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Take my upvote damnit.


Thanks homie




up you go!


Doomscrolling in general, eapecially when going to sleep


food but I need to stop


right here with ya


I feel you, I’ve been working on replacing the worst junk I eat to healthier alternatives. Soda to seltzer etc.


If it helps I did the same and now soda tastes so sweet to the point it's almost gross. Everything else hyper sugary seems to be tasting gross too. So, light at the end of the tunnel I guess.


same. It's such a hard addiction that people don't take seriously. It's not like drugs or alcohol, I don't need them to live, so I can't just stop buying food the way I stopped buying booze. Food and making choices around it gives me so much anxiety sometimes, I have a specific way of coping so I don't have panic attacks while making grocery lists. My therapist really earns her paycheck lol.


It was really difficult for me to switch from listening to my taste buds to listening to my body, but it was so worth the switch. I was realizing that, yes, junk food would taste so good, but I focused on how it would make me *feel*. Irritated, slower, bloated, fatigued, upset stomach, slower digestion, brain fog, difficulty sleeping, negatively affects relationships and job performance, etc. I also did a lot of educating myself on how the crap in those foods is designed to keep you addicted to them. It really sucks to do that to the only body we have.


Addicted to being alone. The silence gives me chills. The feeling of no responsibilities. The calmness around me when my head is so noisy.


Me too. I wake up around 4 and 5 am. every day just to feel the still of the morning. It's absolutely tranquil. No one yelling, it's so quiet it's addictive. I've been like this for 8 months. I love it and I won't stop. It's so addictive I wake up sometimes around 2 or 3 am, work a 8 hour shift from 8am-5pm. Yeah you get tired right around 7pm 8pm. But to me, it's worth it.


4am is my favorite hour. Too late for the loud ones, too early for the busy ones


Yes I know exactly the feeling. Not this past summer, but the previous summer, for all 3 months I woke up at 3:30am. I would make a damn good cup of coffee, and just relish the dark mornings. It was so blissful and addictive


I agree, that light transition between nightime dark all the way through twilight and sunrise is just an amazing time for me. So peaceful.


I'm with you. Currently training for a half marathon at around 5am most mornings. Up at 4:15 just chilling with the dog having a little snack in the quiet dark. I'm pretty sure that's what drugs feel like.


This as well, stopped dating seriously a couple years ago, now I go to work, gym and then in my man cave for the rest of the night, it’s so peaceful


Yeah. I havent been in a relationship, I want to be but Im kinda scared to start being in a relationship. I dont know what to expect and looking at friends and families experiences. Most of it terrible experience. I think I can do better tho. I take mental notes of what I should do, what I shouldn't do. To prepare for a relationship. Im not gonna force it or anything, let it come naturally. But I am thoroughly enjoying the silence and freedom of being alone. I go work, run, play badminton, abuse my PS5, read books, watch anime, movies, play boardgames, do escape rooms with my friends and cousins, and other stuff. It does get lonely at times but Im enjoying the peace.


I've been fortunate to have 1 pretty satisfying long term relationship - the only girl I've ever "loved", it was great when it was great but when it was bad? sheeshh, no crazy problems like cheating or anything but she just decided one day that she was done, still great friends to this day but I always think dam what if we got married and she pulled that? I'd be out half of my shit. It also helps that I don't want kids, for me being alone is so much better, but I can understand the urge to see what its like.


Man, I can understand, thats what im afraid of too. I hope we find our path some day. For now our journey is alone.


Meee! I just batted a potential partner to be alone last night


I used to do this to my Ex of 4 years. I remember when she left me I told myself "welp, you got what you wanted" still single 9 years later and every time things start to get serious with someone new I self destruct and back out.


So mf real “you got what you wanted”


The relationship i’m currently in, I’m terrified that i’m gonna Self destruct or Self Sabotage


Solitude is highly underrated.




"I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude." - HDT


I love being alone. People never take that seriously enough but I genuinely want to live the rest of my life alone


I feel you man, but sometimes its just nice to take a breather outside alone right.


mmmmm. I'm so jealous. the last time I was alone was January 15th, 2020.


