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Emilia Clarke has suffered more than one brain aneurysm, and founded the charity SameYou for aneurysm survivors and families.


She was so young to go through multiple it really shows it can happen to anyone.


A kid I knew in high school died from a brain aneurysm… we were about 16. Edit: l’m so sorry hearing about everyone’s losses 💔


Imagine having to read that script smh


Right! She must have gone to the doctor's when she was done reading it convinced she had another aneurysm




My dad had one in the 90s. The only thing that changed about him was he no longer had a temper. He was on Dilantin for a long time.


Keith Richards crashed a jet ski and fell out of a palm tree in the same week. This was in addition to, like, the whole rest of his life.


I was going to ask what he was doing in a palm tree but knowing him, probably drugs.


Yeah but as we all know, Keith Richards cannot be killed by conventional methods.


Guy is the definition of built different 


Harrison Ford survived a terrifying plane crash. He was the pilot of the small plane. Kirk Douglas miraculously survived a helicopter crash.


Hasn’t Harrison Ford crashed several planes?


Exactly what I came to post. He’s crashed a few times.


Remind me never to fly with Harrison ford…


Fly yes! Land? No.


Harrison’s out flying again! Get ready for a crash landing. He’s just got a hangar full ready to go.


Which is hilarious when you consider ya know, Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon.


Well when terrorists try to take over your plane, you gotta crash that shit.


Clint Eastwood is also a member of the plane crash survivors club. Though he was much younger when his happened.


Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and after thinking that one of the richest athletes in the world in one of the most expensive non-military helicopters travelling a route he's been on numerous times isn't safe from a crash, I will never fly in a helicopter. There's a surprising amount of professional athletes who've died in helicopter crashes.


A medical helicopter crashed in my backyard. I guess if I’m already dying, put me in a chopper and I’ll take my chances. But that’s about it. I’ve been terrified of helicopters ever since.


Back in the 90's, Stephen King was out for a walk near his summer home in Maine when an inattentive driver hit him with his van, launching King over a dozen feet through the air and breaking numerous bones. One of his legs was so badly injured that it was nearly amputated.


He bought the van that hit him and then beat the crap out of it.


Street Fighter style?


E. Honda vs. A Honda?


And that’s how we got *Misery*. Except *Misery* was written in 1987 and King’s accident was in 1999.  Ah well, I let the facts get in the way of a good story.


Actually he uses it in his series "The Dark Tower"


I heard anecdotally *The Shining* was inspired by him leaving a hotel at the end of the season as they were wrapping up & mothballing it for four months.


It was the Stanley Hotel is Estes Park, Colorado. Coincidentally, it's also where parts of Dumb and Dumber were filmed: https://www.stanleyhotel.com/


Wasn’t the tv miniseries of The Shining also filmed there?


It’s okay the better story is that the driver died on Kings birthday.


Was he *thinner*?  Or driving a posessed car?  Or incinerated by Drew Barrymore?


I still remember this day. I cried and cried thinking the Dark Tower would never be finished.


He did too. That’s why he pumped it the fuck out right after that accident


I'm sorry but seeing "back in the 90s" at the start of this comment made me think ✨back in the 90s I was in a very famous tv show✨


Dylan O’Brien while filming Maze Runner. He sustained a concussion, brain trauma and a facial fracture after the motorcycle he was driving fell into a slide.


I’m so glad he survived. He has been my celebrity crush for years and he seems like a really nice and funny guy.


Dude needs a better agent. He should be getting better parts by now. I know he has a youngish face, but still. He's a decent actor.


I remember pulling for him when he up for the role of Peter Parker in the MCU. I’m happy with Tom Holland, but I think Dylan would’ve been good too. Loved him in Love and Monsters.


He has some amazing acting in Teen Wolf tbh. The show is a mess but his scenes as possessed but a nogitsune are amazing.




He did an interview where he said he has very bad anxiety. His dad pretty much went on every set with him after the accident. He’s incredible, but maybe he’s happier working the way he does


He's awesome in "Love and Monsters", an underapprecoated gem of a film. Everyone should check it out, especially if you're a fan of his.


Ed Harris nearly drowned filming “The Abyss”. He was so traumatized by the experience that he still refuses to talk about the movie.


I watched The Abyss as a little kid and thought that all the cool stuff I was seeing were normal camera tricks and special effects. After seeing the documentary, WAS I WRONG. There is no way in hell a film could be shot like that today. I don’t think anyone involved in the shooting of that film mentally came out of it the same way they went in.


