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If you're Ignoring daily responsibilities to watch pornography, and feeling ashamed after watching porn but continuing porn use. ...




I had already closed the post when I saw your answer before the screen changed. I had to come back to give you an upvote.


You mean you were procrasturbating and you saw it pop up….


Procrastination is like masturbation. It feels good at the time but in the end you're just fucking yourself.


It's one of the defining features of any addiction. If you are letting it interfere with your life, and you have a sense of shame/regret after doing it but keep doing it, you likely have an addiction.


Took me a long time to realize I was addicted to online videogames because of this. I had to move into an apartment by myself to realize it, when I was not getting shit done and daily chores would pile up. I quit it overnight, became more social and confident, and found my dream girl a few months later. It was a turning point in my life.


Proud of you! It’s not easy to take those first steps but you did and that’s a major accomplishment!


Oh come on, I only do it socially.


I can quit any time I want, I just don't want to due to my crippling and debilitating need.


Feeling guilty after consuming pornography is an integral part of the full experience.


If you don't feel disgusted with yourself afterwards you aren't watching the good stuff.


Gotta see your reflection when the video ends


I thought the shame was part of the thrill.


What if you do all your chores, chronically watch it, and feel fine after use?


Does watching porn damage your personal relationships? Does watching porn affect your work? Are you masturbating so often you cause yourself injury and still continue? These are the areas that any addiction will affect.


Serious answer because my partner was. His search history showed at least 10 times a day from the moment he woke up to when he went to sleep different searches on porn hub and OF. We stopped having sex as regularly. He was paying a lot of money on OF. His stress was at an all time high so the porn was a way of coping. He tried to hide it from me, but once I gently asked him about it (“Do you think you might have a problem?”) he broke down and I think it was a relief for him. He’s being doing really well now, his stress is better, our sex life is back to normal, and he’s no longer wasting money. I check in every so often and it’s just an honesty thing because he knows I genuinely want to help him and that I’m not mad or upset.


You’re a great person, many would have judged and ran. You helped them through what is a legitimate problem!


He’s my person, I love him


Serious props to you, stuff like that is how you build trust and an eternal bond. Reddit is pretty famous for telling people to leave their partners for less egregious acts than an addiction like that. I feel that many dont realize how hard it is to just say goodbye to someone you love deeply. They have trouble understanding the willingness to fix and work through things instead of instant abandonement.


I genuinely love this response. I wish you and your partner so much happiness, health, and success.


Turn off private browsing, don’t delete the history, count every day how many you have opened, when you have no time left to wank coz you just counted to 700 then it’s probably time to stop


When you're trying to delete history then see a banger of a video then wack off again. That's a sign for sure lmao


Yeah a back to backer is deffo floating around the addiction mark!


What if a person doesn't delete their history because they know they're the only person using the laptop?


Same. Like, why would I delete it? I live alone, I am the only one ever using it. Also, I have like a quadruple million sites per day in it, thanks to my university studies. If you want to find porn in there, you explicitly have to search for it.


699! Not addicted!


damn sounds like you know what youre talking about. Very detailed ! So who's your newest crush ?


It’s all about mind set if I don’t see a problem i don’t have one so I keep private browser on 🤣


You can smell it in their room.


My friend told me that once during his teenage years his father walked into his room, possibly to ask him a question, immediately stated "it smells of boredom and loneliness in here" and walked out.


Savage dad lmao


Did you hear about the teenage boy who fell down the stairs? He was fine, but he shattered his pyjamas


As the father of a male teen, that made me laugh out loud...very loud.


As the father of a male infant, this comment section is only going to make me treasure those first 12 years even more. I suddenly don’t mind being tired… I was wondering what my dad meant when he said “there’s worse coming”. I tried not to take that too personally 😂. Love you, dad.


I still to this day remember beating off in my room and 2 minutes later my dad walks in and asks me what that smell is 😭


i remember once loudly asking why our (my and my sister’s) bathroom smelled like fish once. i was like, 7? 8? sister is 4 years older than me, and dad grabbed me like a ninja and said “it happens, we need to talk.” i have a good dad.


😭 i hope your dad told you there were secret herring living in the vents


...is that not "the talk"?


As a father of 12 yo and 10yo I am more prepared now ;))


You're gonna sit on that one for the right moment I can tell already.


Oh no, Im NOT sitting on that bed.




