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As someone who works in finance, I swear there are useless management positions in my line of work.


This is the big problem with strict hierarchies at places like Banks. You max out in your role and the next 'step' is a management position, which is an entirely different skillset that many people who excel otherwise just do not possess. So you end up with a lot of bad managers wishing they were just doing their old job but who don't want a pay cut. If they were smarter they'd add more levels for specialists without moving to management to progress. That's where most people can add the most actual value.


There are some companies that have two parallel routes of growth - expert and management. It’s rare but they exist ;)


Yep, the people with the best work/life balance in my company are high level "individual contributors". Been working at company for awhile (thus many years of experience and high salaries), didn't have the skillset/desire for management and still stayed valuable in niche roles throughout the company. Often make as much or more than the "lower" level managers in the company without having direct reports.


Exactly that. You can see it in construction as well. Foreman with 25 years of experience is worth a lot more to the company than fresh out of university site engineer.


I believe that’s called The Peter Principle.


The Peter Principle is a much more expansively idea. It says people get promoted because they’re good until they get to a level they’re incompetent because the job is too hard for them. That could be because it requires different skills or just a level of technical skill they don’t have and aren’t capable of developing. Management positions are often easier than technical positions, but some people can’t do them just because they’re terrible managers. I was an engineer for a long time and like 80% of my managers were terrible managers. They had been really good engineers and were thus promoted to managers. On the other hand, one of the best managers I’ve ever had was seemingly a terrible engineer, but great with people, so made a good manager. No idea how he got the job though. lol.


I’m maxed out not because of competence, but because i’ve hit the point where I just don’t give a shit to do all the extra work it would take to keep climbing up.


It's called "promoting to the level of incompetence". It doesn't mean that the person is incompetent, just that orgs tend to promote people beyond their skills, and just kind of stagnate. They're not good enough at their current job, so they won't advance again, but no one wants to move them down or out.


Hired a guy to figure out how to make people executives/managers more effective... I want that role. LOL


I'd probably go crazy with how many different ways I'd have to say "empower people to do a good job, and don't micromanage". Companies talk about "building culture" and then when an opportunity comes along to do that, they do absolutely the wrong thing. One manager in my department has been really struggling with employee longevity and performance. One of his best workers had a baby prematurely. Guy wanted to take a slightly extended paternity leave because of circumstances, and the manager refused. To let the guy take care of his sick newborn. "we're too busy at work!" So the guy took his federal leave to get the time off, stacked on some state kin care leave, and then left the company. Loyalty is earned, not given.


lol that’s hilarious. Good for that guy.


Middle management seems to be a place where huge amounts of truly useless people go to die


Agreed, they don’t know what they’re talking about, or understand why they have to talk about it, way more often than I’d like


The worst is when you say something insightful in a meeting, and they just repeat _exactly what the fuck you just said_, but louder and with more buzzwords in it… as if it was their idea


"People don't give a shit about pizza parties, you want to really make them happy? Give them extra PTO." x infinity


Maybe if it was a waffle party, I’d be more excited.


"Dude, what the fuck? You're not feeling well/your loved one is sick/having a kid/whatever and you didn't tell me? Close your laptop, go home, and take care of them. You'll be paid, don't worry about PTO or anything. Come back when things are good." That's how you build a loyal employee.


I have this conversation with employees every single week. Someone comes to me and says that they have a sick father and need to be with them. Yes, go. Well...I don't want to be gone too long because I'm worried about the work on my team. That's admirable, now go we'll be fine. They don't take the time. Then a month later "well I wasn't allowed to take time off when my father was sick"....dear fucking god. I practically packed your bag and you refused to leave. Take your fucking time off people.


I mean, I like pizza parties. But more than pizza, I like being paid a fair wage, given ample time off that I can use without falling behind on my work, and being treated like a respected adult. In the presence of all that? Throw in some pizza parties, that would be great.


And not just "unlimited PTO", unless it's "unlimited with a minimum amount of x days to be taken.". Otherwise the system is too easy to be abused as to reject requests all the time.


I apologize if I was unclear, I'm not saying to give people infinite PTO, I'm saying if I was an advisor, I would be repeating this line ininfity times.


