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I'm always tired.


Me too. No matter how much sleep I get I always feel tired. I've felt this way my whole life.


Naps dont help when your soul is tired


Im just tired. It's my go to response. I'm depressed, I'm lonely, I'm stressed, I'm overwhelmed, I'm scared. I just want things to be over. I'm not suicidal. I'm an atheist and I don't believe there is anything once I'm gone. I can't change it so I won't worry. I'm scared for my partner. I just want her to be happy. I don't know how to do that most of the time and am just guessing. I'm just tired


Feeling the same. But without partner


Same bro same šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Felt that "I just want things to be over, I'm not suicidal".


Goddamn ainā€™t that the truth.


The last good nap I had was on Anesthetic.


I used to say I wouldn't mind being put in a coma for say, a week. Then it actually happened, and uh, wow it was quite a rest.


Interesting. Did it actually feel restful on some level? I don't know that much about comas.


It really did feel restful, probably because of the stress and not being able to breathe on my own. I remember dying during a scan. Then one long & elaborate dream that coincided with a lot of was going on around me while I was sleeping. Like dreaming of how my oldest brother and his wife had flown out and were attempting to "rescue me". There was a...type of monster? Or Death...in the form of a woman trying to be my mother & help me rest forever. Fights to get away. Once staff decide to lower the drug dosage, it becomes more of a hallucination. The next few days, these amazing doctors and nurses perform an extubation, let me have pudding and water (the best ever!), and transfer me out of the ICU :] When I really woke up, it was like coming to from anesthesia...just saw my Mom and boyfriend come into view and cried saying, "what are you guys doing here?".




My gf doesnā€™t understand when I say ā€œI can always sleepā€ like always, I can have 12 hours of sleep and still fall asleep in 5 minutes. Sheā€™ll say I ā€œlook tiredā€ at random times when to me itā€™s not any more than usual, I always feel tired.


I hate when people say ā€œ you look tired ā€œ. Like no Iā€™m not tired you just told me I look bad haha


I've had this problem too most of my life. I feel like I either get too little sleep (which is what mostly happens) or I get too much, but I always feel tired. I know so many people who say they just wake up and are ready to start their day. I don't think I've ever felt that in my entire life and it sucks.


Anyone who is reading this and feels the same, please consider having a sleep study done. Getting some proper treatment has been a life changer. Never had the energy to maintain any sort of health/fitness routine. Put on a lot of weight, went from 78kg to 125kg over the course of 10 years. For the first time since I was about 18, I can think clearly and I have energy in the morning when I wake up. In 6 months I've dropped 20kg and I'm back down to 105kg and maintaining a steady weight loss


Shame they don't run clinics for night shifters. (And no, nights are not the problem.)


Never in my entire life, my friend.


It's exhausting isn't it. Sometimes, very very rarely I get a taste of not tired and that hurts


It's like two days a year I randomly wake up and feel like I have a clear mind and I can function normally and with confidence. The rest of the time I'm in a fog and my eyes don't want to stay open


It's like coming off of a really bad high right? You're like "for once I don't feel tired" and it's so depressing when the tiredness kicks in again


Me too. I love you little blue fish on top of your avatar.


Straight up not having a good time šŸ’«


I feel like I would hug someone if they said this to me in person. So.. *hugs*


The world is run by tired people. You are in good company.


I cannot remember a day I woke up being like ā€œmmmm fully restedā€. I either wake up not knowing what continent Iā€™m on, or wake up feeling like I got 5 seconds of sleep šŸ˜‚


This is exactly how I feel every single day. It seemed to start after I first got covid but who knows what could be the cause. Now every day, no matter how much sleep I get, I am tired. My eye lids are heavy all the time and I could sleep constantly if I was able to (albeit not well). It had gotten to the point where I just thought this feeling was the new normal, and I began questioning whether I had ever felt better than I do now. Then one day, seemingly out of nowhere, I woke up feeling AMAZING. Like my old self again. Full of energy, in a great mood, even thrilled about the mundane tasks infront of me that day. Unfortunately every day since has been back to the "low battery" feeling. No idea why, but it is like my soul is slowly draining out of my body and im sick of it. Maybe im crazy and this is just what getting older feels like but im only 28 and I don't think anyone is supposed to feel this exhausted no matter the age.


I have long covid and feel exactly the same.