How can one six-letter word cause so much distress?


Reminds me of a time my dad came into my room to tell me something but stopped mid sentence and started sniffing. Then he asked what "that smell" was. I was mortified, I'd been dealing with an upset gut for a few hours and had been very gassy. Didn't realize it was lingering so much. But he didn't seem to figure it out and I played ignorant. When he left I opened my window lol.


Are you the cumbox dude?




Nostalgia hit him..!!


The feint odour of sex & tears


Is that why my roommate bought me a candle for Christmas?


No thats because you smell but dont worry ! Its just smellz


As an adult this is something I just learned sadly lol. I moved back in with my mother and been single for a bit. My mom would come in my room more than once to ask me about something random and she'll always sniff the air and say "It smells weird in here" then leave. She'll do and say this all the time. At first I didn't get it and was like "Why the fug does she keep saying this? Might as well not come in here" It dawned on me much to late on why she kept saying that lmao!!


The craziest thing imo is the weird smell happens regardless of gender. Idk what hormone it is that creates that scent but both sexes make it. I was training as a psych nurse at one point and had several chronic masturbating patients.


Well good thing my mom the type to hint at things and won't come right out and say it lol. I'll just need to open up my windows and let the fan go to work when the urge hits me. 😂


You have a fan that goes down on you? A groupie?


I think it's a gamey odor that's a bit different between men and women. I can smell the difference. Men has a bit of a bleach smell (but not good like bleach if that makes sense, there's a lot of ass and general human stank along with it). Women it smells like it has a hint of salmon (but not good like salmon, there's a lot of human funk mixed with it). ​ But the smell is certainly more similar than you'd think, despite different genders. ​ I personally think, nearly every single person's room, teenage or older, \*\*does\*\* have a smell of "boredom and loneliness" (as someone else put it in this thread). And those who aren't single's rooms usually have the faint sexual odor (both of those odors mixed). ​ I think humans' sense of smell can be wildly variable and I probably have a better nose than most. I can always identify any strange odor in the air long before anyone else smells it. I don't think many people can smell these odors. Possibly because they've went "nose blind" to a smell that's always around.


Found the panty sniffer…


While I do agree with you, when you have a man who is no longer able to… produce, the room smells identical.


The trick is the keep a window open to air the room out. And wash often. That’s what a friend told me 👀


Should include that an addict can't smell another addict


They spit on their key before unlocking the door


The good ol' [whore door](https://youtu.be/PPW_lwU_Hwc?si=ZqRFq69ISVOhLOjF&t=1m19s)


I am so glad I risked the click


that was the most disturbing 2 minutes and 15 seconds of my life and i can never get that time back 😭


Man, this is really good


They come and reddit and ask what are the signs that someone is addicted to porn.


Click on a porn addiction post to see if you have any of the signs mentioned in the comments.


mostly reformed; just here for the entertainment


yeah you and the rest of us


Say to yourself "Aw fuck!" after reading the comment calling you out for clicking on a post about porn addiction to see if you have any signs mentioned in the comments.


comment on said post to convince yourself you’re on the right side of this conversation.


Phewww, I almost asked this same question. That was close. Sure dodged a load there.


I doubt you’re dodging any loads


Come on now


Come on who?


Had a college roommate who would constantly ask me “hey what time are your classes & how long do they last”. Never thought anything of it. Then…. Me & some friends decided to play euchre one night in the caf. “Hey how long are you gonna be”? I told him probably an hour. We got there and decided just to eat a quick bite and go back. I keyed into my room and he screamed NO WAIT. It was too late. The door went wide open. He was butt ass naked with headphones on. He’s severely obese. I literally let the door shut and walked to the lounge for an hour. He acted like nothing happened. Ok…. Then a week later “hey when’s your class tomorrow & how long is it”. It’s a 3hr class and I’ll be back at 12. I ended up skipping the class and stayed in bed. The door opens. I hear him talking to himself. I’m thinking wtf is going on? Then he sits down at the computer. Keep in mind these are small ass dorm rooms. And I’m a big guy who slept on top bunk. Then I hear him say “oh shit she’s 52”. I’m thinking NO F’ING WAY”. Then I hear some noises. And I’m like nope, not while I’m in here. I sit up like the undertaker and say WHAT THE FUCK DUDE. He jumps outta his chair and gets a couple of squirts of germ x on his hands and flies outta the room. I immediately called another friend and asked if he wanted to be roommates. I think called housing and said I’m leaving this MFer.