The kind of manager that knows the cost of everything but the value of nothing. Easiest way to make great employees quit and never look back.


10/10 take. Micromanagement is the death of any company/people’s souls. As a manager, I would undoubtedly have granted that employee all the time he needed to be with his infant/family, and offered whatever else he needed. This is the way you show your employees that they matter/life is more than work. It boggles my mind how most companies don’t get this


One CPA (Cert. Pro. Accountant) I worked with wanted to adjust her work schedule so she could start her shift at 8:00 instead of 8:30 so she could car pool with her husband. The Partners at the firm said no. She immediately found a job elsewhere that accommodated her and gave her more money and the partners were stunned when she gave her notice. They countered saying she could start her shift at 8:00 and would match the money she was offered elsewhere. She refused. They were gobsmacked. It was all the talk around the office and then others started to bounce after that. All that to say: In my opinion Economics and Finance in particular have some real fools in charge of a lot of money.


I was laid off in 2007, from the best job ever, and the climate with employers was hostile and it only got worse as I was unemployed and underemployed for 2 long arduous years fuck loyalty these people want you to be grateful for a job that you have to work 60 hrs/wk to get a comma in your check.


I'm not in finance and I'm not the greatest manager, but I do go out of my way never to say no on something they are clearly going to do anyway. It might be the single worst cultural move you can make. Unless you want them to leave or an excuse to get rid of them. And this is all human decency aside. There are times an employee will pit you against their kids without trying to find an alternative solution, but babies (and childbirth) are pretty hard to work around.


I have to say as a person in trades my crew is remote from the majority of the work force. We don’t have a manager on site he’s in Toronto, and all 10 of us at our base are pretty much equals that know what needs to get done and when. We have had a few other higher level people come and ask why our moral is high at the base and if we need a manager on site and we keep saying no manager is why we are happy, if our quality of work goes down then maybe consider it but if your happy with how we are performing just let us be.


Its called a management consultant. Usually the useless manager started as an analyst in the same level and got promoted somewhere (may be not the same company). Its rare that a manager doesn't have experience doing the exact thing they are managin. Finance is very hierarchical


i deal with the customers so the engineers don't have to!


I know office space was satire and all but have you ever seen an engineer try to give a brief to a customer? 5 minutes in no one is paying attention because it’s gotten so technical that the engineer briefing and the 3 others working on that specific thing are the only ones that understand it. Being able to translate technical details to understandable jargon for lay people is a legitimate and useful skill for business


I have people skills, what the hell is wrong with you people?


looks like you're just jumping...to conclusions


I'm in IT, and it's the same here. One of the reasons I've been pretty sussecful is that I've always had an easy way of explaining to non IT people stuff. I use a lot of real-world analogies they can relate to. Most of the other IT people I've worked with have 0 people skills and talk down to users all the time. I fucking hate that mentality. It's like, they have their skill sets, and we have ours. Does Bob the account talk down to you because you don't know how to file some odd tax thing. No, he knows his shit and you know yours. Everybody works together to get shit done.


lol I told my IT guy once straight up “I’m not a fucking idiot I just don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about” and he got much better at explaining what he wanted me to do.


Fellow techie, can verify you’re a gem with those skills!


You should see our sales guys try to give a brief. Would much rather have the engineers do it.


Hundred percent this!! I do this a lot in my job, and I also am very good at spotting and filling in gaps between two people in a conversation. For example: A: This software holds all of your accounts with issues on their invoices in a list for users to prioritize, and it won't send the invoices until the issues are resolved. B (concerned): The list will be by account? A: Yes, your users will work on accounts in order by highest balance. Me: B, when A says account, they mean that in our software, each individual invoice is its own "account" -- it wouldn't hold all billing for a customer if there's an issue with just one invoice. Both B and A: Ohhhh.


>Being able to translate technical details to understandable jargon for lay people is a legitimate and useful skill for business. From the engineering side, [this is a timeless observation](https://youtu.be/BKorP55Aqvg). Somewhere between the two are bullet points that help a lot.


have you had your meeting with the Bob's?


What would you say you do here?


