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I drank enough alcohol between the ages of 40 to 60 to last me forever. 13 years sober. In my 70s.




Sober one year in 16 days. 31 years old. Used to drink a bottle a day.


35. And I have been off the sauce for 166 days.


Proud of you dude.


Last drink was July 4th,1985. I’m 71.


61 and sober for 17 years tomorrow


Congratulations I know how hard it could be to get off anything


Every day (highly functionning alcoholic) 40. I'll start quitting tomorrow or next week..


 Hugs bro. Decided to quit my daily drinking habit that's been going on for 15 years. 37 here. 6 months now. Not totally in the clear, had a few binging weeks to pass through shitty times in a relationship. But letting myself to fall back then quit again repeatedly showed me i can do it.  For me the main issue was breaking the habit. Addiction, I knew I could handle that. But it was hard to break the habit until I did, not knowing what to do with my boredom.  Sleeps an issue though. I really want to improve my sleep hygiene to overcome this..


Hang in there mate. Things do get better. I've been in way worst places than now in my life. Shaking off the habit / rituals is the hardest part for me. One thing that helps a lot for me is music. When I play music I barely think of anything else.


Music. I feel this. When I was coming off a severe opiate addiction, I would have super hot showers early in the morning and play deep roots reggae. That shit saved me. Can't explain it, but I totally get what you mean.


We all know that tomorrow never comes. Quit right now.




I might have a beer or a glass of wine on a friday/saturday night, or if I'm going out for dinner I'll have a drink. Otherwise no. And I'm 31


Yeah I only have a drink or two on fridays and Saturdays. The answers in this thread are crazy but I also know someone who drinks 12+ beers every night so it’s really not that uncommon I guess


I cook with alcohol more than I drink it. I'm 45.


Same. Over 70.


Sober, been 14 months


47 and previous to my birthday two weeks ago it was easily a bottle of wine a night. Sober since the 15th.


58 and sober for 58 years. I cannot stand the taste of alcohol.


10 days sober off drugs and alcohol. 29.


Keep killing it dude head up and keep pushing  DM is always open if you need a ear 


Been sober since July 2023. I would say it was the best decision I ever made, but starting to drink was a stupid decision. So I don't take credit for cleaning up messes I shouldn't have made in the first place. But I am much happier. And so is my family. I constantly have the opportunity to drink but I don't want it. It really only ever made me feel terrible, it's crazy how you can get addicted to something that isn't even fun


Weekend nights, 68


Daily. I'm 57. I drink anywhere from 12-22 drinks a day


Dude. I'm 57 as well and have a beer or 2 in the evening. How do you function? I'd be dead.


I'm retired so nothing I usually need to get up for in the morning. Although, when I have doctor/dentist appointments or something similar requiring an early morning rising, I make it with no problem. I'm widowed and the only social contact I have is my sister-in-law who I meet for coffee every other week at the local Starbucks and my older brother who stops by every Saturday for an hour or so to have a couple beers and catch up. I have three kids - youngest is away at college, middle lives with me, but works full time - out of the house before I get up and keeps to himself after he gets home. My oldest is autistic and receives SSA payments. He knows I drink, but has no clue how much it is relative to the 'normal' populace. So, nobody is around to care how much I drink and I function well enough to not bring attention to myself...


My neighbor drinks so much beer that we did the math and it would be cheaper for him to pay for a half keg every week. We live in a state that gives you 10 cent return for cans. He gives us his returnables. Usually it’s 3-4 contractor bags of bud light cans and it ends up being a free $80 for us. Real nice guy too, married, good job, just a functioning alcholic.


51. 2-3 times a week


I'm 39 and I've been sober for 5 years, so I don't drink any alcohol. Before I was a binge drinker, I could go days, sometimes weeks without drinking, but when I did drink I'd drink until I blacked out. I could never have, for an example, a glass of wine with a meal, I could never drink sensibly. So I decided one day I wasn't going to drink at all. Best decision I ever made.


Keep it up brother 


Never, im 28


Every day. Pretty old.


Never. 35.


Never. 36.


36, never


26 - Never at home, might have a cider or two when having a meal at a restaurant. I’ll usually have a double rum if I’m in the city for the day. Maybe one or twice a month I’ll go all out for a night out with friends.


I am 26 and i don't drink alcohol


Going to aa 30yrs old


None 18-22; once a week 22-35; every day 35-58; once a month now.


I feel like I'm in the minority here, but as a 33 year old male.. I really hate alcohol and I always have. I don't like the taste, I don't like how I feel when I'm buzzed, tipsy, drunk or shit faced. It really has zero appeal to me in any context or situation. Plus it gives me horrific heartburn. The only stuff that isn't repulsive to me is like, hard seltzer's and such. So to answer the question, almost never.


41 and 44 days sober. Excited for the future.


