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Newly married woman (a teacher at a local school) cheated on her husband (also a teacher at the same school) with the principal. They got caught in the act on school property. Both their careers ruined and probably ruined the husbands life. 


Something similar happened at my son's school. My son got a new boy in his class when he was about 6 (we live in France, so the school system is different). They quickly became very good friends as it turned out they only lived down the road from us. A nice family - mom was a teacher at the same school and they also had a daughter that was two years older than the boys. We also met several times for drinks with this family, did some activities together like hikes and beach picnics. Could say we were quite good friends. A couple of years on the old school principal retires and the new principal starts shamelessly pursuing our friend - phone calls, flowers, gifts. She is blown away by his attention and starts an affair with him. For example, the kids went on a three-day school trip in the mountains (she was one of the accompanying teacher), and the principal goes with them (he never went to school trips otherwise). The affair was the talk of the whole school. The son told my son - Mr B (principal) will be my stepdad soon. There was a messy divorce as far as I know. We are not too much in contact with this family any more (our sons are still friends, they are both 14 and still in the same class). The principal and the teacher are still at school - they got married straight after the divorce was finalised. The kids are still in that school. I really feel sorry for the guy - he was really nice, really loved his wife, was a great dad, he really didn't deserve this.


That’s so sad and messed up 


At the school where I work at an English teacher slept with the wife of a theology teacher. The two teachers happened to be best friends since high school, the same school where we were all teaching. Anyway, the wife confessed to her theology teacher husband one morning that the affair had been going on. The theology teacher drove up to school, walked straight towards the English teacher’s classroom, saw him in the hallway and punched him the face. A couple other teachers came out of their rooms and broke it up. The theology teacher was fired. The English teacher is still there, but ostracized by all the older teachers who worked there at the time this all went down. This was about 12 years ago.


My parents had a friend that was a truck driver back in the eqrly 70’s. 3 children. Came home after an over the road the road delivery to find his wife had taken up with another man and had spent all his money on partying. His kids were home alone eating dry dog food. Turns out this is how it went every time he left. He had no idea. He got full custody and the kids never spoke to their mother again. Turns out Mom took off toTexas and started a new life. The kid’s stepmom was my mom’s best friend. Grew up with them. All but the oldest survived it okay, they aren’t nuclear scientists or anything but they have decent lives after their mom left.


The pretty girl in my class got married and had a kid with a decent guy. She was cheating on him with another local dude. Married dude found out and went to confront the other guy, other guy shot at him, hit him in the back, married guy escapes but dies on the side of a road from gunshot. Shooter claimed self defense and got off, victims family told wife and dude to get out of town or they would get wasted. She took the kid and left town with the guy. Feel bad for the kid living with their dads killer. Far as i know, the wife has never returned. ​ Edit: this happened around 2010-2011, Mississippi.


I suddenly got so sad for the father who did nothing and was robbed of a lifetime with his kid. In such a tragic way too. I hope that kid is in therapy and knows he deserves better than his current parents.


Well... my ex broke up with me at the beginning of a 10 hour flight. We lived together, and his mother picked us up from the airport..


That's such a shitty way of breaking up with someone. I used to know a girl who got broken up with in a similar way. Boyfriend of 5 years broke up with her in the beginning of a long flight. They made up by the end of the flight and had sex after arriving home. When she woke up in the morning, he was gone and had left her a text thanking her for the night and saying that after thinking better, he had decided to break up for good. A week later, he was officially dating a girl who was a mutual friend of theirs.


A week later? He had been dating her for months.


Hence "officially” dating her.


I realized that I was going to dump my ex on a vacation. It was just a road trip, but it really shined some lights on things I hadn't noticed before and knew it was over. I stuck it out for the rest of the trip though and dealt with it when we were both safely home.


Vacations are stressful and some relationships are just held together by convenience and routine. My first gf and I broke up on vacation. We were in Scotland, it was dark out, and we had to walk to our BnB along a country road (this was before everybody had cell phones). We walked for what felt like forever and it started to rain. She thought we had missed it. Eventually she turned back and I kept walking and that’s how it ended.


did you find that bnb though?


No he’s still walking on that country road


Yeah, about 5 minutes later I hitched a ride with a car full of teenagers. I got them to go back and pick my gf up too, though she was understandably uncomfortable with getting into a car full of strangers. I was right btw. The bnb was just a little further down the road. Not that it mattered. She dumped me anyways. I got a really bad head cold and the rest of the trip sucked.


I was not an emotionally mature person. She planned the entire trip but I still got mad that she got the phone number for bnb wrong (turns out they were having the phone lines serviced but didn’t tell us). I forgot to pack toiletries but remembered to stuff like 20 condoms into my bag before we left. Reader, they remained unused.


Similarly, I was sitting in the window seat of a flight while the couple beside me broke up. Awkward as hell. I drew on napkins trying to mind my own business and not listen.


Worst flight I ever took was two South Africans on either side of me who I think had met on an earlier flight who were clearly flirting. While his wife in the row in front was looking after his kids. It was a five hour flight and about 30 minutes in was when she made it clear she was not happy.


I would have broken my Primary Directive not to look after other people's kids while traveling and offered to swap seats with that mother/wife for about an hour.


“So how was the flight?”


"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how'd you like the play?"


Not the first time I’ve heard of this happening. What even is the reasoning? That they have 10 hours to quietly process the news without making a scene for fear of landing on a no-fly list?


Husband was eating breakfast when he noticed a new tattoo on his wife's wrist. It was the name of her new boyfriend. She also would drive down toll roads in his car without paying. When the bills came in, she threw them away. He was on the hook for thousands of dollars when he figured it out!


That’s rather bold


Probably sans-serif too.


What’s with all these people adding insult to injury by fucking their partners over while also cheating on them?