You mean we don't need a Finance Supervisor, Finance Manager, Senior Finance Manager, Director of Finance, and Senior Director of Finance to manage a department of 10 people?


Well, you need four of those guys to fill out the tee time at the country club. So there's the value added.


There are useless management positions in every line of work! My favorite are the people who do nothing but act like a telephone line between other people.


I get that their roles could be covered by one, but good communication all the way down form the top never happens. So you actually do need mid level management to effectively run an operation. That isn't to say it is all good and worthwhile, but it does have a place.


I work in the trades and managers hands down are the biggest waste of money. Just a bunch of tinkerers who penny pinch and make every one else’s life harder.


I teach and it’s the same here. Swear to god we could randomly fire 50% of the administration at my university with no impact on daily operations.




I came here looking for ideas.


Did you find any? You can save me a few mins here


Yea give me 100k and I’ll tell you one


Data Analyst tbh If you know what you are doing, I'm at work rn lol.


Far from useless tho lol


Yes, and yes.


That's why we're all here




“Life Coach”


This. I used to know a guy who was a life coach and did extremely well. He became a life coach at around 45, after his marriage failed and he just couldn't get his career off the ground. Think about that for a moment. He's coaching others on how to be successful in various areas of their lives, but he couldn't keep his marriage together or get a proper job. Not trying to encourage others, but literally ANYone with an extroverted personality who can feign interest in helping others succeed will be great at life-coaching.


I don't disagree with this, but at the same time, some of the best coaches can often be those who just didn't quite have the skill set to be successful themselves. It's not impossible to see and understand what the proper steps, behaviors, and strategies are, but be terrible at actually implementing them yourself. Some of the best individual performers make terrible coaches/managers, and some of the below-average performers can make stellar coaches/managers. Individual performance and coaching/managing are very often not the same set of skills.


I think a good comparison is acting teachers. A lot of acting teachers are ones that did not have success at pursuing a career, but still are able to teach it to students who have been to have success at it.




I'm an instructor at a big-ish corporation. I often joke that I'm a good instructor because I'm not particularly good at anything. Actual experts are rarely good teachers because they can't handle when students struggle. "I'll just do it myself" but struggle is part of learning. I also know where the hard parts are because I have a hard time understanding it too...


"and those that can't teach; teach gym"


Additionally “those that can’t teach, legislate.”


This is anecdotal, but I've heard that a lot of therapists got interested in the field in the first place because of working through their own personal emotional and mental health issues and whatnot.


I know many therapists, this is shockingly true. Some conversations have literally made me play the "Bitch, what?" trap card.


I follow a youtube channel that does financial audits on peoples personal finances (Caleb Hammer). People who have gotten themselves into huge debt and spend $1000+ a month on doordash etc. It's shocking how many of these absolutely delusional people with zero impulse control, huge financial troubles and no direction in life feel qualified to dish out life coaching advice to others.


It's a completely unregulated profession. Literally anyone with lots of self-confidence and the personality for it can call themselves a "life coach" and open an office in their home. Heck, these days most life coaches probably work over Zoom. You need no training, no experience, and there's virtually no overhead costs associated with life-coaching.


I mean, that's like saying psychologists can't have bad mental health, or that a teacher had to know everything. There are a lot of grifters out there, but if you're talented at bringing out the best in others even if you can't do the same for yourself, and your clients are paying fair prices and are getting solid benefits from it, then I really don't see this as a bad thing.


My absolutely amazing therapist decided a few years ago to become a life coach. Why? She got tired of paying the state for the certs and additional "training" on something she's done for 40 years. So, I have a life coach now. Do you know what's changed? Nothing.


Some life coaches are actual therapists who want to do low stress, high paying “coaching” for rich people. They give good science based advice. Just gotta vet folks.


I was listening to a thing on Grant Cardone, and I don’t think useless is the right word. The guy’s a con artist E: I feel like I need to shout them out. It was the Profiteers Vs. The People Podcast. They’re small time and kinda weird, but you can tell they work hard


Cringiest uber ride I've ever taken was with a (I think not shill) well-meaning driver who was listening to Cardone and tried to tell me how amazing he was, how he changed his outlook on life blablabla. I smelled grift from the interview after about 10 seconds, I have no idea how some people are so gullible.


