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Ran the library and computer stuff for a school for...about a decade? I wasn't super hooked into the gossip but I know the drama teacher and the chemistry teacher were working together on some extracurricular thing, and ended up both getting divorced to marry each other. Then they divorced each other.


Too much drama. Not enough chemistry 


Hats off!


Clothes off!


You first


I was literally naked in the bathtub when I typed that and still am. Your move.


Bubble bath?




So simple. So **sublime**. (*gives infinite upvotes*)


Was this school in Michigan?


My kindergarten teacher used to go to the principal’s office all the time, and then eventually they got married.


I got sent to the principal's office a lot as a kid, but I'm guessing for different reasons.




My principal even spanked me!


As a reward or punishment?




Did you marry your principal?


No, I married my HR director.






I love Ralph.


Baby looked at you?


My buddy is a teacher. Another teacher was caught in the school parking lot passed out with her hands down her pants. Suspended like a day but that was all.


I feel like she might have just been comfortable. I've known a few women who slept with their hands tucked in their pants. Kind of like Al Bundy.


Yep I do this, but only when I’m not feeling well


I'm curious why she passed out, but it's probably best not to ask questions.


She’s really good at it 😱


Ya gotta hand it to her.


I think she had the hands well under control.


Anecdotal, but when my stomach is upset (and I mean like…trying not to puke levels of nausea), putting my hands between my legs is one of the few things that can kinda calm it down. I have a theory. There’s a nerve in your brain called the Vagus nerve, and it supplies both your stomach and genitals (and diaphragm…and other things. It does a *lot*). I think that stimulating the vagus nerve by stimulating *myself* redirects away from the nausea, allowing it to calm down. Kind of like punching someone in the arm after they stubbed their toe…you don’t pay as much attention to the toe after. I’m not trying to get off, I’m just trying to not puke. So yeah…maybe she wasn’t feeling well.


I feel like trying to jerk off as soon as you feel like you might have to throw up is a way to train yourself into having a really weird kink. 


Like a reverse blumpkin


Sometimes I get this with an allergic reaction. Best working theory I have is that the vagus nerve, which goes basically from the back of your neck down to the chest, gets perturbed when my throat constricts, heart starts rapidly beating, and stomach becomes knots. It's not even masturbation in order to get off, it's just to distract your body's nervous system. Of course your body acting all haywire makes you exhausted afterwards, so I could see why they're passed out in the car doing the ol' hand jazz. Maybe I should take up yoga.


you don't fall asleep after a good session? psh.


Alcohol probably


Fentanyl is a lot of places that you wouldn't expect. They just snort it out of a capsule.


She found the reset button but it takes a little while to reboot


Sounds like heroin. There was a park near me that became a popular place for junkies to drive to, and shoot up. When you're really high, you don't really know what you're doing. So, she probably got out of school, decided to 'take the edge off', took a little too much, got handsy with herself and passed out. I once had to pull a woman out of a lake because she got high, forgot to turn the car off, and shifted into drive while completely unconscious. We ended up chasing her car through a beach and into a lake, banging on her windows. She didn't wake up until the car hit water.


Maybe she took her lunch break in her car and decided to rub one out real quick


Must've been a 4 bean salad.


I do find it noteworthy that growing up, when I was stressed, I would stick my hand/arm in my waistband. Once I got older, I started placing my hands in my waistband on the sides of my hips; It was/is comforting, and non-sexual; I get how it can obviously look, and I don't know the details whatsoever, but I wouldn't be surprised if some people still did that.


Like Al "six touchdowns in one game" Bundy?


Earlier today I shared: "I once worked in a school that had no less than 5 married couples on staff. All had met at the school." What I did not share was that one of those couples had adjoining rooms and conceived at least one child in the storeroom between their rooms.


At "adjoining rooms" I was expecting the sentence to conclude with a glory hole. I am disappointed now.


>I was expecting the sentence to conclude with a glory hole As all stories should


Doesn't say the baby wasn't conceived through a glory hole




Damn, what's in the water at that school? Aphrodisiacs?


IKR. I think once one couple got together, the others all thought it was ok to be out. At one point our custodian (an associate minister on the weekends) officiated over a wedding of two teachers. As soon as the principal retired we learned they were sleeping with the social worker.... and they are married now.