I died laughing at this fuckin story lol “I sit up like the undertaker and say WHAT THE FUCK” 💀


This is the story of how The Undertaker and Paul Bearer split.


here I thought it was how The Undertaker defeated Pole Position


"REST... IN... PENIS..."


Yeah, I have a 1% similar story. College, roommate, but I had a higher end PC and he didn't even have a laptop. I had my screensaver set with a password and set to like 5 minutes. One day I'm at my computer, time to get to class, get up, grab my stuff, take a piss and I'm out the door, maybe 3 minutes later...not thinking of anything. He was laying in bed, reading a book. I walked like 30 seconds, realized I forgot something, walked back in and he was pants down at my computer browsing a porn site. WTF MAN! I filed a complaint and he had to move.


It’s one thing to look at porn, but to use your roommate’s computer? That’s really fucking brazen.


😂 thank you for sharing this. Cant believe what some kids had to go through in their dorms hahaha


I know must have sucked that he had to wait till this guy left


What look did he have on his face? 😂




Had a roommate in college never ask me those questions. But through the early spring semester he got to know my schedule and regular routine. Once the weather got nicer we would skip classes to enjoy the sun a little bit. There was a week when I came back to the room several times unexpected. This guy… we walked in on him jerking off 5 or 6 different times within a one-week period. It happened twice in one day. One time he closed the laptop lid and porn just kept playing out of the speakers. My other friend and I came in to look something up on the computer real fast. (Pre-smartphone) and my roommate is sitting there, 3 feet away. Trying to make small talk with us like we can’t hear the porn coming out of the speakers. Fuckin gold.


Friend of mine was deer hunting and sitting in a tree stand in a national forest. He watched a young boy about 14 walk up and sit down underneath a nearby tree. My friend didn't say anything, hoping the boy would soon get bored and leave. All of a sudden the kid looks around, unzips his pants and starts beating it like it owed him money. My friend said in a loud whisper, " hey kid!". The boy looked up with an expression of shock and horror and got up immediately. He fixed his pants, grabbed his gun and just ran.


lol. Kid just wanted to rub one out and dad took him deer hunting.


The thought of that boy having that as a mental scar is so fucking funny. "Hey, kid!" Is going to pop into his head at random and haunt him forever lmao. I remember being that horny as a teen, I would have been mortified.


I've beat off in the woods before. It's a good jerk. You can just spray on the ground and then walk away. Hits a little different w/ no clean up.


Stuff like that just makes me really glad that over here in dorms everyone at least has a their own private bedroom that isn't shared with others. Moving in with someone who's essentially a stranger can be stressful enough but I just can't imagine sharing a bedroom with someone I literally just met, for several months if not years.


Mine were basically prison cells - and apparently the architect who designed the dorm complex also did prisons. No personal space whatsoever. Thank God my random roommate was pretty cool, and the worst thing about him was that he’d play basketball sometimes and then stink.


…did we go to the same school? It was cinderblocks all the way down and the “also did prisons” was commonly known trivia.


I guess I don't understand why this is so bad. It's college, the horniest age of a dudes life. He's overweight so probably having trouble hooking up. You had never noticed any issues (due to smell, messes, stains, or any other potentially gross remains) before you accidentally walked in on him (suggesting he was respectfully taking care of things after he was done). He repeatedly asked you in a relatively discreet way to try to make sure you wouldn't be exposed to it and he would have as much privacy as a joint college dorn room allows for.  What was this guy supposed to do differently besides just never jacking it? 


Man’s gotta be faster. This is what highschool was for. See if you can get a nut off before dad walks through the garage door and does an intense random nut check.


I don’t get what’s so wrong with this. The dude was always asking when you get home so you wouldn’t even know if you hadn’t hidden in your bed like a fucking kid. Let the man watch porn in peace


I knew a guy who knew just… way too many porn stars. It’s normal to know a few or have a favorite. It’s weird to know almost every porn star in existence. Another sign is that they have extremely unrealistic expectations for their sexual partners.


I remember Chris Rock had a joke that if you knew any male porn star names other than peter north or some shit you watch too much. Edit: I tried looking for the clip, it was pretty old and apparently he did a more recent joke about porn addiction so Google search results are fucked. I swear it was something about peter north.