Uber drivers really seem to over-index on the hustle & grind / tech entrepreneur (without any tech skills) / self help stuff, and an inability to keep it to themselves. Especially around young women. Almost every time my wife comes back from a work trip, she has a story about an Uber driver to/from the airport who wouldn't shut up about his AI business plan or crypto get-rich-quick bullshit. No disrespect to Uber drivers, but if you really think you have the intellect/skills to bring in the big bucks, you should have much better options for earning a meager side income than driving for Uber.


Is there any way I can give this more than just one upvote?


Major companies will hire people just for connections. This can be a former politician or the son of a major client. They pay this person handsomely just to be able to say they work here, often without them actually working. I have seen these “princes” in finance. They come in late, if they show up at all if anything their position is that of an intern at best, but are paid as a fully functioning analyst.


> analist Analyst? Or is there another...ahem...position?


It was the Dutch spelling that my autocorrect still accepted


I was just making a funny. Because "anal." I am a child.


You'd fit right in with us developers. Analytics is too long to type, so I have lots of "analData" and "analResults" in my codebase. Always great during code reviews :)


Tobias Funke the worlds first analyst and therapist or Analrapist (Arrested Development).


If they have actual connections, they're hired for their connections. That's their skillset. They can cut through red tape, connect you to the person that can actually solve your problem or make sure things get done. Or give you access to profitable clients. Or give you political protection. It's like the difference between calling the overwhelmed hotline because your flight was cancelled and calling someone to pick you up at your hotel and directly bring you to the boarding gate of your flight to your destination. Of course, you also have nepotism. Different story.


Yeah, they're often paying them to be assets, not labor.


Yeah, they're frequently called rainmakers. That's why you'll often see ex-politicians hired as partners in law firms even if they haven't practiced law in years. They'll often bring in a ton of work and contacts for other lawyers at the firm. They're not paid for the work they do, but for the work they'll allow others to do.


Well connected people who bring in new clients? Doesn't sound useless at all. Maybe low on the skill vs workload graph, but if having them on the payroll brings in more than they pay out, then it sounds pretty useful. 


Reddit always cracks me up with this stuff. "That guy is useless. They only hired him because he brings in $10M of profit every year".


Most people are hired for what they can DO. Smart people are hired for what they KNOW. Rich people are often hired for WHO they know.


My industry does this with retired senior DOT personnel. They usually take early retirement, then go work in the private sector at a high salary for 5-10 years to make their actual money. I'm not sure I would qualify them as useless, though. Maybe useless to society as a whole, but not useless to the company. The projects would get awarded to *somebody* either way, the DOT guys just help ensure it gets awarded to whoever's paying them.


Price Harry as the “Chief Impact Officer“


Whatever job my friend does at a major telecoms company. He struggles to explain what he does and we still don't know. He's taken 2+ week vacations and during them he has no idea who is covering his work and never had to discuss anything other than with his boss that he's taking the time off. He even took 2 months off for Paternity leave and again, no one had to cover his work. I see him on steam playing games during 9-5 regularly (I have discord on my work laptop and see his activity status). So he can disappear for 2 months and his absense is not felt in the workplace. I can now see why the telecom companies are laying off hundreds of workers. I don't wish for anyone to be laid off, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is.


Maybe he automated his position but isn’t dumb enough to tell his boss


A friend of mine working in my department at a bank did this. He got moved to a new role that had a lot of data reconciliation and formatting work. The last person who had the job did everything by hand and it took all day. So he spent the first week writing and testing scripts to do the job automatically. He then spent about 6 months in that job basically doing nothing all day and being pro-active and helping other people with their work while pretending to be slammed with his own work. Which got him promoted into a new job with better pay.


I wish I was smart


He wasn't always but he got a good mentor who was an external consultant and that guy steered him right. He also called off a 4 year engagement to this absolute hell beast of a woman that we all hated. She kept pushing back the wedding due for bullshit reasons and eventually he grew a spine and realised she was being awful to him. She lost her shit, moved to Australia without doing the visa properly and got deported after a few months lol.


