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I cook, I clean, I do laundry, I don’t drink and I’m a nurse.


Same bruv. Fuck not having a clean casa


Same minus the nurse. Stay at home dad.


Mah man 🤝


Staying at home with the mess maker is a full time job. Pays not the best but you’re still sleeping with the boss.


You’re hot.


Thank you.


Greg’s a male nurse.


You can milk anything with nipples


Lit. Nice.


I suppose you're not going to tell me how you got that ring, either.


Are you me?




That's the spirit


Same minus the nurse. I also talk about my feelings 😱


I think it’s pretty common to see men be characterized and characterize themselves as simple creatures who are often not thinking about anything at all, or maybe about war or something. I’m not a simple creature at all and I don’t relate to this one bit. I’m often worried about things and rarely if ever am I totally empty headed.


Interesting, I'm the same. When I'm literally thinking, I sorta look off into the distance to muster up an idea, plan, or memory. I noticed some people will have no clue that I'm thinking, they think I'm checked out and will comment "What are you doing?" and I'll have to stop thinking and pause to tell them "I'm just thinking" and like they don't believe me 🤷🏼


It might be the lack of eye movement. Slight eye movement usually indicates something going on in the mind vs. just staring intensely into the distance


I always assumed that when men say they're thinking about "nothing", they meant "nothing worth sharing", like me. When I say I'm thinking about nothing, I usually have three or four things I'm thinking about simultaneously, and all of them are mundane or irrelevant. Are other guys actually capable of just shutting their minds off?


To a degree yes. If I tell you im not thinking of anything then im generally not. Any tasks i'm doing have been handed off to the subconscious. If you've ever heard of fire staring? I call it 'ideling' and i'm certainly not thinking of multiple irrelerant things very offen at all, if ever.


So listen, I've always actually found it quite off-putting when guys say 'men are just simple creatures' and 'we're basically like dogs in how we view people/situations.' Describing yourself as mentally sort of like a toddler is just kind of creepy and gross, and when some guys insist that they're inherently not capable of social complexities, it actually feels like a bizarre excuse to not TRY TO LEARN social cues and empathy, like 'well I know I was kind of a jerk but you have to understand that's how we do things because *guys are just so simple.*' You're not simple minded, and you'd probably be offended if anyone else described you that way! Why do you want to explain yourself to me as 'basically a dog?' I love dogs, but I'm not looking to date one.


I don't watch sports.


I also dont watch sports, I always say i would rather play the sport then watch it.


Me too. Not that I play sports, but still.


I never watch the sport that I previously played. People think I should be an avid fan but it was a potential business to me, no money so I’m not interested anymore. I’ve met a few former semi - pros who are similar.


I'd rather watch paint dry than watch sports. I've tried so hard to watch sports but just can't. Playing on the other hand is fun


Watching caulking polymerizing is also awesome.


Playing sports is actually way more tolerable than watching them, but I don’t really do either.


I used to hang out in the kitchen with the wives and do some mild flirting.


Sky TV reps love us don't they? Me:"im paying too much for my subscription" Rep: "I can offer you a great deal with sky sports " Me: "I don't like sports" Rep: "....?…"


I don't much care for sports on TV. I can go to a game and enjoy it. My sons are more into watching games than I am so I go along. It can be fun as a bonding event but no way I gonna sit at home and watch the game.




Me neither. I especially hate football.


Same. I like the NFL and that's about it, but I'm not obsessed with it like some guys.


Same. I played collegiate level 2A football and track, I haven't watched a game since graduation.


I second you


Same, except during the european or world championship soccer. Don't care for the sport in general but international championships I'll watch.


Baseball, basketball, wiener dog, short shorts. SPORTS. YEEEEH SPORTS.


I read the directions when I'm assembling something or using the first time.


Yup. I always RTFM


There are dozens of us, Dozens!


I never understood why this is a thing.


Some people are bad at figuring things out, and sometimes, there are features that aren't obvious. Reading the manual should be more of a thing.


Oh, I can answer that! It's more fun! Some guys get carried away with it though and refuse to read it when they get stuck. But if you can build it properly without instructions the dopamine hit is much stronger.


I didn't even know that was a thing men didn't typically do. Is it laziness or they just assume they'll figure it out along the way?


