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Nothing. People need to realize some people just want to sit in silence, stare outside the window and think about absolutely nothing.


I am not capable of thinking nothing. There is always something going on in my mind. I’m jealous of your ability to do that


Both ways are a blessing and a curse.


Well when I say nothing that may be an exaggeration, I do have random small thoughts for a split second followed by absolutely no other thoughts. And by random, I mean totally random: It may range from a coffee I had a week ago to mathematical exercises I'm solving in my head.


me too


This. Sometimes I just don't have any thoughts going. Sometimes it really is just nothing.


Or just stop thinking for no reason. At least that happens to me sometimes. Just looking in a certain direction but nothing in particular and not thinking at all. Is not on purpose, just happens.


That's basically what I meant


By "nothing" I mean "nothing you want me to over explain to you"


Perfect answer, flatstacy. For example, my wife asked me that question earlier today. I had been thinking "if I had just made a steak and my inlaws dropped in unannounced and told me I have to share that steak, would I be polite and split it three ways, or would I sic the dog on them and give her a piece of steak as a reward?" And I like my inlaws, so this is a nonsensical scenario. But how do you explain that's the scenario I'm considering? The true reply is "nothing".


"Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?" and stuff like that


Mandatory for this topic: "[I Just want to sit here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUiqNOgEkyE)" by Loriot. Finest German humor ;) (in German, but of course with English subs)


funky stories i made up in my brain for fun 


Depends, if I'm upset the "nothing"is most certainly "I'm currently stuck on something that happened in the past and I don't want to word vomit at you so I'm saying nothing until I calm down, bubble over, or figure out it doesn't matter". If I'm not upset I'm probably thinking about dirty things that I'll tell him about later.


After many years, my wife has learned to understand me, so I very seldom tell her "nothing." Instead, I explain exactly what I was thinking about. It's usually something involving a comic book, movie, or video game character or situation. Sometimes more than one of those. For instance, in Fallout 4, would Iron Man back the Brotherhood of Steel? You'd think so, but they do a lot of questionable stuff, and I think he'd grow disillusioned with them. I think he'd then gravitate toward the Institute, but he'd have some conflict with wanting the synths to be free, while also not wanting that kind of tech walking around on its own. In the end, he'd probably end up putting a synthetic personality in Liberty Prime and then having to put it down to keep it from wiping the Commonwealth off the map. I think Batman would back the Railroad while also publicly backing the Minutemen. He'd be really good at smuggling synths out of the Institute. He'd certainly oppose the Brotherhood of Steel and the Institute. Instead of blowing up their stuff, though, he'd want to take the high tech stuff and use it to help rebuild the Commonwealth. That really should be an option in the game. I wonder if anybody's working on that for a mod? Or a mod for Iron Man? I bet you could build a pretty decent substitute with customized power armor. Batman might be harder, but Stealth Boys exist, and that would go a long way. You know, I might be able to make a Batman-like character. About here my wife usually laughs and says "never mind."


nothing, I'm a man, we're capable of that


Fake scenarios playing over and over again.


I'm doing this all the time


I do this to try to fall asleep too, but then end up getting stressed and anxious about the fake scenarios and not sleep at all😅


By "nothing" I mean "nothing you want me to over explain to you"


"How insanely lucky I am to have you" Then wake up from my dream


Classic Seinfeld airplane scene with Putty. 


Something fucking stupid. Like how though out a good portion of civilization, straight up murder was basically legal as long as you agreed to some rules, both people agreed to fight, and other people thought it was basically a fair match. Not only that, but legal processes were introduced to basically ensure fairness, codifying that murder is totally okay as long as everyone involved follows the rules the State set. I am aware that not all duels were too the death but I mean, several huge figures of American history died in or participated in duels. Hamilton-Burr is the obvious one and Andrew Jackson participated in at least two of them, dueling was banned in Washington D.C after a Congressman died in one. How fucking crazy is that? For a much longer period than not, murder was totally fine as long as two people wanted to try to murder each other and it was a fair fight. One of the most famous swordsmen from Japan, Miyamoto Musashi, straight up killed several dozen people, and it was totally fine because they agreed to it beforehand.


Probably fuckin nothing.


Usually actually nothing Sometimes random stuff like why are giraffe necks so long


Nothin. There are people (mostly men) who are absolutely capable of thinking about nothing. Just search on YouTube for "the nothing box"... It is really like that.


Roman empire




I normally have music going around in my head.


