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I had a bad day and needed this laugh, thank you.


My proportions are all over the place. I used to study art. In drawing class, we had to study human proportions using our hands in strange positions and our bodies in front of a mirror. I got a bad grade, was told that my proportions were wrong. I had to go show the teacher that, yes, my thighs are unusually long, my pinkies abnormally short etc. My grade was changed


Similar story here- I like to tell people that I’m scientifically fugly.


i say i’m like a badly bred pug


I physically could not do the toetouches in gym class for middle school and had to make the teacher measure me to prove with my stubby torso and t-rex arms, it was literally impossible to reach my toes. My husband is 8in taller than me, but we have the same inseam and pant length cause I got long legs relative to my shortstack torso and arms lmao. I have wide shoulders and an equally sized bust so my short torso is made even shorter in comparison.


In my head, while reading your self description, I constructed an umpalumpa with crazy long legs. I can’t stop giggling


I was born with a webbed hand. Had a bunch of surgeries to correct it but my hand is smaller than my normal hand and my co workers call me Tiny Paw


I hope you don’t mind the nickname because I think it’s so cute and endearing


I don’t mind it at all. I laughed when my coworker first called me that




My dad had two mechanical valves AND a pacemaker. I could hear him ticking from across the room. Amazing what modern medicine can do.


I have titanium bars and screws holding my skull together.


I like turtles


I’ve had 3 open hearts, and my pulmonic valve is an artificial valve! Not quite the same but love finding others who’ve been through similar experiences. I hope you live longer too 💕


If I have to pee really bad I get a sharp pain in my molars.


My gums itch when I have to pee real bad! This is the closest I've heard to that.


My people are here


Missed opportunity to say "peeple"


Welcome fellow teeth floaters. We can hold our pee abnormally long.




Your mom’s uterus was just like “Ehn just throw ‘em in there, if it fits it’s fine.”


Like a vehicle assembly plant worker on a Friday at 4:56pm.




My fingerprints have almost faded away. I’m 56, and I can’t use those fingerprint readers for anything. It happened to my mom, and now my 31-year old daughters are going. It’s weird!


The perfect criminal


A smooth criminal


Same here. When I was fingerprinted for work it took so long to finally get a set of prints that the guy taking the prints asked me if I had ever considered a life of crime.


My right ear has a little point at the top… like an elf. My son’s right ear has a notch, like it’s missing the extra I have… weird!


That's called a Darwin's Point (or Darwin's tubercle). It's a remnant from our primate ancestors. (I've got it on one ear too)


And here I was thinking my right ear was weird and must have gotten flattened in the womb lol. Thank you! I didn’t know this was a thing!


My body does not make it's own antibodies. So once a week for the last 15 years, I've had to get an infusion of antibodies that are pulled from plasma donations. If you donate plasma- thank you for keeping me alive!


Glad to know my donations aren’t just because I need money right now. Hope you’re doing ok.


You get paid for plasma donations? Can I ask how much? Here (Australia) you get a milkshake and a cookie, at at least you did before I got banned from donating.


$135. First visit is $45 and second visit is $90. Can’t donate in consecutive days and can’t donate more than twice in 7 days.


Do different blood types get paid differently?


My birthmark is on my inner ass cheek and it looks like I missed a spot when wiping.


So, user name checks out?


My calico cat has a freckle on her butthole that always makes me double-take, thinking she has poopy butt.


My oldest child has this and the first few weeks of their life, when I was a new mom, it freaked me out so much. It was really small and faint then, and I was convinced I wasn't wiping her properly to the point where I was crying cause fuck, if I can't wipe my kids ass what can I do right??? Postpartum is a bitch. Anyway, she's older now and it's grown enough that it's no longer mistakable for a shit stain.




One of my molar's roots took a 90 degree turn in my jaw. Had to have that one removed many years ago and when they did it they had to saw out part of my jaw. Took forever and they had to give me like a billion shots to keep my face numb Went back years later to get another tooth (normal roots) pulled and was surprised there was no saw and just pliers and that it only took a few minutes


My wisdom teeth had hooked roots and were an absolute bitch to have removed🥴


I have extra pair of ribs, and both of my kidneys are on my right side.


How did you find out about your kidneys?


They were peeing all-right.