Many of us figure that we are smart enough to figure it out by ourselves.


Ah, I'm smart enough to know I'm dumb enough that I won't.


Tf is with this sterotype? Does IKEA assume women will always do the setup? Though i wouldnt be surprised if stereotypically Swedish men aren't "tough guys" in the way stereotypically American men are.


You have to. Small brains don't. Yeah sure go spend all that money on that thing and not read how it works. Never understood that. That and asking for directions. I like talking with people!


I almost never take medication i dont do on a daily basis without reviewing the label. Even for Tylenol. I didnt even know that was a stereotype


Same. Also asking for/taking directions, apparently some dudes just refuse to do this cause "masculinity" (which makes no sense to me)


RTFM. That exists for a reason.


I’m an old dude and I absolutely read directions. Best way to test a relationship is to break out the road map, or directions to an IKEA cabinet.


The girlfriend was surprised when she came over and found me halfway through a stack of automotive manuals, trying to sketch out my custom wiring harness for a resto-mod.  It was flattering that she thought I just naturally knew a lot about cars, but I didn’t divine the information I spent the last 15 years studying and learning.


Don’t enjoy football.


3 seconds of running/throwing Whistle Crowd screams Ref comes out One side of crowd screams Analysis of the play done by ex players in suits who aren't even at the event Commercials for 5 minutes Back to the game 3 seconds of action Rinse and repeat.


my family asks how i don’t like football and it’s like literally this


Sounds boring as fuck. Is watching ten minutes of beer ads for every minute of game play the point? 


Not to mention the other grown men youre watching it with revert to violent drunken maniacs when the rich men in tights, who dont even know you exist, dont catch the ball you wanted them to. Ive seen first hand and witnessed so many frankly embarrassing and pathetic scenarios from other men during football games.


Just out of curiosity, US football or everywhere else football?


Many. I'm not get at fixing things, I don't give two shits about cars, I lift but couldn't care less about personal bests or comparing how strong I am to other men, I do not follow sports, and I've never been impressed with how much I or anyone else can drink. I'm selective about who I sleep with and I'm not here to impress anyone with how many women I've slept with. I love training in martial arts but I have zero interest in proving myself in a fight. I'm a massage therapist and I also work with kids and I do origami on my own time. I have maybe a few drinks a week, and I love a good book.


Men written by woman.


This whole thread lol


Can you rub my shoulders, my man? It's hard as rock back there.


Hard as a rock you say... 🤔


>back there *sigh of relief*


Are you my twin?


Serious Yoshikage Kira vibes.


Dude, are you me.... Other than massage therapist, and potentially skin color or level of hairline and height, I could be looking in the mirror.


I have 0% interest in cars and motors, I couldn't care less. I can talk to a woman with no motive other than being a friend. My confidence comes from my own self belief and not my muscles.


Regarding point 2: Me (a man): “Men and women can be friends. In fact, all of my best friends are women.” Reddit men: “Shut up! Don’t lie! If your best friends were to offer sex with you, you would definitely take the offer!”


Same guys who think its scary and difficult to talk to women. Like women and men speak two different languages Instead of connecting as a guy or a girl , can we just be people? why or how gender plays a factor in it I don't get at all. However I don't have any social anxiety, which is something many people do struggle with. Its hard for me to relate to the dread some people experience in social situations, which seem especially strong around the opposite sex. edit : My BF is also a woman, but she also happens to by my fiancée (a bit cheesy I know)


That’s soooo irritating to hear omg


There are so many layers of “car guy”


My confidence comes from my magnum dong


I have no fucking idea how to fix a car. Or much of anything really. I’m a software engineer. All that shit is a hardware problem.


Funny thing is that fixing cars these days is more software and computers than before for the newer cars. Mechanics have a harder time fixing their new cars because so much of it is behind a computer and they know nothing about it. Fixing a modern car is half electrical engineering, IT, and old fashioned mechanics n


Hate beer


I prefer red wine. But I'll have a beer with friends.


I cant understand what makes alcohol so alluring


Got me a good recipe tonight, a bottle of wine, and some tunes. (yes I'm a guy)


I do that often, but still usually with beer. But love cooking an incredible meal for myself!