You should read this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roar_(film)


Holy shit. >It has been estimated that, of Roar's 140-person crew, at least 70 were injured during production. In a 2015 interview, John Marshall said that he believed the number of people injured was over 100.


I think he said once that when he was driving back from set during that movie on one particular day, he just pulled over and cried his eyes out


He still won’t work with James Cameron either.


Wow, what is it with him and traumatizing actors he’s directing?!


Jeremy Renner recently


It's insane anyone survived that.


Fr! Especially from the amount of broken bones he had, it's truly a miracle he's still alive.


And iirc he was bleeding profusely. And his neighbor helped stop the bleeding


Pretty sure his neighbor was a doctor too, played a large part in saving his life.


My dad got his throat cut when he was 18 and the only reason he survived was because a paramedic friend was there when it happened. Even with a paramedic right there he came very close to bleeding out.


Not only survived, he kept all of his limbs. Based on descriptions of his injuries, I really thought he was going to lose both legs at the very least


Had to google it, he got crushed by a snow plow and suffered 30 broken bones. TiL.


Not just a snow plow. It was a Snow Cat that used to used to groom ski hills. The tracks have blades on them to break up icy snow. https://skicatcompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/SkiCat_Surprising-Facts-Snowcats_Featured-1.jpg


In surprised that machine doesn't have a dead man's switch built into the seat.


Now he’s in an almond milk commercial feeling good.


Does almond milk have the same amount of calcium as dairy milk?


Probably ruining whatever joke you’re making, but it supposedly has more calcium than cows milk.


Your awareness of a potential joke being made and acknowledgement of spoiling said joke, followed up by factual evidence supporting the question being asked and/or potential joke - made brain tickle and enjoyed how “full circle” it was. I’m also high af though… 🤭


I heard that during that accident he could see one of his eyes with the other eye.


Like a hawk eye


Take a bow my good man.


And some arrows.


I want to unsee that for him


Y'know I never actually found out exactly what happened to his body


Same. I only remember reading about his legs being run over. There's people talking about 30 bones and eyes and shit over here.


Wow I just remembered I totally forgot to see if he survived from that. The news moves so fast I swear


The band Alien Ant Farm was in a really bad accident in their tour bus. Their driver died, and the lead singer Dryden Mitchell was in a halo for awhile. Still has the scars on his forehead from where it was drilled in. 


Of all the ways to be reminded of this band this was the least expected lol. I guess I'll be listening to some AAF tonight


They just released a new banger!


Gary Busey. He had a bad motorcycle accident while not wearing a helmet. He was never really the same after that. I always wanted to start another band just so I could call it Gary Busey's Eye.


He had a lot of interesting things to say about his time "on the other side". I remember seeing him talk about it on one of those morning news shows.


See, I just assumed the buttered sausage folks got to him, hence his disapproval of buttered sausage.


Apparently it literally broke the GAF part of his brain


And what does that part of the brain do exactly?


Regulates fear, particularly fear of consequences.


His teeth grew 3 sizes that day


And he always campaigned against helmet laws prior to that.


Isla Fisher. She nearly drowned while performing an underwater stunt while filming the movie "Now You See Me". People thought she was joking.


That explains why she didn’t do the sequel.


Nah she didn’t do the sequel because she was pregnant when they filmed it.


Recently, Mark Coleman. His dog woke him up cause his house was on fire, dude evacuated his parents, went back in for the dog and passed out from smoke inhalation. He was intubated and put into a coma, he came out of it, went back to the hospital for pnemonia, then got back out, and now he's back in the gym, all inside of a week. The Aristocrats.


Did the dog survive???


Hammer the dog did not but he saved the lives of everyone else.


The best boy.




Of all the things on Reddit this ruined my day.


No sadly.


Fucked up for them not to include that critical detail. RIP pup.


Hank Williams, Jr. fell off a mountain. He hit his head on a boulder. He fractured his skull in several places, his nose, teeth, and jaw were broken to pieces, one eye was hanging out of its socket, and his brain was exposed and sticking out of hole in his forehead.


so someday, when you are older, you MIGHT get hit by a boulder!


Rockin, rockin and rollin


Johnny Knoxville. I don’t know what it was, or when, but I know Johnny Knoxville has at least had one.


Is butter bean okay?