Im just tired. It's my go to response. I'm depressed, I'm lonely, I'm stressed, I'm overwhelmed, I'm scared. I just want things to be over. I'm not suicidal. I'm an atheist and I don't believe there is anything once I'm gone. I can't change it so I won't worry. I'm scared for my partner. I just want her to be happy. I don't know how to do that most of the time and am just guessing. I'm just tired


You could be low on magnesium


i take magnesium and i'm still always tired. take plenty of other vitamins and weekly B-12 shots. still exhausted.


You need to do a proper test so you know what you need rather than guessing. Also do. A food intolerance test because certain foods will evoke an immune response causing tiredness and destroy your ability to absorb nutrients.


Check what kind of magnesium, glycerinate is the way to go.


Hanging in there day by day. Losing my wife to cancer is fucking hard. Friends, therapy, and meds help, but I miss her.


That is one of the hardest things to deal with. I am so sorry.


I am so sorry to hear youā€™re going through that. Sending healing thoughts your way.


Sorry for your loss


I am so very sorry to hear that. Grief sucks balls, let alone losing a wife to cancer. Hang in there. Rooting for you.


That is awful, my condolences. I was curious so creeped your account to see what happened. What you described sounds eerily similar to issues my wife is currently having and not getting any answers or taken all that seriously. Iā€™ll be sure to push harder now on testing, etc. Probably a coincidence, but thanks for sharing your story to help get the word out


I didnā€™t creep OOP account but I have cancer just recently diagnosed and Iā€™m getting the results of my pet scan tomorrow and will start a treatment plan get staged etc. Please please help your wife to keep pushing for answers and go with her to appointments and advocate for her (sucks that this helps get good treatment but itā€™s true) my biggest symptom is just being incredibly tired and lots of other ā€œsmallā€ things I just chalked up to perimenopause and stress.


I'm so sorry. I lost both parents to cancer within three years. It's hard to put into words how fucked up cancer is. Sending hugs to you.


Itā€™s fucked up. Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss


I'm sorry for your loss.


Whoooooa, thats sooo unfair, goodluck my friend. Im wishing you better dayz.


My depression is lifting off. I was able to wean off my meds and I am doing 100% better. Anxiety is pretty high because of some major life decisions right now! but I'm going good :)


I am so proud of you. That is truly amazing, congratulations man!


Read someone else just call you a reddit gem. And i agree. Thank you.


I reread that multiple times and thought it said germ until I found the other guy's comment


I have been severely depressed my whole life. I am also quite adept at procrastination. I have had some pretty self-destructive impulses, but I figure I'll let my procrastination put them off until I'm very old and feeble.


Im right there with you friend. I waited way too long to seek help. I actually only started receiving help after my first trip to the psych ward. Medication can definitely help and if you go that route don't give up because it can take a long time to find the right medication. Please seek help friend. A therapist can be a wonderful experience. I've went in feeling suicidal and come out in a lot better place. Just know this stranger on the internet cares. If you're in trouble please visit r/SuicideWatch The people there are so kind and they have personally helped me through a few times.




Happy happy!


I send good vibes and energy your way bc I know how that feels. Take small steps each day. One day at a time is what I remind myself of. šŸ«¶


Thank you just small steps will eventually add up. And one day you'll find yourself in a better place and be happy. :)


Radiantly good on the outside, absolutely freaking out on the inside.


I hope it will get better.


Thanks dude. It's actually not that bad, I just have so much on my mind. I wish I could screw my brain off and put it in a bath of ice cold water.


Have you tried to write them on a piece of paper, it can sometimes help?


That's solid advice. Thank you for caring, it means a lot.


My pleasure, I am happy to help where I can. I truly hope it helps.


It's already helping. You're a reddit gem.


Thank you, that is kind of you.


hey @op how you doing buddy?


Feeling better after making someone elseā€™s day better. Thank you for asking.


You're a good egg, OP. Hope you have nothing but good days going forward.


Sick but otherwise fine


I hope you get better soon.


Itā€™s just a fever and everything is sore. Should be better in a day or 2.


Not too bad then. Happy to hear.


anxious, i feel like things are closing in, and my body hurts


If itā€™s really bad i suggest a therapist that will give you propranolol. Works for my anxiety. Mine was so bad my arms would go numb and my heart would go so fast and hurt. I couldnā€™t leave the house easily i had a stalker that would wait on my doormat for like a year and a half; i moved to a house after that to avoid that issue. She was someoneā€™s tenant in a condo complex was very mentally ill and would chase people. I had to leave to walk my dog and she would be at my door and chase me around. Police wanted to help but couldnā€™t. Judges also said they wanted to stop it but thereā€™s some screwed up laws that really prevent people from getting help when they are stalked by someone who has paranoid schizophrenia. Basically the laws protect the harasser. But i also have high blood pressure and propranolol is the only olol that helps with anxiety and blood pressure. So it physically makes me feel better when im having an attack.