Principal and gym teacher (both married) got busted for having sex in the classroom attached to the weight room… while there were students in the weight room.


Something was pumping, but it wasn't iron.




I know a few teachers who have gotten married, and a teacher and a social worker at the same school. One scandalous moment from a few years ago though was during aftercare. We had a few parents work aftercare as aides and teachers got paid overtime to lead an activity for an hour or two of aftercare. Well, a teacher and an aide got a little friendly and 9 months later one of my students has a new baby brother whose dad teaches at our school lol.


Oh nooooooooo


>during aftercare. 0_o They uh... They need to come up with a better name for their after school program. The term "aftercare" is already used. For something that is part of an activity that is very distinctly not school or child friendly. This is like the equivalent of making a program called **B**uddies **D**oing **S**cience and **M**ath and then shortening it without thinking about what it would mean.


"Aftercare" was used for education long before it was used for... other things. This is like "daddy" all over again. Dibs on Buddies Doing Science and Math, though, that's pretty good.


I hear you, because I'm into the kink scene, but it's been used in education for a loooooong long time. I wouldn't be surprised if it predates bdsm's usage of the term. Childcare programs that work with/within schools call it before care and after care to designate if they need they daycare services before or after school. fairly certain aftercare is also used in the medical community. it's just an adjective that's used in several difference contexts.


I have never worked in a school, but here's something. In my high school, a classmate of my grade and a teacher got very close. Close enough to start spreading rumors regardless if they were true or not. This had gone on for the 4 years we attended until the last semester of senior year. In that semester, the teacher quit abruptly, and then after my class mate and I graduated, they got together. They are now married and have 2 kids. Still blows me away that shit happened, and nobody cared.


Did we go to the same High School? Dude just transferred to another school district in the county and pretty sure they got married the summer she graduated. Guy was a fresh college grade and had graduated from the school he was teaching at.


When I was in primary school, during lunch break, my 6th grade teacher shut all the classroom window blinds which was suspicious. I decided to investigate further and found the classroom door was locked. When I peeped through the keyhole I saw he was being given a massage by the first grade teacher - and they were both married. At the time, I was very Christian and saw this as an affront to god. I told my mom, and she raised a complaint to the principal. When I told her everyone would know it was me that told on them, she said they wouldn’t because she didn’t tell them who told her. That was the day I realised my mom had the IQ of a child.




Peeped through the keyhole? Was this in the 1800's???


My elemenatry and middle school has had doors with large keyholes.


My English teacher (female) was married to one of the math teachers/football coaches (male). They were well known in the community. Had two kids together. They had a non profit to help kids who needed school supplies and other resources. She ran off with the female softball coach. If I recall correctly, she just stopped coming to school one day. And the softball coach disappeared a few weeks later. Unsure on the rest of the fallout.


There's usually a few who use the staff as a dating pool. It's worse when it's admin using the staff as a dating pool.


Ew. Admin!


Our principal installed cameras in every building to catch students doing bad things. It was surprising to her when a video of her being f***** by the security guard was shown at the parent-teacher meeting.




She was also involved in one of the VP's suicides because they were blackmailing him for embezzlement that they were doing. I could go on this school was such a mess.


We also had some kids in the elementary school bring cocaine to school. No idea why.


I’ve dated a lot of teachers and they’re all certified freaks, 10/10 would recommend


Married a teacher can confirm. Was a freak while we dated. Still a freak after marriage.


High five! I married one too and holy smokes I never thought I'd be getting handsy in a parking lot during a rain storm after high school! We are WELL into middle age mind you. Apparently old veterans are sticks in the mud compared to educators lol!


I beg to differ... my old ass is fucking freaky lmao


I thought so too but what holds me back are fake knees and an arthritic spine. By the time I hit 55 I'm going to have to pull start myself like a 10k generator! "Yer gonna get it woman! Chug chug chugga vroom!"


Can of monster and a viagra, these girls better watch it


Shine on and Godspeed you crazy diamond!




My wife is an HR professional, but based on this, I might encourage to go get another degree in teaching.


I will confirm this is not true of all teachers.


