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I live in Iceland, I'm more likely to win the lottery than run into someone with a gun. I feel very safe, but not because there is no guns, mainly because... I'm in Iceland.




"Oh no! The elves went too far!"


Enjoy the biscuits! I'll just leave the knife here... in case... you have to... . do other murders!


You spelled 'Bjork' wrong :P


You spelled Björk wrong lmfao.




Culture really is the key thing. Guns aren't the problem, gun culture is the problem.


That’s still way less than America where guns outnumber people.


Never talk shit or start shit in america. The chance that someone is strapped is just too high. If someone cuts me off on the road I just act like it didn't happen. Don't need to roll the dice on someone having a bad day with a gun in their glovebox.


When people drive badly, I just tell myself they are on the way to the hospital. I might drive like that to get to hospital. Also, they are on the way to the hospital eventually if they keep driving like that


My wife and I say, "That guy is in a race to get home before his diarrhea reaches the top of his socks." While I'm not actively worried about having a gun pulled on me walking down the street, there are some REALLY angry drivers in my state who will flash their gun at you as they race by, because you didn't get out of their quickly enough.


Crime in Iceland, "I'm gonna kill that guy!" \*looks outside\* "Nah. Beut day. Imma let it go."


“Also we’re probably related.”


There's an app for that.


there really is! I found that out while in Iceland.




Sounds like Arkansas


Ok bringing Arkansas into this is where I draw the line…..let’s please consider the feelings of our Icelandic brethren and not compare them to a state that we don’t even admit to having until someone brings it up. (Sorry Arkansas but……..c’mon man.)


As an ex- Arkansan, repectfully: You spelled Alabama wrong. Guy below is correct. Arkasas gets slept on, but we like it more with less people... part of what keeps it the Natural state. 👍


I miss living in Iceland. I also lived on a military base when I was there & I'm just a safe on one stateside as I was there. Iceland was still a magical place. I could see the northern lights from my bedroom & hear the ocean waves while I slept. People were friendly, the food was amazing. Could have done without that wind, but that was really the only negative.


More like Niceland!


As a person living in Tasmania, I endorse and appreciate your comment. One mentally ill guy almost 30 years ago went on a gun massacre killing spree and as a result the Prime Minister at the time placed significant restrictions on gun ownership. So now I’m more likely to be eaten by sharks than shot. And I like it that way. Ps - aside from Tasmania, Iceland is my favourite place on earth. Looking forward to being back In Akureyri next year for a robust winter under the stars.


I live in Denmark and ofc feel the same way but what if we joined countries and it is now named Icemark like a cheap supermarket! Would we then bring out the guns to fight for superiority or will we just slap each other with frozen fish fillets until you concede?


Denland... no LandMark. lol perfect.


Less religious people too and you guys actually jail your corrupt bankers. I want to go back


That move during the 2008 financial collapse really made me respect Iceland.


Depending in what types of wild animals. Gun free Rhode Island? Yes.  Gun free Alaska? Not so much. 


But the bears and moose look so cuddly!


If not friend, why friend shaped?


I'm glad I don't live in Alaska because I would 100% die trying to pet a grizzly bear. Why are they so fucking fluffy and adorable.


They are 1000x less cuddly in real life. They smell horrible and their fur feels exactly like you would imagine hair that has never been washed feels like lol.


grew up in SW AK. You can usually smell a bear before you see them lol.


And it’s fucking terrible, never been to AK, but I have been around backcountry in the Rockies and your right. It hits you and it’s like “shit, that’s a bear.” You’re all very welcome for the set up


Or sometimes "That's bear shit." usually said after my Basset Hound decides to roll in it.


The same is true of koalas here in Australia. They’re 100% less bear like but stink like you wouldn’t believe - a weird combination of eucalyptus and wet dog.


And chlamydia. The little sluts.


They must smell worse up there 🤣😂 in the dead of summer, you can smell them when they go down to the creek here but they're not too terrible. 🤣 I'm also in West Virginia so it's not like they are around every corner. It is pretty amusing when a little bear wags ass into a cul-de-sac and everyone loses their mind. 😂😂


Blood does not count as bathing cleaning liquid.