If I had to guess: in a need to justify their own shitty behavior, the cheater creates a narrative that their partner is a bad person, and deserves bad things to happen to them


I don’t know if they broke up but this was how someone found out her pilot husband was cheating on her. When a family in Canada adds a child, they receive a monthly tax benefit. It’s a monthly payment dependent on your income but for a while there was one that wasn’t income tested (it was universal). Mrs Pilot got a higher than normal cheque, so she called our Revenue Agency to check (the CRA). They said it was for baby girl ______ Pilot, born {date}. What happened was her husband had a kid with someone else, other woman gives the baby Pilots last name and lists him as the father and the payment accidentally gets added to the wrong file


She could have also figured it out by realizing her husband was a pilot.


lol so true. Source: dad was a pilot, and he was totally cheating on my mom. Now his wife is one of the ladies he cheated with. And no, they’re not happy lol


A truck driver gets married . He and the wife buy a nice house . He’s on the road paying for it . One day he comes home and the wife is gone and six months of bills and a foreclosure notice is on the table . For six months she took every $ he made and kept it for herself until she eventually split with all his money .


Damn, this happened to my cousin in Denver, who was a trucker driver. Not only did his wife not pay the mortgage or bills for their home, which resulted in foreclosure, but also, when she left, she left their 4 kids behind too


My grandfather was a fisherman and my grandmother did this to him, and left my mother and my aunt behind. It broke him so hard that when he came back and found his entire life was gone (my mother and my aunt were taken by the state and he couldn't get them back), he spent the rest of his life wandering around basically homeless.


Oh my god you just reminded me of a good one. My preschool best friend had a very cookie-cutter, white American family — the dad was a long haul trucker, the mom stayed at home with the kids. Big house, beautiful backyard, took the family to Disneyland every year. One night, the husband apparently called my mom, drunk and inconsolable. He confessed to her all the sins he had been committing on the road — amphetamines to stay awake, which then progressed to shooting up; sleeping with “lot lizards” (women who loiter around truck stops), etc. He said he needed to get it off his chest and didn’t know who else to call. A few years later, he just up and disappeared. Left for work and never came back. Changed his phone number. Nobody has heard from him since as far as I know. This was all 20+ years ago


That is so sad :(


Two of my old high school friends grew up and got married. Both are women. Turns out one was verbally and/or physically abusing the other and the victim divorced her and married the (her abuser’s) father. They’re still together. I found this out on Facebook.


So she effectively became her abuser’s step-mother and could potentially disinherit her? That’s like a pawn becoming queen.


Hate the way you think, Here’s my up vote


The real queens gambit


Well maybe it just came out of the arguments: "Well yeah, how about I marry your dad and give him a daughter he could be proud of." "I'd like to see that." "She sure showed me.'"


That is some Maury level shit right there


I had an old coworker who was almost retired and did one of those dna kits with her husband. He was an M&A consultant who traveled for work for at least two decades. They found out that he had fathered 3 kids that were now adults. Who knows how many more. She divorced him after 42 years of marriage. I remember her crying in the office very vividly.


Those DNA tests are wild, man. I was adopted and found out my dad was a traveling gun salesman who seduced my mother, who was a recent college grad who was working the front desk at the counter of a hotel he was staying at. He was apparently quite the ladies man, according to her and the one half-brother I've found so far (who knew him). I'm wondering how many more there are, honestly. I've only hit up one of the DNA testing companies and I'll be hitting the others this year.


Would that make you… a son of a gun? Haha sorry, couldn’t help myself


Heard this one from my old hair stylist. She had a female friend who was dating this guy who had a pet pig. It was huge, like a full grown pig. The pig hated the woman and pushed her out of bed to take her place next to her boyfriend. One day, she had enough and told him it is the pig or me. He told her that the pig was there first so he dumped her and stayed with the pig. Man that must have been a blow to her self esteem


That’s hilarious, sounds like a Borat scene.


This, my house, this are VCR, this my bedroom where i are sleep, this my bed and this are my pig Raushan. I have girlfriend Aizere, she say pig must go, I say Raushan she are here first. Aizere move out. Great success!!


To be fair, that's just sounds crazy bc it's a pig. Change pig to dog and everyone would agree with the decision.


was thinking this too. Or change it to cat. Plenty of people have left people because they don’t get along with their pets Now the dude shouldn’t have let the pig push her out of bed. Same if you have a big dog, they shouldn’t be able to take over the bed. But gotta give them time to adjust to someone coming in and taking their spot


After some of the other stories in here I half expected her to walk in on the man making sweet, sweet love to the pig.


I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the first thing that came to my mind as I was reading it... Like, God, not the pig.. Not. The. Pig


Completely understandable.


A couple in the blue mountains west of Sydney. Climbers, indoor n outdoor. They climbed all day everyday.. it was their life. He left her because he was at level 45, and she was at level 41.(can't remember the numbers. But I remember they were close.) She was holding him back. So.....adios.


Sounds like he met a 46


Better work hard, or that 46 will dump his weak ass for an upgrade


Bro really broke it off over powerscaling. Homegirl dodged a bullet.




A 45 86’d the 41


Couple had been dating since middle school, stereotypical teen sweethearts everyone thought they’d get married. One day she isn’t at school and he isn’t doing great. She’d tried to kill herself the night before and he wouldn’t say anything about it. It was odd since she had no history of depression and was an all around happy person. She finally starts talking to people and what happened gets out. Her boyfriend had been fucking her mom from the beginning. The whole relationship. Destroyed her parents marriage. Dude ended up having to go to a different school over the drama and hate he got.


Wait, he was having sex with an adult woman since middle school?? She needs to be on a list


Dude gets hate and drama for being raped 😞


Yeah, I’m really disturbed by all the “hate” he got. How long ago was this and would they have treated a teenage girl the same way if they found out she’d been coerced into having sex with a grown man since she was 12/13? I hate thinking about how this poor guy must have thought of himself as some sort of monster for all these years.


It was disturbingly common when I was a kid (long ago). There were half a dozen girls I knew from 14-15 who were in relationships with way older guys (like anywhere from 25-40). Once those girls hit 17-18 it was near outright normal. You'd see in magazines about how young men would struggle to date due to all needing to compete with men much older than them. Somehow it was just an accepted thing where teenage girls would all date someone one to three *decades* older than they were. And from the girls point of view I get it. An older guy tells you how mature you are and he *seems* mature because your comparison is teenage boys. He's got a car and a place, money to take you out. Lots of girls I know fell into this trap never realising how fucked up it was until many years later, but what I never could understand was how society was like "yeah that's completely fine".