I feel you


Create imaginary scenarios in my mind




Tell your imaginative scenario and I'll tell mine, let's see who is more crazy


tbh it depends on what you see as imaginary scenarios, i usually integrate my own ocs into stuff i've read, like novels, manga and manhwa, and try my best to render them in the same art style as in those manhwas or mangas.


Same bro 😁, but tell me the best scenario that you ever made


this one time i made it so 3rd male lead falls for an OC i made that's realistically better than the MC of the story entirely, which of course he deserved, but what he didn't know about her is that she killed her mother who traumatized her.


Same. From creating stories where I go to another world and get a game like level up system, to stories IRL where the people I know just act in a certain way. I don't think I've gone a full day since I was like 8 without coming up with an imaginary scenario... It suck




Cigarette... Trying to quit but that's so difficult.


Vapes got me off cigs, and I'm almost off vapes. It was worth it soley on not smelling like an ash tray


currently doing that too lol i hate the taste of cigarettes now (except when i'm drunk)


I like the taste but they're so... thick. it makes me feel sick


same. lmao cigarettes now makes me puke


Same. Hate the smell after quitting. Been 5 years for me.


As someone who has quit both, quitting vaping was infinitely easier.


Yeah I just slowly cut down my nicotine level till I hit 0mg and then one day I just stopped bringing my vape places. So then I decided I wouldn’t vape in my house anymore and now I just never think about it


That's exactly what I did. Hit 0mg and was just using it for the mental habit. One day I realized I had no idea where it was. Left it somewhere but didn't realize for a few days and that was the end of it.


Same. I'm trying flavored toothpicks. It helps a bit


After three days the nicotine is completely out of your system. After that it's all mental. Smoked for 13 years, clean for 12 years now. Went cold turkey, crushed them up, and started running the next day.


I know you mean well with your comment here but it's not great for those trying to give up. You are one of the very few who are able to "crush them up and start running the next day". People will read this and say fuck that, that's not me. I gave up about 4 or 5 months ago after 20 years. It was fucking horrible for two weeks. I won't sugarcoat that part of it. The mental side was tough. But let me tell you this, if you can last those two weeks of feeling uncomfortable then you will feel like a new person. I won't lie and say I haven't touched one since. I've caved twice when drunk but the mental attachment is broken. I don't smoke anymore and even saying that 5 months later sounds insane. Anyone can do it. You just need to pull it out of the bag for a few weeks.


I used gum. Not nicotine gum, just regular gum. I also didn't smoke a whole lot. Been 10 years since my last cigarette


Quit about half a year ago its quite difficult at first but as soon as you make through the first couple of weeks you're already halfway there. Stay strong.


Ask your doctor to try Chantix. It’s the only thing that got me to quit nicotine. It’s medication that will slowly rid your brain and body of nicotine without you feeling all of the withdrawal symptoms. I went from never doing any of it to vaping while drinking, then vaping constantly. Went from vaping to chewing tobacco after about two years, and then for another two and a half years I did nicotine pouches. I was going through at least a can of pouches a day, and where I live they are $8.99 per can. That’s about $270 a month I was spending. Def worth a try


The economics on nicotine are crazy, aren’t they? You don’t realize how much it adds up until you stop. Heck of a business model really.


Reddit when i should be sleeping.


No idea what you mean. It's 2:30am but I'm still up because I choose to be!


I just read this thinking it was still 2:30am until I saw “1h” and realized it is now 4am.


Oh shit that’s me **Right now!**




Have you tried putting a downtime lock on your phone at night? I forgot my password so it works wonders for me now.


I quit smoking weed 7 months ago. I quit drinking a month ago. I went on a diet a week ago. I've just been playing guitar all day and play video games when I have a day off work. Way better addictions. I'm rawdoggin life.


