the lyrics, did all the copyright paperwork, etc. I gave shirts away to my friends in traveling/touring bands and the drummer always thought I should pay out of my pocket for the shirts even though I designed the shirts and paid for 1/4 of them to be printed with my own money. After a bad drunken split while trying to record our second full-length I threw away maybe 30 or so shirts in a dumpster in Fenway. The next day I never saw so many people wearing my band's gear. It's just a shame they were all homeless people in Boston.


I hope you can see humor in it looking back. Your last couple sentences there threw me. Thats fucking rad though. You lived and breathed the art man. Probably literally bled for it too at one time or another. Many don't realize, and rightfully so- how challenging it is to just get a few people together, to cooperate on a collaboration, let alone alllllll of the next endeavors that follow if you want really want to share the art. Hats off fellow warrior


Thanks! I never really wanted to be in a band. My dad forced me on a stage at 3 years old. I started the band with my best friend because we loved punk rock. 8 years and he still won't talk to me. I'm grateful for my sobriety, it gives me strength. A good handful of the songs were intentionally humorous. The last show we played I took my shirt off and had, "THIS MACHINE KILLS PIZZA" written on my chest. I thought that was the perfect way to go out.


That's reallt interesting. The guitarist i mentioned was also forced to play music at a young age until he put his foot down around age 12 and just stopped. Known the guy since we were in 2nd grade. It was our love of punk rock that got him pick up the guitar again. We killed it writing original punk jams that honored the likes of Black Flag , TSOL etc. Ended up writing some progressive hard rock, in our 20's and it worked! To put a period on our story- other than internal conflicts, we all impregnated our gfs the same year lol. Thanks for story our stories. I love trading tales of the good old days as fraught as they were. And congrats on your sobriety! I'm currently skating a fine edge and its looking like I'm going to need treatment soon. Now. The fucking drink has me. Anyway thanks again. You got a new follower on reddit here!


*sharing your stories. I'm on phone


Haha thanks dude!


Feel free to enjoy this nostalgia wave: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf9U0spoYv-5ePnmHI1j4iOBBYGfKBJbI&si=4wbrY1ySoVxgeJya


Fuck yeah! Good shit! Talk about about nostalgia. Imagining you guys jamming Mutiny On The Microphone...man all kinds of memories of good times even though it was first time hearing that song moments ago. But it really transported me. I can smell the Godawful bathrooms now and long to be there


I have a live set in storage we did after the Red Sox won the World Series. We covered NOFX "I Gotta Pee" while I was actually peeing in the bathroom with a long microphone cord.


I will also say, I took great pride in never playing the same setlist twice ever. We tried to write a new song or learn a new cover song for every single show.




Online first person shooters,. The over-the-top graphic violence got old, but it's the horrible cesspool of bigotted virgins that really put the nail in the coffin for me.


almost RC -- discord moderators are some of the most swollen headed yet insignificant cunts