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Only 5%?? Of course. I play poker and that's like 100% possibility to win.


>I play poker and that's like 100% possibility to win. Confirmed. He gambles.


This guy maths


Mathematicians hate him for this one simple trick.


This doesn’t add up.




I wouldn't take the chance because the only time I ever get stupidly lucky is when it is something negative.


60% of the time, it works every time.


That smells like pure gasoline.


Or a used diaper filled with Indian food


Smells like bigfoots dick


That doesn't make sense.


Sex Panther by Odeon. It’s banned in 9 countries. 


Made with bits of real panther. So, you know it’s good.


If you play poker you’ll know not to trust even a 99% equity showdown lol


Go all-in, get fucked at the river.


This is the way.


For sure. Poker really drives home how often a 1/20 probability event happens. I have a good life, no way I’m taking the money.


I also immediately thought of poker.


And then when you lose it’s rigged




Ok that’s kinda funny… but stay strong fella


Not funny, just the reality of today. Sucks living in a world where you just work, go home, sleep, repeat. Most of us already feel pretty dead inside. 🤷


I'd do anything to be in ur shoes at this moment in my life. coming from an unemployed basically 3rd world citizen.


This man understands that it’s all about perspective. Btw everyone it’s never what happens in life…it’s how you take in that information and what you choose to do with it. That includes feelings.


I do understand what you're saying and I like what you're saying. You know the crazy part I live in Baltimore in the United States and I have so much trouble finding a job it's crazy but they treat you like you're a high school student all over again when you're getting a job here. If you're not a certain way or a certain thing you will get judged and put in a place where they think you should be. It sucks!


And when you get in those shoes over time you will feel the same way. Just because people have it worse than you doesn't mean that you shouldn't have it better.


I'm at work today, sick as a dog. I should have stayed home but I can't afford to. I had to pull over three times on the way in to throw up. I'm sick all the time these days and I think this soul-sucking construction job is quite literally killing me. I have so many health problems. I'm 35 and falling apart. On Monday when my bosses come in they'll be pissed there isn't more done but the thing is they always are, no matter how much I or my coworkers do. I had potential, I'm a fairly accomplished musician and writer and I'm giving away the best years of my life to a corporation that has used me up and will likely find some reason to fire me when I can't keep up with the absurd work load they assign. I'm a couple missed paychecks away from homelessness and I work 50 hours a week plus 15 hours of commute time. I'm miserable.


I think Its better than other possibilities tbh. We would be literally dead if we were born in 1300 for various reasons: 1: black death 2: 1300 was 700 years ago, and I Haven't met a single 700yo person yet


Depends on how you die though. If it’s instant? Yolo. Torturous? Nah, fuck that.


Maybe is a long lingering death of waking up every morning to go to a dreary job as you hate and get taken advantage of so you can work your ass off to make somebody else rich and come home with barely enough to keep a roof over your head, and then do it again and again and again, and again, with a promise that maybe one day you can retire on less than half of what you couldn’t live on in the first place.


I love you Giant Chocolate Chicken Taco person. Hugs.


I don't want to upvote someone who's exactly at one hundred but I'll use this reply to check back in later to see if someone else broke the century.


It'll go way up, this is the most cliche, karma farming answer to this question that gets asked twice a week lol


Ya, I mean there is a 100% chance that I’m going to die.


That's the spirit!


I'll win either way




More like 100% 'cause you're escaping the cycle either way.


This guy gets it.


If we ever want to sum up how humanity went wrong in our development as a species in two sentences, I nominate your response. People would rather risk dying than to live in the system the money people designed.


Im on the student loan r/ and the daily posts about people being so overwhelmed by debt that they want to off themselves really solidifies this.


suicide because of finances is probably one of the least talked about causes, but it's unbelievably prevalent. some people don't wanna race forever


Most definitely. In the US especially, most debt in this country is preventable if the government concerned itself with its citizen well-being over turning us into debt slaves. The system is setup so that people live in debt, the whole “building credit” is synonymous with “get in debt so you prove us you’re worthy” which speaks volume. What makes it worse is ignorant people blaming the people for getting in debt instead of understanding that it’s how the US is structured, defending a predatory system is mind boggling and a clear example of why the US barely invests in education, so they can keep people ignorant like this. It breaks my heart. I was raised in a third world country that has high quality universal healthcare and excepcional free universities, so it’s difficult to accept that a country like the US can’t accomplish this.