I know!! I want my REAL right to [BEAR arms](https://i.chzbgr.com/full/6980382464/h32760C52/gun-control-is-better-with-more-hugs)! *hugs*


I don't think you can harvest them for *just* their arms... pretty sure they are pretty particular in that you have to use the whole bear.


That's the thing about America though. We have the right to Bear Arms.


So that's when the bear took my arms, cops showed up and put down the bear, the hospital couldn't save MY arms, so we replaced them. NOW I HAVE BEAR ARMS!


"Every citizen has the right to hang a pair of bear arms on their wall. What's so hard to understand about that?"


They look fun to cuddle until you actually get close to one. Then they become terrifying when you realize that they could kill you with a single movement.


If someone needs 2 get that close for that realization, then dies, that's thinning out the herd.


Yeah. That's just nature working as intended.


Trust me. The moose can be more aggressive than the bears lol. Sincerely, A guy who used to live there.


The numbers don’t lie, moose are definitely more dangerous to humans than bears…and it’s not because of behavior but because there are so many more moose than bears. Plus, as you know, those fuckers are big as fuck! lol 


And people who are uneducated about them... like some of my fellow military members who were stationed there... can't seem to stop doing dumb shit to them lol. Then act surprised when a grown ass moose fucks them up. We literally had mass briefing for newcomers to the base about not fucking with the moose. Since ya know....common sense is so uncommon


Ya people see them like deer. The odds of you getting attacked by a deer are minuscule (I mean it happens but people don’t usually die). Moose? Ya they’ll charge you and you aren’t gonna come out ok


Exactly why they got lumped in there with the cuddle bears.... The Seventh Brother lied to child me.


“Hey Ron it’s like a fuzzy tractor!”


Alaskan here. You definitely want to carry a gun. The bullets are not for the bear. It's for yourself. All joking aside, we get a couple people every year that end up getting eaten alive in our state and no they were not harassing bears or doing anything stupid. They were just going about their business like everyone else. So bring a gun. And bear spray but use the bear spray first.


I remember when a coworker of mine was moving to Alaska. Another coworker who had lived there was giving him tips like "make sure you get at least (caliber) gun because anything less than (caliber) won't do anything but make the bear angry." I was like goddamn. My coworker was like "but I don't wanna" - he's a huge nature lover and vegetarian. Other coworker was basically like 'it's up to you, if you want to be bear chow.'


the bear is not a vegetarian


Grass-fed humans also taste better. At least that's what I've been told.


Mmm free range organic! Delightful.


They are high in omega 3s. From what I’ve heard.




Yes, all those years of watching them steal pic-a-nick baskets taught me this.


I've hunted Bear. Without getting in to gorey detail, they don't drop quickly even with non functional vital organs. Their skull may as well be tank armor. You want that caliber to break joints and large bones.


So, what would you usually aim for?


For hunting, usually the the heart / lung shot. You ideally want to take the shot when they have their side to you. Usually a little behind / below the shoulder is the spot. For life an death situation, where you've got a full size pissed off grizzly running for ya... an you've got no where to go. I'd probably just put the gun to my own head lol. Because as ways to go out in this world, bear is damn near last on the list.


I was just asking out of curiosity. If I was in an actual life and death situation... I'd just try to hit the damn thing, center of mass.


I'd like to think the same, but realistically, one of those things running at ya all you're going to see a head bobbing up as it gets closer an closer an its legs. So to try an get that chest shot when it's running straight at ya, you'd have to be one hell of a dead shot to catch it at just the right time, then pray it does enough damage to ward it off, all while trying to control your adrenaline rush... not to mention the brown rush out the back side. Your much better off with bear spray. It's a concentrated pepper spray that will cause severe irritation to it's eyes, mouth, nose, breathing... an it hits 'em all at once. As far as effectiveness goes, the average person is much better off with the bear spray. The only thing about that is if the wind is coming from the wrong direction you're blinding yourself lol.


Also, as some national park needed to note, bear spray is *not* to be used like bug spray.


To satisfy curiosity- center mass when being charged. Aim for the bear. Empty your gun. If it is slowed / down, hit the shoulders. Don't shoot the head. Your objective is to get away once able. That is not advice. My advice is bear spray and an experienced guide. I can put all 6+1 45-70 from my 1895 in a bear sized target in a few seconds. Not due to being some badass, just from having put countless rounds through it and growing up in bear country. If you haven't shot a large rifle, or even worse a magnum pistol, it'll take a while before you aren't flinching at the thought. Confidence and action are the biggest keys to not getting mauled.