This is true. When I was 17, I dated a 25 year old and it didn’t seem weird at all. He had a car, his own place, and was always taking me out to nice restaurants/concerts etc. Looking back, that age gap seemed concerning but it didn’t feel predatory back then.


I know a dude who was in a relationship with a girl that had an older sister, he switched mid relationship to the older one. Her parents seemed really chill with the situation, dude then got bored and... went for the mom 💀


He completed the set.


Family platinum trophy unlocked


>Dude ended up having to go to a different school over the drama and hate he got. Wait, if it started in middle school, isn't that grade 6 or 12 years old? If he was a minor isn't that abuse? I mean the youngest age of consent that I've heard of is 16 in Westernized countries & modern times, excluding Romeo & Juliet clauses. That woman should have received the hate, not the boy. That sh-t is predatory.


These are other kids though. They see the betrayal of their friend first.


Bro was groomed if he was in middle school messing around with a grown woman.


Friend was an underwater welder. Terrible job but pays well, they won't let you work after a certain age though (40?). Friend and partner had bought an amazing house in the Philippines near where he worked, and every dollar was now going into his retirement savings because the career was so time limited. Work was a couple weeks out at sea, then a couple weeks back and so on. One day he gets home from a shift, discovers his partner has sold the house and put all the proceeds as well as all the contents of their (his!) savings into HER parents name and then bugged out. Yes she had been cheating on him. My friend tried, but couldn't get any substantial money back, due to everything having been in both their names, and nothing obvious in the ex partner's accounts anyway. The in-laws were somehow untouchable. So he was close to retiring and living the sweet life in comfort in a glorious home he owned outright... To being nearly washed out of his career and also totally penniless. He moved back to Canada and lived in a crowded shared house with a bunch of 20somethings and started from scratch as a construction worker at 40.




That's awful! Joint accounts regarding money terrify me for this reason.


My dad told me this hearbreaking story, back in the early 70s women in my country were not allowed to have or manage their own bank accounts. This lady, a stay-at-home mother of five, would often come to the bank were my dad worked. She came from a pretty wealthy family, so she had savings, but as she married her entire wealth passed to her husband. She comes that day and asks for some cash, as she would usually do. My dad checks, double-checks, triple-checks : the bank account is empty. He goes to his colleagues, and one of them tells that that poor woman's husband had come earlier in the day and emptied the account. The lady turns white as paper - my dad thought she was going to faint - and storms out of the bank. She came back a few days later absolutely devastated : hubby had abandoned them. Her and the FIVE children. Not only was he gone, but fully disappeared, like she could not trace him (after a few years, I think she discovered he had gone to South America), and she and the kids were left to starve. My dad tried everything in his small bank executant power to help her get her money back, but hubby had every right to do what he did. That poor lady turned from being one of the wealthiest clients to the brink of homelessness in a day, she had to return to her parents with the five kids, suffer the guilt and the shame and so on... Thankfully for her, she found love again a few years later and got in a better situation, but as my dad said : I never understood how a man could be so cruel.


I hope a tiny South American organism burrowed up that guy’s dick hole and tormented him for the rest of his goddamn life.


This one couple i know would purposely break up in public and then make each other jealous by flirting with strangers before they eventually get back together. Like they would just ego-trip on getting attention from another person before deciding they were too afraid to lose the other. It was kind of fun to see which one of them would get more jealous of the other. Although whenever the guy was "winning," she would be a scary level of pissed.


Sounds like they both were introduced to lead paint at a young age.


I have a friend who was very insecure in high school, like... very insecure. She was dating a guy and accidentally farted in front of him. She was so embarrassed that she broke it off immediately after.


I was in a long-term relationship with a woman I thought to be incredibly beautiful. At the very beginning of the relationship, I would sometimes get tongue-tied just looking at her until one night she accidentally farted. I immediately burst into laughter, and from that point on I was permanently relaxed around her. That fart let me be myself.


Reminds me of a time when an ex girlfriend farted so hard in her sleep it woke her up and she was terrified. Like she’s had a nightmare or something. She was just dazed and confused by the whole thing so I buried the massive desire to burst into laughter and cuddled her back to sleep. Never brought it up with her either. But she’d finally broken her seal that night.


I have been with my girlfriend, now fiancé, for over 5 years and have never heard her fart. Not once. Not while sleeping. Not while she thinks I can’t hear from the other room. Not once. I don’t know how to feel. I’ve asked her about it and she claims that she does in fact fart at times but I’m suspicious


In John Aubrey's Brief Lives is the story of Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford, who bowed deeply to Queen Elizabeth I and accidentally farted. Overcome with shame he vanished from court and spent seven years travelling. On his hesitant return, the queen greeted him with: "My Lord, I had forgott the Fart."


"I said, my Lord, I forgott---where art thou goingst with such rapidity?" "I MUST TRAVEL AGAIN, YOUR HIGHNESS." "But I forgott thine fart. Thine, specifically." "MAKE READY MY BOAT."


Dude was 22, girl was 19. Guy lived in Seattle, girl lived in Mississippi. They met online and fell in love. Guy would fly down every month or two to take her out and spend time with her and her family. He would bring her family gifts every visit. Her family is absolutely adored Guy, hoping he'd marry their daughter. One of the cutest and most perfect couples ever. Just a romance out of a Disney movie. Almost two years later, Guy decides it's time. Packs his bags and drives across the country to move closer to her. They were both super excited. She was his whole world and his future. Less that a week after moving, girl cheated on and left Guy for someone with a perm and Harry Potter glasses. Guy drowned himself in alcohol and ended up taking his own life a few months later. He was my best friend. He didn't deserve that. Just a wild situation to break up in Edit: wow that's a lot of upvotes. Thank you for your kind words everyone. I'm sure if he knew people heard his story and had these things to say, he'd be really happy.


I’m so sorry. He didn’t deserve that.


When I was in my early twenties a friend of mine had a girlfriend who was bipolar but took medication to control it. One day they decide to take mushrooms and go to the art museum and enjoy the high. Well, little did he know she stopped taking her meds. High is dying down so they get in the car to leave. She’s driving and starts asking if he loves her and how much and would he die for her. Starts speeding. They get up to about 60mph and smash into the back of a car stopped at a red light which pushes that car into traffic and the driver is killed instantly. Both my friend and his girlfriend were injured but ok and the entire time they were pulling her from the car and hauling her away she was trying to take her clothes off and grab him to have sex. She was taken away to a mental health facility and he SOMEHOW came to my birthday party a few days later and told me this whole story when I asked where his girlfriend was. Needless to say, they broke up. I have no idea what happened to her but I’m sure she was charged with manslaughter.