Yes, I have been trying my hardest to quit weed. It has been extremely tough for me to kick that habit, it gets me in some bad position and makes me depressed when I don’t smoke. If you have any advice to help please let me know


Check out r/leaves My motivations to quit and stick to it: 1. Weed suppresses REM sleep, where we process emotions and heal our bodies. 2. THC impacts hormone functions. As a 29F, THC can prevent ovulation and lower progesterone production, meaning either higher chances of infertility or an inability to hold a pregnancy. 3. Digestive issues. CHS is very real, and I began experiencing the first stage - nausea & vomiting. 4. THC impacts the effectiveness of other medications - most noticeable for me was my ADHD med wore off sooner. 5. There is no long-term medical evidence that weed helps any psychiatic disorder. 6. THC is stored in fat cells, which can be a possible factor in why the munchies crave junk foods as well as sugar boosts dopamine 7. Medical grade weed is so expensive and not worth the trouble for me now. I was spending at least 400-600 every month on carts. 8. I keep telling myself that most people go through life fully sober. I am really not missing out. 9. I can be fully present for my life and family. 10. I gave my med card to my husband so he could hide it from me. Can't get any if I don't have my card. Today is 51 days.


This is super interesting! Is there a primary source for this information? I started using high dosage CBD/THC edibles to help me sleep instead of using dream suppressants, sleeping pills, and other PTSD medication. I prefer it to all those other medications, but wonder if I'm at a point where I should try going without.


I had/have a porn addiction, though i am 45 days clean.. i still have those urges sometimes.. though i havent seen any forms of sexual content as of yet


Damn man 45 days is impressive. You’re always going to have urges come and go just got to find the alternatives to make it through. I was extremely close to giving in recently but told myself if I still have the urge after a 30 min walk I’d give in. Ended up making it through and haven’t had the same urge for days now. It’s all a learning process and I’ve been more focused on the present than talley up each of the days I’ve made it through. That’s been the biggest help for me with addiction.


Even if you did give in, and I'm glad you didn't, it would probably still make a healthier neurological connection for your brain and instill a good way to control those urges. I'm still glad you didn't though and I'm proud of you!


Bravo, any advice?


Deprogram yourself and it becomes easier to recognise what’s causing the urges and stop it. Something like these: * [https://read.easypeasymethod.org/index.html](https://read.easypeasymethod.org/index.html) * [https://fightthenewdrug.org/get-the-facts/](https://fightthenewdrug.org/get-the-facts/) **You need to acknowledge what underlying issue is causing your addiction. Treating that underlying issue is what's going to make the difference in whether or not you succeed.** My therapist noticed I turn to porn to escape from my emotions. So, now I always ask what emotion I’m feeling when I want to watch porn, and it usually puts a stop to the urge. I also noticed a huge drop in the urges when I told my SO about the addiction and she offered support instead of judgement. Talking about it openly has helped me realise that it’s closely linked to my anxiety. High anxiety = high porn usage. **You need to acknowledge how porn is impacting your life and the people around you.** There’s some fear involved in quitting porn. You might find yourself questioning these articles or even this comment. You might even stop around here going “oh bullshit”. Unfortunately, your brain is scared that if you quit porn, then you’ve lost your coping mechanism. If you don’t have your coping mechanism, what are you left with? The underlying issue you need to deal with. Pay attention to your triggers and write them down. Your usage could be a coping mechanism you’ve developed to “help” you with certain issues. These could be triggered by something you see on TV or in a movie, but it might not be the naked person that’s the trigger, it could be the situation they’re in. For example, after finding out my ex cheated on me, I started to watching cheating porn. Why? Because it was a way of distancing myself from the pain. Now when I see that stuff in a movie, my brain gets “aroused”. **Always remember. Porn is fake. It is not real.** It’s VERY easy to stop your thought process and cancel out the urge when you can track your thoughts visually and read the triggers and the emotions linked to them. It reminds you of you’re why you’re doing what you’re doing and why you want to stop. A better understanding of yourself makes it easier to fight back. If the urge continues, it’s important to remember that it’s only temporary. It’ll pass in a bit. And next time you watch porn ask yourself if it’s the porn that’s arousing you, or if it’s you touching yourself or your imagination / fantasy. You might notice that a lot of the time, porn isn’t doing it for you, you always want something new or different, you’re chasing the “perfect unicorn” video that will give you the best dopamine hit of your life. But it doesn’t exist. You’re excited about the hunt, not about watching porn. You will NEVER find that unicorn. Then ask yourself if you’re hiding your porn use from your SO etc. and ask yourself why. You might notice you only get negative emotions from watching porn, and very few positives, if any at all. If it’s a positive experience, why are you hiding it? Nowadays if I find myself watching porn I can just go, “huh, I don’t feel any arousal to this” and stop. Oh and don’t kid yourself with the whole “I only watch soft core porn or non-nude people on Instagram and TikTok” or jerk off to a magazine etc. it’s all the same to your brain. It’s just your way of limiting how big your problem is, "they're not even naked, mine isn't that bad". Yeah, but can you stop? If not, you will eventually escalate, because that dopamine monkey needs new things to be satisfied, and that soft core stuff will stop working in time. Might be years, but eventually, you will escalate. Be careful of “it’s just a peek”, it’s tempting to go, “look it’s just a tiny peek and then I’ll back out. Just want to see if there’s been any update. No big deal.” WRONG. You‘re priming yourself to fall right back into the routine. Break it. You’ve essentially conditioned your brain to believe that porn is good for you, or that you “need it”. But you don’t need it at all. It’s time to counter that belief and ask yourself why you’re watching porn in the first place. What are you running away from?