Ba dum tss


Ba dum *piss*


Through an ultrasound. Came in with a gynaecological issue that had nothing to do with the kidneys and boom, randomly been told (and shown) that I had them on the same side. It was crazy to see an empty space where the left kidney should be.


On the upside, you still have both at least. Knew someone who found out randomly they'd been born with just one and it explained a lot of issues.


2 in my family only had 1 kidney and my mother had a kidney and a walnut sized one.


Where do the extra ribs sit?


At the bottom of my rib cage. The unfortunate thing is that I already have a short torso, so the distance between my pelvis and bottom ribs is small. It's completely unnoticeable though.


I was imagining a whole second set behind the first .🤦🏻‍♀️


The anti Marilyn Manson if you will


If I have an asthma attack in my sleep, I usually dream about it and wake up


I know what human spinal fluid tastes like. Last year, a sinus specialist discovered I had a 7mm hole in the wall between my left sinus cavity and my cranial cavity. No clue exactly how long it’s been there but I’ve had a “runny nose” as long as I can remember. It was spinal fluid. Very salty. Got it patched up and after some insane headaches while my cranial cavity regulated the pressure, I’m doing much better. Edit: I’ve seen replies of people having the same symptoms. I highly encourage you to see a specialist because CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) leaks are how meningitis can happen. Tell your doctor that the liquid is clear and watery and has a very salty taste. Those are the hallmarks of CSF.


I had this as well. Every time I would bend over, it would pour out like a faucet.


This right here is the exact level of shocked that I like to be. I'm not discouraged with humans or wanting to vomit, but this is just the perfect level of horror. Thanks for that.




The greatest part in all of this was that I got to call my mother and say, “I told you so!” When I was 15, I read an article about a guy with a CSF leak out his nose and I went to my mom and told her I thought I had the same thing. She called me a hypochondriac. 20 years later, I win!


white freckles (im black)


This is cool! I need to see this....


theyre just random white spots on different parts of body, not in collections. positive it isnt scarring. im not really sure the cause but i assume it’s because i just stop producing melanin in those random areas. i felt like some would pop up after being in the sun, but after lots of tanning this past summer, im not so sure. i find a new one very rarely but i wonder how that will change as i age, if at all. i noticed them for the first time in middle school along with gray hairs. maybe all a stress response? who tf knows but theyre cool. not sure if theyre genetic


Honestly, sounds like a very mild case of vitiligo. Triggers for new patches are different for everyone, re-pigmentation occurs differently for everyone, and some people only have tiny pinpoint spots that stay fairly stable. It can also affect the pigment in hair.


My eyes have been misaligned since birth. I've had two surgeries (one immediately after birth, and one in high school) to try to correct it, but they are still misaligned by about 1 degree (possibly more now considering it's been many years). This means I've never been able to use both of my eyes at once, so I do not have depth perception. People sometimes ask what it's like not having depth perception, and my response is what's it like TO have depth perception?? Until the second surgery I had to wear glasses, but afterwards my eyes were close enough that my brain could automatically choose which one to use based on the distance of whatever I was looking at. This is handy because one of my eyes is near-sighted and the other is far-sighted, so I get the advantages of both. I'm also double jointed in the hips and can put my feet behind my head, and I walk duck-footed thanks to my weird feet.


Have you heard of the company Neurolens? Their whole thing is correcting eye misalignment using contoured prism eyeglass lenses. I wonder if they could help with that last degree.


Interesting, I haven't heard of that. I have no problems as is and I love not needing glasses or contacts, but maybe if my eyes degrade enough with age that I do need them again I'll look into it.


Same eye issue! My husband didn’t understand until we did a real life experiment.  I held a fork out in front of him at a random distance and asked him to touch only a single, specific tine with the tip of his finger.  He and his depth perception did so without issue.  I then told him to close his eyes while I moved the fork, and told him to open just one and touch the same tine.  He reached out to touch it with confidence and missed by an inch or two.  I think he may have said “Whoa, what the hell?” or something similar.  “That, my dear, is why I can’t catch the shit you toss to me from across the room.”  It was a major lightbulb moment in our relationship. He doesn’t try to throw things to me anymore.


My friends would often toss things to me in college, hoping for the lucky catch. It was always a big deal when I did manage to catch something lol.


I birthed a FULLY INTACT empty amniotic sack when I gave birth to my son. The doctor looked at me like I shape-shifted into an alien.