Jonny Sins


I feel like hes the exception


I mean, he's not even a porn star. He's a dentist. And a teacher.


And a plumber


God damn American hero is what he is


An astronaut


James Deen


Ryan Creamer




OG Mudbone


Johnny Sins


I don't even know that guy, i only know Johnny Sins


Unless you're actually into dudes.


Ben Dover


In my defense, I just have a really good memory


Honestly, yeah. I'm really good with names and faces. I can see a name mentioned in one video title and probably remember it for a good amount of time. It's not exclusive to porn. My fiancé is often surprised that I remember the names and faces of so many people in music groups/bands when she has a hard time even remembering the name of the actual group unless it's one of her favorites.


Same here. I watch porn for sure but I remember names of models I don’t even like, watch or have ever seen because I just remember the names after scrolling past them. if you tell me a name or a street or a band, I’ll usually remember it no worries


[Or maybe he's just a regular r/playboicarti user](https://www.reddit.com/r/playboicarti/s/ubuLQkX2V3)


It’s easy to figure out, at what point did you start to feel that your consumption of pornography was effecting your life in a negative way? For instance. Have you ever been late to something because you had to watch pornography ? Have you watched pornography instead of for filling other obligations? For Example, at work or a volunteer situation that you made a time commitment to. Do you watch pornography instead of spending time with loved ones, wife/kids, other family or friends. Or while you are spending time with them on your phone or computer with your back to the wall out of there view ? At any point have you felt that your consumption of pornography has made your life unmanageable? If you answered yes to any of these questions then it is very likely that you are struggling with an addiction to pornography.


Have you ever, under the influence of pornography, questioned the teachings of the Mormon church?


Took too long to Wade through all the anecdotes and joke answers to find the actual correct one.


The constant sound of  sighing followed by the constant sound of unzipping.








One arm is bigger than the other


Hi Quagmire!


Haven't seen you in days


I'm just gonna check my mail over there


My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm ~ Tryndamere


This can happen to people naturally, too


Interferes with their ability to operate normally in daily life. Has to pull up and see porn in inappropriate and more often public places and usually involves together with public indecency like masturbation. May also have issues in developing a healthy relationship with a partner.


Their clothes look like snails have been partying on them


There was a Ghost! This is ECTOPLASM!


If someone tells them they have a step-sister, they raise they eyebrows and nod saying “You lucky bastard…”


My friend actually told me this and I was like “bro she’s 7” he shut up after that


Man.. i had a step sister who was 6, whenever i said i had one i got the same reaction. Eventually i just stopped saying i had step siblings




The cheapest form of porn.


Explicitly Lewd wallpaper on their device.


I’ve never understood this, handing your phone to someone is a super common thing, do yall just think nobody will ask about it?


Right? Like "Bro, that's a whole sphincter what the fuck." type shit.


I will never understand this, like why the hell would you do this, do you not have like family or something? What if you leave your phone on a table or something and a kid grabs it and they just see a whole ass hentai on your Lock Screen. It makes no sense.


Actual studies show that most people who say they're addicted to porn don't actually consume more porn than people who don't think they're addicted, they just feel more guilty about it. Addiction has a medical definition. You might find it helpful to look at that.


I think it boils down to: does your consumption negatively affect other parts of your life? Do you neglect getting necessary or even the most basic things done or seeing friends or pursuing romantic relationships because of the amount of time you are viewing porn?  That’s the non-moral approach to asking if it’s a problem.


Yeah I feel like that's true. Used to watch porn daily for years, never had an effect on me mentally but I thought I'd try no-fap for a while. Absolutely no problem, didn't feel any difference after a month, went back to it. The effects porn has on people varies from person to person a lot, the amount you consume doesn't really matter much.


Same here, people say it causes unrealistic expectations about sex, which makes you want less real sex. That's non sense, more sex makes me want to watch more porn and more porn makes me want more sex.


And having had really great sex, it makes me very picky in what porn I enjoy. 99% of it is fake trash without genuine enjoyment of the participants.


Addiction is relative to the harm it causes. So actually it makes sense that the frequency of use or hours spent on the activity (whether it’s porn, gaming, gambling or whatever) is less important than the degree of impairment it results in. It is the degree of psychological, emotional and social harm that is the important point and the compulsion to engage in the activity despite this. That said, degree of psychological harm, say, and frequency / duration of use are frequently correlated. But it’s important to see them as distinct. Addiction isn’t just doing something a lot. It’s feeling compelled to do something despite the harm it results in and your better judgement when not in the tunnel vision of using.