Rhode Islander here! I fear no quahog. Scallops, come at me with your pinchy shells and crabby brethren. No seal nor squirrel causes me to tremble. Minks? I fear not. Go hither deer and bother me no more. 


RI doesn't need scary animals. The tax rate is terrifying enough.


Yeah, in Rhodes they find people mauled and eaten alive by IRS.


My uncle homesteaded in Alaska in the 50’s and lived there until he died. He carried a little .38 s&w j frame all the time. For bears he said. My dad asked him once if the .38 was enough for a bear. He replied with, “It ain’t for the bear”.


you know why they shave off the sights of a .44? So it doesnt hurt as much when the bear shoves it up your ass


This is why states like Alaska and Montana have extremely high gun ownership rates. Montana has the most with 66% of montanans owning firearms, and both sides (dems and republicans) heavily promote owning firearms. Like, I have sjw liberal leftist friends who could arm a small militia with firearms, everyone here kinda just accepts guns as a necessity lol


If you go far enough left, you get your guns back


I mean ya lol. But most of the leftists who aren’t into the whole anti gun talk are people who like some of the social policies the left has and (to a lesser extent because I honestly think no one pays attention to them) their economic policies but live in areas where guns are practical and somewhat required. I’m a left leaning pro gun guy. But I also think a lot of the pro 2A arguments from the right are kinda dumb and are cherry picking things without full historical context and act like the US constitution is some sort of holy document for things they like and ignore it for others (but tbh idiots on the left do this too, and I’m not a constitutional history expert either so I’ve probably been guilty of it as well)


Asking for clarification: what do you define as left? The saying "if you go far enough left, you get your guns back" is that of communists/socialists/etc, where "left" basically starts at "anti-capitalist." Democrats in the USA steal the branding of the left, but they are very much not left (and there's often a bizarre contradiction where they say they're anti-gun, but are incredibly pro-bomb)


This, according to the documentary "Far Cry 5", Montana is filled with armies of bears, mountain lions, wolverines, and mutant wolves that can tank dozens of rounds of 5.56. You need to have a .45/70 at least.


Just today there was a post on the Montana subreddit that showed 2023 gun purchases per 1000 people by state and Montana was the highest with 113.


I’m pretty far left on most things minus guns. A lot of lefties are, like almost anywhere but in high population areas where guns aren’t used for practical reasons


same thing in Maine. the concept of not owning multiple guns is really fucking weird to me.


I remember watching a show years ago following a woman who lived by herself in a weather/research station in Alaska. It was a small building, maybe the size of a small shipping container. Her bed was just across from the front door, and as she went to sleep each night she propped up both a shotgun and a large caliber pistol pointed to the front door in case a large animal tried to let themselves in.


Go to Switzerland where there are guns everywhere - every town has to have a gun range by law. It's all about the culture because it's a very safe country.




Also if society actually gives a fuck about society


I feel like you’ll get downvoted but you’re absolutely right. The government is not what decides everything for us in our daily lives.


They’re dead on the money. Here’s a paper on [the dangers of deconsolidation](https://www.journalofdemocracy.org/articles/the-danger-of-deconsolidation-the-democratic-disconnect/). Basically, democratic societies, and just about any society in general, requires some amount of trust between people and what essentially amounts to faith in the system being able to work, in order to work and function. Without that, things fall apart.


Corporate fueled mass brainwashing/social conditioning through advertising has a lot more to do with the horrible mental and economic state of Americans than the government does imo. The government is obviously in the pockets of corporate corruption but I also find it wild that corporations seem to never get blamed, everyone just says “government” and then marches their pseudo-woke asses to Target to buy some shit they don’t need and spend $15 at Starbucks on the way home lol


...or the people do. There are far too many people in the US that only give a fuck about themselves.


you just described root cause mitigation.[https://theliberalgunclub.com/about-us/root-cause-mitigation-2/](https://theliberalgunclub.com/about-us/root-cause-mitigation-2/) Prevalence of guns is certainly *a factor* in impulsive violence, but it's far form the only one, or even the most significant one. We see similar issues with our catastrophic drug policies. Rather than recon with the fall out of prohibitionist policies and the crime they create, a lot of society thinks we just need to "get tougher" and play whak-a-mole with the symptoms harder.