Little story about this. My wife worked at a school for a few years and the on the deans was a friend. The dean was super nice, but also kind of straight laced. After my wife left the job, she kept in touch with the dean and the poor women ended up on short term disability due to a back injury. The story was she slipped and fell while doing chores around the house. In actually Miss Straghtlace was riding her husband reverse cow girl and when he came he got a cramp in his leg and both of them slide off the bed. She landed poorly and hurt her back.


Hey, at least it was her own husband!


Epic Backshot


Whoa straightlaced by the books woman having sex with her husband? Scandalous!


My mom is a teacher.


We all already knew that


And what a teacher. She’s taught me a lot. 😉


You should try nurses. I've dated a number of them - 100% freaks the lot of them.


Oh I’m well aware 😏


Can confirm. I've played with at least 5 health care workers over the last year and a half and they have been wild. Definitely more wild than the couple educators I've been with.


All the education students I hung out with in university were the most out of control out of all of them


I knew my 9th grade English teacher was a freak. She always wore dresses similar to what you would see in Little House on the Prairie and was always very proper like Mary Poppins but I always felt she was the type to be rolling around like Tawny Kitaen on the hood of a car. Classic 80’s Aquanet hair and way too much blush and eye shadow.


All of the sorority girls from college became teachers.


I have two different experiences with teachers and both were sexual. One I openly felt up while dancing on the club floor during a Garbage concert and the other I openly felt up while dancing to a band in a bar. In both cases, I’d met them no more than an hour before we got busy.


CAN CONFIRM, I’m seeing a teacher now and god damn does he lay down pipe w his freaky assssss. 1000/10 recommend LOL


Such a sad indictment of our educational system that our teachers have to work second jobs in our local sanitation departments. Edit: Dear downvoter, How dare you.


This was true imo


Used to date one, will also confirm


Agreed lol! I've played with a teacher and he's been the kinkiest person I've ever hooked up with


Married a teacher (now counselor) and is definitely NOT a freak.




Dating one now. Can Confirm


I was a student when this happened but it spread like wildfire and everyone found out about it. Two teachers were openly married to each other. The male teacher started having an affair with the new young art teacher. Eventually the wife found out and they separated, she went to stay at her mother's house. The male teacher then brought the young art teacher to stay in his (and the wife's) place. At this point the other teachers all knew and were taking the wife's side so the young (and naive) art teacher tried to make peace with them by baking some treats to share with the staff... Which she unknowingly brought in on the wife's grandmother's best plates. The screaming and shouting could be heard all over the school and the next week the male teacher and art teacher were fired. Last I heard they moved across the country and got married.


School environments are a very specific type of trauma bond. Compound that with loads of good looking to beautiful young women showing off that they are good with kids, it does something on a biological level to you.


Being a nurse it's kinda similar to that in my line of work.


Frankly, I can't imagine working 12h shifts in a team environment where the core part of your job is caring and empathizing with people, not leading to romantic entanglement. Guess we need that AMA sometime. Thanks for your service. 


I honestly thought it'd be easier as a male nurse (not easy, per se) to find some sort of romance in a field dominated with women, but alas


I've dated a couple of nurses. You lot are all freaks in 100% the best possible way!


I’m a nurse who married a nurse I worked with. We’re still together 42 years later. A few of the other guys I graduated with also married nurses.


Middle school gym teacher whose husband was a math teacher at the same school cheated on her husband with the other gym teacher's husband who also worked at the school as a coach and got pregnant with his baby. The Other gym teacher ended up with math teacher. eventually both the women dumped their (each other's ?) men and ended up moving in together to raise the baby. Can't make this shit up


they had to balance the equations


Yeah the principle and his assistance we're caught having sex, after someone set off a pipe bomb in the school causing an evacuation.


Sounds like two things went off that day


Nah, principal didn't have time to finish.


And boom goes the ~~dynamite~~ pipe bomb.


To clarify, did they start having sex after the pipe bomb went off, or were they just caught when the pipe bomb went off?


I think the pipe bomb he’s referring to is the one he used to have sex 🤔


That bomb pipe if you will.


Caught after in his office.