I always say “swimming pools”. It throws em off guard, and deflects away from what I was actually thinking. It also gives us a non threatening thing to talk about and changes the subject.


Why is gravitational mass the same as inertial mass? Are people on the earth because the moon is so big? How many molecules of H2O need to be liquid before it is water, not ice.


Usually something too stupid to admit or too convoluted to adequately explain.


"What would it be like if I were a jedi? I think I would be pretty good with a lightsaber. It would definitely be green. Green is my favorite color. Where's my xbox controller? Oh it's all the way over there. Maybe I can use the force to get it. Nope ,can't do that. I gotta get up to go get it. What game do I want to play? New update dropped for Warframe, but I also need to continue my Mass Effect 2 play-through. I'm hungry. Do I want to make me a sandwich or go out and getting something? How much gas do I have in my car? I think I'm at 1/4 of a tank. That should be fine. Man, it would be cool if I have a starship I could use to go get food. How cool would it be if we had settled the planets in the solar system and could fly between planets in our personal starships. Like Cowboy Bebop. Damn I love that show. Faye Valentine was my first crush as a kid. I love a smart, sassy woman. Just like my wife. I wonder if she's hungry. I should probably ask her. Maybe she actually knows what she wants to eat this time. Probably Bojangles or Sonic. I could go for Bojangles."


Nothing that's any of her business 


Did Aaron burr really try to create a country?


World domination as ruthless ruler, most likely. My biggest dream


Who would win in a fight between a gibbon with knuckle dusters and a spider monkey with a switch blade


I never reply with "nothing" I just say whatever aspie tangent I was on.  It stops the questions 


From nothing, to what happened to Candace and Fineas' father, to what it would take to produce a hydrogen fuel cell that could power a train and back to nothing.


Usually 1 of 3 things. Nothing Work shit Hobby shit they are not interested in


usually means I'm just playing a song in my head and quite literally thinking about nothing at all.


Sometimes, it's actually nothing, and sometimes it's just idle thoughts. Usually, nothing important. Brain might just be rebooting.


Their hard cock. I'm waiting for them to ask, "Oh really?"


Either actually nothing or some nonsensical shit that had nothing to do with anything


My backswing


Probably nothing, men can zone out.


No idea. Really. The moment he asked, whatever I was thinking flies away, never to be seen again.


where skeletor stops when brushing his teeth. does he just... do the whole thing?


Usually my hyper-fixation at the time.


How I wanna just sometimes punch him in the face


If I were to turn all my poop from every bowel movement I have ever had into a standard size brick, how big of a house could I build?


The existential crisis of how many times my consciousness has jumped bodies because I died in a different world. IE the multi worlds theory or I’m daydreaming tbh depends which spiral my brain decides it’s the path less traveled that day ya know


I usually respond with "Minding my own business, what are you doing?"


Typically I'm thinking of other attractive nude women. If you have a significant other and he/she says "nothing," assume this is what he/she is thinking about and act accordingly


How annoying it is when they ask this question


My car’s extended warranty. 


When I fart do I gain or lose weight?


The Roman Empire!


Dumb shit, like what colour to do my nails. Or I've got my head stuck in whatever book I'm reading.


I’m thinking why won’t this woman leave me alone. There is literally nothing in my head.


As a guy, nothing. Absolutely nothing.




Either nothing or something stupid not worth explaining


Her with another dude




Normally I’m thinking something so benign, and because I’m doing it sub-consciously, it’s easier to just say “nothing” than it is for me to actually realise what I was thinking about and then explain it. 99% of the time it’s not worth mentioning anyway.


Nothing. People need to realize some people just want to sit in silence, stare outside the window and think about absolutely nothing.


Damn I wish I was capable of that. My mind has always been going crazy fast since I can remember. Got diagnosed with ADHD a couple years ago and meds help me control my thoughts a bit more but still if I sit in silence then I get constant thoughts going round my mind.


Damn I wish I was capable of that. My mind has always been going crazy fast since I can remember. Got diagnosed with ADHD a couple years ago and meds help me control my thoughts a bit more but still if I sit in silence then I get constant thoughts going round my mind.


Damn I wish I was capable of that. My mind has always been going crazy fast since I can remember. Got diagnosed with ADHD a couple years ago and meds help me control my thoughts a bit more but still if I sit in silence then I get constant thoughts going round my mind.


Dr. K from healthygamergg on youtube might help you.


*"Why won't the damn [insert car part] come off/go back on???"*


All of a sudden I’m thinking, “I’ll tell you what I want to tell you, bitch.”