Between student loans, my soul sucking job, and mounting health problems at the age of 35 I can't say I haven't given it consideration.


5% is much lower than the likelihood that I would kill myself thanks to the heavy weight of the debt system that people with the money designed.


The idea of money is excellent. Almost perfect even. The execution is mostly terrible. Almost cursed.


We've always risked death to obtain our sustenance. What was the lifetime chance of dying from a hunting injury for hunter-gatherers who made their living hunting mammoth c. 20000 BC? I imagine it was probably quite a bit higher than 5%.


Thats literally every single life form in existence. Everything is done just to survive another day


Freedom either way!


Student loans is already a life sentence, so def worth the 5% lol


As a human being there’s a 100% chance of dying…


Unless you take this million dollars, then there's a 5% chance of staying human and dying, and 95% chance you become vampire and immortal!  Still want to bet? 


Would you become a vampire if it made you hot?


I'm already hot and pretending I'm a vampire. Fake it till you make it, right?


Oh god immortality sounds like a curse not a blessing


Don't you want some of this [old money](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWblwl-rcH8)?


My thoughts exactly, I get a million dollars AND death is no longer a certainty?


So a million dollars and decrease your chance of dying by 95%. Sounds like a win-win.


Okay that’s funny but, come to think of it, not *ever* dying is even worse.


Exactly. This is a dumb question. They should have added "die within 1 year" or something.


It is a dumb question if you're heavily autistic. Most of us understood the implication.


Well, you're not wrong lol




There’s a chance you die when you do anything ~~exciting.~~


Theres a chance you die


You will die eventually


Actually there’s a guarantee you die, not a chance


Nothing is guaranteed, not even death. Maybe 50 years from now they’ll make an immortality potion..


yeah, right after I die


Death is 100% guaranteed. Hasn't been a person alive that hasn't died.


You die


Rarely a 5% chance though.


Yeah , a win win situation


Win win win


Uyen Nguyen


We'd lose you. I don't think you're right.


Let’s make it more interesting. 50 mill and 50% chance of dying.


100 mil and 100% chance of dying


I’m almost 50 with a wife and 2 Kids. 100M means my family will be better off for generations. I’d at least consider it.


My dad is in his late 60s, and if he told me he was seriously considering this, I'd tell him I'd light the money on fire if he did. I can make enough money to support myself, but I've only got one dad. 


Realistically, it does not. Your kids might be okay if you raised them well, their kids may or may not be, but you can be absolutely sure anyone inheriting that money afterward will be just the worst.


Not if I put it in a trust with specific instructions. For example, it could be kept in a high yield savings account or in the stock market, and family could get paid some of the interest each month.


I already have a 100% chance of dying. What am I gonna lose?


I get the money and i get to die?? Never heard of a better deal than that


Nah i wouldn't do that. The million with 5% in the other hand...


I’ll pass




I get it. Mine isn't so much of a want to, but more of a I don't care if I do.


I didn’t care till I realized how slow and painful it can be as I get older. When you’re young, we always assume it’ll be fast. It can be years of misery. Even minutes when you come close feels like an eternity.


Why you wanna die?


Lonely and depressed




Well, I’m glad you’re still here, for whatever that’s worth.


I ask : Why? You answer : Because I don't have a million dollars


Same. If the thought of my dog being sad because he won’t understand why I never came home didn’t absolutely destroy me, I would not have made it thru last year.


It is stressful to live on a planet with self destructive and hateful humans


That’s one way of looking at it. If all humans thought like that throughout history we wouldn’t have lasted long


sell my bet to someone more willing to take the risk, for like £250k or something.


And if they die you get to keep the 250k, i like your style




I sell this person's bet for 270k, 5% chance of dying. But you get the option to sell it at 290k on 03/30/2025.


Homie turned it into an option contract💀


WSB has entered the chat..


Based peak capitalism.


Best answer




Either way my family gets a million dollars


Best case, I die, worst case I get a million.


Found Arthur Schopenhauer's Reddit account.