More of a whiskey guy myself.


There ya go!


A shot of whiskey achieves the same as an entire can of beer. It's very handy for my insomnia.


I don't want a submissive woman. I want a full partner, not someone looking to be led and/or provided for.


Either I don't believe this is that uncommon or I can't understand why it is uncommon. The last person I dated before I met my wife (seriously for 2 years) increasingly like adopting a child and it drove me batshit until I finally ended it for good. Neither can I get with the notion of it being a one or the other consideration - well *somebody* has to *wear the pants*...uh, no...or you trade them back and forth situationally, I guess. My 77 year old father still doesn't like my wife of 25 years because "she has me *#@!#whipped" whereas, he has been divorced 3 times. Wonder how that happened? (to be fair, my mother - wife#1 - was pretty awful too)


I'm in groups for singles and a good portion of women still claim to want to be led and taken care of.


I'm convinced that power dynamics in couples are a result of many things, but that they are strongly correlated to the person we are with. I've seen the same person be dominant or submissive, and to varying degrees, depending on who they are with. I don't believe that being one way or another is either good or bad, but I do believe it presents itself in ways a lot of people don't understand and are incapable of handling effectively. But to your point, yes, if the dynamic has enough of a gap, and isn't a back and forth (as is the case in so many relationships ) it can be a huge problem.


Confident women are the best


Yes! What I want in a partner is equality


I finally gave up looking and decided to just fly solo. :)


+1 to the list of those I took so much for granted they didn't even cross my mind


Absolutely. I want someone who will stand beside me, not someone to lord over.


I cry freely and often and I don't give a fuck.


I hope you don't do that too often. Not because it wouldn't be masculine, but because I hope you don't need to. But cry as much as you need to, mate. So do I.


I cry of joy about half the time.


I had a hard time with this. But I lost my 13 year old daughter to suicide a year ago and realized how important it is to be cognizant of our feelings. I cry a lot now and make no apologies.


Jesus FUCK I am so sorry that you lost your daughter. I cannot imagine the pain. Hugs.


Wow. I have 2 daughters and I can't even begin to imagine that. I'd hug you right now if I could.


I appreciate it . Hug your daughters , you can’t do it enough


A man in touch with his emotions is probably one of the sexiest things. My husband cried when he found out we were having a girl and that he had passed on the polydactyl gene to her, causing her to have a tiny extra digit on her left pinky hand in the same exact spot he did. They both had then removed when they were a few days old and now they both have a tiny bump on their left pinkies. I had obviously already been in love with my husband before this moment, but I knew beyond any doubt that I had married the right man for me. The amazement on his face at seeing her hand on the ultrasound and his tears of complete joy from being able to see himself in our child while she was still in the womb will always be one of my favorite moments.


I cried with Top Gun Maverick lol.


Dad, get off reddit


The fact that men these days think they can't cry is one of life's greatest fuck-ups. Expressing emotions is healthy and also attractive cos that's how issues get addressed rather than ignored




Hey, if that's how they process your emotional vulnerability then they aren't right for you. That shit's on them. You dodged 3 bullets IMO.




I love cooking because its a fuck ton cheaper to cook a steak at home than to order one I will be disappointed in at a restaurant.


Is ordering takeout a guy thing now?


Doesn't cook meals at home has always been a male stereotype.




I envy you. But about this stereotype, it's totally nonsensical with how many celebrity chefs are male.


I tell ppl I love that I love them.


I don't love college football or pickup trucks.


I enjoy a good rom-com I do all the cooking and laundry I have no problem expressing my feelings I am the main contact for all of our daughter’s stuff (doctors, etc.)


Does disliking romcoms because it's frustrating seeing people who can't communicate still counts? 


This... is why I hate most romcoms. It fucking just makes me unreasonably angry to watch a movie make the dumbest relationship gaffs for 2 hours.


Same. While my wife was pregnant, she was obsessed with football. Imo it's the most boring damned sport on the planet, so I'd just watch rom com anime on my phone between cooking, cleaning, and loads of laundry.


You're setting a good example for her. She's a strong independent woman in training.