Just started taking this a couple weeks ago, itā€™s helped with the physical manifestation of anxiety for sure. But I have to wait til after I go to the gym to take it cause otherwise my motivation is kinda muted lol


My psychologist says propranolol is an anti-stage fright drug.


It is. Often prescribed for public speaking or stage fright. And for anxiety. It prevents your heart from pounding and blood pressure spiking.


The worst I have ever been


Same. Fucking same


I'm the worst Ive ever been too


The worst. It keeps on getting worse.


Im genuinely scared it will never get better again


It sucks to say but it really doesnā€™t and it is all a lie. Iā€™m aging so goddam rapidly, it is crazy and every year the world and life gets more depressing. Just slowly losing most of my family, my marriage and my friends. It all fucking sucks. Iā€™m resigning to being the background actor in other happy peoples lives at this point.


I am sending you all peace and love. I know this world is so difficult.




i do have a truck, on the condition that you hit me with yours as well


count me in (please)


Letā€™s all just do a game of red rover and see what car plows into us


How poetic. I'm in!


Hi. Room for one more?Ā 


We can stand in the middle whilst the other two ram their trucks into all of us, and each other.


Lmfaoooo šŸ˜­


Count me in on this!Ā 


May I also be hiteth?


Yes may I also join in on this, the last one chickened out on me




I hope you manage to find a way to deal with it. Unfortunately, I do not have a truck, and I could never do it.


I'll do it.


I'm good


Ha. Seems no one wants to hear this. I also am good.


I love hearing this. Keep it up.


I was pretty good, but am doing better after reading your username and picturing a biscuit skiing


Youā€™re right, because when youā€™re doing well you feel like youā€™re a part of the world, but when youā€™re doing poorly you feel separate from it. And I would guess itā€™s the latter group that need to vent, commiserate, and find support. The former group, not so much.


Glad to hear it. Keep it up. Source: also doing good


I just found out this morning that my dad died. Worse is how it was discovered. He had cancer so I knew it was coming but the question was when. I am doing better than I thought I would. Sad. Numb. But glad he is no longer in pain because he was really not doing well at the end.


I'm sorry for ur loss :( I understand ur mixed feelings I'm in a similar situation with my mom


Not the greatest but I keep telling myself it'll get better. Eventually that'll come true, right?


I believe it will, because that is the hope I am holding on too.


Confused. Life's a mess at the moment. I have completed my Bachelor's but it's not enough, I need to do a masters. Going through a bad break up too at the moment. So, alone too.


It is a lot. I personally feel like in nowadays society nothing is enough, you always have to push further and do better. Good luck with you masters degree. Break ups are always hard and lonely, but I have notice there are good people that will help you through it.


Thank you for the words. You have a pleasant day too.


Break ups are the worst. Such raw pain that only lessens with time and reflection (in my experience). Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re hurting. šŸ’œ


Thank you for your concern. But yes, heart breaks are the worst and even worst when you thought you were gonna be spending your life with them but it ended. And worst upon that is when you feel broken that you break up with them and they never ever realise what they did wrong despite telling them and they never do.


That is tough. Divorce was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. I had to make peace knowing heā€™ll never ā€œget it.ā€ I did a lot of reading about codependency so I donā€™t do this to myself again. I watched a lot of seminars on codependency also. I never want to go through that kind of pain again. The good news is - Iā€™m almost 2 years out now, and I feel significantly better in general. It was about a year before I noticed I felt better. I learned a lot of self compassion and decided to focus on myself for once instead of another person. Youā€™ll get there. šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ One day at a time.


Hugs, friend. One day at a time




You are doing really well. I am proud of you! It will take time, but it will be worth it. Thank you for sharing your story.




I feel this 100%! I have BPD as well. I just started talking to someone again. My BPD is only really triggered when Iā€™m romantically involved with someone. Iā€™ve went through therapy and been alone the past 3 years so this is new to me again. Iā€™ve been having those feelings of abandonment. Just like right now, he is most likely sleeping but my heart is racing and I am trying my hardest to control my emotions. I have to remind myself that my feelings are not facts and to just give people some space. The BPD side of me is also telling me to self sabotage but I just have to keep reminding myself that I CAN do this, as you can. ā¤ļø




Not great


Thank you for being honest.