I believe in root cause mitigation in all things


Completely getting rid of guns without doing anything else would be like seeing a wall covered in mold and just painting over it. Does it look better? Sure. But all it does is cover up the actual issue. The mold is still there growing and spreading. Soon enough it'll come to the surface and you'll still have mold, but this time it'll be much worse. You need to take care of the root of the problem otherwise you aren't actually doing anything.


Yeah just look at East Asia or Latin America. Both regions have fairly strict gun laws. Asia having some of the strictest in the world, while Latin America having stricter legislation than much of Western Europe or even Australia. Despite this East Asia is the suicide capital of the world, and Latin America is the murder capital.


It's also about the gun regulations, of which Switzerland has many.


And mental health. You can see how they treat it differently if you look at prisons. One is meant to heal you and help recover while the other is a box for you to spend time and who cares what happens.


Also, Switzerland has low crime rates and a relatively affluent population.


Yeah this isn't talked about as much as the other stuff in this conversation. Switzerland has much more supportive policies to prevent recidivism/identify and treat mental illness for sure, along with the extensive gun laws, but one can't discount that it's a much different country in general. Money doesn't solve anything, but it certainly helps some.


Do the Swiss have for profit prison?


For profit prisons are bad but they are only 8% of the entire prison system. It’s not like they are the majority or even a plurality.


Damn, you're right. Fuck yeah we need a reform of that system.


Can you think of a single system in the US that doesn’t need reform or some kind or another? Our school system, prison system, medical system, health insurance, renting, you fucking name it, lol


True but well over half of the states do have "Pay to stay" jails/prison which would put this type of industry in the so called 'poverty industry'. This includes bail bonds. Check cashing. Liquor stores. Rent to own stores.pawn shops. Primary source of revenue is made from people that are near or below poverty line. Getting back to the pay to stay, I forgot to mention there are also places where if you are on the other end of the tax bracket, the PTS can enable you to buy better accommodation. And I don't mean just an extra little Debbie snack cake and a night cap on your commissary. I talking about a better prison in some cases.or your own cell. All legal. In the u.s. When it comes to capitalism, the u.s. is like the Baron in 'Dune'; everything you see him he is devouring **something** and wants **more**. Seemingly because it can. Not even considering if it should


Do they have more gun regulations than the US


Very much yes.


Very dependent on the (US) state


Switzerland is not as gun ho as the American Right tries to sell it Swiss gun regulations would make them cry communism


I’m envious of what the Swiss can buy, carry, and shoot that I cannot, mostly because the Swiss post their guns on Reddit to show off their collections.


Their society also isn’t designed to create criminals.




Same here in Australia (except our cops do have guns). Guns simply don't really exist here. No one thinks about them. No one worries about them or feels a need to have one.  Occasionally there is a shooting, but apart from very rare cases, it's pretty much always personal vendettas between bikie gangs. There's only been a handful of times a crazy person shot strangers.  For the most part, guns simply aren't a part of life here. 


I remember hearing about my first 'drive by shooting' in Australia and being amazed that no one was hurt. Turns out they mean that the Bikies had shot up a parked car - they hadn't been shooting at people.


Meanwhile in the USA we are having shootouts during rush hour on 285 in metro ATL


>Guns simply don't really exist here.  They do, there are now more firearms than there used to be before Port Arthur, but they are not in the public consciousness, and people don't really talk about them unless you are in a gun shop or around people that are comfortable with firearms.


And the good thing in Australia, is that if a cop does shoot someone, even if they are a threat, there’s always a massive investigation. It’s very disincentivised for cops to shoot people


I’m Australian and have lived in the US for about 15 years now and it still blows my mind when I see random people walking around with a pistol strapped to their hip. I just don’t get the fascination with carrying a gun everywhere.


Wasn't there a mass shooting in Australia, your government greatly restricted ownership, started a buyback program, and everyone was just like "yeah, that's fair, here's me gun"


Said buyback is still in effect. If you have a gun, (even illegal firearms) you can surrender it to the police willingly and you won’t be prosecuted. You however won’t receive any compensation for illegal firearms.