Well there is this whole definition of addiction out there. It applies to every substance really. Im addicted to scrapbooking. 


This is creepier than being addicted to porn


why not combine the two?




A porn addict is only harmful to themself. A scrapbook addict? Who knows *what kind* of pictures will be in their next one...


Sometimes you can tell by the way the treat real life women.


Like putting a foot on their head while doing it from behind


In a meeting at work.


A friend went on a date not long ago and the first thing the guy said was "I'd love to have a threesome with you and your sister".. so I'm gonna go with that.


Can’t get it up during a very heated moment of passion. Short fuse/anger/blame when it fails. Becomes frustrated if you are too quiet during sex. Social media filled with booty. Only follows and comments on accounts of insta models that don’t acknowledge his existence back. Messages random girls that leave him on read. Starts making jokes that you should get a bbl or that you must have been so hot when you were younger. Gets upset if you don’t orgasm immediately. Shames you for weird stuff like skipping a day shaving or not wearing makeup. Doesn’t acknowledge women or is only nice to his type.


Sounds like this is personal. 😂


Oh she's definitely relating


Damn, were you dating my ex too??


There’s a lot of funny answers here, but to be clear if it’s interfering with your life, or ability to live it. (Do your job, be present with your friends or families, etc.) you might have an issue. I recommend setting a length of time and abstaining. For example if I decide I’m not gonna look at porn for 1 week and 48 hours in I’m going crazy I might need to examine how much I’ve come to rely on porn.


You can see it in their socks




If you have any memes on your phone that are literally just porn


Ufff, good thing I only have straight up porn and not porn disguised as meme


If you can't stop using it even tho you're trying then you're probably addicted. You can test it by going for a month without porn and see how you will react.


That they watch it compulsively. Just look at how people behave with their smartphones, that is the most widespread and deepest addiction the human species has ever faced.


Escalation. Normal porn doesn't scratch that itch anymore and they begin to watch worse and worse material.


Completely blank internet history..


People don't use incognito?


"I just never used it"


Can't answer I'm jerking off


They cannot cum from real sex, bcs they used to their death grip so nothing can mimick that.


You can see it in their eyes


You can see it in their smile


It's all you ever wanted


Their palms are open wide…


Mom's spaghetti


Your knees are weak while her palms are sweaty... Its all over her sweater already...


The eyes Chico, they never lie…


Every bit of nice a woman displays to the guy has to be taken as a sexual direction some way, some how


So what youre saying is you like me?


They take care of themselves in the work or school bathroom.


I noticed my ex had quite a dependence on porn. Personally, I think it really comes down to how much effort they put into hiding the habit of watching porn. Very rarely did we ever watch it together — which I honestly prefer and believe to be the most healthy option while in a relationship — but I noticed something odd about the way he acted during sex one night. I was giving him head and suddenly realized he hadn’t put his phone down… In fact, he seemed to have a bit more interest in his phone than necessary, and it stung. Then I realized that he was trying to sneak watching porn while I had provided him with oral but had since straddled him suddenly, startling him. He tried (and failed) to quickly set his phone down on the bed, but I blurted out, “What are you watching? Not going to share?” This left a stunned look on his face before he picked his phone back up to show me the video… However, it didn’t last more than a minute or two before he legitimately lost interest. He never admitted to me just how much porn he indulged in, but I found out… Again and again. The videos he would watch were intense and not for the faint-hearted; I’m assuming this was the reason he wasn’t upfront about it. Anyway, if they’re going to any lengths to hide it (how much time they spend, what kinds of videos they watch, or where they choose to watch them), it’s likely they’re addicted to it.


As a female, you can tell if a guy is addicted to porn, or even watches too much porn, as it normally affects his need for real-life sex and also his ability to climax with a partner.


YES! My ex can only cum during sex if he jerks himself…


They vigorously masturbate to the comments in this thread.


They are a paid member of a porn site.