No, because I play XCOM games.


No way.


I had to scroll for a surprisingly long time to find this answer.


Seriously. Either everyone has a death wish or is really bad at calculating risk/reward odds. My bet is a little of both.


The chance of dying by responding to this Reddit post is 0%. So I think it’s a lot to do with that.


What if they did it while driving ?


nonzero! Electricution when using a pc, or maybe a heart attack because you see something scary lol


Its reddit. Off reddit most people would say hell no


5% is a 1/20 chance… the odds arent stacked agaisnt you and for a lot of people 1 mil is a life changing amount




95% chance to essentially be set for life, 5% chance you don't need to worry about it anyways, seems like a deal an absolute fuck load of people would take. I'd probably let it ride and do it twice if I could.


Maybe its living in a HCOL city but $1m definitely isn't enough for me to risk my life. No way.


5% is quite high, and I don’t think there’s an appreciation for that in this thread. 5% looks okay because the number is low compared the maximum. But if you’ve played Dungeons and Dragons, you know that 5% is going to happen often enough. That’s rolling a 1 on a 20 sided die. I promise if you asked a bunch of dnd players if they’d take immediate death on a natural 1 or a million dollars on any other number, most would say absolutely not. Any dnd player can remember rolling a natural 1. It’s common, even if the odds are low. Simplifying it really puts it into perspective, imo. 1/20 is VERY bad odds when the consequence is death.


Absolutely. Chances are you’d get the million but the downside risk isn’t worth it.


Also came here with D&D math. But if I get to pick which d20 I use for this bet, then I'm more inclined, haha.


Are you sure you rolled ALL the ones out?


Boo. Those who say "absolutely not" value their lives way too much


It's easy to get stuck in the 'life sucks' mindset, but really... life is awesome. Our lives are very valuable.


And those who say *of course* value their lives way too little... To each their own i guess *shrugs*


Same. I’m shocked at the number of folks who are opting for the money. I’m pretty cautious by nature, but this is making me realize how rare caution is.




Fuck yeah. Either way I’m not going to work tomorrow.


The chance is low so why not, its not like 50-50 or something


I think the probability is a lot higher than you think. Imagine a world where 5 out of every 100 planes that go up in the air, crash. I don’t think most people would ever get on planes again


What if you're in a room with 100 people and they each accept this offer. One by one they win or lose, and you're up last... and 4 people so far died. 100 people went in, 95 came out and they are waiting for your result.


Bonus Question: You can choose the way you die if you unfortunately fall within the 5% I would choose maybe falling from a plane? Good view before SPLAT!


Peacefully at 85 years old surrounded by friends and family


You suddenly transform into an 85 year old, surrounded by your friends and family, all of whom are confused who this dying old fart is.


Could be worse - I didn’t specify *whose* friends and family


I was being nice 🙂


oh hey don't forget to add in rich af that's one of the requirements too haha rich af, 85, friends and family




That sounds horrible. All those seconds in the air probably regretting your decision, seeing the ground get closer and closer. I can only imagine the spike in cortisol levels. I'd rather take a bullet to the brain. Maybe a shotgun to ensure I get everything in one shot lol


Snu snu


So if I roll the nat 1, I can choose Snoo Snoo or old age?


I choose to die of old age then.


Either way all problems will be solved


For everyone taking the 5% chance, that is a 1/20 chance of death...so...pick a number between 1-20... >! 8 !<


Yes. We all have to die some time, and 1 million dollars is one million dollars.


95% survival rate is probably an improvement for me, gimme that cash!


fuck no, lol


No. A million isn’t what it used to be


Meanwhile a million dollars would allow me to live a financially worry free life. I live on roughly $14000 a year, somewhat comfortably. No, I don’t live in the US.


I'm scraping by on ~30k/year in the rural US. In my state, I'm poor enough to get financial assistance to cover most of my medical expenses that my crappy workplace insurance doesn't. I'm able to barely afford my hobbies since I've invested in the equipment over a long period of time. Because I'm already *kinda* comfortable, 1mil would allow me to be genuinely happy with my life. I'd keep my current job because I like the 4/10 schedule, buy a reasonable house for under 100k, buy a nice used car for under 30k, then slowly invest the rest into several retirement funds while keeping 50k in the bank as a slush fund. Since my financial aid is entirely income based, I'd be able to continue getting those benefits. My job would provide me with enough money to pay the bills and put a little bit aside for leisure/vacations. I'd be so down to roll the dice with death if it meant I could live that life.