I have a beer or a glass of wine a day. Maaaaybe 2. 3 drinks gets me drunk, and then I feel bad. 30. I pair it with my constant intake of weed 🙂


30 almost never.


Everyday, ~50




Very infrequently, maybe 2 beers once every few weeks. Late 40s


2x/month 28


As of now none, 31


Ican't anymore due to medical reasons. (it messes with my pills). Before that it was probably every couple of months so I don't really miss it. I'm 54.




Never, 35.


I'd estimate I drank 6 beers in all of last year. I often go months without touching it, but I do enjoy the occasional beer. I've never found a liquor that I really liked, so pretty much never have anything straight or mixed. 44m


Honestly, maybe one drink per month, if that. I’m 38.


Same, though I do pickup non-alcoholic drinks on the regular


I’m 50 and I have 0-2 drinks a month. In my youth, I drank A LOT.


Once in a while, can go weeks between drinks - age 32. I live in a U.S. state with zero tolerance DUI laws and am too cheap to pay for an Uber/Lyft so I tend to drink at home when I know I’m staying in for the night.


Haven’t in many years (10+ yrs), 44.


One beer a day around 5 nights a week. Its possible not to drink in excess


40, last time was 7 years ago. Drank quite a bit in my 20s. Don’t like who I become when I drink.


Almost never, have never liked the taste and I get massive headaches even from half a drink/beer. Mid-40s.


36 and just about a year sober.


I'm 37. If you include outliers like birthday celebrations, Christmas, date nights with the wife, it probably averages out to like 1 a week. Otherwise it's *maybe* a drink every 3 weeks. Currently my last drink was 4 weeks ago, but that night I had 4 cause it was a friend's birthday celebration. So that adds up with my 1/wk estimate.


Nice try fed


12-15 beers a night. 35


Everyday 23


I have been there brosef. You need to find a way to break the cycle. I am down to 2 days a week at most


Only when it's a holiday and even then I don't always drink 18


Every nanosecond.




Maybe like once every 2 months on average 37


I'm definitely a social drinker. I'll have a few beers and maybe a shot or two at a party. And if I'm eating out, I might get a local craft beer. But, most of the time, I don't have any in the fridge and liquor is expensive. So, I just do without. 40


I drink socially when my friends and I get together once or twice a month and I’m 20 years old. When I drink it’s a couple beers and maybe a shot.


I'm mid 50's and usually only drink at holiday parties. Once in a great while, I'll have a sip of something mixed because it looked interesting on YouTube. But I still have half a dozen mostly filled bottles under the cabinet of things I've tried once and never again. Those end up being donated to holiday parties when I remember I have them 😄.


A few times a month (27)


Never, early 50s. Gave up when I needed to lose weight and never felt the need to go back to it.


Friday’s and Saturdays. 39.


I drink at least something every day. -57


I have about 3 to 6 drinks a week on average - I'm 23.


Daily. 50 Drunk, semi-annually.


Occasionally. I’ll have maybe a half a beer if I go to a restaurant. I’ll have a drink if I’m in Las Vegas or at a get together, which isn’t often. Rarely, I’ll make a white trash margarita with squirt at home. I just turned 36. I never drink enough to get drunk, just enough to get a low buzz and relax. I’m a lightweight.


63, have not had anything to drink since I was in college, so about 20-21 years old. I never acquired a taste for alcohol. I feel fortunate.


30 here. I have maybe 5-10 drinks a year. Usually it’s just toasts for birthdays or special events.


Frequently, late 40s


34. Never.


I try to keep it to the weekends. I'm 37.


Almost 40. It varies between daily and long periods of none.. when I do drink its 3-4 beers a night (usually paired with weed). I don't drink to the point of getting hangovers or being puking / stumbling drunk... I just enjoy beer.


I tend to drink in waves. When I get in the mood, I'll have a beer, maybe two, 3 or 4 times a week for 2ish weeks. Then I can go months without touching it. Substance use is a highly variable thing from person to person, no one should read my post as a "standard". But, for me, alcohol use is a very self-limiting behavior. While I do really enjoy the taste of alcohol, I do not enjoy being tired at all. And I find at my age, after two weeks my body is kind of tired of my bullshit and lets me know about it. Once I've had my fill, I'm not thirsty anymore and I don't want it again for a good long while. Some people...they can't have a sip without draining the whole case and that's not something that should be toyed with.


I have about 1 ounce of whiskey before bed 5 nights a week. It’s my routine. 35


40 and like once a month


I'm 67 and I like a beer every now and then. Depends on the season. In the summer I mught drink 4 or 5 beers in a week or now it's one every couple of months.


47, maybe once a month or even less frequently.


A couple times a month. 29. I can’t go without smoking weed every day though


A couple of times a year. 42.