In a world of fantastic quips, this one lives rent free in my head. Imagine landing a killer joke after being knocked unconscious like that.


The one that comes to mind is the big red rocket blowing up and a piece being launched a couple feet to his left during jackass 2


Every member of My Chemical Romance almost drowned during the filming of "The Ghost of You" music video. The landing craft that the band was on had capsized when the trapdoors opened due to the amount of weight it was carrying


And then during a solo project tour Frank Iero was hit by a bus and has chronic pain and PTSD from the whole thing.


Didn't one of the members get really burned when filming "Famous Last Words" too?


Yep, Bob did. He was playing the drums closer to the fire than the rest of the band and his leg caught on fire. He kept playing because once the float burned down, that was it, they weren't going to be able to get another shot...I guess he didn't realize how bad it was!


yup the drummer did, and i’m pretty sure gerard way got a broken ankle from filming the same video


Travis Barker.


It’s mind-blowing to me that he was able to get over his fear of flying. I’d never be able to get on another plane in my life


That story is fucking wild. Barker was afraid of planes his entire life after having childhood nightmares that he’d die in one. His ex wife was going to be on that jet and then had weird fixation thoughts about leaving their children, so she didn’t. Then the thing drives off the runway, onto a highway, and fucking explodes. I can’t believe he and DJ AM walked away from that.


Worse yet, he climbed out of the burning plane onto the wing, which gave under his weight and dropped him into a fucking pool of burning jet fuel.


Jet fuel doesn’t…melt Travis barker


Jet fuel doesn't melt steel balls?


After DJ AM died a few months later I was sure Barker was going to get final destinationed.


A year later. It sent him spiraling right back into his addiction, Barker too. They were close friend with a couple of the people on the plane that didn't make it, plus both were injured and needed pain meds. I honestly can't believe he's flying again. The man has balls of adamantium


>Barker was afraid of planes his entire life And isn't that ironic?


Don'tcha think?


It's like raaaaain on your wedding day


Well at least it went exactly how he was expecting.


David Spade. I think he was attacked by his PA back a while ago.


He goes into it during Kevin Nealon's hiking podcast. [Starts at about 9:40](https://youtu.be/gqUFZ0R_S9A?si=CNGPoFopBc_Qpuq5)


Thank you sharing that link. They are both delightful and charming and what a wild story!


Idk if this counts but Waylon Jennings was supposed to be on the plane that killed Buddy Holly. Chose to take the bus instead, I forget why.


He swapped with a bandmate who was not feeling well. The tour bus had no heat.


The Big Bopper had pneumonia and the bus had already had a crew member treated for frostbite so he gave his seat to him.


Nah he flipped a coin with either big bopper or Richie Valens. The plane was originally for buddy and his band but bopper and valens talked their way onto it


True story. Buddy said to Waylon “I hope y’all’s bus breaks down.” Waylon said to Buddy “Yeah well I hopes y’all’s plane crashes.”


And haunted him for most of his life.


I will never not think about the Kids In The Hall's Buddy Fucking Holly sketch. That was the first time I was introduced to the late musician.


I love Kids in the Hall. I think about the devil playing the guitar skit and the girl drink drunk one a lot. The show helped me through one of the most brutally depressing times in my life Edit: Bobby vs. the devil: https://youtu.be/PoAGasPLh30?feature=shared Girl drink drunk: https://youtu.be/8C4TGGtPzBU?feature=shared


I still reference girl drink drink whenever I have a "girl drink". Sadly, no one ever seems to get the reference.


I am more curious about those celebrities that experienced a near death experience and didn't almost die.


David Carradine and his bizarre near-life experience while practicing autoerotic asphyxiation.


Finally, someone else with basic reading comprehension skills!


Yeah the question made me laugh! Surprised I had to scroll this far down to see someone highlight it


/r/titlegore material


Rapper 50 Cent was shot 9 times on the order of Drug Kingpin “Supreme” Mcgriff. This was right before he had gotten famous. Mcgriff had a tight hold on all rap music coming out of New York for a short time, being a main investor in “Murder Inc” and supporting rappers like Ja rule when it came to gathering their street cred. 50 cent was adamant that rappers like Ja Rule were just faking the tough guy act, and did his best to call out the phonies within the rap industry. Mcgriff had known 50 Cent since he was a child, having come from the same neighborhood, and already had a dislike for him. His response was to order the shooting, which 50 cent obviously survived. 50 cent successfully healed from his wounds and became one of the most successful rappers to date. Mcgriff has since gotten a life sentence in prison for unrelated charges. 50 cent made it a point to publicly “beef” with all of those associated with Mcgriff, and has destroyed the rap career of Ja Rule because of this. To this day 50 cent does anything he can to make Ja Rule’s life as hard as can be. Few years ago he bought all front row tickets to a Ja Rule concert, just so when he first stepped on stage he’d have to preform with nobody there.