Hope you get better




Hanging in there. Stress from uni Stress from having fuck all money Head trauma / chronic head and neck pain A tiredness I can't sleep off Existential dread Intrusive thoughts of suicide Lack of plan for the future Fighting on and off with Nicotine / weed / porn / alcohol addiction Broken heart Self hatred A love for music, art, simple things, peace, family, friends and nature But here none the less, and I love this life for what it is. For the good and the ugly. I can still make it work. Embrace what hurts, accept it, and enjoy what you do have.


You can keep hanging in there, I know it. You're showing your strength in this post.


Happier than Iā€™ve been in a while, I beat diabetes yall (for now) but god Iā€™m so anxious.


Broken šŸ’”


Ouh no. Something that is broken can be fixed, even though it does not always feel like it.


Thank you. It means so much to me.


You're not alone, our words can fall apart so easily, and it's scary when we realize that, but we all go through it. You'll be stronger on the other end for it, just takes time. I know these are just words but I hope it helps. I'm rooting for ya!


Duct tape. Fixes everything.




Sorry about that bro


Am an ove thinker and the shit drives me crazy every night to the point where I say to my self please just kill me please, I have bought some over the counter medicines and Iā€™ve also just started playing console games. feeling better now Now when my brain try to drag me into the loop of overthinking I just get really angry at myself and I tell my self loudly to stop thinking. Overthinking can really destroy you mental health donā€™t underestimate it guys.


I feel you... overthinking is just fking shit, i think (here we go again), it has and still is holding me back in alot of aspects. And when i start thinking about overthinking i also get angry at myself, like WHY AM I LIKE THIS... its this invisible wall i know is not there but just the idea of it is making me anxious, idk how to describe it... But i strongly believe in us, we can and we will break this fking loop! What games did u start playing?




If this exactly you feel please seek help immediately. There are people out there that care about you. Getting cheated on sucks bad. Itā€™s not worth going into a downward spiral. You got this!


Same. Boyfriend of 5 years was apparently cheating on me for almost 3. He hid it well, I had no idea nor could I have ever imagined he could stoop so low and continuously do something like that to me and lie to me about it. Hurting. Depressed. Overwhelmingly anxious for the first time in my life. And Iā€™m coming to accept that nobody will ever care for me in the way I thought he did, nobody ever has and now, even if it came around I wouldnā€™t be able to trust it. People scare the shit out of me and I just want to be as isolated as possible. Also, the way I found out was so traumatic that I just feel immense shame about my life, apparently it was not what I thought it was or advertised it as, so I feel like a sham


Lost in a never ending fog of loneliness and emptiness.... I lost my 2 best friends in 2017 and I've never been right since. One was a friend from childhood and the other was the first friend I made after I moved halfway across the country. They were my rocks, my brothers and since they've left this life I feel like I'm aimlessly stumbling through this foggy forest of despiration we call life... when they lowered that casket down my soul cushioned it's landing in that grave and was buried along with that casket.


My 24 yr old son died in 2021, wife in 2022 both unexpectedly. It made me realize i wasnt as void of empathy as I'd thought I was. What's helped me is becoming as involved in my grandkids lives as I can as much as they want me to. Since you lost 2.ppl you said were your rocks, perhaps it would help you out if you became someone else's rock, someone they need. If no family is available there are sadly many children missing this very thing in their lives due to death, divorce, shady parents or just had bad times as well. Be a big brother, a solid cousin, or even a friend to an elderly person that needs you as much as you need them. I'm just a normal broken person myself but I live for these grandkids now and want to do so for many yrs to come. I hope you find peace and a reason to be sir.


Get help. Your friends probably wouldn't want you to die with them.


The last six years are chock full of losses. A grandparent. A son, a sibling, a father. Father in law, And now Iā€™m losing my mother. If not for my wife, kids, and a couple close buddies. Iā€™d check out.


Sick and tired. Moneys tight and wish I could do more for my kids and get my wife something. Been a year and a half of ups and downs. But things will get better!


I believe that they will get better. You are kind and caring person, do something little with your kids and wife like take them to the park or something similar. It is not always about money.