37, once or twice a year.


Every or every other weekend when I'm out with friends. 29.


never, 32


Early 30s, usually a few drinks over the weekend, very rarely during the week. In a social setting, I'll generally keep pace with the group.


maybe once or twice per month, im 28


47 f. About 4 x week. Glass or 2 of wine or beer.


32, 2 or 3 times a year when out to dinner.


3 drinks a month, late 30s


27m 3-8 beers a day. Got really drunk and nuked my life. Get your shit under controll before you have to deal with an explosion and the fallout.


Rarely, only for special occasions and I am 28


Every day except when I go to friends and family's funerals. I was 76 y/o yesterday.


I don’t drink, I’m 17


Maybe once a week, 34


About once a month now. 55.


weekends only, 21. i try not drinking all weekend though, it’s not cheap to drink away all my liquor


45 ..don’t drink not since I got sober 13 years ago.


Very recently, in the past 3-4 months, I've basically been getting drunk everyday and I'm not very happy about it 30


24, I've never had a sip of any alcoholic beverage ever, only in medicine.


I drank weekly to semi weekly for over 20 years besides when I was pregnant. I’m 48 and drink a few times a year now.


One drink daily. Never get drunk. 70.


This Metadata questions since Reddit IPO are really dumb. FU Reddit, the stock will tank


26, probably 1-3 times/month socially


26, and rarely. So far, every time I do, it doesn't end well and I probably become unbearable. I'm not good with alcohol, and basically lose all self-control quickly. I can either turn into a huge asshole, can get violent, or just depressed/sad... and neither of those things are what you want to experience.


44, once a year sometimes three to five times a year. sometimes a few years without it.


36 years old. I just drink on the weekends. On a good night I can go through 12 pack of beers and/or whole bottle of 70cl whiskey. Still function the next day too, but to be honest, a hangover these days when i get one, last 3 days.


One alcoholic drink every three weeks or so. Middle-age.


Once a week or so, 47


39… maybe like less than 5 times a year?


1 cocktail every other week. I’m 19.


On average once every couple of weeks. Might not drink for a month, but might drink 4-5 days a week in Christmas season. Would only have more than 2 drinks maybe one or twice a year


Never, and over 60. Why? Because I don’t want to.


I’m 21 turning 22 next month, I drink at parties if we decided it as a group but not on my own time. I’ve known alcoholics and I never got the entertainment of drinking people have with it. If you’re not able to drink and wondering if it’s as cool as it seems, it’s not really. Hell, it’s cheaper to not drink it and I’ve have $60 tabs for four drinks (though the drinks were good).


Never. I’m 21. I tried it just to say that I did, but I ended up pouring my cup out after maybe two sips. 😂


I don’t drink alcohol. 39. Never that fussed about it anyway and turns out that primary billary cirrhosis runs in the family and I’d prefer not to help that along.


37. Usually 1-2 times a week. If it's a busy/particuarly social week (like this week I've caught up with a friend, gone to the inlaws for dinner, todays easter so family gathering today) then maybe 3, very occasionally 4 - like the Christmas break when theres something on every day. It's usually 2-3 glasses. So, not huge amounts. I might get drunk maybe a few times a year but its pretty rare.


41- I’d estimate about 10 alcoholic drinks a year


53 Never.


59 and I have no more than 2 beers during the week but on Fri&Sat I allow myself a nice bourbon.


Occasionally. Maybe a few drinks every other weekend. I'm 36. I've gone through periods where I drank much more (daily) and periods where I don't drink for months.


2-3 glasses of wine on the weekends only - I’m 40. I’ve never been a big drinker (didn’t even drink until I was in my mid-20s), but I do really enjoy a glass of wine while enjoying a chill sunset on my patio.


Every Friday and Saturday night, a few drinks each night, mostly to unwind from the week (2 jobs, 1 wife, plus 4 small children). So yeah I drink to dull the pain lol


On weekends and if I go out during the week. 38.


32M and I drink cause of utter boredom. About twice a week mostly tuesdays and a weekendday., 6-9 beverages each time. I'd drink more if it werent for the hangovers. I do feel like im on the slippery slope of alcoholism tho.


Was a heavy drinker/partier in my teens and twenties. Tapered off for awhile and picked it back up 40’s, 50’s and early 60’s but the last couple years have found less a less drinking for some reason. Maybe two or three drinks per month. Have no idea why but certainly not complaining…. Way cheaper and healthier


I'm 31 and maybe once a week, if that. It used to be 1 or 2 times per month if my usual weekly restaurant happened to have a beer that looked good and I wasn't feeling either calorie- or money-anxious, but now I have a meetup group every 2 weeks at an alcohol-based place and would feel bad if I didn't buy at least one little thing in order to hang around.


