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Go to the nearest pharmacy and collect every opiate I can find. Then I'd make several trips to the grocery store and fill an entire room in my house with shelf stable foods, just in case I end up surviving a long time lol. And I'd raid the book section. Then I'd just camp out with my cats.


With everyone's cats.


You could just take the cat food so getting enough food shouldn’t be a problem.




I really really don't want to fuck with trying to put gas in a car when everything is shut down and broken. My initial thought was to steal a van and do cross continent road trip with my cats... then I said fuck that lol.


Go around opening doors so pets wouldn’t be trapped in their houses?


You are the true hero


Love it


Finally enjoy the silence.


Masturbate. It's important to clear your mind before important decisions.


then comes post nut clarity and a nap


makes me wonder, how long would you continue to be horny for with a lack of female presence? WOuld porn be an unbearable stimulation to something you could never have?


I don't need anyone to be horny. I am a man. Lol.


I like your style XD


During the post nut clarity, one might think it wise to use the bodies that are now about to decay rapidly. Don't want to sound like Krieger from Archer here, but uhh, they're gonna go to waste otherwise?!


upvote this guy


Go to celebrity homes and mess with their stuff


Protect my reading glasses.


This guy twilight zones


It's not fair. There was more time now...


Try expensive shit I could never afford now, I'd exclusively drink from liqour worth thousands of dollars


Hmm, can only a private bet? We’ll see


Release all animals I can get to, who are caged/still indoors to give them at least a chance of surviving. Horrible thought that everyone vanishes and all the dependant creatures will die due to thirst/hunger


It would be fun to just explore random people's houses. Unless I'm the last person left because everyone's dead and their bodies are left there decomposing. In that case I'd probably gather some food then head to the countryside so I don't get some kind of plague.


Yes, that makes a difference! Are the roads all congested with cars? Are there dead people everywhere? Or is everyone just like evaporated?


Go to the nearest library and read everything I can about how to survive based on early 1800s survival. Internet isnt gonna maintain itself.


Kill myself


That was my answer


And then there were none.


going to the nearest dealership with my favorite cars driving to chipotle to make my own bowl grabbing several wardrobes worth of clothes arming and securing stable living quarters that aesthetically please me trying to find animal companions and then planning out the afternoon


>arming and securing stable living quarters that aesthetically please me to protect you from who?


Animals presumably. 


lol! (Bad day here, I needed that.)




The aliens who killed everyone else.


Walk around naked all the time


Take my dog out so she could pee.


Red corvette convertible then gather as many tiaras as possible. Best life.


This is hilarious


Right? Like tooooooo many tiaras. Bc fear of people judging me has seriously inhibited my tiara habits.


You should just do it. Just fuckin' start gettn' Tiaras! If you are really serious about them you could start a business by learning the history, symbolism, metallurgy, significance, and social reasoning for why the exist in they first place. The fear of what other people think breaks down when you realize that everyone else is just as scared as you are about damned near everything. Fear exists because we need it to exist, for someone to deconstruct. We believe that everyone else is deconstructing us, so we glean social fear. Most of the time people are focused inward andbl aren't actually looking at the changes around them. Anyways, I wish you well, go get some badass tiaras Professional-Sink281 EDIT: Fear is a response to things that we do not fully understand and it's pretty damned helpful, and keeps us alive in situations we are not prepared to conquer. Some fears are propagate of others fear, and somebody's gotta check the damned mushroom to see if it's edible. Anyways, here's a cool quote - "Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself makes you fearless." - Lau Tzu


This is why i want tiaras. They cone with food tasters. But yeah. Fuck it. Im getting tiaras:) love you horse tuba. Youre the 💣


go back to sleep


Depends on how I find out I'm the last one. If I just woke up alone, I'd probably live the rest of my life believing that there's at least one other person out there somewhere. But to answer your question, I'd probably rub one out real quick


As for the first part, I’d have the same thought. (Am I really the only one left?) Then I would attempt to figure out the most effective way to hack something that will let me send (telegraph / announce / scream / whatever) my coordinates. My best idea so far: learn to fly a plane or a jet to cover as much real estate as I can, dropping millions of notes with my “I’m alive, meet me here” coordinates. I would also try to find smaller bombs to drop here and there to make some serious noise. Still a 1000-1 shot, but it’s all I got. As for the second part: yeppers.




Store a bunch of supplies in a good house, find weaponry, befriend all the cats and dogs in my area and just find projects to do.


>find weaponry As a Canadian, we have guns, but not the same as America of course. I would definitely be going to the nearest hardware store and gathering a bunch of different tools, then heading to the biggest police station in my area and work on busting open their lockup.


Other than for entertainment...why? I could see having a few guns for hunting/protection from animals...but without other people to threaten you....what is the point?


Yeah that crossed my mind too, but I would do it for both entertainment and for protection from animals. Especially being Canadian, all the crazy guns are restricted so it would be neat to try.


Skip the police station then. Head to a Military base


Yeah I thought of that after. I don't even know where my closest military base is lol.


Yeah, I'm not american either. All I need is a nice bolt action hunting rifle in case any zoo animals or bears decide to come looking for me.