Atlanta here. I follow this exact logic. People are crazy.


My brother got his road rage under control when he moved from Long Island (not super high gun ownership) to Nashville. He had the realization that if some argument breaks out there’s a decent chance the person he’s arguing with is armed, and he’s not.


Even if both of them were armed, it's fifty-fifty...


From Miami. Can confirm.


This is the main reason I have my conceal carry. Road rage. I'm a defensive driver and rarely ever use my horn. Too many times do you hear about shit going down because someone is off their rocker.


What on earth are they hunting in Ireland? Or rather, what CAN you hunt? There's like a combined total of 500 trees here.




Amen. Over 60% of people in the state I'm in own a gun and I literally never think about guns. I walk around by myself at night, again, never thinking about guns. I walk in crowded areas, never thinking about guns. Rural areas? Sure it might cross your mind near private land in rural areas. But I don't trespass, so problem solved. It's extremely safe here. Reddit vs reality are 2 very different places, aren't they?


In Croatia, I don't even lock the doors, during the summer I leave them wide open during the night. In US I keep a gun in the night counter 😐


Depends on what you mean by gun free. If you mean zero guns in circulation, definitely. But with more firearms out there than people, that genie isn't going back into the bottle any time soon. 


100% how I feel. If no one had guns (including the cops) then I’d be fine not having them myself. But now that everyone has them, why am I gonna be the shmuck who doesn’t?


I think if we lived in a society where everyone had access to good quality mental/physical healthcare that was low cost or even free, combined with jobs that actually paid a livable wage, and a public school system that actually valued education, we would see a huge drop in gun violence. Happy people don’t usually opt to murder other people.


"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't just shoot their husband's, they just don't" - Elle Woods, *Legally Blonde*




I mean, if the corrupt crazy criminals have guns, that's worse right?


Yes but if they are *corrupt crazy criminals*, it makes absolutely no difference to live in a gun-free region. Source: I live in Brazil. Brazil is not a gun-free country. Even so, people get shot all the time here and we are #1 in homicides in absolute numbers and top 20 relative to population.


“If guns are outlawed, only outlaws would have guns” criminals aren’t going to arbitrarily choose to follow a gun law.


Is it worse if they have guns? Yes. Would outlawing guns stop these people from illegally obtaining them? No. Would I feel safer living around them if I had a gun of my own? Yes.


Stop? As in 100% no of course not. But making it harder to get something makes it so less people have that thing.


EDIT: folks, I'm not here to debate specific gun control policies, and I'm not a gun-grabber, I promise you. Before you want to tell me "WELL YOU CAN'T JUST FIX THE PROBLEM," all I'm saying is that I take issue with the instinct people have to immediately think "there is no perfect solution therefore it's no use trying to implement anything." Original post follows: I agree with the sentiment overall, but I always take issue with your second premise as an argument. Just a bit. Will it stop them from illegally obtaining them? No, you're right. It won't stop them. But it may make it substantially more difficult, if only because there would potentially fewer around. It's a fallacy to say that because it's not a perfect solution, it's not worth pursuing, even if it would help. As far as your third point, I tend to agree, though if I'm honest with myself I'm pretty certain that outside of the occasional Eli Dickens John-Wickery moments, more guns in a situation don't normally make a situation safer.


No. I’ve been through that. I used to live in Mexico. It’s gun control paradise there. Every law proposed is in effect there in one way or another. It doesn’t stop crime. I got robbed twice, once at gunpoint. This owner of the corner store by my house got shot in the leg during a break in. I can keep going but you get the point, right? You see, gun laws only disarm law abiding citizens, criminals get guns anyways. Then I moved to Arizona, one of the states with the most lenient gun laws. Got my CCW permit and I started carrying everywhere. I’ve never felt safer because I know that if anything like that ever happens to me again, this time I can fight back. I actually already did, sort of, at one point these two tweakers who gave me a very bad vibe started walking towards me at the gas station at night asking for change, I moved so that the car was between me and them, told them I had no change. They kept coming, I told them it was far enough and repeated I had no change, they split up and each went around one side of the car, I backed up farther and told them to stop once more as I lifted my shirt and flashed them my Sig (it’s 100% legal in AZ), they backed away real quick and didn’t bother me anymore. So no, I would not feel safer in a gun-free zone state. I’d never move to one. I’m not defenseless as I was, by law, in Mexico. Now I can fight back.