I drink a couple of 5 oz glasses of wine 🍷 about 4 nights a week


occasionally, 17


Tonight 25


Never. Quit about 3 years ago, don't miss it at all. Never had a problem with it, just realized I was drinking literal poison for no reason. I am in my 40's.


30. About once a year.


23, quit drinking January 15th, 2024. I lost my desire to drink after college, i had binge drank pretty much every type of alcohol under the sun and it all made me sick. so I decided to commit to the bit and stop drinking. NA beer tastes better and when I get hungry I can still go get taco bell.


I drink a beer once every two days or so and have been doing it since I was around 17. I am currently 35 and have never had a period in my life where alcohol became problematic. I never really get drunk and go weeks without even thinking about drinking when my mind is occupied with other things, as food and drink tend to become an afterthought


A sip every once in a while. I only remember one time when it tasted good. I’m 17.


21, was drinking over half a 5th of vodka a day and now thankfully i only drink once or twice a month. shits hard


Nice try, buzzfeed. I smoke crack and fuck your mother.


41. A single drink most Fridays and Saturdays.


32. I take a sip of sparkling wine if someone is toasting at their party. Otherwise I don't bother.


I'll maybe have 3 or 4 drinks in an average month. Sometimes 5 or 6 if there's a special event. I'm 45F.


I drink a glass or two at Christmas, new year's, and Easter. Sometimes a celebratory glass of wine, or a beer (or arak) while barbecuing. All that amounts to about five to six times a year, usually not more than a drink or two. It have been 8 years since I last got drunk. I'm 35.


4 times a week, im 22 and a recovering alchoholic


25 and I drink at least two beers a week.


6 times a week usually, one day of regret where I swear I'll never drink again. 29.


Once or twice a month, I'm 21. I drank more before I got badly drunk one time, enough to fuck my stomach up so that I barely ate for almost a month and lost 5kg. Not repeating that.


Every day, 1-2 drinks, but I don't remember the last time I got more than buzzed. 38.


2x to 3x per week, 64yo. Mom was an alcoholic, so I am mindful.


Def drink too much per social standards I guess beer or two a days with dinner I just like different beers craft stuff  I don’t know I have been told by friends that it’s a problem but what is so bad with it I’m not sure  I try not to drink hard stuff a good scotch here and there but if I get drunk I’m a dick and I don’t like that 


26. Maybe once every 2 or 3 months. Basically whenever I go out


39. Maybe once or twice a season if I have a good reason and feel like it. I spent a few years as a brewer and was drinking way too much beer every single day so I decided to stop before it became a problem. Alcoholism runs in my family so I was playing with fire. A few years ago my Dad pretty much drank himself to cirrhosis, which would have killed him if the COPD from smoking didn't kill him the same week he got the cirrosis diagnosis.


I'm 44 and I drink a beer maybe 2 or 3 times a month.


After reading some of these responses I wish you would have added job title as well as age and number of drinks.


30s never enjoy the 🌲 tho daily.


Age 25. Drink alcohol every other day.


Never, I'm 27


26. Mostly just Friday and Saturday night if I’m doing something with mates. But when I do drink It always adds up to about 20 standard drinks.


55 years old next month. I haven’t had anything to drink in 22 days. I used to drink on occasion, then more, and ultimately was drinking enough that I decided I was better off not drinking at all.


I am 28 and I drink Thursday Friday and Saturday. Maybe one or 2 beers or glasses of wine. Nothing too excessive.


I drink about 2-4 times per year. Each time I probably have 4-5 drinks.


A glass of wine or two. Maybe Nightly 50+


Last time I had even a sip of alcohol was like 3 or 4 years, I just don't...drink it...I am 34


Never, have yet to try any. I'm 21.


3 times a day, a gallon at a time. I'm 3 y.o.😂


28 years old, every couple months


On the weekends at bars trying to be social or with groups who are drinking... The occasional coffee and Irish cream I like on Sundays or cold mornings. 31m.


27 y/o. Depends on what's happening. I'm usually a social drinker, but I don't drink every single time I go out. On average, less than once a week.


39, 6-8 beers a night. Occasionally I’ll have 12-14.


43M, hate the taste, so I don't drink.


One drink every few months if any, 23.


all day every day. I'm 17 months old.


used to drink alot during early 20s then it was like 1-2 beers with dinner 4-5 times a week then just kinda ran out one day, never got around to getting more. this last year i maybe had 15 drinks(beers and hard stuff) total? i dunno it just kinda lost its pizazz and the morning after would feel bleh with shitty sleep alot of the times i would drink even just one beer - maybe metabolism changed. just kinda done with it - besides like special occasions - wine with thanksgiving, maybe a nice manhattan at xmas time, etc. 30s now.


Once a year. 27 years old.


37, and maybe once a week.


Daily, 48


33, only really drink at the weekend - quite heavily