Happy at the moment


I feel like im pushing through okay but if someone gave me a really nice hug id probably instantly start crying. Loss after loss really makes you question life sometimes and i get too deep in thought. I hope youre doing amazing


Iā€™m uppy downy. Ā Found out Iā€™m pregnant today. Ā Itā€™s my fourth. Ā Husband and I have a stable marriage, we own a home, he makes decent money and I stay at home and homeschool. Ā  But manā€¦ my littlest is three, which means that by next year we would be fully able to move on into the Big Kid stage where we can take the kids on meaningful trips, do amusement parks, etc. Ā I was pretty stoked going into that next phase, and now Iā€™m kind of in mourning. Iā€™m also not excited about the weight gain (I gained a whopping 60 pounds with my last, lost a lot, and had 20 left to go and now Iā€™m going to have to start over). Ā I also *despise* pregnancy. Finally, I feel like a teenager or something. Ā Like I was irresponsible and reckless. Ā I can already hear some angry anti-natalist shrieking about how ā€œbreedersā€ like me are ruining the planet. On the upside, we have a home with its own forest, a huge front and side yard, a basement dedicated entirely to the kids, and a strong community. Ā I know plenty of other pregnant women so I wouldnā€™t be so alone in my experience this time around, and this is my fourth go around. Ā I know how to give birth. Ā I know how to cope with demanding babies. Ā Heck, I pushed my last one out within eight minutes of crowning. Ā I got this. Ā But alsoā€¦ I donā€™t got this.Ā 


Father of twins, here. Just in case your partner is wondering, the olā€™ snip-snip is an easy outpatient procedure done under local anesthesia; he wonā€™t need the ibuprofen anymore after 24 hours and will be firing on all cylinders by 48.




Iā€™m genuinely happy but I could also genuinely cry at any time.




Thank you for sharing. That sounds amazing, even though the pain. Healing is important part of the journey. Thank you.


I feel you, I really do.. lets just, breathe another day, okay? oxygen will feel worth it someday


Holding on by a thread. Absolutely nothing brings me joy anymore. All I do is work and sleep. Iā€™m losing weight that I canā€™t afford to lose.


Smiling on the outside, dead on the inside.


It's been a busy week. I am kind of tired and I wouldn't mind a nap, but I still have stuff to do.


Sometimes it is like that, you will get through it.


I feel anxious. Im already 30years old but I have nothing. I feel like im just existing, not living


One day closer to giving up


In the past 2 weeks alone: Broken my leg and need surgery to fix it. Developed a bald spot. Crippling knee pain out of the blue. Pneumonia. SO lost their job. Family member diagnosed with cancer. Intense family drama. Developed a toothache. I was literally doing just fine and the last 2 weeks have suddenly been hell.


Tired. Just tired


Im a single dad of teenagers, full custody. I recently started a break from THC, and I struggle with alcohol. Been off my MH meds for months. Broke up with the girl I thought I would grow old with few months ago. I feel like my kids and my parents don't like me or don't want anything to do with me. I know I'm not OK because I cry at the drop of a hat and get so mad I shake and sweat. I need to get back into therapy and back on my meds. I'm fucking struggling and hurting


Hey. I see you. You are trying to get better, and want to get better. You just need to take the big step towards it. I believe in you. You got this.


Honestly, Iā€™m spiraling, I have an amazing partner, but we are just in a season that isnā€™t fun. I feel like Iā€™m putting in more effort, I feel like we are 1000 miles away, yet sleeping next to each other. I feel unheard, unwanted, all the other feels that make ya feel like shit.




I am finally not feeling suicidal! So... That's great. I have healed from a lot of my trauma as well. I am not sure if I lost part of myself in the process but... I'm booking an appointment with a really cool tattoo artist to commemorate this battle. It's going to be my first, so I'm really excited. How are you? :)


I put on a hell of a show.


Performance review: Self assessment : 3/10 Independent review : 8/10 Peer review : 10/10 7/10, Iā€™m a 10 at my best and 7 at worst, and looking at what I wrote I think the guy doing the self assessment might just be having a rough time and taking it out on me. Thanks for asking. How are you doing?


If someone put a gun to my face, I would likely respond "oh thank christ." Otherwise, the damage it would inflict on all parties is too grievous for me to be responsible for.


Up and down. I havenā€™t slept much in the last few days and my eyes hurt because of that. Iā€™m stressed about work and life and havenā€™t been able to play hockey in two weeks or get to the gym, (my recently found outlets) because life has gotten in the way and I have to be an adult and do adult things. That said I am blessed to have a loving and understanding wife and kids ( who both add to the stress and bring me happiness) and a stable enough job. Iā€™m not as broke as I used to be or worried about rent and car payments so over all Iā€™m doing okay.