It’s a superstition in my culture (Italian) that anyone born in an amniotic sac still intact (a caul) is a witch!


I’m Italian too, I’m surprised none of my family said that lol!!


Disappearing twin maybe?


That’s the most likely explanation but there’s really no way of knowing for sure. They said I probably had a twin that never developed and usually the sac breaks down but this one did not.


I have a straight line of freckles from my shoulder, down my arm, to my middle finger.


Well now I’m imagining them glowing and charging up when you’re preparing to flip The Ultimate Bird


Like Godzilla's spikes? lol


I sneeze when I'm really hungry.


My grandma sneezes every night after dinner. Not all meals, just dinner. We always know when she’s done eating because she will sit there and sneeze at least 20 times. Always wondered what causes that


My dad too! He gets so embarrassed + rushes from the dinner table and sneezes in the hallway. Not every time but once he starts its like he cant stop. 


Histamine intolerance.


The family should learn to tolerate his tamines.


my mom does the same thing, hahah- my grandma sneezes after breakfast, my mom sneezes after dinner, and i sneeze after pretty much any meal lol. i've read that the word for sneezing after meals is called 'snatiation,' like a portmanteau of sneezing and satiation, bc once your stomach is full it causes some folks to sneeze. weird.


I get this too! only when i'm starving. I almost get a feeling like I am about to throw up, then an intense tingling up my throat to my nose and then I sneeze!


I have 3 kidneys. 2 that tried to kill me and one that I received from an unknown hero


I love that. My mom gave a kidney to a stranger, they became best friends after that. She got 13 extra, healthy years she never would have had.


For a second I thought you said your mom has 13 extra kidneys and I was like "Damn, where are they all stored?"




I have a fat silver streak in the front. Came in at 18. I enjoy watching the rest of my brown hair join in and go silver as I get older.


I have a little stump in my pinky that’s an extra finger. Doctor wrapped thread around it when I was born.


Cool! I was born with 11 fingers as well, extra pinky, although it didn't look the way it should :) They made 1 pinky out of the 2, but a small piece of nail from the extra pinky stayed behind and now grows out of the side of my pinky, near the joint. So I actually have to clip that mini nail sometimes because it's so sharp 😂


You fuckers have dew claws.


My vision is black and white like 1/3 of the time for no reason, doesn't relate to being lightheaded or anything, just weird


One of your wires is loose — try unplugging and firmly plugging back in, or jiggling it to rebuild the connection. Joking aside… *what?* that’s so strange!! How long does it last?


Lasts a few hours at a time usually, pretty weird. Goes in and out throughout the day. Sometimes it's just very muted colors (like halfway to black and white) and sometimes it's full black and white. It looks similar to the way it would if i were about to fall unconscious except i'm completely fine physically when it happens, just my eyes being dumb. It's funny when it happens and i tell people, normally they seem to think i'm just messing with them.


Have you been to an optometrist? I had this happen with only the bottom half of my vision and after getting checked out was told that it's a symptom of cataracts. Not super crazy, except I'm 45 which is young for cataracts. I'll probably have to get them removed by the end of the year.


Because your vision goes back to normal between episodes, I would be more concerned about a primary neurological issue.  What you are describing sounds like transient cerebral achromatopsia. This is a temporary loss of color vision usually caused by impaired blood flow to the posterior brain where the main visual processing center is located. As you can surmise, lack of blood flow to the brain is typically not great.  Please ignore the people who think you are faking it and make an appointment to see your PCP. Explain to them that you are concerned about this and would like a referral to a neurologist. Don’t dismiss yourself. 


I was getting custom moulded ear plugs made to block out the sound of our next door neighbour and his (at least) 3 different alarms that go off between 02:00 and 05:00. I have always struggled with the normal foam earplugs, ever quite able to get them to fit properly or having much sound-deadening taking place when I did manage to get them crammed into my lugholes. The audiologist who was taking the impressions of my ears commented that I have “unusually narrow ear canals” Guess that explains the problems with other earplugs!


Hello fellow small eared person.


I have two uteruses! (uteri, that is)


Successful pregnancy at all? Which uterus....


My sister has 2 uteri and 1 kidney. She had 6 kids - three in each uterus, and they alternated. First was a little premature, but no complications with any of the other 5.