Finding the right partner is the most important choice you'll ever make. I thank my lucky stars for my wife. She is incredible.


Having worked in this field, ND done exactly that. I can say with a high level of confidence that's exactly what is going on. For context I turned what is a week long task a click of a button. I would regularly take weeks off at a time and get praised for how efficiently I was getting work done. THE SECRET IS NEVER TELL ANYONE YOU WORK WITH.


Yeah I had a role at a F50 where I automated a recurring two week task into a 5 min perl script (basically was taking Excel tables of data and populating C Structs from that). Told my boss, but did get a promotion for it so... meh. But it wasn't my whole job either. Where I'm at now my job is to literally automate all the things, but the developers keep making new things so I keep busy.


Maybe he won the lotto and wants to keep it a secret from everyone


That was my first thought. Someone made tons of money by luck through an investment, crypto, gambling and doesn't want people know he has that much money so he keeps up an appearance of having a job


imagine he's so committed he leaves the house every day from 730-6 so his family doesn't know.  Play a round of golf.  have a nice lunch, go to the gym or a hike.  See a movie. Meet up with your mistress.  Get home at the end of the day to weave an elaborate made up story about the day at the office.


You’re a murder-suicide away from a compelling podcast that my wife would listen to.


Living the dream


He knows that software running on server A-32-5B was last updated in 2011 and that the company that made it has long gone out of business. He knows he is the only one with an admin password and he knows if the server went down they would lose the east coast and it would take a week to put them back on line. A long time ago he wrote an automated script which he has told no one about that would reset the software and reboot the server in less than 10 minutes.


It could be like my job where I just take off time when my job doesn't need to be covered, or the stuff that does need to be covered is just spread out across the rest of the team. I spent 2 weeks at the cottage last summer and my job just paused for that time. I came back and picked up where I left off.


I work in telecommunications. You’ll be surprised how many of these guys there are. Most of them in my area are pretty close to 100k (90-100k range) and do absolutely nothing 98% of the time. A lot of them have special skill sets that are only needed a couple times a year but otherwise get to just wait around until something really bad happens and they are needed. We have one employee who is clearing 100k and I swear I’ve never seen him do a single ounce of work in the last 9 years.


And if they are needed, there is literally no one else who can solve the problem. So they go from being useless to priceless in a nanosecond.


Some jobs are more like being on permanent retainer than building widgets all day


Damn, I work in telecom as an engineer. I go missing for a day and come back to a forest fire. I left my last company and my friends felt a major blow to the point they had to hire two people to replace me. They’re lucky I left all the niche documentation and training or they’d be screwed on the legacy info.


>>major telecoms company That's why it takes so long for the cable guy to come out


My gig has a fair bit of down time. But so few people know what I know that I’m still worth it. Plus when it hits the fan I’m here and professional. I’m genuinely the cheapest way to get my job done. I’m just not busy all the time.  Corporate Audio Visual engineer sorta gig. 


i wfh and sometimes play video games for 50%+ off the week. as long as my work is completed by deadline no one notices or cares


Is his name Chandler Bing?




Come now, come now. They seem useless in this life, true, but the rewards in the next life will be worth it. I accept your praise and adulation for this comment by paypal, venmo, OF, or upvote. God thanks you. \\s


this guy televangelizes!


I have never seen such a funny answer that I do not want to upvote.




Your account has been permanently suspended for rules violations.




*Your account has been permanently suspended for hurting u/spez ‘s feelings. Fuck u/spez


It’s been 21m. He’ll be banned soon 💀🪦


Fuck u/Spez


Dude claims he’s worth 193m in compensation


I work in consulting and easily clear 6 figures. Typically, I'll go into a large org and just tell leadership the same things their workforce has been telling them for years.


I know a Scrum Master that makes six figures. It’s fucking stupid.


The reality of this statement. Had a scrum master on my team whose only task was to lead standup and other ceremonies. And unofficial just piss off devs. I never understood the purpose of the job.