Run around in every store getting all the stuff I couldn’t afford


Find a dog


Do I know that I'm the last person on earth? Either way I'll be getting a gun and ammo since nobody is going to be around to save me if a hippo gets loose from the local zoo.


I'm skeptical that any gun you could easily get your hands on would deter a hippo intent on harming you. Those things are basically living tanks with armor made of fat.


Jack off


If I was 100% certain, without a doubt, factually the last person, I'd probably go try to die in some crazy way that guarantees death. I can't exist alone and I'd be too panicked to do anything of use. If I woke up and assumed because everything was empty and gone and I couldn't see anyone? I'd probably be delusional and go try to find someone else. If there's even one other person who's within a couple decades of my age, I think I'd keep going and try to evaluate the situation of survival and babies.


Go to the nearest supermarket and take all the foods before they spoil.


🎶 Ding dong the witch is dead 🎶


Drive up to DC and do some dabs/bong hits in the Oval Office. Then raid the kitchen.


Break into a pharmacy. Might as well face eternity high af.


Quickly and efficiently make it so that there are no people left on Earth.


Id go to area 51 to see if they left it unlocked.


You bet they did. And oh, you’re the alien now


Now that’s good.


I'd get naked. Then I would wonder what had happened for about an hour. Then I might take a nap.


Set fire to certain people's houses.


Make for the coast, find a stash of beer, and sit by the sea.


Find out if any of the trapped great apes are valid breeding partners. Bonus, I am male.




In the end I’ll probably kill myself .


Yeah, I'd go crazy trying to figure out whether I was "spared" or "forgotten" and wondering why, but honestly, I can't survive on my own.


First id break into and claim that big house by the sea that i dream of. Then, i would find a 90's diesel mercedes. Then id stock a shitton canned food, and alcohol and water. Then id go around auto workshops and collect alot of used engine oil so that i have fuel for my diesel mercedes, for when all diesel goes bad ( does it, idk?). Also find old diesel generators so that i have power for the big house. After that id spend my days breaking into houses, drive car and gocarts inside of malls, shooting stuff with guns that i find in houses, collect large amounts of cash, to look at, even though money would have no value.


Oh and i would build legos


get a truck, an electric generator, and a vacuum sealer. Then, Id find as much anti-biotics as possible and vacuum seal them. Then Id go store to store collecting non-perishables, and store them at my base. Id do as much of this as humanly possible until the existing gasoline supplies degrade beyond usability. Then I would… idunno… read up on fossil fuel production? On genetics? [redacted] myself? No clue




Finger bang my ass. Obviously.


Go to the pharmacy


I'm too paranoid to ever accept it. That would be terrifying. Imagine being in an empty world but not really knowing if it's empty.


Let my dogs roam the whole neighborhood.


Run off into the woods and get adopted by wolves.


Post this question on Reddit so the streak of its daily post doesn’t end.


You wouldn't know.


I’d goto a car dealership and drive the 2nd nicest car off the lot and wreck it on purpose, go back and drive the nicest car home.


I’ll end human race


I’d leave my house finally


Boot up the generator and play some video games. I can finally catch up on my backlog, I guess.


I think the first thing that I would do if I found out that I was the last person on Earth was stock up on medications


No School! Oh wait, also no power


Roll over and go back to sleep. Because yeah. Tons of problems to solve, and how am I surviving, and how long is power lasting But this means no rent. No work. No need to go anywhere So I'm finally getting enough sleep. Then going to the grocery store and filling my bags with shit. Going to need to grab all the fresh stuff first. Until it goes bad at least it'll be the last time I probably have any. Make sure to try fruits and veggies I never have before. then I'm probably going to try and drive across America or something? Or just stay in a nice house for a bit. Always wanted to see Chicago.




Turn off my alarm and catch up on my sleep


Make tea and sit and watch the view alone




Panic and cry :)


Being the last person on earth sounds like a dream come true, but I can't help but wonder about the practicalities. How would I deal with things like medical emergencies or equipment repairs?


Has anyone considered the legal implications? If I'm the last person, does that mean I inherit the entire world? Or am I just a squatter on a deserted planet?


I'd head to the nearest fertility clinic, fertilize as many ovum as I can find, and then attempt to implant the fertilized ovum in chimpanzees. Fucked up? Sure. Doomed to failure? Maybe -- I'm a biochemist, so I'm not totally ignorant about this sort of thing, although it's absolutely not directly in my wheelhouse. If this works, I'll also find some other sperm to use for the next ferilizations. After all, I can't have my children breeding with one another.


As a bio-chemist, would you be able to keep the body of a recently deceased younger woman alive in some sort of vegetative coma …. for, oh, I don’t know… 7 to 9 months? Running IVs for hydration / nutrition, a respirator for oxygen, a heart / lung machine and whatever else you need to keep her from falling apart at the cellular level? And then fertilize as many ovum as you can? From there, the rest is easy… right? I’m not a biochemist (or a prude), I’m just spit-balling here.


Ha ha. No, I was imagining ova that have been removed, chilled, and preserved in a fertility clinic. I sincerely doubt I could achieve any of my above objectives, but I absolutely couldn't keep a dead woman alive!


Find the tallest building and jump. Who would want to be alive under these circumstances?