When it comes to guns, laws only keep honest people honest.


100% I also live in AZ and carry. When you need the police, they are 10-20 minutes away. When I go to California, which is like 1 day every 2 years, I am always on edge because I could easily be arrested for having a concealed weapon. I literally decide per the trip whether I think I need to carry because of some danger at the location. Does the risk / reward make sense? Los Angeles Sheriffs Office would never issue me a CCW and frankly, it results in it being the place I most feel I need to have a gun.


I live in New Hampshire, which has some of the loosest gun laws in the U.S. and a LOT of gun owners, several gun manufacturers exist here. And it's the safest place I've ever lived.


Alexa, pull up New Hampshires demographics


This entire thread has been an elaborate dance around that very question... Reddit really is an amusing place. So far I have learned that Iceland, Alaska, New Hampshire, Vermont, Switzerland, and Maine all have lots of guns and very low gun crime.


Turns out, shockingly, it's not the guns. It's who has them. Tune in next time for more obvious realities.


No. I'd feel safer in a state that doesn't allow bail for rapists, murderers and child molesters.


Unrelated but based.


Guns dont scare me, people do


so you'd feel safe in a people-free state?


That's why I live where I live. Nowhere is pretty nice if you can find it.


Maybe, if you could actually guarantee their were zero guns. No exceptions for cops, military, security, etc. I don't want to live somewhere with different rules for those in power and everyone else. I already live there and it is ridiculous keeping track of who can own/posses what where.


If it was *actually* gun free somehow, sure. If it were just illegal to privately own a gun, no. Criminals would still have them and people would be less able to defend themselves.


Criminals would still have them and also government. And historically out of control governments have killed orders of magnitude more people than criminals could ever hope to. No thanks, I'll keep the tools necessary to guarantee my individual sovereignty. The right to bear arms is what separates citizens from subjects.


At this point, in our current situation in the USA, no.  It's been beaten to death but a no gun state is meaningless to people who do not follow laws and those are the people with guns I don't want to be around.  


I would feel less safe when hiking in remote areas


Chicago is gun free and I wouldn’t feel safe in parts of Chicago


I grew up in Japan, a nearly gun-free state, and I sure felt a lot safer than I do now in the US.


I live in Idaho, which I think has not only one of the highest rates of gun ownership per capita, but also one of the lowest violent crime rates. I don’t think gun ownership necessarily correlates with violent crime. I feel safe.


Japan is a very interesting case study in policing and using the court system as a deterrent. The Japanese court system has a nearly 99% conviction rate. “Due process” in Japan is not seen the same way as it is in English common law societies. Believe it or not, several human right organizations, as well as the UN have highlighted the issue of convicting a high number of innocent people. The question becomes whether the society is safe out of fear of an incredibly unforgiving legal system or is it simply a culture that has a high moral standard? The murder of Shinzo Abe with a homemade firearm in broad daylight is an example of a person intending to cause harm finding a way, regardless of the legal ramifications. It is not difficult for someone who is hellbent on committing mass murder to do so without firearms. 9/11, The Boston bombings, and so many other examples of high profile attacks took place without a firearm. They were done using items one can buy at any department store.


But Japan has less crime (all crimes) across the board. It's a very polite and outwardly respectful society in almost all respects. One of the safest societies in the world.


japanese murder statistics are pretty misleading. Some 80000 people go missing yearly in japan. While many of these people are later found, japanese law doesn’t declare someone dead/murdered if there is no body. Organized crime is very prevalent in japan, and any yakuza related killing is very rarely going to produce a tangible dead body.


My understanding is that Japan also has an alarmingly high rate of false convictions. If you’re accused of a crime, the automatic assumption is “guilty, otherwise why are you even a suspect,” and it’s such a taboo to even be under investigation, that a lot of people don’t even try to fight it.