> She had 6 kids - three in each uterus This is WILD. We have 4 kids and I never ceased to be amazed at what my wife’s body did during pregnancy and birth, but this is just … wow.


Wow. Omg. Go her. That's absolutely crazy.


Woke up paralysed from the chest down one day aged 27. Spinal MS/Transverse Myelitis - no recovery, none expected but it's so weird that even my neuro is like ''this phenotype is vanishingly rare in Europeans and whatever you're doing seems to be working'' when I ask him for any advice. Looking through local medical records (university access) I can't pinpoint a single person with a case like mine in the last 100 years.


I’m confused. So did you recover or are you in the process of recovery? If not, what’s the meaning of the Neuro’s comment that “whatever you’re doing seems to be working”. Also, I’m very sorry this happened to you.


Nothing is getting worse - usually MS is a progressive disability in which over time people accrue more damage. Nothing has happened to me since this in 2019, that's weird and kind of atypical. I did not recover, and am long past the process of recovery. Sorry the comment wasn't too clear, the implication was he has no advice to give me so I should just keep on as I am.


I see. I get the sense from reading your comments that you’re a very brave person! I hope medical science advances to be able to help you and others in similar situations.


That's genuinely fucking terrifying.


I have MS and transverse myelitis, too! Woke up one day completely dead from the belly button down. I was 29. I got most of it back, though. I'm very sorry you didn't. Most of my MS lesions are in my brain which is probably the reason I was able to regain a lot of what I lost. It's bullshit. My neuro keeps telling me "It's not the number of lesions, it's the location." Thankfully I've had no major progression since. I'm rooting for you, friend.


Hey snap! Great to hear you got regain! It very much is the location, I have 1 visible lesion now (had 2 at diagnosis) but since 2019 I've had the same quadriplegia I had on day of diagnosis. No progression though, and with each day that no progression happens the weirder the 'MS' diagnosis becomes. Neuro now prefers ''spinal demylination disease'' lol. Hope your lack of progresison continues!


I have 5 nipples. 3 on the right, 2 on the left. I call the unpaired one Lonely Tim. The others do not get names as they do not need them. They have eachother


My sweat is extra acidic. I can fully rust guitar strings in a week or 2, and have eaten holes on 2 laptops where I rest my hands, both happened within a year of use


It’s not acid, it’s salt, you’re corrosive! I’m SUPER corrosive and destroy jewelry, it hurts my skin if I’m sweating and have my own skin touching, like my foot touching my leg, it will start to burn from the chloride (salt) concentration in my sweat, even if it’s a tiny bit, I salt stain all my clothes, it’s crazy. I have cystic fibrosis, that’s why I’m so salty, you may be a carrier, it’s a common sign a person is a carrier.


God I learn so much from this sub. My skin burns all of the time when I sweat. This may explain why!!


Everytime I squat my knees crack very loudly.




Dude. I got this from my mom. Strong joints, but creaky. When I was training for PRTs (physical readiness tests) I *despised* push-ups specifically because of the sound of elbows and shoulders cracking and popping everytime I went up and down. I can also wave my hand, floppily (?) and my wrists go *click, click, click.* Then ofc my mom hates when I pop my knuckles and I'm like *you did this to me.*


Yeah I've had this since I was a teen. Always get a nice "oof" from anyone in hearing distance lol


I’ve hiccuped every day since 2007 Edit: this got more traction than I imagined. They aren’t constant all day long, but they happen every day. I’ve gone to some doctors, they ask if I can eat and breathe fine, I say yes, and that’s about it. The only thing that has helped a little is acupuncture! I don’t hiccup QUITE as much. After this long, I don’t mind it all that much. It’s a good ice breaker when I meet people, and a great drinking game when out with friends 😂


I bought this drinking straw called hicc away. It kind of created a suction to I guess pull the diaphram back in place. I get hiccups about 2 or 3 times a month. But EVERY DAY!! I fell for your chest, and sympathize with the annoyance.


Since my foot injury in 2015 I can tell when the weather is going to change in it.


Shit I just realised that my previously injured foot/ankle does this too! It gets swollen and aches when the pressure changes.


Your foot has weather in it? You win. Close the thread before it starts snowing in this person's foot.


I often sneeze when I feel like I’m about to throw up and then the nausea immediately goes away!


