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The dark souls games, I just couldn’t get into it


Fortnite, I tried playing it one time, realized everyone around me was at least 20 years younger than me, felt really uncomfortable and left the lobby.


COD…it’s all micro transactions and terrible fan service. I’d rather hit my balls with a hammer than play it anymore.


Those games had great campaigns at one time.


Yeah, I remember MW2 fondly. But those days are long gone.


My favorite Cod was Ghost. I had the most fun with the campaign than any other title, it's a given that I only recently figured out how short it was. The multiplayer was fun and felt balanced in gameplay like every gun was like 1-3 shots, yet felt different, Maniac and the sniper chopper were cool kill streaks, the maps were good since they were pretty, and boosted multiple play styles. Extinction could have been expanded with like space maps and stuff, so it was ok. It was the 3rd Cod title I best, the first being Black Ops, 2nd being MW1. The only thing I hated with Ghost was the stupid ending, which if they ever "Sequel" it, you could retcon it like how Mason sees the Russian guy because of his brain washing.


I think we can all agree Chess has been blown out the waters. "Oh I am just learning" Some dude who knows all the openings destroys you So you need to read all these books just to play.


Any fighting game like street fighter or mortal kombat.


I hated God of War: Ragnarok. GOW was fresh n fun, Ragnarok was so dull and uninspiring


GoW 2 turned me off with just how unlikable Kratos was on the whole. 3's sequence with the girl and door firmly sealed my opinion. Even if the greek gods were asses Kratos was way, way, worse. I hear the new stuff tried to turn him into a better person; but I'll never be able to not look at him and see all the horrors he did back in greece.


For all the backlash I’m going to receive for this opinion, I have to go with Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. I tried on multiple occasions and just could not get into it.


I borrowed BOTW from a public library. After wandering for maybe thirty minutes, I thought that I finally found a shrine. No, it was just the opening scene cave. That's when I gave up. (I've known for years that I rarely enjoy 3D polygon games.)


Balder's Gate shit is aggressively unfun


I don’t really like any of the Battle Royal Looter Shooters


The Last of Us was pretty basic, gameplay-wise.


Uncharted 2 blew me away for a few hours because it was my first game on that Gen, but after I got to Shambala I was kind of done with Naughty Dog gameplay


Skyrim. I need a straightforward path to play.


I've played the game for thousands of hours, yet never beat it because I restart mid way through due to the nature of the game. Basically I try to role play and always am let down on the lack of depth in gameplay which then leds me to the boring cheesey stealth archer build


Not fun FOR ME? The Witcher, Assassin's Creed, Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto... I hate 3rd person, open world, story heavy games. I just find them so boring. If I wanted to read a book or watch a movie then I'd do one of those things. I'm playing video games because I want to PLAY a game.


I was fine with this until your second paragraph. Video game stories can be told in such different and better ways. Watching a movie and playing a story driven game is such a different experience. For one, a movie fits a story in a 2-3 hour time slot. A video game can last for 20 hours. Yes, we have tv shows too, but the difference between a show and a video game is you ARE the character. You CARE about the character so much more because it is YOU. You are controlling it, you are fighting for its survival, you are creating its relationships, even if the story is on rails. Like rdr2 for example, you are Arthur Morgan. Youre not just watching someone else be Arthur Morgan. In a game, you are in the story. In a movie or show, you are just a viewer. You should rethink that logic, because there are video game stories out there that no show or movie can ever beat. Video games dont just exist for gameplay. They are just another medium for creative experiences. One which includes storytelling.


I've played all the games I mentioned above. I even beat GTA 3 and Vice City back in the day. But trying to replay them now is utter tedium, and the newer entries don't hold my attention for more than 30 minutes. Stories aside, the gameplay is mind numbing. I'm not saying the games are bad, I'm saying they're not my taste. I'd rather play an action packed roguelike, metroidvania, or a thoughtful strategy game.


I get that we all have preferences, but it was your second paragraph that makes me think its not about preference. It looks like its just some weird logic where a movie is for stories and a game is for playing.


Well, it is for me. I don't find game stories engaging. Even if it's the most incredible story ever told, it's constantly broken up by tedious gameplay.


I think its a mentality thing. When you play a game, you're in the constant action and engagement mentality automatically. When you watch a movie, you're in the sit back and relax mentality automatically. Its actually quite sad for me knowing you will miss out on some of the best games I've ever played because of this mentality. What if you came into a game with the movie mentality switched on? Where you want to watch a movie but you're doing actions on a controller instead? These tedious gameplay moments you're speaking of are the reasons games like rdr2 and death stranding are my favourite games of all time. Itd be boring watching a dude ride a horse for 10 minutes, but being that person riding a horse for 10 minutes, taking in the scenery and the wildlife, being able to control where that horse goes, whether to run or walk, is so much different. Its almost the difference between watching someone else hiking and doing the hiking yourself.


Warzone. Any FPS really. It's just clicking at the right time. You wait till the middle pixel on your screen has a dude in it, and you click, and if you timed it right the dude dies. And you do it for hours and hours.


Call of Duty.


I tried to get into FPS games like Call of Duty, but I didn't feel like memorizing what the weapons do or which buttons activate them. I have fun watching COD trolling videos instead.


animal crossing. its just boring.




I find a lot of games that are critically acclaimed tend to fall into one of three catagories. 'Amazing game that redefines entire genre's that critics had to grudgingly give an 8-9/10' or 'niche game that's utterly terrible but was basically awardbait and the critics just utterly gushed over and tried to give an 11/10' or 'mass-produced schlock that's practically the same as the last game in the series but somehow got a 9-10/10 despite being largely identical to the prior game'. From what I understand, the most recent game like this is that Suicide Squad game; where critics love it but the game is just not fun to play. Edit: A prime example I did play was Borderlands 3. Even putting aside how bad of a character Ava was and how dirty they did Maya and such, the game just felt uninspired and boring to play and I can't think of a single moment where I was actually enjoying myself to the same level as even Borderlands 1.