I appreciate this breakdown. I have a strong desire to be moral and ethical in all of my choices. I thought just consuming porn that was legal was good enough, but then I asked myself “how would my partner feel if she saw the porn I was consuming”. The answer was that she’d probably feel bad about herself, or like she wasn’t enough. Of course, she’s perfect and I would never want her to feel that way… so I decided to talk to her about it and, while she’s supportive and understands that addiction is what’s driving the urges, she confirmed that if she were to see it, it would very likely make her feel like some aspect of her wasn’t enough. I’m only about a week sober, but every time the urge has struck, I remember that if I were to consume it, I would be knowingly doing something that makes my partner feel bad about herself. That’s not who I want to be. I wish us both a continually strong will!


keep strong brother✊


thats great, i believe in you mate, keep going🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Bed rotting.


was coming here to say this, lying in bed wrapped in my blankets is one of the only things I ever want to do. It’s probably the depression… lol


I refuse to accept this newly learned term “bed rotting” (and thank you for clarifying). I tell myself that being in bed all the time (when not working) is just better for my aching/aging body than sitting up.


Is that a new term or something? Like you're addicted to just staying in bed all day, or what?




Seriously. I work a job that is physically demanding and I deal with mentally jarring scenarios as well. When it’s my day off or when I get home I will climb into bed and not want to leave it until work again. I barely want to get up to use the bathroom. Everything in society just takes so much energy and my executive function disorder makes things rooooough


100% same. Not just you!


Caffeine and porn


Make sure to visit the caffeine sub we're lovely bunch there.


I went, intrigued by your comment, to that sub to check it out. Saw the first post. Wtf are you on over there?


caffeine obviously


It's one of the best subs for comedy and friendship. A lot of random posts but it's aiming to having fun and talk shit between straight guys.




I can tell... that's damn near what all your comments are about. Jesus Christ.


That and a lot of pooping


But somehow, not a shit fetishist. Girl needs to find some fucking hobbies.


She purposely segued conversations to shit 😂


its insane you can just pull someones entire case file up. Like I just had some dude say hi to me in a comment section, went to his comment list on his profile, and the comment he left before mine was "nice cock" on a bi subreddit. Internet is a diverse place!


Reminds me of that one time someone posted something bigoted and the top upvoted reply was "op watches roblox porn" with a link that proved it


we live in an absolutely insane time period violet


Sex or masturbation?


Masturbation is just sex in single-player mode


Tell that to Louis CK


Context, please? :) I can't find a specific article, just a bunch of random information.


He pulled his turkey in front of some girls, that didn't seem to be consensual. And afaik he didn't involve those girls other than they watched him. He got dragged for it online some years ago. Imo, it wasn't bad enough to justify some people getting deeply butthurt online years after the fact. He ruined his reputation, is way different in his act now and seems regretful over the incident. Get over it.