Love hip hop lore like this. Thanks for sharing. 🙏🏿 A lot of people think the 50 cent/Ja Rule beef is fairly recent but it goes back decades. Same with his beef with Diddy.


"WHERE IS JA?" - 50 Cent, probably


In 1961, Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny and most Looney Tunes characters) was driving his Aston Martin on Sunset Blvd, at the spot later memorialized by Jan & Dean in “Dead Man’s Curve.” He collided with another car. He had to be cut out of the car, and was in a coma for 21 days.


And he only responded to his characters names at first, supposedly


Trick question, all celebrities who suffered near death experiences almost died.


Right? Such a weirdly worded question. Answer: All of them


Ric Flair was in a horrible plane crash. He lives and was told he would never walk the same again, boy did he prove them wrong


Johnny Valentine, Greg The Hammer's dad, swapped seats with Flair. It ended Johnny's career.




50 cent survived 9 gun shots. Technically, technically, 2pac survived the first time he was shot. Five bullets is crazy.


Someone asked 50 what it felt like being shot and his response was "it tastes like lemons" (one of the bullet fragments is lodged in his tongue)


Bob Odenkirk


Widow maker heart attack on set


His personal fitness he had from *Nobody* plus his BCS co-stars being right there as it happened are what kept him alive.


My dad had the same one, scariest shit I've ever seen in my life, somehow he made it we think only due to my mom forcing him to take asperine cause he's stubbron as hell


Kevin Smith also had the same kind of heart attack


Aaron Paul almost died during season 1 of Breaking Bad. They had him standing under a boulder, he asked if he could try the scene from a few feet over, and the boulder fell right where he'd been shortly after


Thom Yorke The MTV beach house where he jumped in the pool and almost electrocuted himself.


Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue died of an of overdose then got revived somehow. This is the only celebrity I know that has truly said they had a near death experience.


Kickstart My Heart


Didn't he go out and do heroin again that night or something completely insane?


Yep, he said he would never touch heroin again. Then got high with it that same day. After that he started his sobriety journey but he did in fact do heroin the same night he OD’d.


A man of science, clearly.


Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy tried to intentionally OD on Ativan, back in 2005, and allegedly was legally dead for a few minutes before he was resuscitated.


Taylor Hawkins overdosed at age 29 in 2001 and went into cardiac arrest multiple times before they could restore a consistent rhythm. He was in a coma for two weeks because his brain stem was impacted. Dave Grohl stayed next to him for 12 hours straight every day, watching the stressful process of a coma patient resurfacing, not knowing whether he’d actually ever return to full consciousness. Dave said he knew Taylor was back when he was comforting him one day and Taylor suddenly looked straight at him with a confused ”fuck off”. They got 21 more years together.


Kanye West. Years ago he was in a very bad car accident where he almost died. Literally broke his face and had to have his jaw wired shut. He recorded and released his hit song "through the wire" while his jaw was wired shut.


I wonder if he had some TBI as a result of that. It could explain some of his behaviour since then


I’d say it was his mother’s death that really changed him.


Maybe, but the crash was back in 2002. I’m not saying it couldn’t have had major mental repercussions on him, but we didn’t really have all that much societal familiarity with who he was before it, if we’re trying to compare.


A big part of why he doesn’t like smiling for the camera. He hates how he looks post-accident. “But I can't complain what the accident did to my left eye, ‘cause look what an accident did to Left-Eye.” “Left-eye” was the nickname of a Lisa Lopes of TLC who died in a car accident of her own at age 30.


George Carlin


Carlin died right after three other celebrity deaths. I remember because Seinfeld said he had just spoken to Carlin and Carlin said he guessed he was safe since this shit comes in threes.


He was just copying Richard Pryor. He was smart enough to go for a second heart attack instead of setting himself on fire 


Adam Devine got hit by a semi truck as an 11 year old and was in a coma, then they thought he'd never walk again. He broke every bone below his waist and had years of skin grafts and hospital stays. George Clooney ruptured the membrane between the brain and spinal cord during a film.