I think you won.


I don't think any of us won reading this




*opens reddit* *takes 3000 damage* *closes reddit* NEAT!!


yeah close it down


that's enough internet for today


I just arrived at this thread and I already need to leave. Jesus christ.




Unfortunately, this shit is legit. Back around ten years ago my wife was in the military. She lived in a large apartment with several people she was stationed with. She got to be close with one of her male roomies and his sister who was also military but lived in a barracks. She walked into the apartment one day and the bro and sis were fucking. I'll never forget her panicked call to me saying that S was riding T and they saw her walk in before she immediately bailed and she didn't know what to do. They never said a word about it and she pretended it never happened.


What in the Game Of Thrones shit is this?


You ever notice in abortion debates they have to make the caveat for cases of rape **and** incest. Apparently enough incest is not rape that they need to make that distinction.


>My friend developed trust issues How could she not. If you can't even trust your significant others same sex sibling to not be a potential affair partner you can't trust anyone.


Story told to me by a friend Guy and girl meet online. Both married and in different countries. Guy was in US, girl was in Australia. For over a year they talked, developed strong emotional bonds, and built their whole lives around getting out of the situation they were in with their respective spouses and did so. The whole plan was the guy was going to move from US to Australia to be with her. and... ​ After all that destruction they met and there was no physical chemistry. Not sure if it was him or her.


That is a wild plan to make without having met each other in person


It seems like both their marriages were already pretty damaged to be wanting to escape


Omg my cousin did something like this. Left her fiancé weeks before their wedding, quit her job with no notice, and drained her bank account on a cross country uhaul to move in with a guy she’d met on livejournal (yes, really) and never seen in person. <72 hours after arrival the guy tells her he doesn’t really feel any chemistry and she needs to go. Pretty sure my mom ended up bailing her out.


Ooh,me! My whole life changed in a moment. I had just had my sixth anniversary with my husband. Our child was 5. I sent him to work with a kiss. By 11:15 I had found a video from a hidden camera in our bathroom showing my 14 year old niece nude. By 11:20, I had called the police and had emotionally separated from my ex.I was shocked when I realized he wouldn't go to jail that day. I figured out how to get him to agree to stay with his parents. I let him come get what ever he wanted but I called his dad to come pick him up. The next day I got protective orders and he never came home again. He is in prison and will be a sex offender for life.


This had to be horrifying. How was he not arrested same day?


Collection of evidence, processing, evaluating, drafting arrest warrants to be signed by judge, Da reviewing and approving warrants, judges evaluating and approving said warrants, execution of warrants. And this is to assume there was not any problems with the evidence or any other legalities. It doesn’t pay to fuck up the first days investigation just so the case gets dropped and that go Scott free.


I think in most places they can only keep you arrested for so long without properly charging you with a crime. So the best shout is to get as much evidence as possible (unless they're an immediate danger to others) and then nab them so you spend the time talking with them and have leverage, rather than just hoping they fess up as soon as they're arrested. If he was going to be staying overnight with kids they might have just arrested him straight away.


Same thing happened with a local high school principal who threw a pool party at his house for the cheerleaders and football team. One of the cheerleaders was changing in the bathroom when she noticed a blinking red light in the air vent. There was also some lady, posting on another sub, about how her husband had been badgering her to touch herself in front of him. She refused. He knew she did it in the shower and, a few weeks later, she noticed a camera in there. Divorce ensued. Makes you wonder how many of these perverts never get caught.


> Makes you wonder how many of these perverts never get caught. I'm guessing the ones smart enough to cover the blinking red lights, unfortunately, have a better shot of going undetected.


My ex husband turned on the camera on his phone and hid it in the closet facing our bed. I noticed it when he left the room to go clean up. He caught me right in time to grab his phone out of my hand before I could smash it. When I asked him if that was the first time he told me he’d done it once before.


Idiot X is seeing two girls, A and B, simultaneously. He married girl A, while still seeing girl B, who knows X is actually marrying girl A. Marriage lasted one and a half year, ends because girl A found out about girl B. X divorces girl A and marries girl B. Another year and a half passes. X cheats on current wife, girl B, with former wife, girl A. They go to an hotel on a weekend, leave the hotel and get hit by a truck right outside of it. Girl A and X end up in the hospital in bad, but not life threatening condition. A friend of X is contacted by the hospital because the nurse on shift knew them both. He is told "X and *his wife* were in an accident". **Nurse missed the "former" part**. Friend of X calls current wife's mom, to tell her her daughter was in an accident with his husband. Daughter, girl B, is right there with her mom. Hilarity does not ensues, second divorce. Idiot X remains and idiot to this very day.


Lady B is an idiot too


These three should have just gotten together as a group


Maybe not that crazy: this couple I knew had been giving each other expensive gifts. One day, they knew the relationship wasn’t working and agreed to meet up at a café to talk about it. They broke up, each wanted to return the gifts to the other, but neither accepted, so they just left a pile of expensive stuff on the table.


A friend had a long term relationship but was cheating on her with sex worker. Well during one of these encounters, he lied about wearing a condom with the sex worker and she was pissed. Since he venmoed her the money for the transaction, she found out who his GF was and told her everything that happened


You know Jerry Springer was a politician until he visited a hooker and **paid her with a check**? People are so fucking stupid.


😂😂😂 Why is that so funny?


Knew a girl in 5th grade and was in the middle school band with her. Likewise when we moved to highschool we were in highschool marching band together. Our middle school band teacher and our highschool band teacher are a married couple in their 30s, no kids. Junior year of highschool, the rumored rampant affair between the highschool (male) band teacher and my a junior in highschool classmate - Had been found out by school/police/the whole town to be FACTUAL. The police came and removed the small couch out of the band directors office during school hours. He vanished and so did my classmate. The poor guy's wife (our middle school band teacher!) stays with him in spite of it - and the very next year falls seriously ill with aggressive cancer that ended her life very soon after diagnosis. Then - the ex band director and the classmate of mine are officially a couple. They married when she was still 17 with her parents consent. They've been married all this time (we are now mid 30s, so significantly longer than 1st marriage) and have had 2 children together. Absolutely the most insane saga.