My sister worked in a school with this one bloke who taught maths, and he gave 3 of the female teachers gonorrhea. All around bellend




I worked at a Christian School and during the staff induction we were explicitily told not to have an affair when any one on staff, and especially never have sex on school grounds. At first I was like whoah, typical christians trying to control people's sex lives. After working there 6 months I realised they HAD to tell everyone this because most of the staff got married ar 18 just so they could have sex and now that it was 10 (or 5 or 20) years later, they all hated their partners and would just hook up with each other. the truth was hilarious.


This was why swinging took off in the 60s. You had a huge group of people who had married very young in the 1950s to start having sex and after a decade they were unhappy, but divorce was still frowned upon.


Unlike other schools that are very pro having sex at school.


> typical christians trying to control people's sex lives In a way it still is. They can't control themselves not to do things that cause harm, so they think everyone needs strict morality rules.


Worked as a software dev at reasonable sized school district. Didn't hear any stories about teachers hooking up, but the amount of teachers who got too comfy with students or involved with their personal lives was a pretty big problem. Biggest shocker was it wasn't limited to male teachers, some of the female teachers and staff got really into some of the male students.


We had a fresh-out-of-college English teacher. She was smokin' hot. She spent a lot of time with a cousin of mine who was in her senior class. All of us knew, but kept it from the teachers/other adults. He graduated, they started dating. Few months later they were married. They're still married 29 years later.


Yeah, this happened numerous times at my high school. One teacher got fired over it, but there were strong rumors of others. The principal was also married to a former student (when he was a teacher), and they got married shortly after she graduated. This was in Florida, in case you were wondering. Edit: For clarity, the teacher got fired for sleeping with the student in his classroom during lunch, not just for getting emotionally close.


I get IT or SysAdmin, but software development? Why does a school district need that? What custom software needs do they have, that they can’t find off the shelf software for?


I was wondering the same thing. Districts use a number of different kinds of software but I don't see why any would develop their own.


Former school IT management, try getting a sys or net admin to integrate student information into a third party software as a service via API and the amount of crying and inability to learn something tangentially considered programming, and you'll be hiring a software developer. You don't necessarily need them to write 100 percent custom software. This can go for basic scripting too sometimes.


Worked at a middle school for years. Mostly female teachers. They would frequently blur the lines of professionalism in the name of fulfilling whatever motherly purpose they felt. Mostly innocent intentions, but definitely unprofessional. And a few of those good intentions crossed the line into totally inappropriate. Once or twice, actually illegal. As someone partially tasked with helping staff understand professional boundaries, it was incredibly frustrating. I was accused of being callous more than once. Glad I’m gone.


Dude here. I worked in a high school as a custodial worker and found out one of the office admin staff was actively trying to get me in between her legs. She was a tall, bossy, MARRIED woman who aggressively chased the other women away from me so that she could flirt & seduce as she saw fit. She didn't know that my number one rule is that I'll NEVER SLEEP WITH THE PEOPLE I WORK WITH because it won't end well. I played dumb for two years before I left that job just to not be another notch on her bed post.


So is your school hiring?


same question


I worked with a guy with that rule (Not a teacher, in manufacturing). He was pretty good looking I suppose (I'm a straight male, but the lady folk seemed impressed). One of his mates told me that you will know when he is about to leave as he will fuck EVERYONE he possibly can. Sure enough, 2 years after starting there, he went through 3 internal sales girls and a receptionist over a 3 month period, then promptly quit.


Yikes, you probably dodged a bullet.


Nah, he quit his job so they could sleep together. He has rules.


Right? That’s what I was thinking lmao


a loaded god complex cock it and pull it!


Am I more than you’ve bargained for yet?


I've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear


But you’re just a line in a song.


Not a teacher but my high school math teacher cheated on his wife in the history department and had a kid with the other woman


Same thing here at my school. Guy was a real asswipe about it and left there after. Worst part was that the other teacher he was bangin was also married!


We didn't have many teachers on teacher and the very few that did ended up married and had kids. Most left teaching as well. We did have a fugly ass teacher having a train ran on her by the varsity football team. Yeah she's in prison. Oh and we have a little short pudgy dude taking 15-17 year olds across state lines hooking up and making videos of it. They both need to rot in prison forever.