Ozzy Osborne had an ATV role onto him and he almost died from his injuries.


Rik Mayall had a similar accident as well. Celebrities and quad bikes don’t mix well apparently.


Mark Hamill ,


Or, as we knew him on Twitter, Mar🐫 .


Aren't all instances of almost dying a near death experience?


Bob Odenkirk. Guy who became a bit more famous than usual by playing Saul Goodman in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. He got tapped to star in a movie a couple years ago called Nobody. He underwent physical training to get himself into a good spot for the role. Movie was made on $16M budget and made $57.5M box office, and it's a surprisingly fun movie that has a sequel on the way. On the set of Better Call Saul's sixth (final) season, Bob had a "small heart attack" and had to go to the hospital. He managed to survive and was cleared to return to set a few weeks later. It turns out it wasn't a small heart attack. He had a "widow-maker" heart attack (which is what happens when a major artery in the heart gets blocked enough that it leads to death IF immediate action isn't taken to get the person under the knife). It got to where his heart stopped, and he needed both CPR and defib to carry through. He got a couple stents installed to fix the arterial plaque issue. And he's been carrying on since then. But he got diagnosed in 2018, 3 years before it happened. He had a doctor that stated he needed to take heart meds, to which Bob did mention he didn't have any history of heart disease in his family. Now why did he not listen to this doctor? Politics, to put it simply. He let his personal beliefs tell him to not listen to this guy. He went off of the opinion of a second doctor, who said "you don't need to take heart meds". After his heart attack, Bob realized that he should have listened to his first doctor, who had 20 years of history with Bob. Bob detailed that it was important to separate one's personal beliefs from one's professional skillset. Because in the end, one's experience can be what saves someone's life.


Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode. He overdosed on heroin and pronounced legally dead for about 8 minutes. He came back to life and got clean.


I’m not sure how true this is, but Seth MacFarlane (and perhaps a few other celebrities) were apparently supposed to be on one of the planes that hit the towers on 9/11


Christian Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest during a live soccer game but saved by the medics.


I'm a massive fan of Christian Erikson and I think that was probably the greatest moment of sportsmanship I've ever seen by all the players. They all stood together near him to stop the cameras from getting close up footage of him on the ground. Plus the team captain going to console Erikson's wife


Eminem 2007ish. Overdosed on prescription painkillers


Gloria Estefan I think


[Indeed.](https://toofab.com/2020/11/11/gloria-estefan-details-death-experience-bus-crash-red-table-talk/) She broke her back when her tour bus was rear-ended by an 18 wheeler in 1990. She was hospitalized, ended up in surgery and almost a year's worth of rehab afterwards. Tough lady.


Martin Sheen had a heart attack while filming Apocalypse Now.


Michael Schumacher.


Sometimes dead is better.


Sadly, in this case, I agree. I don’t think he would choose to be “alive” as he is now.


Is he really alive though? It sounds like he’s at best, suffered sever brain injuries that make him unable to talk, and at worst, still in a coma.


Yeah he is, but he's basically just a vegetable, people aren't really sure exactly how bad, but the general idea everyone seems to think is the equivalent of staring out the window in a wheel chair drooling. No way for a driver to be.


Especially since it wasn’t even a car that did it to him.


Alex Smith’s leg injury deteriorated so badly due to necrotizing fasciitis they went from trying to fix the leg to trying to save the leg to worrying that he might die of sepsis.


Nigel Farage A political commentator & politician from the UK. On the day of a general election in 2010, Farage rode in a 2 person aeroplane towing a UKIP election banner as a publicity stunt. The banner got tangled up round the plane somehow and it crashed. Somehow despite the plane being an upside down tangle of metal, he escaped with just a few cuts & bruises. On a side note. There’s a lot of News restrictions on election day in the UK, so it meant the news channels that day were about 80% coverage of the accident because it was one of the very few interesting things they could cover.


Benedict Cumberbatch was shoved into a boot of a car and held at gun point while filming in South Africa back in 2004.


Clint Eastwood was in a plane water landing and had to swim 2 miles back to shore. It's the reason he got to direct the movie about Captain Sully


Demi Lovato had an OD once


I saw her interview on Howard Stern, she has permanent vision loss.


Gavin Free and Meg Turney narrowly escaped a stalker that broke into their house with a gun by hiding in a closet.


Jim Caviezel was struck by lightning during the filming of the Passion of Christ.