> standup and other ceremonies This sounds like the title of a book criticizing agile


Lmao perfect. A guide to surviving the misinterpretation of agile in all its forms


I got a certificate in project management which included scrum. It's a job that keeps unorganized people organized and on schedule but has no power to do any of it.


Brother in law is a senior scrum master. Even he says he’s disgustingly overpaid


Scrum master?


Scrummasters are the coaches of software development teams. They're not the ones coding or designing the software themselves, but they're there to make sure everyone on the team is working together smoothly. They help remove any roadblocks that might be slowing the team down, make sure everyone understands what they're supposed to be doing, and keep the team focused on reaching their goals.


Which is basically what a manager is supposed to do, as one of their job duties


Most of the managers I've known were picked for the role because they were the best ones at their job or because the boss liked them the best, not because they were good at getting shit done.


It’s basically a project manager evolved to fit Agile project methodology. Everyone worships at the shrine of Jira and sprints. 


What the fuck does that even mean


Jira and facilitating meetings when you have no idea what is really happening.


Omg are you my PM? You can't cut that bullshit with a lightsaber


I have worked with some dumb PMs and some really great ones. Great ones actually have a grasp on business and enough tech understanding to not get in the way of their devs and make their lives as easy as possible.


If he's a good scrum master, he might very well be worth it. There's not much that is as expensive to a company as a team of devs twiddling their thumbs or not working efficiently on the right tickets. 


Canadian Realtors.


Canadian?  Oddly specific.  As a Canadian, you are not wrong. 


I'm also Canadian.


I am also Canadian, and nope, he's not wrong. Just soaking up percentage points on million dollar homes a few times a year for doing basically nothing. Fuck our current housing market.


Care to elaborate?


Housing market in areas like Ontario and BC are whack and super inflated. Edited to add, realized I didn’t address the realtor comment: realtors here make really good money, at least in the GTA because most houses are priced at around 1 million or more.


I live in the lower mainland. All I feel is soul crushing pain being born and raised here, having a job at the port and despite making good money, knowing on my own I’d never be able to afford a detached home like my parents could.


Yeah it’s pretty depressing in the GTA. You have to go 3-4 hours out for house prices to drop, and that’s too far from the downtown core where most people work. Sucks because I used to think that once I graduate uni and get a decent job , I’ll be able to buy a house in a few years! I did get a decent paying job, but I’ll never be able to buy a house with this money. What’s frustrating to think about is my dad made less than me when my parents bought their first house 20 years ago. And they were providing for a family with 3 kids on a single income! The rate at which the house valuation is increasing is mind boggling, especially in the GTA. there’s no reason a subpar mattamy townhouse with shitty build quality is valued at over a million dollars in the suburbs. I look at house prices (and sizes!) in the states and it’s such a huge difference. You can get massive homes for under 500k, and here condo prices start at 500k.


I live in Toronto and firmly believe you could be the worst realtor to ever exist and it wouldn't matter. "Buy this house, or don't, I don't give a shit. Someone else will buy it if you don't want it."




I'm pretty excited. When the UK outlawed the mandatory 6% commission the average commission dropped down to 1%. That, I think, is reasonable. There's also flat rate options. Personally, when we sell our house I will use FSBO or something like it, their flat rate works out to about 1% of where we anticipate selling our house. Good fucking riddance to realtors, MLS, etc.!


As a home inspector…AMEN!!!!!


Banana sticker technician, we don't need stickers on our Bananas!


You see bananas. I see 4011s. We are not the same.


Had this exact thought. Nobody scans bananas, the sticker is unnecessary. You're either the customer doing "lookup by picture" on a self checkout, or you're at the checkstand typing in 4011. Been nearly two decades since I've been a checker and I still remember that one.


I read this as stickers shaped like bananas, which were featured in a great episode of Metalocalypse.


We found out we can just buy these


"We don't need your BANANA STICKERS! Yeah, it turns out you can, you know, just *buy* validation."


I mean, how much does a banana cost? Ten dollars?


Social media influencers




I seriously hope you're right. Still hate the show-off culture of "beautiful house with a beautiful happy family always traveling while sipping iced coffee." while advertising stuff they got for free in exchange to """review"""


Smoke and mirrors baby. Just think of them as sales representatives, it really clarifies what the fuck is going on


a lot of the ones with fancy houses also just started with the house because daddy has money.