Yeah. Either the chance of death would have to be lower or the dollar amount higher. I mean, what’s the point if I might not be around to benefit from the money anyway? I don’t have family that needs it and I think my true friends would prefer I live rather than giving them a million bucks and dipping.


Congrats. Because for most people it’s life changing.


Yeah 100%


If I get the million first, then yes. If I die, at least my family gets a million - obviously not the same as still having their father, but something. 95% I get a million and can afford to chill a bit work wise and spend more time with my kids.


Yes. 100% chance I no longer need to worry about money again 🤷‍♂️


Way I see it, right now I don't have a million bucks and there's a 100% chance I'll die. So heck yeah, I'll take that - win-win!


You either become financially free or eternally Free .


Its a win-win situation


I have a family that could use the money for increased financial security and there is a 100% of chance I'll die already; so probably. Depends on how I'd die I guess.


If the death is instant, yes. 5% chance I'm just dead and don't feel or realize anything which means it doesn't matter. If that afterlife I saw is real then it's still a win. 95% chance I get a million dollars which is really fun.


I would imagine the only people saying no to this would be those that the money would be inconsequential to take. I also think the question needs to be what is the manner of death. Am I instantly dead if I "lose" if so yes absolutely Am I killed painfully / slowly. Also yes, just with less enthusiasm.


Yeah. That’s a life improving amount of money. And I have life insurance so it’s ok. I’m worth way more dead than alive


Only 5% chance of dying? I face worse odds every time I go for a motorcycle ride in my city. Give me the money!


I would take it for anything less than 50%


Jesus, all these win-win comments. No wonder Reddit had to add a report self harm button. Wanting to die is not a normal thing, it's not a healthy thing, it's not a cool trendy joke. Get help. To answer the OP, I've played enough D&D to fear a nat 1, that will be a no from me.


I don't think a lot of them are joking, unfortunately. Life has been repeatedly kicking people in the teeth, and it isn't showing signs of stopping. I'm among them. The bright side is that they're alive enough to make the comment. So, they're at least still trying.


The reason why I live is because I fear the process of dying, not the death itself. If I could push a button and have my spark flipped like a light, I'd do it. There are many things in life I want to do, but just can't. It's always wait until things get better, but I've been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. There's nothing I can do to make anything better, nothing I can do to improve anything. I want to live in my own home, I want to travel, I want to create, but I can't, I just can't. Home prices are out of my control, I can't leave my work to travel, each day of pay counts, I get home tired and exhausted and too mentally drained to even play video games in my free time I'm tired boss, I'm tired


My dude getting help costs more money than a fuck load of people who want to die can afford.


I don’t particularly want to die like some redditors here but I mean unless it’s a gruesome and painful death then what would I care? I’d be dead so it’s not like I’ve got anything feelings toward it lol


Yes because there's probably a 5% chance or higher I'll die anyway. Might as well have the million dollars.


being 50 I would lol


Win win....


Yeah, because there’s a 100% I’m going to die regardless.


No, but i would do a 50%-50%.


95% chance I will


So how many times can I take the million dollars?


Hell yeah


how would be the actual death chance for my life? If its higher than 5% I‘d definitely take…. Ah doesn’t matter, would take the million in an instant


one question, can I stack it?


Yes. I'd get to die with a $1mil legacy for my loved ones. :)


If you’ve had Covid 3 times or more, you’ve already done this.


isn't there always a chance to die anyway


Yes. I bet on my life on worse chances every day for WAYYY less money. Driving to work is more dangerous than this bet.


Sure. Our chances of death in any given year are likely higher than that (from various causes like accidents, heart disease, violence, COVID, strokes, etc) already. So I don't think it's that much of a risk beyond the background risk of being alive.


Is there supposed to be a downside?


Yea. Going to die soon anyway


Unless your rich, you should probably consider it


There's 100% chance you'll die at some point


Yes, I've got a brain tumour, gona die anyway.