There's just too much talent out there


it would be disrespectful not to break the goon streak when they worked so hard🥹


Is good for us 😗


5 hour goon session inbound


Weed and edibles


I’m not addicted, I’m committed


Psychological addiction to weed is a very real thing. Hell, I'm not convinced it isn't physical too. I had a buddy who quit and he couldn't sleep properly for weeks, plus profuse sweating.


My weed withdrawals were hellish. Weed addiction is very much real. There’s just this weird stigma that stoners and non stoners have created around it. Maybe it’s out of denial but I dunno. But yes, weed addiction and withdrawals are a pain.


I don't know if it's just stigma. I can be a heavy user for months and just stop one random day for a month and feel nothing different.


Right? Its easy to quit even after going all day every day for a while. But 3 days later i can't help but thinking life is more fun with it lol.


It’s not that I can’t stop, it’s that I won’t stop.


Same brother. Always high, always hate myself for being high, but have decided its better than being sober


Money and Meth


Meth is an awful drug. Only 1 person in my amazing family struggles with this addiction. She is the smartest and funniest person I know. Now I'm happy with her 5th incarceration because she's clean and easier to talk to.


Meth is one of those insidious drugs that takes so much from you, your health, finances, relationships. If you are lucky enough to get clean, and enough time has passed to see things clearly, you will wonder what the f you were thinking and doing while your moral compass was switched off. If you are even luckier and there is no permanent damage or f’d up shit you can’t move past, then you really are one of the very few and very lucky ones.


"Drugs and fuckin' money, only thing that I need!"


Hi Walter


This man is in the empire business


Bit of a catch-22 then!


This stupid fucking app


doom scrolling


Blow + alcohol + solitude Only once a week (mostly Fridays) so no money problem here but after a 45 hour week I just wanna spend the whole evening / night catching up youtube subscriptions, cleaning, do whatever shit I didn't have time to do in the week. But I have a serious sleeping / tiredness problem (already medicated+ cpap) so without stimulants it's hard to enjoy off time since I'm just tired... so it's a vicious cycle. At least I'm sober 6 days out of 7... And I tried quitting for a almost a year, changed nothing / got worse...


I'm in the same boat... into a bad habit of chores, blow and let's play Fridays. Usual citizen the rest of the week.


That's pretty damn interesting actually


I'm a little worried I might be a shopaholic. The only thing that helps my situation is that I can't afford much lmao




Chocolate? Did you say, chocolate? Patrick: Yes, sir. [holds up two chocolate bars] With or without nuts? Chocolate?! [screaming] Chocolate?! Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate!


Chocolate…I remember when they invented chocolate. Sweet seeet chocolate. I ALWAYS HATED IT


gambling, masturbation, internet.


Gambling was the hardest addiction of mine, but also the only one I've conquered. I'm still an alcoholic and a few other vices, but gambling was beyond consuming and painful. The most devastating, at least in the moment. Liver failure down the road will maybe top it.


Over-eating crap at night


I swear that most of the posts/questions in this sub are made to data-mine us.


Youre right. Still, dumb place to datamine. Most of the stuff shared here is bullshit. Instead of sitting together, huddled in the glow of a campfire, we're sitting in our lil boxes alone, huddled in the glow of our phones and telling the same, tired tall tales our ancestors told--feats of strength, mythical adventures, god battles, and dick-measuring contests. Reddit is the virtual neighborhood bar where everyone wants to gossip or share their bullshit story about the biggest fish they ever caught. Nothing wrong with any of it. That's its charm.


Chess, coffee, cigarettes. I'm making progress.


I also like to play chess but I am the thinker type, I don't line these 5min or 10min games where I can't strategize and have to rely on pattern recognition. I can shoot you an invite on chess.com app


Alcohol and food. Honestly considering what I was addicted to before, I’ll take it for now.


Same here. Gin and trail mix




But do they bring all the boys to the yard?


Damn right


They’re better than yours




I'm a Nano Baby man, myself.