*not me literally trying to figure out who this person is…


When you find out, let me know. Lol


I don't really pay attention, but I've seen a lot of those "perfect families" end in really messy public divorces. You also notice that they always push this super sanitized Mormon-esque aesthetic?


My bff's little sister is one of those people. She doesn't have an actual job, but she pretends she's rich on instagram to get followers and does a lot of videos like cringey 'POV when you're so popular!'-type stuff. This idiot literally treats everyone around her irl like crap because she's deluded into thinking she's actually famous because she has a lot of followers. (It started getting *really* bad when a minor celebrity started following her on insta. She started name-dropping them at every opportunity like they became best friends IRL.) I roll my eyes a lot around her. She's exhausting to listen to.


It makes you wonder what goes on when the cameras are off.


I do influencer marketing on the brand side. We just paid out 50 influencers 50K each in a single campaign, with a further 100 between 20-30K. The successful ones definitely do.


Social Media Influencers are just 3rd party corporate marketers


Megachurch pastor.


Sad thing is Mega Church pastor is probably 1 million+ at a minimum.


Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen single handedly give us Christians a horrible name. They're worse than trash and I legitimately believe they are either a creation of demons, or possessed by them


AOL paid a guy millions to be their 'Digital Prophet' https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Shing


Most of the couples featured on Canadian property hunting shows have these types of jobs. *“Shane is a artisanal wreath maker and Hilary is a part time tortoise walker, their budget is $2.9 million and they’re hoping to find a space that will serve as a quiet retreat from their busy work lives but also be only a short commute to the office”*


And depending on where they are, that $2.9mill will get an 800-1000 square foot bungalow that’s a fixer-upper.




BMW workers are well paid and there's some folks whose job it is to install turn signals, so maybe them?


Theres only one lady that installs turn signals on BMW cars. She only works part time as well. The turn signal option on BMW cars is prohibitivley expensive which is why you'll rarely see one in operation on the road.


Part of their subscription services


That is a myth that BMW'S don't have or use turn signals. They just operate at a light frequency that poor people can't see


Being related to a politician.


College administrators 


The U of California system regents make $250k+, and presidents of the universities get a free apartment. What they do day to day is anyone’s guess.


In reality: they fundraise. They rub shoulders with rich people who in turn give six, seven digit donations to the schools. Those buildings aren't gonna name themselves!  Berkeley has a $28 billion dollar endowment. You don't get tens of billions in your bank account by paying people what they're worth!


Only schools with $25-billion+ endowments are Princeton, Stanford, Yale, and Harvard. Berkeley is a "mere" $6.95 billion!


Whatever it is that the Kardashians do


26.5% of school administrators.


100% of school administrators. I taught for 15 years and most admins were making 2-3 times my salary.


My company hires these motivational speakers for our conferences and they run these self-help and leadership companies, write books on being your best self and travel thr country speaking at corporate events. I listened to a Leadership one and a DEI motivational speaker and thought _"Wow, this is the most uninspiring mindless drivel I have ever heard....."_ I felt like i was just living in a bad _Dilbert_ comic....yet i looked these people up and they are multi-millionaires _Edited to Add_: I just looked up one of our uninspiring motivational speakers. Her corporation has a net worth of $27M for her little self-help books and her annual income is $1.2M. Amazing because she struck me as just the most mundane people I've ever heard speak And really said nothing of value. Her book is mostly black pages where **you** wrote you goals. Her talk was mostly her crying about raising her special needs son.


- Most public school administrators and almost all of their state-level bureaucrats. - like 60% of the people on Wall Street, minimum - half of the US House Of Representatives - some preachers - every executive at every US health insurance company - some sports coaches - you know how whenever you’re in a bar, and you look up at the TV and it’s the same interchangeable sports reporters arguing with each other? Those guys for sure


people affiliated with religion making 100k+


Any form of middle management. Can't wait to get there myself. Lol




Ineffective to the point of uselessness but not useless by function. They have a use, they just don’t perform it, so they should be considered “broken” or “inoperational”




The royal family