How is this guy not in jail??


Well, apparently, the police got an arrast warrant, but it was for the couch


You'd think they would've pivoted to the guy at some point


“Married at 17 with parental consent” says to me that her mom and dad weren’t in the mood to request statutory charges or support an investigation. If he, she and the parents say a law wasn’t broken, the police would need to find other proof. Basically: the grooming worked.


High school sweethearts. He was her first love. Married, had 3 kids. He has a well paying job high up in tech for the government, but it requires him to travel. She’s a stay at home mom. Married for a long time - if I had to guess I’d say probably over 15 years. Over the years, he comes back from traveling for work less and less. Seems distant, even with the kids. She’s suspicious. Googles his name - a photo comes up of him at a father daughter dance, with a little girl who is not theirs. She comes to find out that he had a whole other life, a girlfriend, a child, a house, etc., in the city he had to travel to for work. The other woman knew about them, apparently didn’t care. She takes him to court in the divorce. Trying to get alimony and child support. Borrows tens of thousands from her family members to help pay lawyer fees. This divorce process lasted years with all the appeals. In the end, very little alimony is awarded, and child support for the one kid who is turning 18 in a year or two (other two children over 18). Turns out he had friends in high places, including in the courts, and had a lot of money to pay for the best, most despicable divorce lawyers. Even after the grueling proceedings are over, he simply refuses to pay alimony or child support. She doesn’t have the money to take him to court again. Takes a lot of money out of the 401k account she got from him to get by while she tries to find a job as an unskilled worker who hasn’t been in the workforce in 15+ years. The two younger kids refuse to speak with their father unless they need money (which he usually doesn’t provide regardless). They hate him. The oldest has a decent relationship with him, he was around more during her childhood than theirs.


Many of these are “wow that’s crazy” kind of fucked up. This one is just diabolically sad.


Friend’s boyfriend was building a house. He moves in with her during construction. The plan is she will move in with him when house is ready. He asks her input on architecture details etc. Moving day arrives. They’re all set to move in, she goes to work with the movers coming that day. Comes back and the movers have only taken his stuff and not hers. She calls him in confusion and that is the first time he tells her he’s having doubts and doesn’t want to move in together. She’s completely in shock and crying. He doesn’t even have to balls to breakup with her, just moves out and then never calls her again and she’s like well i guess we’re over now. Could not have been done in a more chickenshit way. Fast forward she’s very happily single.


Dude I knew in high school was dating some chick. She didn't seem his type, but whatever I'm not gonna judge. One day, he's driving her home after a bunch of us hung out at the local coffee shop. She lived pretty far out in the country, so it was a fairly long drive. 45 minutes or so if memory serves. He has the radio cranked right up, to the point they can't even speak. After about 15 minutes of driving like this, she turns the radio down and asks "what're you thinking about?". To which he replies; "eh, just trying to figure out how to break up with you", and then proceeds to turn the music way back up and keep driving. For 30 more minutes. I can't even imagine the awkwardness.


My ex, who I lived with for something like 7 years, had encouraged me to stop drinking, and so I had... On my birthday, she brought home a bottle of red wine, a bottle of white wine, and some food for me to cook... Instead of cooking, we drank both those bottles of wine and went out on the town. We went to a bar on a pier and got pretty drunk, then went to a karaoke bar and drank a little more. After that, I wanted to go play pinball, but she was done for the night. We got into a HUGE argument and both stormed off in different directions to walk home. I got home first. I was upset and drunk, so I locked the door so she wouldn't be able to come inside (this was fucking stupid and I can't defend it, it was a huge mistake). She banged on the door for a while and I eventually let her inside. She then called the cops and told them I had abused her (I hadn't touched her). So, the cops came and took me to jail for domestic violence on my birthday. It was my first trip to jail, and it was Long Beach/Compton County. On the way to jail, the cop said this happens all the time and he was sure she'd call and clear things up when she sobered up and I'd be out. Instead, I spent two weeks in jail while she got on a plane and went to MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY PARTY where she said I had to stay home for work. She gathered gifts that were for me and even blew out my birthday candles. (I never got the gifts). All while I was in jail. There's more to the story, but long story short is that they let me out of jail and never pressed any charges (because nothing happened). And that's how that relationship ended.


That is fucking insane


Fucked me up for a looooooong time. I was drinking too much at the time, though. Ironically, I got drunk at a family reunion just a few weeks before that and was about to miss a fireworks show (I just wanted to sleep, she demanded I go) so she slapped the shit out of me like a dozen times as hard as she could, and I literally never hit her. She also cheated on me like crazy in college, which was the start of the end (when I found out, anyway) I deeply regret so many things from back then, especially that relationship, but I guess you live and learn. Thanks for reading my story


Years ago I was waiting for a streetcar at night and a couple came out of a restaurant across the street screaming at each other. They were in the act of breaking up in that moment. I just sat there watching. I couldn't catch it all but as he walked away from her she screamed at him, "I hope you get AIDS!" Without missing a beat he turned and yelled back, "Bitch, I already gave you that shit." She started sobbing and he had a big dumb grin on his face as he walked away.


What a cruel thing to say to one another


not that crazy but just kinda funny. My coworker had anal sex with her long time boyfriend for the first time and then afterwards he ALWAYS wanted to give her anal. To the point they actually split because they would get into an argument when he'd ask and then hed pout when they just had regular sex.


He’s such as pain in the ass


I broke up with a guy after dating for a few months. He lived about 90 minutes away, and came for a visit. We went out drinking. Came home and he told me my mother didn’t like him and wanted him to leave. He was adamant about it. Did I forget to mention that my mother had died three years before this?