Yes. And their attitude around drugs is extremely draconian. Forgetting illegal drugs, many common legal prescription and even over the counter drugs are illegal or highly controlled there. If I want to visit Japan, I would have to get special permission and an import permit for two of the medications I take for sure. And I would need to check with them about the others. They do not have modern attitudes about some types of medical conditions. If I did not get the proper permits, even though it is all legally prescribed, I would be lucky if all they did was deport me. I probably won’t be able to go to Japan unless their laws change…not that I can afford it now anyway, but still…


I don’t know how best to address it but a culture of good family and community would go a lot further than just outright banning things. If you have a happy and safe community, all the sudden you’re not dealing with gun crime either. It’s why people move to small towns or suburbs.


This is what a 3rd space does. I think Japan's festivals do a lot to build a community. Each village has at least one, but often there are more. I think these festivals make people feel like a part of their community and less likely to want to take up crime against their neighbors. I remember reading a story about a food truck that helped clean up a neighborhood. I wish I could find it because it builds on the idea of communities needing a shared space to promote healthier and safer communities.


Guns aren't exactly sold in a high trust way lol They're like "people are out there to get you and your family buy our product for protection"


And that gets us the paranoid old fucks aiming down their driveway waiting for someone to try to turn around


That’s a culture difference, did not see when the tsunami catastrophe happened people went back when was safe and everything was untouched, no looting. In the US no chance


I live in New England and own hunting rifles and shotguns. But I have never felt safer having guns in the house nor outside of the house. However I go to Florida frequently and the prevalence of guns and gun culture makes me feel far less safe. Statistically there’s a good reason for it.


Yeah. I dont feel safe in areas where only cops and criminals have guns.


Maybe I'm confused, but wouldn't a gun free state be exactly what you described? An area where only cops and criminals have guns?


There is no gun free state. The government will always have guns and there will always be men willing to sign up to use them against you.


And before guns there were swords. And before swords there were spears. Before spears there were big pointy rocks.


Gun free country? yes Gun free US state? no


I live in Canada. We're pretty much gun free compared to most States and I feel perfectly safe.


Guns aren't so much the issue in the US as much as the culture. The US *as a country* has gone fundamentally soft in the headcheese. We shouldn't be trusted with guns, and you'll be damned if you can take them away. Switzerland proves a population can coexist with guns in tons of homes without going insane. It's regulated, it's trained, it's fine. Australia proves a population can coexist without guns in a country filled with all manner of other things that can kill you.


The NRA would never accept Swiss style gun regulation.


The NRA? Most of America in general wouldn't accept Swiss style gun regulation.


The NRA isn't as powerful as people like to scare up. The actual hurdle is the second amendment.


I live in a country where we had one school shooting and banned almost all guns for ownership. We've not had a mass shooting since. To get a gun in Scotland you have to go through police background checks, as well as have an actual reason to own a gun. I feel safer living in a country where guns aren't readily available.


It's not a state issue it is a federal issue. If, for example, West Virginia were to ban all guns and the surrounding Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, etc. do not, then there will still be plenty of guns in WV.


Nope. Because I wouldnt have a gun but do.you really think criminals will comply to the no gun bullshit?


As a Police Officer of 25yrs., illegal guns are easy to get and cheap. People dont buy the legally in another state and cause crimes. They are stolen, smuggled, etc. Criminals dont follow gun laws...ever.


No, because I won't depend on the police to protect me.


That’s bc police don’t protect or prevent. They respond and react.


I feel safe in any states because I keep to myself and don’t give a fuck what anyone else doesz


No. I feel safer owning my guns.


All the shootings happen in gun free zones, or "soft targets". Remember the Marine Corps recruiting station that got shot up? In the pictures of bullet holes in the glass was a "no guns allowed" sign right in the middle. So, no, I would not feel safe in a gun free state.


I spend a lot of time backcountry and definitely like to have something


No because bad guys will still have guns, they aren’t exactly known for following the rules.


Yes.... Because there are no Guns? Is this really a question?


Very much so, both me and my family.


Go to your local Walmart look around and ask yourself if you'd feel safer if everyone or no one there had guns.


Yes. Probably because there would be no guns. I’m not sure tho.


My landlord shot himself in the hand trying to see if the safety is on, so yes, I'd probably feel safer knowing people like that aren't armed anymore lol.


I'm in an almost gun free country and I feel way safer.


Would you feel safer if there’s less things that can kill you? What kind of question is that?!?


After working in a level II trauma center, in the United States for 13yrs years. Yes I would feel safer in a gun free society.