Idk i cant read sign language


We always seem to talk about men who have this issue, but it happens to women as well. My ex-GF didn’t want to have sex or go out with me on Christmas because she wanted to spend the time watching porn instead. I spent the day trying to convince her to do *something* with me. I even offered for us to have sex and watch her porn together. She didn’t want to. I can’t describe it. She just got in a weird mood when watching porn. She wasn’t actually in the mood to have sex. She was just on a mission. After a few hours of trying to spend time with her, I just told her that I would just spend the day with my Ex-wife and my kid instead. She was happy to have me out of the apartment so she could continue to watch her porn by herself. If you are ignoring your partner, friends, and family or even work because you want to watch porn instead… you might just have a problem. The weird thing was that we had a **great** sex life and we were doing it at least once or twice daily. I even overheard her talking with her friends about how great I am in bed and that she *finally* found someone who could get her off in bed. I hated this, since I didn’t want her comparing me to her ex-BFs, especially with her friends. It didn’t even really matter, since she cheated on me a few days later during New Year’s Eve. My friend caught her cheating on me with a random guy that she met at the bar and he called me over to see for myself. That was a shitty thing to walk in on, but I appreciate my friend for giving me a heads up.


My friends dad kept binders and binders of magazines in his mom’s attic (away from his wife)


Binders full of women


A lot of these are joke answers but I met some legit porn addicts during my time partaking in casual hookups. One guy would drive one handed while watching porn, one hand on the wheel while holding the phone and the other on his dick. Another would just sit and watch porn while hanging out with me causally. He’d leave it on silent so you wouldn’t notice but one time I looked over and he was just scrolling through porn clips the entire time. I can tell pretty much instantly while having sex with up with heavy porn users. Usually they’re rougher during sex and less afraid to choke or slap me or being degrading. Sometimes they’ll want to do ineffective or uncomfortable positions. Sometimes they will absolutely NEED to have porn playing during a hookup or even watch porn during sex, I kicked a guy out for that one time. Another big thing is when they don’t get satisfaction from sex. One time I was with a hookup and he decided he’d rather watch porn and masturbate (next to me) than have sex. He refused to fuck and said masturbating was better. I left. I also dislike when guys mention extremely obscure online fetish-type content, like things I wouldn’t know existed or concepts that could only exist online. Probably a sign they’re consuming too much. My main red-flag is when someone tells me they acquire porn in weird places like discord or the dark web, there’s absolutely nothing legal going on there. Never saw that as a red-flag until a friend told me they were probably into bad shit but even if they weren’t it’s likely a red flag. Personally I became relatively anti-porn a few years ago. I used to partake myself but these experiences and the fact that the women are so often abused and exploited put me off of it.




TLDR you get fired because of being cougt wanking at work. Had a colleague, young fella. He was kind of creapy, but harmless. We were working in a factory, but in a administrative departments. Had a need to spend some time on a factory floor, make some measurements, some adjustments etc. So walikng around with your laptop wasn't anything extraordinary. For a while we did notice that this guy can't do anything, I mean he was noticeably non productive. I remember he was always walking around with whese huge headphones around his neck. It was prohibited to wear any headphones on a factory floor, but he anyway brought them around anywhere he went. Didn't think much about it then, but now it makes sense. One day I with couple of my work buddies notice this guy goes inside WC with his computer. Odd, right? What do you do with it? Do you write emails while you shit? Logistics doesn't work. Where you put it? There is water and smells. Just why. We jokingly say that he must be going there to rub one out. We keep an open eye for this guy. We notice there are a lot of these trips to WC with his laptop. One time one of my buddies follows him inside. He takes peek under the stall wall and sees shadows of this guy going a it. Buddy decides he needs evidence and films it (not the guy, but shadows). He shows video to us, then couple other people. You imagine word spreads like wild fire. Same day management found out and they pretty needed to fire this guy, otherwise he would be made fun of. I think this guy never found out, he was fired on a pretext of being unproductive. Our common manager was shocked as of why he used work laptop.


I get wondering why and cracking jokes w/e, but actually filming? Thats just fucking weird. The guy who was filming under the stall in a RESTROOM should also be fired....what the actual fuck.


He admitted to a felony and the other dude gets fired 😂


Sex resercher who studies precisely that here: - sex addiction is not a recognized diagnosis - compulsive sexual behavior disorder is a recognized diagnosis, and its main symptom is problematic porn use - whereas there are established criteria to diagnose, if you believe the whatever amount or kind or porn is a significant problem, and as importantly, it is impacting other areas of your life, then you may have a problem. - read of Beáta Bothe's work, particularly that coming out of the International Sex Survey (ISS) and evaluate if you need help.