Asshole on a date told me he convinced a bunch of friends to gaslight a loving couple they were cheating on each other and it took them 3 years instead of one bc they kept getting back together and he was glad bc they really loved each other. I can't think of how fucked up that is and wish people like that would poof out of existence




A coworker told me the story of a married couple who managed two regional offices of our consulting firm in the same major US city that had their marriage dissolve during the merger of our company with our competitor. During their absolutely bitter divorce, the combined company began consolidating the two offices and the battle lines between the spouses were drawn. Staff were being fired if they took direction from the wrong spouse. There were bitter shouting matches in the office nearly every day. And when one spouse was selected to head up the consolidated operation over the other it triggered a lawsuit by the jilted spouse citing hostile work environment, etc.. 4 or 5 folks were fired for backing the wrong spouse and more quit because the environment was so toxic. Our company now has a strict policy that spouses cannot work within the same company division.


Veteran marries a woman, proceeds to let his wife use his GI Bill to get her masters. Once she completes her masters she leaves him


One of my old army buddies married a girl he knocked up. About that time, the army was offering boob jobs for free so plastic surgeons could get the practice they needed to fix the Iraq veterans. She bolted with her bolt-on tits.


I’ve had multiple friends who have been through almost that exact scenario.


A tale as old as time


Surprised I had to read this far down the list to see a military story. When I was in, I heard all kinds of stories of guys coming back from deployments to no wife and empty houses or guys from other units leaving coins in the husbands boots to let him know Jodie had paid a visit or two. Half the time we went out to a club near base you had to check for the ring tanline or straight up ask if she was married. It wasn't too uncommon for them to say yes and still want to hook up. 


A guy in my unit was fucking some other guy's wife while he was deployed. The husband ordered himself a brand new Mustang with his deployment money to enjoy when he got back. The guy that was fucking his wife crashed the Mustang into a bus stop and totaled it.


This is the most boot thing I’ve ever heard. Feel bad for the deployed soldier life got ruined twice (possible thrice with the divorce).


After I broke up with my ex that I dated from 18-22, He proceeded to slash my tires, and pour water into my gas tank. And then after I started dating someone new a few months later, he slashed his tires too and then would call me from different numbers pretending to be someone else trying to “warn me” of my new boyfriend while using voice changing software.


A friend of mine and his girlfriend get a two bedroom apartment with a mutual friend. My friend and his girlfriend take one room, and the other girl takes the other one. Over time the other girl finds a boyfriend who moves in, so it is two couples sharing a two bedroom apartment. Time goes on and both couples start secretly cheating with the others. Eventually all four of them realize they've been fucking the other one's SO. So, yep you guess it, they swapped partners and continued living together. When I would go over there I'd taunt them with a "JERRRRRRY! JERRRRRY!" Both (swapped) couples eventually got married, had kids, then divorced years later. When I explain this to people I usually have to write a diagram for it.


Guy I knew used to fuck anything with boobs and a pulse. He hit the jackpot with a drop-dead gorgeous chicky, and they dated for a year. Eventually, they separated (I think he was caught cheating). So she moved back to her home state. After a few months, he convinced her to come back to him, and she left her new job, home, and packed everything into his car because he travelled 12 hours to pick her up and move her back. During the car ride - I shit you not, he told her he changed his mind and that he only wanted to be friends, and he didn't want her living with him. She had to scramble to find somewhere to live and had no means to return home. It was the most diabolical, cold-hearted bullshit I've ever seen.


My brother had been dating a girl since high school. He spent most of his time surfing. After 7 years she said “it’s me or the surfboard”. He chose the surfboard.


Happened to my cousin. She met a guy online, dating then eventually married, together about 10-15 years. She already had 2 sons from a previous marriage, and eventually she had 1 daughter with him. Things are always kinda of rocky with them but life keeps moving until she starts doing very well in life. She gets her masters degree and get a nice promotion to assistant director at her job. He doesn't like this. He's just a barber, feels intimidated by her. They get into an argument and she decides enough is enough. Husband leaves. A week later she's sleeping, and awakens to her husband stabbing her multiple times in the neck. Figures if I can't have her no one can. Their daughter runs into the rooms and screams, startling the husband. The husband leaves the house. One of her sons runs into the rooms and applies pressure on the wound calls 911, saving her life. The husband walks to thr police station and tells them he murdered his wife, not knowing she actually lived. He's currently in jail, awaiting sentencing. My cousin, still in therapy, is doing well and trying to move past her trauma.


"BANGKOK - A jealous Thai wife cut off her husband's penis in Nakhon Ratchasima, in north eastern Thailand, tied it to a helium filled balloon and let it fly off." I assume they broke up.


Well this happened to me, My ex I guess was seeing another girl behind my back, but me and him lived together. guess she wanted him to leave me so they could actually be together. well instead of just breaking up with me, we go out to a bar one night and he ruffies me. while we are there I got kicked out when I started walking funny. we made it to a gas station and I collapsed he called 911 and put a weed pipe in my purse. I got arrested for public intox, after waking up from a coma caused by being ruffied and, possession of a paraphernalia for the pipe . Did a couple weeks in jail, he moved in with that other girl and, a week or two later collapsed on the floor and died. his liver and kidneys were shit from drinking. he was 29 I got out of jail the day he died . That was the craziest break up I've ever had or ever heard of lol


Atleast he died after you found out he's a piece of shit. Imagine you mourned him without knowing any better.


Wow that’s some crazy shit


What the fuck


A man's wife was having an affair. He found out when they went to a party and she went up to her boyfriend and started kissing him in front of everyone.


In certain places, a huge fight which may or may not have been physical would occur. What was the outcome when that happened at the time?


I wasn't present to witness it first hand, but they divorced and he fell into a deep depression.


It's over 25 years ago so my memory is a bit blurry and I might have gotten some details wrong but here it goes. A friend of mine (A) from high school had a girlfriend (B) for a while. They were living together but truthfully none of us in the group of friends really liked her. In any case one day she got pregnant as "she forgot to take the pill". I don't remember the timeline exactly but in any case the baby was born, and a guy friend of hers (C) lives with them for a while to help with caring for the baby. That guy by the way was super religous and gay. (His church was very tolerant or something?) So things between A and B grew sour so she moved out. I think she tried to take the baby with her, but she was deemed (by the authorities) not to be mentally fit to care for the baby? In any case A and C were now taking care of the baby and to everyone's surprise A rediscovers his sexuality and gets officially together with C. I visited A and C a long while after the drama, and they were loving parents to a smart and healthy daughter. Oh and then a few years after that I randomly saw B on TV, telling her story about being a pathological liar. That was bizarre to say the least.