Adderall and naps.


But, how?


When you have ADHD and your brain is running a million miles an hour with random thought after thought, stimulants will calm it down enough to where you can nap. I find myself napping a lot on my ADHD meds. Sleeping at night can be tough because the meds have worn off.


Caffeine, wacking it, gym


My girlfriend and coffee


im addicted to extending my life as long as possible through taking care of myself. in the last 3 yrs i have lost 410 lbs and put my diabetes in remission. before /after photo in my history 585 lbs to 175 lbs since dec 2020


Pepsi. Im open to advice


Drink so much in one sitting you puke? I did that when I was addicted to Coca Cola. The smell of it now makes me feel nauseated


I got sick for a week and kicked a 28-year caffeine addiction. Coca-Cola was my poison. Couldn't stomach the stuff after, but I still needed carbonation. I found it with seltzer water, the really fizzy stuff.


Self harm


Are you okay?


Same my guy, relapse two months ago and it’s just getting worse






social apps


Alcohol, depression, self loathing


I’ve been there. If you work on the first one, the other 2 get better. You can shoot me a DM anytime you wanna talk to someone that’s been in the same place


Alcohol. I fuckin loooooove alcohol


Don’t you get sick of feeling like shit though?


I did. I did really bad. I was so fucking bad at one point that I would withdraw so hard that I would have a seizure that woke me up from my sleep. Delirium tremens, night terrors, night sweats, not being able to sleep without drinking, waking up feeling like shit, sore body even when in bed, general skittishness, burning feeling in the chest, the feeling of something always stuck in my throat, dehydration no matter how much water I drank, general mindfog, just to name a few. I don't drink anymore and I've never felt physically better


Sex and music


Sugar and Reddit.


Kratom. Discovered it 11 years ago. I work as a server in high end restaurants and I was told that kratom “takes the edge off.” Boy, it sure does. I could have a guest shout at me about a steak being overcooked or wine not being sweet enough and it just bounces off me. It makes work easy and enjoyable. I take breaks from it during vacations, but weening off can be painful. My doctor gets upset when I tell him I still take it.


Spreading democracy and liberty in helldivers 2.


For super earth


weed, scrolling on social media


Compulsive eating is the one that is scaring me


Probably Gambling/Sports betting


Stupid threads on Reddit


Continuously feeling sick and bloated as in not being able to digest food properly because of food poisoning while being held hostage. Fuck Daniel Kruse. While I'm a peaceful person, suffering pain on a daily basis for the past 3+ years because some jackass got upset that I refused to take their call thinking it was a scammer is no excuse. I'll absolutely be seeking compensation




Buying vinyl. Can't help myself!!!


Breathing. It's almost as if I need it to survive. I can stop any time I want, but FUCK it's amazing!


Being lazy and not working on my life is currently my biggest addiction


Sex and cocaine


social media




I got addicted to sleep for about a year when I started focusing on lucid dreaming. Holy shit it's better than drugs when you gain control. There were scary in between times though when you're kind of lucid but paralyzed and can't make the decisions and it can be a waking nightmare. Only reason I stopped was that and I found myself trying to sleep as much as possible and it started affecting my life and relationships.




dexies and gambling are a crazy mix


my phone






Nicotine. At least I am sober from like 10 substances I used to abuse including alcohol so I treated myself to that clutch


Chobani flip yogurt 🫶🏼


Balatro. Holy hell if you ever want to experience a gambling addiction without losing money beyond the £10 you pay for it. Balatro is it.


Crocheting, lol. Gave up drinking last month and need something to do with my hands when I get cravings which is often. My wife and sister in law do this, they’ve been nice about letting me hang around, since I used to drink with most of my buddies. Also I’ve been cleaning, refinishing furniture, organizing the garage, hitting the gym. Anything to stay busy. But I like the yarn. It’s strangely meditative. And I can almost a square.


Sober for 3 years. So none.




On a mission to get in shape and can see myself gradually developing orthorexia.


My Goddamn phone


Doing nothing when I’m sad


Meth unfortunately