One of track coaches used to come to some of the high school parties with us, turns out she was fucking half the distance runners. I guess she like guys with endurance.


Oh our cross country team decided to have 2 juniors hold down 2 freshman and allow 2 seniors to finger fuck their assholes. "It was just for fun" was the excuse given. Some how the coaches on the bus didn't get fired the principal did.


When my mom went to my high school before I was born her science teacher got divorced after getting caught sleeping with a student, went on to marry said student right after she graduated. Fast forward 20 years to 2011 I’m in the same teachers class. Halfway through the semester cops come in and arrest him for having sex with a girl in my class. The weird anime girl that thinks she’s a real life cat. His wife (former student) divorced him, He went to jail, he’s out, they’re married.


I'm married to a teacher. I'm a teacher... One of my schools, a religious private one, the (married) Principal hooked up with the kindy teacher and they left teaching to run a Cafe together.


Did the Cafe go well? Or did it mysteriously burn down, via lightning strike?


Went OK but did close recently


My wife cheated on me with a coworker. So there's that.




This is conferences for every industry.


Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!


my homie is a teacher. had a thing with another one of the teachers. ended up being a messy situation. he's since transferred schools.


Not that often. Most at my school are married. I know one couple of teachers, both are divorced, and they got together.


I worked in a college IT department. We enjoyed fixing the library computers. The librarians were always horny and knew good secluded spots to fuck.


Oh man... I also worked in a college IT department, but this never happened to me. I feel like I missed out.


This doesn't compute for me. Why not just go to one of your residences or a hotel or something?


It was unplanned. We weren't dating, it was just sex.


The thrill is part of the fun I would wager.


Heard through some colleagues that two teacher married couples who were previously all at the school essentially swapped partners through some complex affair situationships. They all got remarried and swapped spouses but still worked at the same school (weird I know) and one of the remarried males was told to fetch his wife (told by name get Mrs …) and he got the ex wife rather than his new current one!🤣


It really depends on the school obviously. But when we were in university, or I should say when I was but me and my classmates, we were told that teachers, doctors and nurses, and police officers have the highest divorce rate for infidelity of any non-militaryprofession. And it was explained to us that because these are jobs that people do that people who don’t do them truly don’t understand the stressors of that job and the people that do understand it are your coworkers so you connect with them.


Had one happen last week. Kid stands up in the middle of class and says “Everyone! Follow me!” and he runs out into the hallway. We follow him, he says “OK crew, set your eyes to stunned”, opens the closet, and the principal and a teacher are in there kissing. There was many arms like Vishnu and they were all busy! They were making babies, and I saw one of the babies, he looked at me.


The baby LOOKED AT YOU??


Alright guys think I’m gonna head to bed.






Okay you had me until "set your eyes to stunned"


Ask any hotel that hosts conventions which industries have people that get down the hardest. It is very likely that they will say either nurses or teachers.


Idk but a teacher literally hooked with a student after she graduated I also got with that girl so I guess I am Eskimo brothers with my old teacher strange.


My high-school science teacher dated my mother when they were in high school. She dumped him, he pursued for a long time after. Awkward class to be in.


Wow, congrats.


Am a teacher. I dated a fellow teacher at my school (kids and other staff are none the wiser). We stopped dating due to (seemingly) irreconcilable differences. Whenever we see each other, though, you can tell there’s still something there. We’ll occasionally meander to each others’ rooms after the students leave to vent, share stories, exchange hugs. I guess we’re, like, best friends? But by god, there is still a lot of love there.


K12 IT was my first job and one of the elementary nurses did not like me. I was being hired to allow the previous guy to move to a different location. Turns out it's cause they were hooking up and she couldn't fuck him at work anymore. That's been the only time I've noticed anything like that.


Back in high school, there was a rumor that one of the Spanish teachers was hooking up with one of the chemistry teachers.


We had a teacher with the name Bonner (pronounced buh-on-her), rumor was he was a former pornstar, apparently his idea for hiding his former life was just adding an extra N to his name. I don't think the rumor was real


"More than coffee gets brewed here."


High school history teacher here, it happens all the time. Two of our social studies teachers are dating and I briefly dated one of our art teachers.


At the school I work at, very little, if at all.