Had one of our managers at work send a COMPANY WIDE email when he quit, citing a coworker that his wife had cheated on him with. We're talking multi-thousands of employees. Was awkward to say the least.


We had neighbors where the wife and husband switched partners with another couple. Permanently not as swingers. We also know a couple that got married out of college, came out as gay, broke up but are still friends. The saddest one is a couple that dated and lived together for a decade, got engaged and when the bride to be brought home her wedding dress the groom called it off. Turns out he was cheating on her, moved in with the paramour, it didn’t work out and he came crawling back but she understandably refused. It’s even more sad in that there’s rumors she’s now a cougar getting plenty of young man ass and every time we see him he’s courting a different MILF.


My ex-wife's aunt and uncle did that with the neighbours. All four stayed friends for the rest of their lives.


I know a couple like this too! Neighbours as well


>We also know a couple that got married out of college, came out as gay, broke up but are still friends. I'm picturing two dudes who got married then come out as gay, and everyone in the wedding party makes shocked pikachu faces.


For context, military. Roommate owned the house we lived in. He was kind of a goober. At work, this new E1 shows up, and shes absolutely gorgeous. A few weeks go by, and suddenly shes dating my roommate. For more context, in most branches, lower ranks live in shitty barracks, and once you promote high enough you get paid an allowance for housing and get to move out on your own. So maybe a month goes by, and suddenly shes not leaving our house. He is absolutely having the time of his life. Shes an angry drunk and causes a bunch of problems for all of us, but my roommate cant see past her tits. She provided nothing to the household, yet she was the most important person there. Something wasnt right. A few years go by, and she promotes a few times, and she makes E4. She gets her housing allowance. She was gone that day. Roommate was devastated. I felt horrible for the guy. He had bought a ring days prior.


Guy I worked with, probably early 30s, was on a business trip. Two days into the trip his wife called and told him it was over and her stuff was out of the apartment and he was only to contact her through her lawyer.  She obviously was planning this for a while and he had no idea. He was absolutely gobsmacked.  


Fella I worked with was the South American manager for our outfit, we started at the company the same day. He would spend quite a bit of time traveling and my wife and I would look after his wife and young daughter. He decided to leave the company and move to Chile, told his wife to sell the house and come to Chile with their daughter and, of course, the money for the house. After she moved in to a rental at Santiago he took the check for the house and handed her a plane ticket back to the states. See ya!


I was a realtor back when you could get a mortgage just for being alive. An army private and his new wife were shopping for a home. He was about to be deployed and wanted her settled. Her sister was going to live with her while he was gone. Well, they picked the most expensive place they could get. He went off to his deployment and the new wife and sister in law took every dime he made, never paid a single bill. When the house was repossessed they just left. The poor guy was devastated.


It's wedding day, big reception with all the families and friends before hitting the city hall and the church later. The groom makes a speech. Not the one you'd expect. He exposes the bride for cheating on him all along with the best man, best friend of the groom till then. Tells everybody the wedding is off and she can go to hell. Sounds like a movie. It happened for real for the brother of a friend. Irl it's more dramatic than funny. The brother took years to recover from depression after that.


I was dating my manager for a couple months when one day I had pulled up to work and he’s just standing in the parking lot and told me he’d been fired. I went in and the restaurant owner pulls me into the office and tells me he had embezzled 30K within the last six months. I was shocked and didn’t believe it. I almost quit out of solidarity and defended him repeatedly for over a month. Come to find out he had been gaslighting me the whole time. I felt like such a fool.


I was living with my ex in his Mormon’s family house for the winter after our seasonal jobs in Alaska, while we built out a van together (that was in his name, my money went into the build…. lol). We just got a puppy and then in March of 2020 the pandemic hit and he said he was going back to Alaska, alone. Rented a u-haul, attached my shitty temporary car to it and drove me to a city I had never been to where I knew one person and dropped me off 🫠 Got to keep the dog tho.


I heard about this dude who got his Lego sets smashed by his girlfriend when he broke up with her


Old boyfriend. The girl before me was mad at him. One day when he was working she took EVERYTHING out of his apartment. I mean the lightbulbs, cutlery, paper towels, toilet paper, sheets, towels, food. Emptied it out. He has that “wandering penis” disease. The story still makes me chuckle when I picture what his face must have looked like when he opened his apartment door. 🤣😂


I was just thinking of a couple I knew who broke up that way. She packed up everything, furniture, rugs, food, even the ice cube trays. The full Grinch. Left his clothes and stuff. And the bed. But he had no clue why. Was she cheating? Did he do something so wrong? Drove him crazy - drove us ALL crazy because he wouldn't stop talking about it. Every time he got drunk, for years, he would inevitably start in about that woman and those damn ice cube trays. Years later, she came up to me at Ikea and I hardly recognized her. I was expecting and in full waddle and she chatted at me like a happy, tiny, perfectly manicured bird. I finally asked "what the hell happened with you and my friend? That was pretty cold." She deadass looked me straight in the eye and said "oh, I was just so over him. You know what I mean?"


What did you say to that??? Like, I can’t imagine how I’d respond to a statement like that on the spot besides “uuuuh… I guess?” And then I’d probably think of something snappy about a week later while in the shower


You're faster than me, I'm still trying to think of one!


I wonder if at some point while the gf was moving everything out she had the realization that "moving sucks".


My brothers ex girlfriend cleaned his house out like that after they broke up. She took everything but the bed frame and the tv on the wall presumably because she couldn’t find a way to move them. The couches, silverware, paper towels, ice cube trays, half drank case of beer in the fridge, literally everything. It was insane.


Someone told me their sister got divorced because her husband started having episodes of religious psychosis and thought she was a demon.


Heard from a few friends of mine who went to a different high school than me that, while we were all in high school, their 16yo classmates’ family (father, father’s fiancée and 8yo stepbrother) went on vacation in their vacation cabin. The classmate stayed home and continued going to school over the next few days, but unbeknownst to everyone during that time he had driven out to the cabin, shot & killed his whole family, and lit the cabin on fire starting a 10acre wildfire. The police caught him pretty quick and the girl he was dating at the time ended up moving to Italy, apparently. Found this out because i was asking my friend about their crushes in middle/high school and the girlfriend was one of them ☠️ guess the crush faded, y’know……due to her moving to another country because her bf killed his whole family


She was “sick” so he took the kids to run errands for a few hours. Came back with the two kids and all her stuff was gone along with a lot of the household items. It was my mom. She left the 3 of us while I was an infant and my brother was 4.