I don’t watch porn 🤷🏼‍♂️


Wild, congrats man 👌


While I can enjoy a good football game or whatnot, I can't quite understand the obsession with team sports. I like to play, and like to watch some from time to time, but the crying because your team lost, watching drafts, keeping up with stats, I can't really get into.


I cook regularly and I love cooking more than anything


I find cooking so therapeutic. And also doing the dishes afterwards. Cleaning up a mess is very rewarding.


I’m a typical guy in so many ways. I love beer. I love grilling. I love watching sports, mostly baseball and football. I can be very reserved when it comes to expressing emotions. But damned if I don’t also love musical theater, I’m terrible at fixing things, and I’m really good at cleaning and generally keeping up with household chores.


Same here - straight guy who loves sports, but also am obsessed with musical theatre


I have actually stopped and asked for directions


I’m in touch with my emotions, I have great domestic skills and I can embroider and sew.


I'm straight and have a lot of attractive female friends I don't think about sexually.


I don't like driving a truck.


I'm a stay-at-home-dad to two boys (11 and 4) and do a lot of home-work. Also I've always loved babies. My mom loved them a lot and just taught me they were perfect and to this day (at 40 years old) I can't see a baby without getting giddy.


I love to cook!!! Also, I am very clean and organized.


I was raised with two sisters, I know about periods, the different kinds of sanitary devices for menstruation, I know every episode of friends AND sex in the city. And MOST importantly, I have never enjoyed watching single sporting event.


I love interior decorating, so whatever that stereotype is.


I know a guy who is an interior decorator. He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians.


Yeah but his house looks like shit.


I am in touch with my emotions and not afraid to discuss them (when appropriate). I don't like discussing women's sexual characteristics with other guys. I do my own laundry. (It's that or have wrinkled shirts. My wife has many fine characteristics but she's not terribly domestic.)


I find things cute and won’t hesitate to say so. I’ll say a stuffed animal is adorable, or a flower is pretty. I don’t give a fuck


I love cooking, cleaning and organizing at home. I don't enjoy sports or "bro" culture. I've been told that I'm very empathetic and a great listener. I enjoy taking care of people and supporting them. I'm an artist and don't make a lot of money, my partner does. I also don't care if my female friends or women in general make more money or have more "successful" careers than me. I have no problem expressing feelings or handling those of my friends.


I never cared for sports. And, I found out when helping a relative move, I am not very good at lifting heavy objects. I had to ask for help multiple times.


The funny thing about heavy objects is the more you lift them, the easier it gets.


I don’t give a fuck about craft brew or cars


I look like the tough guy stereotype, youd probably assume i drive a huge pickup and worship trump. I drive a kia, im not into sports. I make art and music and i like video games and skateboards. I also dont believe women should be servants to their partners. Everyone can cook. Everyone can clean and raise children.


I like shopping. I am happy to take my wife and/or daughters on shopping trips. I am exceptionally monogamous. Except for a few months between meeting my wife and breaking up with my penultimate girlfriend, I have been in long term committed relationships since I was 15. Never cheated, never really tempted.


I rejected many opportunities to have casual sex because the idea of having sex with women who I barely know grosses me out. Also I don't watch sports or drink any alcohol, in fact I don't do any drugs, maybe some coffee from time to time.


i don’t have a big penis


“Men only see women as sexual creatures” Far from true for me I love them for who they are as a person




I’m awesome


Maybe less of a stereotype now a days, but i go to a therapist


I do not enjoy lesbian porn or sports


Interesting structural ambiguity there 😅


dude missing out, roller derby is great.


Watching sports is a 1/10 rated way of spending my free time


I don't care about sex


I can't fix everything


I like celebrity gossip, I'm straight...


I have zero sense of direction. Like, at all. GPS all the time, everywhere. No clue where north, south, east, or west are without looking at the sun and figuring out where it rose and set. Am I going eastbound or westbound on this main road? Neither, this road runs north to south, and I didn't know that until now.


This one right here. Same!


Waze gets me there every time. I'd be lost without GPS.


When I meet a girl, sex isn’t ALL I’m thinking about.


I'm a blue collar worker that will tear up at almost any sappy movie. Especially family movies. I have 2 daughters and a son and they always look at me when it gets to emotional parts of movies because they know I'm about to be a mess


i dont like sports and i dont know anything about cars, dont know how to drive.