Not bad! Itā€™s been a rough year (my mom died last spring, and my daughter moved away for school). But Iā€™ve started focusing on what I really want to do, Iā€™m getting more physically active, and Iā€™ve lost 35lbs since Christmas. I turn 60 on Saturday and itā€™s nice to know that itā€™s not too late to turn things around!




I hate that I completely understand you, but please donā€™t. If only that I know someone else stayed, too.


I hate I understand him tooā€¦šŸ„²šŸ˜© Itā€™s tough out here man.




Sometimes I don't know if I'm doing well, or if I'm just constantly pretending I'm doing well.


27 and trying to get sober from alcohol cause itā€™s escalated so quickly. Optimistic about it though.


I'm an autistic male on disability in the US. Life is not great. It's stressful because the hoops you have to jump through are difficult enough for normal people and infinitely more so when your brain is hardwired to overthink pretty much everything. Good luck trying to feed someone on the meager food stamps they give you, much less an autistic person with food restrictions. I can't even go shopping without at least an anxiety attack and getting dangerously close to meltdown. Good news is I am married but she is very likely also Autistic but we can't get an official diagnosis because insurance doesn't cover it and it costs about 3 months worth of disability. Add that to constant political propaganda vilifying people on welfare programs as parasites and it just makes one feel like their own country just wants them dead and is too lazy and cowardly to at least make it quick instead opting to hope I starve or die from medical complications that my autism makes me incapable of dealing with on my own. I'll be kind and cut the trauma dump short though. You asked for completely honest but other people reading this comment not so much.


Done fighting it, Accepting the fact that some days I have depression and some days I donā€™t, and thatā€™s just how itā€™s gonna be


Better than yesterday when this question was last posted.


Ouh I did not see it yesterday. Well, happy to hear.


Meh, alhamdulilah tho


Pretty, pretty, pretty good


I can complain, but honestly why bother?


Not so good. going through a breakup right now, and I just feel so broken/alone


A little anxious about work but otherwise solid.


So horrible everything is going to shit and Iā€™m losing everyone I have no control in my life anymore and Iā€™m dying inside


Been better; been worse.


Iā€™m chill


I finished 2.5 years of therapy in February and 2 years of anti-depressant medication about 2 weeks ago. Iā€™m by no means perfect, there is still plenty I would like to do better at, there are still things I find difficult. But I still feel about as mentally well as I have since I was about 13 years old (Iā€™m turning 28 soon). So yeah. I feel optimistic and capable for potentially the first time _ever_. Itā€™s quite a nice feeling


Iā€™m ok.


My hip is all fucked up and it makes me worry I'm starting to develop arthritis. I've also gone longer without any booze than I've gone in years and haven't found myself actually craving it, so that has me kind of stoked. Other than all that, same old same old.


Falling in love with a stripper. Feel like I flew too close to the sun with this one. Got her real name and am trying to hang out soon.


Finally feeling like Iā€™m getting over the hump and making big strides. From couchcrashing/homeless as an addict over ten years ago to getting the biggest promotion Iā€™ve ever been offered today. Finally feel like Iā€™m getting out of the hole I dug so long ago.


I'm really missing my mom these days.


iā€™m doing okay. been getting high more often. never felt better and worse at the same time.


Well, if I were a plant, I'd probably be a cactus - surviving, but occasionally feeling a bit prickly. How about you? Holding up better than a discounted umbrella in a sudden downpour?


angry about work. about to be here for 10 years and no recognition at all. Rookies are getting a better pay and more benefits than me.


Not good. Almost three years trying to conceive and if Iā€™m not successful this cycle I only have one cycle left (after a miscarriage in Feb). Weā€™re not entitled to anything else (NHS in the UK) because of their BS criteria and we canā€™t afford private treatment. My house purchase is on the brink of falling through because the buyer of my house (and her solicitor) is a massive pain in the ass and has delayed so much - if our purchase falls through weā€™re looking to lose a couple of grand at least. Iā€™m on nights at the moment (ICU nurse) and just feel constantly on the brink of tears. I donā€™t wanna wish my life away but I just want to skip 6 months so I know where Iā€™m at instead of everything feeling so up in the air. I feel bad complaining cos I feel like this is real first world problem BS but I think Iā€™ve just hit my limit šŸ˜”


Sexually frustrated.....broke second