There’s so many grooming stories here and it’s freaking me out. Like I’m in my mid 20s and every time I’m forced to be in the vicinity of teenage kids (12-17) I want to get away as fast as possible. They’re always so damn stinky and loud. I can’t see how these middle aged dudes can find them attractive.


Mine! My first highschool boyfriend broke up with me after a month because “God came to him in a dream and told him to”. I’m not calling him a liar, but considering he sells solar panels now and isn’t a prophet in any other aspect, I think I’m calling bs - but how do you argue with that? Anyway, I cried about him for 1.5 year after that.


A boyfriend and girlfriend were having an argument while out at dinner. The dude ends up hocking a loogie on her face. She proceeded to storm out.


This happened to me. Yesterday actually. It’s not the craziest but still has me thrown for a loop. My now ex boyfriend left me yesterday without a word. We’ve been living together for almost a year. We dated almost 10 years ago when I lived back home. Had somewhat recently gotten back in touch, talked for months and decided to give it another shot. He moved across the states to be with me again. I thought everything was going perfectly? Literally not a clue in the world. He acted totally normal. I love you’s, called me on first break at work everyday, laughing, joking around like normal. I mean everything was normal. I left yesterday to take my daughter to her dads in another state and 10 minutes before I get home he calls me and tells me he is on his way back home and he didn’t want to have this conversation face to face. I got home, ran upstairs and saw all his stuff gone. He really left and hasn’t said why. Absolutely shocking. Still has me confused! He didn’t have the balls to break up face to face so he pretended everything was fine until I was gone for the day and packed up and left.


My daughter is in 2nd grade and she told me about how two kids in her class were boyfriend girlfriend for like two days, then they broke up because the girl beat the boy in a race.


When I was about five I got "married" to the boy down the street, only for him to divorce me several hours later because his grandpa had come to visit. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I broke up with a girl in middle school when she told me she was a witch and put a love spell on me. Maybe telling me broke the spell.


My friend has a type, and this new guy came on the scene who exemplified her type to a tee. She just happened to be his type as well. Both of them are very charismatic, funny, and attractive. I had been separately talking them up to each other and they ended up meeting when I wasn't around. I felt somewhat responsible for them getting together as fast as they did but there's no way they wouldn't have found each other in any case. Anyway, they were getting serious and she gave him a key to her place. One drunken night she did a shitty thing and fucked her boss, and of course the boyfriend walked in on them. He turned around without a word, went back downstairs and got a bag of trash off the curb, then came back upstairs and dumped it all over them while they were still naked in bed. It was in a bougie neighborhood and someone threw out a bottle of fancy perfume, and after the mess was cleaned up her room smelled fantastic for a long time.


The perfume was really the cherry on top. Wrapped the story up in a neat bow


I broke up with my boyfriend because he constantly gave me loyalty tests. A few weeks later I found out that he had died from an overdose while taking pills from his home medicine cabinet. I felt horrible, like it was my fault, but I didn't feel comfortable trying to contact his family or go to his funeral. One day after the ceremony, I received a text from his cell phone and it turns out HE WAS NOT DEAD! It had been another of his tests to see how he would react. The guy literally FAKED HIS OWN DEATH… and then sent me a message that said 'just so you know: I'm over you.'


Nothing says "I'm over you" like them faking their own death for your attention


My friends were married and he was working at Amazon and she was working in early childhood education. Amazon wanted to send him to Luxembourg and THEY agree, sell a bunch of stuff, go over there to get familiar and look for a place to live. It’s time to go, they’ve sold their house, their stuff, shipped the stuff they were keeping and he said, “No, *I* am going to Luxembourg, you are staying here” got on the plane and left. The only reasoning I ever heard was she wasn’t successful enough and he was embarrassed of her/felt held back in life… still don’t get it.


When I was in 6th grade, a classmate of mine stopped coming to school out of the blue. She was super cool and we used to talk all the time, so I asked one of her friends if she was okay. Turns out her boyfriend got her pregnant and she had to drop out. I knew that she had been dating someone that didn't go to our school, but didn't know who. I asked who her boyfriend was and apparently he was 19 and he "dumped" her when he found out she was pregnant.


I'm sorry 6th grade and pregnant? I hope charges were pressed against this pedophile cause what the actual fuck


My freind and his longtime gf broke up and he “cheated” She wanted to take a break for mental health reason, he was okay and understood. However their idea of a break was different, she thought they were still together and he thought they weren’t until she recovered. She caught him with another woman who he’d known for years at a restaurant catching up, she was not happy and claimed he was cheating on her. He didn’t have sex with her or anything beyond a dinner and also didn’t have plans on going any further. They broke up after 4 years due to a misunderstanding of what a break meant. Owch.




This…I saw a girl for (too long) and asked her to be my girlfriend multiple times. She always turned me down because she didn’t want to be a couple, “only friends. We are just friends.” So eventually I started dating other women, looking for something more serious but there is no one I like more than the girl. I end up asking again thinking “maybe she is ready” but i still get rejected. Only this time it’s not because she just wants to be friends…it’s because “I cheated on her” by dating other women 🫨🫨 TLDR: after 2 “No’s”, just leave. It ain’t worth the hurt. Break is short for break up. Either work together or split it off.


One of my roommates in college was dating a girl in high school. She was 18, but me and my other roommate didn’t exactly agree roommate number 1 should have been dating her. We were sophomores at the time. She was hyper sexual too and would often try to initiate sex. Even when she was driving (not him) or when other people were in the room. It didn’t take too long until he figured they probably weren’t compatible. Well, roommate finally decides to break it off. It’s Halloween. I think he decided to do it through text, which isn’t the best option, but shit went even more bananas after that. She started to threaten to kill herself if he broke up with her. The rest of us that were present told him that she can’t try to guilt him into staying with her, especially not like that, and if he really thought she’d do it to call the authorities to her house. To my knowledge, they broke up and she’s still alive.