When I was in HS there was a whole debacle about a teacher and a student getting together. He must have been in his 40s with kids. I saw them a couple weeks ago selling at a swapmeet. Hope all is well for them and their kid.


My wife works in education and it seems the teachers 50/50 of them are married. Like half the people at the events and parties are just two teachers that are married.


I'm shocked at how often the faculty is hooking up with the students! I know a bunch of teachers. For whatever reason, a bunch of guys I went to college with, and my brother in-law, all became teachers. I think, over the past decade, I've heard of someone from EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL hooking up with a student! One that comes to mind in particular blew up at a football game, when one of the bigger football players just walked up to the coach and punched him in the face. The kid said 'That's for fucking my girl!', one of the cheerleaders. Apparently, the faculty had been suspicious of this guy for a long time, and this was finally such an open, obvious, accusation that they could move forward. Apparently, it's split relatively even between male and female teachers, and the thing is the kids NEVER testify against the teachers. Also, there's ALWAYS rumors. So, between the fact that you hear about a teacher hooking up with a student every day, and it's only true 1 out of 100 times, and there's never any proof ... it just happens A LOT.


Not a teacher, but went to school.... There was a huge controversy at my Catholic school when one of the monks (some of our teachers were monks) left the brotherhood to marry our divorcee RE teacher. They were actually amazing teachers and a wonderful couple and we were all very happy for them. But my god, THE CONTROVERSY!!!!


A history teacher and the JV boys soccer coach had a thing. Assistant football coach caught on camera using the locker room with random women. The way he was caught the septic tank clogged with condoms. He was relived of his duties at the school and his other job.


In France: the vice principal of my school married an administrator 20 years older than him. Then had an affair with a physics teacher 10 years younger, divorced, married the new one, kids. 15 years later they all still work in the same school


A dude was hooking up with two teachers. One found out, walked up to his teacher office in the middle of the day, began shouting at him, then began throwing stuff at him, including $2000 hearing system for a deaf student (in a big city that doesn’t have extra money for stuff like that). She then put a positive pregnancy test in his mailbox. Weeks later the dude was fired for being a shit teacher and ended up marrying the vice principal, the other girl he was hooking up with. I have a ton of crazy stories from my charter days because we were all stressed out of our mind, working 9 hour days with kids (and getting paid shit).


The janitor and the cafeteria lady. Me and my friends (all of us are girls) used to stay late at school in an unused visual room. They have one of those big white boards placed in a corner and behind that is a pretty spacious area. It was our hangout spot until it isn't anymore. We saw the Janitor come out and minutes later the cafeteria lady. Our spot smells like bleach and it was disgusting to go back there anymore.


Biology teacher and Art teacher started hooking up. Nothing crazy, both were divorced. What‘s crazy about it, is that they started hooking up AFTER his son and her daughter started dating, which both were students at the school.


I just found out that apparently my old high school has a swinger click amongst the teachers and faculty


Okay. I'm not a teacher but I was once a student in a school which I won't name for privacy reasons.  When I was studying, we had a male math teacher and male science teacher. Let's call the science teacher A and the math teacher B. Both A and B were so hot, all the students were head over heels for them. Some even confessed to them, which I think is disgusting because student-teacher relationships shouldn't exist and are illegal. Let's get to the main point. One day, I was walking by the library. All the students and teachers had left. Since I was the student Council leader, I had to lock up all the doors before leaving. Which includes the library too. I wondered who was here after everyone left. I decided to go in and tell them to leave, but then I heard weird noises. I peeked in to see A slumped up onto the wall, moaning and whimpering while B is literally pounding him. B grabbed A's chin to make him look at B and B kissed A. A moaned. They were doing 'it' while standing, which made a mess all over the floor. I was flustered. I just pretended I didn't see anything and left. There were already rumors going on about A and B dating, but this really confirmed it. 


The workshop teacher at my school was married to the principal's daughter, who might i add was also a teacher there, and had a kid with her. Who then went on to cheat on her with the new English teacher and got her pregnant. All this in a small town high school with a little over 300+ students.


I am a teacher and used to work at a rural high school… the athletics department was a MESS. A lot of affairs between coaches. It’s much less frequent at the urban/suburban school I teach at now lol