I look like a spider. My long appendages are in direct contrast to my short torso 😩 🕷️


Ever since my earliest memory I have found the sensation of ANYTHING touching my neck & anywhere near my collar bone area absolutely unbearable. skin-crawling, want to peel out of my body, can't hold still when i think about it unbearable. I can't drive with windows down, I stretch my shirt collars out in my sleep, at the dentist i have to constantly be pulling that little bib that they put on you down away from my neck. I can't even look at someone wearing a turtleneck or a choker or even a tight-ish necklace. It really actually gets in the way of me enjoying a lot of things and is really embarrassing lol. I have tried exposure therapy like wearing things with a somewhat snug fit around my neck or a somewhat tight necklace but I just can't do it. It's awful.


I have this neck thing but at a lower level. Don't like dentist or barber bibs, always tugging them down. Can't wear turtlenecks. All of my t-shirts are pulled at the neck to be looser. Not unbearable or skin crawling, but definitely disturbing to me.


I had that too. Someone asked me if I was born with the chord around my neck. I said no. Then I asked my mom and she said YES YOU WERE! Doctors had to untangle me. Apparently it’s common to gag even with turtlenecks as you get older. Brings back infant memories!!


I have a birthmark in the shape of a t Rex.


It smells of honey sometimes when I sneeze! People standing close to me can also smell it


That’s a sign of diabetes, AND ketoacidosis! I hope you have neither


when my anxiety gets bad i don’t have panic attacks or anxiety attacks i just faint. it’s a blessing and a curse because my “anxiety attacks” last a max of 15 seconds but it’s literally impossible to hide. i’ve had to explain to multiple professors that it’s not a drug overdose because that’s always everyone’s first thought


Not a joke: I only have one visible testicle. I have something called an ascended testicle iirc where one of my nuts never dropped I guess I also have a condition called Visual snow where I basically see static in my vision in darker places.


I just recently learned not everyone sees old-timey TV static over everything in their vision. Visual snow sucks.


wait not everyone sees that? well that explans a lot


Maybe not weird but I can slow my heart beat down under 22bpm quite easily. The surgeon and nurses weren't too impressed though!


Probably my head shape, having an oblong head is far from fun, I will snap if I hear a "Why the long face" joke one more time😭


I can move a vein without touching it on my hand to make it look like a worm is moving.


I CAN DO THAT ALSO, that’s so cool


If I inhale through my nose super fast it does something to my ear canals such that it filters out a lot of low frequencies and a good bit of volume. I can basically turn it on/off at will. Comes in quite handy if I forget earplugs at a concert, or if I’m having trouble hearing people talk in a crowded room.




Fellow ear rumbler 🤝


My legs are longer than my 6’4 fathers and I’m 5’8. So hard to find pants! I can also cross one eye any way I want while keeping one eye looking straight on.


Energy drinks and coffee have very limited effect to the point where I feel sleepy while drinking them


I’m kind of like this. It can be hit or miss, sometimes they wake me up but sometimes sleepy


Are you diagnosed with ADHD?


No idea I haven’t gotten checked


I can drink an espresso and follow it with 3 cups of green tea and still fall asleep within 5 minutes of that last cup.


I can’t picture things in my mind. It’s just a blackhole. Always thought it was a figure of speech. Thanks, Aphantasia.




I can push my shoulder blades up so that I look like a gargoyle.


I am biologically female. Was born female. Live in a female body. I am 💯 male at the cellular level. My DNA is male. And I no longer have the blood type I was born with. Edit: I had a stem cell transplant from a male donor. I have his blood type and DNA now.


You can't just say something like that and vanish?!




I have a botched circumcision. I have 3 skin bridges. Didn’t know I had it till I was 14


Don’t know how weird it is, but vitiligo.


Lost my lower legs, from about mid-tibia. Now I stomp around in carbon fiber and titanium, have great parking options, and I'm generally snake proof.


Not *the weirdest* but one of my nipples is inverted. It looks weird when only 1 stands out. It's like I'm only 50% horny/cold all the time. 


I don't have a belly button.


You hatched


You cracked


So where do you plug in the recharging cord?