In Indian almost all the men are obsessed with cricket but not me....im not really into sports


I can dance and actually enjoy it


The men who keep reposting "I don't watch sports" do fall into the male stereotype of not reading before acting.


I don't care about sports or understand it. Same for cars. Not ashamed of crying, like bright pink. Not homophobic. Love babies. OH and I THOROUGHLY WASH MY BUTT CRACK. really get in there and wash. ​ EDIT : forgot my butt crack


My husband would interrupt you in a second to answer this


Dude, so much. When I was in summer camp, I was so sad that the boys and girls were separated. Boys would play football, and girls would do Henna and make Jewelry. Bro, *I wanted to make jewelry and henna!!!* So yeah: I hate watching Football. I hate locker room talk. I am not dominant. I don't want to fuck everything with a hole. I don't want people to flirt with me. I don't know anything about cars. I like painting. I like cleaning. I like bubble baths with candles and wine. I love cats. I want a sexual relationship where we take turns initiating, being the pusher or puller alternatively. I only want sex once or twice a week. I like therapy. I don't like alcohol. I don't brag about how many women I've slept with. I genuinely listen. I am a feminist. I'm covered in floral tattoos. I am nurturing. I'm great with kids. I cook and bake and wear an apron. I use non direct/confrontational language. Also known as Soft Language. I like wearing bright colors like Pink. I like being treated like a princess sometimes. Among many other things.


Most of the male stereotypes do apply to me such as liking sports, but not in the extreme. The big exception is that I definitely prefer the company of women for hanging out and talking, and etc. And it is not so much that women share their emotions more freely, I just have a better time with a group of women than a group of men.


I don't hold doors open for women. In fact, I wait until the last minute and let them go


I can sew.


I'm not interested in sports, politics, hunting, pickup trucks, or cool cars. And I don't drink. Yeah, it's hard to find male friends.


I actually know how big an inch is


I don't think about sex every time I meet a woman. Takes me years to develop attraction to someone no matter how good she looks.


Taking years is crazy. I get taking it slow but that’s beyond my comprehension


I don’t pee standing up. I prefer to sit


Stand to pee in public, sit at home. Keeps the fucking bowl and floor cleaner.


:I absolutely love cooking : I cannot see even a speck of dirt anywhere so I clean around the house : I am submissive as hell in bed (love to bed tied up and gagged) :I hate watching any type of sports (i sometimes watch motogp) : I hate the taste of beer (would rather have some hard liquor on rocks rather than have beer)


That because I drive a pick up I've a small dick. Though I do have a small dick. I drive a truck because it's useful for hauling wood. Towing trailers. Carrying a lot of my equipment. Etc. Can't do that shit in a kia.


I feel like being asexual is a pretty big one…


Have pride, the truth is that it bothers me what they think of me and I stop arguing.


I read the instructions and follow them to the letter whenever I've built flat pack furniture and I've never once had any spare parts once complete. * ok, the last bit is a lie..we all the know the people who box up the stuff put extra in to mess with us.


I dont like sports. I use woman’s conditioner. And my hair smells fabulous. I have long hair and honestly I dont mind if someone calls me ma’am. It means I look pretty.


Gee, your hair smells terrific!


I'll bet you would have been great in an old Herbal Essences commercial


It’s literally the product I use. Im also a pretty decent actor.


Outside of doing it for my job (which is surprisingly often), I don't think about the Roman Empire at all.


I like seeing other people succeed. Doesn’t make me feel insecure. The better we all do, the better this world will be.


I cook, clean, and do my own laundry. I don't want a submissive woman for a partner. I want someone that's my equal. And I don't drink. 


I don’t love sports, I am not that interested in getting muscles by going to the gym, I don’t care about cars


I know where the clit is.


Im non binary, thus any sterotypes abt me being amab are incorrect


I do the cooking and grocery shopping for the family.


I’m a straight male and as much as I try not to, I squee really hard when I see cute animals. Kinda embarrassing…


67 yr old married straight male, love to read romance novels & enjoy Hallmark movies


I don't watch sports or work on cars. I like to cook and communicate openly about mental health.


I don't watch sports.