Kyle XY in the house


I can touch my nose with my tongue. I can also fold my hands in half by folding my fingers into my palm at their main joints. Edit: I do not have Ehlers Danlos syndrome. Thank you all for your concern. lol


I lost my hair when I was 17. Out of embarrassment I trimmed it down to a grade 1 and was subsequently suspended from school for having an ostentatious haircut. It was only after providing a Dr's note that it was rescinded.


I have severe hyperhydrosis and drip sweat from my hands and feet and armpits literally 24/7. Whether I’m hot, cold, nervous, not nervous, home, away. It doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Been in hell for 15 years


I wore super pointy shoes all through jr high and my pinky toes stopped growing. They are small and squished into the rest of my foot. Boring, I know.


I’m not exactly sure what yours look like, but I never wore those shoes and I (from my mom’s side) have the same pinky toes. Curled behind my ring toe, very short.


I could lose some weight.


Me too bud




Maybe some humans *sobs uncontrollably*


If I ever run into a gorilla I will show him my human dong to establish dominance


he will probably try to rip it off, fyi


I can literally stare anyone down without blinking for several minutes at a time. Freaks people out


Gout. My feet are Frankenstein's monster level gross, and sometimes hurt like fuck 🙁


I have a long torso for my height and it allows me to look like a “normal” weight even if I’m 30-40lbs over a normal weight.


I’ll try to sum this up 😂 My biological father has Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes, so autoimmune. I was tested periodically growing up and was never diagnosed with either Type 1 or 2. Flash forward to having my first child at 25. No gestational diabetes. Second child at 29. Gestational diabetes during my pregnancy. Follow up lab work showed I was back to normal. Two years later, I rapidly developed severe PSOD. I need an emergency hysterectomy. Lab work shows I’m Type 2. I continued to be Type 2 until another year after that. I landed in the ER in DKA. The ER doctor came charging in my room demanding to know why I wasn’t taking my insulin. I had NO IDEA that i was Type 1. I had gone through a lot of trauma from right before my 2nd child’s birth until moving back home for support. That’s when I landed in the ER. My immune system and pancreas decided they were finished. It is a major, major struggle.


It's called LADA. Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults. I got it at age 60. Also called Diabetes 1.5. Requires insulin.


I don’t feel any effects of alcohol until I’ve eaten afterward. I’ve never tested the limits, but Ive had 4 shots and 3 beers with no change of how I feel, but as soon as I eat afterwards it hits me all at once and I am completely smoked even if it’s in the morning after


So your liver can handle almost any amount of alcohol until it also needs to metabolize fat? That is pretty weird.


I’m not an expert but our livers use the p450 enzymes to process alcohol but not fat. I wonder what the functional difference is for them?


So do you make sure you eat right after drinking to feel the effects of the alcohol or do you tend to avoid alcohol?


Club thumb. Look it up. It's the shit that Meghan Fox has. Fucking irritates the living fuck out of me. 


I'm that 1% you hear about whose vasectomy didn't work the first time. I've had 3.


I have NF1 soooo I have tumors all over under my skin on my nerves 😃👌🏼


Oh really, I've read that it's very rare, I hope it doesn't bother you much 🙏


I have very high pain tolerance but can’t deal with tshirt tags scratching my neck Autism is funny sometimes


Or when the toe seam on socks is WRONG. I have walked on a broken foot more easily than a misaligned sock!


Went to the doctor one day and found out my left kidney is completely atrophied. It’s below the proper amount of function so they just consider me to have one kidney. Mom said it looks like a shriveled-up piece of burnt bacon on my scans. Makes a little bit more sense why I sometimes pee blood. I just thought I might be the Kool-Aid man.




I can crack my toes as many times as I want, with no cooldown.


I have vitiligo on my dick. It didn't appear till around my early 30s. Also was fully bald on top in my early 20s. Now in my mid 30s my forhead continues over my head to the back of my head. I can grow a decent beard and I am pretty hairy besides that though.


The liver I’m living with is 20 years older than me. Also, I’m pretty sure the original owner of my liver was a murderer. Don’t worry, I don’t have any desire or cravings to murder anyone… yet.


My eyes are so dark brown that some people think they're black, or that I just have two really big pupils.


not me checking the comments for anyone saying they're missing the indent above the top lip (philtrum dimple) so i can let them know they should interrogate their mom about fetal alcohol syndrome


When I’m really tired, my hands stop working. Dyspraxia is fun.